
GMPV – Geochemistry, Mineralogy, Petrology & Volcanology

GMPV1.1 – Advances in measuring and applying triple oxygen isotopes

EGU2020-18899 | Displays | GMPV1.1

Tracing the triple isotope composition of air by high-precision analyses of meteorites, rocks and fossils

Andreas Pack, Meike Fischer, Christian Stübler, Stefan Peters, and Dingsu Feng

High-precision measurements of the triple oxygen isotope ratios (δ18O and Δ‘17O) in terrestrial waters, rocks and minerals opened new and exciting applications in the field of stable oxygen isotope geochemistry. After giving a short overview over measurement techniques and various applications, it will be emphasized on tracing the atmospheric composition in rocks and minerals.

Atmospheric samples from ice cores only date back ~1 Myrs. To obtain information about the atmosphere for the 99.98% of Earth history that is not covered by ice cores, we need to look for rocks. The oxygen isotope composition of the atmosphere younger than 2.4 Gyrs is dominated by molecular oxygen (O2). Molecular O2 is one of few components on Earth that has a mass-independent oxygen isotope signature. The anomaly in 17O provides information about the presence of an ozone layer, the global biosphere primary production, or the atmospheric CO2 mixing ratio. A few rocks and fossils provide information about the 17O anomaly of air O2. Sedimentary sulfates may form by precipitation from SO42- that formed by subaerial oxidation of pyrite. In that process, a part of the oxygen in the sulfate originates from air O2. Mobilizing of the sulfate oxygen can carry this anomaly over to other minerals like Fe oxides. The isotope signature of fossil tooth enamel also provides information about the atmospheric composition. Air O2 is inhaled and used to oxidize carbohydrates and fat to (mainly) CO2 and H2O, which equilibrate with body water. Tooth apatite then precipitates from body water and inherits an anomaly in 17O from the inhaled air O2. Manganese oxides are known to form by oxidation of Mn under participation of O2. If the isotope composition of dissolved O2 in the aqueous environment, in which the manganese oxides form is controlled by air, manganese oxides can be used to trace the composition of air O2. It has been shown that some meteorite impact melts (tektites) have exchanged with ambient air O2. As result of that exchange, they carry a 17O anomaly that may be used to trace the composition of air O2. Also, I-type cosmic spherules have been shown to be indicators for the isotope anomaly of air O2. These spherules form by aerial oxidation of asteroidal metallic Fe,Ni particles and thus can carry the anomaly of air O2. Such recent discoveries open insights into the composition of the Earth atmosphere beyond the 1 Myrs limit from the ice core record.

How to cite: Pack, A., Fischer, M., Stübler, C., Peters, S., and Feng, D.: Tracing the triple isotope composition of air by high-precision analyses of meteorites, rocks and fossils, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-18899,, 2020.

EGU2020-19830 | Displays | GMPV1.1

Standardizing high precision Δʹ17O data from silicate rocks and minerals

Martin Miller, Andreas Pack, Ilya Bindeman, and Richard Greenwood

The Δʹ17O value of O2 gas (the analyte for nearly all oxygen triple isotope measurements) can currently be measured to a precision of about 6 ppm; significantly better than the precision of the corresponding δ17O and δ18O data. However, reporting Δʹ17O measurements of silicate rocks to this degree of accuracy, relative to (for example) the VSMOW-SLAP line on the ln(1 + δ17O) versus ln(1 + δ18O) plot, poses practical challenges. Regardless of the reference line assigned, Δʹ17O values are still inextricably linked to the δ17O and δ18O calibration of the ‘working standard’ O2 on the VSMOW–SLAP scale. Yet few laboratories have the capability to make such measurements on waters and on silicates. Even when direct calibration to VSMOW and SLAP is possible, there is not yet consensus on the Δʹ17O values of widely used silicate standards such as UWG-2 garnet or San Carlos olivine, when reported to a common reference line.

Fluorination of silicate rocks and minerals, to produce O2 for isotope ratio measurements, requires a different procedure from that used for the fluorination of waters. Thus, there is the possibility of systematic errors being introduced by using a water reference material for reporting δ17O and δ18O data of silicates. Furthermore, fractionation arrays of natural silicates on the three-isotope plot are generally offset from VSMOW, which introduces an additional complication. To eliminate such potential sources of error, some authors have chosen to report δ17O and δ18O data relative to San Carlos olivine (as representative of Earth’s mantle) rather than to VSMOW, in conjunction with a reference line of assigned slope, for characterizing Δʹ17O values. However, a two-point scale, such as VSMOW–SLAP for waters, is preferable to a single point calibration

We have therefore characterized Δʹ17O values (and with inter-laboratory comparison) of two silicates spanning a greater δ18O range than VSMOW–SLAP and suggest that these materials may be used for accurate determinations of silicate Δʹ17O values. Our high-δ18O standard is a flint, designated SKFS, with δ18O = 33.93 ± 0.08 ‰ (standard error) and Δʹ17O = –69 ± 3 ppm relative to the VSMOW-SLAP reference line. This material can therefore be used to calibrate the position of an assigned reference line such that it passes through VSMOW. Alternatively, in combination with our low-δ18O silicate standard, designated as KRS (δ18O = –25.20 ± 0.03, Δʹ17O = –114 ± 2 ppm relative to the VSMOW-SLAP reference line), an empirical two-point silicate reference line may be defined from high precision δ17O and δ18O measurements of these proposed standards. Δʹ17O data of silicate rock and mineral samples reported relative to this reference line are independent of whether the δ17O and δ18O measurements are reported relative to VSMOW or to the ‘working standard’ O2, of any isotopic composition. This confers significant advantages for inter-laboratory comparisons.

How to cite: Miller, M., Pack, A., Bindeman, I., and Greenwood, R.: Standardizing high precision Δʹ17O data from silicate rocks and minerals, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-19830,, 2020.

EGU2020-17881 | Displays | GMPV1.1

High-precision triple oxygen isotope analysis of Archean and Proterozoic carbonates

Oliver Jäger, Jakub Surma, Nina Albrecht, Chris S. Marien, Wanli Xiang, Katharina Schier, Michael Bau, Joachim Reitner, and Andreas Pack

Oxygen isotopes are a widely used tracer in the field of paleoceanography and provide unique information on mineral formation and environmental conditions. Carbonate sediments record a shift in δ18O of 10 to 15‰ from the Archean towards higher values in the Phanerozoic. Three different scenarios are suggested to explain this observation: (I) hot Archean oceans, (II) depletion of 18O in Archean oceans compared to present day and (III) diagenetic alteration of the primary isotopic signature [1]. Recent advances in high-resolution gas source isotope ratio mass spectrometry provide a new tool that may allow to decipher the origin of this isotopic shift observed in the early rock record. We performed high-precision 18O/16O and 17O/16O measurements on oxygen ion fragments (16O+, 17O+, 18O+) generated in the ion source from CO2 gas [2]. Isobaric interferences on m/z=17 (16OH+) and m/z=18 (H216O+) are separated by means of high mass resolution. The CO2 gas is first liberated from carbonate samples by orthophosphoric acid digestion and then analyzed on a Thermo Scientific Ultra dual-inlet gas source isotope ratio mass spectrometer [3]. By adding the dimension of 17O/16O to the classical 18O/16O system, equilibrium trajectories of carbonates that are defined by the equilibrium fractionation factor (18aeq) and the triple isotope fractionation exponent (θ) can be predicted as a function of temperature. Minerals that were altered by or formed in meteoric water can be distinguished from those that precipitated in equilibrium with ambient sea water. Therefore, triple oxygen isotope analysis of carbonates does not only hold the potential for a new single-phase paleothermometer, but may also be used to trace the origin of carbonates. Here, we present high-precision triple oxygen isotope data for carbonates from the Pilbara and the Kaapvaal cratons that cover nearly one billion years from the Paleoarchean to the Paleoproterozoic. Marine carbonates from the Phanerozoic complement the dataset. The carbonates were formed in different marine settings, from shallow marine stromatolites to carbonates grown in the interstitial space of basaltic pillows. Phanerozoic carbonates record equilibrium conditions with modern sea water at moderate temperatures. The majority of Precambrian carbonates plot below the predicted equilibrium curve in the δ’18O-Δ‘17O space and do not reflect equilibrium conditions with modern sea water at elevated temperatures that were proposed for the Archean oceans. Modeling the triple oxygen isotope composition of carbonates in equilibrium with sea water, that is depleted in 18O also cannot explain the observed isotopic shift. Further modeling of post-depositional alteration suggests that most carbonates interacted and re-equilibrated with meteoric waters at variable water-rock ratios and temperatures.

[1] Shields and Veizer, 2002, Geochem., Geophy., Geosyst., 10.1029/2001GC000266
[2] Getachew et al., 2019, Rapid Commun. Mass. Spectrom., 10.1002/rcm.847
[3] Eiler et al., 2013, Int. J. Mass. Spectrom., 335, 45-56.

How to cite: Jäger, O., Surma, J., Albrecht, N., Marien, C. S., Xiang, W., Schier, K., Bau, M., Reitner, J., and Pack, A.: High-precision triple oxygen isotope analysis of Archean and Proterozoic carbonates , EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-17881,, 2020.

EGU2020-21469 | Displays | GMPV1.1

Hydrothermal seawater-basalt exchange reactions traced by triple oxygen and strontium isotope values of fluids and epidotes

David Zakharov, Ryoji Tanaka, Craig Lundstrom, David Butterfield, Mark Reed, and Ilya Bindeman

Hydrothermal circulation of seawater at mid-ocean ridges cools the oceanic crust and modulates the oceanic chemistry over multimillion-year time scales. Recent research on mass-dependent fractionation of triple oxygen isotopes allows us to gain a new insight into the seawater-basalt exchange reactions that occur within the oceanic crust. To understand the systematics of triple oxygen isotope exchange, we present a novel combined dataset for Δ17O and 87Sr/86Sr isotope values measured in modern seawater-derived vent fluids at the Axial Seamount volcano located on the Juan de Fuca Ridge and oceanic epidotes extracted from altered mid-ocean ridge basalts. Upon reaction with fresh oceanic crust, seawater evolves towards the low Mg compositions characteristic of fluids in equilibrium with basalt. In concert with decreasing Mg content and with decreasing 87Sr/86Sr, the vent fluids at Axial Seamount shift towards values that are 0.04 ‰ lower in Δ17O and 2 ‰ higher in δ18O compared to initial seawater. The 87Sr/86Sr and Δ17O values of epidotes extracted from modern hydrothermally altered basalts reveal a trend of isotope exchange similar to the one defined by the fluids. We suggest that epidotes record isotope shifts that were experienced by fluids in the areas of focused flow within the oceanic crust. Both fluids and epidotes display similar trajectories of Δ17O and 87Sr/86Sr shifts which are modeled using a Monte-Carlo simulation of reactive transport in dual-porosity medium. These trajectories provide important constraints on the physical complexity of reactive circulation of seawater within the oceanic crust. We show how the contribution of hydrothermal circulation to the isotope budget of seawater can be changed during geologic history and evaluated based on the studies of fragments of ancient oceanic crust.

How to cite: Zakharov, D., Tanaka, R., Lundstrom, C., Butterfield, D., Reed, M., and Bindeman, I.: Hydrothermal seawater-basalt exchange reactions traced by triple oxygen and strontium isotope values of fluids and epidotes, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-21469,, 2020.

EGU2020-44 | Displays | GMPV1.1

Using triple water isotopes signatures of surface snow to gauge metamorphism in Antarctica

Mathieu Casado, Amaelle Landais, Ghislain Picard, Laurent Arnaud, Giuliano Dreossi, Barbara Stenni, and Frederic Prie

Water isotopic composition is a key proxy for past climate reconstructions using deep ice cores from Antarctica. As precipitation forms, the local temperature is imprinted in the snowfalls δ18O. However, this climatic signal can be erased after snow deposition when snow is exposed to the atmosphere for a long time in regions with extremely low accumulation. Understanding this effect is crucial for the interpretation of ice core records from the extremely dry East Antarctic Plateau, where post-deposition processes such as blowing snow or metamorphism affect the physical and chemical properties of snow during the long periods of snow exposure to the atmosphere. Despite the importance of these processes for the reliable reconstruction of temperature from water isotopic composition in ice cores, the tools required to quantify their impacts are still missing. Here, we present a first year-long comparison between (a) time series of surface snow isotopic composition including d-excess and 17O-excess at Dome C and (b) satellite observations providing information on snow grain size, a marker of surface metamorphism. Long summer periods without precipitation tend to produce a surface snow metamorphism signature erasing the climatic signal in the surface snow δ18O. Using a simple model, we demonstrate that d-excess and 17O-excess allow the identification of the latent fluxes induced by metamorphism, and their impact on surface snow isotopic composition. In turn, their measurements can help improve climate reconstructions based on δ18O records ice by removing the influence of snow metamorphism.

How to cite: Casado, M., Landais, A., Picard, G., Arnaud, L., Dreossi, G., Stenni, B., and Prie, F.: Using triple water isotopes signatures of surface snow to gauge metamorphism in Antarctica, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-44,, 2020.

EGU2020-6641 | Displays | GMPV1.1

Factors controlling the triple oxygen isotope composition of grass leaf water and phytoliths: insights for paleo-environmental reconstructions

Anne Alexandre, Clément Outrequin, Christine Vallet-Coulomb, Amaelle Landais, Clément Piel, Sébastien Devidal, Christophe Peugeot, Théodor Ouani, Simon Afouda, Martine Couapel, Corinne Sonzogni, Jean-Charles Mazur, Frédéric Prié, and Elizabeth Webb

The oxygen isotope signature of leaf water is used to trace several processes at the soil-plant-atmosphere interface. During photosynthesis, it is transferred to the oxygen isotope signature of atmospheric CO2 and O2, which can be used for reconstructing past changes in gross primary production. The oxygen isotope signature of leaf water additionally imprints leaf organic and mineral compounds, such as phytoliths, used as paleoclimate and paleovegetation proxies when extracted from sedimentary materials.

Numerous experimental and modelling studies were dedicated to constrain the main parameters responsible for changes in the δ18O of leaf water. Although these models usually correctly depict the main trends of 18O-enrichment of the leaf water when relative humidity decreases, the calculated absolute values often depart from the observed ones by several ‰. Moreover, the δ18O of leaf water absorbed by plants is dependent on the δ18O value of meteoric and soil waters that can vary by several ‰ at different space and time scales. These added uncertainties make our knowledge of the parameters responsible for changes in the δ18O of leaf water and phytoliths flawed.

Changes in the triple oxygen isotope composition of leaf water, expressed by the 17O-excess, are controlled by fewer variables than changes in δ18O. In meteoric water the 17O-excess varies slightly as it is weakly affected by temperature or phase changes during air mass transport. This makes the soil water fed by meteoric water and the atmospheric vapour in equilibrium with meteoric water changing little from a place to another. Hence the 17O-excess of leaf water is essentially controlled by the evaporative fractionation. The latest depends on the ratio of vapor pressure in the air to vapor pressure in the stomata intercellular space, close to relative humidity. Leaf water evaporative fractionation can lead to 17O-excess negative values that can exceed most of surficial water ones.

Here we present the outcomes of several recent growth chamber and field studies, for the purpose of i) refining the grass leaf water and phytoliths δ18O and 17O-excess modelling, ii) assessing whether the δ18O and 17O-excess of grass leaf water can be reconstructed from phytoliths, and iii) examining the precision of the 17O-excess of phytoliths as a new proxy for past changes in continental atmospheric relative humidity. Atmospheric continental relative humidity is an important climate parameter poorly constrained in global climate models. A model-data comparison approach, applicable beyond the instrumental period, is essential to progress on this issue. However, there is currently a lack of proxies allowing quantitative reconstruction of past continental relative humidity. The 17O-excess signature of phytoliths could fill this gap.

How to cite: Alexandre, A., Outrequin, C., Vallet-Coulomb, C., Landais, A., Piel, C., Devidal, S., Peugeot, C., Ouani, T., Afouda, S., Couapel, M., Sonzogni, C., Mazur, J.-C., Prié, F., and Webb, E.: Factors controlling the triple oxygen isotope composition of grass leaf water and phytoliths: insights for paleo-environmental reconstructions, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-6641,, 2020.

EGU2020-7701 | Displays | GMPV1.1

Control on millennial scale events (H-events) inferred from triple oxygen isotope ratios of speleothems from a Northeast Indian cave

Sasadhar Mahata, Pengzhen Duan, Lijuan Sha, Jonathan Baker, Gayatri Kathayat, Xiyu Dong, Baoyun Zong, Youfeng Ning, Haiwei Zhang, and Hai Cheng

The carbonate 17O anomaly (Δ17O) has recently been developed as a geochemical proxy for estimating the relative humidity of moisture at the source point of evaporation, which can be a vital tool in paleoclimate research. Speleothem Δ17O variability in particular may provide a quantitative constraint on moisture regimes at millennial and orbital timescales—far longer than can be addressed by analyzing 17O in other materials, such as tree rings. Modern observations and calibration studies have established a robust negative correlation between the Δ17O (17O excess) of rainfall and relative humidity, so that Δ17O is enhanced during arid conditions at the moisture source. Herein, we report novel triple oxygen isotope data across the Last Glacial in speleothems collected from Cherrapunji Cave, northeastern India. Triple oxygen isotope measurements were obtained by an O2-CO2 Pt-catalyzed oxygen-isotope equilibration method. Preliminary results suggest lower Δ17O in speleothems during cold periods (e.g. Heinrich Events), which would imply higher relative humidity over the oceanic moisture source. Importantly, higher source relative humidity does not necessarily imply changes in precipitation amount at the cave site. While it is possible that a substantial geographic shift in the moisture source region (or additional contributions from secondary sources) could obfuscate the Δ17O signal, we argue that this explanation is unlikely for our study site. Alternatively, we cannot exclude the effects of excessive moisture recycling in the tropical ocean, which can enhance the 17O anomaly in cloud vapor (particularly if combined with large temperature swings) and thereby alter speleothem Δ17O. To refine our interpretation of the Δ17O signal in Cerrapunji Cave samples, we investigate multiple cold periods, as well as coeval samples from the Asian Summer Monsoon region. Finally, we compare our results with novel data from westernmost Asia, where temperature variations during cold events are more likely to be accompanied by large shifts in predominant moisture source, due to the migration of wintertime westerlies.

How to cite: Mahata, S., Duan, P., Sha, L., Baker, J., Kathayat, G., Dong, X., Zong, B., Ning, Y., Zhang, H., and Cheng, H.: Control on millennial scale events (H-events) inferred from triple oxygen isotope ratios of speleothems from a Northeast Indian cave, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-7701,, 2020.

EGU2020-14088 | Displays | GMPV1.1

Accuracy and reproducibility of the triple oxygen isotope measurement of silicate micro-samples by laser-fluorination-IRMS

Martine Couapel, Corinne Sonzogni, Anne Alexandre, and Florence Sylvestre

Recent studies showed that the 17O-excess of plant leaf biogenic silicates (phytoliths) can be used to quantify the atmospheric relative humidity occurring during leaf water transpiration. The 17O-excess vs ∂18O signature of phytoliths can also be used to trace back to the signature of leaf water. In a similar way, the signature of lacustrine diatoms is expected to record the signature of the lake water in which they formed. Therefore, the triple oxygen isotope composition of biogenic silicates extracted from well-dated sedimentary cores may bring new insights for past climate and hydrological reconstructions. However, for high time-resolution reconstructions, we need to be able to measure microsamples (300 to 800 µg) of biogenic silica. In another context, the triple oxygen isotope composition of micro-meteorites constitutes an efficient tool to determine their parent-body. In this case too, micro-samples need to be handled.

Here we report the results of new ∂18O and ∂17O measurements of macro- and micro-samples of international and laboratory silicate standards (e.g. NBS28 quartz, San Carlos Olivine, Boulangé quartz, MSG phytoliths and PS diatoms). Molecular O2 is extracted from silica and purified in a laser-fluorination line, passed through a 114°C slush to condense potential interfering gasses and sent to the dual-inlet Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer (IRMS) Thermo-Scientific Delta V. In order to get sufficient 34/32 and 33/32 signals for microsamples the O2 gas is concentrated within the IRMS in an additional auto-cooled 800 ml microvolume tube filled with silica gel. Accuracy and reproducibility of the ∂18O, ∂17O and 17O excess measurements are assessed. Attention is payed to determine the concentration from which O2 gas yields offsets in ∂18O, ∂17O and 17O-excess are measured and whether these offsets are reproducible and can be corrected for.

How to cite: Couapel, M., Sonzogni, C., Alexandre, A., and Sylvestre, F.: Accuracy and reproducibility of the triple oxygen isotope measurement of silicate micro-samples by laser-fluorination-IRMS, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-14088,, 2020.

EGU2020-5798 | Displays | GMPV1.1

Recent developments and applications of triple oxygen isotope measurements by secondary ion mass spectrometry

Yves Marrocchi, Johan Villeneuve, Paula Peres, and Firmino Fernandes

Oxygen isotopes are powerful proxies that are commonly used to decipher the formation of terrestrial and extraterrestrial rocks. Most of modern scientific approaches imply the determination of the oxygen isotopic composition at the mineral scale, thus requiring instruments enable to perform in situ, multi-collection, isotopic analyses in complex mineralogical assemblages and zoned minerals. Among them, large-geometry secondary ion mass spectrometer (LG-SIMS) is the most versatile with unique advantages such as (i) high spatial resolution (10–20 μm beam diameter and 1–2 μm depth); (ii) high sensitivity (detection limits below the ppm level for most elements) and (iii) high mass-resolution analysis allowing to remove most isobaric interferences (Villeneuve et al., 2019). Thanks to these capabilities, analytical uncertainties were significantly reduced for oxygen isotopes and reproducibilities much better that 1 ‰ on d17O and d18O are commonly obtained (e.g., Vacher et al. 2016; Marrocchi et al., 2018). Reaching such precisions is, however, linked to the use of 1011 Ω Faraday Cups (FCs) that require minimum count rates of > 106 cp/s for reaching permil precisions. This implies performing measurements with relatively large primary beam (i.e., 15-20 μm) that limits the minerals that can be targeted, especially in extraterrestrial samples (e.g., chondrule olivine crystals, Marrocchi et al., 2019).

Latest generation LG-SIMS instruments have been recently equipped with 1012 Ω FCs that enable isotopic measurements to be performed at count rates significantly lower (i.e., 3 × 105 cp/s) while maintaining good precision. This implies that high-precision oxygen isotopic measurements can be now performed with a less intense and smaller primary beam (~1 nA; 5 μm), In this contribution, we will report the specific characteristics of measurements using 1012 Ω FCs and the reproducibilities obtained for oxygen isotope measurements. Few scientific examples where the use of 1012 Ω FCs can represent a significant beakthrough will also be presented.

Marrocchi Y., Bekaert D.V. & Piani L. (2018). Origin and abundance of water in carbonaceous asteroids. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 482, 23-32.

Marrocchi Y., Euverte R., Villeneuve J., Batanova V., Welsch B., Ferrière L. & Jacquet E. (2019) Formation of CV chondrules by recycling of amoeboid olivine aggregate-like precursors. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 247C, 121-141.

Villeneuve J., Chaussidon M., Marrocchi Y., Deng Z. & Watson B.E. (2019). High-precision silicon isotopic analyses by MC-SIMS in olivine and low-Ca pyroxene. Rapid Communication in Mass Spectrometry 33, 1589-1597.

Vacher L.G., Marrocchi Y., Verdier-Paoletti M., Villeneuve J. & Gounelle M. (2016) Inward radial mixing of interstellar water ices in the solar protoplanetary disk. The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 826, 1-6.


How to cite: Marrocchi, Y., Villeneuve, J., Peres, P., and Fernandes, F.: Recent developments and applications of triple oxygen isotope measurements by secondary ion mass spectrometry , EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-5798,, 2020.

EGU2020-20088 | Displays | GMPV1.1

Improved precision and throughput for 17O-excess measurements on water with Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy

Magdalena E. G. Hofmann, Zhiwei Lin, Thomas Doherty, Jonathan D. Bent, and Gregor Lucic

Triple oxygen isotope data (denoted as 17O-excess) have been used to constrain meteorological processes, plant fractionation processes, animal metabolism, and a variety of other physical and chemical processes. Measurement precision is key in order to successfully apply this promising new tracer to a range of scientific questions. Up to date, the highest measurement precision for 17O-excess on water was achieved by converting water to O2 and subsequent mass spectrometric analysis of O2 (Barkan and Luz, 2005). This approach allows to reach a measurement precision of about 5-6permeg. However, it is very difficut to setup and only a few laboratories worldwide succesfully use this methodology. A far simpler approach is to use Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy (CRDS), i.e. the Picarro L2140-i analyzer that measures δ18O, δ17O, δD and determines 17O-excess. To date, the 17O-excess measurement precision of CRDS was limited to 10-15permeg. Here, we will present a new metholodology that allows to reach a similar or even better precision compared to the mass spectrometric approach. The improved methodology does not require any hardware changes but is solely based on modifications of the injection procedure. 

How to cite: Hofmann, M. E. G., Lin, Z., Doherty, T., Bent, J. D., and Lucic, G.: Improved precision and throughput for 17O-excess measurements on water with Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-20088,, 2020.

EGU2020-6191 | Displays | GMPV1.1

Can we not use the Δ value to measure a triple isotope system?

Huiming Bao and Xiaobin Cao

Can we not use the Δ value to measure a triple isotope system?


Huiming Bao1 ,2, 3 and Xiaobin Cao1 ,2


1 International Center for Isotope Effects Research, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023, P. R. China

2 School of Earth Sciences and Engineering, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023, PR China

3 Department of Geology and Geophysics, Louisiana State University, E235 Howe Russell Kniffen, Baton Rouge, LA 70803


In a triple isotope system, taking oxygen for example, the deviation of the δ17O (or δ’) from a defined δ17O-δ18O relationship is measured by the term Δ, defined as the value of δ17O - C×δ18O, in which “C” is a reference slope number. The use of Δ has generated two problems. First, there is a spectrum of C values currently being adopted in the community, for reasons of end-member cases (e.g. 0.5305 at high-temperature limit), legacy (0.52), or compound-specificity (e.g. 0.528 for water cycle or 0.524 for silicates). These practices have brought confusions especially when we deal with small Δ values and when we must compare Δ values among different compounds. A second, more serious problem is the lack of appreciation that a Δ value scales with its corresponding δ18O value. That means even for the same process we may get different Δ values depending on the magnitude of fractionation and/or laboratory references used.

A pair of radial-angular parameters in a polar coordinate system or a pair of δ18O and δ17O in Cartesian space uniquely describe a triple isotope data point in 2D space. Either of the two ways would thaw any debates on the choice of reference slope value C necessary for calculating the Δ. In addition, a polar coordinate system is usually preferred when studying behaviors centering around an origin, in this case, isotope composition deviating from a reference point (0, 0). The angular coordinate φ of a triple isotope composition stays the same for the same fractionation process regardless of its radial coordinate r which is determined by δ18O and δ17O values. Thus, the use of a polar coordinate (r, φ) to describe a triple isotope composition in 2D space would avoid the δ18O scaling issue for Δ values of the same process. Unfortunately, polar coordinate does not offer straightforward representation of process-specific δs or fractionation factors. Using just a pair of δ18O and δ17O values to describe a triple isotope system also eliminates additional symbols. Unfortunately, the direct use of the δ18O and δ17O presents an apparently larger uncertainty for a data point than the other approaches. And it could not take advantage of the use of an accurate Δ value in case when the analytical yield is not 100%.

The limitations of a polar coordinate system or a pair of δ18O and δ17O in Cartesian space outweigh their advantages and we are left with no better alternative than the use of Δ. Therefore, when reporting small Δ values, we must report their corresponding δ18O values as well to avoid scaling bias when dealing with small Δ values.


How to cite: Bao, H. and Cao, X.: Can we not use the Δ value to measure a triple isotope system?, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-6191,, 2020.

EGU2020-5752 | Displays | GMPV1.1

Spatiotemporal Δ17O variability in the rock record

Matthew Warke, Ross Pettigrew, David Millward, Robert Raine, Stuart Clarke, Yongbo Peng, Huiming Bao, and Mark Claire

The  Δ17O value of sedimentary sulfate can provide a direct, stable, geological archive of atmospheric-biospheric evolution. Negative Δ17O values in gypsum/anhydrite are inherited from the negative Δ17O value of atmospheric O2 which is transferred to sulfate during sulfide weathering. The magnitude of the O2 Δ17O value reflects pCO2, pO2 and gross primary productivity, hence modelling of the geological Δ17O record has led to estimates of changing atmospheric composition and primary productivity over Earth history. However, sulfate Δ17O values represent a conservative estimate of atmospheric Δ17O values as the magnitude of negative Δ17O in sulfate can be diluted (or erased) through sulfur cycling. As sulfate is transported away from the site of sulfide oxidation the likelihood of this happening increases.

Although this effect is acknowledged, the extent to which Δ17O values may vary within and between palaeoenvironments, and how evaporite sedimentology may affect stratigraphic interpretations of Δ17O values, remains unclear. We present the preliminary results of two case-studies probing the spatiotemporal variability of Δ17O values.

Case-study 1: temporally correlative Tournaisian (Lower Mississippian) evaporites within Carboniferous rift basins of Britain and Ireland were deposited in a range of settings: coastal wetland (Ballagan Fm.); supratidal sabkha on margin of a restricted basin (Ballycultra Fm.); and coastal sabkha on open ocean margin (Middleton Dale Anhydrite Fm.) All three settings plot on a positive slope in d34S vs Δ17O space with values ranging between δ34S ≈ +15 ‰, Δ17O ≈ -0.08 ‰ and δ34S ≈ +24 ‰, Δ17O ≈ -0.2 ‰. We discuss whether this trend (and intraformational trends) represents a spatial variability in sulfate Δ17O as controlled by fluctuating fluvial and marine dominance in evaporite depositional environments, or whether this might represent a temporal change in δ34S and Δ17O.   

Case study 2: non-marine evaporites of the early Permian Cedar Mesa Sandstone (CMS) Formation in Utah were deposited in continental saline pans in an erg-margin setting that fluctuated through arid and humid cycles. These evaporites record negative Δ17O values as low as -270 per meg, however δ34S values lie along the marine curve. We interpret the signal preserved in the CMS as recycling of the underlying marine evaporites of the late Carboniferous Paradox Formation which have been uplifted on the basin margin. Hence, we discuss how in non-marine settings the recycling of evaporites can decouple the age of the succession from the age of the atmospheric Δ17O signal.

How to cite: Warke, M., Pettigrew, R., Millward, D., Raine, R., Clarke, S., Peng, Y., Bao, H., and Claire, M.: Spatiotemporal Δ17O variability in the rock record, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-5752,, 2020.

EGU2020-22196 | Displays | GMPV1.1

1-D photochemical model predicts oxygen isotope anomalies in early Earth atmospheres

Bethan Gregory, Mark Claire, and Sarah Rugheimer

Atmospheric oxygen and ozone over geological time have been constrained using various geochemical proxies and modelling studies, but ambiguity remains. Triple oxygen isotope measurements from Phanerozoic and Proterozoic rocks (e.g. Crockford et al., 2019) provide a direct record of ancient atmospheric composition, and as such are an exciting novel proxy. The only known source of mass-independent fractionation of oxygen isotopes (O-MIF) on Earth is in the formation of stratospheric ozone. A large positive O-MIF signal is imparted to ozone, while the larger reservoir of oxygen gains a much smaller negative O-MIF signal. These species interact with other gases in the atmosphere, and oxidised end products including nitrate, sulphate and perchlorate can persist in various geological archives such as ice, arid desert soil, and marine evaporites. As a result, the magnitude of the O-MIF signature detected in the geological record could be used to quantify levels of atmospheric ozone (and closely-related molecular oxygen) over certain time intervals. Here we develop a one-dimensional photochemical model to incorporate the three isotopes of oxygen, in order to trace oxygen isotope anomalies from stratospheric ozone through other atmospheric species, and into the geological record. This model, ‘Atmos,’ has been calibrated over 40 years to provide credible estimates of atmospheric composition deviating from the modern. We use the model to show the lowest oxygen levels at which the anomaly can be produced and transferred, putting a potential lower limit on oxygen levels for parts of the Phanerozoic and mid-Proterozoic.


Crockford, P.W., Kunzmann, M., Bekker, A., Hayles, J., Bao, H., Halverson, G.P., Peng, Y., Bui, T.H., Cox, G.M., Gibson, T.M. and Wörndle, S., 2019. Claypool continued: Extending the isotopic record of sedimentary sulfate. Chemical Geology.

How to cite: Gregory, B., Claire, M., and Rugheimer, S.: 1-D photochemical model predicts oxygen isotope anomalies in early Earth atmospheres, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-22196,, 2020.

EGU2020-17738 | Displays | GMPV1.1

Triple oxygen isotope constraints on the origin of ocean island basalts

Xiaobin Cao, Huiming Bao, and Yongbo Peng


Understanding the origin of ocean island basalts (OIB) has important bearings on Earth’s deep mantle. Although it is widely accepted that subducted oceanic crust, as a consequence of plate tectonics, contributes material to OIB’s formation, its exact fraction in OIB’s mantle source remains ambiguous largely due to uncertainties associated with existing geochemical proxies. We have shown, through theoretical calculation and examining published data, that unlike many known proxies, triple oxygen isotope compositions (i.e. Δ17O) in olivine samples are not affected by crystallization and partial melting. This unique feature allows olivine Δ17O values to identify and quantify the fractions of subducted ocean sediments and hydrothermally altered oceanic crusts in OIB’s mantle source. In this work, new Δ17O measurements for OIB will be presented, and the implications will be discussed. 


How to cite: Cao, X., Bao, H., and Peng, Y.: Triple oxygen isotope constraints on the origin of ocean island basalts , EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-17738,, 2020.

Tracing the sources of pollutants in Ganga river water using conventional and non-conventional isotope analysis in nitrates


Abhayanand S. Maurya1, Amzad H. Laskar2, Nityanand S. Maurya3, Mao-Chang Liang4,


1Department of Earth Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee-247667, Uttarakhand, India

2Geosciences Division, Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad 380009, Gujarat, India

3Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology Patna, India

4Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taiwan


Ganga is the largest river in India providing fresh water to ~40 % of India’s population which is more than any other river in the world. It is also one of the most polluted rivers in the world. Pollution, mainly from human and industrial wastes in the Ganga poses significant threats to human health and environment. This is an attempt to identify and quantify the contribution of different sources in the river water pollution using stable isotopes in nitrate (NO3-). We measured non-conventional triple oxygen isotopes (∆17ONO317ONO3-λδ18ONO3) along with the conventional isotopes (δ15N and δ18O) in NO3- and concentrations of major ions and metals (both heavy and trace ones) in Ganga river water to understand the sources and contribution from different pollution sectors. We also measured stable water isotopes (δD and δ18O) to understand the secondary processes such as in stream evaporation and inflow over the course of the river.  Water samples were collected from multiple locations starting from the clean water in the upstream region to all the way to the estuaries before the onset of monsoon, to best capture anthropogenic signals. ∆17O in NO3- is used to partition the atmospheric depositions from other sources such as human and industrial wastes and δ15N and δ18O values are used to partition the contribution of pollutants from different land sources such as municipal wastes and agricultural fertilizers. ∆17O in NO3- is also used to understand reaction processes which affect the isotopic composition such as nitrification, denitrification, volatilization, assimilation and mineralization as those processes mostly follow mass dependent fractionation without affecting ∆17O but influence the conventional isotopic compositions. We will present the results along with some recommendations for reducing the pollution level of the Ganga water.


How to cite: Maurya, A. S.: Tracing the sources of pollutants in Ganga river water using conventional and non-conventional isotope analysis in nitrates, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-2854,, 2020.

EGU2020-6734 | Displays | GMPV1.1

Triple oxygen isotope variations in precipitation from southeast China and its hydrological significance

Pengzhen Duan, Sasadhar Mahata, Lijuan Sha, and Hai Cheng

    High precision triple oxygen isotope measurement of meteoric water is a newly added tracer in hydrological and paleoclimate research. However, it is prerequisite to study the controls on precipitation 17O-excess for proper application of it. Here we report two years highly precise precipitation data from Nanjing, a southeast China station dominated by Asian monsoon. All the water isotopes (δ17O, δ18O and δD) reported here are based on mass spectrometer measurements and optical measurements (cavity ring-down spectroscopy). Nanjing receives moisture from different vapor sources and experiences different rainout mechanisms during various monsoonal sessions. Combined use of above parameters can help us to delineate processes occurring during evaporation, transport, condensation and re-evaporation. Year to year 17O-excess variability is observed in the obtained dataset and no notable seasonal variation is observed. However, the 17O-excess seasonal amplitude is little larger in the first year than the subsequent year. So far, it is known that the precipitation 17O-excess depends on three values: 17O-excess of the source water bodies, amount of 17O-excess gain during evaporation and 17O-excess loss during raindrops evaporation. During dry months 17O-excess gain is balanced by 17O-excess loss, which might lead to the near absence of seasonal cycle at Nanjing. From the comparison of observed data and model simulation, the amount of re-evaporation on falling raindrop is estimated to be about 10% at Nanjing. In addition, correlation with available meteorological parameters has been discussed. Except temperature no significant correlation has been found with other metrological variables (relative humidity and rainfall amount). This study will serve as a baseline to understand some of issues in paleoclimate that have puzzled the scientific community for years.

How to cite: Duan, P., Mahata, S., Sha, L., and Cheng, H.: Triple oxygen isotope variations in precipitation from southeast China and its hydrological significance, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-6734,, 2020.

EGU2020-13543 | Displays | GMPV1.1

Contribution of the triple oxygen isotope composition of precipitation to the identification of surface-atmosphere interactions in the sub-humid part of West Africa

Christine Vallet-Coulomb, Anne Alexandre, Christophe Peugeot, Abdoukarim Alassane, Vinel Gbewezoun, Martine Couapel, Clément Outrequin, Théodore Ouani, and Simon Afouda

This study aims at evaluating the information carried by the 17O-excess composition of precipitation in the sub-humid part of West Africa. Located at the southern border of the Sahelian band, the so-called “Sudanian Climatic Zone”, characterized by annual precipitation of 1200-1400mm, plays a crucial role in providing water to large African watersheds such as the Niger river’s one, and the Lake Chad catchment. Surface-atmosphere interactions were shown to influence convective processes in the semi-arid Sahelian band, with positive feedbacks between vegetation land cover and rainfall. Less focus has been put on the more humid Sudanian Zone, although surface-atmosphere interactions may have an important influence on the control of rainfall variations, and therefore on water resource availability in these watersheds.

The stable isotope composition of precipitation reflects the combination of different processes associated with phase changes over the atmospheric water cycle, from the initial water vapor formation above the ocean to the raindrop on the ground surface. Classical tracers (δ18O, δ2H, and d-excess) are affected by multiple factors (i.e. Rayleigh process, temperature, humidity) changing during these successive steps. In contrast, 17O-excess variations mainly records evaporation processes controlled by the humidity conditions that prevail during phase change. There are few available 17O-excess studies focusing on precipitation in tropical and sub-tropical areas. They show that the 17O-excess in precipitation provides information on 1) relative humidity at oceanic moisture sources, and 2) secondary processes, such as raindrop re-evaporation. The contribution of vapor of continental origin, produced either by plant transpiration or soil water evaporation, should additionally affect the 17O-excess signature of precipitation, although no data are available so far to evaluate the magnitude of this process.

For the study presented here, we collected precipitation from two sampling stations, both located in Benin and affected by a similar oceanic moisture source in the Gulf of Guinea. The first station (lat. 6°26’ N; long. 2°21’ E) is located along the coast and is essentially subject to oceanic influence. The second station (lat. 9°44’ N; long. 1°34’ E) is located 400 km inland and may be additionally affected by continental vapor recycling. The stable isotope composition of rainfall samples (δ2H, δ18O and δ17O) are measured on a WS-CRDS Picarro L2140-i, using three replicates per sample. Comparison between those two records allow to investigate how humidity at the oceanic source, raindrop re-evaporation and continental vapor­ contribute to the 17O-excess signature of precipitation.

How to cite: Vallet-Coulomb, C., Alexandre, A., Peugeot, C., Alassane, A., Gbewezoun, V., Couapel, M., Outrequin, C., Ouani, T., and Afouda, S.: Contribution of the triple oxygen isotope composition of precipitation to the identification of surface-atmosphere interactions in the sub-humid part of West Africa, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-13543,, 2020.

EGU2020-7795 | Displays | GMPV1.1

Triple oxygen (16O, 17O, 18O) and hydrogen (1H, 2H) isotope analyses of rainfall events in Central-South Pyrenees.

Reyes Giménez, Fernando Gázquez, Miguel Bartolomé, and Ana Moreno

Few studies of rainfall isotopic composition are available in the northern Iberian Peninsula, and up to now none of them has provided detailed analyses of the triple oxygen isotopes (d17O,  d18O and derived parameter 17Oexcess), preventing from the complete understanding of some atmospheric processes and their relationship with the current climate in this region. This information, together with the characterization of dripwater isotopic composition once transferred throughout the epikarst, is essential to the correct interpretation of paleoclimate records based on speleothem isotopic data.

We provide the first database of triple oxygen and hydrogen stable isotopes of rainwater in Central-South Pyrenees. We characterize local rainfall isotopic variability in a high altitude site and identify the main factors controlling the isotopic composition of rainwater. The samples were collected on a rainfall-event basis from July 2017 to June 2019 (n=216) at the interpretation center of “Las Güixas” touristic cave in Villanúa (Huesca, Spain), where other monitoring surveys are in progress. This site (42º40’59’’N; 0º31’55’’W; 957 m a.s.l.) is characterized by a transitional Mediterranean – Oceanic climate with a highly contrasted seasonality, mean annual temperature of 10ºC and mean annual precipitation of 1100 mm. We analyzed d17O, d18O and dD, and derived parameters 17Oexcess and d-excess in rainwaters using a Picarro L2140-i analyzer at the University of Almería (Spain), with mean precisions (1-standard error) of 5 per meg for 17Oexcess and 0.1‰ for d-excess. Meteorological variables (temperature, RH and rainfall amount) were monitored (every 10 min) at the sampling site during the length of this study.

During the two-years monitoring period, d18O ranged from -21.7 to 8.7‰ and dD did from -170.8 to 34.1‰, with average values of -7.4‰ and -52.3‰, respectively. The 17Oexcess averaged 21±24 per meg and the mean d-excess was 7.1±7.7‰. The local meteoric water line is defined by dD= 7.3·d18O+1.9 (R2=0.96) and d´17O= 0.524·d´18O+0.0088 (R2=1). The d17O, d18O and dD values were higher during summer (June to September; -2.1, -3.9 and -26.6‰, respectively; n=68) and were lower during the rest of the year (-4.7, -9.0 and -63.8‰, respectively; n=164). In contrast, the 17Oexcess and d-excess were lower during summer (3 per meg and 4.6‰, respectively) and higher (29 per meg and 8.2‰, respectively) during the remaining months. We found that the isotopic parameters are weakly correlated with rainfall amount during each event, but they strongly depend on seasonal changes in air temperature and relative humidity. The extremely low 17Oexcess and d-excess values observed in summer (down to -75 per meg and -35.6‰, respectively), cannot be explained by particular conditions at the source of moisture during water vapor formation, but by local meteorological parameters and rain drops re-evaporation during rainfall events.

Further processing of this database will consider other influencing factors in the isotopic composition of rainfall events, such as changes in the source moisture, synoptic pattern and type of rainfall, to further understand the complexity of atmospheric processes through the information stored in the triple oxygen isotopes of rainfall, with application to future 17Oexcess studies in speleothems.

How to cite: Giménez, R., Gázquez, F., Bartolomé, M., and Moreno, A.: Triple oxygen (16O, 17O, 18O) and hydrogen (1H, 2H) isotope analyses of rainfall events in Central-South Pyrenees., EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-7795,, 2020.

EGU2020-6938 | Displays | GMPV1.1

Gypsum speleothems record the triple oxygen (δ17O and δ18O) and hydrogen (δ2H) isotopic composition of cave dripwater: potential paleoenvironmental implications

Fernando Gazquez, Veronica Chiarini, Andrea Columbu, Jo De Waele, Philippe Audra, Didier Cailhol, Marco Vattano, Giuliana Madonia, Alena Giesche, José-María Calaforra, and David A. Hodell

Gypsum (CaSO4∙2H2O) speleothems (i.e. stalactites, stalagmites, etc.) in caves form frequently through dissolution of the gypsum host-rock by seepage water and subsequent secondary mineral re-precipitation from gypsum-saturated solutions [1]. Gypsum takes its structurally-bound hydration water (GHW) from the liquid; the isotopic composition (δ17O, δ18O and δ2H) of GHW reflects that of cave dripwater at the time of mineral crystallization, with insignificant effect of temperature on the liquid-GHW isotope fractionation factors [2]; therefore, GHW may be used to reconstruct the isotopic composition of paleo-dripwater in caves. Here we investigate the triple oxygen and hydrogen isotopic composition of GHW in speleothems from circum-Mediterranean gypsum caves, including the gypsum karsts of Emilia Romagna (NE Italy), Sorbas (SE Spain), Sicily and Mesaoria (Cyprus), all of them hosted in gypsum of Messinian age (ca. 5.5 Ma). The climatic settings of the studied caves range from semiarid (i.e. Sorbas and Mesaoria, <300 mm·yr-1) to relatively wet (i.e. Emilia Romagna and Sicily >600 mm·yr-1).

Our results reveal that most gypsum speleothems in these caves precipitated from unevaporated solutions (e.g. d-excess >8‰ and 17Oexcess >10 per meg), with isotopic compositions similar to those of local meteoric/seepage waters and close to the local meteoric water lines (LMWL) of each region. Gypsum crystallization in absence of evaporation can be explained by the mechanism known as Ostwald ripening [3], a solution-mediated recrystallization under constant temperature by which older crystals (i.e. Messinian gypsum) dissolve to feed new crystals (i.e. gypsum speleothems). Only GHW in speleothems from the Sorbas caves show evidence for solution evaporation prior mineral precipitation. Gypsum speleothems in several caves of Emilia Romagna crystallized from unevaporated waters with significantly different triple oxygen and hydrogen isotopic compositions (e.g. Ca´ Castellina cave: δ18O=-8.3±0.3‰, δ2H=-55.2±1.7‰, 17Oexcess=33±9 per meg; Abisso Bentini cave: δ18O=-10.6±0.3‰, δ2H=-73.4±1.8‰, 17Oexcess=47±13 per meg). In absence of chronological data, this can be interpreted as (1) gypsum speleothems formed in different climatic periods or (2) do at present from waters that seepage into the epikarst during different times of the year. Either way, gypsum records the mean isotopic composition of seepage water under distinct environmental conditions in this region.

The δ18O and 17Oexcess values across the entire dataset are negatively correlated, unlike δ18O and d-excess values that are, positively correlated for δ18O<-6‰ and negatively correlated for δ18O>-6‰. We suggest that the different behaviors of 17Oexcess and d-excess derive from their distinct sensitivities to environmental parameters (i.e. RH and temperature) during formation of water vapor at the moisture source of rain and local effects during rainfall events in each area. We conclude that gypsum speleothems of known ages may be useful as archives for triple oxygen and hydrogen isotope reconstructions of paleo-rainfall.

[1] Gázquez et al. 2017. Chemical Geology, v. 452, p. 34–46; [2] Gázquez et al. 2017. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 198, p. 259–270; [3] Kahlweit, 1975. Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, v. 5, p. 1–35.

How to cite: Gazquez, F., Chiarini, V., Columbu, A., De Waele, J., Audra, P., Cailhol, D., Vattano, M., Madonia, G., Giesche, A., Calaforra, J.-M., and Hodell, D. A.: Gypsum speleothems record the triple oxygen (δ17O and δ18O) and hydrogen (δ2H) isotopic composition of cave dripwater: potential paleoenvironmental implications, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-6938,, 2020.

EGU2020-6791 | Displays | GMPV1.1

A novel application of triple oxygen isotope ratios of speleothems

lijuan sha, Sasadhar Mahata, Pengzhen Duan, Boaz Luz, Pu Zhang, Jonathan Baker, Baoyun Zong, Youfeng Ning, Yassine Ait Brahim, Haiwei Zhang, R. Lawrence Edwards, and Hai Cheng

Triple oxygen isotope compositions have become one of critical proxies in characterizing a wide range of geochemical and hydroclimate processes. However, Δ17O (carbonate 17O anomaly) has only been barely used in the last decade because it is difficult to measure δ17O of natural samples to a sufficient precision in order to resolve small natural variability. In this study, we present triple oxygen isotope data from speleothems obtained by an O2-CO2 Pt-catalyzed oxygen-isotope equilibration method. The high precision (9 per meg or better, 1σ SD) of our new speleothem Δ17O data is sufficient to resolve subtle hydroclimatic signals. Based on this method, we established triple-oxygen-isotope records of TON cave in westerly region since the last 135ka, providing the evolution history of water vapor source and water vapor cycle in the orbit-millennium scale atmospheric precipitation in the Central Asia. In addition, the triple-oxygen-isotope records of speleothem from Asian and South American monsoonal regions were established in the key periods, such as glacial and interglacial periods. Our speleothem Δ17O data indicate a 20 per meg difference between Marine Isotope Stage 5d and 5e in samples from Central Asia, suggesting a shift in moisture source and/or fractionation history. Unexpectedly, there were no measurable Δ17O differences between glacial and interglacial samples from both the South American (western Amazon) and Asian (southern China) monsoon domains, implying consistent moisture-source conditions across glacial and interglacial cycles, at least in terms of relative humidity. Speleothem Δ17O data may thus provide new and important constraints for understanding regional and global hydroclimate dynamics.

How to cite: sha, L., Mahata, S., Duan, P., Luz, B., Zhang, P., Baker, J., Zong, B., Ning, Y., Ait Brahim, Y., Zhang, H., Edwards, R. L., and Cheng, H.: A novel application of triple oxygen isotope ratios of speleothems, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-6791,, 2020.

Here, we describe a system for measuring triple oxygen and hydrogen isotopic ratios of both the liquid and vapour during evaporation of water in a dry gas stream (N2 or dry air) at constant temperature and relative humidity (RH).  The hardware consists of a polymer glove box (COY), peristaltic pump (Ismatec), and Picarro L2140-i cavity ring-down laser spectrometer (CRDS) with Standard Delivery Module (SDM). Liquid water from the evaporation pan is sampled via a closed recirculating loop and syringe pump that delivers a constant rate of water to the vaporizer, maintaining a constant concentration of water vapour in the cell (20,000 ±103, 1 s.d.) over an injection cycle. Liquid measurements alternate with vapour from the glove box which is introduced to the CRDS using a diaphragm gas pump. Important for high-precision measurements, both cavity pressure and outlet valve stability are maintained throughout the liquid injection and subsequent vapour phase. Experiments are bookended by two in-house standards which are calibrated to the SMOW-SLAP scales. An additional drift corrector is introduced periodically.


To test the precision and stability of the liquid injections, we sampled from an isotopically homogeneous volume of water and introduced it to the cavity over a period of ~48h. To minimise the standard deviation derived from noise, we chose an optimum integration time of ~2000s (~33 minutes) based on σAllan minimisation. Therefore, for combined liquid-vapour experiments we use an injection/vapour sampling window of 40-minutes (140ug water is consumed per injection), which provides a data collection period of 33-minutes after a 7-min waiting time for equilibration.


Across a single liquid injection, the mean standard error for d17O, d18O, and dD is 0.008‰, 0.007‰, and 0.02‰, respectively. For the vapour phase equivalent, the mean standard error for d17O, d18O, and dD is 0.01‰, 0.009‰, 0.03‰ respectively. For the d-excess in the liquid and the vapour across one 33-minute cycle, the standard error is 0.07‰ and 0.08‰, respectively. For the O17-excess in the liquid and the vapour across one 33-minute cycle, the standard error is 6 per meg and 8 per meg, respectively.


A single evaporation experiment produces in excess of 100,000 measurements each of d17O, d18O, and dD for both the evaporating liquid and resulting vapour. These measurements result in 95% confidence limits for the slope of ln(d17O+1) vs ln(d18O+1) of ±0.0002 and ±0.0003 for the liquid and vapour, respectively.  For the slope of ln(dD+1) vs ln(d18O+1) we obtain a 95% confidence interval of ±0.001 and ±0.002 for the liquid and vapour, respectively. The experimental method permits measurement of fractionation of triple oxygen and hydrogen isotopes of water under varying experimental conditions (e.g., RH, temperature, turbulence) at very high precision. It will be useful for testing numerical models of evaporation and conducting experiments to simulate evaporation and isotopic equilibration in natural systems. An application to closed-basin lakes will be presented.

How to cite: Brady, M. and Hodell, D.: Continuous and simultaneous measurement of triple oxygen and hydrogen isotopes of liquid and vapour during evaporation, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-16872,, 2020.

EGU2020-21681 | Displays | GMPV1.1

A paleoclimatic perspective of triple oxygen isotopes from gypsum in Holocene Thar Desert playa lakes

Alena Giesche, Yama Dixit, Fernando Gázquez, Thomas Bauska, Matthew Brady, Vikas K. Singh, Ravindra N. Singh, Cameron A. Petrie, and David A. Hodell

The Thar Desert (NW India) has numerous evaporative saline playa lakes. Some are still active and others are dry and preserve up to several meters of sedimentary deposits. These deposits feature a variety of evaporite minerals, including the hydrated mineral gypsum (CaSO4 2H2O). Assuming no secondary exchange, the isotopic composition of the gypsum hydration water preserves the δ18O, δ17O and δ D of palaeolake water at the time of gypsum formation. This method provides a way to understand the hydrologic balance in a part of the world where it is typically very difficult to obtain palaeoclimate records. Our 36-hour pan evaporation experiment on site shows that triple oxygen isotopes track changes in evaporative conditions, which vary diurnally due to fluctuating temperature and relative humidity, and appear to reflect night-time condensation. We present new palaeohydrological records from two dry playas (Karsandi, Khajuwala) and one active playa (Lunkaransar) in the Thar Desert using the triple oxygen and hydrogen isotopic composition of gypsum hydration water. Results show that a source of water maintained active playa lake basins in the central Thar Desert for much of the Holocene, either by enhanced direct precipitation and/or fluvial sources. The derived 17O-excess and d-excess data potentially enable modelling of past changes in relative humidity, once other parameters (windiness, evaporation/inflow, etc.) are set.

How to cite: Giesche, A., Dixit, Y., Gázquez, F., Bauska, T., Brady, M., Singh, V. K., Singh, R. N., Petrie, C. A., and Hodell, D. A.: A paleoclimatic perspective of triple oxygen isotopes from gypsum in Holocene Thar Desert playa lakes, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-21681,, 2020.

Gypsum crystals capture the isotopic composition (δ2H, δ17O, and δ18O) of ambient water in their structurally bonded water and may serve as a useful tool to reconstruct paleoclimate. Relative humidity, water temperature, wind speed, along with the isotopic composition of atmospheric vapor and inflowing water control, to a variable degree, the relative proportion of equilibrium and kinetic isotope fractionation during evaporation, and, thus, ultimately determine the d-excess and 17O-excess of gypsum-bonded water. Here, we demonstrate that the respective best fit of these variables through measured gypsum-bonded water isotope data using the classic Craig-Gordon evaporation model provides apparent absolute values for the fundamental climate mean state variables humidity and temperature and an empirical wind speed parameter of the geologic past.

In this proof-of-concept study, we sampled gypsum crystals within individual stratigraphic units of Pliocene lacustrine deposits from the Atacama Desert, extracted their structurally bonded water, and analyzed the hydrogen and triple oxygen isotope composition. The spread of measured isotope data within each sampled stratigraphic unit suggests variable degrees of evaporation between individual gypsum samples along a common evaporation trajectory. We used the Craig-Gordon evaporation model together with a Monte Carlo simulation to determine the limits of climate mean state variables that fit the measured isotopic data.

Our results demonstrate that primary isotope signatures of marine and continental source waters are preserved in structurally bonded gypsum waters. The data coherently suggest a slightly warmer (18-35°C), less windy and much more humid (50-75%) climate for the Pliocene Atacama, which is consistent with marine records and global circulation climate models that agree on “permanent El Niño” conditions for the Pliocene in the equatorial East Pacific.

Under the assumption that mixing of different brines or multiple sources is insignificant - as would be evident from scattering of isotopic data below the evaporation trajectory in 17O-excess over δ18O – the combined hydrogen and triple oxygen isotope analyses of gypsum-bonded water provides a powerful tool to quantify past mean states of humidity and temperature, and to estimate paleo-wind conditions.

How to cite: Voigt, C., Herwartz, D., and Staubwasser, M.: Quantitative reconstruction of past climate mean states in the Atacama Desert using hydrogen and triple oxygen isotopes of gypsum hydration water, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-18469,, 2020.

EGU2020-18698 | Displays | GMPV1.1

Identifying water availability in the Atacama Desert (Chile) by triple oxygen isotope analyses of sulfates

Swea Klipsch, Daniel Herwartz, and Michael Staubwasser

Ca-Sulfates (Gypsum and Anhydrite) are the most common salts accumulating in the soil of the Chilean Atacama Desert. Sulfate sources include sea spray, redeposition of playa sediments, terrestrial weathering, and deposition of sulfate formed in the atmosphere (secondary atmospheric sulfate = SAS). Sulfate from sea spray, playa lakes, and terrestrial weathering have a triple oxygen isotope composition (Δ17OSO4) at or slightly below zero reflecting reaction with water and oxygen. Positive Δ17OSO4 are generally the result of atmospheric SO2 oxidation by ozone or hydrogen peroxide. Sulfate oxygen is only altered with ambient water by cycling through biological activity resulting in Δ17OSO4 ≈ 0‰. Therefore, Δ17OSO4 aids in quantifying the relative contribution of SAS to the desert soil and in identifying bioactivity and water availability in the hyperarid Atacama Desert. The spatial quantification of different sulfate sources may serve to improve the understanding of sulfate deposition in this region.

Samples were analysed by continuous flow IRMS using the pyrolysis of Ag2SO4 to determine Δ17OSO4 from O2. An optimized sample preparation to form clean silver sulfate and intra-day calibration against two in-house standards resulted in an external reproducibility of 0.12‰. An inter laboratory comparison including data derived from the laser-fluorination method confirmed the accuracy of our analyses.

We analyzed desert soil surface samples from four E-W transects in the Atacama Desert reaching from the Pacific coast across the Coastal Cordillera, the Central Depression, and up the alluvial fans protruding from the Pre-Andean Cordillera. Transects begin at Pisagua (19.5°S), Salar Grande (21.0°S), Antofagasta (24.0°S), and Paposo (25.0°S). Values of Δ17OSO4 vary between 0.3 and 1.1‰. The lowest Δ17OSO4 values were measured near Salar Grande and on the Pre-Andean alluvial fans. The highest Δ17OSO4 values are observed at the highest altitudes in the Coastal Cordillera - east of Paposo - well above the coastal fog zone (> 1200 m). At similar or higher altitudes on the Pre-Andean fans, Δ17OSO4 converge towards zero.

The spatial distribution is the result of source contributions and subsequent biological reset. Positive Δ17OSO4 values throughout suggest a significant contribution from SAS. We quantified sea spray contributions using Cl- concentration, which drop dramatically above the fog-zone [1]. Furthermore, salt distribution suggests minimal weathering and redistribution in recent times. The lowest contribution from such near zero Δ17OSO4 sulfate sources are expected in the Coastal Cordillera, which is consistent with our data. Within the Coastal Cordillera there is a north to south Δ17OSO4 trend, which is also an elevation trend. Increased water availability from fog at lower elevations facilitates more efficient resetting of Δ17OSO4 via microbial activity. These observations suggest that the driest place in the Atacama Desert is situated within the Coastal Cordillera above the fog zone.

[1] Voigt et al. (2020) Global and Planetary Change 184

How to cite: Klipsch, S., Herwartz, D., and Staubwasser, M.: Identifying water availability in the Atacama Desert (Chile) by triple oxygen isotope analyses of sulfates, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-18698,, 2020.

EGU2020-20136 | Displays | GMPV1.1

The multi oxygen isotope analyses on black crust from Sicily highlight the volcanic emission influence from Mount Etna on urban areas

Adeline Aroskay, Erwan Martin, Slimane Bekki, Giuseppe Montana, Luciana Randazzo, and Pierre Cartigny

This study reports on measurements of Δ17O (derived from the triple oxygen isotopes) in sulphate from black crust sampled in Sicily. Atmospheric oxidants, such as O3, H2O2, OH and O2 carry specific 17O-anomalies, which are partly transferred to the sulphate during sulphur gas (e.g. SO2) oxidation. Hence, the Δ17O in sulphate can be used as a tracer of sulphur oxidation pathways. So far, this method has been mostly applied on sulphate from aerosols, rainwaters, volcanic deposits and ice cores. Here we propose a new approach, that aims to investigate the dominant oxidants of gaseous sulphur precursors into sulphate extracted from black crust material. Black crusts are mostly found on building/monument/sculpture and are the result of the reaction between sulphur compounds (SO2, H2SO4) and carbonate (CaCO3) from the substrate, which leads to the formation of gypsum (CaSO4, 2H2O). Sicilian black crust from sites under different emission influences (anthropogenic, marine and volcanic) were collected. Multi oxygen and sulphur isotope analyses were performed to better assess the origins of black crust sulphate in these different environments. This is crucial for both a better understanding of the sulphur cycle and the preservation of historical monument.

Multi sulphur isotopes show mostly negative values ranging from -0.4 ‰ to 0.02 ‰ ± 0.01 and from -0.59 ‰ to 0.41‰ ± 0.3 for Δ33S and Δ36S respectively. This is unique for natural samples and different from sulphate aerosols measured around the world (Δ33S > 0‰). This tends to indicate that sulphate from black crust is not generated by the same processes as sulphate aerosols in the atmosphere. Instead of SO2 oxidation in the atmosphere, dry deposition of SO2 and its oxidation on the substratum is preferred. The multi oxygen isotopes show a clear dependence with the geographical repartition of the samples. Indeed, black crusts from Palermo (the biggest Sicilian city) show small 17O-anomalies ranging between -0.16 ‰ to 1.02 ‰ with an average value of 0.45 ‰ ± 0.26 (n=12; 2σ). This is consistent with Δ17O values measured in black crust from the Parisian Basin (Genot et al., 2020), which are also formed in an environment influenced by anthropogenic and marine emissions. On the other hand, samples from the eastern part of the Mount Etna region, which are downwind of the volcanic emissions, show the highest 17O-anomalies ranging from 0.48 ‰ to 3.87 ‰ with an average value of 2.7 ‰ ± 0.6 (n=11; 2σ).

These results indicate that volcanic emissions influence the oxygen isotopic signature of black crust sulphate. In standard urban areas, SO2 deposited on the substratum is mostly oxidised by O2-TMI and H2O2 to generate the black crust. Yet, under the influence of volcanic emissions, O3 may play the main role in the SO2 oxidation.

How to cite: Aroskay, A., Martin, E., Bekki, S., Montana, G., Randazzo, L., and Cartigny, P.: The multi oxygen isotope analyses on black crust from Sicily highlight the volcanic emission influence from Mount Etna on urban areas , EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-20136,, 2020.

GMPV1.2 – Advances in microanalysis: new horizons in micro and nanoscale chemistry

EGU2020-11454 | Displays | GMPV1.2 | Highlight

Dating habitability with nanoscale measurements of Early Mars

Desmond Moser

The earliest known physical records of Mars and Earth lie in microscopic grains of zirconium-rich geochronology minerals such as zircon and baddeleyite. The reconstruction of the pressure and temperature histories of these phases is one of the few ways in which we can bracket the onset of conditions permissive of microbiota survival, and requires an integration of several nanoscale measurement techniques. This presentation will overview a recent, detailed investigation of zircons and baddeleyite from Mars [1], the earliest known from planets to date, as well as comparator studies of thermally and/or shock metamorphosed samples from the Earth and Moon. The approach is to spatially correlate measurements of the chemical and orientation microstructure of individual grains in order to characterize thermal, shock and diffusion history and better interpret U-Pb geochronology data. Also revealed are proxies for high temperature metamorphism such as nanoclusters of Pb and trace elements and nanoveins of impact melt as well as trace elements introduced through subsequent lower-temperature hydrothermal metamorphism. The techniques required include electron microscopy and cathodoluminescence (CL), Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD), Transmission Kikuchi diffraction (TKD), mass spectrometry, and Atom Probe Tomography (APT). The Mars records were collected from a population of zircon and baddeleyite grains within five meteoritic fragments of polymict breccia (e.g. NWA 7034, NWA 7475). These data were compared to those from analogue sites of heavily bombarded Archean crust such as the central uplift of the Vredefort structure of South Africa, the Earth’s largest and oldest recognized impact crater, the Sudbury impact structure in Canada, and Apollo samples of the lunar regolith. The Mars population of grains reveals little evidence of the nanofeatures of heavily bombarded and heated crust, and no exposure to life-limiting pressures or temperature since crystallization 4.48 billion years ago. The conclusion is that global, planet-shaping bombardment effects on Mars, such as those which created its distinctive hemispheric dichotomy, had ceased by the time these grains and their associated crust crystallized. It follows that Mars entered a window of habitable conditions very early in solar system history, a pathway likely mirrored by the Earth. In this way nanoscale measurements, required to investigate microscopic mineral grains, serve as important tools for reconstructing important time periods in planetary evolution and abiogenesis.


[1] DE Moser, GA Arcuri, DA Reinhard, LF White, JR Darling, IR Barker, DJ Larson, AJ Irving, FM McCubbin, KT Tait, J Roszjar, A Wittmann, C Davis (2019) Decline of giant impacts on Mars by 4.48 billion years ago and an early opportunity for habitability. Nature Geoscience 12,  522–527.

How to cite: Moser, D.: Dating habitability with nanoscale measurements of Early Mars, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-11454,, 2020.

EGU2020-1169 | Displays | GMPV1.2 | Highlight

Lunar Phosphates Record Impact Cratering Events at Micro to Nano Scales

Ana Cernok, Lee White, Kimberly Tait, Mahesh Anand, Sandra Kamo, Martin Whitehouse, and James Darling

The field of planetary mineralogy has greatly benefited from recent studies of accessory minerals that utilise µm- and nm-scale analytical techniques such as EBSD, APT, TEM and SIMS. Apatite and merrillite have been of particular interest, as they record vital information on the volatile content, U-Pb ages and trace-element composition of various planetary materials. However, the extent to which shock-deformation, pervasive among all planetary materials, affects the distribution of these valuable geochemical tracers is still poorly understood. Here we focus on exploring the U-Pb and Pb-Pb ages of apatite and merrillite in a set of variably shocked lunar rocks, building on previous nanostructural analyses of the phosphates.

We carried out U-Pb and Pb-Pb analyses of phosphates in Apollo 17 samples of the Mg-suite rocks (76535, 76335, 76255, 72255, 78235 and 78236) using the CAMECA 1280 ion microprobe at the NordSIMS facility (Stockholm). In addition, we applied a recently developed approach of conducting high-precision U-Pb and Pb-Pb analyses by ID-TIMS of extracted phosphate grains (Jack Satterly Lab, University of Toronto). For this purpose, individual ~50x50x30 µm crystals of apatite and merrillite were extracted directly from thin sections using a Xe+ plasma FIB.

As determined by SIMS, 207Pb/206Pb systematics of the unshocked or weakly shocked apatite in 76535 and 76335 is undisturbed, implying cooling of the rock below the closure temperature of Pb diffusion in apatite (~450°C) at ~4.2 Ga, ~100 Ma younger than what is interpreted as the rock’s crystallization age. Phosphates that experienced similar levels of deformation but were in proximity or in direct contact with the impact melt in samples 76255 and 72255 show almost complete age resetting (~3.92 Ga). The SIMS determined age of 16 phosphates in sample 76255 is 3922.2 ± 6.7 Ma (2σ) and agrees with the previously published 207Pb/206Pb phosphate ages of impact melt breccias found within the same boulder and was interpreted as the timing of the Imbrium impact. These recrystallized phosphates yield comparable TIMS Pb-Pb ages (3917.8 ± 1.8 Ma and 3921.0 ± 1.3 Ma, 2σ) with significantly lower internal uncertainties than that of the individual SIMS measurements and may represent multiple impact-events close to the Imbrium event.

SIMS U-Pb analyses of highly shocked phosphates (78235 and 78236) reveal a discordia line with an upper intercept of ~4.2 Ga and a lower intercept of ~0.5 Ga. We interpret this new, younger age as a minor thermal event that reactivated existing shock-induced nm-scale grain boundaries, as visualised by APT, within the apatite population to allow for Pb-loss at ~0.5 Ga. We propose a small crater located near the Apollo 17 landing site as a possible source of this sample.

By correlating micro- to nanostructural characterization with in-situ age systematics we show that apatite and merrillite are powerful thermochronometers that provide a new approach to dating which has the potential to discriminate between temporally similar events. This can greatly aid in unravelling the bombardment record of solar system and be helpful when dealing with samples of limited availability (e.g. space return missions).

How to cite: Cernok, A., White, L., Tait, K., Anand, M., Kamo, S., Whitehouse, M., and Darling, J.: Lunar Phosphates Record Impact Cratering Events at Micro to Nano Scales , EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-1169,, 2020.

EGU2020-11139 | Displays | GMPV1.2 | Highlight

Combined multi-isotopic and (S)TEM study of pre-solar silicates to probe the solar system’s prenatal history

Luc Lajaunie, Manish N. Sanghani, William D.A. Rickard, José. J. Calvino, Kuljeet K. Marhas, and Martin Bizzarro

Introduction Primitive extraterrestrial materials like carbonaceous chondrite matrices and interplanetary dust particles contain tiny dust grains that were formed in the winds of red giant branch, or asymptotic giant branch stars (AGB) and in the ejecta of novae and supernovae (SNe) explosions before the formation of our solar system. Presolar grains survived all the processes that created our solar system and carry the signatures of their parent stellar sources. Correlating isotopic data of individual presolar silicates with microstructural and chemical analyses obtained by STEM, provides a unique opportunity to provide better insights into physiochemical conditions of grain formation in stellar environments, grain alteration in the interstellar and parent body processes and also helps constraining various astrophysical grain condensation models. In this work, isotopic, structural and chemical analysis of nine presolar silicate grains from the CH3/CBb3 chondrite Isheyevo and CR2 chondrite NWA801 are reported.

Experimental Presolar oxygen anomalous grain search using oxygen isotope imaging was done in-situ using NanoSIMS50 ion microprobe and five grains from AGB and four grains from SNe, were selected for (S)TEM investigations. The TEM lamellas were prepared using a TESCAN LYRA3 FIB-SEM at Curtin University. Structural and chemical analysis of presolar grains were performed by combining high-resolution scanning TEM imaging, spatially-resolved electron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS) and spatially-resolved energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) by using a FEI Titan Cubed Themis 60-300 microscope at Cádiz University which was operated at 200 kV. EDS quantification was corrected by using a standard reference sample of known composition and density and by taking into account the thickness of the probed area by using low-loss EELS. EELS spectrum images for fine structures (mostly, O-K, Si-L2,3 and Fe-L2,3 edges) analyses were acquired with the monochromator excited allowing an energy resolution of about 0.4 eV. After denoising using principal components analysis and removal of the multiple scattering, we were able to map the heterogeneities related to the Fe oxidation state and to the oxygen local chemical environment. This allowed us to compare the degree of aqueous alteration of the grain with the surrounding rim and matrix grains.

Results TEM and STEM data have revealed a strong heterogeneity and a broad range of structural and chemical compositions of the grains that enabled us to compare the stellar grain condensation environments (e.g. AGB stars and SNe), and suggest widely varying formation conditions for the presolar silicates identified in this study. Only one of the grains originally condensed as an amorphous grain has shown preferential sputtering of Mg, indicating that Mg-rich amorphous grains are not preferentially destroyed. Several grains are found with signatures that represent interstellar, nebular and parent body alteration. An oldhamite-like grain within a presolar enstatite grain is probably the first observation of an oldhamite grain as a seed grain for the condensation of an enstatite grain in stellar atmospheres. All these results, which will be discussed in detail, point out the importance of coordinated isotopic, microstructural and chemical studies of presolar silicates to investigate the processes that may have played a role in shaping our solar system.

How to cite: Lajaunie, L., Sanghani, M. N., Rickard, W. D. A., Calvino, J. J., Marhas, K. K., and Bizzarro, M.: Combined multi-isotopic and (S)TEM study of pre-solar silicates to probe the solar system’s prenatal history, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-11139,, 2020.

EGU2020-826 | Displays | GMPV1.2

The Raman Estimation of the Composition of Clinopyroxene Inclusions in Natural Diamonds

Anastasiya Kalugina and Dmitriy Zedgenizov

Clinopyroxenes (Na,Mn,Ca,Fe2+)1-2(Mg,Al,Cr,Fe3+)1-2[(Al,Si)2O6] are common inclusions in natural diamonds of either peridotitic or eclogitic paragenesis. The variety of the composition of pyroxene inclusions in diamonds records the chemical and the physical conditions of the mantle. New approach based on Raman spectroscopy data on 43 pyroxene inclusions in diamonds from Yakutian province (the Siberian craton) and their chemical analyses are provided in this study.

Raman spectroscopy is a high-resolution and non-destructive method used to detect the compositional and the structural characteristics of materials and minerals including high-pressure crystal inclusions in diamonds. Raman spectra of clinopyroxene inclusions in diamonds were collected by Horiba LabRAM HR800 Raman spectrometer with 532-nm laser. In addition, the compositional analyses were obtained by EPMA (JEOL JXA-8100) to correlate chemical variations with specific spectral features and Raman shifts.

Clinopyroxene inclusions show variations of chemical content in the wide ranges: SiO2 54.1-55.9 wt.%, Al2O3 0.31-4.11 wt.%,  Cr2O3 0.32-5.73 wt.%, FeO 1.81-3.49 wt.%, MgO 13.4-18.3 wt.%, CaO 16.1-22.9 wt.%, Na2O 0.28-3.82 wt.% for peridotitic type and SiO2 52.4-56.8 wt.%, Al2O3 4.46-17.8 wt.%,  Cr2O3 <0.29 wt.%, FeO 2.22-11.4 wt.%, MgO 5.65-15.1 wt.%, CaO 9.81-17.1 wt.%, Na2O 3.118-8.121 wt.% for eclogitic type.

Generally, the inclusions yield Raman spectra with four high-intense modes (ν3, ν3’, ν4, ν11, ν17). Observed relative intense of most of these modes (except ν11) depend on changing of crystal orientation. The ν11-mode belongs to the Si-O stretching vibrations of bridging oxygen atoms (Si-Obr). The recorded position of this mode varies in the ranges 665.6-675.1 cm-1 for peridotitic type inclusions and 673.7-688.2 cm-1 for eclogitic type inclusions. One of the factors controlling the shifts of position frequencies of n11-mode is composition.

Peridotitic clinopyroxenes display strong linear correlations between the shifts of position of the ν11-mode and contents of Al2O3 (correlation coefficient r = 0.94), FeO (correlation coefficient r = 0.68), MgO (correlation coefficient r = -0.52), CaO (correlation coefficient r = -0.69), Na2O (correlation coefficient r = 0.92). Eclogitic clinopyroxenes show linear correlations between the shifts of position of the n11-mode and contents of Al2O3 (correlation coefficient r = 0.95), FeO (correlation coefficient r = -0.64), MgO (correlation coefficient r = -0.85), CaO (correlation coefficient r = -0.59), Na2O (correlation coefficient r = 0.84). The most expressed correlations can be used for estimation of composition of inclusions in diamonds only by Raman spectroscopy data without destruction of diamond-host and for identification of clinopyroxenes from potentially diamondiferous mantle rocks.

Acknowledgments: Russian Science Foundation (16-17-10067) supported this work.

How to cite: Kalugina, A. and Zedgenizov, D.: The Raman Estimation of the Composition of Clinopyroxene Inclusions in Natural Diamonds , EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-826,, 2020.

EGU2020-3473 | Displays | GMPV1.2 | Highlight

Nanoscale compositional segregation in complex In-bearing sulfides: Results from atom probe tomography and transmission kikuchi diffraction

Joachim Krause, Steven M. Reddy, William D. A. Rickard, David W. Saxey, Denis Fougerouse, and Matthias E. Bauer

Indium-bearing sphalerites from the Hämmerlein skarn deposit, located in the western Erzgebirge (Germany), show complex distribution patterns of major and minor elements on a micrometer to sub-micrometer scale. However, with the spatial resolution of traditional analytical methods, such as SEM-based image analysis and field emission electron probe microanalysis (FE-EPMA), many features in these spalerites cannot be resolved. It remains unclear whether Cu, In and Fe are in solid solution in the sphalerite, are concentrated in nanoparticles or form discrete phases.

Atom probe tomography combined with transmission kikuchi diffraction has been used to resolve both the compositional heterogeneity and the nanostructure of these complex In-Cu-Fe-sphalerites. The obtained data indicate a complex structure with micro- to nanometer sized, plate-shaped inclusions of chalcopyrite in the sphalerite. In addition, a nanometer scale In-Cu-sulfide phase forms plate-like segregations in the sphalerite. All types of segregations have similar crystal structure and record the same crystal orientation indicating that they likely formed by exsolution.

The results indicate that complex sulfides containing cations of more than one element as minor or major constituents may represent discrete, exsolved phases, rather than solid solutions or being concentrated in nanoparticles. This heterogeneous nature will affect the nanoscale properties of the sphalerite, which may have implications for the economic extraction of precious elements such as In, when processing these minerals for beneficiation. Furthermore these nanoscale properties will open up new perspectives on formation processes of In-Cu-Fe-sphalerites, which might be relevant for other chemically complex minerals as well.


How to cite: Krause, J., Reddy, S. M., Rickard, W. D. A., Saxey, D. W., Fougerouse, D., and Bauer, M. E.: Nanoscale compositional segregation in complex In-bearing sulfides: Results from atom probe tomography and transmission kikuchi diffraction, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-3473,, 2020.

EGU2020-20427 | Displays | GMPV1.2

Innovative Detection Strategies on Large Geometry SIMS open new challenging applications for light isotope ratio analyses

Paula Peres, Emilie Thomassot, Etienne Deloule, Nordine Bouden, and Firmino Fernandes

Large Geometry Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (LG-SIMS), operating in multicollection mode, allows high precision light isotope ratio measurements at high lateral resolution (tens of μm down to sub-μm range). For some challenging applications involving fine scale analysis of low abundance isotopes (i.e. 17O or 36S) or low-concentration elements (i.e. nitrogen in diamonds) measurement of low signal intensities is required. Traditionally, count rates between the upper level of pulse counting systems ~105 c/s and the lower level of Faraday Cup (FC) measurements ~106 c/s are considered to be in a “gap area” where neither detection protocol can achieve performance better than the 1‰ level.

Faraday Cup detectors (FC) offer high precision with no need for gain monitoring, however the uncertainty of FC measurements depends on the signal to noise ratio. One approach for measuring low signal intensities is to use FCs coupled to electrometers with high ohmic resistors. CAMECA LG-SIMS can now be equipped with low noise 1012 Ω resistor FC preamplifier boards for measuring signal intensities down to the ~ 3 x 105 c/s range with precision better than the 0.5‰ level (1SD).

For measurement of low-abundance isotopes, a complementary approach consists of using discrete-dynode pulse counting electron multiplier (EM) detectors, for which drift and aging effects are minimized using a fast automated EM high voltage adjustment routine.

During this PICO presentation, we will discuss the relevance of the detector choice (FC 1012 Ω vs EM) for few examples of innovative applications.

Example of mass independent fractionation:

In addition to classical isotopic ratio measurements (e.g. δ13C, δ15N, δ18O or δ34S), for which the instrumental mass fractionation (IMF) correction is mostly limited by the natural heterogeneity (chemical and isotopic) of the reference material, SIMS is particularly well suited for the measurement of mass independent fractionation (MIF, e.g. ∆33S, ∆36S and ∆17O). Along with classical geochemical processes, the degree of isotopic fractionation scales with the difference in mass of the isotopes involved (i.e. δ33S ≈ 0.515 * δ34S). MIF refers to non-conventional ratios that depart from these mass dependent rules. As instrumental mass fractionation has been shown to be strictly mass dependent, MIF measurements are not subject to IMF correction and are therefore measured directly. The use of SIMS in this specific case is particularly well suited and allows to fully explore the rich phenomenology of MIF source processes. We will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using FC 1012 Ω for the minor Sulphur isotope (36S) measurement.

Carbon and Nitrogen in diamond:

We will also show a recent analytical development aiming to measure δ13C in diamonds at mass resolution of ~5000 (allowing the full separation of 13C- and 12CH-) as well as N-content and N-isotopes in diamonds at a mass resolution of ~9000 (full separation of 12C14N- and 13C13C-).  For this purpose, the use of FC 1012 Ω greatly improves the data quality and allows the simultaneous measurement of N-content and δ15N.

How to cite: Peres, P., Thomassot, E., Deloule, E., Bouden, N., and Fernandes, F.: Innovative Detection Strategies on Large Geometry SIMS open new challenging applications for light isotope ratio analyses, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-20427,, 2020.

Monazite((Ce,Y,La,Th)PO4) is an important phosphate mineral and is one of the widely used minerals for U-Th-Pb dating in geochronology. In this study, we have examined the crystallinity, the valence and coordination of radiogenic Pb in a natural RW-1 monazite standard (ThO2 up to13.5 wt% and Pb up to ~5000 ppm) with a 207Pb/235U age of 904.15 ± 0.26 Ma from a Norwegian pegmatite by using laser Raman spectroscopy (LRS), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy(XPS) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The Raman spectrum analysis revealed that this monazite is well crystalline and is not damaged by α-particles. The results of XPS and TEM suggest that the radiogenic Pb produced by the α-decay of U and Th is divalent and radiogenic Pb atom substitutes the Ce-site within the monazite crystal lattice. The qualitative analyses conducted on the HAADF-STEM data reveal heterogeneous distribution of radiogenic Pb within the monazite crystal lattice. This is the first work on the determination of the oxidation state, the atomic location and distribution of radiogenic Pb in a natural monazite (CePO4). The deeply study of radiogenic Pb in monazite at the nanoscale and atomic scale provides a good insight for us to understand the mechanisms of nano-isotopic mobility and the nano-geochronology  that has been poorly understood so far.

How to cite: Tang, X., Li, Q., and Gu, L.: The study of the valence and distribution of radiogenic Pb in monazite by using XPS and TEM, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-12962,, 2020.

EGU2020-64 | Displays | GMPV1.2

Dislocation nucleation at nanoscale fluid inclusions: Direct observation from atom probe tomography data of naturally deformed pyrite

Renelle Dubosq, Anna Rogowitz, Kevin Schweinar, Baptiste Gault, and David Schneider

In recent years, increasing developments in microscopy and microanalysis have allowed for the direct observation of nanoscale crystalline defects (i.e. dislocations). These defects are particularly important in naturally deformed materials yet this avenue of research remains understudied within the Earth Sciences. Dislocations can now be documented through the use of new and innovative structural and chemical analytical techniques such as electron channeling contrast imaging (ECCI), transmission electron microscopy, and atom probe tomography (APT). The presence and migration of dislocations in crystalline materials, including their role in trace element mobility, play a vital function in the way these materials respond to an applied stress. However, the mechanisms by which dislocations nucleate in minerals remain poorly understood. Prevailing models for dislocation nucleation include generation by Frank-Read sources, stress localization at crack-tips, atomic segregation, and free surface nucleation by critical stress-gradient criterion. Based on recent APT data from naturally-deformed pyrite, combined with electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) mapping and ECC imaging, we propose a new nucleation mechanism where dislocations are generated by the local stress field in the vicinity of fluid inclusions. The investigated sample consists of a polycrystalline pyrite aggregate within a black shale host rock that has witnessed a peak temperature of 300°C. The combined EBSD and ECCI results reveal crystal plasticity in the form of lattice misorientation up to 8.5° and low-angle grain boundary development. APT data reveals nanoscale fluid inclusions enriched in As, O (H2O), Na and K as well as As- and Co-rich dislocations linked by fluid inclusions. This new model is the first documentation with APT methods of fluid inclusions (voids) in minerals, nanoscale features that are commonly misinterpreted as element clusters or chemically-enriched crystal-defects. The combined data has significant trans-disciplinary implications to the geosciences (structural geology, geochemistry, economic geology, geochronology), the material sciences (metals, ceramics, polymers), and analytical microscopy. Within geochronology voids and dislocations such as these in dated minerals may host elements or isotopes that negatively affect their age. Within ore deposit geology, voids in precious metal-hosting minerals may act as the necessary traps to structurally prevent the metals (gold, silver, copper) from migrating or diffusing out of the host mineral. In material sciences, the presence of such crystalline features can either limit or enhance the performance of engineering materials. Thus, performing APT analysis on crystalline material can help us better understand and predict their physical properties.

How to cite: Dubosq, R., Rogowitz, A., Schweinar, K., Gault, B., and Schneider, D.: Dislocation nucleation at nanoscale fluid inclusions: Direct observation from atom probe tomography data of naturally deformed pyrite, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-64,, 2020.

EGU2020-2019 | Displays | GMPV1.2

Coupled and combined analyses for unambiguous iron-oxy hydroxides characterization: from laboratory to industrial use

Beate Orberger, Christiane Wagner, Yassine El Mendili, Daniel Chateigner, Stéphanie Gascoin, Henry Pillière, Michel Fialin, Nicolas Rividi, Omar Boudouma, and Richard Wirth

Natural and synthetic iron oxides and iron hydroxides are important minerals for many industrial sectors (e.g. steel making, colors, pigment for coating, electronics, catalysis, soil, waste water and gas treatments, and medicine). In natural environments, such as iron ore mines or iron rich soils (laterites or bauxites), iron oxy-hydroxide associations are complex and evolve related to varying physico-chemical conditions, including. biological interactions. For efficient resource use, unambiguous multiscale characterization is indispensable. Synthetic iron oxides, produced for medical and electronic sector, needs to be failure-free pure phases, thus a continuous quality control is required. Complex iron oxy-hydroxide association can be related to various processes, topotactic transition, pseudomorphosis by substitution and alteration paramorphosis, and corrosions, leading to massive, porous, fibrous and acicular textures or poorly crystalline crusts.

We present examples from iron ore deposits, where coupling of X-Ray diffraction (XRD) with scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and micro-Raman spectroscopy is a powerful tool to distinguish hematite, maghemite and magnetite at grain scale. Oxygen analyses by electron microprobe at (EMPA) fixed carbon coating thickness help to distinguish magnetite and hematite, and contribute with quantitative trace element analyses to chemically differentiate both oxides. At micro- and nano-scale, Transmission Electron Microprobe analyses coupled to X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) and Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy (EELS) on nanometric inclusions can unambiguously identify various iron oxy-hydroxide phases. In Nickel-laterite and bauxite profiles, iron oxy-hydroxides (e.g. lepidocrocite, ferrihydrite, goethite…) are abundant and may form complex intergrowth with various types of phyllosilicates. Part of it host valuable metals such as Nickel. Combined XRF-XRD and Raman spectroscopy allow phase mapping and differentiation at micron scale of these phases, and even detect solid solutions (e.g. Ni-rich and Ni-poor goethite; El Mendili et al., 2019). Results from coupled laboratory analyses are necessary for building up data bases. They allow calibrating recently developed combined XRF-XRD-Raman benchtop systems. For industrial applications coupled and combined analyses will increase resource efficiency, and ensure a quality control for natural and synthetic iron oxide products. Such systems are recently developed by EU projects, such as SOLSA (

El Mendili, Y., Chateigner, D., Orberger, B., Gascoin, S, Bardeau, JF., Petit, S., Le Guen, M., Pillière, H. (2019). Combined XRF, XRD, SEM-EDS, and Raman analyses on serpentinized harzburgite (Nickel Laterite Mine, New Caledonia): Implications for Exploration and Geometallurgy. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry. 3, 10, 2237-2249; DOI: 10.1021/acsearthspacechem.9b00014

How to cite: Orberger, B., Wagner, C., El Mendili, Y., Chateigner, D., Gascoin, S., Pillière, H., Fialin, M., Rividi, N., Boudouma, O., and Wirth, R.: Coupled and combined analyses for unambiguous iron-oxy hydroxides characterization: from laboratory to industrial use , EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-2019,, 2020.

EGU2020-3941 | Displays | GMPV1.2

Combining SEM, EDS & EBSD: Challenges and considerations in the micro-analysis of rock thin sections

Alexandra Stavropoulou, Matthew Hiscock, Balz Kamber, and Juan-Diego Rodriguez-Blanco

Quantitative modal analysis of rock thin sections or liberation analysis of minerals processing plant materials can be very complex as grain sizes can vary by more than 7 orders of magnitude: Thin sections of rocks may contain extremely coarse grains (mm-sized crystals) down to glassy material with no long-range order (ordered domains <1 nm).

Material characterisation and modal analysis have traditionally been carried out with a combination of solid-state, microscopic and spectroscopic techniques (e.g., optical / scanning electron microscopy, powder X-ray diffraction, X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy). These techniques require different sample preparation routines, data acquisition and evaluation - a time-consuming process that may be considered too complex to implement in mineral processing plants despite requiring the relevant sample preparation equipment. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) coupled with energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS provides an opportunity to carry out this characterisation in a more rigorous and, in certain cases, automated way. This process includes image thresholding (setting of grey levels of present phases by the analyst) and X-ray data collection with EDS. EDS is an ideal analytical technique for this work as it offers high acquisition speeds and the collection of the whole energy spectrum with a single detector, not requiring the selection of a fixed element list prior to data acquisition. Characterisation of coarse-grained rocks requires larger areas to be scanned in order to ensure representativity.

The analytical workflow can be further optimised by combining SEM-based analytical techniques for in situ, non-destructive, and potentially simultaneous bulk analysis. Electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) is an SEM-based technique which can be used to determine the crystallographic properties and orientation of mineral grains, as well as to perform fabric analyses on polycrystalline materials. EBSD allows for crystallographic data to be collected simultaneously with chemical data and does not require powdered samples. As a result, the texture of the material can be fully preserved. The sample preparation requirements of the technique are similar to those for standard SEM-EDS, with an additional final polishing step, essential for the removal of surface imperfections, as the EBSD signal is generated on the sample surface. The coupling of EDS and EBSD datasets permits the enhanced interpretation of feature analysis data, allowing for a deeper understanding of the compositional, structural and textural properties of the sample. This, highly-efficient, in-situ, bulk material characterisation, is key for the mining industry, as it provides insights for optimising downstream procedures thereby saving time and resources and bolstering throughput and efficiency.

How to cite: Stavropoulou, A., Hiscock, M., Kamber, B., and Rodriguez-Blanco, J.-D.: Combining SEM, EDS & EBSD: Challenges and considerations in the micro-analysis of rock thin sections, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-3941,, 2020.

EGU2020-4515 | Displays | GMPV1.2

Table-top Cathodoluminescence Microscopy for Geology

Toon Coenen and Albert Polman

Cathodoluminescence (CL) microscopy is a well-known technique for imaging geological specimens, in which the light that is generated with an energetic electron beam is collected and analyzed with a CL detector. CL provides a unique imaging contrast that can be used for visualizing growth zonation, distinguishing cement and granular detrital material, detecting trace elements, and characterizing fractures and deformation features in a large range of rocks, to name a few examples. In its simplest form CL imaging is performed with a static electron beam in an optical microscopy system (optical CL) but for more advanced experiments CL imaging is performed in a scanning electron microscope (SEM). This enables high scan speeds, high spatial resolution (< 100 nm), and correlation with other SEM based techniques such as X-ray imaging (EDS), secondary electron (SE) and backscattered electron (BSE) imaging, and more.

Currently, SEM-based CL work is mostly performed on costly floor model SEMs that require large amounts of space, complex auxiliary support systems, and an experienced operator to run the machine. In contrast, compact, affordable, and user-friendly table-top SEMs have improved substantially in the last years but they typically lack (advanced) CL imaging capabilities. Here, we will present our progress in developing a table-top SEM based CL system that can be used for geological research amongst other applications.

In particular, we have integrated a CL collection and detection system in a Thermo Fisher Scientific/Phenom XL table-top microscope, which already is equipped with SE, BSE, and EDS imaging modalities. In this SEM, electron energies of 5 – 15 keV can be used which is appropriate for most CL imaging experiments. The CL is collected using a multimode fiber optic cable connected with a graded index lens to increase the numerical aperture of the collection. Subsequently, the light is send to a spectrometer where the CL emission spectrum can be measured for every excitation point on the sample; a technique known as hyperspectral CL  imaging. To synchronize electron beam scanning with data acquisition and for data analysis we have developed dedicated software control.

We assess the potential of table-top CL by imaging representative polished zircon and quartz samples for various beam and acquisition parameters. To benchmark the system performance we compare our experimental results with results obtained from a state-of-the-art floor model SEM (Thermo Fisher Scientific Quanta 650 SFEG) system equipped with a high-end Delmic SPARC CL system. In the future, these developments may lower the threshold for using CL imaging through cost reduction and workflow simplification, making it accessible to a larger range of users within the field of geology and beyond.

How to cite: Coenen, T. and Polman, A.: Table-top Cathodoluminescence Microscopy for Geology, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-4515,, 2020.

EGU2020-4623 | Displays | GMPV1.2

Eliminating Laser Induced Elemental U-Pb Fractionation using low sample volume multi-shot ablation protocols

Eoghan Corbett, Antonio Simonetti, Phil Shaw, Loretta Corcoran, Quentin Crowley, and Brendan Hoare

The interaction of incident laser radiation and sample substrate is complex and difficult to predict. Natural zircons areoften both structurally and chemically heterogeneous in 3-dimensional space. Encountering growth-related, structural micro-heterogeneities, inclusions and chemical complexities is almost inevitable when employing ‘conventional’ static, high-frequency laser sampling protocols often lasting several tens of seconds at a time.


A multi-shot approach to laser ablation by contrast implements a minimal sample exposure time to incident laser radiation by applying multiple 1 Hz shots in delayed succession to a single sampling site. This process can be conceptualised as a “slowing down” of a high-frequency (10-20 Hz) static Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) analysis. Each laser pulse applied in this manner, produces signal peak which is distinct albeit transient. The ability to integrate and collate signal pulses for a small number of consecutive laser shots (10-30 shots), as opposed to continuously pulsing the laser, produces highly precise age determinations (<1% reproducibility, 2slevel) on small sample volumes (~695µm3 on 91500 zircon standard). The multi-shot LA-ICP-MS protocol employed here effectively eliminates ‘downhole’ fractionation as the resultant craters are extremely shallow (as shallow as ~553nm on 91500 zircon standard) and maintain an aspect ratio of <<1. Further benefits include a reduced probability of thermally induced effects (e.g., substrate melting), plasma loading, and the potential for signal mixing (with depth) in a heterogeneous sample.

How to cite: Corbett, E., Simonetti, A., Shaw, P., Corcoran, L., Crowley, Q., and Hoare, B.: Eliminating Laser Induced Elemental U-Pb Fractionation using low sample volume multi-shot ablation protocols, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-4623,, 2020.

EGU2020-12779 | Displays | GMPV1.2

Nanoscale Pb clustering and multi-domain Pb-mobility in zircon

Tyler Blum, Chloe Bonamici, and John Valley

Uranium-Lead dating of zircon remains one of the most widely utilized and most reliable temporal records throughout Earth history. This stems from the mineral’s widespread occurrence, pristine zircon being both physically and chemically robust, and the ability to evaluate the presence of open system behavior (i.e. “concordance”) through comparison of the independent 238U→206Pb, 235U→207Pb, and 232Th→208Pb decay chains. The phenomenon of discordance is well documented in zircon, and is typically (though not always) associated with radiation damage accumulation and Pb-loss. Despite a long history of research, the nanoscale controls on Pb mobility and Pb loss (i.e. the relative rates of radiation damage, annealing, and Pb diffusion) remain poorly defined. The unique characterization capabilities of atom probe tomography (APT) provide a novel means to study U-Pb systematics on the scale of the radiation damage, annealing and diffusion processes. APT studies have documented nanoscale heterogeneity in trace elements, Pb, and Pb isotope ratios, and correlated the 207Pb/206Pb ratios within clusters to transient thermal episodes in the history of a zircon.


This work seeks to provide a foundation for multi-scale U-Pb characterization, including how differential Pb mobility at the nanoscale can influence micron- to- grain-scale U-Pb systematics. Historically, concordia diagrams have used simple Pb-loss models to extract temporal information about the timing of Pb mobility/loss; however, these models assume 207Pb and 206Pb are uniformly disturbed within a grain and lost in equal proportions at the time of Pb loss. Our previous studies suggest that radiogenic Pb can be concentrated and immobilized in nanoscale clusters, leading to differential retention of Pb in clusters vs. matrix domains, and requiring a more complex treatment of isotopic shifts during any post-clustering Pb loss. This “multi-domain element (Pb) mobility” (MDEM or MDPM) influences subsequent Pb-loss trajectories on concordia diagrams, manifesting in systematic offsets for discordia as a function of the zircon crystallization age, the timing of cluster formation, and the timing of Pb mobility. These results highlight that (1) traditional interpretations of discordia in the presence of cryptic nanoscale clustering can lead to inaccuracies, and (2) multi-scale U-Pb characterization offers a means to both study discordance and to extract additional temporal information from zircon with otherwise ambiguous and/or complex Pb-loss patterns.

How to cite: Blum, T., Bonamici, C., and Valley, J.: Nanoscale Pb clustering and multi-domain Pb-mobility in zircon, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-12779,, 2020.

The laser ablation inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) is a unique method for local analysis that allows studying mineral grains in situ. The aims of these geochemical researches are to estimate concentrations and distributions of REE, Hf, U, Th, Y, Ti, PGE and other elements in accessory and ore minerals from complex deposits in the Arctic region (Fennoscandian Shield), using the LA-ICP-MS local analysis of trace elements. Accessory minerals of zircon and baddeleyite are much valued to study distributions of rare and rare earth elements (REE). Besides, pyrite, pentlandite, pyrrhotite and other sulfides are important for determining platinum-group elements (PGE), REE, etc.

The electron (LEO-1415) and optic (LEICA OM 2500 P, camera DFC 290) spectroscopy have been applied to study the morphology of the samples. Analytical points have been selected on baddeleyite, zircon crystals and sulfide minerals based on analyses of their BSE, CL and optical images. REE, PGE and other elements have been estimated in situ by ICP-MS, using an ELAN 9000 DRC-e (Perkin Elmer) quadrupole mass spectrometer equipped with UP-266 MAСRO laser (New Wave Research).

More than 19 elements were profiled during each measurement in zircon or baddeleyite. For the first time, LA-ICP-MS techniques have been applied to estimate PGE, REE and other (S, Cr, Fe, Cu, Ni, Co, As, Se, Mo, Cd, Sn, Sb, Re, Te, Tl, Hf, W, Bi, Pb, Th, U) elements in sulfide minerals. NIST 610, NIST 612 and tandem graduation (using solutions), considering sensitivity coefficients of isotopes have been used to check the accuracy of estimations. Fe, Ni and Cu have been used as internal standards, being most evenly distributed elements in minerals, when concentrations of elements in sulphides were calculated. The estimates have been carried out, using inter-laboratory standards of chalcopyrite, pentlandite and pyrrhotite, which had been preliminarily prepared and studied using micro probe analysis (Cameca MS-46).

These techniques had been used to estimate elements in zircon extracted from basic and acidic rocks of the Lapland belt (1.9 Ga), the Keivy zone (2.7 Ga), the Kandalaksha and Kolvitsa zone (2.45 Ga) and from the Cu-Ni deposit (Terrace, Mt. Nyud, 2.5 Ga). Novel techniques have been used to analyze baddeleyite from rocks of layered PGE intrusions of the Monchegorsk ore area (2.5 Ga) and carbonatites of Kovdor and Vuoriyarvi (380 Ma). Elaborated LA-ICP-MS techniques have been applied to provide in situ measurements of PGE, Au, Ag, siderophile and chalcophile elements in sulphide minerals from the Pechenga and Allarechka Cu-Ni deposits (1.98 Ga), Fedorova Tundra and Severny Kamennik PGE deposits (2.5 Ga).

The scientific researches are supported by RFBR Grant No 18-05-70082, scientific themes 0226-2019-0032 and 0226-2019-0053.

How to cite: Drogobuzhskaya, S., Bayanova, T., and Novikov, A.: Geochemical researches in situ (LA-ICP-MS) of accessory and ore minerals from multimetal (PGE, Cu-Ni) deposits in the Arctic zone (Fennoscandian Shield) of the Russian Federation, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-13123,, 2020.

EGU2020-14000 | Displays | GMPV1.2

Quantitative automated mineralogy to constrain metamorphic processes using ZEISS Mineralogic

Rich Taylor, Eddy Hill, Pierre Lanari, Chris Clark, and Tim Johnson

The Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) is the most prolific piece of analytical equipment in the Earth Sciences, therefore quantitative mineral chemistry obtained directly from the SEM has the potential to streamline many geological fields. Mineral chemistry provides direct constraints on geological processes that are used in a wide variety of Earth Science disciplines. As a result, major element analysis of rock forming minerals have been one of the major contributors to geochemistry for decades. Electron beam techniques have been the most widely used method of obtaining in situ major element chemistry, dominated by the quantitative Wavelength Dispersive Spectroscopy (WDS) employed by the Electron Probe Micro Analyser (EMPA). More rapid, and typically more qualitative Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) major element measurements are often obtained on a standard SEM instrument.

The relative simplicity of the EDS technique saw the growth of automated mineralogy systems beginning in the 1980’s. The peaks of EDS spectra are characteristic of the major elements present, and therefore lookup tables can be used to match the spectra to known mineral compositions and provide a likely mineralogy in both grain mounts and mapped thin sections. The automated mineral analysis technique remained essentially unchanged for decades, with an experienced operator required for many of the analytical tasks, such as creating the files for matching spectra to known minerals, processing the data, and interpreting complex phases and solid solutions (e.g. Fe/Mg-bearing silicates).

The ZEISS Mineralogic automated quantitative mineralogy (AQM) takes a new approach, using EDS detectors, but following an analytical protocol more closely aligned with EPMA. A combination of matrix corrections, peak deconvolution, and standard calibration means that peak intensities are converted directly into wt% element directly at the time of analysis. The result is a data output that can be immediately interpreted, even for minerals not previously analysed, by both new and experienced users.

Here we demonstrate the use of the ZEISS Mineralogic system for mapping thin sections from high grade metamorphic rocks. The bulk chemistry of the entire thin section, as well as individual mineral compositions can be used to constrain P-T conditions directly from the SEM, without the need for an additional step of obtaining mineral chemistry from an EPMA. With quantitative analysis at every pixel, major element profiles can be obtained at any point in the thin section, and P-T can therefore be determined from any domain within the mapped section. This approach makes the use of P-T pseudosections possible with greater speed and flexibility than has previously been possible.

How to cite: Taylor, R., Hill, E., Lanari, P., Clark, C., and Johnson, T.: Quantitative automated mineralogy to constrain metamorphic processes using ZEISS Mineralogic, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-14000,, 2020.

With this work, we aim at exploring the extent to which valence-to-core X-ray emission spectroscopy (vtc-XES) can provide this first- and second-coordination-shell information from amorphous germanium oxides.

We measured the vtc-XES spectra of germanium oxides at ambient and high pressure. The Kbeta’’ emission line, part of the vtc-XES spectra, is sensitive to coordination and oxygen-germanium bond distance as first coordination shell effects. Furthermore, it reflects the different binding energies of bridging and non-bridging oxygen atoms. The Kb’’ emission line may thus allow for tracking the coordination and the state of polymerization of a germanium oxide glass under pressure in diamond anvil cells or in other confining environments.


Spiekermann et al. (2019) Persistent octahedral coordination in amorphous GeO2 up to 100 GPa revealed by Kbeta'' X-ray emission spectroscopy, Physical Review X, 9, 011025.

How to cite: Spiekermann, G.: XPS-like evaluation of valence-to-core X-ray emission spectra of germanates, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-20142,, 2020.

EGU2020-20802 | Displays | GMPV1.2

U-Pb in situ dating and trace elements profiles in chrysocolla and pseudomalachite : Application to supergene copper mineralization.

Mathieu Leisen, Zia Steven Kahou, Stéphanie Brichau, Stéphanie Duchêne, François-Xavier d’Abzac, and Sandrine Choy

Over the past two decades, laser ablation coupled with the mass spectrometer has become a major analytical tool for the measurement of isotopic ratios and the determination of trace elements. The improvement of the sensitivity has provided new perspectives and permits to study new types of targets. For example, many questions remain open about the formation of supergene mineralization such as: what is exact timing for their deposition? What are the required associated physico-chemical conditions? To answer these questions, we focused on two copper deposits located in Chile (Mina Sur) and Burkina Faso (Gaoua) to develop U-Pb analysis and trace element profiles in pseudomalachite and chrysocolla. The analyses were carried out at the GET Laboratory (Toulouse). Different couplings between a femtosecond laser (fs-LA) or a nanosecond laser (ns-LA) and a HR-ICPMS or a MC-ICPMS were used. Trace elements determination and in situ U-Pb analysis present different challenges. For U-Pb analyses, matrix effects must be taken into account and the contribution of common lead (204Pb) must be subtracted. As there is no chrysocolla or pseudomalachite reference materials, zircon and apatite were used as the primary external standards and fs-LA was used as a matrix independent sampling method. No significant U-Pb fractionation was observed, whatever the structure of the ablated matrix (silicate, phosphate). The bias linked to common lead was calculated from fs-LA-MC-ICPMS measurements. The 206Pb / 204Pb intensity ratio gives a first approximation on the possibility to determine the U-Pb age. Three cases have been distinguished: 1) If 204Pb is low (206Pb / 204Pb ≥ 500) the U-Pb age obtained by this first analyze can be used. 2) If 204Pb is significant and the intensity ratio of 206Pb / 204Pb range between 500 and 5, a second step is necessary. In such a case, 204Pb must be determined more precisely using a MC-ICPMS to retrieve the common lead corrected U-Pb age. 3) If 204Pb is high (206Pb / 204Pb <5), then it is not possible to determine the U-Pb age of the sample. Trace element profiles were also performed on the same chrysocolla and pseudomalachite samples. These analyses have been carried out using a ns-LA coupled to HR-ICPMS and NIST SRM 610 was used as primary standard. The reproducibility and accuracy of the analyses were verified by the ablation of secondary standards (91500 zircon and Durango apatite) and comparison with EMPA analyses. In this study we demonstrate that supergene mineralization can be directly dated and the trace elements in pseudomalachite and chrysocolla can be determined. The combination of these methods provides a new tool to understand the physico-chemical and geological conditions that are required for the formation of supergene mineralization.

How to cite: Leisen, M., Kahou, Z. S., Brichau, S., Duchêne, S., d’Abzac, F.-X., and Choy, S.: U-Pb in situ dating and trace elements profiles in chrysocolla and pseudomalachite : Application to supergene copper mineralization. , EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-20802,, 2020.

EGU2020-21866 | Displays | GMPV1.2

In situ AFM imaging of dissolution and growth of struvite surface

Aikaterini Vavouraki, Helen King, Christine Putnis, and Petros Koutsoukos

Phosphorus removal from wastewaters is a great interest to avoid eutrophication of natural waters (i.e. rivers, lakes). Additionally phosphorus recovery is also important due to increasingly limited nutrient resources. Struvite (MgNH4PO4*6H2O) is of current interest as it is considered an alternative way for water remediation and potential use as a renewable fertilizer. Towards environmental sustainability, phosphorus and nitrogen removal and recovery from domestic, industrial, and/ or agricultural inputs, in the form of struvite may be an attractive alternative for the valorization of wastewaters (Mpountas et al., 2017).

Direct observations of crystal dissolution and growth process at the nano- level are possible through the use of Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM). A considerable number of studies have investigated mineral dissolution and growth by in-situ AFM imaging in a fluid-cell (Vavouraki et al., 2008; 2010). These direct observations and measurements allow the investigation of possible process mechanisms at the mineral-solution interface. Previous study on AFM imaging indicated struvite micro- to nanocrystal morphology. Hövelmann & Putnis (2016) investigated the interactions of ammonium-phosphate solutions with brucite (Mg(OH)2) cleavage surfaces by AFM suggesting coupled brucite dissolution and struvite precipitation at the mineral-fluid interface. To the best of our knowledge, there are no records of nanoscale observations of dissolution and/ or growth of struvite surfaces. The aim of this study is to perform in situ AFM experiments using freshly cleaved struvite surfaces at flow conditions. Step retreat and/ or etch pit spreading were observed. Dissolution rates of struvite using doubly deionized water at different pH values were determined  whereas growth rates at different saturation values and pH using magnesium and ammonium-phosphate bearing solutions were also measured . Raman and SEM analyses were carried out to assess chemical structure and morphology of the obtained struvite crystals before and after AFM experiments.

Acknowledgments: The work has been supported by IKY-DAAD (2018-4) and KRHPIS II (Action PERAN).                                                                                

References: Hövelmann & Putnis, 2016. Env. Sci. Technol. 50, 13032−13041; Mpountas et al., 2017. J. Chem. Technol. Biotechnol. 92, 2075–2082; Vavouraki et al., 2008. Chem. Geol. 253, 243–251; Vavouraki et al., 2010. Cryst. Growth Des. 10, 60–69.

How to cite: Vavouraki, A., King, H., Putnis, C., and Koutsoukos, P.: In situ AFM imaging of dissolution and growth of struvite surface, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-21866,, 2020.

The marine Fe-Mn polymetallic nodules contain relatively high concentrations of Mn, Cu, Ni, Zn, Co and rare earth elements plus yttrium (REY), with a growing economic potential interest in their exploitation. To determinate the metallogenic processes and occurrence phases of the economic metals in the Fe-Mn nodules, we have undertaken high resolution mineralogical and geochemical studies of Fe-Mn nodules collected from the South China Sea (SCS).
The whole-rock mineralogical and chemical compositions of the SCS Fe-Mn nodules indicate hydrogenetic origin. The Mn mineral phases mainly are composed of nanocrystalline vernadite with interlayered 10 Å and 7 Å phyllomanganates, such as todorokite, birnessite, and buserite. Fe(-Ti) oxides/hydroxides are intergrown and essentially X-ray amorphous feroxyhyte and goethite. But we recognize two main types of internal microlayers in the SCS Fe-Mn nodules: Layer type A of suboxic diagenetic precipitates with extremely high Mn/Fe ratio and concentrations of Cu, Ni, Zn, Ba, Li and Mg; Layer type B of oxic hydrogenetic accretions with low fractionation of Mn and Fe and high contents of Co, REY, Ti, Sr and Pb. Furthermore, the elemental mapping indicates that the enrichment of Co and REY mainly associated with Fe mineral phases rather than Mn mineral phases, which are enriched in Mg, Cu, Ni, Zn, Li and Ba. Two mineralization processes and distributions of metals in the individual microlayers respectively are controlled and occurred by the different mineral phases. The increasing occurrence of 10 Å and 7 Å phyllomanganates present in the Layer type A are typically enriched in trace metals such as Ni, Cu, Zn, Li, Ba, and Mg, whereas the metals associated with the Layer type B include Co, Ti, Pb, Sr, REY, which might be carried by the intergrown of Fe(-Ti) oxyhydroxides and vernadite. Thus, hydrogenesis is more beneficial to the enrichment of Fe, Co, Ti, Sr, Pb and REY, while diagenesis is more favorable for the enrichment of Mn, Ni, Zn, Cu, Li, Ba and Mg during the metallogenic processes of the SCS nodules.

How to cite: Guan, Y.: Fine scale study of major and trace elements in the Fe-Mn nodules from the South China Sea and constraints on their formation processes, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-21817,, 2020.

The recent introduction of a high-brightness RF plasma oxygen ion source (Hyperion H201, Oregon Physics) to large geometry secondary ion mass spectrometers (e.g. CAMECA IMS1280/1300) has increased the range of available primary beam options compared to the several decades old technology of the duoplasmatron it replaces. Notably, the new source provides considerably higher beam density (ca. 10x and 3x for O- and O2- respectively), which in principle allows for higher spatial resolution and/or shorter analysis times, coupled with unprecedented long-term beam stability.

Incorporating the RF plasma into both conventional spot analysis and ion-imaging geochronology routines at the NordSIMS facility has, however, revealed that the source upgrade has consequences for data-acquisition and data reduction strategies, which need to be modified in order to avoid degradation in precision. The most significant difference using the new source for spot analyses is the significant change in aspect ratio (width/depth) of the analysed volume. During a comparable length analysis, a three times brighter O2- primary beam (still favoured for U-Th-Pb geochronology) will sputter a three times deeper crater that is half the width of a comparable intensity duoplasmatron beam, an effective aspect ratio change of six times, introducing “down-hole” inter-element and, to a lesser degree, isotope fractionation effects that SIMS has largely been free of. Depending on the target matrix, this can have a marked effect on the within-run ratio evolution during an analysis, particularly the inter-element ratios Pb/U and UOn/U required for full U-Pb geochronology, with standard error of the mean values several times higher than counting statistics, compared to analyses with the lower beam density of the duoplasmatron where s.e. mean commonly closely approaches Poisson counting statistics during a ca. 10 minute analysis. In line with previous observations [1], some improvements can be made by using a Pb/UO vs. UO2/UO calibration scheme instead of Pb/U vs. UOn/U, but clearly this is not the complete answer. Shortening analyses via fewer cycles in a peak-hopping routine also means smaller √n, affecting s.e. mean; lower integration times can be introduced to permit more cycles, but magnet settling times between peak jumps cannot be reduced in proportion, so the duty cycle is less efficient.

Strategies developed to mitigate this degradation and take full advantage of the new RF source include: 1) rastering of critically focused primary beams to retain high aspect ratio (at the expense of improved spatial resolution); 2) use of a defocused aperture-projected (Köhler-mode) primary beam (effectively lower beam density); 3) modelling of within-run ratio evolution based on standard analyses in a manner similar to that employed by laser ablation methods [2]; and/or 4) introduction of multicollection capabilities [3] to increase duty cycle efficiency in a shorter analysis. Ultimately, the choice of which method(s) to use will depend upon the goal of a specific project.

References: [1] Jeon, H. & Whitehouse, M.J.., Geostds & Geoanal. Res. 2014, 39, 443-452]; [2] Paton, C. et al., Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 2010, 11, Q0AA06]; [3] Li et al., J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2015, 30, 979-985

How to cite: Whitehouse, M. and Jeon, H.: Living up to the Hype(-rion)! – observations on ion microprobe geochronology using a high-brightness oxygen plasma source, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-20107,, 2020.

GMPV1.4 – The Big Fat Session of the Year: Microstructures, a Journey into Tiny Things

EGU2020-352 | Displays | GMPV1.4 | Highlight

Microstructural Constraints on Magmatic Mushes under Kīlauea Volcano, Hawai'i

Penny Wieser, Marie Edmonds, John Maclennan, and John Wheeler

Distorted olivines of enigmatic origin are ubiquitous in erupted products from a wide range of volcanic systems (e.g., Hawai'i, Iceland, Andean Southern Volcanic Zone). At Kīlauea volcano, distorted olivines are commonly attributed to ductile creep within dunitic bodies located around the central conduit, or within the deep rift zones (~5–9 km depth). However, a recent suggestion that lattice distortions are produced by an early phase of branching dendritic growth, followed by textural ripening and the merging of misoriented crystal buds, has gained considerable traction.

A quantitative examination of the microstructures in distorted olivines by electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) reveals striking similarities to microstructures observed in deformed mantle peridotites, but significant differences to the crystallographic signatures of dendritic growth. This suggests that lattice distortions record the application of differential stresses at high temperatures within the magmatic plumbing system, rather than rapid crystal growth. Previous petrological work has suggested that differential stresses are produced by ductile creep within Kīlauea’s deep rift zones. Crucially, this has fuelled suggestions that significant quantities of magma must travel along these rift zones in order to acquire distorted olivines, despite the paucity of geophysical evidence for these magma transport paths. In contrast, we show that the spatial distribution of eruptions containing distorted olivines is consistent with their derivation from the main magma storage reservoir. This model not only aligns petrological and geophysical observations at Kīlauea, but also accounts for the occurrence of distorted olivines in a wide variety of basaltic systems worldwide (which lack deep rift zones).

Application of piezometers developed for mantle peridotites reveals that distorted olivines have experienced differential stresses of ~3–12 MPa. Assuming that mush piles behave as granular materials, and form force chains, these stresses can be generated within cumulate piles of ~180–720 m. Based on available constraints on the magma supply rate and the geometry of Kīlauea’s summit reservoir, these thicknesses accumulate in a few centuries (consistent with residence times inferred from melt inclusion records).

Overall, we demonstrate that microstructural investigations of erupted olivine crystals by EBSD generates rich datasets which provide quantitative insights into crystal storage within mush piles. Under the increasingly prevalent view that crustal magmatic systems are mush-dominated, constraining the geometry and dynamics of crystal storage regions is crucial to further our understanding of magmatic plumbing systems. The presence of distorted olivines in many different volcanic settings highlights the global applicability of the methods developed in this study. Furthermore, assessments of deformation conditions using EBSD need not be restricted to olivine-bearing lavas. Microstructural fabrics types in natural and experimental samples have been established for a wide variety of igneous phases (e.g. diopside, plagioclase, hornblende), so similar approaches may be utilized in more evolved volcanic systems.

How to cite: Wieser, P., Edmonds, M., Maclennan, J., and Wheeler, J.: Microstructural Constraints on Magmatic Mushes under Kīlauea Volcano, Hawai'i, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-352,, 2020.

Melt inclusions originate from small juvenile melt droplets trapped at magmatic pressures and temperatures during crystallization of their host mineral. Thus, melt inclusions retained by their host crystals can uniquely preserve evidence for the thermochemical conditions in the magma during crystal growth. Zircon is a resistant mineral even under magmatic conditions, and it is common in many different rock types (igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary). Moreover, zircon crystallization significantly affects trace element concentrations of the melt during processes such as fractionation, melt separation, and/or retention of accessory phases in the residual melt. Its potential as a host mineral for melt inclusions, however, has not been fully realized, mainly because of the small size of zircon and its inclusions.

Here, we developed a new technique for ion imaging of elemental distributions in melt inclusions in zircon, and applied it to melt-inclusion bearing zircon crystals from selected Miocene ignimbrites of the Central Anatolian Volcanic Province, Turkey. The high-sensitivity ion imaging of zircon provides information about the 2-D distribution of critical elements in the crystal and its inclusions, and element distributions can be directly compared to cathodoluminescence (CL) patterns of the host. High-sensitivity element maps were obtained using a CAMECA 1280-HR IMS at Heidelberg University for areas of 25×25 µm at 2-3 µm lateral resolution. Ion images for each element containing 128×128 pixels raw intensity values were initially processed using instrumental software (WINImage©) to accumulate data from measurement cycles into a single image data. Each element map was then recorded as a grayscale image with intensities encoded in each pixel. The raster images for each element was further processed using ImageJ© and ARCGIS© programs, where each element map was converted to a color scale expressing the appropriate value ranges and the data obtained on the same trace element for each zircon in different units were reduced to the same legend values. The color ion images obtained from the grayscale images of each map were overlaid onto CL images to correlate trace element abundances with growth regions visible in CL images.

Imaging has the important advantage compared to spot analyses of melt inclusions that contamination from the wall of the host mineral can be mitigated. For this, Zr ion images were used as controls for selecting ROIs (Regions of Interest) in order to eliminate pixels with mixed signals at the interface between zircon and the inclusion due to the finite width of the ion beam. High resolution imaging of melt inclusions and zircon allowed re-evaluating zircon-melt partitioning behavior of important trace elements for natural melt compositions. Partitioning values for elements with comparatively low abundances in the melt relative to zircon (Y, Th, U and Dy) are slightly lower than spot analyses and previously published results but they all follow a similar trend with predicted partitioning coefficients. 

This research was financed by The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey within the research program number of 2214/A. 

How to cite: Akin, L., Aydar, E., and Schmitt, A. K.: High Sensitivity Mapping of Melt Inclusions in Miocene Zircons of Central Anatolian Volcanic Province (CAVP), Cappadocia, Turkey, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-36,, 2020.

EGU2020-5267 | Displays | GMPV1.4 | Highlight

A preliminary assessment of the application of Sr, Nd, Pb, He and N isotope analysis to fluid inclusions in kimberlite olivine: A new approach to trace deep-mantle sources

Andrea Giuliani, Janne M. Koornneef, Peter Barry, Patrizia Will, Henner Busemann, Colin Maden, Roland Maas, Alan Greig, and Gareth R. Davies

Kimberlites are the deepest melts that reach Earth’s surface and, therefore, can provide unique insights into the composition and evolution of the convective mantle through time. Application of isotope geochemistry to trace the composition of kimberlite sources has thus far been hindered by the ubiquitous alteration and incorporation of xenocrystic material in kimberlite rocks. Bulk-kimberlite analyses are typically considered reliable for Nd and Hf isotopes due to their overwhelmingly higher concentrations in kimberlite melts compared to common mantle and crustal contaminants. Conversely, Sr and Pb isotope compositions of bulk kimberlite samples are seldom considered representative of their parental melts thus requiring analysis of robust magmatic phases, primarily perovskite. Addressing the primary (i.e. magmatic) isotopic composition of volatile elements, such as N and noble gases, requires analyses of volatile-rich phases, and fluid inclusions in olivine represent a typical primary target in mantle-derived magmas. However, fluid inclusions in kimberlitic olivine are dominantly secondary in origin. Secondary inclusions can form at any time after crystallisation of their mineral host, which requires assessment of the origin of trapped fluids (i.e. pristine magmatic fluids, crustal fluids of external derivation, or combination thereof) before their isotopic composition can be used to make inferences about kimberlite mantle sources.

Here we present trace-element and Sr-Nd-Pb-He-N isotopic compositions of multiple olivine aliquots representing two different magmatic units of the ~88 Ma Wesselton kimberlite (Kimberley, South Africa). The Sr and Nd isotopic composition of olivine analysed by isotope-dilution (ID) TIMS are within the narrow range of perovskite 87Sr/86Sr (0.7043-0.7046) and whole-rock 143Nd/144Nd (eNdi = 0.4–2.2) for the Kimberley kimberlites. These results indicate that the secondary fluid inclusions, which dominate the incompatible trace-element budget of olivine separates, have a pristine magmatic origin devoid of crustal contribution.

Helium isotope compositions were measured by laser heating of 1.6 to 9.8 mg of olivine using an ultrahigh-sensitivity compressor-source noble gas mass spectrometer. 3He/4He ratios are between 1.6 RA and 3.7 RA (where RA indicates the atmospheric 3He/4He ratio), values more radiogenic than MORBs but comparable to HIMU OIBs. These results indicate a high time-integrated (U+Th)/He ratio in the source of the Kimberley kimberlites, which is consistent with the moderately high (i.e. HIMU-like) time-integrated U/Pb ratio implied by elevated initial 206Pb/204Pb in Wesselton olivine (19.1-19.5), Kimberley kimberlites (up to 19.9) and megacrysts in southern African Cretaceous kimberlites (up to 20.5). The combination of low 3He/4He, moderately radiogenic 87Sr/86Sr, and negative d34S values (-2.6‰ to -5.7‰) require a contribution from subducted recycled material in the source of the Kimberley kimberlites. Conversely, a preliminary N isotope analysis of Wesselton olivine by in-vacuo crushing using a noble gas mass spectrometer returned a mantle-like d15N of -2.9‰, which might suggest limited recycling of surface N (d15N >0‰) in the source of these kimberlites. We conclude that the combination of Sr-Nd-Pb and He-N isotope tracing of fluid inclusions in olivine can provide a robust new approach to address the composition of kimberlite sources and, therefore, the evolution of the deep mantle through time.

How to cite: Giuliani, A., Koornneef, J. M., Barry, P., Will, P., Busemann, H., Maden, C., Maas, R., Greig, A., and Davies, G. R.: A preliminary assessment of the application of Sr, Nd, Pb, He and N isotope analysis to fluid inclusions in kimberlite olivine: A new approach to trace deep-mantle sources, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-5267,, 2020.

EGU2020-16794 | Displays | GMPV1.4 | Highlight

Geochemistry of basic magmatism of Western Antarctic Rift: implications for volatiles storage and recycling in the mantle

Pier Paolo Giacomoni, Carmelo Ferlito, Costanza Bonadiman, Federico Casetta, Luisa Ottolini, Alberto Zanetti, and Massimo Coltorti

The petrologic study of olivine-hosted melt inclusions (MIs) from alkaline primary Cenozoic basalts of Northern Victoria Land (Antarctica) provide new insights on the role of volatiles in the onset of rift-related magmatism. The concentration of volatile species (H2O, CO2, F, Cl) have been determined by Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS) on a selection of MIs which have been previously re-homogenized at high pressure and temperature conditions in order to avoid any heterogeneity and reducing the H diffusion. The least differentiated MIs vary in composition from basanitic to alkaline basalts, analogously to what is found in McMurdo volcanics, while their volatile concentrations reach up to 2.64 wt% H2O, 3900 ppm CO2, 1377 ppm F and 1336 Cl. Taking into account the most undegassed MIs a H2O/(H2O+CO2) ratio equal to 0.88 was determined, which in turn brings the CO2 content in the basanitic melt with the highest water content up to 8800 ppm.

Major and trace element melting modelling indicate that basanite and alkali basalt composition can be reproduced by 3 and 7% of partial melting of an amphibole-bearing spinel lherzolite respectively. Assuming a perfect incompatible behavior for H2O and CO2 these melting proportions allow to constrain the water and CO2 contents in the mantle source in the range 780-840 and 264-273 ppm respectively. The resulting CO2/Nb, CO2/Ba and H2O/Ce ratio are lower than those estimated for Depleted MORB Mantle (DMM), suggesting that the NVL Cenozoic alkaline magmatism could be originated by an enriched mantle source composed by a range from 70% to 60% of Enriched Mantle (EM) and from 30% to 40% of Depleted Morb Mantle (DMM).

A global comparison of fluid-related, highly incompatible and immobile/low incompatible elements such as Li, K, Cl, Ba, Nb, Dy and Yb allow to put forward that the prolonged (~500 to 100 Ma) Ross subduction event played a fundamental role in  providing the volatile budget into the lithospheric mantle before the onset of the Cenozoic continental rifting.

How to cite: Giacomoni, P. P., Ferlito, C., Bonadiman, C., Casetta, F., Ottolini, L., Zanetti, A., and Coltorti, M.: Geochemistry of basic magmatism of Western Antarctic Rift: implications for volatiles storage and recycling in the mantle, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-16794,, 2020.

Magnetoplumbite (yimengite-hawthorneite, HAWYIM), crichtonite (lindsleyite-mathiasite, LIMA) and hollandite (priderite) minerals are exotic titanate phases, which formed during metasomatism at the conditions of high alkali activity, especially K, in the fluids in the upper mantle peridotites. The paper presents data on experiments on formation of K-end-members priderite, yimengite and mathiasite, as the result of the interaction of chromite, chromite+rutile and chromite+ilmenite assemblages in the presence of a small amount of silicate material with H2O-CO2-K2CO3 fluids at 3.5 and 5 GPa and 1200°C. The experiments demonstrated the principal possibility of the formation of the titanates in the reactions of chromite with alkaline aqueous-carbonic fluids and melts. However, the formation of these phases does not proceed directly on chromite, but requires additional titanium source. The relationship between titanates is found to be a function of the activity of the potassium component in the fluid/melt. Priderite is an indicator of the highest potassium activity in the mineral-forming medium. Titanates in the run products are constantly associated with phlogopite. Experiments prove that the formation of titanates manifests the most advanced or repeated stages of metasomatism in mantle peridotites. Association of titanates with phlogopite characterizes a higher activity of the potassium component in the fluid/melt than the formation of phlogopite alone. The examples from natural associations, reviewed in the paper, well illustrate these conclusions. Experiments revealed the following features of crystallization of these phases and allowed interpretation of the titanate associations in metasomatized mantle peridotites.

(1) The principal possibility of the formation of minerals of crichtonite and magnetoplumbite groups and priderite in the reactions of chromite with alkaline aqueous-carbonic fluids and melts is confirmed. Such substances are considered as main agents of potassium metasomatism, leading to the formation of titanates in the upper mantle (Konzett et al., 2013; Rezvukhin et al., 2018).

(2) The formation of these phases does not proceed directly on chromite (e.g. Haggerty et al. 1983; Haggerty, 1983; Nixon, Condliffe, 1989), and requires additional titanium source. They are rutile and ilmenite, which are themselves usually are products of modal metasomatism of peridotites. This experimental fact demonstrates that the formation of titanates marks probably the most advanced or repeated stages of metasomatism in mantle peridotites.

(3) This is also proved by the relationships of titanates with phlogopite. Association of titanates with phlogopite characterized by a higher activity of the potassium component in the fluid/melt than the formation of phlogopite alone. Such conditions can again be created at the most advanced or repeated stages of mantle metasomatism.

(4) The relationship between titanates is also a function of the activity of the potassium component in the fluid/melt. Priderite is an indicator of the highest potassium activity in the mineral-forming medium. The above examples from natural associations (Zhou, 1986; Konzett et al., 2013; Almeida et al., 2014) well illustrate this conclusion.

How to cite: Vorobey, S., Butvina, V., and Safonov, O.: Syntheses of rare K-titanates (yimengite, mathiasite and priderite) at high TP conditions: application to modal mantle metasomatism., EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-203,, 2020.

EGU2020-17010 | Displays | GMPV1.4

Geochemistry of noble gases and CO2 in mantle xenoliths and arc lavas from central Mexico

Andres Libardo Sandoval-Velasquez, Alessandro Aiuppa, Andrea Rizzo, Maria Luce Frezzotti, Susanne Straub, Arturo Gomez-Tuena, and Ramon Espinasa-Perena

The Ventura Espiritu Santo Volcanic Field (VESVF) and the Sierra Chichinautzin (SCN) are two monogenetic volcanic fields originated in different tectonic environments in the central portion of Mexico (continental rift and subduction). The VESVF is located 35 km NE of the city of San Luis Potosí in the south of the Basin and Range extensional province. This volcanic field was formed by the eruption of alkaline magmas of mafic composition transporting mantle xenoliths described as spinel lherzolites and pyroxenites (Luhr et al., 1989; Aranda -Gómez and Luhr, 1996). The SCN is a Quaternary volcanic field located in the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt (TMVB) between two Quaternary arc-volcanoes (Popocatepetl and Nevado de Toluca[AR1] ). Some authors believe that its origin has been related to the subduction of the Cocos plate beneath the North American plate (Marquez et al., 1999; Meriggi et al., 2008); however, the basalts present in the SCN are geochemically similar to OIBs.

New isotopic data of noble gases and CO2 in fluid inclusions from the VESVF and SCN are presented in this work, since these two areas offer a great opportunity to study the local lithospheric mantle features and related processes (e.g., metasomatism, partial melting) occurring beneath Mexico. Twelve fresh xenoliths from the VESVF and two aliquots of olivine phenocrysts of andesites from SCN were selected. Based on the petrographic analysis, it was determined that the set of xenoliths exhibit same paragenesis: Ol> Opx>> Cpx> Spinel; all samples are plagioclase-free and are classified as spinel-lherzolites and harzburgites. Both the boundaries and the fractures of the crystals develop veins composed of yellowish glass and tiny crystals of carbonates. Lavas from SCVF were previously described as olivine andesites mainly aphanitic and porphyritic with few (<10%) phenocrysts of olivine and orthopyroxene (Marquez et al., 1999; Straub et al., 2011).

The mantle xenoliths and the olivine phenocrysts have comparable Rc/Ra values (where Rc/Ra is the 3He/4He corrected for air contamination and normalized to air He). We find Rc/Ra compositions of 6.9-7.7 and 7.2-7.3, respectively, which are within the MORB-like upper-mantle range (Graham, 2002). The highest CO2 concentrations are observed in olivine phenocrysts from SCN (9.2·10-7 mol/g and 1.3·10-6 mol/g), while the xenoliths cover a wide range of concentrations with values as high as 3.9·10-7 mol/g in Cpx. The isotopic composition of CO2 (d13C vs PDB) in the olivine phenocrysts is around -6.2‰ with CO2/3He ratios of 3.3·109, which are comparable to MORB-like range (-8‰<d13C<-4‰); the mantle xenoliths in contrast, although displaying similar CO2/3He ratios (2.8·109), exhibit more positive d13C signature between -1.0 and -2.7%. We propose that these differences testify for isotopic heterogeneity in the mantle beneath the two areas, with and reflect mantle metasomatism underneath VESVF driven by interaction with carbonate rich-melts (likely consequence of carbonate recycling during the subduction process), as also evidenced by the petrographic analysis.

How to cite: Sandoval-Velasquez, A. L., Aiuppa, A., Rizzo, A., Frezzotti, M. L., Straub, S., Gomez-Tuena, A., and Espinasa-Perena, R.: Geochemistry of noble gases and CO2 in mantle xenoliths and arc lavas from central Mexico, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-17010,, 2020.

EGU2020-15965 | Displays | GMPV1.4

High volumes of mineral dissolution by localized fluid pulses in UHPM metasediments of Lago di Cignana, Western Alps

Hugo van Schrojenstein Lantman, David Wallis, Marco Scambelluri, and Matteo Alvaro

Fluids play key roles in many geological processes across wide ranges of spatial and temporal scales. A major challenge in establishing the impacts of fluids is that partial replacement of minerals by dissolution-precipitation produces gaps in the rock record. Finding the records of such processes can help in understanding and reconstructing the processes of fluid flow, mineral dissolution and related volume changes.

The ultra-high pressure metamorphic (UHPM) Lago di Cignana Unit (Zermatt-Saas Zone, Western Alps) has been intensively studied because it is a piece of exhumed coesite- and diamond-bearing oceanic lithosphere. In this unit, schistose quartzite hosts coesite-bearing garnet and contains lenses of garnetite, which previously have been attributed to local bulk-compositional differences. Almost the entire quartzite consists of a retrograde mineral assemblage, and therefore processes occurring during subduction are best recorded in garnet.

A combined microstructural and petrological study of the garnetite lenses and their host rock reveals evidence for compaction by dissolution during subduction, partially driven by intergranular pressure solution. As the host rock matrix is removed, garnet is preferentially preserved and concentrated into garnetite. Garnet-garnet contacts then result in pressure solution and grain boundary migration. Different garnet densities and microstructures in the garnetite, alongside dissolution-reprecipitation structures in host rock garnet, suggest a complex process driven by fluid pulses. Linking garnet composition and structures to P-T through barometry on inclusions reveals an evolving fluid pathway during prograde to peak metamorphism, resulting in significant mass removal by pressure solution in metasediments subducted to UHPM conditions.

The occurrence of pressure solution and mass removal at UHPM conditions in combination with the large amounts of fluids produced by slab dehydration suggests that dissolution may play a significant role in metasediments during subduction.


Acknowledgements: This project has received funding from the European Research Council under the H2020 research and innovation program (N. 714936 TRUE DEPTHS to M. Alvaro)

How to cite: van Schrojenstein Lantman, H., Wallis, D., Scambelluri, M., and Alvaro, M.: High volumes of mineral dissolution by localized fluid pulses in UHPM metasediments of Lago di Cignana, Western Alps, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-15965,, 2020.

EGU2020-2674 | Displays | GMPV1.4 | Highlight

How to disclose local equilibrium in subducted metapelites from the Cima Lunga Unit (Central Alps)

Francesca Piccoli, Pierre Lanari, Jörg Hermann, and Thomas Pettke

Subducted metapelites are more prone to re-equilibrate during exhumation than mafic or ultramafic rocks to the point that recognizing high-pressure (HP) relicts is often very challenging. Geologic evidence from the Cima Lunga Unit (Central Alps) show this apparent discrepancy between high to ultra-high pressure metamorphism (28 kbar and 780 °C) recorded in mafic/ultramafic lenses, and Barrovian metamorphism (<10 kbar, 650°C) in the adjacent metapelitic rocks. We collected a white mica – garnet – biotite – plagioclase – kyanite (+ quartz, + zircon, + rutile) bearing metapelite adjacent to the garnet metaperidotite lens that displays an apparently well equilibrated Barrovian mineral assemblage (garnet + plagioclase + biotite), with no macroscopic or microtextural indication of a HP and/or HT metamorphic event (e.g. omphacite crystals; migmatitic texture; polyphase inclusions). Nevertheless, microstructures like atoll-like garnet or large white mica flakes surrounded by biotite and ilmenite replacing rutile suggest incomplete re-equilibration. We investigated garnet and phengite crystals by electron probe and laser ablation-ICP-MS mapping. Major and trace element mapping reveals very complex mineral zoning in both minerals. In particular, high Ti content in phengite and increasing P and Zr contents in pyrope-rich garnet indicate that the studied rock underwent a HP-HT event. This is also supported by Zr in rutile thermometry that indicates temperatures well above the Barrovian metamorphism (T > 700 °C). We combined detailed textural analysis with petrological-geochemical data and thermodynamic modelling to reconstruct the metamorphic evolution of the studied rock. We show that, thank to incomplete re-equilibration, the rock documents an evolution from prograde to UHP-HT peak (27 kbar and 800 °C) to retrograde (Barrovian) conditions (10 kbar and 620 °C). Noteworthy, peak metamorphic conditions of metapelite coincide with peak metamorphic conditions of the garnet metaperidotite. Lastly, geochemical evidence for minor wet melting of the studied metapelite at HP-HT conditions was recognized and is likely linked to the dehydration of chlorite to form garnet peridotite in the adjacent ultramafic body. We propose that metapelites and ultramafic rocks were coupled before subduction or at least in its early stage. This finding opens new scenarios for the geodynamic interpretation of the Cima Lunga unit. We propose that the ultramafic lenses at Cima di Gagnone were parts of the exhumed and serpentinised mantle emplaced at the hyper-extended European continental margin of the Piemont-Ligurian ocean. Slices of the margin were detached and tectonically mixed in the subduction channel. These new constraints call for re-evaluation of the paleogeographic position of the Adula-Cima Lunga nappe.

How to cite: Piccoli, F., Lanari, P., Hermann, J., and Pettke, T.: How to disclose local equilibrium in subducted metapelites from the Cima Lunga Unit (Central Alps), EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-2674,, 2020.

EGU2020-9085 | Displays | GMPV1.4

Strange polymorphs and where to find them: a melt inclusion story

Silvio Ferrero, Ross J. Angel, Alessia Borghini, Iris Wannhoff, Rico Fuchs, Mahyra Tedeschi, Omar Gianola, Patrick J. O'Brien, Bernd Wunder, and Martin A. Ziemann

Small portions of pristine melt with diameters of 2 to 50µm are increasingly recognized as a rather common occurrence in high grade metamorphic terranes which experienced melting. Their study delivers crucial chemical information on partial melts at depth. But they are also unique "natural experimental charges" where the behaviour of the silicate melt can be investigated, directly in the natural rocks, under P-T-t conditions which cannot be completely reproduced in the laboratory.

Each nanogranitoid case study has consistently shown H2O-bearing, silica and alkali-rich melt. However, rather than a classic granitoid assemblage consisting mainly of quartz and feldspar(s), on cooling these isolated melt droplets produce a plethora of mineral phases identified via microRaman spectroscopy that are rarely –or never- observed as rock-forming minerals. Cristobalite (tetragonal) and tridymite (orthorhombic) are often present as SiO2 polymorphs, and hexagonal kokchetavite as a polymorph of KAlSi3O8. NaAlSi3O8 occurs as orthorhombic kumdykolite, whereas CaAl2Si2O8 may occur either as monoclinic svyatoslavite or trigonal dmisteinbergite. Two presently unidentified phases have been also recognized via Raman and analysed via electron microprobe. One has the main peak at 426-430 cm-1 and has the composition of a granitic glass, whereas the second has a main peak at 412 cm-1 and a variable composition depending on the inclusion in which it occurs. As their main peaks occur in the same region of most tectosilicates, it is likely that they are two new polymorphs of feldspar, to the best of our knowledge never reported before. These polymorphs have been so far identified in inclusions mainly hosted in garnet, zircon and, in one case, sapphirine and trapped under an extremely variable range of metamorphic conditions (from low P migmatites to UHP eclogites) in very different rock types (metagranitoids, metasediments, mafic and ultramafic rocks).

Microstructures confirm that all of these phases crystallize directly from the trapped melt on cooling, independently of the internal P of the inclusions or the original conditions of melt entrapment. They appear to be the result of metastability in the inclusions, possibly during rapid crystallization of a melt, not caused by rapid cooling but by the peculiar undercooled and supersaturated conditions achieved on cooling by a melt confined in a small cavity (Ferrero & Angel, 2018). According to this possibility, these polymorphs can be regarded as kinetically stabilized, yet possibly thermodynamically metastable, phases as recently proposed by Zolotarev et al. (2019) for dmisteinbergite. A preliminary crystallization experiment on a haplogranitic melt at undercooled conditions however failed to reproduce such phases. Another possibility is that under natural cooling the confined inclusions experience underpressurization, and the system (i.e. the trapped melt) reacts crystallizing phases, i.e. the polymorphs, less dense than their common counterparts. This would result in the decreasing of the P gradient between inclusions and surrounding rock, equivalent to reducing the free energy of the system.


Ferrero, S. & Angel, R. 2018. JPet 59, 1671–1700.

Zolotarev, A.A. et al. 2019. Minerals  9, 570.

How to cite: Ferrero, S., Angel, R. J., Borghini, A., Wannhoff, I., Fuchs, R., Tedeschi, M., Gianola, O., O'Brien, P. J., Wunder, B., and Ziemann, M. A.: Strange polymorphs and where to find them: a melt inclusion story , EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-9085,, 2020.

Over the recent years, Raman elastic barometry has been developed as an additional method to calculate metamorphic conditions in natural systems. A major advantage of Raman elastic barometry is that it does not depend on thermodynamic databases and classic geobarometry methods but relies on mechanical calculations. As a consequence, Raman elastic barometry offers an independent method for estimating the pressure conditions that prevailed at the time of entrapment of minerals during growth of their hosts.

The difference between the pressure calculated using elastic geobarometry and that calculated by phase equilibria methods has recently been employed to estimate the extent of metamorphic reaction overstepping in natural systems. Quantification of the latter however implicitly assumes that the rheology of the inclusion-host system is perfectly elastic. This assumption may not hold at high temperatures, where viscous creep of minerals takes place.

The amount of viscous relaxation of a host-inclusion system is a path-dependent quantity which mostly depends on the temperature-time (T-t) path followed. Here, we present examples of visco-elastic relaxation of mineral inclusions and calculate the apparent reaction overstepping which results by assuming that the mechanical system is purely elastic. Our modelling shows that host-inclusion systems that experienced large peak temperatures for long periods of time will retain inclusion residual pressures that cannot be simply related to the growth of their hosts and should therefore not be used for reaction overstepping calculations.

How to cite: Moulas, E., Zhong, X., and Tajcmanova, L.: Viscous relaxation of mineral Inclusions and its implications for reaction overstepping calculations in metamorphic rocks, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-7568,, 2020.

EGU2020-4143 | Displays | GMPV1.4 | Highlight

Quartz inclusions in garnet from high-temperature metamorphic rocks change their shape

Bernardo Cesare, Matteo Parisatto, Lucia Mancini, Luca Peruzzo, Matteo Franceschi, Tommaso Tacchetto, Steven M. Reddy, Richard Spiess, and Federica Marone Welford

Trapped and sheltered inside other crystals, mineral inclusions preserve fundamental and otherwise lost information on the geological history of our planet. In the last decade, quartz inclusions in garnet have become a fundamental tool to estimate pressure and temperature of metamorphic rocks at the time of inclusion entrapment. In these approaches, as well as in all other applications, inclusions are regarded as immutable objects and the possibility of a change in their shape has never been considered.

With a detailed characterization of samples from greenschist and granulite facies, performed by optical and electron microscopy, EBSD, X-ray tomographic microscopy, laser Raman spectroscopy and FIB serial slicing, we show that after being trapped with irregular (“scalloped”) shape in low-temperature rocks, quartz inclusions in garnet from granulites formed at 750-900 °C and various pressures acquired a polyhedral “negative crystal” shape imposed by the host garnet, and almost exclusively defined by the facets of dodecahedron and icositetrahedron. A similar behaviour is also observed in biotite inclusions. The 3-fold and 4-fold morphological symmetry axes of the polyhedral negative crystals are parallel to corresponding crystallographic axes in the host garnet.

The systematic presence of a fluid film at the quartz-garnet boundary is not supported by Raman and FIB investigation.

Strengthened by microstructures indicating the process of “necking down” of polycrystalline quartz inclusions, our data support that - like in fluid inclusions changing shape to negative crystals - shape maturation of mineral inclusions occurs by temperature-assisted dissolution-precipitation via grain boundary diffusion. This process tends to minimize the surface free energy of the host-inclusion system by forming energetically favored facets and by decreasing the inclusion surface/volume and aspect ratios.

Optical investigation of numerous samples of worldwide provenance suggests that the negative crystal shape of quartz inclusions in garnet from granulites is a widespread microstructure that underpins a systematic phenomenon so far overlooked.

How to cite: Cesare, B., Parisatto, M., Mancini, L., Peruzzo, L., Franceschi, M., Tacchetto, T., Reddy, S. M., Spiess, R., and Marone Welford, F.: Quartz inclusions in garnet from high-temperature metamorphic rocks change their shape, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-4143,, 2020.

With excellent outcrop, the eclogite-blueschist belt exposed in the Cycladic archipelago in the Aegean Sea, Greece, offers a spectacular natural laboratory in which to decipher the structural geology of a highly extended orogenic belt and to ascertain the history of the different fabrics and microstructures that can be observed. Using phengitic white mica we demonstrate a robust correlation of age with microstructure, once again dispelling the myth that 40Ar/39Ar geochronology using this mineral, produces cooling ages alone.

Further, we show that high-definition ultra-high-vacuum (UHV) 39Ar diffusion experiments using phengitic white mica routinely allow the extraction of muscovite sub-spectra in the first 10-30% of 39Ar gas release during 40Ar/39Ar geochronology. The muscovite sub-spectrum is distinct and separate to the main spectrum which is dominated by mixing of gas released from phengite as well as muscovite. The muscovite sub-spectra allow consistent estimates of the timing of the formation of microstructural shear bands in various mylonites, as well as allowing quantitative estimates of temperature variation with time during the cooling history of the eclogite-blueschist belt. Our new data reveals hitherto unsuspected variation in the timing of exhumation of individual slices of the eclogite-blueschist belt, caused by Eocene and Miocene detachment-related shear zones.

This study thus illustrates a new method for the quantitative determination of the timing of movement in mylonites and/or in strongly stretched metamorphic tectonites. Shear bands formed in such structures are rarely coarsely crystalline enough to allow mineral grains that can be individually dated using laser spot analysis. Where phengitic white mica is involved, interlaying is usually so fine as to preclude the application of laser methods. In any case, laser methods do not have the capability of extracting exact and detailed age-temperature spectra, and can never achieve the definition of the multitudinous steps of the age spectrum evident from our high-definition UHV diffusion experiments.

Previous work in the Cycladic eclogite-blueschist belt has incorrectly assumed that the diffusion parameters for phengitic white mica were the same as for muscovite. Arrhenius data suggest this is not the case, and that phengitic white mica is considerably more retentive of argon than muscovite. Previous workers have also erred in dismissing microstructural variation in age as an artefact, supposedly as the result of the incorporation of excess argon. This has led to inconsistencies in interpretation, because phengite is able to retain argon at temperatures that exceed those estimated using metamorphic mineral parageneses. In consequence, we discover a robust correlation between microstructure and age, even down to the detail present in complex tectonic sequence diagrams produced during fabric and microstructural analysis of individual thin-sections.

A critical factor is that the recognition of muscovite sub-spectra requires Arrhenius data in order to recognise the steps dominated by release of 39Ar from muscovite. In turn this requires precise measurement of temperature during each heating step. To apply percentage-release formula for the estimation of diffusivity, there must be a sharp rise to the temperature in question, then that temperature must be maintained at a constant value, then dropped sharply to relatively low values.

How to cite: Forster, M., Nie, R., Yeung, S., and Lister, G.: Microstructural shear bands in mylonites dated using muscovite sub-spectra from high-definition ultra-high-vacuum (UHV) argon diffusion experiments with phengitic white mica, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-1813,, 2020.

EGU2020-2869 | Displays | GMPV1.4 | Highlight

Measuring stress and strain in rocks by spectroscopy

Ross Angel, Mara Murri, Nicola Campomenosi, Boriana Mihailova, Mauro Prencipe, and Matteo Alvaro

Microstructures and the different thermoelastic properties of minerals ensure that no rock is ever under perfect hydrostatic stress at the grain level. If deviatoric stresses and strains significantly modify thermodynamic properties of minerals so that the equilibrium assemblage and compositions are different from that predicted from hydrostatic conditions, it is crucial to be able to measure the stress state of minerals in-situ in rocks. Forty years ago it was considered that ‘Analysis of residual stresses at the scale of mineral grains within a polycrystalline aggregate such as a rock is virtually intractable’ [1]. This is no longer true.

Confocal Raman spectroscopy allows spectra to be collected from small volumes of mineral grains within a section. The positions of Raman peaks depends on the elastic strains in the minerals through the phonon-mode Grüneisen tensors [2]. The development of precise DFT simulations of crystal structures and their Raman spectra now allows the components of the phonon-mode Grüneisen tensors to be calculated [3]. With these tensors it is possible to determine the strains from measured Raman peak positions, to thereby map the strain, and hence the stress state, of individual mineral grains. We have now extended the DFT simulations to show that the Raman shifts of crystals subject to symmetry-breaking stresses (e.g. around inclusions) are, as expected, not solely determined by the phonon-mode Grüneisen tensors of the ideal crystal. We have also recently developed the measurement of the change in peak intensities in cross-polarised Raman spectra to determine the stress [4] in these cases. For minerals such as garnets, this effect is stronger and therefore more sensitive to stress than the shifts in peak positions and offers at the moment the possibility to quickly visualise stress and strain fields in minerals in-situ in rocks. Quantitative stress values from this method await the determination of the piezo-phonon tensors for garnets, but comparison of peak positions and intensities show that the two methods return consistent results.

This work was supported by ERC-StG TRUE DEPTHS grant (number 714936) to M. Alvaro. N. Campomenosi was also supported by the University of Genova.


[1] Holzhausen & Johnson (1979) Tectonophysics 58, 237.

[2] Angel et al. (2019) Zeitschrift für Kristallographie, 234, 129.

[3] Murri et al. (2018) American Mineralogist, 103, 1869.

[4] Campomenosi et al. (2020) Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, accepted.

How to cite: Angel, R., Murri, M., Campomenosi, N., Mihailova, B., Prencipe, M., and Alvaro, M.: Measuring stress and strain in rocks by spectroscopy, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-2869,, 2020.

EGU2020-18344 | Displays | GMPV1.4

Ion microprobe dating of fissure monazite in the Western Alps: insights from the Argentera Massif and Piemontais and Briançonnais Zones

Emmanuelle Ricchi, Edwin Gnos, Daniela Rubatto, and Thomas Pettke

Ion probe 208Pb/232Th fissure monazite ages from high pressure regions of the Western Alps and from the Argentera Massif provide new insights on the tectonic evolution of the Western Alps during Cenozoic times. Fissure monazite is a hydrothermal mineral crystallizing during cooling/exhumation in Alpine fissures, an environment where monazite is highly susceptible to fluid-mediated dissolution-(re)crystallization. Fissure monazite ages directly record chemical disequilibrium occurring in a fissure environment, but growing evidences indicate that fissure monazite commonly register tectonic activity. Fissure monazite age domains from this study show that monazite crystallization occurred between ~32-30.5 Ma and ~31.5-30 Ma in the Piémontais and Briançonnais Zone of the High Pressure regions, and between ~17-15 Ma and in the north-eastern border of the Argentera Massif. So far, monazite ages were recorded between ~32-23 Ma and at ~20.5 Ma in the Briançonnais Zone and in the south-western border of the Argentera Massif respectively. Thus the presented dataset corroborate and complement already reported fissure monazite 208Pb/232Th ages from the Western Alps. This new fissure monazite ages compilation supports that Late Oligocene thrusting affected the High Pressure regions of the Western Alps, and that Early and Middle Miocene dextral strike-slips movements respectively affected the south-western and north-eastern margins of the Argentera Massif. Chemical observations provide new hints on fissure monazite growth conditions (e.g. leached host-rock minerals, oxidation conditions) encouraging to pursue chemical studies with a larger dataset on natural fissure monazite to better understand growth conditions under cleft environment.

How to cite: Ricchi, E., Gnos, E., Rubatto, D., and Pettke, T.: Ion microprobe dating of fissure monazite in the Western Alps: insights from the Argentera Massif and Piemontais and Briançonnais Zones, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-18344,, 2020.

Phlogopite is accepted as a major mineral indicator of the modal metasomatism in the upper mantle within a very wide P-T range and fluid/melt compositions. It extensively forms in mantle peridotites transforming initial harzburgites and lherzolites to phlogopite wehrlites both in garnet and spinel-facies. A reaction 5En + Grt + [K2O + 2H2O in fluid] = Phl + Di (Grt – pyrope-grossular garnet CaMg2Al2Si3O12) is considered as the major mechanism for phlogopite formation in garnet-facies peridotites. This reaction is commonly accompanied by regular compositional changes of primary garnet and pyroxenes. In order to illustrate the regularities, we report result of experimental study of the phlogopite-forming reactions in the model systems pyrope-enstatite, grossular-pyrope-enstatite and knorringite-pyrope-enstatite systems in presence of a H2O-KCl fluid at pressure 3 and 5 GPa and temperatures of 900 and 1000°C. The experiments were aimed at the tracing of variations of grossular and knorringite contents in garnet, as well as Al content of pyroxenes, with variations of the KCl content in the fluid.

The increase of XKCl in the fluid is accompanied by gradual decomposition of garnet and Al-bearing enstatite in all systems. The Al2O3 content in orthopyroxene decreases in the pyrope – enstatite system at 5 GPa and 900°C. In the system enstatite-pyrope-grossular at 5 GPa and 1000°C phlogopite forms at the KCl content 10 mol. % in the fluid. Further increase of the KCl content in the fluid results in gradual disappearance of garnet and orthopyroxene and stronger domination of phlogopite and clinopyroxene. Grossular content in garnet increases with the KCl concetration in the fluid up to 10 mol. %, but further increase of the KCl concentration to 20 mol. % results in decrease of the grossular content in garnet. In the system enstatite-pyrope-knorringite at the KCl content in the fluid 0 – 10 mol. %, garnet contains 8-9 mol. % of knorringite. Cr-bearing phlogopite (about 2 wt. % Cr2O3) appears in this system at 10 mol. % KCl in the fluid, and its formation results in a slight increase of the knorringite content in garnet. Because of relatively high SiO2 bulk content in comparison to the typical peridotite, Cr-bearing kyanite (not spinel) forms at 20 mol. % KCl in the fluid resulting in a decrease of the knorringite content in garnet down to 3-5 mol. %. The Cr2O3 content in the coexisting phlogopite concomitantly decreases by about 1 wt. %.

The above experiments reproduced some characteristic regularities in variations of garnet and pyroxene compositions in the course of phlogopite formation in mantle peridotites. The applicability of the experimental results is illustrated by examples from peridotite xenoliths from kimberlites. These effects can be applied for the quantitative and qualitative estimates of variations in K activity during the modal mantle metasomatism.

How to cite: Limanov, E., Butvina, V., and Safonov, O.: Experimental study of phlogopite-forming reactions in the system orthopyroxene+garnet in presence of the H2O-KCl fluids., EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-228,, 2020.

EGU2020-1192 | Displays | GMPV1.4

Amphibole lamellae formation in the upper mantle due to interaction of fluid inclusions and host minerals: a case study from Persani Mountains Volcanic Field, Transylvania

Thomas Pieter Lange, Zsófia Pálos, Levente Patkó, Márta Berkesi, Nóra Liptai, László Előd Aradi, Ábel Szabó, Csaba Szabó, and István János Kovács

Amphibole is one of the most abundant ’water’-bearing minerals in the Earth’s upper mantle. Amphiboles occur as interstitial grains, lamellae within pyroxenes or as daughter minerals within fluid inclusions.  Most commonly amphibole formation is related to mantle metasomatism, where the agent has a subducted slab (e.g. Manning 2004) or an asthenospheric origin (e.g. Berkesi et al. 2019).  After the formation of fluid inclusions, a subsolidus interaction can take place where the H2O content of fluid inclusions may crystallize pargasite (e.g. Plank et al. 2016).

Here we present amphibole lamellae formation in mantle xenoliths from the Persani Mountains Volcanic Field that is interrelated to a reaction between fluid inclusions and host clinopyroxene.  Newly formed amphibole lamellae occur only in the surroundings of the fluid inclusions and grow within the host clinopyroxene in a preferred crystallographic direction.  Studied lamellae do not reach the rim of the host mineral implying that components needed for formation of amphibole lamellae in clinopyroxene could have only originated from the fluid inclusion itself.  We measured the major element composition of amphibole lamellae and host clinopyroxene (1) and used Raman spectroscopy and FIB-SEM on fluid inclusion study situated next to the lamellae (2).  Results support the hypothesis that chemical components (dominantly H+) migrated sub-solidus from the fluid inclusion into the host mineral after fluid entrapment via subsolidus interaction.  Beyond the clinopyroxene-hosted fluid inclusions, fluid inclusions in orthopyroxenes were also studied as a reference.  Our study shows that post-entrapment diffusion from a fluid inclusion into the host mineral changes the solid/fluid ratio of the mantle  which could modify the rheology of the lithospheric mantle.

Berkesi, M. et al. 2019. Chemical Geology, 508, 182-196.

Kovács et al. (2017) Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica, 52(2), 183-204.

Manning C. E. 2004. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 223, 1-16.

Plank, T. A. et al. 2016. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.

How to cite: Lange, T. P., Pálos, Z., Patkó, L., Berkesi, M., Liptai, N., Aradi, L. E., Szabó, Á., Szabó, C., and Kovács, I. J.: Amphibole lamellae formation in the upper mantle due to interaction of fluid inclusions and host minerals: a case study from Persani Mountains Volcanic Field, Transylvania, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-1192,, 2020.

EGU2020-3047 | Displays | GMPV1.4

Volumetric response of crushed dunite during carbonation reaction under controlled σ-P-T conditions

Jinfeng Liu, Timotheus Wolterbeek, and Christopher Spiers

Naturally, olivine reacts with CO2-rich fluids, producing carbonates and silica. If in completion, this reaction will cause a large increase in the solid volume (~85%), which can generate a significant stress/force when it occurs in a confined space. This may be used to fracture the surrounding rocks in the context of the injection of industrially captured CO2 into peridotites for permanent sequestration. Contrarily, this volume-increasing reaction may also clog transport paths and thus inhibit CO2 access, leading to little or no volumetric increase at industrial time scales. Although observations from natural systems suggest that reaction-induced fracturing during peridotite carbonation can occur, the fracturing mechanism has not been experimentally reproduced under in-situ stress-temperature-chemical conditions. Here, we report 9 flow-through experiments performed on pre-compacted Åheim dunite (containing ~85% olivine) powders (grain size 36-50 µm) during carbonation reaction under controlled σ-P-T conditions. This was done using a purpose-built apparatus, consisting of a flow-through system accommodated with a uniaxial servo-controlled loading system. Before experiments, the dunite powders were compacted stepwise up to 250MPa to form a disc-shape sample with starting porosity of ~25%. The sample was covered by a thin Teflon sleeve plus Vaseline to reduce the friction against the vessel wall. The experiments were performed at a constant temperature of 150℃ and constant (Terzaghi) effective stress of 1, 5, 15MPa, respectively. The sample was first exposed to deionized (DI) water at a pore fluid pressure of 10MPa, and then the DI water was replaced, maintaining constant pore pressure of 10MPa, by flow-through of a certain chemical fluid, such as CO2 saturated brine (containing 1M NaCl plus 0.64M NaHCO3, pH~3), CO2 saturated water (pH~3), NaHCO3 saturated solution (pH~9) and NaHSO4 solution (pH~3). The permeability was measured for all experiments using the flow-through system by means of the steady-state method, and each experiment took 2-4 weeks. The experiments show that the samples exhibited 0-0.37% compaction strain when CO2 saturated brine, CO2 saturated water, and NaHCO3 saturated solution flow through, independently of poroelastic effects, and the sample permeability drops in the order from 10-17 to 10-20 m2. By contrast, for the NaHSO4 flow-through experiment where no carbonation reaction occurred, the sample permeability increased from 2*10-17 to 7*10-17 m2, associated with 0.05% compaction. The sample mass after the NaHSO4 flow-through experiment reduced ~5%, suggesting that magnesium and silica may be partly leached out from the sample. Microstructure observations and XRD analysis on these samples demonstrate a drastic reduction in porosity of the reaction zone where CO2 was integrated into the crystal structure of the product carbonates by means of carbonation reactions. The mechanism responsible for the observed behavior seems to be that the dissolution of olivine that occurred first at the grain contact surface leads to compaction, followed by precipitation of carbonates at porous that clogs the transport paths and thus reduces the permeability, though the detailed chemical analysis is still performing. As a result, our current findings suggest that the volume-increasing precipitation produced via the carbonation reaction under in-situ subsurface conditions will clog transport paths.

How to cite: Liu, J., Wolterbeek, T., and Spiers, C.: Volumetric response of crushed dunite during carbonation reaction under controlled σ-P-T conditions, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-3047,, 2020.

In the eclogite facies shear zone of Bottarello, Monte Rosa, Western Alps [1], fault recrystallization around 600 °C gives concordant Lu-Hf (garnet) and 39Ar-40Ar (white mica, WM) 47 Ma ages whereas <100 m from the fault the unsheared rock at the same T preserves Mesozoic inheritance. The Ar retentivity of WM is not accurately predicted by hydrothermal laboratory experiments, because the latter are plagued by massive dissolution artefacts [2]. Independent field observations confirm that WM only starts losing Ar in dry rocks above 600 °C [3-8], but when retrograde reactions occur, WM can recrystallize and be totally reset below 230 °C [9]. The Bottarello fault obliterated all relict WM from the protolith; the neoformed WM records its own formation age.

The island of Naxos (Cyclades, Greece) is the classic example of multiple, coexisting WM generations [10]: relict pre-eclogitic basement WM, and eclogitic phengite retrograded to muscovite. Electron microprobe element maps demonstrate intergrowths at a scale <5 µm, which makes laser microprobe dating useless. Bulk mica dissolution for Rb-Sr gives Eocene ages [11], which agree with bulk K-Ar ages. This is paradoxical, as Ar diffusivity is c. 4 orders of magnitude higher than that of Sr [12]; the only explanation is that both chronometric systems record formation ages around 500-600 °C. The WM generations can be unravelled by their Ca/Cl/K signatures; coarse and fine sieve fractions are never isomineralic. Ages of pure mica generations are obtained by extrapolating Ca/Cl/K-vs-age trends.

The in-sequence thrusts of the Garhwal Himalaya add one complication: thrusting was long-lived. Microstructures combined with chemical microanalysis distinguish three monazite generations (dated by U-Pb) and three WM generations: relicts in microlithons, foliation-defining mica, and static coronas. As in the previous examples, intergrowths are <<10 µm and only combining Ca/Cl/K systematics with the observed differences in structural breakdown temperatures can assign the different WM ages in the same sample to chemically distinct generations [13]. WM formation ages overlap with Mnz ages and date the onset of faulting, the kinematic peak, and the post-faulting corona formation.

There is no free lunch: dating deformation is extremely labor-intensive and requires, always, establishing the context between microtextural, microchemical, petrological and multichronometric analyses. Whenever one of these four is missing, the tectonic reconstruction is invariably faulty [14].


[1] Villa &al, J Petrol 55 (2014) 803-830

[2] Villa, Geol Soc London Spec Pub 332 (2010) 1-15

[3] Di Vincenzo &al, J Petrol 45 (2004) 1013-1043

[4] Itaya &al, Island Arc 18 (2009) 293-305

[5] Heri &al, Geol Soc London Spec Pub 378 (2014) 69-78

[6] Laurent &al, Lithos, 272-273 (2017) 315-335

[7] Airaghi &al, J Metam Geol 36 (2018) 933-958

[8] Imayama &al, Geol Soc London Spec Pub 481 (2019) 147-173

[9] Maineri &al, Mineralium Deposita 38 (2003) 67-86

[10 Wijbrans & McDougall, Contrib Min Petr 93 (1986) 187-194

[11] Peillod &al, J Metam Geol 35 (2017) 805-830

[12] Cherniak & Watson, EPSL 113 (1992) 411-425

[13] Montemagni &al, Geol Soc London Spec Pub 481 (2019) 127-146

[14] Bosse & Villa, Gondwana Res 71 (2019) 76-90

How to cite: Villa, I. M.: Dating deformation: multichronometric examples from the Western Alps, Naxos, and the Garhwal Himalaya, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-4133,, 2020.

EGU2020-4543 | Displays | GMPV1.4

Melt inclusions in metamorphic rocks: how localized melting promoted the formation of the Gore Mountains mega garnets (Adirondacks, US)

Silvio Ferrero, Iris Wannhoff, Robert Darling, Bernd Wunder, Laurent Oscar, Patrick J. O' Brien, Martin A. Ziemann, and Christina Günter

Melt inclusions have been for almost 150 years an exclusive feature of magmatic rocks. However, intensive research activity in the last decade has shown that melt inclusions, or nanogranitoids, are also a widespread feature of high grade metamorphic rocks. Such inclusions rapidly became fundamental tools to unravel partial melting and melt-related processes taking place during orogenesis.

One of the latest discoveries in this field has been the identification of nanogranitoids and glass inside the mega almandine-pyrope garnets of Barton Mine (Gore Mountain, NY State, US). These crystals are arguably the world’s largest garnets and occur within garnet hornblendite. Their size is ca. 35 cm in average, while garnet diameters up to 1 m were reported in historical record. Fluid is often invoked in the formation of large crystals, but so far no study has identified clear witnesses for the presence of fluid during garnet formation, e.g. primary fluid inclusions.

Polycrystalline inclusions of primary nature were instead reported by Darling et al. (1997) to occur inside the garnet: such inclusions are the main target of our study. Their shape ranges from tubular (2-100 µm in length) to negative crystal shape (2-50 µm). They mainly contain cristobalite/quartz, kumdykolite and amphibole. Minor phases such as biotite/phlogopite, enstatite, rutile, ilmenite and a second, Ca-richer plagioclase (or its rare polymorphs dmisteinbergite and svyatoslavite) may be also present. The inclusions were re-homogenized to a silicate-rich glass via piston cylinder experiments at 1.0-1.5 GPa and 925-940°C. Experimental results prove that such inclusions are former droplets of melt, in agreement with the finding of preserved residual glass in one single inclusion before the experimental runs. The melt composition measured in situ via electron microprobe is tonalitic-trondhjemitic with 5-6 wt% H2O.

The identification of melt inclusions points toward a melt rather than a fluid as the medium which favored extreme garnet growth under low nucleation rate conditions. The elements necessary to grow garnets – mainly Fe, Al, Si, Mg- are indeed far more effectively transported by a silicate melt rather than simple aqueous fluid, at least at the limited depth envisioned for this process. In conclusion, the finding of melt inclusions in metamorphic rocks brought us forward along the path toward the solution of the enigma represented by the formation of these giant garnets.

Darling, R.S., Chou, I.M., Bodnar, R.J., 1997. An Occurrence of Metastable Cristobalite in High-Pressure Garnet Granulite. Science 276, 91.

How to cite: Ferrero, S., Wannhoff, I., Darling, R., Wunder, B., Oscar, L., O' Brien, P. J., Ziemann, M. A., and Günter, C.: Melt inclusions in metamorphic rocks: how localized melting promoted the formation of the Gore Mountains mega garnets (Adirondacks, US), EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-4543,, 2020.

EGU2020-5045 | Displays | GMPV1.4

Beef veins record fluid overpressure during oil primary migration in source rocks

Miao Wang, Yong Chen, and Matthew Steele-MacInnis

Bedding-parallel, fibrous calcite veins (commonly referred to as “beefs”) are widely developed within Eocene, lacustrine, laminated organic-rich source rocks in the Dongying Depression, Bohai Bay Basin, East China. Based on the study of vein petrography and fluid inclusions features, we demonstrate the vein was the product of hydrocarbon generation and expulsion from organic-rich shales. Consequently, the primary inclusions in the fibrous calcites recorded the fluid conditions during maturation of these source rocks. In most cases, the calcite-hosted primary inclusion assemblages are composed of the two-phase (oil + gas) hydrocarbon inclusions, with or without coexisting aqueous inclusions. Less commonly, the assemblages are made up of inclusions with only liquid hydrocarbon (i.e., monophase, high-density petroleum inclusions). In addition, many bitumen-bearing oil inclusions could also be observed in the fibrous calcite veins. By modelling the isochores of two-phase oil inclusions and coexisting aqueous inclusions, in light of the burial history for the basin, we conclude the fluid overpressure up to approximately twice (2x) the hydrostatic value (i.e., ~0.5–0.6x lithostatic) are the most common during the hydrocarbon generation and primary migration. The highest degrees of overpressure are recorded by the rare monophase petroleum inclusions. The resulting isochores of these highest density inclusions project to pressures that overlap with the lithostatic gradient. Thus, the monophase inclusions indicate pressures approaching and in some cases exceeding lithostatic. Our results indicate that fluids present during hydrocarbon generation and expulsion in organic-rich shales were indeed overpressured, but that lithostatic pressures were not the norm and evidently not a prerequisite for vein dilation, which means the fluid pressures during dilation of horizontal veins are not necessarily equal to the overburden throughout the history of the opening. This suggests that at least some of the vein dilation is accommodated and offset by concomitant narrowing of the adjacent wall rock laminae, likely by scavenging (dissolution/reprecipitation) of CaCO3 from the adjacent wall rock, owing to the positive pressure dependence of calcite solubility, and presence of organic acids as byproducts of hydrocarbon generation.

How to cite: Wang, M., Chen, Y., and Steele-MacInnis, M.: Beef veins record fluid overpressure during oil primary migration in source rocks, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-5045,, 2020.

EGU2020-5725 | Displays | GMPV1.4

Elastic geobarometry of multiphase inclusions

Kira Musiyachenko, Mara Murri, Ross John Angel, Mauro Prencipe, Matteo Alvaro, and Hugo van Schrojenstein Lantman

Elastic geobarometry allows one to recover the PT entrapment conditions of a host-inclusion pair from measurements of the residual pressure of the inclusion which develops upon exhumation due to differences of its thermo-elastic properties from the host (Angel et al., 2015). At the present, calculations assume that the inclusion is a single phase. For a soft inclusion in a stiffer host, the volume change of a free inclusion crystal would be greater than that of the host, which leads to the inclusions being compressed into a smaller volume than expected and thus positive inclusion pressures. Conversely, an inclusion stiffer than the host should develop a negative pressure.

Rutile-in-garnet would be a good candidate for elastic geobarometry because of its common occurrence in high-pressure high-temperature (HP-HT) metamorphic rocks, its simple structure and chemistry and its broad PT stability field. However, recent work by Zaffiro et al. (2019) demonstrated that rutile trapped in garnet should always exhibit negative pressure upon exhumation because rutile is stiffer than garnet, making this pair unsuitable for elastic geobarometry.

Nevertheless, rutile inclusions in garnets from the Pohorje eclogite seem to challenge this thermodynamic prediction. Rutile inclusions show no Raman peak shifts relative to free crystals within the measurement error, despite there being strain birefringence in the garnet host around the rutile which indicates the relaxation of stressed inclusions. High resolution 3D Raman mapping on one of these rutile inclusions revealed the presence of tiny (2-3 µm thick) amphibole crystals located between the garnet and rutile, with the amphibole occupying about 25-30% of the volume of the inclusion. The presence of this amount of amphibole lowers the bulk modulus of the composite inclusion (rutile + amphibole) to less than the bulk modulus of the garnet, hence leading to pressurization of the inclusions upon exhumation. This study shows that careful characterization of host inclusion systems, linked to thermodynamic modelling, is thus necessary to interpret residual pressures (Pinc) in terms of entrapment conditions.

This project has received funding from the European Research Council under the H2020 research and innovation program (N. 714936 TRUE DEPTHS to M. Alvaro).


Angel R.J. et al. 2015. J. Metamorph. Geol., 33(8), 801-813.

Zaffiro G. et al. 2019.  Mineralogical Magazine, 83(3), 339-347.

How to cite: Musiyachenko, K., Murri, M., Angel, R. J., Prencipe, M., Alvaro, M., and van Schrojenstein Lantman, H.: Elastic geobarometry of multiphase inclusions, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-5725,, 2020.

EGU2020-6060 | Displays | GMPV1.4 | Highlight

Low-temperature thermochronology of fault zones

Takahiro Tagami

Thermal signatures as well as timing of fault motions can be constrained by thermochronological analyses of fault-zone rocks (e.g., Tagami, 2012, 2019).  Fault-zone materials suitable for such analyses are produced by tectocic and geochemical processes, such as (1) mechanical fragmentation of host rocks, grain-size reduction of fragments and recrystallization of grains to form mica and clay minerals, (2) secondary heating/melting of host rocks by frictional fault motions, and (3) mineral vein formation as a consequence of fluid advection associated with fault motions.  The geothermal structure of fault zones are primarily controlled by the following three factors: (a) regional geothermal structure around the fault zone that reflect background thermo-tectonic history of studied province, (b) frictional heating of wall rocks by fault motions and resultant heat transfer into surrounding rocks, and (c) thermal influences by hot fluid advection in and around the fault zone.  Geochronological/thermochronological methods widely applied in fault zones are K-Ar (40Ar/39Ar), fission-track (FT), and U-Th methods.  In addition, (U-Th)/He, OSL, TL and ESR methods are applied in some fault zones, in order to extract temporal information related to low temperature and/or recent fault activities.  Here I briefly review the thermal sensitivity of individual thermochronological systems, which basically controls the response of each method against faulting processes.  Then, the thermal sensitivity of FTs is highlighted, with a particular focus on the thermal processes characteristic to fault zones, i.e., flash and hydrothermal heating.  On these basis, representative examples as well as key issues, including sampling strategy, are presented to make thermochronological analysis of fault-zone materials, such as fault gouges, pseudotachylytes and mylonites, along with geological, geomorphological and seismological implications.  Finally, the thermochronological analyses of the Nojima fault are overviewed, as an example of multidisciplinary investigations of an active seismogenic fault system.



  1. Tagami, 2012. Thermochronological investigation of fault zones. Tectonophys., 538-540, 67-85, doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2012.01.032.
  2. Tagami, 2019. Application of fission track thermochronology to analyze fault zone activity. Eds. M. G. Malusa, P. G. Fitzgerald, Fission track thermochronology and its application to geology, 393pp, 221-233, doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-89421-8_12.

How to cite: Tagami, T.: Low-temperature thermochronology of fault zones, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-6060,, 2020.

EGU2020-6962 | Displays | GMPV1.4

First-principle partitioning and disequilibrium of chromium in garnet – clinopyroxene assemblage

Benoit Dubacq, Sarah Figowy, Yves Noël, and Philippe D'Arco

Using partition coefficients is extremely useful to model melting processes and fluid-rock interactions. However, partition coefficients values remain scarce in regard of their sensitivity to mineral composition and to the variability of mineral composition. In addition, the inferred equilibrium between phases is not necessarily reached, even in high-grade metamorphic conditions associated to melting. Disequilibrium may dramatically hamper the effective mobility of species and lead to element distribution far from the predicted values.

This contribution aims at estimating partition coefficients for chromium (Cr) between garnet and clinopyroxene, and testing them in natural rocks of various metamorphic grades. As a poorly mobile trivalent element, Cr is chosen as a proxy to rare earth elements.

Theoretical partition coefficients for Cr between garnet and clinopyroxene are calculated ab initio from structures where Cr3+ is modelled as a defect in Al3+ sites using CRYSTAL17 (Dovesi et al., 2014) and the thermodynamic description of Dubacq and Plunder (2018). Results are compared to electron microprobe measurements in mineral assemblages containing tens to thousands of ppm of Cr, where element mapping brings much information.

Results of ab initio computations highlight the role of crystal-chemistry over the strain field around point defects, controlling the dynamics of the Cr3+ = Al3+ exchange between clinopyroxene and garnet. As expected, the partitioning of Cr between garnet and clinopyroxene depends strongly on the grossular and pyrope content: Cr incorporates grossular preferentially to jadeite, but jadeite incorporates Cr preferentially to pyrope.

Comparison between predicted and measured partition coefficients allowed to estimate the deviation from equilibrium. Disequilibrium is evidenced even for samples metamorphosed around 850°C, as shown by the distribution of Cr-rich and Cr-depleted domains. Disequilibrium is attributed to slow diffusivity of Cr in fluid and at grain boundaries during crystal growth, leading to interface-coupled dissolution-precipitation.

Dovesi, R., Orlando, R., Erba, A., Zicovich‐Wilson, C. M., Civalleri, B., Casassa, S., ... & Noël, Y. (2014). CRYSTAL14: A program for the ab initio investigation of crystalline solids. International Journal of Quantum Chemistry114(19), 1287-1317.

Dubacq, B., & Plunder, A. (2018). Controls on trace element distribution in oxides and silicates. Journal of Petrology59(2), 233-256.

How to cite: Dubacq, B., Figowy, S., Noël, Y., and D'Arco, P.: First-principle partitioning and disequilibrium of chromium in garnet – clinopyroxene assemblage, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-6962,, 2020.

EGU2020-7963 | Displays | GMPV1.4

How trustworthy are absolute age data from reprecipitated mineral grains?

Matthias Konrad-Schmolke and Ralf Halama

Absolute dating of rock deformation is often hampered by the observation that the affected minerals are only partly re-equilibrated with respect to their isotopic composition.

Generally, three different processes enable mineral grains to adjust isotopically during the deformation event, i.e. volume diffusion, recrystallisation as well as dissolution and reprecipitation.

The degree to which the crystal structure is affected by these processes is different and thus the extent of isotopic equilibration during these processes generally differs in a way that diffusive element exchange is believed to be the most ineffective and slowest process, whereas re- and neo-crystallization seem to be fast and thorough.

Fluid-induced dissolution and reprecipitation is a very common mineral reaction mechanism in the solid Earth and as the crystal lattice is intensively reworked during this process, elemental and isotopic exchange between matrix and the newly formed crystal should be facilitated.   

Commonly, element and isotopic exchange during such mineral reactions is thought to occur via aqueous solutions, but new experimental as well as natural data show that the element transfer during mineral dissolution and reprecipitation can also occur in an amorphous material that forms directly by depolymerization of the crystal lattice.

Furthermore, precipitation of product minerals occurs directly by repolymerization of the amorphous material at the product surface, hence the entire element and isotopic transfer between reactant and product mineral might not involve equilibration with the intercrystalline transport medium with important consequences for the interpretation of age data from re- and neo-crystallized grains.

How to cite: Konrad-Schmolke, M. and Halama, R.: How trustworthy are absolute age data from reprecipitated mineral grains?, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-7963,, 2020.

EGU2020-9268 | Displays | GMPV1.4

Olivine dis-equilibrium growth in the Val Malenco contact aureole (Northern Italy), sparks before the fireworks?

José Alberto Padrón-Navarta, Maxime Clément, and Andréa Tommasi

Dehydration reactions are metamorphic reactions that release water (aqueous fluids). They are crucial for the dynamics and chemical recycling in subduction zones. The dehydration of serpentinites is of particular importance as it represents the main source of volatiles in subduction zones and it occurs in a narrow temperature interval. It is generally assumed that dehydration reactions proceed at near-equilibrium. In such situation, the pressure of the fluid produced by the reaction approaches the lithostatic pressure. Deviations from the equilibrium model have been invoked for antigorite dehydration based on natural observations of anisotropic olivine grain growth at high-pressure conditions (1.5-2.0 GPa) [1,2]. Here we show another occurrence of texturally non-equilibrated olivine growth at low pressure (0.4 GPa) in olivine-talc veins crosscutting serpentinites in the Bergell intrusion contact aureole at Alpe Zocca (Malenco Unit, Northern Italy) [3].

The dehydration reactions, which resulted in the replacement of serpentinites by olivine-talc metaperidotites, occurred under quasi-static conditions. The main reaction front, which defines the equilibrium ol + tlc isograd, is a 150 m wide zone outcropping at ~750 m from the Bergell intrusion. In the metaperidotites, olivine has a crystallographic preferred orientation (CPO) correlated with the precursor antigorite CPO, with [010]Ol axes parallel to [001]Atg. These CPOs are accompanied by shape-preferred orientations (SPO) that mark the foliation in both rock types. Talc crystals are also oriented and often bent around olivine crystals, suggesting local compaction. We interpret the foliated metaperidotites as formed at near equilibrium conditions, with pervasive fluid extraction from the metaperidotite by viscous metamorphic compaction.

However, downstream (<100 m) of the equilibrium dehydration reaction front, ol + tlc bearing veins with variable width and shapes are common. These veins are often surrounded by centimeter- to decimeter-scale dehydration reaction zones that propagate into the serpentinite wall-rock. Olivine crystals in dehydration veins also have a strong SPO and CPO that define a jackstraw texture within the plane of the vein. They are elongated (reaching up to 50 cm) parallel to [001] within the vein plane and have their [010] axes normal to the plane of the vein. We interpret the olivine–talc assemblage in the veins and in the nearby reaction zones as resulting from premature dehydration reactions at lower temperature than the equilibrium conditions owing to effective fluid extraction from the wall-rock into the veins. The jackstraw texture indicates fast kinetics, with the crystal orientation controlled by anisotropic growth under a fluid pressure gradient. These textures record local displacement of the reactions towards lower temperature conditions owing to the formation of extensional veins, which acted as high permeability channels allowing for effective draining of the system. These brittle ‘sparkles’ during or before the massive pervasive dehydration seem to have little impact on the overall reaction. 

[1] Padrón-Navarta et al. (2011). Journal of Petrology 52, 2047-2078. [2] Dilissen et al. (2018). Lithos 320-321, 470-489. [3] Clément, M., Padrόn-Navarta, J. A. & Tommasi, A. (2019). Interplay between fluid extraction mechanisms and antigorite dehydration reactions (Val Malenco, Italian Alps). Journal of Petrology, in press.

How to cite: Padrón-Navarta, J. A., Clément, M., and Tommasi, A.: Olivine dis-equilibrium growth in the Val Malenco contact aureole (Northern Italy), sparks before the fireworks?, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-9268,, 2020.

EGU2020-10711 | Displays | GMPV1.4

Fossil Subduction Recorded By Quartz From The Coesite Stability Field

Matteo Alvaro, Mattia L. Mazzucchelli, Ross J. Angel, Mara Murri, Nicola Campomenosi, Marco Scambelluri, Fabrizio Nestola, Andrey Korsakov, Anatoly Tomilenko, Federica Marone, Marta Morana, and Frederico Alabarse

Investigation of mantle xenoliths can provide information on the architecture and evolution of subcontinental lithospheric mantle through time. These reconstructions rely also on correct estimates of the pressures and temperatures (P-T) experienced by these rocks over time. Unlike chemical geothermobarometers, elastic geobarometry does not rely on chemical equilibrium between minerals, so it has the potential to provide information on over-stepping of reaction boundaries and to identify other examples of non-equilibrium behaviour in rocks. Here we introduce a method that exploits the elastic anisotropy of minerals to determine the unique P and T of equilibration from a measurements of single-crystal mineral inclusions trapped in a crystalline host from an eclogite xenolith [1]. We apply it to perfectly preserved quartz inclusions in garnet from eclogite xenoliths in kimberlites. We show that the elastic strains of inclusions calculated from in-house Raman spectroscopy measurements of the inclusions are in perfect agreement with those determined from in-situ X-ray diffraction measurements performed both in-house and at the synchrotron. Calculations based on these measured strains demonstrate that quartz trapped in garnet can be preserved even when the rock passes into the stability field of coesite (high pressure and temperature polymorph of quartz). This supports a metamorphic origin for these xenoliths that provides constraints on mechanisms of craton accretion from a subducted crustal protolith. Furthermore, we show that some key inclusion minerals do not always indicate the P and T attained during subduction and metamorphism.


This project has received funding from the European Research Council under the H2020 research and innovation programme (N. 714936 TRUE DEPTHS to M. Alvaro)


[1] M Alvaro, ML Mazzucchelli, RJ Angel, M Murri, N Campomenosi, M Scambelluri, F Nestola, A Korsakov, AA Tomilenko, F Marone, M Morana (2020) Fossil subduction recorded by quartz from the coesite stability field, Geology, 48, 24-28

How to cite: Alvaro, M., Mazzucchelli, M. L., Angel, R. J., Murri, M., Campomenosi, N., Scambelluri, M., Nestola, F., Korsakov, A., Tomilenko, A., Marone, F., Morana, M., and Alabarse, F.: Fossil Subduction Recorded By Quartz From The Coesite Stability Field, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-10711,, 2020.

EGU2020-12611 | Displays | GMPV1.4

Melt inclusions in olivines from phoscorites and olivinites of the Kovdor massif.

Anna Redina, Cora Wohlgemuth-Ueberwasser, Julia Mikhailova, and Gregory Ivanyuk

The Kovdor massif is a part of the Paleozoic Kola alkaline province and located in the eastern part of the Baltic Shield. Kovdor carbonatites host a unique complex baddeleyite-apatite-magnetite deposit from which iron ores and zirconium have been mined. New data on melt inclusions in olivine crystals from phoscorites and olivinites of the ore complex are presented in this contribution. Daughter minerals in crystallized melt inclusions were identified by Raman spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy. The trace element composition of inclusions was determined using LA-ICP-MS.

Melt inclusions in olivine from Kovdor phoscorites are negative crystal or round in shape, with sizes ranging from 5 to 50 microns. They form groups or line up. According to the mineral composition, two types of melt inclusions can be distinguished: carbonate and silicate-carbonate. In the first type, Ca-Na-Mg- (Sr?) - REE carbonates are dominant among daughter phases. In the second one, silicate phases (phlogopite, monticellite, diopside), Ca-Na-Mg carbonates and magnetite are found together. Melt inclusions in olivine from olivinites are isometric or elongated, 5–25 μm in size. They form groups or occur as isolated inclusions. Benstoneite, geylussit, ankerite, calcite and hydroxyl-bastnesite along with phyllosilicates (phlogopite, paragonite?) were identified among daughter minerals.

The rare earth elements composition of melt inclusions from both types of rocks is characterized by the predominance of light REE. The content of REE, especially light ones, in inclusions from phoscorites is higher. Strontium and barium contents in most melt inclusions have negative correlations with niobium and zirconium concentrations.

Melt inclusions from phoscorites and olivinites contain carbonate and silicate mineral phases in various proportions, which may imply heterogeneous trapping of crystalline phases and two immiscible melts, silicate and carbonatite. Inclusions from phoscorite represent a more evolved magma with higher concentrations of rare metals.

This work was supported by the Russian Science Foundation, grant No 19-17-00013.

How to cite: Redina, A., Wohlgemuth-Ueberwasser, C., Mikhailova, J., and Ivanyuk, G.: Melt inclusions in olivines from phoscorites and olivinites of the Kovdor massif., EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-12611,, 2020.

EGU2020-13888 | Displays | GMPV1.4

K-Ar dating of recent thrusts: an application to the Tertiary clay gouges in the Northern Apennines of Italy

Filippo Carboni, Giulio VIola, Luca Aldega, Roelant van der Lelij, Francesco Brozzetti, and Massimiliano R. Barchi

The Northern Apennines (NA) are a characteristic example of foreland fold-and-thrust belt (FTB) migrating towards its foreland. The progressive and quite regular eastward migration of the NA has been classically constrained in time by relying on the age of the syn-orogenic foreland basins, mainly determined by means of foraminifera and nannofossil biostratigraphy.

The well-known age of deformation makes the NA a perfect area where to test the reliability of the K-Ar illite dating applied to Cenozoic deformation involving siliciclatic deposits. In particular, we present the results of the first attempt to directly date, by K-Ar on illite separated from fault rocks, Neogene thrusts within the Trasimeno Tectonic Wedge (TTW), an imbricate thrust complex mainly made up of Tertiary siliciclastic rocks, located in the inner-central part of the NA, which represents the external front of the so-called Tuscan Nappe.

We sampled two WSW-dipping thrust faults, whose fault cores are composed of scaly gouge formed at the expense of the pelitic component of the host rocks. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and K-Ar isotopic analysis of multiple grain-sizes (from < 0.1 to 10 µm) allowed us to discriminate between syn-kinematic illite crystals formed during thrusting and detrital illite crystals inherited from the host rock. XRD data show a mineralogical association composed of quartz, calcite, albite, K-feldspar, chlorite, kaolinite and two populations of illite polytypes (1Md and 2M1). After the X-ray semiquantitative analysis, the results of the K-Ar dating of the two samples were regressed by the Illite Age Analysis (IAA) approach to assessing the effects of potential host rock contamination. Fault slip along the thrusts is then constrained to 15.2 ± 7.6 Ma and 15.4 ± 16.6 Ma.

Despite the large errors, the obtained dates are in excellent agreement with the timing of deformation along the base of the TTW, bracketed between the late Aquitanian and the latest Burdigalian – earliest Langhian and, more in general, with the proposed time evolution of the Northern Apennines.

Even if based on a limited dataset, our results suggest that the application of K-Ar dating of fault gouge can be extended to tectonic settings where independent constraints are not available and thus it becomes a valuable tool to study and constrain the time-space evolution of FTBs in recent and even active orogens.

How to cite: Carboni, F., VIola, G., Aldega, L., van der Lelij, R., Brozzetti, F., and Barchi, M. R.: K-Ar dating of recent thrusts: an application to the Tertiary clay gouges in the Northern Apennines of Italy, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-13888,, 2020.

EGU2020-14005 | Displays | GMPV1.4 | Highlight

Geochemistry of noble gas and CO2 in fluid inclusions from lithospheric mantle beneath Eifel and Siebengebirge (Germany)

Andrea Luca Rizzo, Massimo Coltorti, Barbara Faccini, Federico Casetta, Theodoros Ntaflos, and Francesco Italiano

The study of fluid inclusions (FI) composition (He, Ne, Ar, CO2) integrated with the petrography and mineral chemistry of mantle xenoliths representative of the Sub Continental Lithospheric Mantle (SCLM) is a unique opportunity for constraining its geochemical features and evaluating the processes and the evolution that modified its original composition. An additional benefit of this type of studies is the possibility of better constraining the composition of fluids rising through the crust and used for volcanic or seismic monitoring.  

In this respect, the volcanic areas of Eifel and Siebengebirge in Germany represent a great opportunity to test this scientific approach for three main reasons. First, these volcanic centers developed in the core of the Central European Volcanic Province where it is debated whether the continental rift was triggered by a plume (Ritter, 2007 and references therein). Second, Eifel and Siebengebirge formed in Quaternary (0.5-0.01 Ma) and Tertiary (30-6 Ma), respectively, thus spanning a wide range of age. Third, Eifel is characterized by the presence of CO2-dominated gas emissions and weak earthquakes that testify that local magmatic activity is nowadays dormant, but not ended (e.g., Bräuer et al., 2013). It is thus important to better constrain the noble gas signature expected in surface gases in case of magmatic unrest.

This work focuses on the petrological and geochemical study of mantle xenoliths sampled in the West Eifel and Siebengebirge volcanic areas (Germany) and aims at enlarging the knowledge of the local SCLM. Gautheron et al. (2005) carried out the first characterization of noble gases in FI of crystals analyzed by crushing technique (as in our study) but limited to olivines and to West Eifel eruptive centers. Here, we integrate that study by analyzing olivines, orthopyroxenes and clinopyroxenes from a new suite of samples and by including two eruptive centers from Siebengebirge volcanic field (Siebengebirge and Eulenberg quarries).

Xenoliths from the Siebengebirge localities are characterized by the highest Mg# for olivine, clinopyroxene and Cr# for spinel, together with the lowest Al2O3 contents for both pyroxenes, suggesting  that the mantle beneath Siebengebirge experienced high degree of melt extraction (up to 30%) while metasomatic/refertilization events were more efficient in the mantle beneath West Eifel.

In terms of CO2 and noble gas concentration, clinopyroxene and most of the orthopyroxene show the highest gas content, while olivine are gas-poor. The 3He/4He varies between 5.5 and 6.9 Ra. These values are comparable to previous measurements in West Eifel, mostly within the range proposed for European SCLM (6.3±0.4 Ra), and slightly below that of MORB (Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalts; 8±1Ra). The Ne and Ar isotope ratios fall along a binary mixing trend between air and MORB-like mantle. He/Ar* in FI and Mg# and Al2O3 content in minerals confirm that the mantle beneath Siebengebirge experienced the highest degree of melting, while the metasomatic/refertilization events largely affected the Eifel area.


Bräuer, K., et al. 2013. Chem. Geol. 356, 193–208.

Gautheron, C., et al. 2005. Chem. Geol. 217, 97–112.

Ritter, J.R.R., 2007. In: Ritter, J.R.R., Christensen, U.R. (Eds.), Mantle Plumes: A Multidisciplinary Approach. Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 379–404.

How to cite: Rizzo, A. L., Coltorti, M., Faccini, B., Casetta, F., Ntaflos, T., and Italiano, F.: Geochemistry of noble gas and CO2 in fluid inclusions from lithospheric mantle beneath Eifel and Siebengebirge (Germany), EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-14005,, 2020.

EGU2020-19696 | Displays | GMPV1.4

Kinetic aspects of major and trace elements in olivines from variably cooled basaltic melts

Sarah Lang, Silvio Mollo, Lyderic France, Manuela Nazzari, Valeria Misiti, Andrey A. Gurenko, and Jean-Luc Devidal

Olivine is an important mineral phase in naturally cooled basaltic rocks. The texture and composition of olivine are strictly related to the interplay between the degree of magma undercooling and crystal growth rate. Crystals formed at low undercoolings and growth rates generally show polyhedral-hopper textures and quite homogeneous compositions, while skeletal-dendritic textures and evident crystal zonations occur at high undercoolings and growth rates. In this context, we have performed equilibrium and disequilibrium (i.e., cooling rate) experiments to better understand, by a comparatively approach, the effects of crystallization kinetics on the incorporation of major and trace cations in olivine lattice. The experiments were carried out in a 1 atm vertical tube CO-CO2 gas-mixing furnace to perform experiment at atmospheric pressure and oxygen fugacity of QFM-2 using a basaltic glass (i.e., OIB) as starting materials. The equilibrium experiment was performed at 1175 °C. These target temperatures were kept constant for 240 h and then quenched. Conversely, the disequilibrium experiments were performed at the superliquidus temperature of 1250, and 1300 °C, which was kept constant for 2 h before cooling. The final target temperatures of 1150 (undercooling -ΔT = 50 °C), and 1175 °C (-ΔT = 25 °C) were attained by applying cooling rates of 2 °C/h, 20 °C/h, and 60 °C/h. Then the experimental charges were quenched. Results show that the olivine texture shifts from euhedral (i.e., equilibrium) to anhedral (i.e., disequilibrium) under the effect of cooling rate and rapid crystal growth. In equilibrium experiments, the composition of olivine is homogeneous and non chemical gradients are found in the melt next to the crystal surface. In contrast, a diffusive boundary layer develops in the melt surrounding the olivine crystals growing rapidly under the effect of cooling rate and degree of undercooling. The compositional gradient in the melt increases with increasing cooling rate and undercooling, causing the diffusive boundary layer to expand towards the far field melt. Because of the effects of crystallization kinetics, skeletal-dendritic olivines incorporates higher proportions of major and trace elements that are generally incompatible within their crystal lattice under equilibrium conditions.

How to cite: Lang, S., Mollo, S., France, L., Nazzari, M., Misiti, V., Gurenko, A. A., and Devidal, J.-L.: Kinetic aspects of major and trace elements in olivines from variably cooled basaltic melts, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-19696,, 2020.

We present various examples of age variations in Potassium-bearing minerals of tectonites obtained by 40Ar/39Ar in situ dating. Age variations in pre-kinematic clasts and syn-kinematic blasts both span large age ranges of significantly different ages values at the cores compared to the rims, calling for petrologic interpretation. Some of the synkinematic grains are overgrown by late- to post-kinematic blast that show consequently the youngest ages values within the samples. The concurrence of textural relation and age value in the case of late- to post-kinematic growth seem to be a robust tool to date the termination of deformation.  

Additional examples where break down reactions lead to dissolution of the prekinematic texture and crystallization of new minerals as coronas, within fractures of strain shadows also yield partly reset age values with larger scatter. The interpretation of those age values is more challenging and might be obscured by the 3D textural geometry of the analysed volume as well as disequilibrium between reactants and products.      

Commonly based on the percentage errors age values are interpreted as being geological significantly different, when errors do not overlap, or as natural geologic scatter, in the case errors overlap. This interpretation is biased by the absolute age value itself and might lead to over- and underestimations of geological events in geologic history. There is a strong need of error calculation that enables geological interpretation of tectonic event independent from their absolute age.

How to cite: Schneider, S.: Inter- and Intragranular age variations: Diffusion or mineral growth? – And what is wrong with the error? , EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-21192,, 2020.

EGU2020-21425 | Displays | GMPV1.4

Dating extensional deformation to unravel exhumation patterns in the Internal Dinarides

Georg Löwe, Susanne Schneider, Jörg A. Pfänder, and Kamil Ustaszewski

Ar/Ar-in-situ geochronology by laser ablation NGMS (noble gas mass spectrometry) provides a powerful tool to determine inter- and intra-granular age variations of potassium-bearing minerals while maintaining the structural integrity of a sample. This makes it an excellent method in targeting the understanding of the post-collisional evolution of an orogen by dating different mica generations. In order to investigate the timing of exhumation related to extensional deformation in the Internal Dinarides, we sampled paragneisses from the upper greenschist- to amphibolite-grade mylonitic detachment zones of two metamorphic core complexes (MCC’s). The MCC’s are located at the distal Adriatic passive margin (Cer MCC, central western Serbia) and within the Late Cretaceous suturing accretionary wedge complex (Motajica MCC, northern Bosnia and Herzegovina) that separates Adria-derived units from blocks of European affinity.

Mica grains were assigned to either pre-kinematic or syn-kinematic growth, according to their structural context, texture and grainsize. Pre-kinematic growth is characterized by large, deformed minerals of up to 3.5 mm in size, while rather fine-grained, recrystallized mineral aggregates that usually formed in the strain shadow of larger clasts represent syn-kinematic growth.

The ages of pre-kinematic white mica from paragneisses of the Motajica detachment range from approx. 80 to 25 Ma. They partly show a large intra-granular age spread characterized by significantly older core ages becoming progressively younger towards the rim. This pattern likely suggests diffusive loss of radiogenic Ar. Ages between 80-55 Ma in the central parts of the grains, associated with a top-W transport direction, are interpreted as the time interval of mineral growth and subsequent deformation in an accretionary wedge during E-ward subduction of the Adriatic passive margin underneath European units.

Syn-kinematic white mica from Motajica yielded ages between 22 and 16 Ma, which are interpreted as the time of peak activity of extension. This also corresponds with the time of crustal extension in the Pannonian Basin to the north. At Cer MCC, located roughly 150 km ENE of Motajica MCC and structurally below the accretionary wedge complex, ages of deformed white mica indicate exhumation between 19 and 15 Ma with a top-N directed transport.  

Our results suggest that the opening of the Pannonian Basin in response to slab-retreat underneath the Carpathian orogen resulted in the extensional reactivation of suturing thrusts that separated Adriatic from European units, leading to exhumation of parts of the accretionary wedge (Motajica MCC). This event was followed by the progressive exhumation of the passive Adriatic margin (Cer MCC) that occupied a structural position below the suturing accretionary wedge.

How to cite: Löwe, G., Schneider, S., Pfänder, J. A., and Ustaszewski, K.: Dating extensional deformation to unravel exhumation patterns in the Internal Dinarides, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-21425,, 2020.

GMPV1.6 – Geochemical monitoring in volcanic and seismically active regions: new advances

EGU2020-8485 | Displays | GMPV1.6

Using wehrlites to monitor the passage of CO2-bearing melts in the shallow lithosphere

Sonja Aulbach, A-Bing Lin, Yaakov Weiss, and Gregory Yaxley

Continental rifting has been linked to the thinning and destruction of cratonic lithospheres and to the release of enough CO2 to impact the global climate [1]. This fundamental plate tectonic process facilitates the infiltration and/or mobilisation of small-volume carbonated melts, which interact with mantle peridotite to form wehrlite through the reaction: enstatite + CO32- (melt) = forsterite + diopside + CO2 (vapour) [2]. An analysis of the literature reveals that wehrlites are common in shallow mantle lithosphere in disrupted craton settings affected by either extension or subduction, and they have been linked to agents ranging from carbonatites to basanites [e.g. 3,4]. Conversely, the low abundance of wehrlitic diamond and garnet in cratonic mantle xenoliths (as opposed to lherzolitic or harzburgitic) indicate that wehrlitisation is not an important process at depths >~120 km. This may be due to the presence of a dominantly reducing lithosphere, which favours diamond precipitation or dissolution during reaction with carbonated silicate melts, depending on carbon saturation. Based on the relationship between wehrlite and small-volume carbonated melts, we suggest that wehrlite-bearing xenoliths can be used to monitor CO2 mobility through the shallow continental lithosphere. Assuming a depleted protolith, typically harzburgite at shallow lithospheric depth, the amount of newly-added cpx can be estimated and related to CO2 in the melt volume based on the above reaction. Considering the proportion of wehrlite in the xenolith population, an estimate of the total CO2 transported out of the shallow lithosphere can be made. For example, peridotite xenoliths from Liaoyuan in the reactivated northeastern North China craton sample the mantle beneath the mid-Cretaceous Tan Lu Fault Belt (TLFB), which is even vaster in size (5000 x 800-1000 km) than the EAR, the latter linked to degassing of 28 to 34 Mt C/yr over 40 Ma [1]. If wehrlitisation affected only a 10 km depth interval over a similar time, 23 Mt C/yr has passed through the TLFB, possibly contributing to the mid-Cretaceous greenhouse climate. Thus, wehrlites reveal the hidden carbon cycle in lithospheric provinces where CO2-rich melts are not necessarily observed at the surface.


[1] Foley and Fischer 2017 Nature Geosci 10; [2] Yaxley et al. 1998 J Petrol 39; [3] Aulbach et al. J Petrol 2017 58; [4] Lin et al. subm. J Geophys Res

How to cite: Aulbach, S., Lin, A.-B., Weiss, Y., and Yaxley, G.: Using wehrlites to monitor the passage of CO2-bearing melts in the shallow lithosphere, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-8485,, 2020.

EGU2020-21937 | Displays | GMPV1.6

Continuous monitoring of fault-controlled CO2 degassing in the Los Humeros Volcanic Complex, Mexico

Anna Jentsch, Walter Düsing, and Egbert Jolie

Over the last few decades, monitoring of soil CO2 efflux has been widely used in different scientific disciplines like volcanic and seismic hazard assessment, carbon capture and sequestration, geothermal well integrity, and others. We installed a comprehensive LICOR LI-8150 monitoring system on the Los Humeros normal fault, one of the major structures in the geothermal production field. Over a five-months period, seven accumulation chambers measured CO2 efflux every hour in combination with an on-site meteorological station recording air temperature, air humidity, barometric pressure, precipitation, wind speed, and wind direction. Seismic activity was recorded simultaneously by a seismic array of 42 stations distributed across the volcanic complex, which identified both, high frequency, volcano tectonic (>10 Hz) and low frequency, long-period events (1-8 Hz). Furthermore, monthly geothermal production and re-injection data are available. Our study aims to (1) characterize significant temporal variations of soil CO2 efflux, (2) assess the effect of environmental parameters, (3) analyze the possible influence of natural seismicity and geothermal exploitation (production/re-injection) on CO2 degassing rates. The latter aspect plays an important role to better understand the hydraulic connection and communication between subsurface and surface along structural discontinuities in the volcanic-geothermal system.

How to cite: Jentsch, A., Düsing, W., and Jolie, E.: Continuous monitoring of fault-controlled CO2 degassing in the Los Humeros Volcanic Complex, Mexico, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-21937,, 2020.

EGU2020-869 | Displays | GMPV1.6

Noble gas monitoring at the seemingly inactive Ciomadul volcano, Eastern Carpathians, Romania

Boglarka-Mercedesz Kis, Szabolcs Harangi, László Palcsu, and Botond Hegyeli

The Ciomadul volcano is the youngest volcano (32 ka) built by the Neogene volcanism in the Carpathian-Pannonian Region. This volcanic area is characterized by intense gas emissions (Kis et al., 2017) (CO2, CH4, H2S) in the form of bubbling pools, mofettes and mineral water springs. The isotopic compositions of carbon, 13CCO2 up to -3‰ VPDB and helium up to 3.1 Ra suggest magmatic origin of the gas up to 80% (Kis et al., 2019).

Although the volcano seems to be inactive, several features, petrologic and geophysical studies suggest that melt-bearing magmatic body could still exist beneath the volcano (Harangi et al., 2015). Moreover the geodynamic system is characterized by frequent earthquakes with magnitude up to 7 at Vrancea area, close to the CO2-rich gas emissions of Ciomadul and the neighbouring areas.

In 2015 we started the monitoring of the helium isotopic ratios of Ciomadul to chech the possible relationship with seismicity. Our results show that in several cases the helium isotopic ratios increase at a seismic event with magnitude between 4 and 5.8 suggesting a relationship between the two phenomena.


Harangi, Sz., Lukács, R., Schmitt, A.K., Dunkl, I., Molnár, K., Kiss, B., Seghedi, I., Á. Novothny, Molnár, M. 2015, Constraints on the timing of Quaternary volcanism and duration of magma residence at Ciomadul volcano, east-central Europe, from combined U-Th/He and U-Th zircon geochronology, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 301, 66-80

Kis, B.M., Ionescu, A., Cardellini, C., Harangi, Sz., Baciu, C., Caracausi, A; Viveiros, F. 2017, Quantification of carbon dioxide emissions of Ciomadul, the youngest volcano of the Carpathian-Pannonian Region (Eastern-Central Europe, Romania), Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 341, 119–130

Kis, B.M., Caracausi, A., Palcsu, L., Baciu, C., Ionescu, A., Futó, I., Sciarra, A., Harangi, Sz. 2019, Noble gas and carbon isotope systematic at the seemingly inactive Ciomadul volcano (Eastern-Central Europe, Romania, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 20, 6, 3019–3043

This research belongs to the scientific project supported by the OTKA, K116528 (Hungarian National Research Fund), the EU and Hungary, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund in the project GINOP-2.3.2-15-2016-00009 ‘ICER’ and the Deep Carbon Observatory.

How to cite: Kis, B.-M., Harangi, S., Palcsu, L., and Hegyeli, B.: Noble gas monitoring at the seemingly inactive Ciomadul volcano, Eastern Carpathians, Romania, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-869,, 2020.

EGU2020-11646 | Displays | GMPV1.6

Diffuse He degassing monitoring of the Tenerife North-western Rift Zone (NWRZ) volcano, Canary Islands

Guillermo Recio, Eleanor Dunn, Yasmin McInally, Nemesio M. Pérez, Cecilia Amonte, Mar Alonso, Eleazar Padrón, María Asensio-Ramos, and Francisco A. Morales

Tenerife (2034 km2), the largest island of the Canarian archipelago, is characterized by three volcanic rifts oriented NW-SE, NE-SW and N-S with a central volcanic complex, Las Cañadas Caldera, hosting Teide-Pico Viejo volcanoes. The North West volcanic Rift Zone (NWRZ, 72 km2) of Tenerife is one of the youngest and most active volcanic systems of the island, where two historical eruptions have occurred: Arenas Negras in 1706 and Chinyero in 1909. Diffuse degassing studies has become an important volcanic surveillance tool at those volcanic areas where visible manifestations of volcanic gases are absent, as in the case of NWRZ. Mapping soil gas emission along volcanic structures can provide a better understanding of the processes occurring at depth and allows monitoring the spatial distribution, magnitude and temporal evolution of the surface gas emissions. The geochemical properties of He, minimize the interaction of this noble gas on its movement toward the earth’s surface, and make this gas an almost ideal geochemical indicator of changes occurring in the magmatic plumbing system of the volcano (Padrón et al., 2013, Geology 41(5):539–542). Since 2014, surface He emission surveys have been performed once a year as an additional geochemical tool to monitor the volcanic activity of NWRZ. At 345 sampling sites soil gas samples were collected at 40 cm depth and analyzed for He concentration within 24 hours by means of QMS, model Pfeiffer Omnistar 422. The soil helium concentration data were used to estimate the diffusive helium flux at each point, to construct spatial distribution maps by sequential Gaussian simulation and then to estimate the total helium emission in the NWRZ. Helium emission ranged between non-detected values up to 7.2 mgm-2d-1, and the emission rate of the entire area was in the range ~1 – 45 kg d-1. An increasing trend was observed in the period 2016-2018, showing a good temporal coincidence with a significant increase in seismic activity recorded in Tenerife. The promising results observed in the NWRZ and in other volcanic systems (Padrón et al., 2013) indicate that soil helium emission monitoring could be an excellent early warning geochemical precursory signal for future volcanic unrest.

How to cite: Recio, G., Dunn, E., McInally, Y., Pérez, N. M., Amonte, C., Alonso, M., Padrón, E., Asensio-Ramos, M., and Morales, F. A.: Diffuse He degassing monitoring of the Tenerife North-western Rift Zone (NWRZ) volcano, Canary Islands, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-11646,, 2020.

EGU2020-12242 | Displays | GMPV1.6

Ultra-acid volcanic waters: origin and response on volcanic activity. A review

Yuri Taran and Elena Kalacheva

Some active volcanoes host thermal springs with ultra- (1<pH<2) and even hyper- (pH < 1) acidic waters with composition corresponding to a mixture of HCl and H2SO4 acids and with cations where Al and Fe are often the major components. Such springs sometimes are known as inferred drainages from active crater lakes (e.g., Rios Agrio at Poas and Copahue volcanoes). However, there are a number of acidic volcano-hydrothermal systems of Cl-SO4 composition at volcanoes without crater lakes.  At least ten groups of manifestation of this type are known for Kuril Islands. Several groups of acid volcanic springs including the famous Tamagawa springs are described in Japan.  Most of the acid Cl-SO4 volcano-hydrothermal systems are characteristic for island volcanoes, probably due to specific hydrological conditions of small volcanic islands. Maybe most known are coastal acid springs at Satsuma Iwojima volcano, Ryukyu arc, Japan. The accepted idea about the origin of such systems is scrubbing (dissolution) of magmatic HCl, HF and SO2 by groundwaters above magmatic conduits.  If so, the composition of acid springs must reflect the state of activity of a volcano. This review describes case histories that are known from the literature and from authors’ studies. Most of the volcanoes hosting acid systems show frequent phreatic activity. We show that  in contrast to crater lakes (Poas, Ruapehu, Copahue, White Island), acid springs on slopes of active volcanoes generally do not response on the preparing or ongoing volcanic eruptions. The aquifers and flow paths of the acid waters in volcanic edifices can be not associated with active conduits but with other degassing magmatic bodies and/or with deeper aquifers. One of the examples of such a complicated system is Ebeko volcano with Yuryevskye springs in Kuril Islands. These springs have a hydrochemical record since 1950s, and during this period Ebeko volcano had at least 10 strong phreatic eruptions.

How to cite: Taran, Y. and Kalacheva, E.: Ultra-acid volcanic waters: origin and response on volcanic activity. A review, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-12242,, 2020.

EGU2020-14698 | Displays | GMPV1.6

Integrated monitoring of soil gases, plume SO2 and volcanic tremor to detect impulsive magma transfer at Mt. Etna volcano (Italy)

Susanna Falsaperla, Tommaso Caltabiano, Alessia Donatucci, Salvatore Giammanco, Horst Langer, Alfio Messina, Giuseppe Salerno, Francesco Sortino, Salvatore Spampinato, and Carmelo Ferlito

Magma transfer in an open-conduit volcano is a complex process that is still open to debate and not entirely understood. For this reason, a multidisciplinary monitoring of active volcanoes is not only welcome, but also necessary for a correct comprehension of how volcanoes work. Mt. Etna is probably one of the best test sites for doing this, because of the large multidisciplinary monitoring network setup by the Osservatorio Etneo of Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV-OE), the high frequency of eruptions and the relatively easy access to most of its surface.
We present new data on integrated monitoring of volcanic tremor, plume sulphur dioxide (SO2) flux and soil hydrogen (H2) and carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration from Mt. Etna. The RMS amplitude of volcanic tremor was measured by seismic stations at various distances from the summit craters, plume SO2 flux was measured from nine stations around the volcano and soil gases were measured in a station located in a low-temperature (T ∼ 85 °C) fumarole field on the upper north side of the volcano.
During our monitoring period, we observed clear and marked anomalous changes in all parameters, with a nice temporal sequence that started with a soil CO2 and SO2 flux increase, followed a few days later by a soil H2 spike-like increase and finally with sharp spike-like increases in RMS amplitude (about 24 h after the onset of the anomaly in H2) at all seismic stations.
After the initial spikes, all parameters returned more or less slowly to their background levels. Geochemical data, however, showed persistence of slight anomalous degassing for some more weeks, even in the apparent absence of RMS amplitude triggers. This suggests that the conditions of slight instability in the degassing magma column inside the volcano conduits lasted for a long period, probably until return to some sort of balance with the “normal” pressure conditions.
The RMS amplitude increase accompanied the onset of strong Strombolian activity at the Northeast Crater, one of the four summit craters of Mt. Etna, which continued during the following period of moderate geochemical anomalies. This suggests a cause-effect relationship between the anomalies observed in all parameters and magma migration inside the central conduits of the volcano. Volcanic tremor is a well-established key parameter in the assessment of the probability of eruptive activity at Etna and it is actually used as a basis for a multistation system for detection of volcanic anomalies that has been developed by INGV-OE at Etna. Adding the information provided by our geochemical parameters gave us more solid support to this system, helping us understand better the mechanisms of magma migration inside of an active, open-conduit basaltic volcano.

How to cite: Falsaperla, S., Caltabiano, T., Donatucci, A., Giammanco, S., Langer, H., Messina, A., Salerno, G., Sortino, F., Spampinato, S., and Ferlito, C.: Integrated monitoring of soil gases, plume SO2 and volcanic tremor to detect impulsive magma transfer at Mt. Etna volcano (Italy), EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-14698,, 2020.

EGU2020-19374 | Displays | GMPV1.6

Diffuse CO2 degassing precursors of the January 2020 eruption of Taal volcano, Philippines

Nemesio M. Pérez, Gladys V. Melián, Pedro A. Hernández, Eleazar Padrón, Germán D. Padilla, Ma. Criselda Baldago, José Barrancos, Fátima Rodríguez, María Asensio-Ramos, Mar Alonso, Carlo Arcilla, Alfredo M. Lagmay, Claudia Rodríguez-Pérez, Cecilia Amonte, Mathew J. Pankhurst, David Calvo, and Renato U. Solidum

Taal Volcano produces powerful eruptions and is the largest volcanic threat to the Phillipines. Six of the 24 known eruptions since 1572 have resulted in fatalities, and today several million people live with a 20-km radius. Since 2008, our volcano research group has conducted a collaborative research program with Phillipine scientists on applied geochemistry for volcano monitoring. One of the outcomes of this collaborative research was to observed precursor signals to the January 2020 eruptive activity.

Significant temporal variations in diffuse CO2 emission at the Taal Crater Lake (TLC) was observed across the ~12 years. Two periods are especially noteworthy. From March 2010 to March 2011 the diffuse CO2 emission rate increased from 763 ± 18  to 4.670 ± 159 tons per day. This anomalous increase coincided with the occurrence of a volcano-seismic unrest characterized mainly by a significant increase in the frequency of volcanic earthquakes, which was interpreted as indicating a new magma intrusion (Arpa et al., 2013; Hernández et al., 2017). A second anomalous diffuse CO2 degassing at the TCL, from 860 ± 42 to 3.858 ± 584 tons per day during the period October 2016 to November 2017, was observed.

In addition to the geochemical surveys of diffuse CO2 emission from the TCL, an automatic geochemical station for continuous monitoring of soil CO2 efflux at the northern sector of the Taal Volcano Island crater rim was installed on January 2016. Although short-temp fluctuations in the diffuse CO2 emission time series have been partially driven by meteorological parameters, the major CO2 efflux changes were not driven by such external fluctuations. The major long-term variation of the CO2 emission was an increase trend of the moving average of soil CO2 efflux measurements (168 values) in 2017. Since 14 March, 2017, the station measured a sharp increase of CO2 emission from ~0.1 up to 1.1 kg m-2 d-1 in 9 hours and continued to show a sustained increase in time up to 2.9 kg m-2 d-1 in November 2017. These combined geochemical and geophysical observations are most simply explained by magma recharge to the system, and represent precursor signals to the January 2020 eruptive activity.

Taal Volcano Background
Taal Volcano is one of the most active volcanoes in the Philippines and has produced some of its most powerful historical eruptions. Located on the southwestern part of Luzon Island, Taal consists of a 15-22-km prehistoric caldera, occupied by the Taal Lake and the active vent complex of Taal Volcano Island with its Crater Lake (TCL).

Arpa M. C. et al (2013). Geochemical evidence of magma intrusion inferred from diffuse CO2 emissions and fumarole plume chemistry: the 2010–2011 volcanic unrest at Taal Volcano, Philippines. Bulletin of Volcanology,  DOI: 10.1007/s00445-013-0747-9.

Hernández P. A. et al (2017). The acid crater lake of Taal Volcano, Philippines: hydrogeochemical and hydroacoustic data related to the 2010–11 volcanic unrest. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 437, DOI:10.1144/SP437.17

How to cite: Pérez, N. M., Melián, G. V., Hernández, P. A., Padrón, E., Padilla, G. D., Baldago, Ma. C., Barrancos, J., Rodríguez, F., Asensio-Ramos, M., Alonso, M., Arcilla, C., Lagmay, A. M., Rodríguez-Pérez, C., Amonte, C., Pankhurst, M. J., Calvo, D., and Solidum, R. U.: Diffuse CO2 degassing precursors of the January 2020 eruption of Taal volcano, Philippines, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-19374,, 2020.

EGU2020-12963 | Displays | GMPV1.6

Hydro-isotopic (234U/238U) zoning of groundwaters in the seismically active southern margin of the Siberian craton, Russia

Sergei Rasskazov, Eugene Chebykin, Aigul Ilyasova, and Irina Chuvashova

The southern margin of the Siberian craton, which experienced severe tectonic deformations in the Neoproterozoic-Cambrian and Jurassic, is currently a part of the Baikal seismic belt. In groundwater budget of the area, the main contribution is provided by the homogeneous South Baikal reservoir (SBR) with 234U/238U activity ratio (AR) 1.95–1.99 and U concentration 0.44–0.46 µg/L. Lateral penetration of the SBR water from the hydrostatically loaded deeper part of the lake (1000 m and more) to the adjacent Siberian craton area is promoted by gentle ruptures of the Angara thrust fault and sub-vertical shear fissures of the Main Sayan suture zone. In order to predict the time and place of a strong earthquake, AR are determined in groundwater from craton basement and sedimentary cover in an area from Lake Baikal to Irkutsk. AR values associated with deformational (Cherdyntsev–Chalov) effect vary from 1.0 to 3.5. Chemical impacts in evaporates result in AR values as high as 16. Data of a 7-year monitoring show key points in AR variations that might be used for prediction of a future strong earthquake.

This work is supported by the RSF grant 18-77-10027.

How to cite: Rasskazov, S., Chebykin, E., Ilyasova, A., and Chuvashova, I.: Hydro-isotopic (234U/238U) zoning of groundwaters in the seismically active southern margin of the Siberian craton, Russia, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-12963,, 2020.

The 2017 MW 5.5 Pohang earthquakes, which were known as triggered by enhanced geothermal system (EGS) stimulations, had significant effects on the groundwater system. This study aimed to identify the hydrogeochemical anomalies and to understand the response mechanisms of groundwater system to the earthquake. For this, the environmental isotopes (222Rn, Sr, 2H, and 18O), major ions, and time-series data (groundwater level, temperature, and electrical conductivity) were analyzed. Principal component analysis (PCA) was also employed. The results from time-series data showed the anomalies in the groundwater wells located near the epicenter. The hydrochemical parameters including stable isotopes data of 2H and 18O showed the different change patterns among groundwater wells before/after the earthquakes, which were related to the distance from epicenter, faults, and seawater. The environmental isotopes, radon and strontium, suggested the possible mechanisms underlying the effects of earthquakes by spatial distributions, such as seawater intrusion, water-rock interactions, shallow and deep aquifer mixing, deep fluid upwelling, and bedrock fracture opening. With this, the main cluster of PCA results was also distributed along these isotope concentration gradients.

Our findings proved the usefulness of environmental isotopes and hydrogeochemical parameters to understand the earthquake-related changes in groundwater system. These studied parameters and the adopted methods would be positively applied for other earthquake zones.

How to cite: Kim, J. and Lee, K.-K.: Hydrogeochemical anomalies associated with the 2017 MW 5.5 Pohang earthquake in South Korea , EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-2786,, 2020.

The Dilatancy Diffusion model of Scholz et al (1973) is a model describing saturated rocks behaviour under differential tectonic stress in time domain, and one of the first trial of earthquake precursory phenomena listing and explanation. After around 50 years, improvements, outline and structure of this however successful model are still a reference point of many researcher. The role of water has been explained only as a pressure transducer, acting on host rocks, during the various stages of dilatancy diffusion, acting as a pressure cycle.

Theme of present model is the water active chemical role in DD.

A temperature pressure diagram of water aggregation state could be drawn as a section of the earth crust. Assuming that the brittle ductile transition line could be localised even close to 500 °C isotherm, most hypocentre are surely localised in liquid phase area, while some main shock localisation may fall even in water supercritical region.

I modelled the water isothermal behaviour in relation of most relevant variable acting on water in dilatancy diffusion: pressure. Pressure acting on water could drop drastically as soon as microcraks open. Then, water flow into newly created fractures, and, since tectonic load continues, pressure rise again, before main shock. In this pressure cycle, water chemical response, could be splitted into two diverse fields: liquid and supercritical, resulting however in a rock weakening.

  • 1) Liquid. The entity of depressurisation makes the difference. According to Scholz et al (1973), and Brace et al (1966), the entity is high. It is a matter of water quantities and of volumetric geometry of microcracks. Ionic solubility depends slightly from pressure. Going into vapour phase is equal to a distillation process: when pressures rise again, this kind of water is extremely aggressive toward newly opened rock surfaces. If not, water could maintain most, not all, solute in. In every case, molecules like CO2 and H2 migrates away from water and, thanks to their characteristics (radius and electrostatic field), following the path of extremely little fissurations, normally secluded to water. Resulting water changes its chemical content.
  • 2) Supercritical. Molecular structure of this aggregation state makes this fluid compressible. That is, its density varies highly with pressure. Solvent capability varies highly with density: supercritical water acquires polar solvent power with growing density. Solubility depends highly from pressure, with all consequences.

Subcritical crack growth. It is a common point of 1) and 2), and it could be a function of dissociation grade of water too. In an environment, with freshly created surfaces, quartz and silicates are subjected to a further weakening due to high dissociated water.

The integration of water chemistry in dilatation diffusion model is a needed upgrade and depict a situation in which, as soon as new crack creates, the chemical action of water can trigger a near irreversible process of rock weakening accelerating the main shock, since rock resistance could be lowered well below original breaking load.

How to cite: Calcara, M.: The Chemistry of Earthquakes: Chemical role of Water in Dilatancy Diffusion model, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-5482,, 2020.

EGU2020-5659 | Displays | GMPV1.6

First observation of multi-groundwater level responses to the strongest worldwide seismicity in Central Apennines (Central Italy).

Marino Domenico Barberio, Francesca Gori, Maurizio Barbieri, Andrea Billi, Stefania Franchini, Marco Petitta, and Carlo Doglioni

Earthquakes are the main natural processes which are able to cause the strongest crustal perturbations in the world. Seismic events change crustal stress, both static and dynamic, in the co-seismic and post-seismic phases. In particular, hydrogeological and hydrogeochemical responses include: changes in water level, temperature, chemical composition, stream flow, and gas geochemistry. Among these parameters water level changes is the most recorded signal because of its fast acquisition and easy instrumentation. Depending on the involved mechanism, groundwater level variation is different. In particular, previous studies have highlighted permanent and transient signals which are characterized by step and spike changes both upward and/or downward. Only few studies have reported groundwater level variations induced by earthquakes that are very far away from the observation point and they are known as “teleseism”. In order to investigate relationship between groundwater properties and seismic cycle, since July 2014 we installed a multiparameter probe in a 100 m deep groundwater well (PF60.3) in Central Apennines (Central Italy). This monitoring well is part of a more complex monitored test site developed for this aim and it has recorded already hydrogeochemical anomalies related to Amatrice-Norcia 2016-2017 seismic sequence. The occurrence of the strongest earthquakes in the world (≈Mw>7.5), from the well probe installation (July 2014) until January 2020, has caused significant changes in groundwater level data. We analysed groundwater level behaviour in relationship to the occurrence of all 218 seismic events with Mw>6.5. We identified 16 interactions, where groundwater level is characterized by an anomalous spike change both upward and/or downward. In particular, we observed a significant interaction between signals for all the strongest seismic events with a Mw≥7.6, except for those happened in Papua Nuova Guinea and for those with ipocenter depth greater than 150 kilometers. We also found some interactions for less strong seismic events (6.5<Mw<7.5) but closer to the monitoring site. Among the observed correlations, 5 are characterized by a Mw between 8 and 8.2 meanwhile the others have a Mw between 6.5 and 7.9. The ipocenter depths of the considered 16 events are within 100 km, except two events that are deeper. We calculated the maximum amplitude of the perturbation and its duration. In this study we present our results with the main aim of expanding our understanding about perturbations due to distant earthquakes in the upper crust and in particular the relative fluid migration.

How to cite: Barberio, M. D., Gori, F., Barbieri, M., Billi, A., Franchini, S., Petitta, M., and Doglioni, C.: First observation of multi-groundwater level responses to the strongest worldwide seismicity in Central Apennines (Central Italy)., EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-5659,, 2020.

The Anninghe fault (ANHF) and the Zemuhe fault (ZMHF) with high level of seismic hazards in the China Seismic Experimental Site, located in southeastern of Tibet, are some of the most active faults in China. Measurement of the soil gas CO2 has been conducted in three sites along the ANHF and the ZMHF for the first time. Totally, 394 sampling points along 15 profiles were measured. The fault locking degree of different segments of the ANHF and the ZMHF were inverted by the negative dislocation model using GPS velocity data  since 2013 to 2017. The measurements results show that the average and maximum value of CO2 in the ZMHF is significantly higher than that in the ANHF. Soil gas CO2 geochemistry yielded different spatial anomalous features, indicating the different properties and permeability of the faults. The inversion results reveal that the level of coupling including the locking depth and intensity along the southern segment of the ANHF was significantly larger than the northern segment of the ZMHF. Combining the CO2 emission results, we concluded that the intensive locking of the segments reduced their permeability due to the self-sealing process, results in less gas to escape from the deep. Correspondingly, the creeping fault with low level of coupling can maintain high permeability which is more favorable to gas CO2 migration.

How to cite: Li, Y., Yang, Y., and Chen, Z.: Soil gas CO2 emissions and fault locking along the Anninghe fault and the Zemuhe fault, in China Seismic Experimental Site, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-7589,, 2020.

EGU2020-9403 | Displays | GMPV1.6

Hydrogeochemical changes in trace element concentrations in connection with earthquakes and a volcanic eruption in Iceland

Stefania Franchini, Marino Domenico Barberio, Maurizio Barbieri, Andrea Billi, Tiziano Boschetti, Sigurjón Jónsson, Marco Petitta, Alasdair Skelton, and Gabrielle Stockmann

The aim of this study was to identify changes of trace element concentration in groundwater and test for coupling with seismic and volcanic activity in Iceland. Samples used in this study were collected between September 2010 and June 2018 from the HA-01 groundwater well in Hafralækur (Northern Iceland), south of the Tjörnes Fracture Zone (oblique transform zone), and near the Laxá and Skálfandafljót river valleys. The temperature of the groundwater from the HA-01 well is 71–76 °C, pH is ca. 10.2 (at ~ 25ºC), and the dissolved solid content is about 240 ppm, which is typical of low temperature geothermal groundwaters in inland areas of Iceland. The HA-01 well groundwater is also influenced by mixing between old ice age aquifer and younger aquifer groundwater. The same samples were previously analyzed for major element concentrations and isotopic ratios, with results - changes prior to seismic activity - being published in recent papers. The 495 earthquakes (Mw≥4.0, September 2010 to June 2018) considered in this study are from the USGS database. Twenty-two of these earthquakes occurred in the Tjörnes Fracture Zone with Mw between 4.1 and 5.5 whereas the remaining ones with Mw between 4 and 5.5 were related to the Bárðarbunga eruption in central Iceland, which began on 29 August 2014 and ended on 27 February 2015. Results of trace element analysis highlight characteristic variations in the temporal series related to the Bárðarbunga eruption (onset in August 2014) and to the 2018 seismic swarm that occurred in the Tjörnes Fracture Zone. In particular, a marked increase of Li, B, Ga, Mo and Rb and a slight increase of Sr and V were observed prior to and in connection with the onset of the Bárðarbunga eruption. Moreover, our results show a pre-seismic (2018 seismic swarm in the Tjörnes Fracture Zone) hydrogeochemical variability greater than the background variability. Despite the distance to the Bárðarbunga eruption site, GPS data from northern Iceland show a clear strain changes that are associated with the large dike intrusion that fed the eruption and are possibly correlated with the hydrogeochemical time series. Results from this study in Iceland show that the hydrogeochemical monitoring of volcanic and seismic areas is a promising method in the science of seismic and volcanic precursors.

How to cite: Franchini, S., Barberio, M. D., Barbieri, M., Billi, A., Boschetti, T., Jónsson, S., Petitta, M., Skelton, A., and Stockmann, G.: Hydrogeochemical changes in trace element concentrations in connection with earthquakes and a volcanic eruption in Iceland, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-9403,, 2020.

EGU2020-11644 | Displays | GMPV1.6

Continuous monitoring of physical parameters (temperature, electrical conductivity, water pressure) in a karst aquifer of central Italy (Venafro Mts., Molise): first results in a seismically active region

Gaetano De Luca, Giuseppe Di Carlo, Alberto Frepoli, Marco Moro, Luca Pizzino, Michele Saroli, Marco Tallini, and Brando Trionfera

The involvement of fluids in the earthquake cycle is a still open debate in the scientific community (e.g. Gratier et al., 2002). In the last years, new data from laboratory experiments and on-field discrete and continuous monitoring of soil gas, springs and gas vents were gathered worldwide (e.g. Martinelli, 2015; Nielsen et al., 2016). The aim of these studies was to better define the role of the observed fluid changes either as a trigger of earthquakes or as the co and post-seismic response to the transient (dynamic) and permanent (static) stress changes. This subject is particularly attractive in central and southern Apennines (Italy), where both huge water and CO2 circulation at depth, occur (e.g Frondini et al., 2018). In this respect, the three long-lasting earthquake sequences that hit central Apennine in the last decades (1997, 2009 and 2016-2017, Mw up to 6.5) were accompanied by hydrological (increase or decrease in the spring discharges) and hydrochemical (variations in chemical composition, physico-chemical parameters) anomalies (e.g. Carro et al., 2005; Barberio et al., 2017; Petitta et al., 2018). Changes were observed mainly in the co and post-seismic phase and only a few pre-seismic signals were recorded. Temporal monitoring ranged from weeks to months, but higher sampling rates are needed to study crustal deformation processes (stress and volumetric strain) during the earthquake cycle. For example, since 2015 De Luca et al. (2016, 2018) are been performing high frequency (up to 20 samples/second) continuous monitoring of temperature, hydraulic pressure, and electrical conductivity in the Gran Sasso aquifer. They recorded unambiguous long-term (days to months) pre-Amatrice earthquake anomalies in both hydraulic pressure and electrical conductivity, related to its preparation stage.

In the light of the above, we decided to duplicate the equipment presently working in the Gran Sasso aquifer in a site with similar hydrological setting: the Venafro carbonate hydrostructure (Molise, Saroli et al., 2019). The site we chose is located in one of the most seismically active sectors of central-southern Apenninic belt, repeatedly hit in the past by large magnitude earthquakes and crossed by up to 20 km-long extensional fault systems (e.g. Galli & Naso, 2009). The main goals of our research are: i) measuring and understanding the dynamics of the carbonate aquifer, also through the analysis of rainfall, ii) deepening the relationships between aquifer behavior and earthquakes as well as to iii) widen the monitored areas.

Our experimental equipment includes a 3-channels 24-bit ADC set up for continuous local recording in groundwater (De Luca et al., 2016, 2018) in a horizontal borehole located in the drainage gallery “San Bartolomeo”, managed by Campania Aqueduct company. We started data acquisition in May 2019 by high-frequency continuous sampling (20 Hz for each channel) of physical parameters such as groundwater hydraulic pressure, temperature and electrical conductivity. We present some preliminary results (elaborated through a statistical approach) and possible explanations regarding the hydraulic pressure signals recorded before and during nearby (Mw 4.4, distance ~ 45 km) and regional (Albania, Mw 6.2, distance ~ 400 km) earthquakes, both occurred in November 2019.

How to cite: De Luca, G., Di Carlo, G., Frepoli, A., Moro, M., Pizzino, L., Saroli, M., Tallini, M., and Trionfera, B.: Continuous monitoring of physical parameters (temperature, electrical conductivity, water pressure) in a karst aquifer of central Italy (Venafro Mts., Molise): first results in a seismically active region, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-11644,, 2020.

EGU2020-583 | Displays | GMPV1.6

Geochemical features of the geothermal and mineral waters from Apuseni Mountains, Romania

Alin-Marius Nicula, Artur Ionescu, Cristian-Ioan Pop, Carmen Roba, Walter D’Alessandro, Ferenc Lázár Forray, Iancu Orașeanu, and Călin Baciu

Geochemical features of the geothermal and mineral waters from Apuseni Mountains, Romania

Alin-Marius Nicula1, Artur Ionescu1,2, Cristian-Ioan Pop1, Carmen Roba1, Walter D’Alessandro3, Ferenc Lazar Forray4, Iancu Oraseanu5, Calin Baciu1


1Babes-Bolyai University, Faculty of Environmental Science and Engineering, Str. Fantanele nr. 30, 400294, Cluj-Napoca, Romania (

2University of Perugia, Department of Physics and Geology, Via A. Pascoli 06123, Perugia, Italy

3Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione di Palermo, Via Ugo la Malfa, 153,

90146 Palermo, Italy

4Department of Geology, Babes-Bolyai University, Kogalniceanu 1, 400084 Cluj-Napoca, Romania

5Romanian Association of Hydrogeologists, Bucuresti, Romania


The Apuseni Mountains are located in the western part of Romania and separate the Pannonian Basin from the Transylvanian Basin. These mountains are famous and intensely studied for their important non-ferrous metal resources. Few data were published about the geothermal potential of this area. More works have been dedicated to mineral waters, while the geothermal waters are only briefly described, without sufficient emphasis on them. The current research is focusing on the two categories, cold mineral and geothermal water in the Apuseni Mountains, compared to the surrounding areas, in order to better understand their genesis and the general context of the geothermalism in the study region. A preliminary survey of these waters was done in 2019 taking water and gas samples from 41 sources.

The pH varies between 6.00 and 9.02 and, the lowest values have been measured in the CO2-rich waters of the Southern Apuseni Mountains. Water temperatures vary between 11.1 â—‹C and 81 â—‹C. In the southern part of the Apuseni Mountains, the geothermal waters are of the calcium bicarbonate type (Ca-HCO3), while in the north-western part, the sodium bicarbonate type (Na-HCO3) is more common. The water sources from the north-western part are close to the Pannonian Basin and show features comparable to the thermal waters of this basin. Conductivity values show significant variations between 142 and 2040 µS/cm, but regional homogeneities were observed. The highest concentration of bicarbonate was measured in one of the localities of the northern study area (BeiuÅŸ Depression - 3318.4 mg/L). The dissolved heavy metal concentrations (Zn, Pb, Cd, Cr, Ni, Cu, Fe) in the water samples were also measured. For all the investigated waters, the heavy metal content was low. The highest concentrations were recorded for Fe 342.90 µg/L and Zn 86.14 µg/L. The isotopic data (δ18O and δ2H) demonstrate the meteoric origin of the thermal waters.

Some springs and wells release free gases. The gas chromatographic analyses show the prevalence of N2 and CO2, with minor amounts of CH4 in the water sources close to the Pannonian Basin. The isotope composition of Helium shows values between 0.9 and 2.18 R/Ra indicating a prevailing crustal source with a significant mantle component. In the case of δ13C-CO2 the values range between -12.7 and -6.1 ‰ vs.V-PDB, indicating that the CO2 originates possibly from a limestone source.

How to cite: Nicula, A.-M., Ionescu, A., Pop, C.-I., Roba, C., D’Alessandro, W., Forray, F. L., Orașeanu, I., and Baciu, C.: Geochemical features of the geothermal and mineral waters from Apuseni Mountains, Romania, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-583,, 2020.

EGU2020-849 | Displays | GMPV1.6

Real time and in-situ analysis of the gas-emissions of the Eastern Carpathians: results and perspectives

Roland Szalay, Boglárka-Mercédesz Kis, Szabolcs Harangi, László Palcsu, Marcello Bitetto, Alessandro Aiuppa, and Zoltán Imecs

The Carpathian-Pannonian region was dominated by diverse volcanic activity for the last 20 million years, and even 1 million years ago there was precedent for active zones.  Although volcanic eruptions are very uncommon in the region today, however the frequent earthquakes in the Carpathian-bend, the numerous appearance and intense manifestation of gas-emissions in the southeastern areas of the region and many petrochemical and geochemical volcanologic studies as well, indicate that the area is likely not completely inactive. The gas emissions investigated by us may be directly related to these geodynamic processes [1].

In Romania, the Eastern Carpathian Neogene-Quaternary volcanic chain and it’s neighbouring zones contain most of the carbon dioxide rich gas emissions, which also occur in the form of natural mofettes, bubbling pools and springs. They can appear in frequently populated settlements more often in cellars, which puts the inhabitants in direct danger due the lack of information in the public knowledge.

The motivation of our work is to gather real time and in-situ information with the help of Multi-Gas instrument about the composition of the gas-emissions across the Eastern Carpathians and to create a high resolution geological map from the measured sites in the mentioned area above. Furthermore, we would like to clarify if there is any relation between the tectonic characteristics of the study area and the manifestation, concentration of gas-emissions.

In total, 205 gas emissions were investigated for their CO2 (0-100%), CH4 (0-7%) and H2S (0-200 ppm) concentrations. The composition of the different gas-species varied according to the geological context. The CO2 concentrations varied between 0.96 and 98.08 %. The highest values were measured in the the Quaternary volcanic area of Ciomad, and also in the neighbouring thrusted and folded area of the Carpathian Flysch which suggests a tectonic control over the appearance of the gas emissions.

The CH4 concentrations ranged between 0.21 and 6.76% and were higher at hydrocarbon-prone areas, such as the sedimentary deposits of the Transylvanian Basin and Carpathian Flysch. In these cases the CO2 concentrations were low (up to 4.6%).

The H2S concentrations varied between 0.21 and 200 ppm, according to our knowledge, these are the first H2S in-situ measurements in the gas emissions of the study area. The concentrations of H2S were higher at the volcanic area of Ciomad, reaching values above the detection limit (~200 ppm) which are related to volcanic degassing.

In conclusion, based on the investigated sites, there is a spatial correlation between the appearance of mineral water springs, gas emissions on surface and the neighbouring tectonic structures. The Multi-Gas proved to be a useful tool in the in-situ investigation of gas emissions of the Eastern Carpathians, being efficient especially for the measurement of the H2S concentrations that are very sensitive for oxidation processes.


1.Kis B.M., Caracusi, A., Palcsu, L., Baciu, C., Ionescu, A., Futó, I., Sciarra, A., Harangi, Sz., Noble Gas and Carbon Isotope Systematics at the Seemingly Inactive Ciomadul Volcano (Eastern‐Central Europe, Romania): Evidence for Volcanic Degassing, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, vol.20, issue 6, 2019, 3019-3043.

How to cite: Szalay, R., Kis, B.-M., Harangi, S., Palcsu, L., Bitetto, M., Aiuppa, A., and Imecs, Z.: Real time and in-situ analysis of the gas-emissions of the Eastern Carpathians: results and perspectives, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-849,, 2020.

EGU2020-1682 | Displays | GMPV1.6

Volcanic degassing along the enigmatic South Sandwich volcanic arc

Emma Liu, Kieran Wood, Alessandro Aiuppa, Gaetano Giudice, Marcello Bitetto, Tom Pering, Thomas Wilkes, Andrew McGonigle, Brendan McCormick Kilbride, Tobias Fischer, Scott Nowicki, Emily Mason, Tom Richardson, and Tom Hart

The South Sandwich Islands (SSI) are a chain of active volcanoes in the Southern Ocean and remain one of the most remote and enigmatic island arcs on Earth. The relatively recent development of the SSI over the past 20 million years has been closely linked with the formation of the Drake Passage, making this one of the youngest known volcanic arcs and therefore one of the most critical for understanding the early stages of arc geochemical evolution. Recent volcanic eruptions in the SSI have had significant impacts on local terrestrial and marine ecosystems, including some of the largest penguin colonies ever observed, through tephra deposition and from sustained volcanic degassing. Rare cloud-free satellite images over the last two decades have indicated that the summit of Mt Michael (Saunders) hosts a sustained lava lake, but until now these observations have not been ground-truthed by in-situ measurements. Long-term persistent passive outgassing at many of these volcanoes, even between eruptive phases, suggests that the SSI volcanic arc could be a significant source of volatiles to our atmosphere, and yet we lack any constraints on the degassing budgets of this volcanic arc. Here, we present novel measurements of gas chemistry, aerosol composition, and carbon isotope signature from along the South Sandwich Island arc. By combining ground-based measurements of SO2 flux with in-situ samples of plume composition using Unoccupied Aerial Systems (UAS), we present multi-species volatile fluxes for the major along-arc degassing sources. Further, by evaluating the carbon to sulfur ratio (C/ST) and carbon isotope composition in emitted gases together with petrological constraints from erupted tephra, we aim to test the hypothesis that carbon is supplied to the SSI by subduction of oceanic carbonated serpentinite, and thus contribute to our understanding of carbon recycling at subduction zones.

How to cite: Liu, E., Wood, K., Aiuppa, A., Giudice, G., Bitetto, M., Pering, T., Wilkes, T., McGonigle, A., McCormick Kilbride, B., Fischer, T., Nowicki, S., Mason, E., Richardson, T., and Hart, T.: Volcanic degassing along the enigmatic South Sandwich volcanic arc, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-1682,, 2020.

EGU2020-2287 | Displays | GMPV1.6

Groundwater anomaly related to the 2018 Hokkaido Eastern Iburi earthquake in Northern Japan

Yuji Sano, Takanori Kagoshima, Naoto Takahata, Kotaro Shirai, Jin-Oh Park, Tomo Shibata, Junji Yamamoto, Yoshiro Nishio, Sheng Xu, Ai-Ti Chen, and Pinti Daniele

In order to study groundwater anomaly related to the 2018 Hokkaido Eastern earthquake (Mw6.6) occurred on 6th September, we have measured δD and δ18O values of commercial bottled mineral water at two sites in Iburi region, Hokkaido, Northern Japan from June 2015 to May 2019. At the Uenae site, 21km west of the epicenter, both δD and δ18O values are constant from June 2015 to February 2018. Then these values have decreased substantially from April 2018 to December 2018 with significant fluctuations. These variations may be attributable to a mixing of groundwater with light δD and δ18O values. At the Eniwa site 34km northwest of the epicenter, δD values have decreased slightly and monotonically, while δ18O values are constant from June 2016 to October 2018. Observed isotopic variations of the Uenae site are different from those found at the 2016 Tottori earthquake where the δ18O value of groundwater increased a couple of months before the seismic event, while the δD value was constant. These data were attributable to water-rock interaction in the aquifer. Thus, the mechanism of groundwater isotopic anomaly may be different between Tottori and Hokkaido earthquakes. In addition to the M6.7 earthquake, CO2 injection by CCS project at Tomakomai, 13km southwest of the Uene site may be another factor to induce such variations. In order to evaluate the environmental impact of CO2 injection, we should measure total carbonate concentration and δ13C value of carbonate at both sites. Then we will discuss mechanism of groundwater anomaly.

How to cite: Sano, Y., Kagoshima, T., Takahata, N., Shirai, K., Park, J.-O., Shibata, T., Yamamoto, J., Nishio, Y., Xu, S., Chen, A.-T., and Daniele, P.: Groundwater anomaly related to the 2018 Hokkaido Eastern Iburi earthquake in Northern Japan , EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-2287,, 2020.

EGU2020-2449 | Displays | GMPV1.6

Duvalo (North Macedonia): A “volcano” without volcanic activity

Lorenza Li Vigni, Artur Ionescu, Kata Molnár, Marjan Temovski, László Palcsu, Carlo Cardellini, Antonina Lisa Gagliano, and Walter D'Alessandro

The Duvalo locality is located in the SW of the Republic of North Macedonia, in the Ohrid region, near the village of Kosel. It is an area of strong soil degassing, called “volcano” by the local people despite volcanic activity has never been documented in the recent geologic history of the area [1]. A large area (thousands of sqm) shows signs of strong alteration and is devoid of vegetation. Until the 19thcentury sulphur was mined from this area [1].

In August 2019, a campaign of soil COflux measurements and soil gas sampling was made. Duvalo is sometimes referred to as an active geothermal feature but no signs of enhanced geothermal gradient were found and the soil temperatures at 50 cm depth in this campaign were always within the range of local mean air temperatures. Soil COflux values ranged from 1.3 to 59,000 g/m2/d and can be modelled with the overlapping of 3 or 4 flux populations. A possible biological background is estimated in 6.8±1.8 g/m2/d while the other populations are characterized by an anomalous average flux ranging from 180 to 33,000 g/m2/d. The COtotal emission, estimated both with a statistical and geostatistical approach, provided similar values in the order of 50 t/d. This has to be considered as a minimum value because only areas with evident signs of alteration have been investigated. Nevertheless, the estimated output is quite high for an area unrelated with recent volcanism or geothermal activity.

The chemical composition of soil gases shows: CO(96.6%), N(1.8%), H2S (0.6%) and CH(0.3%) as the main gases. The present composition is almost indistinguishable from previous analyses made in 1957 and 1977 [1] pointing to a stability of the system in last decades. The isotope compositions indicate for CO13C -0.2 ‰) a pure carbonate rock origin, for CH13C -34.4 ‰ and δ2H -166 ‰) a thermogenic origin and for He (R/R0.10) a pure crustal origin.

The H2S released at Duvalo may be produced by either microbial or thermochemical sulphate reduction favoured by hydrocarbons whose presence can be inferred by the uprise of thermogenic methane. Partial oxidation of H2S during its upflow, producing sulphuric acid, may be responsible of the production of abundant COthrough dissolution of carbonate rocks. Similar processes have been evidenced also in other parts of North Macedonia [2]. These gases rise up through the N–S trending normal faults bordering the seismically active Ohrid basin graben [3] being released to the atmosphere through the soils of Duvalo “volcano”.

This research was funded by: DCO Grant n. 10881-TDB “Improving the estimation of tectonic carbon flux”; GINOP-2.3.2-15-2016-00009 ‘ICER’ project and PO-FSE Sicilia 2014–2020 (CUP: G77B17000200009).


[1] Markovski B. et al., 2018. Duvalo a geological phenomenon near Ohrid. DOI: 10.18509/AGB.2020.05

[2] Temovski M., 2017. Hypogene Karst in Macedonia. In: Klimchouk et al. (eds.), Hypogene Karst Regions and Caves of the World, Springer

[3] Hoffmann N. et al., 2010. Biogeosciences, 7, 3377–3386

How to cite: Li Vigni, L., Ionescu, A., Molnár, K., Temovski, M., Palcsu, L., Cardellini, C., Gagliano, A. L., and D'Alessandro, W.: Duvalo (North Macedonia): A “volcano” without volcanic activity, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-2449,, 2020.

EGU2020-2763 | Displays | GMPV1.6

Preliminary geochemical characterization of gas manifestations in North Macedonia

Marjan Temovski, Walter D’Alessandro, Artur Ionescu, Lorenza Li Vigni, Kata Molnár, László Palcsu, and Carlo Cardellini

Like most of the Balkan Peninsula, North Macedonia is a geodynamically active area. As such it has many hydrothermal features and gas manifestations. Until now, no systematic study about the geochemical characterization of the geogenic gases was made before in this country. In August 2019, 24 gas samples were collected in the study area. All, except one collected at Duvalo (soil gas), are gases bubbling or dissolved in thermomineral waters (temperatures from 12 to 66 °C). They were analysed in the laboratory for their chemical (He, Ne, Ar, O2 , N2 , H2 , H2S, CH4 and CO2) and isotopic composition (δ13C-CO2, δ13C-CH4, δ2H-CH4 and R/RA). Most of the gases have CO2 as the main component (400-998,000 ppm) while the remaining are enriched in N2 (1300-950,000 ppm). Helium ranges from 0.3 to 2560 ppm while CH4 from 1.6 to 20,200 ppm. R/RA and 4He/20Ne ratios indicate a generally low atmospheric contamination, a prevailing crustal contribution and mantle contributions between 1 and 20% considering a MORB endmember. The highest mantle contributions are found in the SE part of the country very close to the sites that show the highest R/RA values in continental Greece [1]. This area is characterised by extensional tectonics and Plio-Pleistocene volcanism. A quite high mantle contribution (about 15%) is also found in two manifestations in the NW part of the country along a main normal fault system. With the exception of the sample of Smokvica, which has very low CO2 (1400 ppm) and δ13C-CO2 (-15.7 ‰ V-PDB), all free gases show a relatively narrow range in δ13C-CO2 values (-4.6 to +1.0 ‰ V-PDB) indicating the mixing between a mantle and a carbonate rock source. The isotope composition allows us to assign the CH4 origin to three sources. The largest group can be attributed to a hydrothermal origin (δ13C-CH4 around -20 ‰ V-PDB and δ2H-CH4 around -100‰). Three samples collected in the SW part of the country have a thermogenic origin (δ13C-CH4 around -35 ‰ V-PDB and δ2H-CH4 around -160‰ V-SMOW). Finally, one sample (Smokvica) with the highest values (δ13C-CH4 -7.2 ‰ V-PDB and δ2H-CH4 -80‰ V-SMOW) may be attributed to abiotic processes in a continental serpentinization environment or to methane oxidation.

This research was funded by the DCO Grant n. 10881-TDB “Improving the estimation of tectonic carbon flux”, GINOP-2.3.2-15-2016-00009 ‘ICER’ project and PO FSE Sicilia 2014 – 2020 (CUP: G77B17000200009).


[1] Daskalopoulou et al., 2018 – Chemical Geology, 479, 286-301

How to cite: Temovski, M., D’Alessandro, W., Ionescu, A., Li Vigni, L., Molnár, K., Palcsu, L., and Cardellini, C.: Preliminary geochemical characterization of gas manifestations in North Macedonia, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-2763,, 2020.

EGU2020-3395 | Displays | GMPV1.6

Geochemistry of fluid manifistations of the Ebeko Volcano, Paramushir Island (Kurile Islands, Russia).

Elena Kalacheva, Tatiana Kotenko, and Ekaterina Voloshina

The Ebeko volcano (50°41′N, 156°01′E) is located at the northern part of Paramushir Island and composed of several Quaternary volcanic cones. The Neogene volcano-clastic basement occurs below ~200 m asl. The post-glacial cone of Ebeko is composed by lava flows and pyroclastics of andesitic composition. The summit is represented by three craters (Northern, Middle and Southern). The modern phreatic and fumarolic activity of Ebeko started after a strong explosive phreatic–magmatic eruption from the Middle crater in 1934–1935 which ejected about 106 t of andesitic ash and bombs. Last eruptive activity of Ebeko volcano began in October 2016 and continues to the present. 

Main feature of the hydrothermal activity of Ebeko is the existence of two thermal fields separated in the space. The summit field consists ~ 10 thermal grounds, low-temperature fumaroles (<120 °C) and near-boiling pools with no or weak outflowrates. The second thermal field, Yurievskie springs, is locatedat low elevations, ~550 m asl down to 280 m asl, on the western slope of Ebeko volcano in the canyon of Yurieva River. Gases from different parts of the summit thermal field are all water-rich (97–99 mol%) and show varying contents of HCl and total sulfur and ratios of C/S and H2S/SO2. All waters from the Yurievskie springs and Ebeko pools are ultra-acidic, with pH < 2. The Yurievskie waters are of the SO4–Cl type (SO4/Cl ratios are ~1:1molar and 3:1 by weight), whereas the SO4/Cl ratio in Ebeko pools show low (<1) and varying SO4/Cl ratios. Major and trace element composition of Ebeko-Yurievskie acidic waters is suggesting congruent dissolution of volcanic rocks. Oxygen and hydrogen isotopic composition of water and Cl concentration for Yurieva springs show an excellent positive correlation, indicating a mixing between meteoric water and magmatic vapor. In contrast, volcanic gas condensates of Ebeko fumaroles do not show a simple mixing trend but rather a complicated data suggesting evaporation of the acidic brine. Temperatures calculated from gas compositions and isotope data are similar, ranging from 150 to 250 °C, which is consistent with the presence of a liquid aquifer below the Ebeko fumarolic fields.

Thermal grounds and pools of the summit field are closely associated with the volcano activity. Each period of volcano excitation causes changes in the locations of major fumarole vents, crater lakes, and affects the chemical composition of water and gas. The Ebeko volcano eruption (from 2016 to the present) also triggered changes in the isotope and chemical composition of the Yuryevskie springs.

In this paper we report data on water and gas compositions of samples obtained during the 2016-2019 field seasons and compare partially published data from 2005-2014 field campaigns. This work was supported by the RFBR grant #20-05-00517.

How to cite: Kalacheva, E., Kotenko, T., and Voloshina, E.: Geochemistry of fluid manifistations of the Ebeko Volcano, Paramushir Island (Kurile Islands, Russia)., EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-3395,, 2020.

EGU2020-10712 | Displays | GMPV1.6

First measurements of volcanic gas composition at Bagana volcano, Papua New Guinea

Brendan McCormick Kilbride, Emma Liu, Kieran Wood, Thomas Wilkes, Ian Schipper, Kila Mulina, Thomas Richardson, Cynthia Werner, Andrew McGonigle, Tom Pering, Alessandro Aiuppa, Marcello Bitetto, Gaetano Giudice, and Ima Itikarai

Bagana volcano, Papua New Guinea, is among Earth’s youngest and most active volcanoes. Bagana typically exhibits multi-year episodes of lava extrusion, interspersed with pause periods characterised by strong passive degassing. Based on satellite-based observations, Bagana is the third ranked global source of volcanic sulfur dioxide over the past 15 years. Recent work based on global correlations between volcanic gas composition and magma trace element chemistry has predicted that it may be the fifth ranked global volcanic deep carbon source. However, this indirect estimate of Bagana’s potential carbon budget has yet to be ground-truthed by in-situ sampling.

We visited Bagana in September 2019 and made the first measurements of the chemical composition of the volcano’s summit gas plume. We placed a miniaturized MultiGAS sensor array on board an unoccupied aerial system (UAS, or drone) and flew the sensors through the plume. Our aircraft flew beyond visual line of sight, reaching the gas plume from around 7 km horizontal distance and 2 km altitude below the summit. Such long-range UAS flights offer immense potential for studying gas emissions from such steep, active or remote volcanoes.

Our MultiGAS flights found relatively low concentrations of both sulfur dioxide and carbon dioxide in the Bagana plume. Moreover, we made coincident remote sensing measurements of sulfur dioxide emissions using ground- and UAS-based ultraviolet spectroscopy and calculated SO2 fluxes of only ~400 tonnes per day. These are an order of magnitude below the typical fluxes inferred from satellite observations. Combining MultiGAS plume composition (CO2/SO2 molar ratio, mean ~3.4) and SO2 fluxes allow us to estimate Bagana’s CO2 flux into the atmosphere as only ~1360 t/d.

Our interpretation of these results is that the volcano is presently in a low state of activity. From satellite observations, we note the cessation of the most recent extrusive episode several weeks prior to our field campaign. The lack of the anticipated strong passive degassing often observed by spaceborne UV sensors is likely a result of “scrubbing” in the volcanic edifice, where rising gases interact with groundwater, resulting in dissolution of sulfur species into the groundwater and perhaps precipitation of sulfur-bearing minerals into edifice fractures. As the volcano moves towards a future extrusive episode, we might anticipate the gradual drying out of the hydrothermal system and a shift towards more truly magmatic gas compositions. Our results show that short campaign measurements may not provide data which are representative of a volcano’s longterm behaviour and we suggest that caution is needed in using such data to calculate or extrapolate regional and global volatile emissions inventories.

How to cite: McCormick Kilbride, B., Liu, E., Wood, K., Wilkes, T., Schipper, I., Mulina, K., Richardson, T., Werner, C., McGonigle, A., Pering, T., Aiuppa, A., Bitetto, M., Giudice, G., and Itikarai, I.: First measurements of volcanic gas composition at Bagana volcano, Papua New Guinea, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-10712,, 2020.

EGU2020-11386 | Displays | GMPV1.6

Geochemical monitoring of Cumbre Vieja volcano (Canary Islands) by summer diffuse CO2 degassing surveys

Daniel Di Nardo, Ellie-May Redfern, Filippo Zummo, Alba Martín-Lorenzo, Claudia Rodríguez-Pérez, Eleazar Padrón, Gladys V. Melián, Lucía Sáez-Gabarrón, Mar Alonso, María Asensio-Ramos, Nemesio M. Pérez, Pedro A. Hernández, Francisco A. Morales-González, and Lía Pitti-Pimienta

La Palma Island is the north-westernmost and one of the youngest of the Canarian Archipelago. In the last 123ka, volcanic activity has taken place exclusively at Cumbre Vieja volcano which is located at the southern part of the island. Cumbre Vieja is characterized by a main north–south rift zone 20km long and 1950m in elevation covering an area of 220km2 with volcanic vents located northwest and northeast. Cumbre Vieja is the most active basaltic volcano in the Canaries with 7 historical eruptions, being Teneguía (1971) the most recent one. The most relevant volcanic activity episodes occurred since Teneguía eruption, are two intense seismic swarms occurred beneath Cumbre Vieja on 7-9 and 13-14 of October 2017. Since visible volcanic gas emissions do not occur at the surface of Cumbre Vieja, the geochemical surveillance program has been focused mainly on diffuse degassing studies. In the last 18 years diffuse CO2 emission surveys have been yearly performed in summer periods to minimize the influence of meteorological variations. Measurements have been performed following the accumulation chamber method in about 600 sites and spatial distribution maps have been constructed following the sequential Gaussian simulation (sGs) procedure to quantify the diffuse CO2 emission. Herein we summarize the diffuse CO2 emission time series during this period and describe the results obtained in the last 2019 survey. The soil CO2 efflux values measured in 2019 survey ranged from non-detectable to 72.7gm−2d−1. Diffuse CO2 output was estimated in 1,064 ± 35td-1, a value within the background +1s range (1,254 td-1) (Padrón et al., 2015, Bull. Volcanol. 77:28). In the period 2001-2017, the diffuse CO2 output released to the atmosphere from Cumbre Vieja volcano ranged between 320 to 1,544td-1. Enhanced endogenous contributions of deep seated CO2 might have been responsible for the higher CO2 emission values measured in 2011 and 2013. After the October 2017 seismic swarms, diffuse CO2 output showed an increasing trend from 788 to 3,251td-1 in March 2018, to decrease gradually until 852td-1 in September of that same year, and begin to gradually increase again to 2,371td-1 in November 2018. These changes were possibly caused by an upward magma migration. Our results demonstrate that periodic surveys of diffuse CO2 emission are extremely important for the detection of early warning signals of future volcanic unrest episodes at Cumbre Vieja.

How to cite: Di Nardo, D., Redfern, E.-M., Zummo, F., Martín-Lorenzo, A., Rodríguez-Pérez, C., Padrón, E., Melián, G. V., Sáez-Gabarrón, L., Alonso, M., Asensio-Ramos, M., Pérez, N. M., Hernández, P. A., Morales-González, F. A., and Pitti-Pimienta, L.: Geochemical monitoring of Cumbre Vieja volcano (Canary Islands) by summer diffuse CO2 degassing surveys, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-11386,, 2020.

EGU2020-11710 | Displays | GMPV1.6

Short-term variations of diffuse CO2 and H2S at the summit crater of Teide volcano, Tenerife, Canary Islands

Mar Alonso, Harry T. A. Hoffman, Joseph G. Smith, Erin Thompson, Fátima Rodríguez, Cecilia Amonte, María Asensio-Ramos, Lia Pitti, Eleazar Padrón, and Nemesio M. Pérez

Tenerife (2,034 km2) is the central and largest island of the Canarian archipelago, located about 100 km west of the African coast between 27º37’ and 29º25’N and between 13º20’ and 18º10’W. The structure of Tenerife is controlled by a volcano-tectonic rift-system with NW, NE and NS directions with Teide volcano located in the intersection of the three rifts. Teide is the highest stratovolcano in the Atlantic Ocean reaching 3,718 m.a.s.l. with its last eruption occurred in 1798 through an adventive cone of Teide-Pico Viejo volcanic complex. Persistent degassing activity, both visible and diffuse, takes place at the summit cone of the volcano, being the diffuse degassing the principle degassing mechanism of Teide (Mori et. al., 2001; Pérez et. al., 2013). As part of the volcanic monitoring program of INVOLCAN in Tenerife, 8 surveys were performed during summer 2019 in order to evaluate the short term variations of diffuse CO2 and H2S emissions in the summit crater. The emissions were calculated using data from 38 sampling sites homogeneously distributed inside the crater covering an area of 6,972 m2 by means of a portable CO2 and H2S fluxmeter using the accumulation chamber method (Parkinson 1981). During the study period, CO2 and H2S emissions ranged from 33 ± 5 to 93 ± 25 t/d and from 0.6 ± 0.2 to 4 ± 0.1 kg/d, respectively. Despite the small changes observed in the temporal evolution, values are considered normal for a quiescence period in Teide volcanic system. Short term variations in CO2 and H2S emissions indicate changes in the activity of the system and can be useful to understand the behaviour of the volcanic system and as forecast of future volcanic activity.

Mori T. et al. (2001). Chemical Geology, 177, 85–99.
Parkinson K. J. (1981). Journal of Applied Ecology, 18, 221–228.
Pérez N. M. et al. (2013). Journal of the Geological Society, 170, 585–592.

How to cite: Alonso, M., Hoffman, H. T. A., Smith, J. G., Thompson, E., Rodríguez, F., Amonte, C., Asensio-Ramos, M., Pitti, L., Padrón, E., and Pérez, N. M.: Short-term variations of diffuse CO2 and H2S at the summit crater of Teide volcano, Tenerife, Canary Islands, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-11710,, 2020.

EGU2020-11991 | Displays | GMPV1.6

Seawater dissolved gases associated with hydrothermal fluids in convergent margins (Brandsfield-South Shetland, Antarctica) and mid-ocean ridge and intraplate settings (Azores, Portugal)

María Asensio-Ramos, Cecilia Amonte, Esther Santofimia, Gladys V. Melián, Enrique López, Eleazar Padrón, Luis Somoza, Pedro A. Hernández, Teresa Medialdea, Francisco J. González, and Nemesio M. Pérez

The occurrence of hydrothermal emissions implies the existence of heat sources related to magma reservoirs both in convergent margins (Bransfield-South Shetland) and in mid-ocean ridge and intra-plate settings (Azores). The importance of these systems lies in (a) producing important mineralizations,  (b) favouring extremophilic ecosystems, (c) being precursors of underwater volcanic eruptions, (d) playing a major role they play in the matter and energy exchange between the geosphere and the hydrosphere and (d) their impact on the geochemistry of the oceans. In subduction margins, rifts, transforming faults or volcanic buildings in hot spots, emissions of hot fluids related to magmas and/or circulation in hydrothermal systems can occur. The fluids associated with magmas are fundamentally gases (CO2, H2O, H2, SO2, H2S, He, etc.). Hydrothermal fluids constitute a complex system where seawater percolates through fissures and fractures in sediments and rocks at different depths and heats up upon contact with magmas and hot volcanic rocks, leaching a large amount of chemical elements. The identification of acoustic plumes in the water column is the first step in the exploration of unknown underwater emissions. The new acoustic detection technologies, which operate with a wide frequency range, are one of the most innovative tools for detecting gas plumes and other fluids in the water column, especially in deep waters. Once detected, physical-chemical parameters (temperature, salinity, turbidity, cations, anions, dissolved gases, isotopic signature, etc.) that allow their characterization and classification will be determined. This type of studies is particularly useful when it is not possible to collect free gases, fumarolic and/or bubbling gases, as in the case of submarine activity. In this work, we show the results obtained regarding the chemical composition of dissolved gases (He, H2, CO2 (aq), O2, N2, CH4 and He) and isotopic signature of the dissolved CO213C-CO2) in sea water sampled in sites of hydrothermal interest. With this purpose, we carried out two oceanographic surveys (EXPLOSEA1 and EXPLOSEA2) in 2019: the first in Antarctica aboard the Spanish Research Vessel (RV) Hespérides and the second in North Atlantic Ocean aboard the Spanish RV Sarmiento de Gamboa. To do so, 13 and 10 water vertical profiles were studied in the RV Hespérides and the RV Sarmiento de Gamboa, respectively, using a SBE 911plus CTD system where there was evidence of acoustic plumes or where appropriate, emission buildings of fluids were present. Water samples were kept in glass bottles for subsequent analysis. The establishment of the physicochemical characteristics of volcanic hydrothermal fluids and the characterization of the nature and origin of the different types of fluid emissions will help to classify the hydrothermal fluids in order to understand the phenomena that take place in them and their surroundings.

How to cite: Asensio-Ramos, M., Amonte, C., Santofimia, E., Melián, G. V., López, E., Padrón, E., Somoza, L., Hernández, P. A., Medialdea, T., González, F. J., and Pérez, N. M.: Seawater dissolved gases associated with hydrothermal fluids in convergent margins (Brandsfield-South Shetland, Antarctica) and mid-ocean ridge and intraplate settings (Azores, Portugal), EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-11991,, 2020.

EGU2020-17591 | Displays | GMPV1.6

Geochemical monitoring of mantle-derived gases migration along active faults: case of Vapor cave (southern Spain)

Angel Fernandez-Cortes, Raul Perez-Lopez, Tamara Martin-Pozas, Soledad Cuezva, Jose Maria Calaforra, and Sergio Sanchez-Moral

Fluid migration along faults can be highly complex and spatially variable, with channelled flow along karstified structures of the vadose zone. One such example is Vapor cave, near the urban area of Alhama de Murcia, situated along a tectonically active, NE-SW trending master fault as results of the convergence between Africa and the microplate of Iberia. Vapor cave represents an outstanding gases-blowout site from the upper vadose zone, developed in a favourably fissured carbonate-cemented conglomerate host rock under hypogene speleogenesis by the upwelling of hydrothermal (>33°C, and 100% relative humidity) and CO2-rich air, in or from the zone of fluid-geodynamic influence.

In this study, we investigate the gaseous composition and, specifically, the geochemical fingerprint of deep-origin greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4) of both cave and soil air at Vapor cave. Detailed surveys were conducted to monitor the deep-origin gases exhaled by the cave, by using high precision field-deployable CRDS and FTIR spectrometers to in situ and real time measure the concentration and δ13C of both carbon-GHGs. Inert gases like radon were also measured in parallel by a pulse-counting ionization chamber (alpha spectroscopy). The collected data provide new insights into the control exerted by active fault segments on deep-seated gas migration toward the surface.

The C species of the deep-origin fluids are dominated by CO2 (concentration higher than 1% and δ13C-CO2 ranging from −4.5 to −7.5‰) with the abundance of CH4 below the atmospheric background. It is estimated that the exhaled  air  represents  between  1 to 3%  of  this  pure‐theoretical  CO2  added  from  the  deep  endogenous source feeding the cave atmosphere and linked to the fault activity. Anomalous radon concentrations recorded at this site also confirm the contribution of this geogenic gas in the cave atmosphere (222Rn ranges 40-60 kBq/m3 at -30 m depth) and its accumulation in the overlying soil (exceeding 10K kBq/m3).

In contrast to the release of large volumes of deep endogenous CO2, Vapor cave constitutes an effective sink of methane (CH4). The deep-sourced CH4 is continuously depleted and 13C-enriched along the vertical migration pathway into the cave (CH4<1 ppm and δ13C close to −30‰). Some anomalous concentrations of deep endogenous methane have been already registered in the cave air, e.g. during march 2016, with CH4 ranging 2.3 to 3.4 ppm and δ13C-CH4 lighter than that found in the local background atmosphere. These anomalous CH4 data could be related to the occurrence of contemporary earthquakes, characterized by a total amount of seismic energy released of 4.9 x 109 J and epicenter locations southwest of the cave and within a radius of 20 km.

The continuous depletion of CH4 in the cave air constitutes itself a very valuable property in terms of using as potential earthquake precursor in combination with other geochemical indicators. Hence, any anomalous concentration and isotopic deviation of this gas in the cave atmosphere with reference to the background level in the cave atmosphere could denote a more intense migration of endogenous fluids through the upper vadose zone, which could be related with an increase of the regional seismotectonic activity.

How to cite: Fernandez-Cortes, A., Perez-Lopez, R., Martin-Pozas, T., Cuezva, S., Calaforra, J. M., and Sanchez-Moral, S.: Geochemical monitoring of mantle-derived gases migration along active faults: case of Vapor cave (southern Spain) , EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-17591,, 2020.

EGU2020-18296 | Displays | GMPV1.6

Fluid geochemistry in the Latronico thermal area (south Italy): new preliminary data for upcoming monitoring of a seismically active area

Michele Paternoster, Carmine Apollaro, Antonio Caracausi, Paolo Randazzo, Alessandro Aiuppa, Rosanna De Rosa, Ilaria Fuoco, Giovanni Mongelli, Francesco Muto, Egidio Vanni, and Giovanni Vespasiano

The Latronico thermal area is located in the southern sector of the Apennines chains, in proximity to the south boundary of the Mt. Alpi. This area is a seismically active region and it is located between Val d’Agri basin and Pollino area, two of the highest seismic risk zones in Italy. It is well documented that tectonic discontinuities act as preferential channels for the uprise of deep fluids trough the continental crust towards the surface (e.g., Caracausi et al. 2013). Hence in seismically areas, these fluids can move across the volume of rocks characterized by an active field of stress and their fluids can take a memory of the occurring rock-water-gas interactions. Taking this into account, we sampled waters and dissolved gases released in the Latronico hydrothermal basin in order to define: i) water-rock interaction processes; ii) thermalism origin; iii) the geochemical model of fluid circulation in a seismic area.  In details, we analysed the chemical and isotopic (C and noble gases) composition both groundwater and dissolved gases. The acquired knowledge will allow us to plan long-term geochemical monitoring useful for identification of the possible relationship between fluid circulation and regional-scale seismicity. We sampled 24 springs, of which 9 belonging to thermal set (Latronico Spa springs) and 15 to cold one. Thermal waters have an average temperature of 21°C, these are slightly alkaline (7.12 <pH< 7.54), show negative Eh values up to −93 mV and are calcium bicarbonate-sulphate water type. The cold springs have temperature values from 7.7 to 14.8 °C, pH from 7.05 to 8.15, with positive Eh values up to 200 mV. These waters are calcium-bicarbonate water type. The oxygen and hydrogen isotopes clearly indicate their meteoric origin. Regarding the gas geochemistry, He and C isotopes have been used as the key tracer for recognizing the contribution of crustal and mantle components and possibly the source of heat. Thermal waters have CO2 and He contents of 1 and 2 order of magnitude higher than cold water, respectively. The dissolved gases show an atmospheric component, being Air Saturated Water (ASW). 3He/4He ratios in the gases dissolved are 0.12 Ra ±0.2 (Ra is the He isotopic signature in the atmosphere, 1.39x10-6). Assuming that He isotopic signature in typical crustal fluids is < 0.05 Ra, the measured He data show traces of mantle-derived helium, to the mixing between atmospheric and radiogenic end-members (0.02 Ra). Coupling Total Dissolved Inorganic Carbon (TDIC) and δ13CTDIC data, 2 water sub-sets have been identified: (i) infiltrating waters, with low δ13CTDIC, and (ii) thermal waters with positive δ13CTDIC and high TDIC values, indicative of outgassing of deeply sourced CO2. This study for the first time proposes a model of fluids origin in the Latronico hydrothermal basin and the main processes that control their chemistry during their circulation through the crust. Hence, geochemical monitoring of the fluids in the region can provide if these fluids are sensitive to chemical variation due to a modification of the field of stress in the preparatory phases of an earthquake

How to cite: Paternoster, M., Apollaro, C., Caracausi, A., Randazzo, P., Aiuppa, A., De Rosa, R., Fuoco, I., Mongelli, G., Muto, F., Vanni, E., and Vespasiano, G.: Fluid geochemistry in the Latronico thermal area (south Italy): new preliminary data for upcoming monitoring of a seismically active area, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-18296,, 2020.

EGU2020-19479 | Displays | GMPV1.6

Environmental factors controlling diffuse CO2 emission rates from Cumbre Vieja Volcano, La Palma, Canary Islands

Victoria Leal, Germán D. Padilla, Gladys V. Melián, Alba Martin-Lorenzo, Fátima Rodríguez, Eleazar Padrón, María Asensio-Ramos, Pedro A. Hernández, and Nemesio M. Pérez

La Palma Island (708.3 km2) is located at the north-western end of the Canarian Archipelago and is one of the youngest island (~2.0My). During the last 123 ka, volcanic activity has taken place exclusively at the southern part of the island, where Cumbre Vieja volcano, the most active basaltic volcano in the Canaries, has been constructed. Seven historical eruptions have occurred at Cumbre Vieja, been Teneguía the last one (1971). On 7-14 of October 2017 and 10-15 November 2018, two intense seismic swarms occurred beneath Cumbre Vieja. In order to monitor the volcanic activity at Cumbre Vieja, main efforts have been focused on diffuse degassing studies since visible volcanic emissions are absent at the surface environment of this volcano. Diffuse CO2 emissions have been monitored at Cumbre Vieja since 1997 in a yearly basis, with a higher frequency since the start of intense seismic swarms until August, 2019. At each survey, 600 sampling sites are selected for soil CO2 efflux measurements performed in situ following the accumulation chamber method. Spatial distribution maps are constructed following the sequential Gaussian simulation (sGs) procedure and, to quantify the CO2 emission from the studied area, 100 simulations are performed for each survey. At each sampling site, soil gas samples were collected at 40cm depth. Isotopic analysis of C in the CO2 of selected soil gas samples (10% of the total) was performed to discriminate the origin of the CO2. Between 2001 and 2017, the estimated diffuse CO2 emission rate released to the atmosphere from Cumbre Vieja volcano has ranged between 320 to 1,544 td-1. After October 2017 seismic swarms, diffuse CO2 emission rates were estimated on a nearly daily basis, showing three increasing trends from 800td-1 up to 3,251td-1, 2,850td-1 and 1,904td-1, respectively. With the aim to filter out the effects of rainfall on the measured CO2 efflux time series, a decorrelation pluviometric data analysis was performed. We found that a moving average of sixty days of the averaged rainfalls of six pluviometers on the studied area explained 49.4% of variability of diffuse CO2 emission. The first peak on diffuse CO2 emission remained after filtering, with a highest value of 2,020td-1, when the time series had a non linear behaviour and the two seismic swarms occurred. Highest value of the second peak was 1,495td-1 whereas the third peak practically disappears after filtering, due to the high influence with rainfall. Isotopic analysis of soil C-CO2 showed enrichments in volcanic-hydrothermal CO2 before the two mean peaks of filtered soil CO2 emission time series. We found seismological and geochemical evidences that these swarms were linked to a deep-seated magmatic intrusion. We hypothesize that the October 2017 seismic swarms were produced by an upward magma migration from an ephemeral magmatic reservoir located in the upper mantle (about 25 km depth), toward another reservoir located close to the Moho beneath Cumbre Vieja (12-15 km). The consequent depressurization of the magma batch was the source of the volatiles observed at the surface, with a delay of few weeks for CO2.

How to cite: Leal, V., Padilla, G. D., Melián, G. V., Martin-Lorenzo, A., Rodríguez, F., Padrón, E., Asensio-Ramos, M., Hernández, P. A., and Pérez, N. M.: Environmental factors controlling diffuse CO2 emission rates from Cumbre Vieja Volcano, La Palma, Canary Islands, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-19479,, 2020.

EGU2020-19805 | Displays | GMPV1.6

Urban soil gas geochemistry to identify permeable zones and possible upflow of deep-seated gases at the city of Ourense, Galicia, Spain

Gladys V. Melián, Nemesio Pérez, Lucía Sáez -Gabarrón, Fátima Rodríguez, Pedro A. Hernández, Eleazar Padrón, María Asensio-Ramos, José A. Cid, Pedro A. Araujo, Raúl González Castro, and Jorge Pumar Tesouro

Thermal waters from natural hot springs and boreholes are clear geothermal features of the city of Ourense (Galicia, Spain). The urban area of Ourense is located in the Miño River’s valley which is characterized by two fault systems (NW–SE and NE–SW) that determine the groundwater circulation in the region. The low permeability of the granite and granodiorite only allows fluid circulation throughout faults and fractures transporting the fluid and transferring the heat to the lower elevations in the valley (Araujo 2008; Fernández Portal et al. 2007). During July to August 2019, an intensive soil gas geochemical survey was carried out at urban area of Ourense in order to identify the presence of vertical permeable structures and possible upflow of deep-seated gases. A total of 539 soil gas samples were taken with an average distance of ≈100 m between sampling sites and covering an area about 13Km2. In-situ soil CO2 efflux and soil gas 222Rn activity measurements were performed at each sampling site. In addition, soil gas samples at 40 cm depth were collected for chemical (He, Ne, H2, O2, N2, CH4 and CO2) and isotope (d13C-CO2 vs. VPDB) analysis by micro-gas chromatography and IRMS, respectively. Soil CO2 efflux and 222Rn activity values ranged from 0.7 to 92 g·m-2·d-1 (mean value of 16 g·m-2·d-1) and from 2.7 to 743 Bq·m-³ (mean value of 73 Bq·m-³), respectively. Regarding soil gas He and H2 concentration, the values ranged from 5.2 to 25.0 ppmV (mean value of 6.2 ppmV) and from 0.5 to 24.9 ppmV (mean value of 1.9 ppmV), respectively. Soil CO2 concentrations showed a range between 355 and 53,766 ppmV (mean value of 7,824 ppmV) with a range of isotopic ratios from -14.1 to -28.5‰ vs. VPDB (mean value of -22.1 ‰). The binary plot of d13C-CO2 vs 1/CO2 concentration suggest the presence of small fractions of CO2 deep-seated in the soil gas atmosphere (mainly an atmospheric and biogenic gas mixture) of the city of Ourense. Soil CO2 efflux, soil gas Rn-222 activity and soil gas He, H2 and CO2 concentration contour maps were constructed using the sequential Gaussian simulation (sGs) interpolation method. Estimated diffuse CO2 emission from the study area is about 201 tons per day and about 8 tons per day could be considered deep-seated degassing. Spatial distribution analysis of the soil gas geochemical data show relatively high values of soil CO2 efflux and soil gas H2 concentration at the Chavasqueira-Tinteiro urban sector, while As Burgas and Outariz-Muiño urban sectors showed relatively high values of soil 222Rn activity. These results show the usefulness of the soil gas geochemistry to identify permeable zones and possible upflow of deep-seated gases at the city of Ourense.

How to cite: Melián, G. V., Pérez, N., Sáez -Gabarrón, L., Rodríguez, F., Hernández, P. A., Padrón, E., Asensio-Ramos, M., Cid, J. A., Araujo, P. A., González Castro, R., and Pumar Tesouro, J.: Urban soil gas geochemistry to identify permeable zones and possible upflow of deep-seated gases at the city of Ourense, Galicia, Spain, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-19805,, 2020.

EGU2020-13365 | Displays | GMPV1.6

HydroQuakes: a pilot study in the central-southern Apennines for the realization of a hydrogeochemical monitoring network for seismic precursors and other societal applications

Andrea Billi, Stefania Franchini, Marino Domenico Barberio, Maurizio Barbieri, Tiziano Boschetti, and Marco Petitta

The aim of this work is to provide a methodology for the investigation of seismic precursors starting from hydrogeological, hydrogeochemical, and seismic study of the territory. Hydrological effects originated during the seismic cycle (particularly prior to and during strong earthquakes) have long been observed and documented, as they are among the most outstanding coseismic phenomena that can be even observed over great distances. Moreover, since a few decades, geochemical changes of groundwater prior to intermediate and/or strong (Mw ≥ 5.0) earthquakes have started to be a concrete hope and, at the same time, a big scientific and technological challenge for geoscientists working in the field of seismic precursors. Deformation and stress perturbation during the seismic cycle can cause changes in deep fluid migration eventually leading to changes in shallower groundwater circulation and geochemistry. As monitoring sites, we identified the Sulmona and Matese areas in the central-southern Apennines. These two areas were affected in the past by Mw > 5.5 earthquakes. Each study area includes 5-6 monitored springs and boreholes. Groundwaters are mainly calcium-bicarbonate type or secondarily sulphate-calcium-bicarbonate type. Continuous monitoring and monthly sampling of the two study areas started in December 2017, although in the Sulmona area they had already started in 2014 for a previous project, whose results have been published in previous papers. In an attempt to identify potential seismic precursors, we carried out, for each monitored spring, analyses of major and trace elements and analyses of isotopes of the water molecule, boron, and strontium. During these years of monitoring (2018-2019), there were no high magnitude earthquakes. The three seismic events with the highest magnitude were indeed the 2019 Collelongo (Mw 4.1, January 1st), Balsorano (Mw 4.4, November 7th), and San Leucio del Sannio (Mw 3.9, December 16th) earthquakes. The most interesting result is that these earthquakes (except Collelongo) were not substantially preceded by hydrogeochemical anomalies. This evidence suggests that this type of pre-seismic anomalies could arise substantially only with intermediate and strong earthquakes (Mw≥5.0); however, it is also true that the Collelongo earthquake, which occurred on a very large Apennine normal fault (the fault that generated the great Avezzano earthquake of 1915, Mw 7.0) at great depths - about 16-17 km -, was preceded by very weak hydrogeochemical anomalies of Li, B, and Sr in most monitored springs. These weak anomalies could be related to pre-seismic breakages at great crustal depths along a very large fault. We also describe the monitoring stations as well as the used instrumentations, procedures, and analyses. We propose some preliminary results that emphasize the importance of collecting data from a widespread network of monitoring stations over a seismic territory and for long time. HydroQuakes provides new evidence for the importance of building a national hydrogeochemical network for the identification of seismic precursors. Future possible implementations as well as further societal uses for such a network are also addressed. The HydroQuakes Project is funded by Fondazione ANIA to CNR-IGAG.

How to cite: Billi, A., Franchini, S., Barberio, M. D., Barbieri, M., Boschetti, T., and Petitta, M.: HydroQuakes: a pilot study in the central-southern Apennines for the realization of a hydrogeochemical monitoring network for seismic precursors and other societal applications, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-13365,, 2020.

GMPV1.7 – Radiogenic isotopes: approaches and tools to unravel the past

EGU2020-2178 | Displays | GMPV1.7 | Highlight

Changing our ideas about the evolution of magmatic systems with improved temporal resolution: do we get it right?

Urs Schaltegger and Joshua H.F.L. Davies

Improvements to U-Pb geochronology of magmatic zircon have resulted in temporal resolution at the level of <0.1% for individual 206Pb/238U dates and of 0.02-0.05% for weighted mean 206Pb/238U ages of a statistically equivalent group of single crystal dates from zircon or baddeleyite (50,000 years for a Mesozoic igneous rock). This talk will give a short overview on the challenges and opportunities such high precision age determination implies in felsic and mafic magmatic systems.

Felsic magmatic systems: Zircon dates from the same hand sample cover a temporal range that integrates their crystallization history in the melt. Since each grain crystalizes over a certain time period, the apparent age range is a minimum estimate of the duration of crystallization or the residence in a magma. A major challenge is the mitigation of decay-related lead loss through refined chemical abrasion procedures (Widmann et al., 2019) to avoid erroneous interpretation of zircon dates that appear too young. Apparent trace element or isotopic trends are typically not coherent with time and therefore reflect fractionation processes at different places and different times in the magmatic system, possibly within compositionally different magma batches.

Mafic magmatic systems: Zircon is not a crystallizing phase in a basaltic melt, but can occur after ~90% fractionation of olivine, pyroxene and amphibole, zircon saturation can then be achieved in low-volume granitic melt pockets (depending on the water content). A zircon date is therefore an age information along the crystallization -cooling path of a mafic intrusion (Zeh et al., 2015). In low-Si and low-Zr melts, baddeleyite may arrive at saturation before zircon and can be used for dating as well. There are two clear problems with zircon/baddeleyite geochronology in mafic systems: (i) since baddeleyite saturates earlier than zircon, it should produce slightly older dates in the same rock; however, these minerals often display the inverse relationship. Since no pre-treatment for the removal of decay-damaged portions exists for baddeleyite, we can demonstrate that this discrepancy is due to lead loss. Mitigating lead loss is also difficult for zircon since it crystallized from residual melt patches of granitoid composition high in uranium, often resulting in metamict crystals; (ii) zircon populations from dolerites may spread over >100,000 years even in cases where simple thermal modeling shows that a dolerite sill has crystallized and cooled at 103 years timescales. Beside lead loss, we may suspect that certain zircon grains contain minute portions of pre-crystallization radiogenic lead from crustal contamination. We can explore and quantify cryptic inheritance through Hf, O isotopic analysis of the same dated zircon grains. Heterogeneous nucleation on relics of incompletely dissolved zircon is more probably than spontaneous nucleation.

As an overarching challenge, we have no technique or independent approach to quantify lead loss and it remains the biggest uncertainty in U-Pb dating.

References: Davies et al. (2015) Nature Communications, 8, 15596 ; Sell et al. (2014) Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 408, 48-56; Widmann et al. (2019) Chemical Geology, 511, 1-10; Zeh et al. (2015) Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 418, 103-114

How to cite: Schaltegger, U. and Davies, J. H. F. L.: Changing our ideas about the evolution of magmatic systems with improved temporal resolution: do we get it right?, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-2178,, 2020.

EGU2020-9175 | Displays | GMPV1.7

Timing of crustal melting and magma emplacement at different depths: insights from the Permian in the Western Alps

Paola Manzotti, Florence Bégué, Barbara Kunz, Daniela Rubatto, and Alexey Ulianov

The pre-Alpine basement of the Adriatic plate in the Southern Alps exposes an exceptionally complete section across the continental crust (Ivrea Verbano: lower crust; Serie dei Laghi: upper crust). The section was weakly reworked during Jurassic extension and Cretaceous to Miocene Alpine shortening. The Insubric Line, an Alpine crustal-scale south-vergent backthrust, separates the Southern Alps from the Alpine nappe stack. The pre-Alpine basement of the Adriatic palaeomargin is intensely reworked in this stack, and is now part of the Sesia-Dent Blanche nappes (Manzotti et al. 2014) and other, smaller, Adria-derived units (e.g. Emilius).

The less deformed part of the Sesia-Dent Blanche nappes are the IIDK and Valpelline Series. Based on lithological similarities, they have been correlated with the Ivrea-Verbano Zone (Carraro et al. 1970). This equivalence has been confirmed by subsequent studies, including detailed U-Pb zircon ages of metamorphic (Kunz et al., 2018) and magmatic events. The other units of the Sesia-Dent Blanche nappes (the Arolla Series, the Gneiss Minuti, and the Eclogitic Micaschists) have been pervasively reworked during the Alpine orogeny, from greenschist to eclogite-facies. Identification of the age and nature of their pre-Alpine protoliths, and of the grade and age of their pre-Alpine metamorphism heavily relies on field and petrological data on key outcrops, supported by U-Pb dating.

If the IIDK and Valpelline Series represent the lower Adriatic crust, the other units may derive from the upper Adriatic crust, i.e. may be similar to the Serie dei Laghi in the Southern Alps. Alternatively, they may also represent pieces of the Adriatic lower crust that were pervasively re-hydrated during the Jurassic extension and/or the Alpine subduction (Engi et al., 2018), thus allowing re-equilibration at HP conditions during Alpine deformation.

This contribution will summarize a range of field, petrological, and geochronological data (obtained by LA-ICP MS on zircon, combined with in situ-oxygen isotope data measured by SIMS). This data set reveals significant differences in the timing of crustal melting, as well as magma emplacement at different depths. It can be concluded that the history of the Adriatic crust in the Alpine stack is comparable with that of the Southern Alps, with implications for the mechanical behaviour of the crust during the Alpine orogeny.


Manzotti et al. (2014). Swiss Journal of Geosciences, 107, 309-336

Carraro et al. (1970). Memorie della Società Geologica Italiana, 9, 19-224

Kunz et al. (2018). International Journal of Earth Sciences, 107, 203-229

Engi et al. (2018). Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 19, 865-881

How to cite: Manzotti, P., Bégué, F., Kunz, B., Rubatto, D., and Ulianov, A.: Timing of crustal melting and magma emplacement at different depths: insights from the Permian in the Western Alps, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-9175,, 2020.

In situ age and trace element determinations of monazite and rutile grains from an ultrahigh temperature (UHT) metapelite hosted leucosome from the Napier Complex using laser split-stream analysis reveals highly variable behavior in both the U–Pb, REE and trace element systematics that are directly linked to the petrographic setting of individual grains.

Monazite grains armored by garnet and quartz retain a concordant 2.48 Ga age that is the same as the age for peak UHT metamorphism in the Napier Complex. Yttrium in the armored grains are unzoned with contents around 700 ppm in the garnet-hosted monazite and range between 400-1600 ppm in the monazite enclosed within quartz. A monazite grain hosted within a mesoperthite grain records a spread of concordant ages from 2.42 to 2.20 Ga and Y contents ranging between 400 to 1700 ppm. This grain exhibits core to rim zoning in both Y and age with the cores enriched in Y relative to the rim and younger ages in the core relative to the rim. A monazite grain that sits on a grain boundary between mesoperthite and garnet records the largest spread in ages­– from 2.42 to 2.05 Ga. The youngest ages in this grain are within a linear feature that reaches the core and is connected to the grain boundary between the garnet and mesoperthite, the oldest ages are observed where monazite is in contact with garnet. Yttrium in the grain is enriched in the core and depleted at the rim with the strongest depletions where monazite in adjacent to grain boundaries between the silicate minerals or in contact with garnet.

By contrast, rutile which is petrologically part of the peak-UHT assemblage and therefore inferred to have grown at c. 2.48 Ga records a complex discordant array of ages with the oldest concordant ages at 1.90 Ga with a spread down concordia to 1.70 Ga and a lower, imprecisely defined intercept at 0.55 Ga. The most discordant rutile grains sit within the residual garnet-sillimanite-spinel domains and record Zr-in rutile temperature of <800 °C. The least discordant and oldest grains sit within the leucosome and record Zr-in-rutile temperatures of >1000 °C. There is no correlation between grain size and age/degree of discordance.

The age and chemical relationships outlined above illustrate decoupling between the geochemical and geochronological systems in monazite and rutile. Individual grains are suggestive of a range of processes that modify these systems, including volume diffusion, flux-limited diffusion and recrystallisation, all operating at the scale of a single thin section and primarily controlled by the host minerals and their microstructural setting. These relationships, while complicated, can be interpreted in terms of the thermal history of this rock allowing the potential identification of a previously cryptic thermal event. This would not be possible without the petrographic information for the location of individual grains enabled through analysis of the different accessory minerals in thin section.

How to cite: Clark, C. and Taylor, R.: Petrographically-controlled elemental mobility in monazite and rutile in ultrahigh temperature granulites, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-6407,, 2020.

EGU2020-21442 | Displays | GMPV1.7 | Highlight | Robert Wilhelm Bunsen Medal Lecture

How Two Unassuming Elements, Re and Os, Assumed Acclaim in the Geosciences

Holly Stein

Re and Os (rhenium and osmium) are chalcophile-siderophile elements (transition metals) with a unique position in isotope geochemistry. Unlike other commonly used decay schemes for radiometric dating, these metals take residency in resource-related media, for example, sulfide minerals, the organic component in black shales, coals, and bitumens and oils. In short, the reducing environment is their haven whereas under oxidizing conditions, Re and Os become unmoored and the radiometric clock becomes compromised. The clock is not temperature sensitive, and its applicability spans Early Archean to Pleistocene.

This Bunsen Medal lecture will explore and review the challenges in bringing Re-Os from the meteorite-mantle community into the crustal environment. At the center of it all is our ability to turn geologic observation into a thoughtful sampling strategy. The possibility to date ore deposits was an obvious application, and molybdenite [Mo(Re)S2], rarely with significant common Os and lacking overgrowths, became an overnight superstar, yielding highly precise, accurate, and reproducible ages. Yet, molybdenite presented our first sampling challenge with recognition of a puzzling parent-daughter (187Re-187Os) decoupling in certain occurrences. A strategic sampling procedure was employed. From there, the diversity of applications spread, as molybdenite is also an accessory mineral in many granitoids, and can be a common trace sulfide in metamorphic rocks conformable with and/or cross-cutting foliation linking timing and deformation. Pyrite and arsenopyrite can also be readily dated.

Applications jumped from sulfides to organic matter. Extracting and dating the organic (hydrogeneous) component in black shales gives us Re-Os ages for sedimentary units in the Geologic Time Scale. This led to construction of an Os isotope seawater curve – an ongoing process. Unlike the well-known Sr seawater curve, the short residence time of Os in the oceans creates a high-definition time record with unambiguous high-amplitude swings in 187Os/188Os. Re-Os puts time pins into the biostratigraphic record, and we have even directly dated fossils. Re-Os opened the door for a new generation of paleoclimate studies to evaluate seawater conditions at the time of organic blooms and organic sequestration in bottom mud. Uplift and continental erosion can be balanced with hydrothermal input into oceans based on changes in the Os isotope composition of seawater. The timing and connectivity of opening seaways can be determined, and the timing of glaciation and deglaciation events can be globally correlated. The timing and instigators of mass extinctions are carried in the Re-Os record. A meteorite impact places an enormous scar in the Os isotope record as seawater drops toward mantle values and recovers in a few thousand years. Most recently, Re-Os has transformed our understanding of the events and fluids involved in the construction of whole petroleum systems.

Looking to the future, what kinds of data sets will be explored and what are the interdisciplinary skill sets needed to interpret those data? Re-Os will continue to provide us with new ways to dismantle geologic media for new scientific understanding of processes that have shaped our lithosphere, biosphere and hydrosphere and their intersection and exchange.

How to cite: Stein, H.: How Two Unassuming Elements, Re and Os, Assumed Acclaim in the Geosciences, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-21442,, 2020.

EGU2020-20167 | Displays | GMPV1.7

In situ U-Pb geochronology on garnet and rutile: New age data from the Palaeoarchaean Onverwacht Group, Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa.

Valby van Schijndel, Kathryn Cutts, Gary Stevens, Cristiano Lana, and Thomas Zack

The Barberton Greenstone Belt (BGB) is a well-preserved remnant of Paleo- to Mesoarchean crust. The oldest supracrustal rocks of the BGB consist of the 3.5-3.3 Ga Onverwacht Group. These rocks form a NE-SW trending belt deformed and metamorphosed largely under lower greenschist-facies conditions. In the southern BGB, the Komati Fault separates the structurally uppermost, lower greenschist-facies Onverwacht Group from its stratigraphically lowest components – the Sandspruit and Theespruit Formations (hereafter referred to as Lower Onverwacht Group), which occur south of the Komati Fault and have been metamorphosed under high-pressure amphibolite-facies conditions. The Lower Onverwacht Group rocks occur as a band along the southern edge of the greenstone belt and as septa between several ca. 3.55, 3.45 and 3.23 Ga Tonalite-Trondhjemite-Granodiorite plutons. The Lower Onverwacht Group rocks record a complex history of metamorphism and retrogression. An early phase of amphibolite-facies metamorphism is recorded at ca. 3.44 Ga by monazite in metasediments, whilst the main phase of the regional metamorphism occurred at ca. 3.23 Ga (e.g. Cutts et al., 2014).

The rocks targeted in this study have felsic metavolcanic protoliths and occur as a greenstone remnant within deformed and undeformed phases of 3.45 Ga Trondhjemites. They contain cm-sized garnets and the mineralogy of the samples indicate amphibolite-facies peak metamorphism. The garnets show major element growth zonation from core to rim (Alm0.63-0.80 Grs0.15-0.08Pyr0.0.05-0.09Sps0.17-0.0.03). U-Pb rutile geochronology gives an age at 3.15 Ga and Zr-in-rutile thermometry yields a temperature of ca. 640 °C (at 5 kbar). The rutile grains contain small, pristine zircon inclusions and the rutile is assumed to have grown in equilibrium with both zircon and quartz as buffer phases. The amphibolite-facies assemblage and the Zr-in-rutile temperature indicate that the rutile dates are cooling ages, which are difficult to interpret without information on the age of peak metamorphism of the samples. The objective of this study is to attempt to elucidate the early metamorphic record of these samples by directly dating the large garnet grains using in situ U-Pb laser-ablation inductively-coupled-plasma mass-spectrometry geochronology. Ongoing research shows that low-U garnet is datable by this method (Albert Roper et al., 2018). Preliminary results have been obtained from a different Lower Onverwacht Group sample, yielding a 3.45 Ga age for the garnet core and a 3.22 Ga age for the garnet rim (Cutts et al, unpublished data). The results indicate that U-Pb in rutile and in garnet from Archaean greenstones can be used in order to date metamorphic events. This is especially relevant when other potential datable accessory minerals, such as zircon or monazite, are not present.



Cutts et al., 2014. Geological Society of America Bulletin 126, 251–270.

Albert Roper et al., 2018. Goldschmidt Abstracts, 2018, 32.

How to cite: van Schijndel, V., Cutts, K., Stevens, G., Lana, C., and Zack, T.: In situ U-Pb geochronology on garnet and rutile: New age data from the Palaeoarchaean Onverwacht Group, Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa., EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-20167,, 2020.

EGU2020-8729 | Displays | GMPV1.7

Dating crustal anatexis in UHT granulites with Lu-Hf

Omar Gianola, Bernardo Cesare, Omar Bartoli, Fabio Ferri, and Robert Anczkiewicz

Ultra-high temperature (UHT) metamorphism is a thermal regime that can be attained by the lower continental crust in exceptional contexts and that is usually accompanied by fluid-absent dehydration melting. Such conditions are observed in the Gruf Complex, a 12 x 10 km migmatitic body located in the Central Alps, which is characterized by the presence of UHT granulitic schlieren and enclaves within migmatitic orthogneisses and charnockites. Two types of granulites, both with a massive and melanocratic texture, were investigated. The first granulite contains sapphirine, garnet, orthopyroxene, K-feldspar and biotite in the peak mineral assemblage, whereas the second type displays garnet, orthopyroxene, sillimanite and biotite. In both granulites, garnets are porphyroblastic and can reach up to 2 cm in size. These garnets are almost pure almandine-pyrope solid solutions and are zoned, showing pyrope-richer rims (Alm43-54Prp43-55Sps0-2Grs1-6) compared to cores (Alm47-62Prp32-48Sps0-3Grs2-9). A clear zoning is also observed in the rare earth elements (REE), with garnet cores showing the highest REE concentrations. Moreover, the porphyroblastic garnets are characterized by the presence of numerous melt inclusions (MI), which can be noticed both in garnet cores and rims. The MI occur as polycrystalline (nanogranitoids) and glassy inclusions, and dominantly display a peraluminous, rhyolitic composition, suggesting that they were originated, along with the host garnet, by incongruent, fluid-absent melting reactions during crustal anatexis. Lu-Hf ages obtained for the MI-bearing garnet cores of both granulites indicate that they formed at about 41 ± 4 Ma, which therefore can be interpreted as the time that crustal anatexis generated the UHT granulites. Considering the granulites in the context of the alpine framework, it is also inferred that UHT conditions in the lower crust were achieved as a consequence of asthenospheric upwelling, probably related to slab steepening or slab breakoff.

How to cite: Gianola, O., Cesare, B., Bartoli, O., Ferri, F., and Anczkiewicz, R.: Dating crustal anatexis in UHT granulites with Lu-Hf, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-8729,, 2020.

The availability of high-temperature thermochronometers suitable for generation of continuous thermal histories at mid- to lower-crustal temperatures (i.e., ≥ 400 °C) is limited. Available thermochronometers include the recently developed apatite and rutile U-Pb thermochronometers ( ≤ 550 and 640 °C; Kooijman et al., 2010; Cochrane et al., 2014) and arguably the K-Ar system in white mica (sensitive to temperatures ≤ 500 °C. Recent work has focussed on micro-beam U-Pb analysis of apatite and rutile by sector-field and multi-collector LA-ICPMS to generate single-crystal U-Pb age profiles. Such profiles can be inverted to yield continuous thermal histories for high-temperature processes (e.g., Smye et al., 2018). However, both apatite and rutile can exhibit crystal growth and dissolution-reprecipitation reactions in the same temperature ranges at which measurable Pb diffusion occurs: neither behaves as a pure thermochronometer in all circumstances (e.g., Chambers and Kohn, 2012; Harlov et al., 2005). Thus, it is critical to develop protocols which unequivocally identify age profiles arising from volume diffusion.

Here, we present case studies from greenschist- to granulite-facies-grade metamorphic systems from the Eastern Alps and the Western Gneiss Region of Norway. We demonstrate the utility of trace-element analysis (Sr-Y-REE-Th-U) and isotopic forward modelling to discriminate age resetting arising from (re)crystallisation from diffusion. Both rutile and especially apatite routinely incorporate non-trivial amounts of common-Pb during crystallisation (as opposed to radiogenic Pb generated by in-situ radionuclide decay), rendering them discordant in U-Pb isotope space. This common-Pb must be corrected for during age calculation. However, common-Pb is isotopically distinct from radiogenic Pb but exhibits the same diffusion behaviour, so the predicted U-Pb isotopic distribution for a given crystal arising from a proposed thermal history can be estimated by isotopic forward modelling. Thus, common-Pb can be exploited to validate both the assumption of Pb-loss by volume diffusion, and the thermal history predicted by age profile inversion.

Chambers, J.A., & Kohn, M.J., Am. Mineral., 97, 543–555 (2012); Cochrane, R., et al., Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 127, 39–56, (2014); Harlov, D.E., et al., Contrib. Mineral. Petrol, 150, 268–286 (2005); Kooijman, E., et al., Earth Planet. Sci. Lett, 293, 321–330, (2010); Smye, A.J., et al., Chem. Geol., 494, 1–18 (2018).

How to cite: Mark, C., Daly, J. S., Chew, D., and Cogné, N.: What are we dating, volume diffusion or recrystallisation? Isotopic modelling and trace-element analysis as tools to interpret the high-temperature U-Pb thermochronometer in apatite and rutile, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-9405,, 2020.

The Ryoke plutono-metamorphic belt exposed in SW Japan is the type locality for low-Pressure/high-Temperature (LP/HT) metamorphism. The Ryoke metamorphic field gradient is, however, a complex object shaped by several deformation phases, multiple magmatic pulses and protracted metamorphism. In the western part of the Ryoke belt (Iwakuni-Yanai area), a petrological and geochronological study of two plutons emplaced before metamorphism is used to explore the behaviour of magmatic monazite along the LP/HT gradient and constrain the thermal history of the belt. We compare a massive granite adjoining schistose rocks affected by greenschist facies metamorphism with a gneissose granite adjoining migmatitic gneiss affected by upper-amphibolite facies conditions. Despite contrasting textures, the granite samples have similar mineral modes and compositions. Monazite in the massive granite is dominated by primary domains with limited secondary recrystallization, and is variably replaced by allanite+apatite±xenotime±Th−U-rich phases. Primary domains yield an average 206Pb/238U date of 102 ± 2 Ma while Th−U phases show Th−U−Pb dates of ca. 58 and 15−14 Ma. Monazite in the gneissose granite preserves sector- or oscillatory-zoned primary domains cross-cut by inclusion-rich secondary domains enriched in Ca, Y, U, P. Primary domain analyses are commonly discordant (116−101 Ma) while secondary domains preserve concordant 206Pb/238U dates spreading from 102 ± 3 to 91 ± 2 Ma.

Despite alteration, primary monazite domains preserve the age of magmatic crystallization for both plutons (102 ± 2 Ma and 106 ± 5 Ma). In the massive granite, monazite replacement is ascribed to the influx of aqueous fluid enriched in Ca+Al+Si±F during hydrothermal alteration below 500 °C. The oldest date (58 ± 5 Ma) obtained from the Th−U-rich alteration products is regarded as a minimum age for chloritization during final exhumation of the granite. In the gneissose granite a small amount of anatectic melt was responsible for a pseudomorphic recrystallization of monazite by dissolution-reprecipitation above 600 °C. The spread in 206Pb/238U dates for the secondary domains is attributed to incomplete isotopic resetting during dissolution-reprecipitation, and the youngest date of 91 ± 2 Ma is considered as the age of monazite recrystallization during a suprasolidus metamorphic event. These results reveal a diachronous, ca. 10 Ma-long HT history and an overall duration of about 15 Ma for the metamorphic evolution of the western part of the Ryoke belt.

How to cite: Skrzypek, E., Shuhei, S., and Dominik, S.: Using the alteration of magmatic monazite to constrain the thermal history of the Ryoke metamorphic belt (SW Japan), EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-2877,, 2020.

The Pontiac subprovince consists of metaturbidites, plutons and thin ultramafic rock layers of Archean age and lies south of the Cadillac-Larder Lake (C-LL) fault zone which is the boundary between the Pontiac and the extensively mineralized Abitibi Greenstone Belt. The sediments show a Barrovian metamorphic gradient which increases southwards, away from the C-LL fault. The most likely tectonic provenance for the Pontiac sedimentary rocks is that they represent a relic accretionary prism with material derived from both the Abitibi and an older terrane. Zircon U-Pb dating shows that deposition occurred not later than 2685±3 Ma ago and recent, robust Lu-Hf dating of garnets bracketed Pontiac's peak metamorphic conditions at 2658±4 Ma. For this study we used a recently developed LA-ICP-MS/MS method for in-situ Rb-Sr dating of biotite and plagioclase in samples ranging in metamorphic grade (biotite to sillimanite zones) from the Pontiac subprovince. Calibration of the instrument was achieved by repeated ablations on several reference materials (see Hogmalm et al. 2017) which also provided the monitoring of accuracy and precision throughout the analyses. Results show a range in dates between 2550 Ma and 2200 Ma with an average of 2440±50 Ma (2σ). Samples from the staurolite and kyanite zones have a larger range with respect to the other zones, but no significant differences are observed in the data with any method of data handing. These dates are ≈300Ma younger than the peak metamorphism in the area and this is attributed to either overgrowth and re-setting of the Rb-Sr system by a second metamorphic/hydrothermal event, or diffusional resetting with core-rim age variations. Possible influence from the adjacent late syntectonic to post-tectonic monzodiorite-monzonite-granodiorite-syenite (MMGS) plutons dated 2671±4 Ma and the garnet-muscovite-granite series (GMG) dated ≈2650 Ma cannot be ruled out. This study provides insights about the metamorphic history of the sequence and supports previous findings regarding resetting of some isotopic systems with relatively low closure temperatures (≈350-400°C) by later thermal events.

How to cite: Leventis, N., Zack, T., Pitcairn, I., and Högmalm, J.: First in-situ Rb-Sr dating of metasedimentary rocks from the Pontiac subprovince, Superior Craton, Canada. Implications towards the regional metamorphic evolution of the sequence., EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-2699,, 2020.

EGU2020-17744 | Displays | GMPV1.7

Determination of sulfur isotopic ratio by HR-ICP-MS method

Bulat Gareev, Georgii Batalin, and Andrey Chugaev

Sulfur is an important geochemical element that is part of many natural compounds. Sulfur takes part in most natural processes. In this case, a change in the valency of this element can occur. The change in sulfur valency is accompanied by isotope fractionation, which gives rise to noticeable shifts in the isotopic composition of this element. Thus, sulfur is one of the important geochemical indicators that can be used to reconstruct the redox conditions of various geological processes, including sedimentation processes in marine basins. For many decades, the traditional method of analyzing the isotopic composition of sulfur in sulfides remains the method involving the oxidation of sulfur to SO2 and the subsequent measurement of the 34S/32S ratio in gas using a mass spectrometer (Giesemann et al., 1994; Grassineau et al., 2001; Studley et al., 2002, etc.). However, with the advent of the inductively coupled plasma method of multi-collector mass spectrometry, new in isotope geochemistry, the corresponding methodological direction began to develop in which this method is used to analyze the sulfur isotopic composition (Krupp et al., 2004; You and Li, 2005; Clough et al ., 2006; Mason et al., 2006; Craddock et al., 2008 and others). The results presented in these works suggest that the MC-ICP-MS method can be used to solve certain problems of studying the natural variations in the sulfur isotopic composition. Therefore, we created optimized methodic for measuring isotope ratio of sulfur. The experimental work was carried out on the instrument base of the laboratory of SEC "Geothermohronology" of the Institute of Geology and Oil and Gas Technologies at Kazan Federal University (IGiNGT KFU, Kazan) and was aimed at creating a set of analytical procedures for chemical sample preparation and mass spectrometric analysis methods. The chemical preparation of pyrite samples included the stage of their acid decomposition using concentrated inorganic acids, which ensured the quantitative transfer of the sulfur of the sample into solution, as well as the stage of obtaining pure sulfur preparations based on the use of ion exchange chromatography. The optimal methodological scheme of mass spectrometric measurement of the 34S / 32S ratio was determined on a Neptune Plus multi-collector mass spectrometer. It takes into account the influence of factors unfavorable for analysis of the isotopic composition of sulfur, such as interference overlays of ions of oxygen, carbon, and nitrogen compounds, as well as the effect of instrumental mass discrimination. The work was supported by the Ministry of Science and High Education of the Russian Federation contract No. 14.Y26.31.0029 in the framework of the Resolution No.220 of the Government of the Russian Federation.

How to cite: Gareev, B., Batalin, G., and Chugaev, A.: Determination of sulfur isotopic ratio by HR-ICP-MS method, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-17744,, 2020.

EGU2020-692 | Displays | GMPV1.7

New apatite fission track thermochronology data from the Siberian Permian-Triassic Traps

Tanya Bagdasaryan, Roman Veselovskiy, Maria Myshenkova, Viktor Zaitsev, Stuart Thomson, Anton Latyshev, and Vladimir Zakharov

The thermal history of the Siberian platform has not been studied and only single thermochronological study is available now [Rosen et al., 2009]. According to high-precision U-Pb dating the main phase of magmatic activity of the Siberian Traps Large Igneous Province took place ~252.0-251.3 Ma [Kamo et al., 2003] and its duration didn’t exceed ~1 Myr. But according to Ar/Ar dating (~240 Ma) [Ivanov et al., 2013] the total duration of the Siberian Traps formation may be estimated as long as ~10 Myr. In addition, single apatite fission track (AFT) ages are approximately 222-185 Ma [Rosen et al., 2009].

We present the first results of AFT dating from the Guli pluton and computer modeling of its post-magmatic cooling, as well as some new AFT ages from other magmatic bodies within the Siberian platform. Based on these data we present the first model of the tectonothermal evolution of the Siberian platform in Mesozoic and Cenozoic.

The Guli massif is located within the Maymecha-Kotuy region of the Siberian Permian-Triassic Traps and is the world's largest alkaline-ultrabasic complex. Results of U-Pb dating of baddeleyite from the carbonatites – the latest intrusion phase – 250.2±0.3 Ma [Kamo et al., 2003] correspond to the time of massif’s crystallization.

AFT dating was conducted by an external detector method at the University of Arizona (Tucson). The fission track ages of the Guli are in the range of ~250-231 Ma with the mean standard error (1σ) ±34 Myr. In addition, we obtain five new AFT ages as well as U-Pb age obtained from different intrusive bodies within the Siberian platform: Kontayskaya intrusion, Odikhincha massif and Padunsky sill. All obtained AFT ages are in the range of 195-173 ±13 (1σ) Ma, which corresponds to the Early-Middle Jurassic. At the same time, the U-Pb LA-ICPMS age of apatite from Padunsky sill is 242±7 Ma.

Thermal history modeling using fission track age data and track lengths distribution was performed in HeFTy v.1.8.3. Based on the obtained results we consider the following model of tectonic-thermal evolution of the studied intrusive massifs: (1) the emplacement of intrusions ca. 250 Ma; (2) their burial under a thick sedimentary (volcanic?) cover; (3) regional exhumation and cooling below 110°C about 220-190 Ma.

The research was carried out with the support of RFBR (grants 18-35-20058 and 18-05-00590) and Programs of development of Lomonosov Moscow State University.

How to cite: Bagdasaryan, T., Veselovskiy, R., Myshenkova, M., Zaitsev, V., Thomson, S., Latyshev, A., and Zakharov, V.: New apatite fission track thermochronology data from the Siberian Permian-Triassic Traps, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-692,, 2020.

GMPV2.1 – Earth as a tectonically living planet: the role of water

EGU2020-12297 | Displays | GMPV2.1

Water in MgSiO3-majorite at high temperatures and pressures: Incorporation mechanisms and thermoelastic properties

Zhigang Zhang, Yancheng Lou, Stephen Stackhouse, and Andrew Walker

As the major component of garnet, the second most abundant phase in Earth’s transition zone, MgSiO3-majorite (Mgmj) may be an important reservoir of water. Previous works at ambient conditions show that water is incorporated in Mgmj by substituting Si with H in the Si-O tetrahedra. Due to the challenges of experiments and simulations, there are still very limited data on hydrous MgSiO3-majorite at simultaneously high temperatures and pressures.

In this study, we have carried out extensive first principles calculations to determine the properties of hydrous MgSiO3-majorite up to 2000 K and 40 GPa. We systematically considered all possible incorporation mechanisms with seven substitutional reactions. By solving the equations of equilibrium constants of the reactions, we obtained the ratios of various polyhedral substitutions and their temperature and pressure dependences. Our results show that the occupations of water (hydrogen) in Mgmj change mainly with temperature and are generally pressure-independent. Almost all of hydrogen occupy in the Si-O tetrahedra at 300 K, but the ratio of Mg-O dodecahedra increases remarkably with temperature and is the highest at 2000 K, which suggests that water in Mgmj under mantle conditions would be different from that observed at ambient conditions and implies the importance of in-situ measurements of high-TP experiments.

We have also calculated the elastic velocities and anisotropies of two types of hydrous Mgmj which caused by substitutions of Mg and Si. Our results show that ~1 wt% water in Si vacancy would decrease wave velocities of Mgmj by ~3% in both VP and VS, while the same amount of water in Mg vacancy would more effectively decrease the velocities by ~6%. In addition, water in Mg vacancy would noticeably improve the seismic anisotropy and the dlnVs/dlnVP of Mgmj while water in Si vacancy shows much smaller effects.

How to cite: Zhang, Z., Lou, Y., Stackhouse, S., and Walker, A.: Water in MgSiO3-majorite at high temperatures and pressures: Incorporation mechanisms and thermoelastic properties, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-12297,, 2020.

EGU2020-2559 | Displays | GMPV2.1

Mineral reservoirs and behaviors of hydrogen in Earth’s lower mantle

Qingyang Hu and Ho-kwang Mao

The incorporation of H into minerals imposes profound effects on their physicochemical signatures of the solid Earth. The locations of hydrogen reservoirs are detected by seismology. However, the mineral responsible for storing large quantity of hydrogen, particularly in Earth’s lower mantle is still controversial. Combining a set of in-situ probes at high pressure-temperature and first principles simulation, we investigated the solubility and behaviors of H in silica and hydroxide up to the conditions found at the core-mantle boundary. The solubility of hydrogen keeps high in those minerals even along the mantle geotherm. Under deep lower mantle pressures, hydrogen atoms are free from the hydroxyl bonding and becomes highly diffusive. The swift diffusion of hydrogen ions induces soaring electrical conductivity when the sample is laser heated. Those exotic properties indicate novel transport mechanisms for both charge and mass at Earth’s deep lower mantle. The potential of hydrogen enriched volatile reservoirs may carry major impacts on the electrical and magnetic behaviors, as well as redox, H isotopic mixing, and other geochemical processes in the Earth’s deep interiors.

How to cite: Hu, Q. and Mao, H.: Mineral reservoirs and behaviors of hydrogen in Earth’s lower mantle, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-2559,, 2020.

EGU2020-4082 | Displays | GMPV2.1

Constraining the olivine amount and water content at 410-km discontinuity with the elasticity of wadsleyite and olivine

Zhongqing Wu, Wenzhong Wang, Michael Walter, Peng Ye, and Simmon Redfern

The water content in the mantle transition zone exerts a controlling influence on the dynamical and chemical evolution of Earth, but is poorly known. In principle the water content at the top of the transition zone can be inferred by comparing the velocity and density contrasts across the 410-km seismic discontinuity with predictions based on the phase transition of olivine to wadsleyite. The high-quality elastic data of at pressure and temperature (PT) conditions of the transition zone are crucial but are very challenge for experiments to obtain. Calculating these elastic data at high PT conditions in conventional method are also very expensive. Instead, these elastic data were calculated using the method of Wu and Wentzcovitch (2011), which reduces the computational workload to tenth of the conventional method. All calculations for two phases were conducted using the same computational details as far as possible, which guarantees that the velocity and density differences between two phases have very high precise. All these calculated elastic data agree well with the available experimental data. The iron and water effect on the elasticity are also well described.

With these high-quality elastic data covered the PT condition of the transition zone, we analyze the water and wadsleyite content at the top of the transition zone. We found that the water content of wadsleyite at the top of the transition zone can be well constrained when density and velocities jumps are considered together. For a pyrolitic mantle composition with ~60% olivine, our best fit is ~ 0.5 wt% water at the top of the transition zone. If the transition zone is dry, as suggested by some electrical conductivity models, the upper mantle may only contain ~ 50% olivine (Wang et al., 2019).


Wang, W-Z., Walter, M.J., Peng, Y., Redfern, S., Wu, Z-Q., 2019a. Constraining olivine abundance and water content of the mantle at the 410-km discontinuity from the elasticity of olivine and wadsleyite. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 519, 1–11.

Wu, Z-Q., Wentzcovitch, R.M., 2011. Quasiharmonic thermal elasticity of crystals: An analytical approach. Phys. Rev. B - Condens. Matter Mater. Phys. 83, 1–8. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.83.184115


How to cite: Wu, Z., Wang, W., Walter, M., Ye, P., and Redfern, S.: Constraining the olivine amount and water content at 410-km discontinuity with the elasticity of wadsleyite and olivine, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-4082,, 2020.

EGU2020-10930 | Displays | GMPV2.1

Role of grain boundary diffusion in H-D exchange in mantle xenoliths

Konstantinos Thomaidis and Jannick Ingrin

Water concentration in pyroxenes from mantle xenoliths is frequently used to trace water content in the lithospheric mantle. We do not understand yet how these pyroxenes can preserve a memory of their deep equilibrium during their transport to the surface. In an attempt to evaluate the role of grain boundaries in the exchange of hydrogen between the pyroxenes of the xenoliths and the host magma, we have launched a program of experiments of H exchange in blocks of mantle xenoliths of centimetre size. The blocks, all from the same xenolith, contain clinopyroxenes, orthopyroxenes and olivine of mm to sub-millimetre size. We present here the results of a series of H-D exchange performed at 600, 700 and 900 oC at room pressure in a deuterium enriched gas. OH-OD profiles recorded by micro-infrared spectroscopy in pyroxenes at the edge of the block are only slightly different from the ones recorded in pyroxenes at the centre of the block. These results show that the diffusion/solubility of hydrogen in grain boundaries is fast enough to equilibrate rapidly the grains at the center of the xenoliths. It proves that in nature the δD signature of xenoliths is very likely controlled by the equilibrium with the host magma even in the case of xenoliths with large grain size.

We will also present preliminary results on the role of grain boundary diffusion in the control of hydrogen exchange involving reactions activated at a higher temperature such as the oxidation-reduction of iron (1/2H2 + Fe3+  =  Hi+ + Fe2+) and the formation/destruction of cation vacancies.

How to cite: Thomaidis, K. and Ingrin, J.: Role of grain boundary diffusion in H-D exchange in mantle xenoliths , EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-10930,, 2020.

Although the continental lower crust is often assumed to be dry and strong, water in nominally anhydrous minerals can significantly decrease viscosity of granulites and affect the mechanical coupling between the crust and upper mantle. Here we measured water content and fabrics of 16 granulite xenoliths from the Udachnaya and Komsomolskaya kimberlites in the central Siberian craton, which were erupted in the Late Silurian. The equilibrium pressure and temperature of the granulite samples are in the range of 0.9–1.3 GPa and 683–822 ºC. The mean water contents in clinopyroxene, garnet and plagioclase are 744±272 ppm, 100±64 ppm, 423±245 ppm, respectively, suggesting the water-rich lower crust. The bulk water contents in granulites are independent on pressure and composition, but show a negative correlation with temperature. Compared with previous studies on granulite xenoliths and terrane granulites, our granulite samples have much higher bulk water contents. The lattice-preferred orientation of clinopyroxene is characterized by activation of the dominant slip system (100)[001], whereas garnet is randomly orientated. Plagioclase developed two dominant slip systems (001)[010] and (001)[100]. Calculated seismic anisotropy indicates that the weak fabric strength of these granulite samples will result in weak seismic anisotropy of the lower crust beneath the Siberian craton. We propose that during eruption of the kimberlite pipes in the Late Silurian, the lower crust of the Siberian craton, at least beneath the kimberlite fields, had high water contents, relatively low strength, weak seismic anisotropy, and high electrical conductivity. Such status may be representative for the lower crust beneath a stable craton. The following Siberian Traps in the end of Permian was associated with the magma underplating, which probably dehydrated and strengthened the lower crust of the Siberian carton.

How to cite: Wang, Q., Jin, T., and Shatsky, V.: Water Content, Deformation and Seismic Properties of the Lower Crust Beneath the Siberian Craton: Evidence from Granulite Xenoliths, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-22134,, 2020.

EGU2020-19001 | Displays | GMPV2.1

‘Water’ content as a tool to estimate rheological differences in the lithosphere of young extensional basins

Nóra Liptai, Thomas P. Lange, Levente Patkó, Márta Berkesi, Csaba Szabó, and István J. Kovács

Nominally anhydrous minerals in the lithospheric mantle, such as olivine and pyroxenes can host a small amount (tens to hundreds of ppm) of structurally bound hydroxyl (‘water’). Numerous studies pointed out that water has a strong effect on the rheological properties of the lithospheric mantle, such as melting temperature, electrical conductivity, viscosity and seismic wave propagation speed. Water content of mantle xenoliths can thus be used to estimate such rheological properties which can then be compared with geophysical observations.

In this study we present effective viscosities and electrical resistivities calculated with the use of ‘water’ contents of upper mantle xenoliths from the Carpathian-Pannonian region (CPR). The CPR is a young extensional basin in Central Europe, where intraplate alkali basalts sampled the lithosphere in five areas, including locations from both the central and marginal regions. ‘Water’ contents are generally higher in xenoliths from the marginal areas compared with those from the central areas of the CPR, due to significant hydrogen loss during the extension in the Miocene (Patkó et al., 2019). It is demonstrated that due to the different ‘water’ contents, the lithospheric mantle in the central areas can be characterized with higher effective viscosity and electrical resistivity, and thus can be considered as more rigid than the marginal areas. This relative rigidity induced by lithospheric thinning may be a general feature of extensional basin systems worldwide, and can be regarded as a ‘self-healing’ mechanism of the extending lithosphere.



Patkó, L., Liptai, N., Kovács, I. J., Aradi, L. E., Xia, Q.-K., Ingrin, J., Mihály, J., O’Reilly, S. Y., Griffin, W. L., Wesztergom, V., Szabó, C., 2019. Extremely low structural hydroxyl contents in upper mantle xenoliths from the Nógrád-Gömör Volcanic Field (northern Pannonian Basin): Geodynamic implications and the role of post-eruptive re-equilibration. Chemical Geology, 507, 23-41.

How to cite: Liptai, N., Lange, T. P., Patkó, L., Berkesi, M., Szabó, C., and Kovács, I. J.: ‘Water’ content as a tool to estimate rheological differences in the lithosphere of young extensional basins, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-19001,, 2020.

Eclogite is an important constituent of subduction slabs and plays a critical role in transporting surface materials (e.g., water) into the deep Earth. Eclogite consists mainly of omphacite and garnet. Although nominally anhydrous, omphacite and garnet contain some amount of structural water (OH) in the lattice, which is up to >1500 ppm wt. H2O. This is virtually the highest content in nominally anhydrous minerals (NAMs) derived from the crust and upper mantle (Ingrin and Skogby, 2000). The electrical property of NAMs is very sensitive to water content and a small amount of water could dramatically enhance the conductivity. Thus, laboratory measured conductivity data of omphacite and garnet may help to understand the deep water recycling by eclogitized slab.

In this study, we have systemically determined the conductivity of omphacite and garnet with different water contents. The experiments were carried out at 350-800 °C, 1 GPa (note that the effect of pressure itself on conductivity is very small) and Ni-NiO buffered conditions. The data show that the conductivity of both omphacite and garnet increases with water content or temperature. The bulk conductivity is then modeled for different mineral compositions and water contents over a range of conditions (Liu et al., 2019). In combination with the geophysically documented high resistivity of the crustal part in deep subducted slabs, we suggest that the water content in omphacite and garnet in the deep-subducted eclogites should not be high at mantle depths. This provides new insights into the deep water recycling by subducted eclogites.



Ingrin, J., and Skogby, H., 2000, Hydrogen in nominally anhydrous upper-mantle minerals: Concentration levels and implications: European Journal of Mineralogy, 12, 543–570.

Liu, H., Zhu, Q., and Yang, X., 2019, Electrical conductivity of OH-bearing omphacite and garnet in eclogite: the quantitative dependence on water content: Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 174, doi:10.1007/s00410-019-1593-3.

How to cite: Liu, H. and Yang, X.: Electrical conductivity of omphacite and garnet in eclogite: implications for water recycling in the mantle, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-6359,, 2020.

EGU2020-4316 | Displays | GMPV2.1

Single-crystal elasticity of Ice at high pressures

Zhu Mao and Weigang Shi

Recent astronomy studies observed the existence of hundreds of ice giants in the universe. Ice is one of the major components of these ice giants. Experimental studies on the physical properties of ice at high pressures are thus important for understanding the composition and evolution of these ice giants. Here, we have synthesized high-quality single-crystal H2O-ice with 0.5 m NaCl. Single-crystal elasticity of ice was measured by Brillouin spectroscopy combined with X-ray diffraction up to 93 GPa at 300 K using diamond anvil cells. All the elastic moduli of ice-VII exhibit a nearly linear increase with pressure up to 43 GPa at 300 K, although the off-diagonal modulus C12 and shear modulus C44 slightly deviate from the Cauchy relation between 10 and 20 GPa. The longitudinal modulus, C11, and C12 show a clear softening when ice-VII changes to the pre-transition ice-VII state. Meanwhile, we also observed a weak drop in the unit cell volume across this change in our high-quality single-crystal X-ray diffraction measurements. We also present first experimental measurements on the single-crystal elasticity of ice-X. Our experimental results were also used to model the anisotropy of ice at high pressures.

How to cite: Mao, Z. and Shi, W.: Single-crystal elasticity of Ice at high pressures, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-4316,, 2020.

EGU2020-1648 | Displays | GMPV2.1

Properties and effects of supercritical fluids

Huaiwei Ni

Enhanced mutual solubility between silicate and water at elevated temperature and pressure in Earth’s interior (subduction zones in particular) allows the formation of supercritical geofluids with composition intermediate between silicate melts and aqueous fluids. The forming conditions of supercritical fluids are controlled by the critical curves, the wet solidi curves and the second critical endpoints of rock-H2O systems. With unusual physicochemical properties, supercritical fluids have the potential to play a crucial role in mediating material recycling at subduction zones, mobilizing and enriching ore-forming elements, inducing intermediate to deep focus earthquakes, and modulating Earth’s habitability. Challenges in the study of supercritical fluids using experimental and computational simulations as well as natural rocks and mineral deposits demand breakthroughs in future development of transformative technologies.

How to cite: Ni, H.: Properties and effects of supercritical fluids, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-1648,, 2020.

EGU2020-9091 | Displays | GMPV2.1

Do grain boundaries act as a water reservoir in Earth's mantle?

Joe Gardner, Jacob Tielke, Julian Mecklenburgh, Elisabetta Mariani, and John Wheeler

Earth’s mantle is predicted to contain as much or more water as its hydrosphere, which is important because the presence of water lowers the viscosity of mantle rocks. How water is distributed within mantle rocks is therefore fundamental to understanding Earth’s geodynamic behaviour, but the picture currently remains unclear. On the grain scale, previous analyses have revealed incompatible element partitioning in grain boundaries using EPMA, and the presence of H-enriched regions close (tens of µm) to grain boundaries using synchrotron-based FT-IR. The results of such studies have been used to suggest that grain boundaries may store water in concentrations hundreds of times higher than in grain interiors. Chemical segregation at grain boundaries is generally accepted to influence grain boundary diffusivity, which in turn affects the bulk viscosity of materials deforming by diffusion creep, a mechanism which is predicted to dominate the deformation of large parts of the mantle.

This study was designed to directly image the distribution of heavy water (D2O) at the nanoscale in a synthetic peridotite sample using high-resolution secondary ion mass spectrometry (NanoSIMS), for the first time. The sample was annealed at temperature and pressure conditions typical of Earth’s upper mantle (1250 °C, 0.3 GPa) for three hours, to facilitate diffusion of 2H into olivine and pyroxene grains. Preliminary NanoSIMS results suggested that the partitioning of 2H into grain boundary regions, where observed, was at least an order of magnitude lower (partition coefficient of ~101) than has previously been predicted, indicating that, for typical mantle grain sizes, grain boundaries do not act as a significant storage reservoir for water in Earth’s mantle (or those of other terrestrial planets). The initial data were limited to a relatively small number of boundaries per sample. In this phase of the study, electron backscatter diffraction data has been collected from a single sample to characterise grain (mis)orientations at multiple sites suitable for NanoSIMS analyses. This is necessary because the strength of the chemical signature collected within grains and at grain boundaries using NanoSIMS is dependent on the orientations of those grains with respect to the NanoSIMS beam (matrix effects), the angle of the grain boundary with respect to the sample surface, and the misorientation angle between the two grains that comprise the boundary of interest. 2H, 16O, 16O2H and 28Si measurements will be collected from multiple boundaries by NanoSIMS using a Cs+ beam with a 100 nm diameter to quantify grain boundary partitioning. The NanoSIMS isotope profiles will be presented as 2H/28Si ratios to account for variation in measured isotope concentrations due to matrix effects. The results of the analysis will help quantify the degree to which water undergoes grain boundary segregation in mantle rocks under equilibrium partitioning conditions.

How to cite: Gardner, J., Tielke, J., Mecklenburgh, J., Mariani, E., and Wheeler, J.: Do grain boundaries act as a water reservoir in Earth's mantle? , EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-9091,, 2020.

EGU2020-4680 | Displays | GMPV2.1

A systematic study of OH in hydrous pyrope-grossular garnets

Yun-Yuan Chang, Yu-Chin Huang, and Jennifer Kung

Garnet is a common mineral in crustal metamorphic rocks and a primary constituent of the Earth’s upper mantle. Natural silicate garnets are stable over a wide range of pressure and temperature conditions and have very complex chemical compositions. The chemical composition of a natural garnet reflects its growth environment making garnet a critical indicator mineral for many geological processes. Garnet, like olivine and many other nominally anhydrous minerals, can incorporate water as hydroxyl (OH-) into its crystal structure. The water content in natural silicate garnets ranges from almost dry to thousands of parts per million. The compositional effect on the water content and the mechanisms of OH- incorporation in silicate garnets are not well understood, majorly impeded by their complex compositions. Here we reported the influence of chemical compositions on the water content and OH- substitution mechanisms in silicate garnets by studying synthetic garnet samples with compositions in the pyrope-grossular solid solution. We synthesized a series of hydrous pyrope-grossular garnets with various magnesium to calcium ratios by a multi-anvil press. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and Raman spectroscopy were applied to characterize the OH- content and identify OH- substitution mechanisms in the synthetic samples. The influence of hydration on the crystal structure of samples was investigated by the single-crystal X-ray diffraction technique. Our experimental results will help to constrain the bulk water content in the Earth’s interior and to interpret seismic data of a hydrous mantle. 


How to cite: Chang, Y.-Y., Huang, Y.-C., and Kung, J.: A systematic study of OH in hydrous pyrope-grossular garnets , EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-4680,, 2020.

EGU2020-1492 | Displays | GMPV2.1

Crystal structures and high-temperature vibrational spectra for synthetic boron and aluminum doped hydrous coesite

Yu Ye, Yunfan Miao, Joseph R. Smyth, and Junfeng Zhang

Coesite, a high-pressure SiO2 polymorph, has drawn extensive interest from the mineralogical community for a long time. In this study, we synthesized hydrous coesite samples with different B and Al concentrations at 5 and 7.5 GPa (1273 K). The B concentration could be more than 400 B/106Si with about 300 ppmw. H2O, while the Al content can be as much as 1200 ~ 1300 Al/106Si with CH2O restrained to be less than 10 ppmw. Hence, B-substitution may prefer the mechanism of Si4+ = B3+ + H+, whereas Al-substitution could be dominated by 2Si4+ = 2Al3+ + OV. The doped B3+ and Al3+ cations may be concentrated in the Si1 and Si2 tetrahedra, respectively, and make noticeable changes in the Si-O4 and Si-O5 bond lengths. In-situ high-temperature Raman and Fourier Transformation Infrared (FTIR) spectra were collected at ambient pressure. The single crystals of coesite were observed to be stable up to 1500 K. The isobaric Grüneisen parameters (ϒiP) of the external modes (< 350 cm-1) are systematically smaller in the Al-doped samples, as compared with those for the Al-free ones, while most of the OH-stretching bands shift to higher frequencies in the high temperature range up to ~ 1100 K

How to cite: Ye, Y., Miao, Y., Smyth, J. R., and Zhang, J.: Crystal structures and high-temperature vibrational spectra for synthetic boron and aluminum doped hydrous coesite, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-1492,, 2020.

Water in the form of hydrogen defects in olivine strongly influences the physical properties of olivine, thereby being responsible for physical/chemical processes in the deep Earth. Knowledge of hydrogen defects in olivine is fundamental to understand water distribution and its impact on the upper mantle. However, the current explanations of water effects on processes in the deep Earth are mainly based on hydrogen defects observed at ambient conditions. Since hydrogen is highly mobile, the migration of hydrogen between lattice sites at high temperature and high pressure may not be quenchable. Therefore, there arises a question: whether the hydrogen defects in olivine obtained from infrared spectra at ambient conditions are the same as those at the temperature and pressure conditions of the upper mantle? Here, we carry out in situ high-temperature and high-pressure infrared spectroscopic investigations on hydrogen defects in the natural olivine and synthetic Fe-free forsterite. We find that hydrogen defects exhibit disordering at temperature-pressure conditions of the upper mantle, and hydrogen defects corresponding to pure Si vacancies display re-configuration under compression. Interestingly, dehydrogenation experiments of the natural olivine indicate interactions of hydrogen defects. The lost hydrogen of the titanium-clinohumite defects does not completely release out of the crystal. It can migrate to pure Si vacancies and, also, can move to Mg vacancies coupling with trivalent cations. Thus, dehydrogenation and interactions of hydrogen storage sites may be very complex. There may be other reactions among storage sites during dehydrogenation, depending on the chemical compositions, hydrogen storage sites, and the annealing conditions. In conclusion, we report disordering and reconfiguration of hydrogen storage sites at high temperature and high pressure, and also interactions of hydrogen storage sites during dehydrogenation. These are vital for understanding water distribution and processes in the deep Earth.

How to cite: Yang, Y. and Xia, Q.: Behavior of hydrogen defects in olivine at high temperature and high pressure: disordering, re-configuration and interation, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-2109,, 2020.

Aqueous fluid derived from the dehydration of subducting slab can dissolve and transfer carbon to mantle wedge, and thus plays an important role in the globe deep carbon cycle. Carbonates are major phases of carbon in the subducting slab, however their solubilities in the subduction zone fluid are poorly constrained. This heavily hinder our understanding of the  deep carbon cycle. Magnesite is one of the carbonates in the subducting slab, and can be stabilized to sub-arc depth. We determined the solubility of magnesite in pure water and saline fluids buffered by silicate by in situ observation of quantitative magnesite totally dissolved in quantitative fluid under high temperature and pressure in Hydrothermal Diamond Anvil Cell (HDAC). The results demonstrated that the solubility of magnesite in pure water is 0.010-0.026 mol/kg H2O at 1.0-3.3 GPa and 600-900 ℃, and that it increases as increasing temperature, but has no obvious pressure effect. This data is close to the experimental measurement of calcite solubility in literature, but slightly higher than the theoretical results calculated using DEW model. The solubility of magnesite in 5 wt % NaCl solution equilibrium with quartz is 0.22 mol/ kg, at 700 ℃ and 1.5 GPa,an order of magnitudes higher than that in the pure water. Since the formation of new silicate minerals, such as olivine or talc, depends on silicon activity in the fluid, the dissolution of silicate would boost the solubility of magnesite. This mechanism has been previously reported in the Alps metasedimentary rocks. Therefore, the aqueous fluid, rich in saline and silicon in fore-arc and sub-arc depths, has the ability to dissolve and transfer almost all the carbonates in the subducting slab to the overlying mantle wedge.

How to cite: Li, W.-C., Wang, Q., and Ni, H.: Experimental determination of magnesite solubility in water and silicate saturated saline solutions under high temperature and pressure, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-6178,, 2020.

EGU2020-2015 | Displays | GMPV2.1

Experimental investigation of antigorite dehydration fabrics at high pressure and high temperature

Junfeng Zhang, Wenlong Liu, and Yongfeng Wang

Antigorite dehydration is well known as a key process in convergent boundaries for the genesis of mantle wedge partial melting and intermediate-depth earthquakes. However, the crystallographic preferred orientations (CPOs) of prograde minerals from antigorite dehydration and its effects on seismic anisotropy of subducting slabs remain ambiguous and controversial. Here we report hydrostatic dehydration experiments on foliated serpentinized peridotite at pressures of 0.3-6 GPa and temperatures of 700-900 °C. Our results show that the orientations of prograde olivine inherit orientations from adjacent olivine grains in the olivine-rich layer by epitaxial growth. In contrast, olivine CPOs evolved with the grain size from fiber-[001] featuring clear [100] point maxima and [001] girdles for fine-grained olivine to orthorhombic patterns characterized by clear [100] and [001] point maxima for coarse-grained olivine, i.e., type-C CPO. We propose that the fine-grained fiber-[001] CPO is developed by topotactic growth at the onset of dehydration, while the orthorhombic type-C CPO for the coarse-grained olivine, especially the [001] point maximum along the lineation, is mainly developed by anisotropic growth resulting from anisotropic fluid flow during the dehydration. The developed olivine type-C CPO in the antigorite-rich layer after antigorite dehydration could explain the trench or strike parallel seismic anisotropy observed at convergent plate boundaries.

How to cite: Zhang, J., Liu, W., and Wang, Y.: Experimental investigation of antigorite dehydration fabrics at high pressure and high temperature, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-2015,, 2020.

EGU2020-15024 | Displays | GMPV2.1

Is orthopyroxene really a reliable recorder of mantle water signatures? Insights from an experimental study

Alexandra Demers-Roberge, Michael Jollands, Peter Tollan, and Othmar Müntener

Experiments have been conducted to assess the effects of temperature, oxygen fugacity, crystallographic orientation, silica activity and chemical composition on the diffusivity and substitution mechanisms of hydrogen in orthopyroxene (opx). Axially oriented ~cuboids of natural Tanzanian opx were dehydrated at 1 bar in a gas mixing furnace (H2-CO2 mix) at three different oxygen fugacities (~QFM-1,~QFM+1, ~QFM-7), and two different silica activity buffers (olivine+pyroxene or pyroxene+quartz) between 700°C and 1000°C. Profiles of hydrogen content versus distance were extracted from experimental samples using Fourier-Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, with diffusion coefficients extracted using relevant analytical solutions and numerical approximations of Fick’s second law. Diffusion is the fastest along [001] ( D[001]>D[010]>D[100]). Fitting the diffusion coefficients to the isobaric Arrhenius relationship (logD=logD0+(-Q/(2.303RT)) gives activation energies (Q) and pre-exponential factors (logD0) between 127 to 162 kJmol-1 and –4.29 to -5.42  m2s-1 , respectively, for ~QFM-1.

The extracted hydrogen diffusivities are faster than previously measured by 0.5 to 5 orders of magnitude at ~1000 °C and ~700°C, respectively (Carpenter (2003), Stalder and Skogby (2003), Stalder and Behrens (2006), Stalder and al. (2007)) and are slightly slower, but strikingly close, to those of the fastest experimentally-determined diffusivity of H in olivine (Kohlstedt and Mackwell, 1998), suggesting a mechanism akin to proton-polaron exchange. This presents a paradoxical decoupling between natural and experimental observations. In most cases for mantle xenoliths, natural olivine has low water contents (<35 ppm), or are dry, and show H diffusive loss of water, where natural opx contains between 10 and 460 ppm and rarely show H diffusive loss (Demouchy and Bolfan-Casanova (2016), suggesting opx is more capable of recording the mantle water signature. With hydrogen diffusivities of olivine and opx being quite similar, however, both minerals should suffer from the same rate of dehydration during ascent, thus show low or zero water content in natural settings, which is not the case. Therefore, the inference that pyroxenes are better recorder of water in the mantle (e.g. Warren et Hauri (2014), Peslier (2010)) cannot be a simple function of diffusivities. A case study on an opx crystal showing a dehydration profile from a spinel-peridotite xenolith, hosted in an alkaline magma, from Patagonia supports this. Using the H diffusion coefficients from this study, the calculated rates of ascent of the mantle xenolith in alkaline magma are comparable to those associated with kimberlite magmas. The two suggestions we present are the following: i) Changing the boundary conditions may modify the hydrogen diffusive flux through the xenolith history and ii) The measured diffusivities would be apparent diffusivities as there might be different pathways or mechanisms of diffusion.

How to cite: Demers-Roberge, A., Jollands, M., Tollan, P., and Müntener, O.: Is orthopyroxene really a reliable recorder of mantle water signatures? Insights from an experimental study, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-15024,, 2020.

Water plays an important role in lowering melting temperature of rocks. The water-saturated solidus of rock is critical for understanding the magma generation and the dynamics of the Earth. There have been a lot of water-saturated solidi of rocks constrained by traditional quench method in literature. However, since both of the hydrous silicate melt and aqueous fluid can be quenched to glasses at high pressure, it is difficult to discriminate whether the quenched glasses were from melt or not. As a result, the water-saturated solidi of rocks from different studies may show significant discrepancy. One way to solve this problem is to detect the characteristics change of the rock system in situ, and electrical conductivity measurement is one of the good options. It is known that hydrous melt has much higher electrical conductivity than solid rock, and temperature is much more effective in enhancing melt electrical conductivity than that for aqueous fluid. Once the partial melting is triggered, the electrical conductivity of the water-saturated rock system may have remarkable increase if the hydrous melt is interconnected in the system. Accordingly, the abrupt change of electrical conductivity may mark the solidus temperature. In this study, we performed electrical conductivity measurement for the determination of water-saturated solidus of albite. We adopted albite as the starting material because its water-saturated solidus is well known, which can help to verify the accuracy our method, and its quenched products are not so controversial. The electrical conductivity measurements were carried out at four different pressures ranging from 0.35 GPa to 1.7 GPa in a 3/4″ piston cylinder apparatus with impedance spectroscopy. The obvious change of electrical conductivity was observed at solidus temperature within error, with increase of 1.8-0.18 log unit at 0.35-1.7 GPa. The results showed a stronger increase of conductivity at lower pressures, and fitted well with the water-saturated solidus of albite in literature. One defect of this method is the loss of water during experiment. The final water content in the system is about 1-2 wt%, comparing to the initial 10-15 wt% H2O. Nevertheless, the whole system is still water saturated, since water solubility in albite is fairly low. Therefore, if such a method can be improved to keep more water, it may be applied to other rocks to better constrain the water-saturated solidi in the future.


How to cite: Guo, X. and Ni, H.: In situ determination of water-saturated solidus by electrical discontinuity, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-8026,, 2020.

    A new continuous flow method, by combining high vacuum stepwise-heating (HVST) device with the thermal conversion elemental analyzer and gas isotope mass spectrometer (TC/EA-MS), is presented for determination of water contents and H isotope compositions for both structural hydroxyl and molecular water in garnet. By using the HVST device, molecular water and structural hydroxyl can be liberated step by step from garnet at different heating temperatures. By using the on-line quadrupole mass spectrometer in the HVST device, heating temperatures were determined for releasing the two forms of water from garnet from ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic eclogite in the Dabie orogen. Releasing temperatures of molecular water and structural hydroxyl from the garnet are 400°C and 1400°C, respectively. The garnet gives water of 228±39 ppm and a dD value of -110±10‰ for molecular water at dehydration temperature of 400°C for 1 hour, and water of 301±27 ppm and a dD value of -81±4‰ for structural OH at dehydration temperature of 1400°C for 1 hour. Therefore, the HVST-TC/EA-MS method can be used to analyze both water content and H isotope composition of the two forms of water in nominally anhydrous minerals.

How to cite: Gong, B., Chen, R.-X., and Zheng, Y.-F.: A new method to determine both water content and hydrogen isotope composition of two forms of water in nominally anhydrous minerals, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-12674,, 2020.

EGU2020-19844 | Displays | GMPV2.1

Transmission electron microscopy investigations of (hydrous) chain silicates from the lithospheric mantle beneath the Carpathian Pannonian Region

Zsófia Pálos, Péter Pekker, Mihály Pósfai, Thomas Pieter Lange, Nóra Liptai, Márta Berkesi, Csaba Szabó, and István Kovács

Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) is a powerful, yet scarcely used technique when it comes to investigating mantle minerals and fluid inclusions. It is capable to collect structural information of the studied mineral, its precise chemical composition, and makes nanofeatures visible, such as dislocations and nano-inclusions.

In this study TEM and STEM (scanning transmission electron microscopy) measurements were carried out on a set of ortho- and clinopyroxene samples from central and marginal localities of Carpathian Pannonian region (CPR), where Plio-Pleistocene alkaline basalt volcanism sampled the lithospheric mantle retrieving lithospheric mantle xenoliths. Objective of the study was to constrain the presence and formation mechanisms of sub-microscopic occurrence of pargasitic amphibole.

The detailed investigation of pargasite in the upper mantle is rather timely, because its presence may be the major cause for the rheologic contrast experienced between the lithosphere and the asthenosphere [1], [2]. The nominally anhydrous minerals’ (NAMs, as ortho- and clinopyroxene) structural hydroxyl [3] content or volatiles in fluid inclusions could lead to formation of pargasite [4]. In addition, pargasite could form interstitially during metasomatic intereactions.

Our observations so far suggest that hydrous silicate formation as sub-solidus exsolution in the central CPR may not have taken place. Ordering of the Ca forming Ca-rich and Ca-poor domains in an orthopyroxene grain was identified. Precursors of H+ diffusion were also recorded, such as dislocations and nanosized fluid inclusions. Diffusion of H+ could be active in the lattice scale through the disclinations along subgrain boundaries [3], [5] or dislocations in the host mineral along the boundary of nanoscale fluid inclusions [6], [7]. Clinopyroxene-amphibole phase boundary has been prepared by focused ion beam (FIB) milling technique from the marginal area of CPR. The chemical composition of the amphibole lamella provides evidence that the H2O content of the nearby fluid inclusion migrated into the host clinopyroxene producing an amphibole lamella growing along the ‘c’ crystallographic axis [4].

Observations of the boundary of clinopyroxene and amphibole confirm that the amphibole octahedral layers penetrate the clinopyroxene structure. The precise nanoscale measurements (STEM mapping) of chemical composition of both the host and the lamellae can lead to profound implications on the original composition of the studied fluid inclusions.

[1] Green, D. H., Hibberson, W. O., Kovács, I. J., & Rosenthal, A. (2010). Nature, 467(7314), 448–451.

[2] Kovács, I. J., Lenkey, L., Green, D. H., Fancsik, T., Falus, G., Kiss, J., Orosz, L., Angyal, J., Vikor, Zs. (2017). Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica, 52, 183–204.

[3] Liptai, N., Kovács, I.J., Lange, T.P., Pálos, Zs., Berkesi, M., Szabó, Cs., Wesztergom, V. (2019). Goldschmidt Abstracts, 2019 1981.

[4] Lange, T.P., Liptai, N., Patkó, L., Berkesi, M., Kesjár, D., Szabó, Cs., Kovács, I. J. (2019). 25th European Current Research on Fluid Inclusions (ECROFI) , Abstract Series, 68.

[5] Demouchy, S., & Bolfan-Casanova, N. (2016). Lithos, 240–243, 402–425.

[6] Bakker, R. J., & Jansen, J. B. H. (1994). Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 116, 7–20.

[7] Viti, C., & Frezzotti, M. L. (2000). American Mineralogist, 85(10), 1390–1396.

How to cite: Pálos, Z., Pekker, P., Pósfai, M., Lange, T. P., Liptai, N., Berkesi, M., Szabó, C., and Kovács, I.: Transmission electron microscopy investigations of (hydrous) chain silicates from the lithospheric mantle beneath the Carpathian Pannonian Region, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-19844,, 2020.

EGU2020-17424 | Displays | GMPV2.1

Water of garnet in Dabie UHP eclogite: implication for fluid action in continental subduction zone

Ren-Xu Chen, Zhi-Min Wang, Yong-Fei Zheng, and Bing Gong

Nominally anhydrous minerals are major components of the subducted continental slab and thus regard as important water reservoir in continental subduction zone. The water contents of NAMs are critical for understanding of fluid action and geodynamics of subduction zones. Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy as well as major and trace element analyses were carried out on garnets in Jinheqiao eclogites from the Dabie orogen. The results demonstrate that garnet grains contain both molecular water and hydroxyl (OH). Contents of both hydroxyl and molecular water show rough correlation with Si, Ca, Al and Na, suggesting their incorporation in garnet is related to the formation of garnet. Molecular water is primary or transformed from hydroxyl during exhumation, implying molecular water an internal origin in eclogite. Garnet has varying total water contents up to thousands, with the highest water content corresponding to the garnet’s capacity for water storage under subduction zone condition. Water can be saturated in peak metamorphic garnet. The variable water contents in garnet was affected by several factors such as protolith nature, fluid availability, pressure and temperature, but dominated by decompression dehydration during exhumation. The high water contents of garnet suggest that garnet is not only an important media for subducted slab to transport water into deep mantle but also an important source for retrograde fluid during exhumation of deeply subducted continental slab.

How to cite: Chen, R.-X., Wang, Z.-M., Zheng, Y.-F., and Gong, B.: Water of garnet in Dabie UHP eclogite: implication for fluid action in continental subduction zone, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-17424,, 2020.

EGU2020-18034 | Displays | GMPV2.1

New FTIR data of calc-alkaline volcanic rocks from the Oas-Gutai Mts. and post eruption effects on the water content of phenocrysts

Ákos Kővágó, Marinel Kovacs, Dóra Kesjár, Csaba Szabó, and István Kovács

We studied volcanic rocks from the Oas-Gutai Mts. (Transylvania, Romania) to measure the ‘structural hydroxyl’ content of the nominally anhydrous minerals (NAMs such as clinopyroxene, plagioclase, quartz), from which water content of the parental magma can be estimated.  The Neogene volcanic chain of the Carpathian-Pannonian region (CPR), due to petrologic variability, is an excellent area for such investigation.

Recent FTIR studies on the calc-alkaline rocks from CPR, showed that the ‘structural hydroxyl’ content of NAMs could be modified during and after volcanic eruptions [1], [2], [3]. However, transmission FTIR-microscopy is an adequate technique for recognizing this these changes because FTIR spectra of the NAMs indicate signs in the case of hydroxyl loss [4].

For studying the pre-eruptive water contents clinopyroxenes are the most promising mineral because it has one of the lowest diffusion rates for hydroxyl in NAMs [5]. With the detailed study of the clinopyroxenes FTIR spectra, conclusions can be drawn concerning the potential post-eruptive loss of hydroxyl [4].

We have examined 8 volcanic rock samples, four dacite samples from Oas and one basalt two andesite and one rhyolite sample from the Gutai Mts. The samples show diverse volcanic facies such as lava, ignimbrite and debris avalanche. The diversity of samples is important for future research because it will help to choose the most adequate volcanic facies to estimate the magmatic equilibrium water contents.

The studied clinopyroxenes contain 83-371 ppm ‘structural hydroxyl’ content,which can be considered as normal values compared to the work of [6] where ‘structural hydroxyl’ content in clinopyroxenes show a range from 75 to 390 ppm in the mafic calc-alkaline lavas from Salina, Italy.

[1] Lloyd, A.S., Ferriss, E., Ruprecht, P., Hauri, E.H., Jicha, B.R., & Plank, T. (2016): Journal of Petrology, 57, pp. 1865-1886

[2] Biró, T., I. Kovács, D. Karátson, R. Stalder, E. Király, G. Falus, T. Fancsik, J. & Sándorné Kovács (2017): American Mineralogist, 102, pp.

[3] Pálos, Z., Kovács, I. J., Karátson, D., Biró, T., Sándorné Kovács, J., Bertalan, É., & Wesztergom, V. (2019): Central European Geology, 62(1)

[4] Patkó, L., Liptai, N., Kovács, I., Aradi, L., Xia, Q.K., Ingrin, J., Mihály, J., O'Reilly, S.Y., Griffin, W.L., Wesztergom, V., & Szabó, C. (2019): Chemical Geology, 507, pp. 23-41.

[5] Farver, J.R. (2010): Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry, 72 (1), pp. 447–507.

[6] Nazzareni, S., Skogby H., & Zanazzi, P.F. (2011): Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 162, pp. 275–288.

How to cite: Kővágó, Á., Kovacs, M., Kesjár, D., Szabó, C., and Kovács, I.: New FTIR data of calc-alkaline volcanic rocks from the Oas-Gutai Mts. and post eruption effects on the water content of phenocrysts, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-18034,, 2020.

GMPV4.3 – A geochemical and isotopic perspective on the formation and evolution of the continental crust, from past to present

EGU2020-5825 | Displays | GMPV4.3

Deconvolving weathering and provenance in the composition of the modern and ancient continental crust

Alex Lipp, Oliver Shorttle, Frank Syvret, Gareth Roberts, and Weathering Intensity Working Group, Sedimentary Geochemistry and Paleoenvironments Project

The volume and composition of Earth's earliest continental crust is a matter of ongoing debate, but is an essential component of solid-Earth evolution, relating to mantle dynamics and the origin of plate tectonics. The isotopic composition of titanium within sedimentary rocks, a suggested proxy for protolith composition, suggests the early emergence of an evolved continental crust. Other geochemical proxies such as Ni/Co and Cr/Zn ratios suggest a more mafic early crust.  Important to understanding the differences between these proxy-based interpretations of crustal growth and composition is the mechanism of crustal chemical evolution.  Two key processes may occur: weathering, whereby cations are selectively removed from the continents and transported to the oceans; and igneous differentiation.  Resolving these processes is hampered by the ability to deconvolve their compositional effects. To overcome this, we derive a predictive and invertible model of sedimentary major-element composition that reconstructs protolith composition, and hence that of the crust, whilst accounting for the effect of weathering. 

We compile a dataset of sedimentary rock, river sediment, soil, and igneous rock compositions. By applying principal component analysis to the log-ratio transformed compositional dataset we show that any composition can be well described by considering just two linear vectors of igneous evolution and weathering. We thus define a model for sedimentary composition as a linear combination of these two processes, which allows us to undo the compositional effect of weathering to reconstruct the major element composition of protoliths and thereby average upper continental crust through time.

We find that the major-element composition of the modern upper continental crust has been modified by weathering relative to pristine igneous rocks. We calculate the amount of each element that must be lost to sufficiently modify the crustal composition. By extrapolating modern weathering rates over the age of the crust we conclude that a significant amount of weathering restite has likely been subducted into the mantle indicating a crust-to-mantle recycling rate of 1.47  ± 1.00  ×1013kg yr-1. Secondly we apply our model to the extensive dataset of sedimentary rocks compiled by the Sedimentary Geochemistry and Paleoenvironments Project from across the stratigraphic record so as to reconstruct the composition of the ancient crust. We find that the Archean upper continental crust is more mafic than present day, but stabilised into the present evolved composition by 2.5 - 2.0 Ga. 

How to cite: Lipp, A., Shorttle, O., Syvret, F., Roberts, G., and Sedimentary Geochemistry and Paleoenvironments Project, W. I. W. G.: Deconvolving weathering and provenance in the composition of the modern and ancient continental crust, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-5825,, 2020.

EGU2020-9329 | Displays | GMPV4.3

The effects of hydrodynamic sorting on the Ti isotope composition of sediments

Martijn Klaver, Pieter Vroon, and Marc-Alban Millet

Detrital sediments provide a useful tool to investigate the composition of the continental crust through time. Mass-dependent (“stable”) isotope variations in Archaean to present-day sediments (shales, diamictites) have recently received much attention and Ti, in particular, holds significant promise as a novel tracer of crustal composition [1, 2, 3]. This approach is based on i) the contrasting Ti isotope composition of mafic versus felsic rocks as a result of the removal of isotopically light oxides during igneous differentiation; and ii) the chemical behaviour of Ti, a refractory and biologically inert element that should not fractionate during weathering and sedimentation. Hence, current interpretations of the Ti isotope detrital sediment record rely heavily on the assumption that it reflects the integrated composition of the source(s), and thus provides a record of the proportion of felsic to mafic rocks in that source.

A potential caveat, however, is the hydrodynamic sorting of dense minerals in coarse, more proximal sediments [4]. This effect is well-known for zircon; coarser sediments tend to have higher Zr/Al2O3 and a less radiogenic Hf isotope composition due to the concentration of zircon grains [e.g., 5, 6]. Shales form the complementary zircon-depleted reservoir characterised by lower Zr/Al2O3 and a more radiogenic Hf isotope composition relative to the source. Common Ti-rich phases such as ilmenite and rutile are also resistant against physical and chemical weathering and could be concentrated together with zircon in coarse sediments.

We examined a suite of Eastern Mediterranean passive margin sediments with well-constrained provenance [7] and found that Ti indeed behaves like Zr. Fine-grained samples have lower TiO2/Al2O3 compared to coarser, proximal deposits of identical provenance. The removal of Ti-rich phases with a light Ti isotope composition into coarse-grained sediments could thus bias the Ti isotope composition of shales towards isotopically heavier values. We will report on the δ49/47Ti isotope composition of these sediment samples, but a TiO2/Al2O3 mass balance suggests that a bias of more than 0.05 ‰ in the δ49/47Ti of shales is possible. Understanding the consequences of hydrodynamic sorting for Ti isotopes in sediments is crucial for their use as a quantitative proxy of crustal composition and for reconciling the shale and diamictite Ti isotope records.

[1] Greber et al. (2017) Science 357 1271-1274; [2] Deng et al. (2019) PNAS 116-4 1132-1135; [3] Saji et al. (2019) Goldschmidt abstract 2929; [4] Greber & Dauphas (2019) GCA 255 247-264; [5] Patchett et al. (1984) EPSL 69 365-378; [6] Carpentier et al. (2009) EPSL 287 86-99; [7] Klaver et al. (2015) GCA 153 149-168.

How to cite: Klaver, M., Vroon, P., and Millet, M.-A.: The effects of hydrodynamic sorting on the Ti isotope composition of sediments, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-9329,, 2020.

EGU2020-5997 | Displays | GMPV4.3

Continental Crust formation in the Archean vs modern times

Oliver Jagoutz, Benjamin Klein, Max W Schmidt, and Nico Küter

When subduction initiated and contributed to formation of Continental crust is uncertain. A crucial difference between subduction zones magma and e.g. plume related magmatism is the role of H2O in the magma formed. Subduction zones magma are frequently wet and follow a liquid line of descent (LLD) that differs from dry plume related magmas. We developed a qualitative hygrometer based on major elements that allow to distinguish between LLD formed at water saturated condition from those that formed at dry conditions. While arc magmas can by dry at times, plume related magmas are generally dry. So wet LLD are a hall mark of subduction. In this talk we will compare the modern arc record with the Archean rock record to investigate if Archean rocks formed due to a wet or dry LLD. 

How to cite: Jagoutz, O., Klein, B., Schmidt, M. W., and Küter, N.: Continental Crust formation in the Archean vs modern times, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-5997,, 2020.

EGU2020-14303 | Displays | GMPV4.3

Hafnium isotopic record of crustal maturation during Middle Triassic magmatism in the Southern Alps (Italy)

Julian-Christopher Storck, Jörn-Frederik Wotzlaw, Ozge Karakas, Peter Brack, Axel Gerdes, and Peter Ulmer

Tracing the origin and evolution of magmas on their pathway through the lithosphere is key to understanding the magmatic processes that eventually produce eruptions. For ancient magmatic provinces, isotope-geochemical tracers are powerful tools to probe the source regions and magma-crust interaction during ascent and storage.

We present new hafnium isotopic compositions of ID-TIMS dated zircons to trace the evolution of the Middle Triassic magmatic province in the Southern Alps (northern Italy) at high temporal resolution [1]. Systematic changes in hafnium isotopic composition with time reveal a coherent temporal evolution from depleted mantle signatures towards crust-dominated signatures within less than four million years. This trend can be ascribed to progressive influence of a crustal source, incorporated into the reservoir from which these zircons crystallized. Towards the end of the magmatic episode, the εHf compositions abruptly revert within one-million-years back towards more juvenile compositions mainly recorded by the mafic to intermediate intrusive pulses (e.g. Monzoni and Predazzo), the effusive climax of basaltic lavas and the post-intrusive ash beds (e.g. Punta Grohmann) in the Dolomite region. We interpret the variation of Hf-isotopic signatures over time as a protracted contamination signal induced by interaction of the mantle-derived magmas with the lower crust.

The dataset obtained in this study is further implemented into a two-component mixing model employing a range of potential crust and mantle endmember Hf isotope signatures and Hf concentrations which is directly translated into crustal melt/total melt (=sum of crustal and mantle-derived melt) ratios over time. Based on these observations we explored the thermal evolution and crustal melting as a function of time, lithology, water content and magma flux for a lower crustal magmatic system by numerical modelling. Dykes and sills of basaltic composition are incrementally emplaced at the mantle-crust boundary, which leads to changes in crustal over mantle melt ratios over time. Initial intrusions of basaltic dykes into the relatively cold lower crust cause only limited crustal melting and assimilation but ensuing magma injections into progressively hotter crust results in more extensive partial melting and assimilation of crustal material. Subsequent intrusions into the magmatic lower-crustal roots cannibalize previous intrusions with progressively less isotopic contrast due to dilution with mantle-derived magmas. This is potentially accompanied by an increase in magma flux, e.g. by delamination of dense lower crustal cumulates into the subcontinental lithospheric mantle.

The observed trends in hafnium isotopic composition therefore do not necessarily require tectonic re-organizations or changes in mantle sources. Instead these trends may trace variations in mantle-crust interaction during thermally induced chemical maturation of the lower crustal magmatic roots progressively replacing ancient pelitic to mafic lower crustal lithologies by juvenile cumulates.


[1] Storck, J.-C., Wotzlaw, J.-F., Karakas, O., Brack, P., Gerdes, A., Ulmer, P. Hafnium isotopic record of mantle-crust interaction in an evolving continental magmatic system, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, (in press).

How to cite: Storck, J.-C., Wotzlaw, J.-F., Karakas, O., Brack, P., Gerdes, A., and Ulmer, P.: Hafnium isotopic record of crustal maturation during Middle Triassic magmatism in the Southern Alps (Italy), EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-14303,, 2020.

Tonalite, Trondhjemite, Granodiorite (TTG) rocks in Viti Levu, Fiji islands formed through hydrous melting of gabbroic oceanic crust at low-pressure amphibolite-facies conditions caused by flat subduction of an oceanic plateau from Yavuna creek. During mid Miocene time, magmatic underplating took place and a Qtz-diorite unit was formed out of the gabbro under granulite-facies conditions. The investigated TTG´s occur as stocks and veins within the older gabbroic unit of the Yavuna Pluton.

Zircon ages show the parental gabbro to be ~47.5 Ma in age, whereas the TTG´s, which can be subdivided into a tonalite and a Qtz-diorite suite, are ~37.1 Ma and ~16.5 Ma, old respectively. The average d18O value of ~4.8 in zircon selected from the parental gabbro and the tonalite suggest a very homogenous mantle source. However, about 50% of the analyzed zircons from the gabbroic and tonalitic rock samples showing lower d18O values, and these are interpreted as reflecting interaction of hydrothermally altered seafloor with the deep depleted mantle source. eHf in zircon values of ~13 in the analyzed TTG´s are interpreted as reflecting typical juvenile continental crust. PerpleX whole-rock calculations suggest that the tonalite formed by melting of the gabbro through decompression under water-saturated amphibolite-facies conditions at a temperature of ~770 °C and a pressure of ~3.8 kbar, whereas the Qtz-diorite formed at a temperature up to ~900 °C at very shallow depth close to the Earth’s surface caused by the emplacement of a magmatic underplate during the mid Miocene. Our investigation provides new evidence for episodic growth of continental crust < 0.1 Ga in the South Pacific region.

How to cite: Sommer, H., Kröner, A., Jacob, D. E., Che, X., Wong, J., and Xie, H.: Cold avalanche, “super subduction”, mantle overturn, followed by buoyant subduction of an oceanic plateau and the formation of TTG´s during the Eocene in Viti Levu, Fiji islands, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-10410,, 2020.

Neoarchean granitoid gneisses are widely distributed throughout Eastern Hebei, eastern North China Craton, and are dominated by deformed and metamorphosed tonalite–trondhjemite–granodiorite (TTG), diorite, and granite. This study presents the results of systematic zircon U–Pb geochronological, whole-rock geochemical and Sm–Nd isotopic analyses of the Neoarchean granitoid gneisses in Eastern Hebei. These data provide insights into the Archean–Paleoproterozoic multiple tectonothermal events and the petrogenesis of the gneisses in this area. U–Pb ages and cathodoluminescence images of zircons from the granitoid gneisses using laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA–ICP–MS) indicate that their magmatic precursors were contemporaneously emplaced between 2546 ± 10 and 2510 ± 10 Ma, reflecting a giant Neoarchean igneous event throughout Eastern Hebei. Subsequently these rocks were subjected to regional amphibolite facies metamorphism at 2.48 – 2.45 Ga. The close spatial and temporal relationships between magmatism and metamorphism at ca. 2.5 Ga suggest a uniform tectonothermal evolution of Eastern Hebei. The granitic gneisses are considered to have mainly originated from the partial melting of juvenile metamorphosed greywackes, with minor involvement of basalts. The large geochemical and isotopic variations within the dioritic and TTG gneisses both provide evidence for the mixing of mafic and felsic magmas, coupled with fractional crystallization. However, the chemical differences between the dioritic and TTG gneisses might be because they originated from different mafic magma sources, viz., basaltic and high-Mg melts. The mafic magma may have also formed the metamorphosed basalt or komatiite within the greenstone belt or evolved via fractional crystallization prior to the magma mixing. Large-scale granitoid activities were possibly related to mafic magma underplating. The combined geochronological, geochemical, and geological data support an Archean proto-mantle plume model for interpreting the geodynamics of the eastern North China Craton during the Neoarchean.

Acknowledgements Our work was supported financially by Beijing Natural Science Foundation (Grant Number: 8194073), the Science Foundation of China University of Petroleum, Beijing (Grant Number: 2462017YJRC032) and the Science Foundation of State Key Laboratory of Petroleum Resources and Prospecting, China University of Petroleum, Beijing (Grant Number: PRP/indep-4-1702).

How to cite: Li, Z. and Zhang, W.: U–Pb–Hf–O–Nd isotopes and geochemistry of the Neoarchean granitoid gneisses in Eastern Hebei, North China Craton: Implications for crustal growth, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-22081,, 2020.

EGU2020-1051 | Displays | GMPV4.3

Origin and Geodynamic significance of opx granitoids from Bunger Hills Area, East Antarctic

Nikita Borovkov, Monika A. Kusiak, Adam Nawrot, Marina Koreshkova, and German Leichenkov

The information on magmatic orthopyroxene (opx) granitoids (charnockites) is essential for geodynamic models of continent collision, amalgamation, and postorogenic events. There is also the petrological issue - the role of the crust and mantle material in the formation of opx granitoids in orogenic and post-orogenic settings. Our research objects are three multiphase coeval plutons of the opx granitoids in the Banger Oasis, East Antarctica. Only two phases can be distinguished: the first phase comprising of silica and potassium rich middle-coarse grained qz opx monzodiorites, monzonites and granites with porphyric perthite alkali feldspar, whereas the second phase is more basic and comprises of alkali feldspar less fine-middle grained qz gabbroes and qz-opx diorites and gabbro-diorites with gabbroic and ophitic microstructure.  These plutons intrude granulite facies metamorphic bedrock. The age of those plutons is around 1170 ± 10 Ma. The first phase has the age around 1170-1190 Ma, whilst the second phase has the age of 1150 1170 Ma. The interval of peak metamorphism is constrained by 1250-1170 Ma. We combine together thermodynamic modelling and geochemistry (isotope geochemistry in Sm-Nd, Rb-Sr and Pb-Pb systems, Hf and O stable isotopes data on zircons) to create a petrological model for opx granitoids formation. As a result of such modelling we are able to prove that pluthons were crystallized at grnulitic facies and dry conditions. Within the first phase of the crystal fractionation the process is traced. These phases have also different isotope characteristics. For example, the ε(Nd)0 is around -7 to -12 for the second more basic phase and – 16 to -22 for the first opx granitoids phase. It is assumed that the structures of the Banger oasis are the result of the reworking of the Yilgarn craton in the Early Proterozoic. Afterwards there was a collision and amalgamation of the supercontinent Rodinia, and at the final stage, the intrusion of opx granitoids occurred. We consider a presence of mantle material in the formation of charnockite melts. It is possible that the differentiation of tholeiitic magma and the mixing with the crustal component took place.  That might also go along with delamination of the thickened continental crust after the completion of collisional orogeny. Mixing with mantle material could occur at lowest levels of the crust and afterwards the mixed melt moves consequently to the higher levels and differentiates in chambers. Last phases are more enriched in mantle component according to modelling and geochemistry.

How to cite: Borovkov, N., Kusiak, M. A., Nawrot, A., Koreshkova, M., and Leichenkov, G.: Origin and Geodynamic significance of opx granitoids from Bunger Hills Area, East Antarctic, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-1051,, 2020.

We present zircon U-Pb ages and whole-rock geochemistry along with mineral chemistry of the Khardung volcanic rocks outcropped in the northern margin of the Ladakh batholith in order to constrain their origin and tectono-magmatic history. These volcanic rocks are sandwiched between the Ladakh batholith in the south and the Shyok suture zone in the north and span a continuous compositional range from basalt to rhyolite, although mafic rocks are minor and intermediate to felsic rocks are volumetrically predominant. New zircon U-Pb dating for andesite coupled with two rhyolitic rocks yield 69.71 Ma, 62.49 Ma, and 66.55 Ma, defining the probable span of their magmatism from Late Cretaceous to Palaeogene. Based on their mineralogical and geochemical compositional diversity, the Khardung volcanic rocks are categorized as intermediate volcanic rocks (basaltic andesite-andesite) and felsic volcanic rocks (dacite-rhyolite). The intermediate volcanic rocks are marked by low SiO2 (52.80-61.31 wt.%), enriched LREEs, and negative HFSEs (Nb, Ti, Zr) anomalies whereas,  felsic volcanic rocks are characterized by high SiO2 (64.52-79.19 wt.%), pronounced negative Eu anomalies, enriched LREE and concave-downward HREE’s and negative HFSE’s (Nb, Ti) anomalies. Both the intermediate and felsic volcanic rocks exhibit quartz, sanidine, albite, bytownite, and diopside as their dominant mineral phases. Geochemical signatures indicate that the fractional crystallization and crustal contamination played a significant role in the evolution of the Khardung volcanic rocks and their geochemical diversity probably resulted from the partial melting of the common primary source, which had been metasomatized by variable contributions of fluids released from down going Neo-Tethyan oceanic crust. Thus, the Khardung volcanic rocks could be considered as a product of mature stage of arc magmatism during the subduction of the Neo-Tethyan oceanic crust, which occurred during Early Cretaceous to Palaeogene, prior to the main collision between the Indian and Asian plates.

How to cite: Lakhan Singh, N. and Krishnakanta Singh, A.: Geochemistry and uranium-lead isotopic ages of volcanic rocks associated with Ladakh batholith, western Himalaya: Implications for petrogenesis and tectonic evolution, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-113,, 2020.

EGU2020-192 | Displays | GMPV4.3

Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf-Mg isotope geochemistry of volcanic rocks from Oldoinyo Lengai, Tanzania

Sung Hi Choi, Seung Gi Jung, and Kang Hyeun Ji

Oldoinyo Lengai is the only active carbonatite volcano within the East African Rift Valley in northern Tanzania. The volcano is dominated by peralkaline silicate rocks with natrocarbonatites. This study presents new mineralogical and geochemical data, including Sr–Nd–Pb–Hf–Mg isotopic compositions, for volcanic rocks at Oldoinyo Lengai and lavas from the nearby Gregory Rift Valley. The samples analyzed in this study include olivine melilitite, melanephelinite, wollastonite nephelinite, and phonolite. The olivine melilitites and melanephelinites have highly fractionated REE patterns with (La/Yb)N values of 26.4–64.9, suggesting that they formed from magmas generated by low-degree (up to ~7%) of partial melting within the garnet stability field. The wollastonite nephelinites have much higher (La/Sm)N values but lower (Sm/Yb)N values relative to typical OIB, with flat HREE patterns [(La/Yb)N = ~22]. The phonolites have elevated REE abundances but with patterns intermediate between the other two sample groups [(La/Yb)N = ~41]. All samples have primitive-mantle-normalized incompatible element patterns that are characterized by negative K and Rb anomalies but no significant Eu anomalies. They also have elevated Yb contents relative to the compositions of modeled garnet peridotite-derived melts, suggesting that they were derived from a sublithospheric source containing enriched HIMU-like recycled oceanic crustal material. However, the wollastonite nephelinites have significantly positive Ba, U, Sr, and Pb anomalies similar to those found within the Oldoinyo Lengai natrocarbonatites. The wollastonite nephelinites might have been sourced from a region of sub-continental lithospheric mantle (SCLM) that was previously metasomatized by interaction with carbonatite melts. The phonolites in the study area have also weakly positive Pb and Sr anomalies indicative of some interaction with the SCLM. All samples have d26Mg values (–0.39‰ ± 0.07‰) lighter than the composition of normal mantle material (–0.25‰ ± 0.04‰). In addition, a negative correlation between d26Mg values and MgO concentrations suggests derivation from a source region containing recycled carbonate. The samples from the study area define a mixing array between HIMU- and EM1-type OIB in Sr–Nd and Pb–Pb isotopic correlation diagrams, and have pronounced Nd–Hf isotopic decoupling, plotting below the mantle regression line in Nd–Hf isotopic space. The negative deviation from the Nd–Hf isotopic mantle array and the presence of an EM1-type mantle component in the Sr–Nd isotopic compositions of the Oldoinyo Lengai volcanic rocks can be generated by recycling of E-MORB-type oceanic crustal material with an age of 1.5–1.0 Ga.

How to cite: Choi, S. H., Jung, S. G., and Ji, K. H.: Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf-Mg isotope geochemistry of volcanic rocks from Oldoinyo Lengai, Tanzania, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-192,, 2020.

EGU2020-234 | Displays | GMPV4.3

Experimental study on weathering of basalt in the present atmospheric and the early Proterozoic low oxygen environments under surface conditions

Shoichi Kobayashi, Yukiko Takahashi, and Jun Naohara

EGU2020-424 | Displays | GMPV4.3

Recognition of a 1.85 Ga oceanic rifting environment in southeastern Sweden

Evgenia Salin, Krister Sundblad, Yann Lahaye, and Jeremy Woodard

The Fröderyd Group constitutes a deformed volcanic sequence, which together with the 1834 Ma Bäckaby tonalites occurs as a xenolith, within the 1793-1769 Ma TIB 1b unit of the Transscandinavian Igneous Belt (TIB) in southern Sweden. The Bäckaby tonalites, together with coarse-grained clastic metasedimentary sequences of the Vetlanda Group, belong to the Oskarshamn-Jönköping Belt (OJB; Mansfeld et al., 1996). In turn, the Fröderyd Group was considered to be an older, probably Svecofennian, unit by Sundblad et al. (1997).

The Fröderyd Group is composed of ca. 80% mafic and ca. 20% felsic volcanic rocks, with subordinate carbonate units. Mafic rocks are represented by tholeiitic basalts and spilitized pillow lavas with MORB affinity.

In this study, a sample from a metamorphosed rhyolite, belonging to the Fröderyd Group, was dated at 1849.5±9.8 Ga U-Pb zircon age (LA-ICPMS). This age is significantly younger than the Svecofennian crust, which was formed from 1.92 to 1.88 Ga. Instead, it is coeval with the oldest TIB granitoid generation (TIB 0), which intruded into the southwestern margin of the Svecofennian Domain, but the Fröderyd Group is still the oldest crustal component southwest of the Svecofennian Domain.

Geochronological, petrographical studies and field observations have shown that the southern margin of the Svecofennian Domain was affected by ductile deformation shortly after the intrusion of the 1.85 Ga TIB granites (Stephens and Andersson, 2005). This took place during an intra- or back-arc rifting above a subduction boundary in a retreating mode and caused formation of augen gneisses and emplacement of 1847 Ga dykes into the TIB 0 granitoids. Rifting was followed by a collision of the rifted slab with the Svecofennian crust which is evidenced from emplacement of pegmatitic leucosomes during 1.83-1.82 Ga into the 1.85 Ga orthogneisses.

It is interpreted, that the Fröderyd Group was formed within an oceanic rifting environment, collided with the rifted Svecofennian slab and later amalgamated onto the Svecofennian Domain. The proposed geological evolution includes two deformation events during the period of ca. 1.85-1.82 Ga, which is in accordance with Röshoff (1975). Furthermore, it is evident that the Fröderyd Group was formed as a separate unit outside the Svecofennian Domain, although they have a common geological history.      


Mansfeld, J., 1996. Geological, geochemical and geochronological evidence for a new Palaeoproterozoic terrane in southeastern Sweden. Precambrian Res. 77, 91–103.

Röshoff, K., 1975. Some aspects of the Precambrian in south-eastern Sweden in the light of a detailed geological study of the Lake Nömmen area. Geologiska Föreningens i Stockholm Förhandlingar 97, 368–378.

Stephens, M.B. and Andersson, J., 2015. Migmatization related to mafic underplating and intra- or back-arc spreading above a subduction boundary in a 2.0–1.8 Ga accretionary orogen. Sweden. Precambrian Res. 264, 235–257.

Sundblad, K., Mansfeld, J. and Särkinen, M., 1997. Palaeoproterozoic rifting and formation of sulphide deposits along the southwestern margin of the Svecofennian Domain, southern Sweden. Precambrian Res. 182, 1–12.

How to cite: Salin, E., Sundblad, K., Lahaye, Y., and Woodard, J.: Recognition of a 1.85 Ga oceanic rifting environment in southeastern Sweden, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-424,, 2020.

The Mesozoic granitic magmatism in Haliheiba is poorly understood because of lacking systematic data. Hence, this paper presents petrological observations, zircon U–Pb ages, geochemistry and Hf isotopes for these rocks. These rocks comprise granidiorite and quartz monzonite. Zircon LA-ICP-MS U–Pb dating yields emplacement ages of 247.6 ± 1.1 Ma and 247.0 ± 1.5 Ma for granidiorite and quartz monzonite, respectively. Geochemically, the granidiorite has SiO2 contents of 65.86–67.37 wt% and alkali concentrations of 7.97–8.44 wt%; the quartz monzonite has SiO2 contents of 66.95–67.28 wt% and alkali concentrations of 8.52–8.63 wt%, which belong to calc-alkaline series and are metaluminous rocks. These granitoids are enriched in light rare earth elements (LREEs) with (La/Yb)N values from 5.27 to 12.09 and have slightly to moderately negative Eu anomalies with δEu values from 0.53 to 0.78 in the chondrite-normalized REE diagram. Furthermore, these granitoids are relatively enriched Rb, U, Th, K, and Pb and slightly depleted in Nb, Ta, Ba, Ti, and P in the primitive mantle-normalized spider diagram. The above geochemical signatures reveal that these granites have I-type affinity. Zircon Hf isotope data show that these granitoids possess high positive εHf(t) values from +8.9 to +14.9 and fairly young Hf model ages from 305 to 620 Ma, indicating that they are mainly derived from partial melting of juvenile crustal components. Combined with regional geology, our results indicate that the Triassic magmatism in Haliheiba most likely resulted from the subduction of the Paleo-Asian Ocean beneath the North China Craton. Our results together with regional isotopic data suggest that a significant crustal accretion event occurred during the Neoproterozoic to Paleozoic in the Great Xing’an Range.

How to cite: Wei, W. and Wu, X.: The Mesozoic granitic magmatism in Haliheiba: implications from geochronology, geochemistry and Hf isotopes, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-1477,, 2020.

EGU2020-6679 | Displays | GMPV4.3

Petrogenesis of the Ulungur Intrusive Complex, NW China, and Implications for Crustal Generation and Reworking in Accretionary Orogens

Gong-Jian Tang, Qiang Wang, Derek Wyman, Wei Dan, Lin Ma, Hai-Xiang Zhang, and Zhen-Hua Zhao

Accretionary orogens are characterized by voluminous juvenile components (recently derived from the mantle) and knowing the origin(s) of such components is vital for understanding crustal generation. Here we present field and petrological observations, along with mineral chemistry, zircon U–Pb age and Hf-O isotope data, and whole rock geochemical and Sr-Nd isotopic data for the c. 320 Ma Ulungur intrusive complex from the Central Asian Orogenic Belt. The complex consists of two different magmatic series: one is characterized by medium-K to high-K calc-alkaline gabbro to monzogranite; the other is defined by peralkaline aegirine-arfvedsonite granitoids. The calc-alkaline and peralkaline series granitoids have similar depleted mantle-like Sr-Nd-Hf isotopic compositions, but they have different zircon δ18O values: the calc-alkaline series have mantle-like δ18O values with mean compositions ranging from 5.2 ± 0.5‰ to 6.0 ± 0.9‰ (2SD), and the peralkaline granitoids have low δ18O values ranging from 3.3 ± 0.5‰ to 3.9 ± 0.4‰ (2SD). The calc-alkaline series were derived from a hydrous sub-arc mantle wedge, based on the isotope and geochemical compositions, under garnet peridotite facies conditions. This study suggests that the magmas underwent substantial differentiation, ranging from high pressure crystallization of ultramafic cumulates in the lower crust to lower pressure crystallization dominated by amphibole, plagioclase and minor biotite in the upper crust. The peralkaline series rocks are characterized by δ18O values lower than the mantle and enrichment of high field strength elements (HFSEs) and heavy rare earth elements (HREEs). They likely originated from melting of preexisting hydrothermally altered residual oceanic crust in the lower crust of the Junggar intra-oceanic arc. Early crystallization of clinopyroxene and amphibole was inhibited owing to their low melting temperature, leading to HFSEs and HREEs enrichment in residual peralkaline melts during crystallization of a feldspar-dominated mineral assemblage. Thus, the calc-alkaline and peralkaline series represent episodes of crust generation and reworking, respectively, demonstrating that the juvenile isotopic signature in accretionary orogens can be derived from diverse source rocks. Our results show that reworking of residual oceanic crust also plays an important role in continental crust formation for accretionary orogens, which has not previously been widely recognized.

How to cite: Tang, G.-J., Wang, Q., Wyman, D., Dan, W., Ma, L., Zhang, H.-X., and Zhao, Z.-H.: Petrogenesis of the Ulungur Intrusive Complex, NW China, and Implications for Crustal Generation and Reworking in Accretionary Orogens , EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-6679,, 2020.

A novel way to investigate the petrogenesis of ancient poly-metamorphosed terranes is to use zircon as a vessel and study protected mineral inclusions which are sensitive to melt evolution such as apatite. Recent contributions have shown that zircon-hosted apatite inclusions of unmetamorphosed granitoids can provide valuable petrogenetic information about a given pluton and, in turn, represent a way to circumvent effects of metamorphism. Yet, the impact of metamorphism on apatite inclusion has never been studied in detail. To address the issue of chemical and isotopic preservation of primary signals in apatite crystals both in the matrix and armored within zircons, we have studied apatite crystals from four 3.6-4.0 Ga orthogneisses of TTG affinity from the Acasta Gneiss Complex (Canada). Our results demonstrate that U-Th-Pb isotope systematics in matrix apatite crystals are reset at the time of the Wopmay orogen (1.8-1.7 Ga) whereas primary REE signatures were preserved in many crystals. On the contrary, zircon-hosted apatite inclusions all preserved primary REE signatures despite U-Th-Pb isotope systematics giving ages between 1.7 and 4.0 Ga. We interpret the variable resetting of these ages as a consequence of radiation damage accumulation in zircon lattice. Only the most pristine zircon has an apatite inclusion with a concordant age consistent with the magmatic age of the zircon (4.0 Ga). In addition, our results show that apatite crystals from TTG have distinct REE composition from post-Archean granitoids apatites, and that even apatites with reset ages preserved some of the chemical signatures characterizing TTG compositions (e.g. HREE). This capacity to retain primary information together with its discriminating power for granitoids makes apatite a very valuable tool for reconstructing the nature and evolution of ancient crustal rocks through the use of either detrital minerals or detrital-zircon hosting inclusions.

How to cite: Bruand, E., Antoine, C., Guitreau, M., and Devidal, J.-L.: Understanding preservation of primary signatures in apatite by comparing matrix and zircon-hosted crystals from the Eoarchean Acasta Gneiss Complex (Canada), EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-9848,, 2020.

Tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite gneisses (TTG) are the oldest litho-units of the Bundelkhand craton. The supracrustal rocks include variable deformed mafic volcanics and Banded Iron Formation. Magmatic zircons from the TTG’s yield an upper intercept of ~ 3590 Ma. The TTG’s gradually grades to a Na-feldspar rich A type porphyric granite towards the south. In this abstract, we report mineralogical, geochemical, and geochronological information of high silica- low Ca - high Na A-type granite from Bundelkhand craton.

In the TAS diagram, the studied samples plot in the field of granite and have a metaluminous affinity with high Ga/Al and Ce + Y + Nb + Zr values typical of A-type granites. In a primitive normalized multi-element spider diagram, the studied samples exhibit negative Nb, Ti, and P anomalies characteristics of a subduction zone setting. The chondrite normalized REE’s exhibit a strong fractionated pattern with negative Eu anomaly; the LREE are enriched and the HREE depleted with moderate to high (La/Yb)CN ratios ranging from 11.12 to 26.24 ppm. The studied samples have plagioclase compositions that vary from XAb = 0.980-0.997 and chlorite compositions varying from XMg = 0.309-0.469.

Phase equilibria modeling yield an emplacement temperature of 700-750OC, at 1.0 GPa. Most of the zircon grains are prismatic with visible cores and rims in optical examinations. In a U-Pb concordia diagram, the grains yield an upper intercept of 2536.6 ± 1.8 Ma. The geochemical and geochronological data taken together, indicate the Na-rich A-type granite generated by the high temperature and high-pressure partial melting of Archaean supracrustal rocks.

How to cite: Raza, M. B., Corfu, F., and Nasipuri, P.: Petrogenesis and Geochronology of the late-Archean Na-rich A Type granite from the Bundelkhand Craton, India: Implication for tectonic and crustal evolution, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-16436,, 2020.

EGU2020-16749 | Displays | GMPV4.3

Early Mesozoic granitoids from SW Vietnam and SE Cambodia – an example of the southeastern extension of the Southeast Asian granite belt

Anh Nong, Christoph Hauzenberger, Daniela Gallhofer, and Sang Dinh

Early Mesozoic magmatism in Indochina and its vicinities in Sundaland (SE Asia) has been usually ascribed to be in connection with one of three approximately coeval tectonic regimes: 1) the Indochina-Sibumasu amalgamation leading to the closure of the Paleotethys during the Late Paleozoic – Early Mesozoic forming the Thai-Malaysia tin-bearing granite belt, 2) the Indochina-South China amalgamation along the northern boundary of Indochina closing another branch of the Paleotethys during Late Paleozoic – Triassic times, and 3) the early stage of an active margin with subduction of the Paleo-Pacific plate during Triassic-Jurassic times.

Scattered granitic plutons (185–210 Ma) located in southern Cambodia and some islands in southernmost Vietnam are distributed along the N-S Rach Gia-Nam Can fault which is a large-scale fault active during the Early Mesozoic. The studied rocks can be distinguished based on petrological features: weakly foliated biotite-rich granite (Hon Khoai Island, SW Vietnam), biotite-tourmaline-bearing granite (Hon Da Bac Island, SW Vietnam), and coarse-grained biotite granite (Tamao, SE Cambodia). The Honkhoai granites are a range of dark to light coloured granites due to a variation in biotite content and display a foliation. They usually contain amphibole, ilmenite, and monazite. The Hondabac granites comprise dark-colored granodiorites and granites with biotite, tourmaline, ilmenite, apatite, fluorite, epidote, and subordinate titanite. The Tamao granites are mainly composed of biotite aggregates with sporadic muscovite and accessory phases such as ilmenite, apatite, and fluorite.

Zircon U-Pb ages yield 189 ± 1 to 206 ± 2 Ma for the Honkhoai rocks, 192 ± 1 to 202 ± 1 Ma for the Hondabac rocks, and 189 ± 2 Ma for the Tamao rocks. Apparently, these Late Triassic - Early Jurassic granitoids are chronologically consistent with all three tectonic events. However, geographical and geochemical arguments favor a connection to the Thai-Malaysia tin-bearing granites. Similarities include high silica content and predominantly high-K to calc-alkaline affinities. Trace element composition is characterized by enrichments in Cs, Rb, Th, U, and Pb, and depletion in Ba, Sr, Nb, P, and Ti. All analyzed rock samples show (La/Yb)n values of 4.05–17.27 and negative Eu anomalies (Eu/Eu*=0.15–0.65). The whole-rock and biotite chemistry point to an arc-related tectonic setting for the Hondabac rock, while the Honkhoai and Tamao rocks are ambiguous in the tectonic regime but likely close to syn-collision and within-plate field, respectively. Geobarometry of the Honkhoai rocks using the Al-in-amphibole geobarometer yields crystallization pressure up to 3 kbar.

We conclude that the studied rocks formed during the closure of the Palaeotethys along the western boundary of the Indochina block, particularly similar to the Thai-Malaysia granite belt. Hence, the Sukhothai-Chantaburi Terrane may be extended southeastward as far as to the Hon Khoai Island (Southernmost Vietnam).

How to cite: Nong, A., Hauzenberger, C., Gallhofer, D., and Dinh, S.: Early Mesozoic granitoids from SW Vietnam and SE Cambodia – an example of the southeastern extension of the Southeast Asian granite belt, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-16749,, 2020.

EGU2020-18312 | Displays | GMPV4.3

Low-Temperature-Low-Pressure Mineral Paragenesis of the Lower-Middle Jurassic Volcanics in the Eastern Pontides, NE Turkey

Tülay Bak, Cüneyt Şen, Faruk Aydin, and İbrahim Uysal

The Lower-Middle Jurassic volcanic rocks in the eastern Pontides were formed in a subduction zone under the extensional tectonic regime. These volcanic rocks were experienced seawater alteration during forming. They also were exposed to the burial metamorphism under the Cretaceous and Eocene aged formations. In addition, the Cretaceous and Eocene granitoids cut these volcanic rocks in some places and metamorphosed them. In this study, the mineralogical changes of the volcanic rocks they have experienced since their formation were examined.

Plagioclase (An>42) + augite/diopside (En38-52Wo25-46 Fs7-25) + Fe-Ti oxides (Fe+3/(Fe+3+Fe+2) > 0.80) ± magnesiohornblende (Mg/(Mg+Fe+2) > 0.92) are the main rock-forming minerals in these volcanic rocks. Mineralogical traces of seawater alteration are mostly masked by subsequent geological events. However, Na-enrichment of the plagioclases, increased 87/86Sr(i) isotope ratios (0.70462 to 0.70611) and some clay minerals, laumontit,  analsime minerals, which are observed in the XRD peaks of some samples, refer to the alteration of the seawater. The pumpelyite (Fe+2/Fe+2+Mg = 0.60-0.90), chlorite (Fetotal/Fe+2 + Mg = 0.15-0.95), sphene, calcite, dolomite and secondary quartz minerals were formed during burial metamorphism. The Fe-Ti oxides reached the chemical re-equilibrium under the new P-T conditions (magnetite Fe+3/(Fe+3+Fe+2) = 0.40-0.62; ilmenite Fe+3/(Fe+3+Fe+2) = 0.01-0.20). Epidote (Fe+2/(Fe+2+Mg) = 0.75-0.95) accompany the mineral paragenesis in some areas affected by Upper Cretaceous and Eocene granitoids.

Temperature estimations using the chlorite geothermometer and the phase relationships on the P-T diagrams show that the volcanics were heated up above 200°C in the buried areas where the granitoids were not effective. The temperatures were above 250°C in the areas where the magmatic rocks were effective. Taking into consideration the thickness of the formations that overlie the Jurassic volcanics, it can be suggested that the pressure affecting the Jurassic volcanics reached up to 1.5 kilobars.


This work was financially supported by Scientific and Research Projects Unit of Karadeniz Technical University with grant # 8920.

How to cite: Bak, T., Şen, C., Aydin, F., and Uysal, İ.: Low-Temperature-Low-Pressure Mineral Paragenesis of the Lower-Middle Jurassic Volcanics in the Eastern Pontides, NE Turkey, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-18312,, 2020.

EGU2020-21241 | Displays | GMPV4.3

Petrological and geodynamic evolution of the Late Cretaceous subduction-related volcanism in the eastern Sakarya Zone, NE Turkey

Simge Oğuz Saka, Faruk Aydin, Cüneyt Şen, Abdurrahman Dokuz, Thomas Aiglsperger, İbrahim Uysal, Raif Kandemir, Orhan Karsli, Bilal Sarı, and Rasim Başer

Based on the volcanostratigraphic studies, zircon U-Pb dating and geochemical data, the Late Cretaceous volcanic rocks (LCVs) from the Artvin region in the eastern Sakarya zone (NE Turkey) consist of mafic/basaltic (S1-Çatak and S2-Çağlayan) and felsic/acidic (S1-Kızılkaya and S2-Tirebolu) rock types that occurred in two successive stages: (i) first stage (S1: Turonian to Early Santonian) and (ii) second stage (S2: Late Santonian to Campanian). In both stages, the basaltic rocks contain generally calcic plagioclase and lesser augite crystals, whereas the acidic samples commonly contain quartz, sodic plagioclase and K-sanidine phenocrysts. Data from clinopyroexene thermobarometry point to the S2-Çağlayan basaltic rocks having crystallised at higher temperatures and under deeper crustal conditions (T = 1128 ± 15 oC, P = 6.5 ± 0.7 kbar and D = 19.5 ± 2.1 km) than those of the S1-Çatak rocks (T = 1073 ± 11 oC, P = 2.2 ± 1.0 kbar, D = 6.6 ± 3.0 km).

The LCVs show a wide compositional spectrum, ranging from tholeiite to calc-alkaline/shoshonite and are typically represented by a geochemical composition resembling subduction-related arc rocks although the 87Sr/86Sr(i) (0.7044–0.7071) and ɛNd(i) values (-0.63 to +3.47) as well as 206Pb/204Pb(i) (18.07 to 18.56), 207Pb/204Pb(i) (15.57 to 15.62) and 208Pb/204Pb(i) (37.12 to 38.55) ratios show very limited variation. The average δ18O isotope values of the S1-Kızılkaya (5.3 ± 0.5‰) and S2-Tirebolu (4.9 ± 0.8‰) zircons are quite consistent with average mantle values (5.3 ± 0.3‰). The similar isotopic compositions of the studied mafic and felsic volcanic rocks, and the relatively high Mg# values (up to 0.4–0.51) of the felsic samples indicate a cogenetic origin. The parent magmas of the S1-Çatak and S2-Çağlayan mafic volcanic rocks were derived from underplated basaltic melts that originated by partial melting of metasomatised spinel lherzolite and spinel-garnet lherzolite, respectively. It is proposed that the compositions of the S1-Kızılkaya (mainly dacitic) and S2-Tirebolu (rhyolitic to trachytic) felsic rocks were particularly controlled by metasomatised mantle–crust interaction and MASH zone plus shallow crustal fractionation processes.

Our data, together with data from previous studies, suggest that the S1- and S2-mafic and felsic rock types of the LCVs (~95–75 Ma) are the products of two-stage volcanic event that took place during the northward subduction of the northern Neotethys Ocean.



This study was financially supported by Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) with grant# 112Y365.

How to cite: Oğuz Saka, S., Aydin, F., Şen, C., Dokuz, A., Aiglsperger, T., Uysal, İ., Kandemir, R., Karsli, O., Sarı, B., and Başer, R.: Petrological and geodynamic evolution of the Late Cretaceous subduction-related volcanism in the eastern Sakarya Zone, NE Turkey, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-21241,, 2020.

EGU2020-21346 | Displays | GMPV4.3

Petrogenesis and geodynamic significance of the early Eocene quartz diorite porphyries from the eastern Sakarya Zone, NE Turkey

Orhan Karsli, İbrahim Uysal, Faruk Aydin, Abdurrahman Dokuz, Fırat Şengün, Raif Kandemir, Simge Oğuz Saka, and Jose Santos

Although the presence of Latest Cretaceous intrusives (~70 Ma) and the early Eocene adakitic magmatic rocks (~57-50 Ma) in the eastern Sakarya Zone are well-known, the early Eocene non-adakitic rocks are very limited and have not been studied in terms of tectono-magmatic evolution. We described a small outcrop of non-adakitic quartz diorite porphyry in Kov area of the Gümüşhane from NE Turkey of which the genesis is significant in evaluating the syn- to post-collision-related magmatism. The LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb dating reveal that the Kov quartz diorite porphyries formed at ca. 50 Ma, coeval with adakitic rocks, ~20 Ma later than the slab roll-back-related intrusive rocks. The Kov porphyries are calc-alkaline in composition and enriched in large ion lithophile elements (LILEs), light rare earth elements (LREEs) and depleted in high field strength elements (HFSEs; e.g., Nb, Ta, Ti), with significant negative anomalies at Nb, Ta, and Ti but positive anomalies at Th, U, and Pb. Isotopic compositions of the samples show limited range of variation and slight enrichment of 87Sr/86Sr(i) (0.70489 to 0.70555), eNd(i) (-1.4 to -1.2) with TDM  of 1.11 to 1.61 Ga. Pb isotopic ratios of the samples point to an enriched mantle source. They probably were crystallized from the melt that originated by low-degree partial melting (~1-2%) of an EMII-type spinel-facies subcontinental lithospheric mantle (SCLM), followed by the fractionation of clinopyroxene with insignificant crustal assimilation. The SCLM was metasomatically enriched and the metasomatic agent was likely H2O-rich fluids rather than sediments released from subducting oceanic crust during the Late Cretaceous closure of the Neotethyan oceanic lithosphere.

In conjunction with the geological background and previous data, we envisage that generation of the Kov porphyries is resulted from a slab break-off event that caused ascending or infiltration of hot asthenosphere triggering mantle melting. Such sporadic occurrences of the porphyries, with coeval adakitic rocks in the Sakarya Zone are likely associated with the onset of extensional tectonics due to the earlier stage of slab break-off along the region during early Eocene period.



This work was financially supported by Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) with grant #108Y200.

How to cite: Karsli, O., Uysal, İ., Aydin, F., Dokuz, A., Şengün, F., Kandemir, R., Oğuz Saka, S., and Santos, J.: Petrogenesis and geodynamic significance of the early Eocene quartz diorite porphyries from the eastern Sakarya Zone, NE Turkey, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-21346,, 2020.

     The tectonic evolution and affinity of the Alxa Block has long been controversial. The NW-SE trending Longshoushan Belt is in the southwestern margin of the Alxa Block, separated the Qilian Block. In this study, we present zircon U-Pb and Hf-isotope data of the middle and eastern Longshoushan, which could constrain the provenance and formation age of the Longshoushan Belt, and further constrain the tectonic evolution and affinity of the Alxa Block. The U-Pb ages of the detrital zircons from the amphibolite-facies metamorphosed volcanic-sedimentary rocks of the middle Longshoushan range from 3006 to 1981 Ma (peak at 2010 Ma), which were consistent with the Alxa Block and the western North China Craton, indicating that the middle Longshoushan was deposited in the Palaeoproterozoic, not in the Archean, and had tectonic affinity with the Alxa Block and the western North China Carton. Combined with the identical crustal growth events at 2.4-2.5 Ga of the middle Longshoushan, the Alxa Block and the western North China Craton, the Alxa Block was an integrated part of the Western Block of the North China Craton. The U-Pb ages of the detrital zircons from the greenschist-facies metamorphosed volcanic-sedimentary rocks of the eastern Longshoushan range from 3389 to 529 Ma (peak at 2.5 Ga and 1.0 Ga), which were highly consistent with Hexi Corridor, indicating that the eastern Longshoushan was deposited in the Cambrian, and had an affinity with the Hexi Corridor. In the Early Palaeozoic, the North Qilian Ocean subducted the Alxa Block and formed a typical trench-arc-basin system. With the closure of the North Qilian Ocean, the Central Qilian Block collided with the Alxa Block, formed the eastern Longshoushan, which was a foreland basin in the Hexi Corridor.

How to cite: Liu, J., Yin, C., Zhang, J., Qian, J., Xu, K., Wu, S., and Xu, N.: Detrital zircon U-Pb and Hf isotopes study of the Longshoushan Belt in the southwestern margin of the Alxa Block: Constraints on the tectonic evolution and affinity of the Alxa Block, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-22176,, 2020.

GMPV4.4 – Evolution of the Earth's upper mantle: a petrological, geochemical and geodynamic perspective on lithospheric mantle xenoliths, orogenic and ophiolitic peridotites

A zoned reaction rim (kelyphite) around garnet of xenolith of fresh sheared lherzolite from the Udachnaya-East kimberlite pipe, Russia, has been investigated. The aim of the study is a detailed characterization of bulk major and trace element compositions of the kelyphite zones, kelyphite-forming minerals and theirs relationships with each other and with rock-forming minerals of the lherzolite. 
There are three point of possible origin of the kelyphite: 1) a solid-solid reaction (between garnets and rock-forming minerals) during transporting to the surface and modifying by a kimberlite melt (introduction of Na, K, Ca and H2O into the kelyphite) after reaction, 2) a reaction between garnets and a kimberlite melt, 3) mantle metasomatism.
Scanning electron microscopy coupled with energy dispersive spectrometry was used for phase determination and chemical analyses. Chemical composition of large grains (>6 μm) was also examined with wave-length-dispersive spectrometry on electron probe micro-analyzer. Raman spectroscopy was used for phase verification. Bulk trace element composition of reaction rim was studied by laser ablation‐inductively coupled plasma‐mass spectrometry.
Garnet forms rounded grains up to 4 mm in size, which are surrounded by the kelyphitic rim. The kelyphite has a concentric structure forming three distinct textural and chemical zones, which are extremely fine-grained aggregates of Cr- and Al-rich orthopyroxene, spinel with a wide range of Cr#, Cr and Al-rich clinopyroxene, amphibole, phlogopite, sodalite and olivine. Veinlets, which traverse the reaction rim and the garnet, are composed of the kelyphite-like mineral aggregate.
The kelyphite formation took place after the lherzolite was entrapped by the kimberlite magma during ascent and emplacement. Orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene and spinel were primarily formed (hereafter the first association). Known limits of pressure-temperature stability of sodalite, phlogopite and amphibole suggest their low-pressure crystallization in the kelyphite (hereafter the second association). The kimberlite melt participated in the formation of both the first mineral association and the second mineral association of the kelyphite. Olivine is believed to be result from a reaction between the kimberlite melt and the kelyphite after forming of the first association but before forming of the second association. On the basis of bulk chemical composition for each zone of the kelyphite and chemical composition of the precursor garnet, a material transfer into the kelyphite during the formation was quantitatively evaluated. Introduction of Mg, Fe, Ti and Ca in the kelyphite occured before formation of the second mineral association and introduction of Na, K, Ca, Cl, F and H2O due to formation of the second mineral association. Therefore, we can expect that the kimberlite melt was a diffusion agent during formation of the first mineral association (the garnet and rock-forming minerals are considered as reactants) and was a reactant during formation of the second mineral association.
This study was supported by the Russian Science Foundation (grant No 18-77-10062).

How to cite: Solovev, K., Sharygin, I., and Golovin, A.: Composition and origin of kelyphitic rims around garnets in fresh sheared lherzolite from the Udachnaya-East kimberlite pipe, the Siberian Craton, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-820,, 2020.

Orogenic peridotites are expected to provide direct information with high spatial resolution for a better understanding of the processes taking place in the lithosphere and asthenosphere boundary zones (LABZ), where the transfer mechanisms of heat, material, and momentum from the Earth’s interior to the surface drastically change. Plagioclase peridotite or olivine-plagioclase assemblage sensu lato has been reported from some orogenic peridotites. The olivine-plagioclase assemblage in fertile systems is in principle not stable even at the depth of the upper most subcontinental lithospheric mantle (SCLM) because (1) the common crustal thickness in normal non-cratonic SCLM is ~35km, (2) the Moho temperature for the mean steady-state continental geotherm is much lower than 600°C, (3) the upper stability limit of plagioclase (plagioclase to spinel facies transition) becomes shallower with decrease in temperature, and (4) kinetic barrier for subsolidus reactions in the peridotite system becomes enormous at temperatures below 600°C. The occurrence of olivine-plagioclase assemblage in some orogenic peridotite bodies, therefore, implies transient and dynamic high-temperature (>800°C) processing at depth shallower than 20km (plagioclase-spinel facies boundary at ~800°C), i.e., high-temperature decompression of LABZ up to the depth closer to the Moho. Adiabatic decompression of high-temperature LABZ leading to decompressional melting with inefficient melt segregation may give rise to plagioclase peridotite. Decompression along moderately high temperature adiabatic path or heating to allow subsolidus reactions leading to transformation of either spinel peridotites or garnet peridotites may give rise to plagioclase peridotite. However, decompression of LABZ associated with efficient cooling does not produce any olivine-plagioclase assemblage. Plagioclase peridotites thus could provide precious information on the dynamics of shallowing LABZ and underlying asthenosphere.

We have examined several orogenic peridotite complexes, Ronda, Pyrenees, Lanzo, and Horoman, to clarify the extent of shallow thermal processing based on olivine-plagioclase assemblage. The key approach of this study is searching olivine-plagioclase assemblage not only in various lithologies but also in microstructures, whose scale and mode of occurrence provide extent and strength of thermal processing in the shallow upper mantle. The wide-spread occurrence of plagioclase peridotites and localized partial melting in Lanzo suggest exhumation along high temperature adiabatic paths from the thermally structured LABZ in the Seiland subfacies; the predominance of plagioclase peridotites and its localized partial melting in Horoman suggest exhumation along variously heated paths from the garnet stability field; the moderate development of plagioclase peridotites without partial melting in Ronda suggest exhumation along variously but weekly heated paths from the spinel-garnet stability field, and the occurrence of minor plagioclase peridotites in Pyrenees suggests exhumation along cold path from the garnet-spinel facies boundaries. We propose that the extent of shallower thermal processing decreases, and thus lithosphere thinning becomes less extensive in this order.

How to cite: Ozawa, K., Garrido, C., Hidas, K., Bodinier, J.-L., Aoki, T., and Boudier, F.: Plagioclase peridotite or olivine-plagioclase assemblage in orogenic peridotites: its implications on high-temperature decompression of the subcontinental lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary zone, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-12256,, 2020.

EGU2020-13626 | Displays | GMPV4.4

Wehrlitization of lithospheric mantle beneath Fife, Scotland.

Magdalena Matusiak-Malek, Brian J.G. Upton, Piotr Matczuk, Jacek Puziewicz, Theodoros Ntaflos, Michel Grégoire, and Sonja Aulbach

Permo-Carboniferous mafic alkaline volcanism in Scotland sampled deep lithosphere beneath Lower Paleozoic basement. In the eastern part of Midland Valley terrane (central Scotland, Fife peninsula) volcanic and volcanoclastic rocks carry (among others) ultramafic xenoliths. The peridotite xenoliths give an insight into structure and composition of lithospheric mantle at the time of volcanic activity.

We studied spinel lherzolites and wehrlites, occurring as usually <10 cm in diameter (up to 25 cm) xenoliths. The lherzolites have either protogranular or porphyroclastic texture, while wehrlites are equigranular. Clinopyroxene in porphyroclastic lherzolites and wehrlites is texturally secondary growing at the expense of orthopyroxene.

Chemical composition of minerals is related to texture of the rock. Olivine forming protogranular lherzolites has Fo=88.35-88.80 and is Ca-poor (<900 ppm) which together with #Cr in spinel varying from 0.08 to 0.21 plot those rocks within the Olivine-Spinel Mantle Array (OSMA, Arai, 1994). Orthopyroxene in this group is chemically homogenous within a sample (Mg#=0.89-0.90, Al=0.15-0.19 a.p.f.u.); clinopyroxene in some samples is heterogeneous, but its composition varies in a narrow range (Mg#=0.89-0.92 and Al=0.22-0.34 a.p.fu.). The REE pattern of clinopyroxene from protogranular lherzolites varies from LREE-depleted to LREE-enriched one; it is always enriched in Th and U and depleted in Nb and Ta.

Composition of minerals forming porphyroclastic lherzolites and wehrlites is strongly heterogeneous and varies in the same ranges. Olivine and spinel of some rare porphyroclastic lherzolites plot within OSMA (OlFo=88.50-88.80, Spl#Cr=0.12-0.20), but in majority of samples olivine composition grades toward lower forsterite contents (Fo=78.33-89.78) while Cr# is higher in spinel (Cr#=0.72-0.53) which locate them outside OSMA. Olivine has Ca content up to 2000 ppm. Orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene are chemically heterogeneous in terms of Mg# (0.82-0.89 and 0.81-0.93, respectively) and Al content (0.06-0.17 and 0.10-0.33 a.p.f.u., respectively). Clinopyroxene in porphyroclastic lherzolites and wehrlites has REE-enriched pattern and is enriched in Th and U and depleted in Nb and Ta.

The clinopyroxene-orthopyroxene equilibrium temperatures for the protogranular lherzolites are usually ~980°C, only single sample gave temperature ~900°C (Brey and Köhler, 1991, JoP). Pyroxenes in porphyroclastic lherzolites and wehrlites are not equilibrated, but the elevated Ca content in olivine suggests that those rocks were affected by heating.

The protogranular lherzolites from Fife are restites after relatively low (1-7%) degrees of partial melting and were further affected by cryptic metasomatism. Bonadiman et al. (2008, Geol. Soc.) suggested that the enrichment in Th and U may result from reaction with subduction-related melt(s), possibly related in central Scotland with Caledonian closure of Iapetus ocean. Composition of clinopyroxene from the most orthopyroxene-rich porphyroclastic lherzolites resembles that of clinopyroxene from protogranular rocks, but as the modal composition grades toward wehrlites, the clinopyroxene becomes more variable in composition but also LREE-enriched. We suggest, that the chemical and textural paths from protogranular to equigranular samples  record different stages of wehrlitization process triggered by infiltration of LREE-enriched mafic melt(s).

This study was possible thanks to project NCN UMO-2016/23/B/ST10/01905 from the Polish National Centre for Science and Polish-Austrian project WTZ PL 08/2018 .

How to cite: Matusiak-Malek, M., Upton, B. J. G., Matczuk, P., Puziewicz, J., Ntaflos, T., Grégoire, M., and Aulbach, S.: Wehrlitization of lithospheric mantle beneath Fife, Scotland., EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-13626,, 2020.

EGU2020-5331 | Displays | GMPV4.4

Isotopic analyses of clinopyroxene in mantle xenoliths demonstrate the effects of kimberlite melt metasomatism upon the lithospheric mantle

Angus Fitzpayne, Andrea Giuliani, Janet Hergt, Jon Woodhead, and Roland Maas

As clinopyroxene is the main host of most lithophile elements in the lithospheric mantle, the trace element and radiogenic isotope systematics of this mineral have frequently been used to characterise mantle metasomatic processes. To further our understanding of mantle metasomatism, both solution-mode Sr-Nd-Hf-Pb and in situ trace element and Sr isotopic data have been acquired for clinopyroxene grains from a suite of peridotite (lherzolites and wehrlites), MARID (Mica-Amphibole-Rutile-Ilmenite-Diopside), and PIC (Phlogopite-Ilmenite-Clinopyroxene) rocks from the Kimberley kimberlites (South Africa). The studied mantle samples can be divided into two groups on the basis of their clinopyroxene trace element compositions, and this subdivision is reinforced by their isotopic ratios. Type 1 clinopyroxene, which comprises PIC, wehrlite, and some sheared lherzolite samples, is characterised by low Sr (~100–200 ppm) and LREE concentrations, moderate HFSE contents (e.g., ~40–75 ppm Zr; La/Zr < 0.04), and restricted isotopic compositions (e.g., 87Sr/86Sri = 0.70369–0.70383; εNdi = +3.1 to +3.6) resembling those of their host kimberlite magmas. Available trace element partition coefficients can be used to show that Type 1 clinopyroxenes are close to equilibrium with kimberlite melt compositions, supporting a genetic link between kimberlites and these metasomatised lithologies. Thermobarometric estimates for Type 1 samples indicate equilibration depths of 135–155 km within the lithosphere, thus showing that kimberlite melt metasomatism is prevalent in the deeper part of the lithosphere beneath Kimberley. In contrast, Type 2 clinopyroxenes occur in MARID rocks and coarse granular lherzolites, which derive from shallower depths (<130 km), and have higher Sr (~350–1000 ppm) and LREE contents, corresponding to higher La/Zr of >~0.05. The isotopic compositions of Type 2 clinopyroxenes are more variable and extend from compositions resembling the “enriched mantle” towards those of Type 1 rocks (e.g., εNdi = -12.7 to -4.4). To constrain the source of these variations, in situ Sr isotope analyses of clinopyroxene were undertaken, including zoned grains in Type 2 samples. MARID and lherzolite clinopyroxene cores display generally radiogenic but variable 87Sr/86Sri values (0.70526–0.71177), which might be explained by the interaction between peridotite and melts from different enriched sources with the lithospheric mantle. In contrast, the rims of these Type 2 clinopyroxenes trend towards compositions similar to those of the host kimberlite and Type 1 clinopyroxene from PIC and wehrlites. These results are interpreted to represent clinopyroxene overgrowth during late-stage (shortly before/during entrainment) metasomatism by kimberlite magmas. Our study shows that an early, pervasive, alkaline metasomatic event caused MARID and lherzolite genesis in the lithospheric mantle beneath the Kimberley area, which was followed by kimberlite metasomatism during Cretaceous magmatism. This latter event is the time at which discrete PIC, wehrlite, and sheared lherzolite lithologies were formed, and MARID and granular lherzolites were partly modified.

How to cite: Fitzpayne, A., Giuliani, A., Hergt, J., Woodhead, J., and Maas, R.: Isotopic analyses of clinopyroxene in mantle xenoliths demonstrate the effects of kimberlite melt metasomatism upon the lithospheric mantle, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-5331,, 2020.

EGU2020-19040 | Displays | GMPV4.4

Petrology of sub-cratonic pyroxenite and eclogite containing lamellae-bearing garnet, Western Gneiss Region, Norway

Dirk Spengler, Taisia A. Alifirova, Herman L. M. van Roermund, and Hans-Joachim Massonne

Garnet from the lithospheric mantle underneath cratons can contain oriented lamellar inclusions of pyroxene and oxides like rutile as a result of exsolution of majoritic and titaniferous components due to cooling and/or decreasing pressure. We investigated ten new such microstructure-bearing samples of pyroxenite and eclogite from six peridotite bodies in SW Norway, which were once located in the E Greenland mantle lithosphere. The lamellar inclusions occur in porphyroclastic garnet and vary – dependent on their size – systematically in shape, (acicular to short-prismatic), width (~50 μm to sub-micron size), spacing (several 100 to ~10 μm), and phase (pyroxene to pyroxene + Ti-oxides to Ti-oxides). Smaller lamellae can fill the space between larger lamellae, which support consecutive generations. The larger (early formed) lamellae are more poorly preserved and more difficult to locate in the suite of samples than the smaller (lately formed) exsolutes. A younger generation of lamellar and other inclusions occur lined-up along healed cracks cutting across cores but not rims of garnet. These inclusions comprise oxides, silicates, carbonates (aragonite, calcite, magnesite) and fluid inclusions (N2, CO2, H2O). Their origin either relates to the Precambrian rock history and/or to a hydrous environment as typical for mantle wedge metasomatism prior to Scandian recrystallisation. Mineral chemistry suggests that the lamellae-bearing garnet grains equilibrated at two discrete depth levels, corresponding to ~3.7 GPa (850 °C) and ~3.0 GPa (710 °C), at a cratonic geotherm corresponding to 38 mW/m2 surface heat flow. Five samples contain porphyroclastic orthopyroxenes with Al2O3 concentration showing W-shaped profiles and/or very low Al2O3 content (0.18–0.23 wt%) in cores of large (>200 µm) recrystallised grains. Both characteristics typify short intracrystalline diffusion lengths and are consistent with an early prograde metamorphic evolution into the diamond stability field. This evolution is related to subduction during the Scandian orogeny. Porphyroclastic orthopyroxenes in other samples show U-shaped Al2O3 concentration profiles and long diffusion lengths of several 100 μm, i.e. longer than the grain radius of the recrystallised grains. Their cores contain high Al2O3 contents (0.65–1.16 wt%) consistent with a diffusional overprint that followed partial rock recrystallisation and obliterated pro- and peak metamorphic records. The presence of systematic exsolution microstructures in all samples demonstrates a similar early evolution of pyroxenite and eclogite in all six peridotite bodies. The wide distribution of our samples across the Western Gneiss Region indicates that (1) majoritic and titaniferous garnet occurred widespread in the E Greenland lithospheric mantle and (2) rock bodies of Scandian ultra-high pressure metamorphism can be found in nearly the entire area between Nordfjord and Storfjord and from the coast towards ~100 km in the hinterland, i.e. in a region much larger than previously anticipated.

How to cite: Spengler, D., Alifirova, T. A., van Roermund, H. L. M., and Massonne, H.-J.: Petrology of sub-cratonic pyroxenite and eclogite containing lamellae-bearing garnet, Western Gneiss Region, Norway, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-19040,, 2020.

EGU2020-8899 | Displays | GMPV4.4

Volatile-rich melts as markers of the asthenospheric influx prior to rifting events: the case of the alkaline-carbonatitic lamprophyres of the Dolomitic Area (Southern Alps, Italy)

Federico Casetta, Ryan B. Ickert, Darren F. Mark, Costanza Bonadiman, Pier Paolo Giacomoni, Theodoros Ntaflos, and Massimo Coltorti

The appearance of alkali- and volatile-rich melts often marks the opening of major magmatic cycles, always reflecting the partial melting of heterogeneously enriched mantle domains. In these cases the study of highly alkaline, H2O-CO2-rich magmatic pulses provide important insights on the composition and behavior of the sub-continental lithospheric mantle (SCLM) prior to rift initiation. The camptonitic dykes cropping out at Predazzo (Dolomitic Area, NE Italy) are among the oldest examples of lamprophyric rocks in Italy, and were historically related to the orogenic-like Middle Triassic magmatism of the Southern Alps. A detailed petrological, geochemical and geochronological characterization of these rocks was developed to frame them inside the articulated geodynamic evolution of the Southern Alps domain during Triassic. Whole-rock and mineral phase geochemistry, together with 40Ar/39Ar data showed that Predazzo lamprophyres represent an alkaline-carbonatitic magmatic event temporally isolated (~220 Ma) from the major Ladinian orogenic-like magmatism of the Southern Alps (~238 Ma). Lamprophyres can thus be attributed to the volumetrically limited alkaline magmatic phase that infiltrated several portions of the Southern Alps lithosphere between 225 and 190 Ma. Partial melting models and Sr-Nd isotopes demonstrate that Predazzo lamprophyres were produced by low partial melting degree of a garnet-amphibole-bearing mantle source interacting with a significant asthenospheric contribution. In the light of these new findings, they are interpreted as the geochemical/geochronological bridge between the orogenic-like Ladinian magmatism and the rifting phase related to the opening of the Alpine Tethys. This study highlights the paramount importance of alkaline magmas for tracking the volatiles cycle in the SCLM and the potential lithosphere-asthenosphere interactions during large-scale geodynamic processes.

How to cite: Casetta, F., Ickert, R. B., Mark, D. F., Bonadiman, C., Giacomoni, P. P., Ntaflos, T., and Coltorti, M.: Volatile-rich melts as markers of the asthenospheric influx prior to rifting events: the case of the alkaline-carbonatitic lamprophyres of the Dolomitic Area (Southern Alps, Italy), EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-8899,, 2020.

EGU2020-4249 | Displays | GMPV4.4

Constraints on the formation and nature of the Hellenic Triassic rift-related lavas

Petros Koutsovitis, Andreas Magganas, Theodoros Ntaflos, Nikolaos Koukouzas, and Anne Ewing Rassios

Triassic volcanism developed during the rifting stage of Gondwana, with subsequent formation and development of the Tethyan oceanic basin as the Pangaea (Apulia promontory) and Pelagonia continents spread apart. Volcanic rocks formed from this activity outcrop over all mainland Greece, comprising of trachybasalts and basaltic trachyandesites. Relatively immobile to the effects of alteration processes major and trace element abundances classify the volcanics into OIB and E-MORB lavas. They have been distinguished based upon their: i) LREE contents, ii) silica-saturation index, iii) Zr/Nb and Nb/Y ratio values; iv) Th, U, and Ta contents v) geotectonic discrimination diagrams. Their geochemistry indicates that most rocks were affected by moderate to extensive differentiation processes, mostly expressed by clinopyroxene fractionation. Some of the OIB and E-MORB volcanics are considered as being primitive undersaturated, displaying relatively low SiO2 and S.I. index values and also high Mg# and CaO/Al2O3 ratios.

Calculated average mantle potential temperatures are comparable (1410 ˚C OIB; 1370 ˚C E-MORB), with melt fractions estimated at 3-5% for primary OIB magmas and 6-8%for primary E-MORB magmas. An asthenospheric origin is inferred for the OIB lavas, with melting in the garnet stability field (75-95 km; 2.5-3.0 GPa), whereas E-MORB parent magmas were generated with shallower melting processes within the garnet/spinel (transitional) stability field (55-70 km; 1.8-2.2 GPa). Lithospheric attenuation and extension, followed by subsequent asthenospheric upwelling of the mantle was enhanced due to lithospheric thinning as rifting progressed. The rather high calculated partial melting degrees and the observed relatively thick lava formations account for fast-spreading rift settings, consistent with the opening of the Tethys during the Triassic. Temperature results indicate that the Hellenic Triassic rift-related magmas were generated from mantle at ambient temperature, precluding a mantle plume-based scenario or of thermal anomalies.

How to cite: Koutsovitis, P., Magganas, A., Ntaflos, T., Koukouzas, N., and Rassios, A. E.: Constraints on the formation and nature of the Hellenic Triassic rift-related lavas, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-4249,, 2020.

Orogenic peridotites associated with high-grade felsic rocks record mass exchange between crust and mantle reservoirs at convergent plate margins. In this geodynamic framework, fluids released by submerging slabs can mobilize redox-sensitive elements such as carbon (C) and sulfur (S) and percolate the mantle wedge, eventually forming hydrate minerals associated with carbonate and sulfide phases at appropriate T, P and f O2 conditions. The introduction of sulfur into the sub-continental lithospheric mantle (SCLM) wedge and its mobilization at grain-scale can be investigated by means of in situ δ34S analyses of mantle wedge sulfides, which may have inherited the composition of the fluid sources. To date, the impact of the S transfer through the SCLM wedge is poorly known and limited in situ S isotope values of sulfides from mantle wedge peridotite are available in literature. Our study focuses on the Ulten Zone (UZ) orogenic-garnet peridotites, which provide an ideal case to investigate the S mobilization through the SCLM wedge and the effects of crustal fluids on the sulfide δ34S signature, especially during the exhumation stage. We therefore integrate a well-constrained paragenesis with mineral chemistry and in situ S isotope signature of sulfides. The UZ peridotites were involved in a collisional setting during the Variscan orogenesis, recording HP-eclogite-facies conditions and exhumation after their incorporation in a mélange with the associated garnet-kyanite gneisses. A suite of coarse to fine-grained peridotites was investigated in order to cover all the metasomatic stages preserved in these rocks, considering the grade of serpentinization and the occurrence of carbonates. Microstructural observations and major element compositions indicate that pentlandite (± chalcopyrite ± chalcocite ± sphalerite) is the ubiquitous primary sulfide, which is commonly replaced by secondary heazlewoodite and millerite in medium to highly serpentinized peridotite. Pentlandite occurs in different textural positions related to several metasomatic stages: (i) polycrystalline aggregates (pentlandite + Cl-apatite + phlogopite + ilmenite + calcite-brucite intergrowths) included in spinel (in garnet); (ii) interstitial in matrix; (iii) in carbonate and serpentine veins. Overall, the S isotope signature of pentlandite exhibits a relatively narrow range between -1.62 and +3.76 ‰. The relatively low S isotope values require a mantle-like source for the metasomatizing fluids enriched in sulfur, with possible contamination with fluids of other different sources. These new results show that sulfur was introduced into the lithospheric mantle and mobilized by influxes of late metasomatic fluids, in part related to the serpentinization, and provide additional constraints on the S isotope composition of the SCLM wedge.

How to cite: Consuma, G., Braga, R., Fiorentini, M. L., Martin, L., Tropper, P., and Aulbach, S.: New constraints on the Sulfur isotope signature of the sub-continental lithospheric mantle wedge: in situ δ34S analyses of pentlandite from the exhumed orogenic garnet-bearing peridotite of the Ulten Zone, Eastern Italian Alps, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-1077,, 2020.

EGU2020-16145 | Displays | GMPV4.4

Geochemistry of noble gases and radiogenic isotopes of ultramafic mantle xenoliths from La Grille volcano (Grand Comore Island, Indian Ocean)

Claudio Ventura-Bordenca, Antonio Caracausi, Andrea Di Muro, Guillaume Boudoire, Massimo Coltorti, Barbara Faccini, Marco Liuzzo, Andrea Luca Rizzo, Raphaël Pik, and Alessandro Aiuppa

Grand Comore is the youngest island of the Comoros volcanic chain and it is composed of two alkali shield volcanoes, Karthala and La Grille. Karthala is one of the most active volcanoes of the Indian Ocean (together with Piton de la Fournaise at La Reunion Island) with last volcanic activity recorded in January 2007, while there are no available historic eruptions from La Grille. However, contrary to those of Karthala, La Grille lavas often enclose xenolithic nodules of ultramafic rocks resulting from phreatomagmatic maar-like eruptions. Here we report the first ever analyses of light noble gases (He, Ne and Ar) in fluid inclusions coupled with radiogenic isotopes (Sr, Nd and Pb) of olivine, clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene (hereafter Ol, Cpx and Opx) mineral separates from ultramafic peridotite xenoliths collected at La Grille volcano during 2017-2018 field campaigns with the aim of constraining the mantle source beneath Grand Comore Island. Xenoliths are lherzolites, harzburgites, dunites and wehrlites with a protogranular to porphyroclastic texture, overprinted by Type A, B and C metasomatic reactions (Coltorti et al. 1999). Previous investigations of Grand Comore lithotypes were focused on bulk samples and mineral separates from lavas (i.e., Class et al. 1998; Class et al. 2005), while major and trace element data from clinopyroxenes and glasses from La Grille mantle xenoliths were reported in the literature by Coltorti et al. (1999). The 3He/4He isotopic signature in fluid inclusions (up to 7.3Ra) in Ol, Cpx and Opx is in good agreement with that from Class et al. (2005) and falls in a range that overlaps the SCLM (Sub Continental Lithospheric Mantle) and the MORB mantle signature. These values are systematically higher than those measured on gases from crater fumaroles (Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia and Institute de Physique du Globe de Paris dataset) and fluid inclusions in olivine phenocrysts from Karthala lavas (Class et al. 2005), indicating that Karthala volcano is still degassing volatiles with a He isotopic signature similar to those in volcanic products of the last eruption. The 20Ne/22Ne, 21Ne/22Ne and 40Ar/36Ar isotope ratios in fluid inclusions are indistinguishable from those of volatiles in typical MORB-type reservoirs. Sr-Nd-Pb systematics in Opx and Cpx from La Grille xenoliths displays higher variability than La Grille bulk lavas (Class and Goldstein 1997; Class et al. 1998). Sr-Nd isotopic ratios of these mantle minerals fall along a mixing line between Depleted MORB and Enriched Mantle reservoirs, but for two samples whose higher Sr isotope signatures point towards an EM2 source. They show isotopic similarities with carbonatite rocks from the East African Rift System and central-northern Madagascar Cenozoic alkaline rocks. These results contribute to highlight the geochemical features of Gran Comore volcanic system (La Grille-Karthala) and its relationships with the underlying mantle, providing useful tools for future geochemical monitoring of an active, dangerous and very poorly explored natural system.



Coltorti et al. (1999) – J. Petr., vol. 40

Class & Goldstein (1997) – EPSL 150

Class et al. (1998) - J. Petr., vol. 39

Class et al. (2005) – EPSL 233

How to cite: Ventura-Bordenca, C., Caracausi, A., Di Muro, A., Boudoire, G., Coltorti, M., Faccini, B., Liuzzo, M., Rizzo, A. L., Pik, R., and Aiuppa, A.: Geochemistry of noble gases and radiogenic isotopes of ultramafic mantle xenoliths from La Grille volcano (Grand Comore Island, Indian Ocean), EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-16145,, 2020.

EGU2020-7207 | Displays | GMPV4.4

Phosphorus-rich olivines in a composite xenolith from Morocco: implications for growth processes

Ioannis Baziotis, Stamatis Xydous, Paul Asimow, Constantinos Mavrogonatos, Stamatis Flemetakis, Angeliki Papoutsa, Stephan Klemme, and Jasper Berndt

Phosphorus(P)-rich zones in olivine may reflect incorporation of P in excess of equilibrium partitioning during rapid growth (e.g. Milman-Barris et al. 2008). We investigated (by optical microscopy and electron microprobe) a composite mantle xenolith from the Middle Atlas Mountains (Morocco) containing two lithologies, wehrlite and harzburgite, in direct contact. The host alkali basalt (El Messbahi et al. 2015) is present on the margins of the hand sample but not included in our thin section. Both lithologies display porphyroclastic texture and contain interstitial devitrified glass. Large primary matrix olivine in both wehrlite and harzburgite has P2O5 concentrations ≤0.09 wt.% and nearly constant composition, Fo90, except for Fe-rich reaction rims in contact with the interstitial devitrified glass. The P-rich interstitial spaces between these primary matrix olivines consist of devitrified glass, secondary olivine, clinopyroxene, spinel, and apatite. The secondary olivine ranges between Fo86-93 and is obviously enriched in P2O5, with concentrations from 0.36-1.98 wt.%. Whereas matrix clinopyroxene in the wehrlite forms isolated subhedral to euhedral crystals, the interstitial regions contain elongated and dendritic clinopyroxene up to 10 μm long as well as replacive clinopyroxene rims on matrix minerals. Spinel occurs as tiny discrete grains associated with the devitrified glass. Apatite is found only as very small crystals embedded in devitrified glass.

High-resolution X-ray mapping of P in olivine reveals both alternating P-rich bands parallel to crystal elongation and patchy zoning. P5+ correlates negatively with Si4+ (R = –0.90) and positively with Na+ (R = +0.73). Correlation with total divalent cations (Mg2++Mn2++Fe2++Ca2++Ni2+) is weakly negative (R = –0.44). Although correlation of P5+ and Al3+ is weak (R = -0.42), the combination P5++Al3+ displays a better anticorrelation with Si4+ (R = –0.92). Overall, the observed correlations suggest the predominant substitution mechanism is 2 IVSi4+ <=> IVP5+ + IVR3+, with some additional accommodation by IVSi4+ +VIM2+ <=> IVP5+ + VINa+.

Because no glass was observed, the apparent olivine/melt partition coefficient could not be directly measured. However, using the maximum P2O5 contents (1.05, 1.18 and 2.31 wt%) measured in glass in melt veins from other xenoliths from the a nearby Moroccan volcanic flow (Baziotis et al. 2019) and the P-rich olivines from the present study, we infer a DPol/melt range 0.85-1.88. The most probable value is greater than unity, despite P being incompatible in olivine during equilibrium growth. Such an apparent partitioning suggests that olivine crystallization was rapid enough, ~1-10 K/hour, to develop a P-rich diffusive boundary layer from which the growing olivine incorporated P in excess of equilibrium partitioning with the bulk melt pocket (Grant & Kohn, 2013).

We consider several scenarios for the formation of the interstitial pockets, including partial melting of the xenolith, intrusion of a metasomatic melt in an event earlier than eruption, and reaction with the host lava during ascent.


El Messbahi et al. 2015. Tectonophysics 650, 34-52.

Grant, T. B. & Kohn, S. C. 2013. American Mineralogist 98, 1860-1869.

Milman-Barris et al. 2008. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 155, 739-765.

Baziotis et al. 2019. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 266, 307-331.

How to cite: Baziotis, I., Xydous, S., Asimow, P., Mavrogonatos, C., Flemetakis, S., Papoutsa, A., Klemme, S., and Berndt, J.: Phosphorus-rich olivines in a composite xenolith from Morocco: implications for growth processes , EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-7207,, 2020.

Peridotite xenoliths from kimberlites provide important information about the composition, structure and thermal regime of the lithospheric mantle of ancient cratons. In this paper, we present the results of mineralogical studies of peridotite xenoliths from kimberlites of the Upper Muna field. The Middle Paleozoic (D3-C1) high diamondiferous kimberlite pipe Komsomolskaya-Magnitnaya was chosen as the object of research.

We studied a collection of 180 peridotite xenoliths of the Komsomolskaya-Magnitnaya pipe, of which 104 belong to dunite-harzburgite paragenesis, 74 to lherzolite and 4 websterites.

The chemical composition of basic minerals from xenoliths was determined using JEOL JXA-8100 electron microprobe. Chemical analysis of xenolith garnet compositions was also performed using the Agilent 7700cs LAM-ICPMS method.

Based on a study of the collection of deep xenoliths, we found that the lithospheric mantle under the Upper Muna kimberlite field is composed mainly of garnet-bearing and chromite-bearing dunites and harzburgites, as well as coarse grained garnet lherzolites.

The olivine Mg# varies from 88.4 to 94.12%, while the magnitude of the majority (60%) of the studied olivines does not exceed 92% and 30% of olivines have Mg#> 93%. We identified 2 groups according Mg # olivine from xenoliths. Group 1 with “typical” mantle values Mg # 88.39-90.70mol%, it is characteristic for fertile peridotites. And group 2 with highly depleted compositions Mg # 91.20-94.12mol%. A high proportion (~ 30%) of peridotites with high magnesian olivines (Mg #> 93 mol%) indicates the presence of a block of highly depleted rocks in the lithospheric mantle beneath the Upper Muna kimberilte field.

According to the distribution of calcium and chromium in garnets, 10 out of 35 studied garnets from xenoliths belong to diamondiferous harzburgite-dunite paragenesis. According to the distribution of rare-earth elements, we distinguish two groups of garnets. Group 1 includes garnets with typical rare earth element distribution spectra typical for fertile garnets, and group 2 garnets with S-shaped spectra that are characteristic of garnet mineral inclusions in diamonds. We noted a high proportion of garnets with S-shaped REE distribution spectra (~ 66%), as well as garnets belonging to the harzburgite-dunite paragenesis, it indicate a moderate role of metasomatic changes associated with silicate melts, as well as interaction with carbonatite melts enriched in LREE.

Using clinopyroxene monomineral thermobarometry, we found that the “diamond” window in the lithosphere mantle beneath the Upper Muna field, at the time of kimberlite magmatism (~ 360 Ma) was significant (about 95 km) and was located at a depth of 125 to 220 km.

The study was supported by the Russian Science Foundation (grant No. 18-17-00249).

How to cite: Iakovlev, I., Malkovets, V., and Gibsher, A.: Mantle xenoliths from the Komsomolskaya-magnitnaya kimberlite pipe (Upper Muna kimberlite field, Siberian Craton) Evidences of the composition of the SCLM, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-12666,, 2020.

EGU2020-18688 | Displays | GMPV4.4

Redox events in cratonic mantle underneath Obnazhennaya kimberlite, Yakutia – chemical records in pyroxenites

Taisia A. Alifirova, Sonja Aulbach, Nester M. Korolev, Aleksandr V. Golovin, and Oleg B. Oleinikov

Metasomatism is omnipresent in subcontinental lithospheric mantle (SCLM). Whatever a distribution scale in the SCLM, it has a strong link to changes in oxygen fugacity (ƒO2) [1]. It is also known that ƒO2 of Earth’s interior controls speciation within the C–H–O–S–N system and stability of C-bearing phases (diamond, graphite, carbonates, carbides, volatile-bearing fluid and melt; [2]). Our new geochemical, Mössbauer and Raman spectroscopic results suggest no less than one episode of mantle metasomatism related to the formation and preservation of elemental carbon minerals within Siberian SCLM, while later events are connected to interaction of rocks with hydrous and carbon dioxide components.

We studied a graphite-bearing mantle xenolith from the diamond-free Obnazhennaya kimberlite pipe, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Russia, that represents a garnet websterite consisting of garnet (Grt), clinopyroxene (Cpx), orthopyroxene (Opx), graphite, rutile, ilmenite, pyrrhotite, pentlandite, secondary serpentine, phlogopite and carbonates (calcite). Cpx hosts Opx and Grt lamellae. Grt cores contain scarce but oriented mineral inclusions (silicates and Ti-oxides) that we interpret to be exsolved from a Si- and Ti-rich precursor. Linearly distributed melt and fluid inclusions in silicates are thought to postdate the exsolutions. Both major and trace elements of rock-forming silicates match that of peridotites and pyroxenites with exsolutions in Grt and pyroxenes from Obnazhennaya and worldwide. Pressure and temperature estimates (T 910 °C, P 3.5 GPa) also fall into the range in which alike rocks have been equilibrated in the SCLM.

Microstructural and chemical data allowed to propose crystallization of the garnet websterite from high-T Mg-rich magmas similar to komatiite [3], which forms in deep Grt-bearing depleted mantle sources with low oxygen fugacity [4]. Subsequent metasomatism of the reduced websterite by oxidising C-O-H fluids caused graphite precipitation through redox freezing [5], and such reactions constitute an important part of Earth’s hidden carbon cycle. Infiltration of hydrous and CO2-rich fluids likely postdated this episode.

The work was supported by the Russian Science Foundation (grant No 16-77-10062).

[1] Frost D.J. & McCammon C.A. (2008) Annu Rev Earth Planet Sci 36: 389-420. [2] Stagno V. et al. (2013) Nature 493:84-88. [3] Spengler D. & Alifirova, T.A. (2019) Lithos 326: 384-396. [4] Berry A.J. et al. (2008) Nature 455: 960-963[5] Rohrbach A. & Schmidt M.W. (2011) Nature 472: 209-212.

How to cite: Alifirova, T. A., Aulbach, S., Korolev, N. M., Golovin, A. V., and Oleinikov, O. B.: Redox events in cratonic mantle underneath Obnazhennaya kimberlite, Yakutia – chemical records in pyroxenites, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-18688,, 2020.

EGU2020-4235 | Displays | GMPV4.4

Mantle xenoliths from Befang (Oku Massif) in the Cameroon Volcanic Line

Sylvin S. T. Tedonkenfack, Jacek Puziewicz, Theodoros Ntaflos, Sonja Aulbach, Anna Kukula, Magdalena Matusiak-Małek, Małgorzata Ziobro, and Hubert Mazurek

Cameroon Volcanic Line (CVL) is a ca. 1600 km long Cenozoic volcanic chain which crosses the boundary between ocean and continent in West Africa. Its origin, as well as  the nature and age of the underlying continental lithospheric mantle (CLM), is still a matter of debate. Some of the CVL lavas contain peridotite xenoliths that can provide data elucidating the role of the CLM in the sustained magma generation along the line. In this abstract we describe xenolith suite from the Befang pyroclastic cone (< 1Ma) in the Oku Massif in the continental part of CVL, consisting of 14 spinel lherzolites, one spinel harzburgite and one websterite. The xenoliths are between 3 and 21 cm in diameter and have porphyroclastic to serial or equigranular texture, with porphyroclasts of olivine or orthopyroxene up to 9 mm in diameter. Some are weakly foliated. Olivine is Fo 88.6-90.4, contains 0.36 to 0.42 wt.% NiO and 180-750 ppm of Ca. Orthopyroxene (Mg# 0.89-0.91) contains 0.14 – 0.19 atoms of Al pfu, and clinopyroxene (Mg# 0.90-0.92) contains 0.24 – 0.31 atoms of Al pfu. The Cr# of lherzolite spinel is 0.09-0.15, in the harzburgitic one it is 0.18-0.19. Pyroxenes in all studied peridotites record a temperature range of 910 – 1010°C (Brey and Köhler 1990). Clinopyroxenes’ REE patterns are flat at HREE-MREE and make a spectrum from slightly LREE-depleted to slightly LREE-enriched (LaN/LuN from 0.08 to 2.65). The trace-element patterns are flat except well-defined negative Nb-Ta and positive Th-U anomalies. Orthopyroxenes’ REE patterns are variably depleted from HREE to LREE (LaN/LuN from 0.001 to 0.037). The REE pattern of clinopyroxene occurring in websterite exhibits enrichment from HREE towards LREE with hump in Sm/Nd, typical of silicate melt crystallization. The REE pattern of clinopyroxene The Befang lherzolites represent CLM metasomatised by melts produced by various, but generally low degrees of melting of DMM-like (Depleted MORB Mantle) source. Conversely, the harzburgite was formed by low degrees (few percent) of melting of DMM.

Acknowledgements. The study was funded by Polish National Centre for Science project UMO-2017/27/B/ST10/00365 to JP. EPMA analyses were done thanks to the Polish-Austrian project WTZ PL 08/2018.


Brey, G.P. & Köhler, T. (1990). Geothermobarometry in four-phase lherzolites II. New thermobarometers and practical assessment of existing thermobarometers. Journal of Petrology 31, 1353-1378.

How to cite: Tedonkenfack, S. S. T., Puziewicz, J., Ntaflos, T., Aulbach, S., Kukula, A., Matusiak-Małek, M., Ziobro, M., and Mazurek, H.: Mantle xenoliths from Befang (Oku Massif) in the Cameroon Volcanic Line, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-4235,, 2020.

EGU2020-18544 | Displays | GMPV4.4

Fe-Cu-S rich melts in the subcontinental lithospheric mantle: insight from the Lower Silesian (SW Poland) xenoliths

Hubert Mazurek, Jakub Ciążela, Magdalena Matusiak-Małek, Jacek Puziewicz, and Theodoros Ntaflos

Migration of strategic metals through the lithospheric mantle can be tracked by sulfides in mantle xenoliths. Cenozoic mafic volcanic rocks from the SW Poland (Lower Silesia, Bohemian Massif) host a variety of subcontinental lithospheric mantle (SCLM) xenoliths. To understand metal migration in the SCLM we studied metal budget of peridotites from the Wilcza Góra basanite and their metasomatic history.

The Wilcza Góra xenoliths are especially appropriate to study metasomatic processes as they consist of 1) peridotites with OlFo=89.1-91.5 representing depleted mantle (group A); 2) peridotites with OlFo=84.2-89.2 representing melt-metasomatized mantle (group B), as well as 3) hornblende-clinopyroxenites and websterites with OlFo=77.2-82.5 representing former melt  channels (group C; Matusiak-Małek et al., 2017). The inherent sulfides are either interstitial or enclosed in the silicates. High-temperature exsolutions of pyrrhotite (Po), pentlandite (Pn) and chalcopyrite (Ccp) indicate magmatic origin of the sulfides.

The three peridotitic groups differ by sulfide mode and composition. The sulfide modes are enhanced in group C (0.022-0.963 vol.‰) and group B (<0.028 vol. ‰) with respect to group A (<0.002 vol.‰). The sulfides of group C are Ni-poor and Fe-Cu-rich as reflected in their mineral composition (Po55-74Ccp1-2Pn24-44 in group A, Po67-85Ccp1-6Pn14-33, in group B and Po80-97Ccp1-7Pn2-20 in group C) and major element chemical composition. Ni/(Ni+Fe) of pentlandite is the lowest in group C (~0.25) and the highest in group A (0.54-0.61). Cu/(Cu+Fe) of chalcopyrite is 0.32-0.49 in group C contrasting to~0.50 in groups A and B. 

The sulfide-rich xenoliths of group C indicate an important role of pyroxenitic veins in transporting Fe-Cu-S-rich melts from the upper mantle to the crust. However, the moderately enhanced sulfide modes in melt-mantle reaction zones represented by xenoliths of group B demonstrate that the upper continental mantle is refertilized with these melts during their ascent. Hence, significant portion of S and metals remains in the mantle never reaching the crust, as has been previously observed in the oceanic lithosphere (Ciazela et al., 2018).


Acknowledgments: This study was supported by the NCN project no. UMO-2014/15/B/ST10/00095. The EPMA analyses were funded from the Polish-Austrian project WTZ PL 08/2018.



Ciazela, J., Koepke, J., Dick, H. J. B., Botcharnikov, R., Muszynski, A., Lazarov, M., Schuth, S., Pieterek, B. & Kuhn, T. (2018). Sulfide enrichment at an oceanic crust-mantle transition zone: Kane Megamullion (23 N, MAR). Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 230, 155-189

Matusiak-Małek, M., Puziewicz, J., Ntaflos, T., Grégoire, M., Kukuła, A. & Wojtulek P.   M. (2017). Origin and evolution of rare amphibole-bearing mantle peridotites from Wilcza Góra (SW Poland), Central Europe. Lithos 286–287, 302–323.

How to cite: Mazurek, H., Ciążela, J., Matusiak-Małek, M., Puziewicz, J., and Ntaflos, T.: Fe-Cu-S rich melts in the subcontinental lithospheric mantle: insight from the Lower Silesian (SW Poland) xenoliths, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-18544,, 2020.

EGU2020-7902 | Displays | GMPV4.4

Lithospheric mantle beneath the Mid-German Crystalline High Variscan unit: Breitenborn (Vogelsberg, Central Germany) case study

Małgorzata Ziobro, Jacek Puziewicz, Sonja Aulbach, Theodoros Ntaflos, and Magdalena Matusiak-Małek

The Cenozoic volcanic field of Vogelsberg (part of CEVP in Central Germany) is located at the northern extension of the Upper Rhine Graben. Three Variscan basement units underlie Vogelsberg from NW to SE: the Rheno-Hercynian Zone, the Northern Phyllite Zone and the Mid-German Crystalline High. Xenoliths from the Breitenborn basanite sample lithospheric mantle (LM) beneath the Mid-German Crystalline High.

The Breitenborn suite comprises xenoliths of 3-7.5 cm in diameter: clinopyroxene-poor spinel lherzolites, spinel harzburgites and clinopyroxenites. Peridotites exhibit different degrees of deformation: porphyroclastic textures, foliation development and grain size reduction. Mineral components are chemically homogenous at the grain and xenolith scale. Forsterite content (Fo) in olivine ranges between 89.8 and 91.5% with exception of Fo ~89.0% in one xenolith. Orthopyroxene (opx) is characterized by Mg# of 0.900-0.923 and 0.06-0.18 atoms of Al pfu, whereas clinopyroxene (cpx) by Mg# of 0.894-0.931 and 0.11-0.23 atoms of Al pfu. Spinel Cr# ranges from 0.18 to 0.45. Clinopyroxenites exhibit protogranular textures with no deformation. They are significantly less magnesian (cpx Mg# 0.834-0.863) and more aluminous (0.25-0.31 atoms of Al pfu) than peridotites.

Peridotite cpx REE patterns show different degree of enrichment in LREE, except two xenoliths being strongly depleted in LREE. Opx from those two xenoliths exhibits patterns steeply depleted from HREE to LREE. The remaining opx shows mild depletion in LREE relative to HREE or slight LREE enrichment.

Temperatures calculated using REE content (TREE) [1] range between 1030 and 1130°C for most of the xenoliths and show that pyroxenes are in REE equilibrium. Exceptions are LREE-depleted xenoliths which have 940-975°C and exhibit no LREE equilibrium. Temperatures calculated on the basis of pyroxene major element contents (TBKN) [2] are ~40-140°C lower than TREE.

During Cenozoic rifting which formed the Upper Rhine Graben, a diversity of melts interacted with the LM beneath Vogelsberg. LREE-enriched cpx and opx patterns suggest metasomatic alteration of LM by alkaline melts, which is typical of other studied sites in the area. A calculated hypothetical melt in equilibrium with clinopyroxenite cpx patterns resembles those of basanites and alkaline basalts occurring in Vogelsberg, which were possibly involved in the alkaline metasomatism of the LM. Varying discrepancy between TREE and TBKN indicate that the xenoliths experienced cooling after melt metasomatism of the LM, which was not followed by recrystallisation. Different degrees of LREE enrichment and gradual changes in major element compositions of peridotite minerals indicate the chromatographic character of the alkaline metasomatism. Strongly LREE-depleted cpx and opx patterns probably are effects of metasomatism by melts derived from depleted MORB mantle, which are typical products of advanced melting in continental rifting environments.


The study was funded by Polish National Science Centre to MZ (project UMO-2018/29/N/ST10/00259). EPMA analyses were done within the frame of the Polish-Austrian project WTZ PL 08/2018. MZ acknowledges the DAAD fellowship at the Goethe University in Frankfurt.



[1] Liang Y. et al. (2013). GeochimCosmochimAc 102, 246–260.

[2] Brey G. & Köhler T. (1990). JPetrol 31, 1353–1378.

How to cite: Ziobro, M., Puziewicz, J., Aulbach, S., Ntaflos, T., and Matusiak-Małek, M.: Lithospheric mantle beneath the Mid-German Crystalline High Variscan unit: Breitenborn (Vogelsberg, Central Germany) case study, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-7902,, 2020.

EGU2020-13813 | Displays | GMPV4.4

Mineralogy and petrology of ultramafic section of Kukesi Massif, Mirdita Ophiolite (Albania) – preliminary results

Jakub Mikrut, Magdalena Matusiak-Małek, Jacek Puziewicz, and Kujtim Onuzi

Mirdita Ophiolite in northern Albania is a part of 30-40 km wide ophiolitic Pindos Zone in Dinaride-Hellenide part of the Alpine orogenic system (e.g. Dilek & Furnes 2009, Lithos). Mantle and crustal sections in the eastern part of this zone have Supra-Subduction Zone geochemical affinities. The goal of our study is to examine chemical diversity of rocks within Kukesi Massif and to decipher its evolution.

The Kukesi Massif is composed mostly of coarse- to medium-grained spinel harzburgites and dunite with chromite layers (e.g. Morishita et al. 2011, Lithos), locally  cross-cut by orthopyroxenite veins. Uppermost part of the sequence consist of cumulate pyroxenites and peridotites (composed of olivine, orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene and spinel). Most of the rocks are pervasively serpentinised, but degree of serpentinisation varies within the massive. Samples of peridotites and pyroxenites from over a dozen localities within the massif were collected.

Olivine occurring in the lower sections of the ophiolite has composition of Fo89.5-91.2 (NiO 0.28-0.52 wt.%) in peridotites and Fo90.6-92 (NiO 0.38-0.52 wt.%) in orthopyroxenite veins. Olivine forming cumulates has Fo82.4-83.3 and NiO content=0.12-0.23 wt. %. Orthopyroxene (enstatite) in mantle peridotites is Al-poor (0.05-0.08 Al a.p.f.u.) and has Mg# 90.5-91.5. Orthopyroxene from peridotite cut by orthopyroxenite veins is even poorer in Al (0.03-0.04 a.pfu) and has lower Mg# 91.1-91.7 and is chemically indistinguishable from pyroxenitic orthopyroxene. Orthopyroxene forming cumulates has Mg#=82.3-84.0 and the highest Al content among all the lithologies (0.12-0.14 a.p.f.u.). Peridotitic clinopyroxene (diopside) has Al=0.02-0.08 a.p.f.u. which corresponds well to this in orthopyroxene, but Mg# is higher – 92.5-95.4. Clinopyroxene in cumulate rocks has Al content=0.13-0.16 a.p.f.u. and Mg#=87-88. Spinel in mantle peridotites has Cr#=0.47-0.80 and is negatively correlated with Mg# (0.38 to 0.56). The cumulative spinel has lower Cr# (0.18-0.27), but the  Mg# is similar to that forming peridotite (0.38-0.45). 

The orthopyroxene equilibration temperatures calculated with Witt-Eickschen & Seck (1991, CMP) algorithm, yield wide range of temperatures (800-950˚C in mantle peridotites and 950-1020˚C in cumulate peridotites suggesting its magmatic origin). Low Al content in orthopyroxene suggest that peridotites suffered from high degree of melt extraction.

Chemical composition of minerals forming rocks of Kukesi Massif is typical  for mantle sections of SSZ ophiolites (e.g. Troodos ophiolite, Batanova & Sobolev 2000, Geology). Our preliminary mineral chemical data for Kukesi ultramafics have a wider range than those previously obtained by Morishita et al. (2011, Lithos). The chemical composition of ultramafic rocks within this massif varies, which may result from variable geochemical history, but further studies are required to fully characterize the composition of Kukesi ultramafics and to reconstruct its geochemical and tectonic evolution.

This study was financed from scientific funds for years 2018-2022 as a scientific project within program “Diamond Grant” (DI 024748).

How to cite: Mikrut, J., Matusiak-Małek, M., Puziewicz, J., and Onuzi, K.: Mineralogy and petrology of ultramafic section of Kukesi Massif, Mirdita Ophiolite (Albania) – preliminary results, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-13813,, 2020.

EGU2020-14255 | Displays | GMPV4.4

Caledonian magmatism record within Hebridean Terrane? Loch Roag dyke (Lewis Island, northern Scotland) non-peridotitic xenoliths and megacrysts as messengers from deep lithosphere.

Daniel Buczko, Magdalena Matusiak-Małek, Brian J. G. Upton, Theodoros Ntaflos, Sonja Aulbach, Michel Grégoire, and Jacek Puziewicz

The northernmost part of Scotland – the Hebridean Terrane – is formed of Archean rocks originally being part of the Laurentian North Atlantic Craton. The geological history of the terrane is well recognised, however details of its internal structure remain unknown. The Eocene (Faithfull et al. 2012, JGS) Loch Roag monchiquite (Lewis Island) sampled deep-seated lithologies, providing insight on evolution and geological structure of the deeper lithosphere of the Hebridean terrane. The monchiquite comprises abundant xenoliths of ultramafic, mafic and felsic rocks. The peridotitic xenoliths represent pieces of Archean mantle underlying marginal parts of the North Atlantic Craton, whereas the origin of non-peridotitic lithologies is uncertain.

The studied suite of samples comprises two groups: 1) “xenoliths” of diorites (plagioclase, clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene, apatite, opaques) and biotite clinopyroxenites (+apatite), 2) “megacrysts” of clinopyroxene and K-feldspar, both with inclusions of clinopyroxene, biotite and apatite. Megacrysts of alkali-rich feldspar associated with corundum and HFSE-bearing minerals, and composite xenoliths formed of pyroxenite and K-feldspar-rich lithology have also been described from this locality (Menzies et al., 1986, Geol. Soc. Australia Spec. Pub.; Upton et al., 2009, Mineral. Mag.).

We interpret the “xenoliths” as products of crystallization of fractionated mafic melt(s). The primary character of Sr isotopic ratios in plagioclase (87Sr/86Sr <0.702) suggests that parental melt of those lithologies originated from melting of depleted lithospheric mantle sources. The “megacrysts” represent fragments of disintegrated alkaline pegmatite(s) formed from melt of plausible mantle origin, possibly enriched (87Sr/86Sr in feldspar >0.704).

Trace element composition, similar Sr isotopic ratios of minerals and textural features of “xenoliths” and “megacrysts” groups suggest their close genetic relationship. This geochemical resemblance may reflect crystallisation from primarily similar melt(s) and source regions affected by similar metasomatism. Petrographic features observed in rocks described by Upton et al., (2009) imply that the parental magma of megacrysts might have intruded the rocks forming the xenoliths group. Moreover, the Rb-Sr ages of xenoliths (Der-Chuen et al., 1993, GCA) indicate crystallisation during (or shortly after) Caledonian orogeny. Preliminary age relationship between groups will be determined by on-going Rb-Sr dating of megacrysts.

Xenoliths similar to diorites from Loch Roag were reported by Badenszki et al. (2019, JoP) from the Midland Valley terrane (“metadiorites” of protolith ages ca. 415 Ma). They were interpreted as products of alkaline syn-/post-collisional Caledonian magmatism. Our study shows that non-peridotitic xenoliths from Loch Roag dyke might represent a record of similar (or the same) magmatism in the northernmost, “Laurentian” part of Scotland. This study presents the first report of such Caledonian magmatism record within the Hebridean Terrane.

Founded by Polish National Science Centre grant no. UMO-2016/23/B/ST10/01905, part of the data was obtained thanks to the Polish-Austrian project no. WTZ PL 08/2018.

How to cite: Buczko, D., Matusiak-Małek, M., Upton, B. J. G., Ntaflos, T., Aulbach, S., Grégoire, M., and Puziewicz, J.: Caledonian magmatism record within Hebridean Terrane? Loch Roag dyke (Lewis Island, northern Scotland) non-peridotitic xenoliths and megacrysts as messengers from deep lithosphere. , EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-14255,, 2020.

EGU2020-20848 | Displays | GMPV4.4

Age constraints for rare felsic mantle xenoliths from Elie Ness, Scottish Midland Valley

Eszter Badenszki, J. Stephen Daly, Martin J. Whitehouse, and Brian G. J. Upton

EN-101, a rare albitite [Pl +Fe-Ti oxide +Ap +Zrn] xenolith from Elie Ness, Scottish Midland Valley, is hosted by a c. 290 Ma old alkali basaltic diatreme [1, 2].  EN-101 is considered to belong to the Scottish “anorthoclasite suite” comprising xenoliths and megacrysts of various compositions which are interpreted as samples from the upper mantle – lower crust where they form (syenitic) vein or dyke-like bodies e.g., [3, 4, 5]. The “anorthoclasite suite” has been found in all Scottish terranes suggesting that the presumed dyke system must be extensive.

Xenoliths of the “anorthoclasite suite” primarily consist of Na-rich and Ca-poor feldspar megacrysts, with generally high Na/K ratios [3] that are typically accompanied by accessory zircon, apatite, biotite, magnetite and Fe-rich pyroxene whereas garnet and corundum with Nb-rich oxides are only occasionally present [3, 4, 5]. Upton et al. [4, 5] argued that the parental melt of the “anorthoclasite suite” formed though small–fraction melting of metasomatized mantle and subsequent melt–solid phase reaction was also involved.  Upton et al. [5] proposed that crystallization of the anorthoclasite suite samples occurred shortly prior to- or contemporaneously with their entrainment. However so far no in-situ dating has been carried out on these samples.

Early attempts to date the anorthoclasite suite using zircon and feldspar megacrysts from Elie Ness suggested at least a two-stage formation mechanism, where zircon megacrysts yielded a U-Pb age of c. 318 Ma, while euhedral feldspar xenocrysts are significantly younger and roughly coeval with the host volcanism yielding a K-Ar whole-rock age of c. 294 Ma [6].  In this study we present the first in situ U-Pb dating of zircon, which yielded a concordia age of 328 ± 2 Ma (MSWD=0.19; n=12) for EN-101. Zircons εHf328 values range from +5.2 to +7.5 consistent with a mildly depleted source refreshed by metasomatism. These results may indicate that the proposed extensive syenitic veining within the Scottish upper mantle not only has a complex source [5], but is possibly the result of repeated episodes of magma intrusion.


  1. Gernon, T.M. et al. 2013 Bulletin of Volcanology. 75:1-20.
  2. Gernon, T.M. et al. 2016 Lithos. 264:70-85.
  3. Aspen, P. et al. 1990 European Journal of Mineralogy 2:503-17.
  4. Upton, B.G.J. et al. 1990 Journal of Petrology.40:935-56.
  5. Upton, B.G.J. et al. 2009 Mineral Mag. 73:943-56.
  6. Macintyre, R.M. et al. 1981 Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Earth Sciences. 72:1-7.

How to cite: Badenszki, E., Daly, J. S., Whitehouse, M. J., and Upton, B. G. J.: Age constraints for rare felsic mantle xenoliths from Elie Ness, Scottish Midland Valley, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-20848,, 2020.

Field relationships, mineralogy, petrology, geochemistry, geochronology, and Nd-Hf-O isotopes of the mafic-ultramafic rocks from the east part of the Qilian block are studied in the present work. The Aganzhen intrusive body only exposed in the Zhigoumen, Shiguanzi, Xianggoumen outcrops and includes Hornblende peridotite, wehrlite, olivine-bearing pyroxenite, hornblende-bearing pyroxenite, websterite, clinopyroxenite, hornblendite, olivine-bearing gabbro. The gabbroic rocks are also layered or massive cumulates with rock types varying continuously from noritic gabbro through hornblende gabbro to dioritic norite. Contact metamorphic zones are well developed between the Aganzhen intrusive body and the country rock. Major element contents of Aganzhen ultramafic-mafic rocks show subalkalic series and are characterized by low SiO2 contents (38.09-54.96 %), low TiO2 contents (0.09-0.72 %), low P2O5 contents (0.00-0.36 %) and alkali contents (Na2O+K2O 0.01-5.35 %), but high MgO contents (9.68-33.06 %), Ni contents (116-1505 ppm), Cr contents (713-2808 ppm). Similar LREE-rich pattern ((Ce/Yb)N =0.95-3.80 except two Samples) and tiny Eu anomaly (Eu/Eu* =0.6-1.2) indicate the Aganzhen ultramafic-mafic rocks have the same magma source. Trace elements are enriched in LILE (Rb, Th, U, K), relatively depleted in HFSE (Nb and Ta), and the La/Yb, Ce/Yb, Th/Yb, Nb/La, La/Sm values suggest the limited crustal contamination during the rise of the magma. The εNd (430 Ma) values are −6.9–+2.5 and TDM values are 3.6–1.4 Ga. The SHRIMP ages are 433±2 Ma for the Zhigoumen websterite(101-2101A), 434±3 Ma for Shiguanzi hornblendite(101-2104A) and 412±3 Ma for the Xianggoumen serpentinite(101-2107A). In situ zircon O-Hf isotope, the δ18O compositions of vary from +9.03 to +9.50 (except three points +11.33, +12.38, +12.44) and εHf(t) value is +0.29 to +4.13 for the Zhigoumen pyroxenite(101-2101A), the δ18O compositions of vary from +6.39 to +7.12 and εHf(t) value is +7.76 to +13.26 for Shiguanzi gabbro(101-2104A), and the δ18O compositions of vary from +4.68 to +5.31 and εHf(t) value of +0.28 to +2.79 for the Xianggoumen serpentinite(101-2107A). According to the above datum, we suggest that middle Paleozoic magmatisms last ~20 m.y. (434-412 Ma) on the northern margin of the Qilian Block was related to the Early Paleozoic continental collision between the Qilian and Alax blocks, and to subsequent subduction and thermal underplating.

How to cite: Tung, K.-A., Yang, H.-Y., Yang, H.-J., Zhang, J., Liu, D., and Li, X.: Geochronology and geochemistry of late Silurian-early Devonian mafic-ultramafic complexes in the eastern section of Qilian block, NW China: Implications for late early Paleozoic tectonic evolution of the Qilian orogeny belt, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-10602,, 2020.

EGU2020-18336 | Displays | GMPV4.4

Temperatures of Neoproterozoic Regional Carbonate Alteration in the Eastern Desert of Egypt

Arman Boskabadi, Tobias Kluge, Iain Pitcairn, Rabea Ali, Mokhles Azer, Ayman Maurice, Robert Stern, Bottros Bakhit, Mohamed Shahien, and Basem Zoheir

Neoproterozoic ophiolites in the Eastern Desert (ED) of Egypt are pervasively carbonated and listvenitized. Two types of carbonation are recognized: 1) intergrown magnesite (and to lesser extent dolomite) with serpentine and talc that in cases form pure carbonate veins, and 2) cryptocrystalline magnesite veins filling the fractures crosscutting other ophiolitic host rocks. Few studies address the conditions of carbonate alteration of ultramafic rocks, especially the temperature of altering fluids. We employ clumped isotope thermometry on natural dolomite and magnesite from 17 variably carbonated ophiolitic rocks and veins in the ED. Five samples of antigorite-bearing serpentinite, talc-carbonate, and associated carbonate veins yield wide range temperatures of magnesite and dolomite between 213 to 426°C (285±73°C). These temperatures are comparable with previous fluid inclusion thermometry carried out on some of the vein samples (homogenization temperature between 225 to 383°C; Boskabadi et al. 2017). Ten samples of fully quartz-carbonate altered peridotites (i.e. listvenites) record even a wider range of clumped isotope carbonation temperatures between 90 and 452°C (227±112°C). In contrast, two samples of late-stage veins of cryptocrystalline magnesite record lower temperatures of 19 and 28°C. While the constraints on the pressure of carbonation are lacking, the wide range of temperatures for the carbonates in antigorite-bearing serpentinite, talc-carbonate, and listvenite lithologies suggest that carbonation probably occurred at variable depths, whereas the low temperature of cryptocrystalline magnesite veins points to conditions nearer the surface most likely associated with post-obduction processes. Therefore, different sources of carbon and CO2-bearing fluids should have been responsible for the formation of high- and low-temperature carbonates in the region.


  Boskabadi et al. 2017. International Geology Review 59, 391–419.

How to cite: Boskabadi, A., Kluge, T., Pitcairn, I., Ali, R., Azer, M., Maurice, A., Stern, R., Bakhit, B., Shahien, M., and Zoheir, B.: Temperatures of Neoproterozoic Regional Carbonate Alteration in the Eastern Desert of Egypt, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-18336,, 2020.

Basaltic activities  developed  extensively in central and western Anatolia since middle –Miocene to quaternary time, the most primitive lavas are  situated at  the eastern end of  central Anatolia, (southern Sivas) and the most recent ones  are situtated in central (basaltic cinder cones at south of Hasandağ) and also in western Anatolia (Kula region),  Among those  primitive recent  lavas, mantle sources that are responsible for the generation of basaltic rocks is  still a matter of a debate.          

Previous studies suggested  that  spinel peridotite source   is the dominant source  component  for many of the basaltic rocks which are situated in several different locations in central Anatolia, including, Erciyes and Hasandağ stratovolcanoes,  Erkilet, Develidağ, Karapınar vents and Salanda fissure eruptions while Sivas fissure basalts in the east,  Gediz and Kula  basalts in the west, were  derived  mostly  from  the  garnet peridotite sources, but , the  specific  incompatible element ratios  and the melting model based on Rare Earth Elements obviously  indicate that  these basaltic rocks could not be solely generated  from  the garnet- spinel transition zone,   instead another mantle source component need to be involved  in the generation of the basaltic rocks.

Tb/Yb(N) and Zn/Fe  ratios provide significant values   in order to constraint for the magmas  generated from the asthenosphere.  Tb/Yb(N) ratio seperates  garnet – spinel transition [1]  and Zn/Fe  ratio  displays separation between the peridotite-derived (Zn/Fe <12, [2,3]) and pyroxenite-derived (13-20 [2,3]) melts.  Zn/Fe, as well as  the  Tb/Yb(N) ratios and the melting model display  that single spinel  source   component  is not solely   responsible for  the generation of  the basaltic rocks,   pyroxenite  source domain  should    also  be involved in   during  the genesis of these rocks as well, besides, the  contributions from  the both of the  mantle source domains also explain the  depleted  magma nature that is observed  in some of recent basaltic rocks ( e.g, Salanda  and  Hasandağ  volcanic  systems) which is diffrent  from the dominated alkaline character,  generally observed  as  the   final products  of central Anatolian  magmatism   

1.Wang et al., 2002, J.Geophys.Res.vol:107,ECV 5 1-21

2 .Le Roux, et al.,2011,EPSL, vol:307, 395-408

3. Ducea, et al.,2013, GEOLOGY, Vol:41, 413-417

This study   is financially supported by Hacettepe University, BAB project no: FHD-2018-17283

How to cite: Kurkcuoglu, B. and Yurur, T.: New insights for the mantle source components of the most primitive recent basaltic rocks from central and western Anatolia: Evidences for the involvement of pyroxenite and the peridotite source domains , EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-8074,, 2020.

EGU2020-3317 | Displays | GMPV4.4

K-cymrite as Redox Insensitive Transporter of Nitrogen in the Mantle

Alexander Sokol, Igor Kupriyanov, Yurii Seryotkin, and Ella Sokol

The current flux of nitrogen into the mantle in subduction zones is about three times its amount outgassing at mid-ocean ridges, arc and intraplate volcanoes, i.e., some efficient nitrogen hosts and carriers should exist in slabs. The K+ → (NH4+) substitution in silicate minerals is possible only within limited redox-favorable parts of slabs. Whether nitrogen can be transported and immobilized in the mantle as part of solids by some redox-independent mechanisms? The experimental study of the muscovite-NH3-N2-H2O and eclogite+muscovite-NH3-N2-H2O systems at 6.3-7.8 GPa and 1000 to 1200°C shows that NH3- and N2-rich K-cymrite can be stable in metapelite and act as a redox insensitive carrier of nitrogen to mantle depths >200 km in downgoing slabs. This ability is related to its unique clathrate structure that can accommodate three species of nitrogen: N2 and NH3 molecules in cages and (NH4)+ substituting for K+, while imprisoned N2 and NH3 were first discovered in cages of ultra-high pressure minerals. The storage capacity K-cymrite with respect to nitrogen increases from 2.9 to 6.3 wt.% with increase of fO2 from ~IW to ~NNO, at the N2/(NH3+N2) ratio in fluid from 0.1 to 0.9. Comparison of equilibrated muscovite and K-cymrite synthesized at 7.8 GPa, 1070°C, and fO2 ~IW demonstrates that the clathrate mechanism of nitrogen entrapment by aluminosilicates (in the form of N2 and NH3 molecules) is much more efficient than the K+ ® (NH4+) substitution even in strongly reduced conditions. The presence of an N-bearing fluid in the studied systems stabilizes the K-cymrite structure. Muscovite does not convert to K-cymrite in the absence of NH3-N2-bearing fluid within 7.8 GPa and 1070-1120°C. Our estimates of normalized volume per non-hydrogen atom show that N2-bearing cymrite is the densest in the series of K-cymrite with cages filled to different degrees: K-CymNH3 > K-CymH2O > K-CymN2 and is thus the most stable among cymrite-type compounds under high pressure.

The research was performed by a grant of the Russian Science Foundation (16-17-10041).

How to cite: Sokol, A., Kupriyanov, I., Seryotkin, Y., and Sokol, E.: K-cymrite as Redox Insensitive Transporter of Nitrogen in the Mantle, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-3317,, 2020.

GMPV5.1 – Exploring the diversity of mineralogy

EGU2020-10257 | Displays | GMPV5.1 | Highlight

Super-deep diamond from Central African Republic

Sofia Lorenzon, Fabrizio Nestola, Steven Jacobsen, Thomassot Emilie, Prosperi Loredana, Lorenzetti Alessandra, Pamato Martha, Alvaro Matteo, Brenker Frank, and Nimis Paolo

Key-words: Super-deep diamond, Central African Republic, hydrous ringwoodite, Insitu C- and N- isotope composition, subduction, N aggregation state.

Diamonds and their inclusions are key geological materials that provide a unique opportunity to directly investigate the deepest regions of our planet.

Based on their formation depth, diamonds are classified in lithospheric, which formed between about 120 and 220 km depth and represent about 99% of worldwide diamond population, and sub-lithospheric or super-deep diamonds, extremely rare samples which crystallized from about 300 to more than 800 km depth (Stachel et al., 2008).

Here, we have investigated a 1.3 carats diamond, Type IaAB (determined by FTIR), from an alluvial deposit located in Central African Republic, close to the Ubangy River. As far as we know, this is the first study dedicated to inclusions in diamonds from this country.

The investigated diamond contains the second world finding of hydrous ringwoodite after the one found within a Brazilian diamond by Pearson et al. (2014). This finding indicates that our diamond is certainly a super-deep diamond coming from the lower part of the transition zone (between 525 and 660 km depth). Carbon isotope composition of the host diamond (δ13Cmean = -2.2 ± 0.3 ‰, n=16, analytical error = 0.3‰ (2σ)) is significantly enriched in heavy isotope when compare to the canonical mantle value (δ13C = -5‰). It is nitrogen poor (N < 44 ± 23 at.p.p.m., mean = 15 at p.p.m.) and partially aggregated (%B= 88.5 %). For N content greater that our analytical precision (23 p.p.m.) we performed N-isotope measurement and the values, although associated to large analytical uncertainties, are all positive, (d15N = 3.48 ± 3.5 ‰) and significantly enriched in heavy isotope compare with the mantle values (-5‰). These geochemical signatures are similar with those previously found in super-deep diamonds (Stachel et al., 2002). These data are consistent with a diamond forming fluid originating from a N-poor subducted source, such as carbonates, (e.g. Walter et al., 2011), in agreement with studies reporting transition-zone and lower-mantle diamonds (Nestola et al., 2018).




Nestola F., Korolev N., Kopylova M., Rotiroti N., Pearson D.G., Pamato M.G., Alvaro M., Peruzzo L., Gurney J.J., Moore A.M. & Davidson J. 2018. CaSiO3 perovskite in diamond indicates the recycling of oceanic crust into the lower mantle. Nature, 555, 237-241.

Pearson D.G., Brenker F.E., Nestola F., McNeill J., Nasdala L., Hutchison M.T., Matveev S., Mather K., Silversmith G., Schmitz S., Vekemans B. & Vincze L. 2014. Hydrous mantle transition zone indicated by ringwoodite included within diamond. Nature, 507, 221-224.

Stachel T., Harris J.W., Aulbach S. & Deines P. 2002. Kankan diamonds (Guinea) III: δ13C and nitrogen characteristics of deep diamonds. Contrib. Mineral. Petrol., 142, 465-475.

Stachel T. & Harris J.W. 2008. The origin of cratonic diamonds -Constraints from mineral inclusions. Ore Geol. Rev., 34, 5-32.

Walter M.J., Kohn S.C., Araujo D., Bulanova J.P., Smith C.B., Gaillou E., Wang J., Steele A. & Shirey S.B. 2011. Deep Mantle Cycling of Oceanic Crust: Evidence from Diamonds and Their Mineral Inclusions. Science, 334, 54-57.



How to cite: Lorenzon, S., Nestola, F., Jacobsen, S., Emilie, T., Loredana, P., Alessandra, L., Martha, P., Matteo, A., Frank, B., and Paolo, N.: Super-deep diamond from Central African Republic , EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-10257,, 2020.

EGU2020-2020 | Displays | GMPV5.1

The HT diffusion of hydrogen in riebeckite

Federico Galdenzi

Federico Galdenzi1,2, Giancarlo Della Ventura1,2, Umberto Susta1, Francesco Radica1, Augusto Marcelli2,3


1 Dip. Scienze, Università di Roma Tre, L. S. Leonardo Murialdo 1, 00146, Rome

2 INFN-LNF, Via E. Fermi 40, Frascati 00044 (Rome)

3 Rome International Centre for Material Science Superstripes - RICMASS, Via dei Sabelli 119A, 00185 Rome, Italy


In this work we address the diffusion of hydrogen at high temperature in a sample of riebeckite close to the end-member composition Na2Fe3+2 Fe2+3Si8O22(OH)2. We carried out isothermal experiments on both powders and single-crystals and monitored the behavior of the O-H stretching signal by FTIR spectroscopy. Two different sets of experiments were performed: in the first one we collected data on five doubly polished chips with the same thickness (85 µm) at different temperatures, in the range 520 to 560 °C. For the second set, we collected OH-stretching data at a constant T = 550 °C on six samples with thickness ranging between30 and 150 µm. In any case the target temperature was reached as fast as possible (90°C/min rate) and held constant while collecting FTIR spectra every 2 minutes, until the complete disappearance of the OH-signal. Preliminary spectra collected on amphibole powder embedded in KBr disks showed no OH loss even after prolonged heating, therefore the isothermal experiments were performed on pellets consisting of compressed pure powder. The integrated OH intensities as a function of time were fitted using the Avrami equation; for single-crystals, the data showed an initial intensity increase that was fitted testing two different procedures. The resulting parameters were plotted in the Arrhenius space to derive the activation energy (Ea) for the H+ diffusion in riebeckite. The final values are: 19.6±1.5 kJ/mol (from powder data), 26±3 kJ/mol or and 34±2 (from single-crystal data, depending on the fitting method). The activation energy for powders is lower than that obtained for single-crystals, and this result supports the model in which the oxidation of amphiboles occurs at the sample surface. Moreover, the Ea obtained here are considerably lower than the values reported in the literature (e.g. Ingrin and Blanchard, 2006) for pure diffusive processes of H2 and H2O through several different crystal matrixes. It is also consistently lower that all values reported so far for amphiboles (e.g. Johnson and Fegley, 2003). This can be related to the peculiar deprotonation mechanism in riebeckite where the OH - O2+ substitution at the anionic O3 site is coupled to M(1)Fe2+ - M(1)Fe3+ oxidation (e.g. Della Ventura et al., 2018, Galdenzi et al., 2018) and the transformation of the phase into an oxi-amphibole.



References cited


Della Ventura, G., Milahova, B., Susta, U., Cestelli Guidi, M., Marcelli, A., Schlüter, J., Oberti, R. (2018) Am. Min., 103, 1103-1111.

Galdenzi, F., Della Ventura, G., Cibin, G., Macis, S., Marcelli, A. (2018) Rad. Phys. Chem., 1, 1-4.

Ingrin and Blanchard (2006) Rev. Min. Geochem., 62, 291-320.

Johnson, N.M., Fegley B. (2006) Icarus, 164, 317-333.

How to cite: Galdenzi, F.: The HT diffusion of hydrogen in riebeckite, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-2020,, 2020.

EGU2020-2085 | Displays | GMPV5.1

The role of phlogopite in the deep Earth’s water and fluorine cycles

Jiaqi Sun, Yan Yang, and Qunke Xia

    Knowledge of the volatiles cycles is vital to understand the evolution of the planet Earth and the life it supports. Although it is gradually accepted that water and other volatiles are recycled into the mantle through subduction, it is still not unclear how these volatiles are transported down into the deep Earth. Phlogopite is an accessory mineral frequently observed in samples from the upper mantle, thereby acting as an important carrier of fluorine and water down to >200 km depth. Previous experimental studies and textural relationships of natural samples have indicated that fluorine-rich phlogopite can be stable under ultra-high-temperature conditions. To further investigate effects of fluorine on the stability of phlogopite, here, we present an atomic level research of effects of fluorine on the structural stability using in situ high temperature infrared spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, and X-ray powder diffraction. Both X-ray powder diffraction and Raman spectroscopy suggests that fluorine-poor phlogopite decomposes earlier than the fluorine-rich phlogopite. Moreover, the O-H bonds and lattice modes are stiffer for the fluorine-rich phlogopite than the fluorine-poor phlogopite, which is well responsible for the mechanism of fluorine stabilizing phlogopite. Based on our studies, we propose that fluorine-rich phlogopite can effectively transport water and fluorine to the deep Earth.

How to cite: Sun, J., Yang, Y., and Xia, Q.: The role of phlogopite in the deep Earth’s water and fluorine cycles, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-2085,, 2020.

EGU2020-10422 | Displays | GMPV5.1

Partitioning of halogens (F, Cl, Br, I) between hydrated silicates: analysis and first principles modelling

Sarah Figowy, Benoît Dubacq, Philippe D'Arco, Benoît Villemant, Benoît Caron, and Yves Noël

Halogens are volatile elements of great interest for the study of fluid-rock interactions between minerals of metamorphic and mantle rocks. Constraining the partitioning of these elements between minerals is also key to understanding their deep geochemical cycle. Hydrous silicates such as micas, amphiboles, chlorites, epidotes or serpentines often contain minor to trace amounts of halogens incorporated by the OH- = X- (X- = F-, Cl-, Br- or I-) mechanism. Their abundance in metamorphic and mantle rocks grants them a major role in storing and transporting halogens through the subduction zone. However, low halogen concentrations hamper in situ analyses, and quantifying the partitioning of low-concentrated halogens remains then very challenging.

The present study focusses on incorporation of halogens (F-, Cl-, Br-, I-) into hydroxyl sites in phyllosilicates and amphiboles, on both analytical and theoretical grounds.

In situ measurements in minerals using electron probe microanalysis and LA-ICP-MS/MS have been carried out, allowing investigation of minor to ultra-trace halogen concentrations. Average detection limits with the electron probe are of 200 ppm for F and 35-40 ppm for Cl, Br and I. LA-ICP-MS/MS allowed simultaneous measurement of Cl, Br and I, reaching detection limits of about 50-100 ppm of Cl, 1-10 ppm of Br and well below 1 ppm for I. Calibrations have been carried out using international and house standards. Halogen ratios and partition coefficients between minerals have been measured.

Ab-initio modelling of the OH- = X- exchange in phyllosilicate end-members of interest (e.g. phlogopite, muscovite, clinochlore) is underway (CRYSTAL17, Dovesi et al., 2014). Halogen-bearing defects are modelled as diluted as much as possible in crystals (≤ 1 wt. %) to mimic trace concentrations. Crystal strain and energetic cost of the substitution as well as theoretical partition coefficients have been computed and compared between optimised structures. Comparison of F and Cl partitioning between Mg-biotite and muscovite shows that the effect of dioctahedral vacancies over the position of hydroxyl groups strongly influences halogen partitioning, where F and Cl distribute in favour of biotite. Forthcoming modelling will quantify the strain and energetic impact of halogen incorporation in chlorite and amphibole end-members.  


Dovesi, R.; Orlando, R.; Erba, A.; Zicovich-Wilson, C. M.; Civalleri, B., … Kirtman, B. (2014). International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, 114(19), 1287–1317.

How to cite: Figowy, S., Dubacq, B., D'Arco, P., Villemant, B., Caron, B., and Noël, Y.: Partitioning of halogens (F, Cl, Br, I) between hydrated silicates: analysis and first principles modelling, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-10422,, 2020.

EGU2020-12120 | Displays | GMPV5.1

Composition of the Earth’s inner core from high pressure sound velocity measurements of Fe-Ni-Si alloys

Serena Dominijanni, Catherine McCammon, Ohtani Eiji, Ikuta Daijo, Sakamaki Tatsuya, and Takayuki Ishii

Earth’s inner core likely consists of Fe-Ni alloy(s) plus a minor fraction of light element(s) to match the density and sound wave velocities of seismological models such as the preliminary reference Earth model (PREM). Among possible alloying light elements (e.g., Si, O, H, S, C), silicon is a popular candidate based on its cosmochemical abundance and potential involvement in chemical reactions at the core-mantle boundary. Previous work has shown that the solubility of Si in hcp-(Fe,Ni) alloy increases the stability field of the bcc-phase at high pressure. Comparison of sound velocity and density data of Fe-Ni-Si alloys with geophysical observations and theoretical predictions provide important constraints on the structure and dynamics of Earth’s inner core. However, knowledge of the high-pressure and high-temperature behaviour and properties of Fe-Ni alloys that contain light elements is limited. We therefore investigated bcc-Fe0.78Ni0.07Si0.15 alloy to compare its sound velocity and density with ab initio calculations and PREM in order to clarify the role of Si as a light element in Earth’s inner core.

Compressional velocities and densities of bcc-Fe0.78Ni0.07Si0.15 alloy have been measured using inelastic X-ray scattering (IXS) and powder X-ray diffraction at the SPring-8 synchrotron facility (BL35XU beamline). High pressure was generated using a BX90-type diamond anvil cell. The metal alloy sample was loaded together with Ne (pressure medium) in a Re sample chamber and was mechanically compressed to 75 GPa through steps of 10 GPa at room temperature. IXS data were acquired at each pressure point in the range of momentum transfer of 4.24 to 7.63 nm-1. To determine density, we collected X-ray diffraction patterns of the sample before acquisition of each IXS spectrum using a flat panel detector installed in the optical system. All IXS spectra were fitted using Lorentzian functions. The dispersion relationship between energy (E) and momentum transfer (Q) was obtained by fitting all data with the following equation:

E (meV) = 4.192 x 10-4 vp (m/s) x Qmax (nm-1) x sin (π/2 x Q (nm-1)/ Qmax (nm-1),

where vp is the sound velocity of the sample.

Preliminary results for bcc-Fe0.78Ni0.07Si0.15 show that the energy of the longitudinal acoustic phonon increases with increasing pressure. Additionally, we found that vp follows Birch’s Law, i.e., there is a linear relationship between density and sound velocity. Based on the comparison of our results and those for hcp-Fe and Fe-Si alloys reported previously with PREM, we propose that bcc-Fe0.78Ni0.07Si0.15 alloy is a viable candidate as a component of Earth’s inner core.


How to cite: Dominijanni, S., McCammon, C., Eiji, O., Daijo, I., Tatsuya, S., and Ishii, T.: Composition of the Earth’s inner core from high pressure sound velocity measurements of Fe-Ni-Si alloys, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-12120,, 2020.

Plagioclase feldspars are the most abundant mineral in the Earth’s crust. Intermediate plagioclase feldspars commonly display incommensurately modulated structure or aperiodic structure. Both fast-cooled and slow-cooled plagioclase feldspars display the incommensurately modulated structures. The ordering pattern in the incommensurately modulated structures of e-plagioclase (characterized by the satellite diffraction peak called e-reflections) are the most complicated and intriguing. The modulated structure has a superspace group symmetry of X-1(αβγ)0 with a special centering condition of (½ ½ ½ 0), (0 0 ½ ½), (½ ½ 0 ½), and the q-vector has components (i.e., δh, δk, δl) along all three axes in reciprocal space. Displacive modulation, occupational modulation, and density modulation are observed in slowly cooled labradorite feldspars. Z-contrast images show both Ca-Na ordering and density modulation. Local structure of lamellae domains has I1 symmetry. The neighboring lamellae domains are in inversion twinning relationship.  The results from Z-contrast imaging and low-temperature single XRD provide consistent structure with density modulation.  The amplitudes of the modulation waves are new parameters for quantifying the ordering state of plagioclase feldspars. Iridescent labradorite feldspars display exsolution lamellae with average periodicity ranging from ~ 150 nm to ~350 nm. Compositional difference between the lamellae is about 10 to 15 mole % in anorthite component. Areas or zones with red iridescent color (i.e., long lamellae periodicity) always contain more Ca (~ 1 to 3 mole %) than the areas with blue (or green) iridescent color within the same labradorite crystal.  We proposed that the solvus for Bøggild intergrowth has a loop-like shape ranging from ~An44 to ~ An63. The Ca-rich side has higher temperature than the Na-rich side. The shapes of satellite peaks, the distances between e-reflections (modulation periods), and even the intensity of c-reflections may also be used evaluate the ordering state or cooling rate of the plagioclase feldspar. Both modulated structure and the exsolution lamellae can be used as proxies for quantifying cooling rate of a labradorite and its host rock.

How to cite: Xu, H. and Jin, S.: Incommensurately modulated structures and subsolidus phase relations of intermediate plagioclase feldspars, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-3662,, 2020.

EGU2020-20410 | Displays | GMPV5.1

Spectral X-ray tomography for 3D mineral analysis

Jonathan Sittner, Jose R. A. Godinho, Axel D. Renno, Veerle Cnudde, Marijn Boone, Thomas De Schryver, Antti Roine, and Jussi Liipo

Image based analytical tools in geoscience are indispensable for the characterization of minerals but most of them are 2D techniques, limited to the surface of a polished plane in a sample. X-ray micro computed tomography (micro-CT) is becoming a common analysis technique in geoscience and provides direct 3D information of the internal structure of a sample. A major drawback of micro-CT in the characterization of minerals, however, is the lack of chemical information. There have been different approaches to obtain chemical data using micro-CT but most of them are time consuming and difficult to adapt to regular use.

Therefore we introduce a potential new analytical tool: Laboratory-based Spectral X-ray Micro Computed Tomography (Sp-CT). Results from a spectral imaging detector prototype, installed inside a TESCAN CoreTOM micro-CT scanner, will be shown. This new analytical technique enables to obtain both high resolution structural and chemical information in 3D. With this information, the mineral distribution inside unbroken rocks and particles can be identified and quantified.

Based on the transmitted energy spectrum of a sample, main elements can be distinguished and minerals classified. It is also possible to quantify heavy elements within particles of complex composition and the measured sample volume is significantly larger compared to conventional analytical 2D techniques. Furthermore, Sp-CT is non-destructive and does not require sample preparation.

Sp-CT will open exciting new possibilities for mineral analysis. With this new technique, the 3D properties of the particles can now be measured and used for example in process mineralogy simulations. This is a major improvement to current simulations that predominantly use less representative 2D or bulk particle properties. Moreover, the Sp-CT could potentially be used as an alternative technique for regular characterization of ore deposits and processed ores since more representative volumes can be analyzed in a fast manner relative to existing techniques.

This research is part of the upscaling project “Resource Characterization: from 2D to 3D microscopy” and has received funding from European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), a body of the European Union, under the Horizon 2020, the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation.

How to cite: Sittner, J., Godinho, J. R. A., Renno, A. D., Cnudde, V., Boone, M., De Schryver, T., Roine, A., and Liipo, J.: Spectral X-ray tomography for 3D mineral analysis, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-20410,, 2020.

EGU2020-4959 | Displays | GMPV5.1

Thallium mobility in mining wastes at the Crven Dol locality, Allchar deposit, North Macedonia

Tamara Đorđević, Uwe Kolitsch, Petr Drahota, Magdaléna Knappová, Juraj Majzlan, Stefan Kiefer, Tomáš Mikuš, Goran Tasev, Todor Serafimovski, Ivan Boev, and Blažo Boev

In order to better understand the environmental behaviour of thallium, we have chosen the abandoned As–Sb–Tl–Au Allchar deposit (North Macedonia) with unique mineral composition and high thallium grades of the ore. We used pore water analyses, selective extractions, single-crystal and powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD), SEM-EDS, electron microprobe analysis (EMPA), and Raman spectroscopy to determine the distribution and speciation of thallium in waste dump material at the Tl-rich Crven Dol locality in the northern part of the Allchar deposit.

PXRD studies showed that the various solid waste samples are comprised mostly of carbonates (dolomite and calcite), gypsum, quartz, muscovite, kaolinite-group minerals followed by orpiment, realgar, pyrite, marcasite, lorandite, and various iron and calcium arsenates and iron (hydro)oxides, both amorphous and crystalline. Raman spectra, SEM-EDS and EMPA also showed the presence of Ca-Fe-, Ca-Mn-, and Ca-Mg-arsenates.

The main primary source of Tl in the waste is lorandite (TlAsS2), which occurs as prismatic crystals and anhedral grains up to 1 mm and is frequently intergrown with realgar. Other Tl sources, included in either realgar or orpiment, are minor Tl sulphosalts such as fangite (Tl3AsS4), raguinite (TlFeS2), picotpaulite (TlFe2S3) and jankovićite (Tl5Sb9(As,Sb)4S22). The Tl dissolved during weathering is precipitated as micaceous subparallel crystals of poorly crystalline to amorphous thallium arsenates (representing previously unknown mineral species), forming porous aggregates up to 100 µm. These Tl arsenates are intergrown with dolomite and Ca-Fe-arsenates and appear as two chemically different phases. The first, more common phase shows a variable Tl:As ratio ranging from ca. 2.1 to 4.1 and a variable Ca content (2.2 to 4.1 at.%). In the second, Tl-richer phase, the Tl:As ratio varies from ca. 5.1 to 8.4. Raman spectra of the Tl arsenates display broad bands and may be divided in the fingerprint region into two relevant ranges, 350–600 and 700–900 cm−1, both attributed to arsenate tetrahedral complexes showing As–O(X) symmetric stretching with X = H+ or H2O.

Another relatively common Tl precipitate is dorallcharite [TlFe3+3(SO4)2(OH)6], crystallizing in the form of tiny, well-formed platelets that are grouped into aggregates up to 400 µm in size. Tl is also accumulated in (probably cryptomelane-type) Mn oxides (up to 3.6 at.%), pharmacosiderite (up to 0.9 at.%), and jarosite (up to 0.9 at.%).

The pore water contained high aqueous concentrations of Tl (up to 660 μg·L−1) and As (up to 196 mg·L−1). Although these concentrations are low with respect to their total concentrations in the solid phase (Tl: 0.07-1.44 wt. %; As: 0.72-8.67 wt. %), mild extractions (ammonium nitrate and phosphate) mobilized up to 44% of the total Tl and 23% of the total As, indicating that a large amount of these toxic elements is bound weakly (sorption) to solids and can be easily mobilized into the pore water.

Financial support of the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) [P 30900-N28] is gratefully acknowledged.

How to cite: Đorđević, T., Kolitsch, U., Drahota, P., Knappová, M., Majzlan, J., Kiefer, S., Mikuš, T., Tasev, G., Serafimovski, T., Boev, I., and Boev, B.: Thallium mobility in mining wastes at the Crven Dol locality, Allchar deposit, North Macedonia, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-4959,, 2020.

EGU2020-3672 | Displays | GMPV5.1

Mineralogy and environmental stability of vanadium-rich slags from the historical processing of Zn-Pb-V ores at Berg Aukas (Namibia)

Vojtech Ettler, Martin Mihaljevic, Alice Jarosikova, Adam Culka, Bohdan Kribek, Ales Vanek, Vit Penizek, Ondra Sracek, Ben Mapani, and Fred Kamona

Vanadium (V) is one of the key technologically critical elements. The slags produced by the historical mining and processing of Zn–Pb–V ores in the Waelz kiln at Berg Aukas (northern Namibia) can be potentially used as a secondary resource of V. A combination of mineralogical methods, bulk chemistry, leaching tests and speciation-solubility modeling was used to understand the binding of the major contaminants (Zn, Pb, V) in the solid phase and their potential release under the changing environmental conditions. The average concentrations of the metal(loid) contaminants in the slags are 3.78 wt% Zn, 3370 mg/kg Pb, 5880 mg/kg V, 767 mg/kg Cu, 578 mg/kg As and 92 mg/kg Sb. The mineralogy is dominated by high-temperature silicates (clinopyroxene, melilite, olivine-family phases) and Zn-bearing phases (willemite, zincite). All the primary silicates and oxides are Zn-rich, but vanadium is mainly concentrated in clinopyroxene (up to 5 wt% V2O3). Metallic Fe inclusions, formed under highly reducing conditions in the kiln, are highly weathered. Secondary Fe(III) (hydr)oxides, corresponding to the main weathering products in the slag, efficiently sequester the metal(loid)s (mainly As and Sb). The EU regulatory leaching tests indicated that the release of the metal(loid) contaminants is quite low at the natural pH (deionized water extract: 8.5–10.4) obtained by extraction in the deionized water and only Sb in all the slag samples exceeds the EU limits for the landfilling of inert waste. The pH-static leaching tests revealed up to 5 orders of magnitude higher release of Pb and Zn under acidic conditions (up to 38% and 63% of their total concentration, respectively), compared to the natural pH. In contrast, V exhibits relatively flat pH-dependent leaching patterns with only <1.6% of the total V leached. Using the slag re-processing costs by acidic (bio)leaching and the current metal prices, the recovery of V, being the most important critical metal in the Berg Aukas slags, seems to be non-economical (Ettler et al., 2020, Applied Geochemistry, DOI: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2019.104473). This study was supported by the Czech Science Foundation project (GAČR 19-18513S).

How to cite: Ettler, V., Mihaljevic, M., Jarosikova, A., Culka, A., Kribek, B., Vanek, A., Penizek, V., Sracek, O., Mapani, B., and Kamona, F.: Mineralogy and environmental stability of vanadium-rich slags from the historical processing of Zn-Pb-V ores at Berg Aukas (Namibia), EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-3672,, 2020.

As an accessory mineral in marine evaporites, polyhalite, K2MgCa2(SO4)4·2H2O, coexists with halite (NaCl) in salt formations, which have been considered as potential repositories for permanent storage of high-level nuclear wastes. However, because of the heat generated by radioactive decays in the wastes, polyhalite may dehydrate, and the released water will dissolve its neighboring salt, potentially affecting the repository integrity. Thus, studying the thermal behavior of polyhalite is important. In this work, a polyhalite sample containing a small amount of halite was collected from the Salado formation at the WIPP site in Carlsbad, New Mexico. To characterize its thermal behavior, in situ high-temperature synchrotron X-ray diffraction was conducted from room temperature to 1066 K with the sample powders sealed in a silica-glass capillary. At ~506 K, polyhalite started to decompose into water vapor, anhydrite (CaSO4) and two langbeinite-type phases, K2CaxMg2-x(SO4)3, with different Ca/Mg ratios. XRD peaks of the minor halite disappeared, presumably due to its dissolution by water vapor. With further increasing temperature, the two langbeinite solid solution phases displayed complex variations in crystallinity, composition and their molar ratio and then were combined into the single-phase triple salt, K2CaMg(SO4)3, at ~919 K. Rietveld analyses of the XRD data allowed determination of structural parameters of polyhalite and its decomposed anhydrite and langbeinite phases as a function of temperature. From the results, the thermal expansion coefficients of these phases have been derived, and the structural mechanisms of their thermal behavior been discussed. In addition, to determine stability relations, standard enthalpies of formation of polyhalite from constituent oxides and elements were measured using high-temperature oxide-melt drop-solution calorimetry.

How to cite: Hongwu, X. and Xiaofeng, G.: Thermal behavior of polyhalite: A combined high-temperature synchrotron XRD and calorimetric study, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-11548,, 2020.

EGU2020-21918 | Displays | GMPV5.1

Minerals as basis for functional materials

Georg Amthauer and Soraya Heuss-Aßbichler

Mineralogy deals with the structure and related physical and chemical properties of materials in the geo- and biosphere. The knowledge about these minerals and their specific properties is increasingly used in various technical, medical and environmental fields [1]. One of the most impressive examples is garnet, a mineral which usually occurs in magmatic and metamorphic rocks. On the one hand, its chemistry is closely related to the chemistry of the host rock and, more importantly, its crystal structure reflects the pressure and temperature conditions during its formation. On the other hand, garnet is an important material for technical issues, e.g. the well-known Yttrium Aluminum Garnet (YAG)-Laser, and it finds now new applications, e.g. in the field of energy storage. Even though the chemical composition varies considerably all garnets have in common the same crystal structure. Li-oxide garnet with the composition Li7La3Zr2O12 (LLZO) is an excellent example to demonstrate the application of mineralogical knowledge in material science. Recently, these garnets have been identified as a promising material in the field of energy storage, as they can be used as solid state electrolyte in Li-based all solid state battery concepts. In Li-ion batteries, solid electrolytes are considered to replace polymer based electrolytes, which have disadvantages e.g. they are highly inflammable.

The presentation of garnet stands as an example for numerous other mineral groups which build the basis for their application in material science, such as spinel, perovskite, zeolite, sphalerite, chalcopyrite, kesterite, argyrodite, etc. In our contribution some of these mineral groups and their importance as basis for functional materials will be presented.

[1] S.-Heuss-Aßbichler, G. Amthauer, M. John (Eds.). Highlights in Applied Mineralogy. Dr Gruyter Berlin/Boston 2017, 344 pp.

How to cite: Amthauer, G. and Heuss-Aßbichler, S.: Minerals as basis for functional materials, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-21918,, 2020.

EGU2020-1241 | Displays | GMPV5.1

Solubility at 5 - 75 C and thermodynamic parameters of halogenated mimetites Pb5(AsO4)3X

Bartosz Puzio, Julia Sordyl, and Maciej Manecki

Solubility at 5 - 75 °C and thermodynamic parameters of halogenated mimetites Pb5(AsO4)3X


B. Puzio*, J. Sordyl and M. Manecki

AGH University of Science and Technology, Department of Mineralogy, Petrography and Geochemistry, Kraków, Poland (*correspondence:


Mimetite Pb5(AsO4)3Cl, apatite supergroup member, is a mineral of very low solubility. A very flexible structure of apatite allows for substitution of Cl by F, OH, Br, or even I. Due to lack of solubility constants Ksp, and other thermodynamic parameters (enthalpy of formation ΔHof, specific heat capacity Cop entropy of formation Sof, Gibbs free energy of formation ΔGof), it is unclear which of the investigated phases is the most soluble or most stable. Answers to these questions have multiple environmental and technological consequences.

The objective of this study was to run dissolution experiments of synthetic halogenated analogs of mimetite: Pb5(AsO4)3F, Pb5(AsO4)3OH, Pb5(AsO4)3Cl, Pb5(AsO4)3Br, and Pb5(AsO4)3I, and determine their solubility at 5  - 75 °C which allows to calculate thermodynamic functions of state.

Pure phases have been successfully synthesized by precipitation from aqueous solutions. Batch dissolution and dissolution–recrystallization experiments were conducted for up to 9 months in triplicates at 5, 15, 25, 35, 45, 55, 65 and 75 °C, at pH = 3.5 (to avoid crystallization of secondary phases during dissolution), in a 0.05 M NH4NO3 background electrolyte. A plateau in the [Pb] evolution patterns was used to determine equilibrium. The ion activity products (IAP) of the mimetites were calculated based on the dissolution reaction:


Pb5(AsO4)3X  < = > 5{Pb2+}  +  3{AsO43-}  +  {X-}


where the brackets denote activity and X means F-, OH-, Cl-, Br‑ or I-. The new, experimentally determined values of logKsp at 25 °C for mimetites are: -76.45±0.72; -77.71±0.38; -76.82±0.55; -76.13±0.54 and -72.48±0.45 respectively. The logKsp of Pb5(AsO4)3Cl determined here is in very good agreement with the logKsp determined by Bajda, 2010 (the discrepancy equals to 0.62%). The nonlinear regression of logKsp versus temperature allowed for calculation of ΔHof, Cop, Sof and ΔGof. The calculated ΔGof for mimetites increases linearly with the increase of ionic radius of X-. Thus, the most stable phase is F-mimetite while the least stable, in terms of Gibbs free energy of formation, is I-mimetite. The thermodynamic data reported in this study supplement existing databases used in geochemical modeling.

Financial support for the research was provided to B.P. by the Polish National Science Centre (NCN) grant No. 2017/27/N/ST10/00776.


Bajda T. (2010) Solubility of mimetite Pb5(AsO4)3Cl at 5–55 °C. Environ. Chem. 7, 268–278.

How to cite: Puzio, B., Sordyl, J., and Manecki, M.: Solubility at 5 - 75 C and thermodynamic parameters of halogenated mimetites Pb5(AsO4)3X, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-1241,, 2020.

The most industrial activities, that require organic dye materials for their applications, release a remarkable fraction of effluent water. As a result, serious environmental problems emerge due to the toxicity of many compounds which these industrial processes produce. The development of inexpensive and green methods for degradation of such organic dye laden water constitutes a landmark for the mitigation or even the elimination of the industrial sewage. Among many strategies, photocatalysis is regarded as the most viable one due to its usage of sunlight to decomposing organic pollutants.

The unlimited applications of nanocrystalline semiconductor materials in all sorts of technological fields, whether photochemical, biological, photovoltaic or photocatalysis have pushed to develop a new assortment of materials featuring novel properties for advanced applications. Semiconductor properties of stannite Cu2FeSnS4 make it a potential candidate for application in photocatalytic industry. In nature, it is a common sulfide mineral which is formed as a result of hydrothermal processes. Its crystal structure allows for numerous substitutions including replacement of Fe by Mn.

In this report, the photocatalytic activity of  Cu2FeSnS4 (CFTS) and Cu2MnSnS4 (CMTS) synthetic microspheres for degradation of environment polluting dye such as methylene blue (MB) has been explored under UV light illumination. The unique morphology of the as-synthesized nanomaterial is expected to play a major role in tailoring the optical and electrical properties for the possible photo-voltaic application. The photocatalytic activity shows the potential use of this material as an efficient photocatalyst for wastewater treatment.

Modified stannite was synthesized by hydrothermal method using reactions of metal salts and sulfur in hot ethylene glycol at presence PVP solution in an autoclave at 195oC. The crystallinity, structural features, morphology and chemical composition were investigated using XRD, Raman, FTIR, and SEM - EDS. Synthetic Cu2(Fe,Mn)SnS4 solid solutions are composed of spheres 1 – 1.5 µm in size, with rough surface and concentric internal structure. The structure matches hexagonal stannite. The promising optoelectrical and photocatalytic properties of CFTS and CMTS microspheres make them a potential candidate for photovoltaics as well as for effective wastewater treatment, providing further study has to be carried out to improve specific properties.

Financial support for the research was provided by Polish Ministry of Higher Education grant No. DI2016 004946 under "Diamond Grant" program.

How to cite: Waluś, E. and Manecki, M.: Photocatalytic properties of Cu2(Fe,Mn)SnS4 microspheres synthesized via hydrothermal method, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-16847,, 2020.

EGU2020-17731 | Displays | GMPV5.1

Abstract title; Geology and geochemical characteristics of coal-bearing source rocks in Nariin sukhait deposit, southern Mongolia

Norov Baigalmaa, Takeyuki Ogata, Luvsanchultem Jargal, Bat-Orshih Erdenetsogt, and Jamsran Erdenebayar

The Nariin Sukhait mine is located in the southwest of Umnugobi province 50 kilometers from Mongolia's border with China at Shivee Khuren within the Nariin Sukhait deposit, which has relatively complex geological features. The most prominent feature relating to the Nariin Sukhait coal deposit is the arcuate, east-west trending Nariin Sukhait fault. The coal-bearing section, interpreted to be middle Jurassic in age, is exposed primarily in a window adjacent to this fault.

The chemical composition of whole indicates (variable composition, values of the ratio Th/U > 3.8-4.2, values Th/Sc 0.3-0.8, values LaN/YbN > 5 and values Eu/Eu* 0.6-0.9) indicates components derived from the active continental margin type. The low CIA values (50–60) indicate the absence or poor chemical weathering in the source area.

SEM-CL-imaging of sandstone quartz from Nariin sukhait show three types of quartz:  early Q1 cementation has gray to slightly grey luminescences, postdated compaction, and reduced intergranular porosity associated with illite formed during eogenesis. Q2 is characterized by dark luminescence overgrowths and is more voluminous in the thinly bedded sandstones than in the thickly bedded sandstones filling most of the remaining pore space during mesogenesis. Q3 was formed during the early telogenesis stage fully cementing the sandstones and the fractures were filled by hydrothermal chlorite and sulfides. Significant amounts of trace elements Al, Ti, Ca, K and Fe has been detected in quartz overgrowths. Al varies consistently between each cement with averages of 1324, 1523, and 1352 ppm for the Q1, Q2, and Q3 generations, respectively.

The geochemical, SEM-CL imaging and EPMA data results suggest a relatively igneous source, whit felsic composition. The sedimentary environment of the sandstone and argillite of these sedimentary rocks was the poor chemical weathering in the source area.

How to cite: Baigalmaa, N., Ogata, T., Jargal, L., Erdenetsogt, B.-O., and Erdenebayar, J.: Abstract title; Geology and geochemical characteristics of coal-bearing source rocks in Nariin sukhait deposit, southern Mongolia, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-17731,, 2020.

EGU2020-8879 | Displays | GMPV5.1

Phase stabilities and Fe/Sr/La partitioning between magnesite (MgCO3) and mantle silicates at lower mantle conditions.

Lélia Libon, Georg Spiekermann, Karen Appel, Nicole Biedermann, Christian Albers, Konstantin Glazyrin, and Max Wilke

Carbonates appear to be one group of the main carbon-bearing minerals in the Earth’s interior. Inclusions of carbonates in diamonds of lower mantle origin support the assumption that they are present even in the Earth’s lower mantle. Although the carbonates’ phase diagrams have been intensively studied, their stability in presence of mantle silicates at deep mantle conditions (>25 GPa) remains unclear. Furthermore, the carbonate inclusions show a high REE enrichment. This raises questions on the distribution of trace elements between carbonates and silicates and on the possible role of carbonates as trace element carrier in the Earth’s mantle.

Numerous studies show that magnesite is likely to be the major solid carbonate carried by subduction into the Earth’s lower mantle. We investigated the stability of MgCO3 in presence of mantle silicates and the Fe, Sr and La partitioning in high-pressure and high-temperature experiments. One set of experiments was conducted with multi-anvil presses at BGI, Bayreuth, at conditions ranging from 24 GPa to 30 GPa and 2000 K. The investigated reaction is between natural magnesite and (Mg,Fe)SiO3-glasses doped with either Sr or La. Preliminary data from the multi-anvil press at 24 GPa and 2000K show the onset of carbonate melting which is consistent with the previous study of the melting curve in the enstatite-magnesite system [1]. Decomposition of MgCO3 is not observed, in contrast to experiments using magnesite and SiO2 as starting materials [2], suggesting that MgCO3 is stable at these conditions in the presence of silicates phases. The silicate glass react to bridgmanite (Mg,Fe)SiO3 as well as stishovite SiO2 and magnesiowüstite (Mg,Fe)O. The Fe-Mg partitioning coefficient between bridgmanite and magnesite calculated in this study is ~2 and in agreement with previous experiments at similar conditions [3].
Laser-heated diamond anvil cell (LH-DAC) experiments were performed at University of Potsdam [4] at conditions 30 to 40 GPa and 1800 to 2300 K. The run products were characterized in-situ at high-pressure by XRD and XRF mapping at the P02.2 beamline at PETRA III. Our data show a transformation of the starting silicate glass into bridgmanite. We also observed stishovite and magnesiowüstite in the center of the hotspot where the temperature had reached >2000 K. In this case, the presence of magnesiowüstite might be the result of MgCO3 decomposition at higher temperature. Additional TEM analyses on the post-mortem sample will allow us to further characterize the different phases present in the laser-heated hotspot.

[1] Thompson et al. (2014) Chemistry and mineralogy of the earth’s mantle. Experimental determination of melting in the systems enstatite-magnesite and magnesite-calcite from 15 to 80 GPa. American Mineralogist 99(8-9), 1544-1554.
[2] Drewitt et al. (2019) The fate of carbonate in oceanic crust subducted into Earth’s lower mantle. EPSL 511, 213-222
[3] Martinez, et al. (1998). Experimental investigation of silicate-carbonate system at high pressure and high temperature. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 103(B3), 5143-5163.
[4] Spiekermann et al. (2020). A portable on-axis laser heating system for near-90° X-ray spectroscopy: Application to ferropericlase and iron silicide. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation. (accepted)

How to cite: Libon, L., Spiekermann, G., Appel, K., Biedermann, N., Albers, C., Glazyrin, K., and Wilke, M.: Phase stabilities and Fe/Sr/La partitioning between magnesite (MgCO3) and mantle silicates at lower mantle conditions. , EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-8879,, 2020.

EGU2020-5047 | Displays | GMPV5.1

Magnetic properties of synthetic taenite at high pressure

Catherine McCammon, Qingguo Wei, and Stuart Gilder

Taenite, an iron-nickel alloy with 20-40 at% nickel, is a major constituent of iron meteorites that have been used to infer planetary core compositions. Many aspects of its magnetic properties are controversial, particularly near the Invar (“invariable”) composition around 36 at% nickel. Open questions include the conditions under which magnetism is lost, so to address this particular controversy, we undertook a combined magnetic remanence and Mössbauer study of synthetic taenite at high pressure. We synthesised polycrystalline iron-nickel alloy with 38 at% nickel, loaded the sample into a diamond anvil cell and collected Mössbauer spectra during decompression from 20 GPa. Our results show a clear loss of magnetism, but at pressures that differ considerably depending on the fitting model. The pressure obtained using the traditional approach involving a magnetic field distribution conflicts with results obtained from other methods, while a simple model based on magnetic field fluctuations gives results that are consistent with other data. Comparison of data from all methods provides insight that can be applied to planetary magnetism.

How to cite: McCammon, C., Wei, Q., and Gilder, S.: Magnetic properties of synthetic taenite at high pressure, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-5047,, 2020.

EGU2020-9375 | Displays | GMPV5.1

Minerals as key markers of melt/fluid percolation in the lithospheric mantle from the French Massif Central

Christiane Wagner, Etienne Deloule, Marie-Lola Pascal, and Omar Boudouma

Peridotite xenoliths from the French Massif Central (FMC) have undergone a complex mantle metasomatic history by percolation of melts/fluids of variable composition. The two main points are: How do the minerals react with the percolating agent? What information can be extracted from these interactions? We present a detailed investigation of major/trace element and Li isotopic composition in fresh spinel lherzolites from the FMC (Devès area). We discuss 1) the variations in the amphibole composition with focus on the Ti behaviour; and 2) the distribution of Li and Li isotopic composition in co-existing phases.

1) Amphibole occurs as disseminated crystals generally developed at the expense of spinel ± cpx, fills cross-cutting veinlets, and forms bands with variably abundant relict spinels. Some samples are surrounded by an amphibole selvage (3 mm thick) with sharp contact with the peridotite. The amphibole composition varies from the selvage to the peridotite part. In the selvage outer part amphibole is a cumulative Cr-free Al-rich kaersutite, which shows a decrease in Ti and Al, while mg* increases towards the contact. The outer part of the selvage is the remnant of a dyke, while in the selvage inner part amphibole has reacted with the peridotite. Disseminated amphibole farther from the selvage-peridotite contact is a Cr-rich pargasite. The distinct Ti-Al trends observed in amphibole from the selvage (positive) and the peridotite (negative) are linked to distinct Ti-incorporation mechanisms in the octahedral sites of the amphibole structure: a) (Ti4+6Al3+2) (M2+-1 Si4+-2) for amphibole in the selvage and b) (Ti4+ M2+) (6Al3+-2) for disseminated amphibole in the peridotite. Mechanism (a) is likely to result from the crystallization of a percolating silicate melt in the mantle, whereas mechanism (b) results from hydration of the peridotite reacting with a percolating fluid emanating from the silicate melt.

  2) Li is preferentially incorporated into olivine compared to pyroxenes (1.1-1.4 ppm/0.2-0.9 ppm, average values) in the anhydrous xenoliths. Metasomatic processes increase Li abundances in all phases of the amphibole-bearing xenoliths, which deviate from the trend of equilibrium partitioning between phases, showing a preferential enrichment in cpx (2.4-5.4 ppm). In the hydrous xenoliths, the correlation between Li and REE elements in cpx and between Li in cpx and amp suggests that the carrier of the Li was a silicate melt. The  d7Li (‰) average values range (+5 to +15) in the anhydrous samples extend up to +35 in the amphibole-bearing xenoliths with large intra-grain variations (up to 18 ‰). These variations do not provide evidence for different sources but likely result from high temperature diffusion-related Li fractionation during metasomatism. The absence of correlation between the Li concentration and the isotopic composition in the anhydrous phases is linked to the pervasive character of the metasomatism, which allows strong Li exchanges as the melt interacts with the peridotite minerals. The preservation of the Li isotope kinetic fractionation in minerals and the sample isotopic heterogeneities implies that the Li exchange event occurs just before the extraction of the xenoliths from the mantle.

How to cite: Wagner, C., Deloule, E., Pascal, M.-L., and Boudouma, O.: Minerals as key markers of melt/fluid percolation in the lithospheric mantle from the French Massif Central, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-9375,, 2020.

EGU2020-2716 | Displays | GMPV5.1

Opaline and cryptocrystalline silica from the Tolfa volcanic region (Latium, Italy)

Della Ventura Giancarlo, Napoleoni Camilla, Conte Alessandra, Lucci Federico, Galdenzi Federico, and Rondeau Benjamin

Opals and cryptocrystalline silica may be found in a very broad range of geological environments (Chauviré et al., 2017), systematically related to the availability of an aqueous fluid. Due to its conditions of formations, opal may contain abundant H2O, CO2 or both (Sodo et al., 2017), and the presence of these molecules may provide information of their genetic context. In this work we studied a series of samples from the volcanic region of Allumiere-Tolfa, north of Rome (Latium, Italy). This district has a Pliocene-Pleistocene age and is related to the Tuscan acid volcanism. It shows a very intense late-stage hydrothermal alteration that gave rise to two distinct ore basins: one to the south of the Allumiere town, consisting of sulfide (Pb, Fe, Zn, Hg) and Fe-oxide mineralizations, and a second, to the north, mainly consisting of alunite and kaolin. Both ore deposits were intensely exploited during the medieval to recent period. The hydrothermal alteration giving rise to the sulfate and clay deposits is also associated with a pervasive deposition, within the early volcanics, of opaline or microcrystalline silica, consisting of mineral replacements, veins and formation of agate druses. Although the sulphide-sulfate and clay products have been studied, due to their interest as georesources, and relevant petrological, geochemical and isotopic data can be found in the oldest literature (Lombardi and Sheppard, 1977), the silica mineralizations have never been addressed. We studied here a series of samples occurring as vein depositions or as banded crystallizations from different areas in the volcanic district. The samples were examined by using a combination of XRD, SEM-EDS and FTIR + Raman imaging. Opaline silica with different degree of order, from opal AN (hyalite) to opal A to opal CT, was identified. Some samples contain CO2 besides H2O/OH. The banded agates were found to consist of a layering of micro-crystalline and fibrous quartz (chalcedony) with different water contents, interbedded with moganite-rich layers; moganite, in particular was found to be associated to lower H2O contents. The 18O and D/H isotopic data of Lombardi and Sheppard (1977) indicate temperatures around 120-100°C for the hydrothermal process responsible for the hydrothermal deposits, in close agreement with the typical range of T for the formation of opaline silica (Heaney, 1993). The ore forming process can be thus interpreted following the classical model of hydrothermal/metasomatic phenomena at low-depth, accompanied by extensive alteration of the pre-existing rocks, due to mixed magmatic/meteoric fluids, with the formation of kaolinite + alunite + sulfates + silica (Hedenquist et al., 2000).



Chauviré, B., Rondeau, B., Mangold, N. (2017) Eur. J. Miner. 29, 409-421

Heaney, P.J. (1993) Contrib. Mineral. Petrol., 115, 66-74.

Hedenquist, J.W., Arribas, A.R., Gonzalez-Urien, E. (2000) SEG Reviews, 13, 245-277.

Lombardi, G. and Sheppard, S.M.F., (1977) Clay Miner., 12, 147-161.

Sodo, A., Casanova Municchia, A., Barucca, S., Bellatreccia, F., Della Ventura, G., Butini, F., Ricci M.A. (2016) J. Raman Spec. 47, 1444-1451.

How to cite: Giancarlo, D. V., Camilla, N., Alessandra, C., Federico, L., Federico, G., and Benjamin, R.: Opaline and cryptocrystalline silica from the Tolfa volcanic region (Latium, Italy), EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-2716,, 2020.

EGU2020-17842 | Displays | GMPV5.1

Replacement of anhydrite by hydroxyapatite: kinetic and textural characteristics

Ana Roza, Amalia Jiménez, and Lurdes Fernández-Díaz

Interface-coupled dissolution-precipitation (ICDP) reactions lead to the pseudomorphic replacement of minerals in a wide range of geological settings, exerting a significant impact in geochemical cycles (Putnis 2002). ICDP reactions play a major role in the diagenetic evolution of sedimentary rocks, specially of limestones and evaporites. Recent experimental works have studied ICDP reactions that lead to the formation of CaCO3 pseudomorphs after anhydrite (CaSO4), upon interaction of the latter phase with carbonated aqueous solutions. These pseudomorphs are highly porous polycrystalline aggregates that mainly consist of calcite (Roncal-Herrero et al. 2018; Altree-Williams et al. 2017). The formation of a large volume of interconnected microporosity that balances the molar volume loss associated to the anhydrite-calcite transformation as well as the specific arrangement of this microporosity, influenced by the existence of epitactic relationships between anhydrite and calcite, facilitate the progress of the ICDP reaction.

Here, we study the ICDP reaction that leads to the formation of hydroxyapatite (Ca5(PO4)3(OH)) pseudomorphs after the interaction of anhydrite with phosphate-bearing aqueous solutions at temperatures 90 to180ºC during times that range from one hour to five weeks. The X-ray diffraction Rietveld analysis of the transformed samples indicates that the kinetics of the pseudomorphic transformation of anhydrite into hydroxyapatite strongly depends on temperature.  Thus, while at 180ºC a 100% transformation yield is attained in few hours, it takes five weeks of interaction at 90ºC. Scanning Electron Microscopy imagining of transformed samples shows the very good preservation of both, the original external shape and microtopographic features of anhydrite crystals. On cross-cut sections of partially replaced by hydroxyapatite anhydrite crystals we observe that the transformation advances from the surface inwards, with sharp separating the by replaced layer from the unreacted anhydrite core. Furthermore, this replaced layer is structured into a compact ~ 50 µm thick outer rim, which consists of coalescent small (~ 5 µm) hydroxyapatite crystals, and a progressively thickening inner region formed by hydroxyapatite columnar crystals in a stockade-like arrangement. This latter region is highly porous. We interpret these results taking into consideration the differences in solubility and molar volume between anhydrite and hydroxyapatite as well as the similarities/differences between the crystal structures of these phases. By comparing the characteristics of different ICDP reactions that involve anhydrite in sedimentary basins we derive implications about the diagenetic evolution of calcium sulphate evaporites. 


Altree-Williams, Alexander, et al. (2017). ACS Earth and Space Chemistry 1.2, 89-100.

Roncal-Herrero, Teresa, et al. (2017): American Mineralogist 102.6, 1270-1278.

Putnis A: (2002): Mineralogical Magazine 66.5, 689-708.



How to cite: Roza, A., Jiménez, A., and Fernández-Díaz, L.: Replacement of anhydrite by hydroxyapatite: kinetic and textural characteristics, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-17842,, 2020.

EGU2020-20593 | Displays | GMPV5.1

Review on the formation and geochemistry of the mega crystals of Naica, México.

Ana Laura Gutiérrez Gutiérrez, Maria de Jesus Puy y Alquiza, and Pooja Kshirsagar

In the state of Chihuahua, Mexico, a mine located in Naica is one of the most important Pb and Zn deposits in the world.  The region manifests several caves with varities of gypsum crystals (Ca4 H2O) known as selenite (the largest in the world so far, specimens up to eleven meters in length and one meter in thickness). The present abstract discusses the formation mechanism of these gigantic crystals. The review is based on the interpretations made by early workers (which includes one doctorate thesis and two Bulletins).

The interpretations were made on 19 samples of anhydrites that were collected at a depth of -345 meters. At this depth the early workers also found microscopically alternating dark dolomite and light bands of anhydrite. The dolomite-anhydrite association is generally associated with mineral recrystallization events. With the geological review carried out, two sources of sulfates were identified: one is La Virgen Formation and the second in the stratiform anhydrite of the Aurora Formation. Formation of hydrothermal anhydrite during the last stage of mineralization has been attributed to the formation of selenite mega crystals due to its dissolution. Hydrothermal minerals, such as hydrothermal anhydrite and sulphides. The most common sulfides in mineralization are galena, sphalerite, to a greater extent, pyrite and chalcopyrite. In case of weathering of these, they would generate their oxidation and result in the presence of sulfate.

According to the early workers the anhydrite was available in the late hydrothermal stage after mineralization of the mineral. The temperature during the growth of the crystals was maintained slightly below 58 ° C, the value in the solubility of the anhydrite is equal to that of the plaster. Giant selenite crystals grew from low salinity solutions with isotopic compositions compatible with the crystals formed by dissolving the anhydrite found in the mine. The kinetics of gypsum nucleation implies induction times longer than 1 m.y. for the typical temperature (54 ° C) and ~ 1 k.y. for low temperature episodes (up to 47 ° C). This mechanism provides a super saturation level that is not only small and maintained over time but is also virtually free of fluctuations (even small amplitudes).

Recent contributions have speculated that there are other caves with similar selenite or even with larger crystals exist among the tangle of underground galleries in the area of ​​the Naica mine.

How to cite: Gutiérrez Gutiérrez, A. L., Puy y Alquiza, M. D. J., and Kshirsagar, P.: Review on the formation and geochemistry of the mega crystals of Naica, México., EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-20593,, 2020.

EGU2020-20945 | Displays | GMPV5.1

Sequential geochemical extractions and mineralogy of Fe-bearing minerals of mantle rocks in the Samail Ophiolite, Oman

Zena Severin, Jessica L. Till, and Oman Drilling Project Phase 1 Science Party

Within the Samail Ophiolite, Oman, there are intervals of listvenite outcrops between layers of serpentinite zones above the basal thrust zone, atop the metamorphic sole. Near the base of the ophiolite mantle section, some peridotites underwent 100% carbonation from metasomatic introduction of CO2-bearing fluids (~100°C) to form listvenites during the time of emplacement (97 ± 29 Ma, Falk and Kelemen, 2015). The carbonate rocks comprise mostly magnesite and/or dolomite, quartz, spinel, and Fe-(hydr)oxides; with carbonates as the sole Mg-minerals and quartz as the only silicate phase. The aim of this study is to chemically and petrographically investigate the Fe-bearing minerals within the fluid-altered mantle rocks in drill core samples from hole BT1B of the ICDP Oman Drilling Project. We investigated the quantities of Fe-oxide/hydroxide phases through a series of chemical extractions (Poulton and Canfield, 2005) via atomic absorption spectroscopy in addition to optical microscope/ SEM/EDS analysis. Sequential chemical extractions are useful for recognizing iron pools based on the minerology. Extractions preformed at room temperature show varying proportions of carbonate-associated Fe (sodium acetate), reducible oxides (citrate-dithionite), magnetite (oxalate), and HCl-extractable Fe(II). The amount of Fe in carbonates based on sodium acetate extraction ranges from 17-54% of the overall extracted iron (12-28 ‰) in the samples. The same extraction performed at 50°C for twice as long resulted in higher proportions of carbonate-associated Fe extracted with a range of 44-85% of the total extracted iron (15-35 ‰). Easily reducible iron quantities from a diluted HCl solution extraction display the lowest overall Fe fractions at 6.2-25% following the room temperature acetate and 2.6-6.2% after the 50°C acetate extraction. Reducible oxides extracted by dithionite were wide ranging (8.3-49%) as a proportion of the overall extracted iron, with similar results following the 50°C acetate step (5.3-48%). Oxalate extraction succeeding the room temperature acetate revealed magnetite proportions of 13-28%, while the increased temperature and time in the first step (acetate extraction) resulted in significantly lower proportions of Fe extracted by oxalate (3.1-10%). Falk and Kelemen (2015) suggest significant amounts of poorly crystalline Fe-phases or amorphous oxides within the listvenites not detected by X-ray diffraction, but we do not see evidence of this based on the relatively small HCl fractions. Further examination of the total elemental compositions of the individual solutions and electron microprobe analyses will reveal more details about the Fe-minerals dissolved in each extract and weather they represent separate Fe-oxide/hydroxide phases.    


Falk, E. S., & Kelemen, P. B. (2015). Geochemistry and petrology of listvenite in the Samail ophiolite, Sultanate of Oman: Complete carbonation of peridotite during ophiolite emplacement. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 160, 70-90.

Poulton, S. W., & Canfield, D. E. (2005). Development of a sequential extraction procedure for iron: implications for iron partitioning in continentally derived particulates. Chemical Geology, 214(3-4), 209-221.


How to cite: Severin, Z., Till, J. L., and Phase 1 Science Party, O. D. P.: Sequential geochemical extractions and mineralogy of Fe-bearing minerals of mantle rocks in the Samail Ophiolite, Oman , EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-20945,, 2020.

EGU2020-7209 | Displays | GMPV5.1

Application of Raman spectroscopy for understanding the mineralogical composition of ancient copper slags (Timna, Israel)

Adam Culka, Vendula Natherová, Jan Jehlička, and Vojtěch Ettler

Prehistoric slags (Late Bronze Age to early Iron Age, ca. 1300 – 1000 BC) from copper metallurgy were sampled at the archaeological site no.2 in Timna, Israel. A classical combination of analytical methods for this kind of samples (optical and scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction analysis, and electron microprobe analysis) was complemented with Raman microspectroscopy.

Raman microspectroscopy is a strong tool for phase or mineral identification in general, and when coupled with the methods for determination of the chemical composition such as electron probe microanalysis, it provides a comprehensive phase description of the sample. Slags are generally composed of both crystalline and amorphous glass-like phases and include metals, intermetallic compounds and alloys, sulfides, oxides, silicates, silicate glasses and carbonaceous fuel residues. With the exception of pure metals and their respective alloys, all these phases can be theoretically analyzed using Raman microspectroscopy. However, laser-induced fluorescence can become a major issue, owing to a presence of many different metallic elements. Selection of appropriate laser excitation wavelength can reduce the amount of fluorescence. Using Raman microspectroscopy it was possible to identify major silicate phases such as olivine (fayalite) and clinopyroxene (hedenbergite). Using this technique the crystallinity of iron oxides was identified and magnetite and hematite were differentiated. Despite the fact that Cu sulphides have simple Raman spectra with only few diagnostic bands, digenite and chalcopyrite were confirmed in the Timna slags. This study was supported by the Czech Science Foundation project (GAČR 19-18513S). The sampling campaign was carried out in the framework of Erasmus+ Mobility exchange programme between Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic (CUNI) and Hebrew University in Jerusalem, Israel (HUJI).   

How to cite: Culka, A., Natherová, V., Jehlička, J., and Ettler, V.: Application of Raman spectroscopy for understanding the mineralogical composition of ancient copper slags (Timna, Israel), EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-7209,, 2020.

On the role of U/ThO8 polyhedral distortions in controlling the high-pressure zircon→reidite type transition in UxTh1-xO4


Sudip Kumar Mondal1,2, Pratik Kr Das2,3, Nibir Mandal2 and Ashok Arya4
1 Department of Physics, Jadavpur University, Kolkata 700032, India
2 Faculty of Science, High Pressure and Temperature Laboratory, Jadavpur University, Kolkata 700032, India
3 The Centre for Earth Evolution and Dynamics, University of Oslo, Oslo, N-0315, Norway
4 Material Science Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai 400085, India


Coffinite (USiO4) and thorite (ThSiO4) are conspicuous radiogenic silicates in the geonomy. They form U1-xThxSiO4 (uranothorite) solid solutions in zircon-type phase. Investigating the phase-evolution of these minerals is of utmost significance in realizing their applicability in the front-as well as at the back-end of nuclear industries and also from geological perspective, such as geochronology. We carried out a systematic study of zircon- to reidite-type (tetragonal I41/amd to I41/a) structural transitions of U1-xThxSiO4 solid solution, and investigated their mechanical behaviour. Our ab-initio calculations revealed a unique interconnection of phase transition pressure (pt) with the change in U-Th concentration in the solid solution. The transition pressure is found to be minimum (6.82 GPa) for x = 0.5 whereas for the endmembers coffinite and thorite pt’s are 8.52 and 8.68 GPa, respectively. We developed a novel method to estimate the longitudinal and angular distortions of the highly irregular U/ThO8-triangular dodecahedra (snub-disphenoids). We have parameterized two new factors: δ (longitudinal distortions) and σ2 (angular distortions) to quantify the polyhedral distortions. A detailed analysis of the snub-disphenoidal distortions demonstrates that the difference in angular distortion of UO8 and ThO8 polyhedra (i.e. σU2 and σTh2) between zircon- and  reidite-type phases becomes minimum when U and Th percentage are equal, leading to the structural phase transition at the minimum hydrostatic pressure for the unique chemical composition: U0.5Th0.5SiO4. Our result is also substantiated by the minimum compressibility observed for the zircon-type U0.5Th0.5SiO4. It is worthwhile to note that the distortions parameters, δ and σ2 are defined without any attribute to external parameters. They are also independent to the elements occupying the polyhedra. Thus, we propose that these parameters: δ and σ2 can also be used to calculate the distortions of similar AB8-type snub-disphenoids observed in zircon-, reidite-, fergusonite- and wolframite-type mineral phases.

How to cite: Mondal, S. K.: On the role of U/ThO8 polyhedral distortions in controlling the high-pressure zircon→reidite type transition in UxTh1-xO4, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-15299,, 2020.

EGU2020-16686 | Displays | GMPV5.1

X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy study of F, Cl, Br, I and OH substitutions in lead arsenate apatites (mimetites) Pb5(AsO4)3X

Julia Sordyl, Bartosz Puzio, Olaf Borkiewicz, and Maciej Manecki

Five Pb-As bearing apatites Pb5(AsO4)3X, where X stands for F, Cl, Br, I and OH, were synthesized by precipitation from an aqueous solution and analyzed with powder X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy. High-resolution high-quality powder diffraction data were obtained at the 11-BM beamline of the Advanced Photon Source at Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL, USA and the structure Rietveld refinements of mimetites with different halogenic substitutions were provided.

Mimetites precipitated from aqueous solutions crystallize in hexagonal crystal system (space group P63/m). The lattice parameters a and c, as well as the volume of the unit cell, increase with the increasing ionic radius of halogen substitution: a = 10.081Å, 10.247Å, 10.310Å, 10.351Å; c = 7.426Å, 7.442Å, 7.473Å, 7.528Å; V = 653.515Å3; 676.716Å3, 688.019Å3, 698.402Å3 for Pb5(AsO4)3F, Pb5(AsO4)3Cl, Pb5(AsO4)3Br, Pb5(AsO4)3I, respectively. The OH- ion has similar effect on the lattice parameter a = 10.187Å but much stronger effect on parameter c = 7.525Å and overall volume V = 676.274Å3 than halogens.

Systematic linear relations between the unit cell parameters and the Pb(2) – Pb(2) distance as well as the size of AsO4 tetrahedra are observed. The distance between the Pb(2) – Pb(2) increases (from 4.093Å for Pb5(AsO4)3F to 4.674Å for Pb5(AsO4)3I) indicating the systematic increase in the radius of hexagonal channels occupied by halogens and OH. In contrast, the size (volume) of AsO4 tetrahedra decreases (from 2.474Å3 for Pb5(AsO4)3F to 2.025Å3 for Pb5(AsO4)3I) with the substitution and with the increasing size of the unit cell.

These structural effects affect the Raman spectra of substituted mimetites resulting in systematic shift of the position of the bands. The most sensitive to isomorphic substitutions are symmetric stretching vibrations ν1 of the As-O bond in [AsO4] tetrahedra, position of which range from 813 cm-1 for Pb5(AsO4)3F to 810 cm-1 for Pb5(AsO4)3I. This, however, is not due to the increase in the mass of substituted anion. The position of the bands is directly affected by the increasing length of As-O bond: the increase in As-O bond length shifts the position of v1 vibrations towards lower wavenumbers.

Financial support for the research was provided by the Polish National Science Centre (NCN) grant No. 2017/27/N/ST10/00776.

How to cite: Sordyl, J., Puzio, B., Borkiewicz, O., and Manecki, M.: X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy study of F, Cl, Br, I and OH substitutions in lead arsenate apatites (mimetites) Pb5(AsO4)3X, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-16686,, 2020.

EGU2020-19019 | Displays | GMPV5.1

Crystallisation of REE carbonates from aqueous solutions

Dylan Price, Ian Butler, Bryne Ngwenya, and Linda Kirstein

Low temperature aqueous synthesis of Rare Earth Element (REE) carbonates show extensive variability in the resulting minerals. Precipitated mineral phases and crystallisation rates vary depending, in part, on the REE used. Indeed, much of the work to date on REE aqueous geochemistry focuses on the individual behaviour of discrete REEs. 

We present a low temperature aqueous geochemical investigation of REE carbonate crystallisation pathways, which takes into consideration the influence of multiple REEs in solution. This serves to mimic more realistic conditions that are found in natural geological settings propitious to REE mineralisation. Our experiments focus on the behaviour of La, Ce, Nd, Dy carbonates at 30oC.

Concordant with previous studies, our results suggest that the crystallisation process of REE carbonates begins with the formation of an amorphous phase that transitions into a crystalline phase after a lag time that depends on the element and the proportions in the mixture. 

This lag time is REE specific and is shorter for lighter REE compared to their heavier counterparts. In particular, the presence of another REE in the system affects the crystallisation timings and the morphology of the resulting crystals. For example, samples of mixed La/Nd carbonates begin their phase transition at lag times in between that of the two end-members (i.e. La and Nd) carbonate compositions. Furthermore, we find that the resulting growth rates and crystal habits are unique to the ratio of the REE mixture, with the underlying ionic potential of the mixture linked to the growth rates. In addition, observations throughout the crystallisation process also show that growth begins with flocculation of nanoparticles followed by crystal growth via Ostwald ripening.

REEs are sought after due to their unique properties and are integral to modern technologies such as lasers, catalytic converters, batteries, electro-magnets and wind turbines. Considering how the crystallisation behaviour with REE mixtures differs from that of discrete REE in solution, this work gives insights into the fundamental chemistry of REEs in aqueous solutions - relevant for studies of REE mineralisation and materials processing. 

How to cite: Price, D., Butler, I., Ngwenya, B., and Kirstein, L.: Crystallisation of REE carbonates from aqueous solutions, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-19019,, 2020.

EGU2020-20147 | Displays | GMPV5.1

Diversity of manganese oxy-hydroxides and their sorption capacity for Co and Ni in lateritic deposits worldwide

Agnieszka Dybowska, Paul Schofield, Fred Mosselmans, and Richard Herrington

Manganese oxy-hydroxides are ubiquitous in soils and sediments where they occur as fine-grained aggregates and coatings on other mineral particles. Owing to large surface areas these minerals are very reactive and have long been known for their enormous adsorption capacity for Co and Ni. This is now of great relevance for Co and Ni extraction from lateritic ores, where Co and Ni bearing Mn oxy-hydroxides can be found in the most highly oxidised parts of weathering profiles. Detection and characterisation of these minerals however is very challenging, as they present with low bulk concentrations often within mineralogically complex, fine-grained mixtures of poorly crystalline phases.

In this study we identified and characterised a number of Mn oxy-hydroxides in samples from a variety of laterite deposits: Shevchenko (Khazakstan), Acoje (Philippines), Nkamouna (Cameroon), Piauí (Brazil), and Penamax and Tiebaghi (New Caledonia). Bulk chemical and mineralogical characterisation was undertaken with ICP-OES/MS and XRD, followed by spatially resolved imaging at the micron scale using µXRD, EPMA, SEM, µRaman and synchrotron-based µXRF. The chemical state and local environment of Co and Ni were determined using X ray spectroscopy (μXANES and μEXAFS).

The total concentrations of Co and Ni in the bulk samples ranged from 420 mg/kg (Piaui) to 1.245 wt% (Tiebaghi) and 0.5 wt% (Nkamouna) to 1.74 wt% (Piaui) respectively. The low abundance in addition to the poorly crystalline nature of the manganese oxy-hydroxides made them undetectable with XRD with the exception of the Cameroon and New Caledonia samples, where lithiophorite was detected. Following spatially resolved electron microscopy, Mn-rich grains were localised in the bulk samples and further studied with µRaman spectroscopy, µXRD and EPMA. In Shevchenko, asbolane was identified containing Co with concentrations varying from 0.25 to 12.4 wt% (average 6.3%) and Ni from 3.2 to 16.9 wt% (average 11.7 wt%) In samples from Nkamouna Co varied widely from below 1 wt% in romanechite and pyrolusite, average of 5.5% in lithiophorite and up to 21 wt% in lithiophorite-asbolane intermediates. In the Piaui samples asbolane and asbolane-lithiophorite intermediates were identified and found to carry from 0.35 to 14.2 wt% (average 3.4 wt%) of Co and 0.35 to 18.8 wt% of Ni (average 8.5 wt%). In addition, unusually Co-rich barium manganese oxide was found with Co varying from 1.5 to 10.4 wt% (average 3.0 wt%) and Ni from 0.3 to 1.98 wt% (average 0.6 wt%). In the New Caledonia samples asbolane-lithiophorite intermediates were identified with 1.1 to 9.6 wt% Co (average 5.3 wt%) and 1.9-11.4 wt % of Ni (average 6.9 wt%).

X-ray spectroscopy revealed that Co is bound in a range of Mn oxide minerals as Co3+ while Ni is present as Ni2+. The crystal chemistry of Co was very similar in the various minerals with Co structurally incorporated by substituting Mn in the manganiferous layer. The crystal chemistry of Ni was more variable. In asbolane Ni was found to build Ni(OH)2 layers, in lithiophorite it was structurally incorporated in the Al(OH)3 layer while in the lithiophorite-asbolane intermediates it was found partly in the Al(OH)3 layer and partly adsorbed.

How to cite: Dybowska, A., Schofield, P., Mosselmans, F., and Herrington, R.: Diversity of manganese oxy-hydroxides and their sorption capacity for Co and Ni in lateritic deposits worldwide , EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-20147,, 2020.

GMPV5.3 – Ore-forming systems and processes: geological settings, origins, exploration and utilization

EGU2020-20323 | Displays | GMPV5.3

Unraveling Zr/Hf fractionation: Hydrothermal zirconium and hafnium fluoride complexation up to 400°C

Anselm Loges, Marion Louvel, Max Wilke, Sthephan Klemme, Timm John, and Sebastian Hasenstab-Riedel

High field strength elements (HFSE) such as Zr and Hf are relatively insoluble in most natural hydrothermal solutions and consequently immobile in most geological systems. However, fluoride forms stable aqueous complexes with many HFSE ions, including Zr4+ and Hf4+, and is thus a potent mobilizer of these elements. Due to their identical charge and similar ionic radius (590 pm and 580 pm, respectively), Zr and Hf behave almost identically in geological system and are therefore referred to as geochemical twins. Fluoride complexation in hydrothermal environments is one of few processes in the Earth's crust that can effectively fractionate them from one another. This fact can be used to trace past fluoride activity in fossil hydrothermal systems by investigating Zr/Hf ratios, if fluoride complexation of Zr and Hf is sufficiently well understood. Mobility of metals as complexes is controlled by two distinct but related mechanisms: Formation of the complex itself and solvation of that complex in the solvent. Poly(hydrogen-fluoride) bridging of fluoride complexes to the surrounding aqueous solvent is crucial to the understanding of the solvation and therefore the mobility of fluoride complexes.

We report geometries of Zr and Hf fluoride complexes up to 400°C, determined by extended X-Ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) in a hydrothermal autoclave. Existing data sets on the stability of those complexes at lower temperatures are extended to 400°C. Our data show strong temperature dependence of the complex stability for both metals. However, the effect of temperature is not equally strong for Zr and Hf. Fractionation of the twin pair is thus a function of temperature as well as fluoride activity.

How to cite: Loges, A., Louvel, M., Wilke, M., Klemme, S., John, T., and Hasenstab-Riedel, S.: Unraveling Zr/Hf fractionation: Hydrothermal zirconium and hafnium fluoride complexation up to 400°C, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-20323,, 2020.

Global phosphate demand is rising due to growing population and associated food demand. World consumption of P2O5 is forecasted to increase to 46 million tonnes in 2020. Phosphate deposits and occurrences are widely distributed in Europe. However, very little phosphorus is produced in the EU to satisfy the growing demand for fertilizers. As a consequence, the European countries are net importers of phosphate, with an average of 4 M tonnes of natural phosphate-rich material imported per year. The European Commission has listed phosphates among critical raw materials with a significant supply risk. Other elements pertaining to this list can also be recovered from the phosphate deposits, as the rare earth elements (REE) and fluorspar (Goodenough et al., 2016). Estonia holds, the largest in Europe, unused sedimentary phosphate rock reserves, about 3 Billion metric tons (ca 819 Million metric tons of P2O5; Bauert & Soesoo, 2015). The Estonian shelly phosphate rocks are friable or weakly cemented bioclastic quartz sandstones deposited in shallow marine shoreface environment with a variable content of phosphatic brachiopod shells detritus. These sediments formed approximately 488 million years ago. The content of fossil shells ranges from 5–10% to 80–90 vol%. Brachiopod shells and enriched detritus contain up to 35–37% P2O5. Recent studies have revealed relatively enriched but variable content of REEs in these phosphate shells. For example, La in single shells ranges 50 to 550 ppm, Ce – 40–1200 ppm, Pr - 4–170 ppm, Nd – 20–800 ppm, Sm – 3–180 ppm, Gd – 4–135 ppm. The total REEs can reach 3000 ppm, however, in average they are ranging between 1000 and 2000 ppm.  At the moment the Estonian phosphorites cannot regarded as an economic REE source, but considering REEs as a co-product of phosphorous production, it may economically be feasible. Large variability in REE concentrations results probably from post-depositional diagenetic processes but its geological controls need further study. Although the raw ore enrichment (separating shells from sandstone) and phosphorous extraction are technologically easy, the technology for REE extraction in parallel with the phosphorous acid production needs further developments. Relying on the vast phosphorite reserves in Estonia, the critical nature of both the phosphorus and REEs for the European economy and security, it may be a worthwhile opportunity to develop these resources into production at the European scale. 


  1. Goodenough, J. Schilling, E. Jonsson, P. Kalvig, N. Charle, F. Tuduri, E. Deady, M. Sadeghi, H. Schiellerup, A. Müller, B. Bertrand, N. Arvanitidis, D. Eliopoulos, R. Shaw, K. Thrane, N. Keulen. Europe's rare earth element resource potential: An overview of REE metallogenetic provinces and their geodynamic setting. Ore Geology Reviews, 72, 838-856 (2016).
  2. Bauert, A. Soesoo. Shelly phosphate rocks of Estonia, in Strategic raw materials of Estonia, Rakvere Conference, Rakvere, Estonia, (2015).

How to cite: Soesoo, A. and Kirsimäe, K.: Estonian Paleozoic shelly phosphorites: a continent-scale resource for phosphorus and potential for rare earth elements, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-6062,, 2020.

Geochemistry of the manganese ore and black shale in the Datangpo Formation: Implications for the ore genesis and oceanic redox during the interglaciation of Neoprozeotoic Snowball Earth  

Jia W.L.1, Tan Z.Z.1,2, Li J.1, Peng P.A.1,2

1 Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou, China; 2 University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China


Introduction: The Cryogenian are critical period for the evolution of ocean system and biosphere, and black shales have been frequently found during the interglaciation. The Datangpo Formation from South China is a typical interglacial stratum with black shale in lower section, and unique by the development of manganese (Mn) carbonate underlying the black shale. Details about the hydrothermal fluids and the enrichment of OM for ores need further investigation, and the geochemsitry of global black shales in the interglaciation should be summarized for elucidating the oceanic oxygenation.

Samples and Methods: One typical section, composed of both Mn carbonate and overlying black shale, was selected for detailed sampling. Pulverized samples were analysed for the content and carbon isotopes of both organic carbon and inorganic carbon, the abundance of major and trace elements as well as the molybdenum (Mo) isotopes.

Results: (1). The samples with Mn content greater than 5% have an average TOC value of 2.4%, which is lower than that (~3.06%) of the samples with less Mn. (2). The abundance of redox-sensitive element (Mo, U, V) and TOC/P ratio are very low for Mn carbonate, indicating suboxic to oxic condition. (3). A hydrothermal source for the Mn carbonate is indicated by clear positive Eu anomaly, relatively large Fe/Ti ratios but low Al/(Al+Fe+Mn) ratios. In addition, more mafic material could have contributed to the Mn carbonate, as suggested by overall larger La/Th ratios but lower abundance of high field strength elements (Nb, Ta, Zr and Hf) relative to the overlying balck shale. (4) The nutrient elements, such as redox-sensitive Fe, Ba and P and OM-related Cu, Zn and Ni, all show much higher level for Mn carbonate relative to overly black shale. This is consistent with reported statistical results for overall larger abundance of P for mafic magmatic rocks relative to felsic ones, which is called as “mafic nutrient pump”.  (5) A compiling of elemental and Mo isotopic data for interglacial shale worldwide in the Cryogenian has been performed, which shows the maximal Mo content, Mo/TOC ratio and δ98Mo value mostly less than 50 ppm, 20 and 1.5‰.

Conclusion: Relatively abundant residual OM in Mn carbonate may be due to abundant nutrients associated with the hydrothermal fluid that has contributed to a high productivity level. The hydrothermal fluid may be from continental origin as previously reported Sr and Nd isotopes, however, elemental data supported large contribution from mafic material which can give more nutrient than felsic one.  The interglacial ocean for the Snow Ball Earth was generally anoxic, and episodic bottom water oxygenation may be arose by the influx of high-density ice melting water.  

How to cite: Jia, W.: Geochemistry of the manganese ore and black shale in the Datangpo Formation: Implications for the ore genesis and oceanic redox during the interglaciation of Neoprozeotoic Snowball Earth, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-9766,, 2020.

EGU2020-7414 | Displays | GMPV5.3

Hydrothermal fluids of apatite-magnetite ores of the Tomtor carbonatite massif (NE, Russia)

Leonid Baranov, Alexander Tolstov, and Ilya Prokopyev

The Tomtor carbonatite complex, with an area of 250 km2, is confined to the eastern framing of the Anabar Anteclise; it is located withtin the Ujinsky province of ultrabasic alkaline rocks and carbonatites (Northeast of Siberian Platform) (Erlich, 1964). The complex has a concentric zonal structure: the outer ring is composed of alkaline and nepheline syenites, the inner incomplete ring is nepheline-pyroxene rocks of the foidolite family, the core is represented by carbonatites. All rocks of the massif are intersected by dikes and explosion tubes of picrites and alneites. Onkuchakh apatite-magnetite deposit is located on the northeastern border of the carbonatite core. Apatite-magnetite ores (camaforites, phoscorites, nelsonites) form a series of ore steeply dipping (75-80o) lenticular bodies of north-western strike. The resources of the apatite-magnetite ores of the Tomtor massif are about 1 billion tons of iron (Tolstov, 1994). Primary and pseudo-secondary fluid inclusions were studied in apatite, calcite and potassium feldspar of camaforites. Inclusions have isometric or elongated shapes up to 50 microns. Most of the studied inclusions have a negative crystal form located in the central parts and zones of apatite growth.

Apatite contains a multiphase (crystal-fluid) inclusions with gas, liquid and 1-5 visible crystalline phases. The gas phase is represented by CO2, contains subordinate amounts of H2O, H2S and SO2. The liquid phase is represented by H2O with SO42-, HSO4- and HCO3- ions. The solid phases in the inclusions are represented by mainly halite (NaCl) and sylvite (KCl), with strontianite (SrCO3), barite (BaSO4) and Ca-Sr-REE F-carbonate crystals. Complete homogenization occurs in the temperature range from 290 to 350 °C, the concentration is 30-45 wt. % of NaCl-eq. Calcite has the similar in composition fluid inclusions. The solid phases are mainly represented by halite (NaCl) and sylvite (KCl), as well as the dolomite (CaMg(CO3)2), strontianite (SrCO3), REE phosphates and sulfates of Sr and Ba. Complete homogenization occurs at 250-300 °C, the concentration is 35-55 wt. % of NaCl-eq. The gas phase of the fluid inclusions in K-feldspar is predominantly CO2; the liquid phase is H2O. The solid phases are represented by witherite (BaCO3) and calcite (CaCO3). The homogenization temperature of fluid inclusions occurs at 350-375 °C.

The results show that the hydrothermal fluids of camaforites of the Tomtor massif are represented by the concentrated high-medium temperature sulfate-carbonate-chloride solutions of complex composition . The fluid composition is explained by the evolution of the carbonatite melt.

The work was supported by the Russian Science Foundation (RSF), project # 19-17-00013.


  1. Erlich, E.N., 1964. The new province of alkali rocks on the north of Siberian platform and its geological aspects. Proc. All-Soviet Mineral.Soc.93,682–693.
  2. Tolstov, A.V., 1994.Mineralogy and geochemistry of apatite-magnetite ores of the Tomtor Massif (NorthwesternYakutia). Russ.Geol. Geophys.35,76–84.

How to cite: Baranov, L., Tolstov, A., and Prokopyev, I.: Hydrothermal fluids of apatite-magnetite ores of the Tomtor carbonatite massif (NE, Russia), EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-7414,, 2020.

EGU2020-280 | Displays | GMPV5.3

Structural setting of iron oxide-apatite and Fe-Cu-sulphide occurrences in Kiruna, northern Sweden

Joel Andersson, Leslie Logan, Tobias Bauer, and Olof Martinsson

Kiruna in northern Sweden is one of the most productive mining areas in Europe. The area hosts the largest underground iron mine in the world and numerous exploration targets for iron and copper-gold are to be found in the area. Kiruna has a long tradition of geological research and the Kiirunavaara iron deposit forms the archetypal example for iron oxide-apatite (IOA) deposits, however, many fundamental questions remain unanswered. In this project, we focus on the structural setting and evolution in Kiruna and the relation to iron oxide-apatite, Fe-Cu-sulphides and their associated hydrothermal alteration footprint. Petrological and geochronological data from earlier studies together with our new stratigraphical and structural data and interpretations are in accordance with Orosirian basin development in an overall extensional (back-arc) setting synchronously with the emplacement of iron oxide-apatite bodies. The basin was inverted during subsequent compression (D1-D2) including movements along lithostructural boundaries and shear zones developed in sedimentary and volcanosedimentary rocks. D1 is dominantly ductile in character and the strain is distributed regionally, whereas D2 is associated to strong strain partitioning, brittle-ductile reactivations, and folding of D1 structures. Microstructures of shear zones indicate east-block-up kinematics in the central Kiruna area, whereas the areas east and west of central Kiruna indicate reverse kinematics (west-block-up). This causes juxtaposition of  different crustal levels outcropping on either side of central Kiruna.

Regionally, D1 is associated to scapolite ± albite ± sulphide alteration formed coeval with magnetite ± amphibole alteration. The alteration styles associated to D2 are more diverse and potassic in character and associated to Fe-Cu-sulphides. A distinct D2 brittle Fe-Cu-sulphide overprint is recognized in the region. Primarily chalcopyrite, bornite, and pyrite are hosted by a wide range of D2-structures including fractures and brittle veins in competent volcanic units, and fold hinges and ductile shear bands in rheologically weak rocks. Competence contrast is assumed to be the most critical parameter controlling how and where Fe-Cu-sulphides were concentrated during D2 and are linked to the basin inversion phase of the geological evolution. This implies that IOA emplacement happened during a dominantly extensional setting whereas the Fe-Cu-sulphides were concentrated in an overall late compressive setting and the mineralized systems can be linked to different phases of the structural evolution. 

Tectonic models presented by earlier workers contradict each other and the conclusions vary depending on the geological discipline of the researchers. In general, models based on petrology/geochemistry include an extensional pre-tectonic phase whereas models focusing on geological structures include the development of a fold-thrust belt during D1. In this project, we show that the structural configuration in Kiruna can be explained by basin inversion and we hope that our contribution will bridge geological disciplines by providing a structural framework in agreement with petrological results.

How to cite: Andersson, J., Logan, L., Bauer, T., and Martinsson, O.: Structural setting of iron oxide-apatite and Fe-Cu-sulphide occurrences in Kiruna, northern Sweden, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-280,, 2020.

EGU2020-8676 | Displays | GMPV5.3

Global Fe–O isotope correlation reveals magmatic origin of Kiruna-type apatite-iron-oxide ores

Valentin R. Troll, Franz Weis, Erik Jonsson, Ulf Bertil Andersson, Seyed Afshin Madjidi, Karin Högdahl, Chris Harris, Marc-Alban Millet, Sakthi Saravanan Chinnasamy, Ellen Kooijman, and Katarina Nilsson

Kiruna-type apatite-iron-oxide ores are key iron sources for modern industry. The origin of the Kiruna-type apatite-iron-oxide ores remains ambiguous, however, despite a long history of study and a concurrently intense scientific debate. Diverse ore-forming processes have been discussed, comprising low-temperature hydrothermal processes versus a high-temperature origin from magma or magmatic fluids. We present an extensive set of new and combined iron and oxygen isotope data from magnetite of Kiruna-type ores from Sweden, Chile and Iran, and compare them with new global reference data from layered intrusions, active volcanic provinces, and established low-temperature and hydrothermal iron ores. We show that approximately 80% of the magnetite from the investigated Kiruna-type ores exhibit δ56Fe and δ18O ratios that overlap with the volcanic and plutonic reference materials (> 800 °C), whereas ~20%, mainly vein-hosted and disseminated magnetite, match the low-temperature reference samples (≤400 °C). Thus, Kiruna-type ores are dominantly magmatic in origin, but may contain late-stage hydrothermal magnetite populations that can locally overprint primary high-temperature magmatic signatures [1] .


[1] Troll, V.R., Weis, F.A., Jonsson, E. et al. Global Fe–O isotope correlation reveals magmatic origin of Kiruna-type apatite-iron-oxide ores. Nature Communications 10, 1712 (2019) doi:10.1038/s41467-019-09244-4

How to cite: Troll, V. R., Weis, F., Jonsson, E., Andersson, U. B., Madjidi, S. A., Högdahl, K., Harris, C., Millet, M.-A., Chinnasamy, S. S., Kooijman, E., and Nilsson, K.: Global Fe–O isotope correlation reveals magmatic origin of Kiruna-type apatite-iron-oxide ores, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-8676,, 2020.

EGU2020-18783 | Displays | GMPV5.3

Element mobility and alteration types in Iron Oxide Copper and Gold (IOCG) systems

Jonathan Hamisi, Iain Pitcairn, Andrew Tomkins, Joel Brugger, and Steve Micklethwaite

IOCG deposits are economically important providing amongst other resources, around 12% of global copper production and 47% of Australian copper production. A number of different genetic models have been proposed for the formation of IOCG deposits including ore systems for which fluids and metals are sourced from igneous bodies (Hauck, 1990; Groves and Vielreicher, 2001; Pollard, 2001) and others where mineralising fluids are non-magmatic. There are two main non-magmatic models. The first suggests that the key heat source is igneous and contact metamorphism drives thermal convection and development of metal rich brines with possible input of metals from the igneous bodies themselves (Haynes et al., 1995; Barton and Johnson, 1996, 2000; Haynes, 2000). The second non-magmatic model suggests that hypersaline brines are produced by metamorphic reactions at depth and the resulting metamorphic brines become metal rich through wall rock interaction as they migrate and possibly mixing with other aqueous phase to form a deposit (Williams, 1994; de Jong et al., 1997; Hitzman, 2000).

A number of alteration type occurrs in IOCG systems including albitization, scapolitization, “red-rock” alteration (calc-sodic), carbonate alteration, potassic alteration, chlorite alteration as described by Barton (2013). Yet the fundamental relationship between the alteration, the mobility of chemical elements and the formation of the deposits is not well known.
We assess metal mobility during different styles of alteration using a mass balance approach comparing suites of well characterised altered rocks of different types to their least altered parent rocks. We aim to identify which styles of alteration can be shown to mobilise metals and therefore constrain potential sources of metals for IOCG ore deposits in metamorphic terranes, with a focus on Olympic and Mt Isa Provinces in Australia.

Preliminary results of mass balance calculations from the Olympic Province show that potential altered source rocks are significantly depleted in Cu relative to their least altered protoliths. The median Cu and Au mass variation values of rocks albitised at variable degrees (Na alteration) are respectively -87% (range -93% to +258%, n=7) and -27% (range -76% to +69%, n = 7) Similarly rocks with variable potassic alteration (K) have a median Cu mass variation of -52% (range -52% to +186%, n=6) and rocks affected by calc-sodic alteration have Au mass change median of -36% (range -36% to +1656%, n = 10). Mass change in the altered rocks is highly variable with both enrichment and depletion occurring within the same alteration styles. Samples affected by carbonate and potassic alteration are enriched in Au, and calc-sodic and carbonate altered rocks are enriched in Cu. Availability of the particular element in the source rock and lithology play presumably a role in these changes of behaviour in element mobility. 

How to cite: Hamisi, J., Pitcairn, I., Tomkins, A., Brugger, J., and Micklethwaite, S.: Element mobility and alteration types in Iron Oxide Copper and Gold (IOCG) systems, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-18783,, 2020.

EGU2020-22017 | Displays | GMPV5.3

Energy Critical Element and Precious Metal Deportment in Cu-(Fe-) Sulphides from the Bingham Canyon Porphyry Cu-Mo-Au Deposit

Maurice Brodbeck, Sean McClenaghan, Balz Samuel Kamber, and Patrick Redmond

Porphyry copper deposits are predominantly mined for the major commodities Cu, Mo and Au. From some of these deposits, minor (trace) elements are also recovered as by-products (e.g. Ag, Pd, Te, Se, Bi, Zn, Pb). This list will potentially expand with the increasing demand for critical raw materials in modern energy-related technologies. Key components for such technologies are energy-critical elements (ECEs), many of which are classified as credit elements (e.g. Co, Ga, Ge and In). However, even if currently recovered as by-products, their deportment in copper ores and their overall distribution at the deposit scale have received little research attention. This gap in knowledge is limiting more effective recovery of ECEs. The same applies to elements that might incur refining penalties (e.g. As, Cd, Sb and Sn). Characterizing the trace element inventory of host mineral phases contributes to an improved understanding of the distribution of trace metals. By informing geometallurgy, element deportment studies can thus potentially promote economic and ecologic benefits in the form of improving recovery, adding value to ore resources and helping to reduce the dispersion of deleterious metals into the environment.

This study focused on the deportment of ECEs and precious metals in the northwestern high-grade section of the Bingham Canyon Cu-Mo-Au porphyry deposit. Contained Cu-(Fe-) sulphides were characterised with scanning electron microscopy and analysed by laser ablation (LA) ICP-MS for their metal endowment and for their potential use as discriminators of magmatic-hydrothermal processes. The availability of copper (iron) sulfides was found to exert principal control over the chalcophile trace element budget. The abundance of bornite and digenite primarily controls the Bi and Ag- budgets of the overall system and significantly affects variations in Te and Se. Chalcopyrite predominantly controls the Co, Ga and In budgets. By contrast, Ge, As, Cd, Sn, Sb and Au are not significantly controlled by the major sulfides indicating their residence in accessory phases. The presence of electrum and Ag-(Au) tellurides governs the distribution of Au, and most likely also the Te budget.
At the small scale relevant to mineral processing, the Bingham ore shows a particularly interesting phenomenon. Digenite (Cu9S5) is invariably present within bornite likely as the exsolution product of a copper-rich bornite solid solution. LA-ICP-MS analyses revealed that the exsolution process has resulted in a redistribution of trace elements, including some ECEs. Trace element partitioning between bornite and digenite is evident in element maps of the complex intergrowths. Silver, Te and Au strongly partition into digenite, while Se seems to retain its primary homogenous distribution, unaffected by exsolution. Elements that are preferentially retained in bornite (Sn and Bi), or at similar levels between the two sulphide species (In) show more complex zoning patterns in bornite. Zones of lowest concentration in bornite, peripheral around exsolved digenite grains, indicate stress-induced diffusion due to accumulating lattice distortions in bornite during digenite growth. The findings from digenite exsolution in bornite at Bingham show that relatively late, solid-state processes can result in complex deportment of precious metals and ECEs within copper-iron sulphides.

How to cite: Brodbeck, M., McClenaghan, S., Kamber, B. S., and Redmond, P.: Energy Critical Element and Precious Metal Deportment in Cu-(Fe-) Sulphides from the Bingham Canyon Porphyry Cu-Mo-Au Deposit, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-22017,, 2020.

EGU2020-7918 | Displays | GMPV5.3

Controls on copper and gold endowments of porphyry deposits

Massimo Chiaradia

Porphyry deposits are the major natural source of copper and a significant natural source of gold, which are essential metals for our society. Porphyry deposits form at convergent margins both during subduction (syn-subduction, Andean-type deposits) and in post-subduction to post-collision and extensional geodynamic settings (post-subduction deposits). Syn-subduction porphyry deposits are typically associated with calc-alkaline magmas often characterized by high Sr/Y values (~50-150). In contrast, post-subduction deposits are mostly associated with variably alkaline magmas having lower Sr/Y values (~25-75). The reasons of the association of porphyry deposits with magmas having different geochemical affinities and of their widely variable Cu and Au endowments (from <1 to >100 Mt for Cu and from few tens to >2500 tons for gold) remain unconstrained.

Porphyry Cu-Au deposits define two distinct trends in plots of Au versus Cu endowments and Au endowment versus duration of the ore process (Chiaradia, 2020): one trend (Cu-rich) is characterized by steep Cu/Au endowment values (Cu/Au~250000) and an average low rate of Au deposition (~100 tons Au/Ma); the other trend (Au-rich) is characterized by low Cu/Au endowment values (Cu/Au~12500) and an average high rate of gold deposition (~4500 tons Au/Ma). The Au-rich trend is defined to the greatest extent by seven, alkaline magma-related, porphyry gold systems (>1100 tons Au) and subordinately by numerous calc-alkaline systems (<1300 tons Au). The Cu-rich trend is defined only by calc-alkaline magma-related porphyry systems.

Modelling of petrological and metal precipitation processes using a Monte Carlo approach suggests that, whereas Cu-rich porphyries are formed by large volumes of magma, Au-rich porphyries result from a better precipitation efficiency of Au. The specific association of the largest Au-rich porphyry deposits with variably alkaline magmas also points out that alkaline magma chemistry favours an upgrade of Au endowments.



Chiaradia, M. (2020) Gold endowments of porphyry deposits controlled by precipitation efficiency. Nature Communications 11, 248,

How to cite: Chiaradia, M.: Controls on copper and gold endowments of porphyry deposits, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-7918,, 2020.

The Yerington batholith is located in western Nevada (USA) within a volcanic-arc area. This pluton is approximately 15 km in diameter, extends to 7-8 km in vertical dimension and consists of 3 granitic units: the McLeod Hill quartz monzodiorite (1,000km3), the Bear quartz monzonite (256 km3) and the Luhr Hill granite (70 km3), together with three mineralized porphyry centres: Yerington, Bear, MacArthur and Ann-Mason porphyry copper deposits. It is overlain by coeval the Artesia Lake and Fulstone Spring volcanic rocks. The batholith was emplaced into Triassic and Jurassic volcanic and sedimentary rocks at ca. 168 Ma. This event was related to the subduction of the Pacific plate, west of California. It was a part of a belt of Andean-type arc magmatism that developed on the continental margin in both North and South Americas. The complex was then cut by three sets of normal faults, which caused the batholith to drop ca. 2.5 km deep along the faults that tilted the area, so that it is now exposed in cross-section.  This event now allows sampling of volcanic and plutonic rocks from each unit, which were originally emplaced at depths of 1 to 8 km.

It is widely accepted that porphyry deposits are genetically related to subduction zones but what is not understood is why some porphyry systems are ore-bearing while others, apparently similar systems, are barren. The key question remains unanswered: what controls magma fertility? Understanding the processes involved in the creation of metal deposits is a crucial aspect for the exploration industry. A bottom line in determining the fertility of a porphyry suite is likely to be the relative timing of sulfide and volatile saturation. If sulfide saturation occurs early, the chalcophile elements may be locked in an underlying magma chamber at depth and unavailable to enter the hydrothermal fluid when magma eventually becomes volatile saturate.

Plots of whole-rock concentrations of SiO2, total FeO, CaO and V against MgO show that all samples, from all three units, cumulate and volcanic rocks, follow the same trend line, and are therefore likely to be related by fractional crystallization. Attempts to determine the timing of sulfide saturation using Cu were unsuccessful. A plot of whole-rock Cu against MgO showed that the Cu concentrations are scattered, with no clear correlation, which is attributed to overprinting by hydrothermal mineralization. For this reason, the behaviours of Cu during magma processes cannot be deducted. As a consequence, we have turned to the platinum group elements (PGE) to determine the timing of sulfide saturation. The PGE have the advantage of having much higher partition coefficient into immiscible sulfide melts than Cu, and lower solubilities into hydrothermal fluids, so that they are less affected by secondary processes. We will address the problem of identifying sulfide saturation by reporting the concentration of PGE, Re and Au, measured by fire-assay isotope dilution method, for 20 samples from the Yerington batholith. Detection limits are ca. 15 ppt of Pd and less than 1 ppt for the other PGE.

How to cite: Misztela, M. and Campbell, I.: Platinum-group element geochemistry to track magmatic evolution of the Yerington porphyry copper district (Nevada, USA), EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-131,, 2020.

EGU2020-22303 | Displays | GMPV5.3

Insights from atom probe tomography into Carlin type gold mineralization

Phillip Gopon, James O. Douglas, Maria A. Auger, Lars Hansen, Jon Wade, Jean S. Cline, Laurence J. Robb, and Michael P. Moody

Carlin-type gold (CTG) mineralization is one the best studied, yet poorly understood gold mineralization styles in the world. These deposits occur predominantly along NW-SE trends in central Nevada and are characterized by cryptic gold mineralization in host carbonate rocks (Cline et al., 2005, Econ. Geol.). CTG accounts for 9% of worldwide gold production, with all of it currently coming from five mining districts in northern and central Nevada. The discoveries of new CTG deposits in the Yukon Territory and Kyrgyzstan will drastically increase the importance of these deposits in the upcoming years. Despite the vast resource that CTG deposits entail, surprisingly little is known about their formation mechanisms, fluid source, or even the manner in which the gold is hosted. We do know that the gold tends to occur as trace elements within pyrite, which are difficult to study with the “normal” range of geology tools. With the recent application of atom probe tomography to geologic materials we now have the nano-analytical techniques to truly understand these cryptic and globally important deposits.

This study combines high-resolution electron probe microanalysis (EPMA) with atom probe tomography (APT) to constrain whether the gold occurs as nano-spheres or is dispersed within the Carlin pyrites. Atom-probe tomography offers the unique capability of obtaining major, minor, trace, and isotopic chemical information at near atomic spatial resolution. We use this capability to investigate both the atomic-scale distribution of trace elements within Carlin-type pyrite rims, as well as the relative differences of sulfur isotopes within the rim and core of gold hosting pyrite.

We show that gold within a sample from the Turquoise Ridge deposit (Nevada) occurs within arsenian pyrite overgrowth (rims) that formed on a pyrite core. Furthermore, this As rich rim does not contain nano-nuggets of gold and instead contains dispersed lattice bound Au within the pyrite crystal structure. The spatial correlation of gold and arsenic within our samples is consistent with increased local arsenic concentrations that enhanced the ability of arsenian pyrite to host dispersed gold (Kusebauch et al., 2019, Sci. Adv.). We hypothesize that point defects in the lattice induced by the addition of arsenic to the pyrite structure facilitates the dissemination of gold. The lack of gold-nanospheres in our study is consistent with previous work showing that dispersed gold in arsenian pyrite can occur in concentrations up to ~1:200 (gold:arsenic). We also report a method for determining the sulfur isotopic ratios from atom probe datasets of pyrite (±As) that illustrates a relative change between the pyrite core and its Au and arsenian pyrite rim. This spatial variation confirms the observed pyrite core-rim structure is due to two-stage growth involving a sedimentary core and hydrothermal rim, as opposed to precipitation from an evolving hydrothermal fluid.

How to cite: Gopon, P., Douglas, J. O., Auger, M. A., Hansen, L., Wade, J., Cline, J. S., Robb, L. J., and Moody, M. P.: Insights from atom probe tomography into Carlin type gold mineralization, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-22303,, 2020.

Northern Sweden is dominated by supracrustal and related intrusive rocks formed and deformed during the Svecofennian orogeny (1.90-1.78 Ga). The orogeny comprises several phases of crustal extension and shortening, resulting from subduction and repeated arc-accretion events. An early-Svecofennian extensional phase (c. 1.90-1.88) Ga results in the formation of iron oxide-apatite deposits (IOA, e.g. Kiruna and Malmberget) in the back-arc region and volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits (VMS, e.g. Kristineberg) in the arc. These deposits have been subjected to deformation and regional metamorphism resulting in transposition and re-mobilisation of ore bodies. The latest phase of the Svecofennian orogeny (1.80-1.78 Ga) is characterized by a distinct E-W-directed crustal shortening at high crustal levels representing the last continental assembly resulting from late arc-accretion and followed by a post-orogenic collapse. This leads to folding of early metamorphic fabrics and mainly brittle to brittle-ductile shear zone re-activation. A general N-S gradient from deeper-crustal conditions in Northern Norrbotten (north) to higher-crustal conditions in Västerbotten (south) is observable. The emplacement of syn-tectonic, felsic and mafic intrusive bodies causes high temperature conditions while pressures remain low. Such conditions are favorable for driving fluids and leading to the formation of structurally controlled, Au-bearing deposits in 3rd and 4th order structures of large, crustal-scale, re-activated shear zone complexes. Deposits in Northern Norrbotten that are related to this late-Svecofennian phase show both ductile and brittle features and host Cu and Au, hence often assigned to the IOCG group of deposits. Deposits that formed during the same phase in Västerbotten are typically characterized by Au-bearing quartz veins that formed as lower-order structures, hence often classified as orogenic Au-deposits. Weather these deposits are entirely newly formed or just represent various grades of re-mobilization of older mineralization remains an open question. Looking at these deposits on a crustal-scale, they represent structurally-controlled deposits, hosted by lower-order structures in re-activated shear zone complexes whereas differences in mineralogy and hydrothermal alteration assemblages are an effect of different crustal levels during formation and differences in host rock compositions.

How to cite: Bauer, T.: A continuum between structurally controlled Cu-Au and Au-only systems in northern Sweden, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-7030,, 2020.

Reactions of seawater and fresh basalts below the seafloor are crucial for the formation of black-smoker type volcanogenic massive sulphide (VMS) deposits. Improved understanding of hydrothermal alteration processes can therefore help to improve the genetic model of VMS deposits, facilitating targeting in mineral exploration. Reactions of downwelling seawater with fresh basalts creates Ca-depleted, Mg- and Na- enriched “spilite” alteration (albite+chlorite+hematite+titanite±augite±epidote±quartz±calcite). The fluid in turn becomes enriched in Ca and depleted in Mg and Na. This chemically evolved, upwelling fluid can create Ca-enriched, Mg- and Na-depleted “epidosite” alteration (epidote+quartz+titanite+hematite). Epidosites have often been proposed as being the source-rocks for metals in VMS deposits. The more rarely described “pumpellyosite” alteration (pumpellyite+quartz+titanite) exhibits a very similar metasomatism to epidosite alteration and is assumed to represent the low-T equivalent of epidosite alteration.

            We recently discovered large, km2-sized areas of pumpellyosite alteration in the Semail ophiolite (Oman), allowing us to study the transition from epidosite to pumpellyosite alteration. We use reactive-transport modelling to investigate the mechanism responsible for the change from epidosite to pumpellyosite alteration. Pumpellyosite alteration was observed up to few meters below the palaeo-seafloor, indicating that evolved fluids discharged directly onto the seafloor. However, no sulphide mineralisation was observed on or below the palaeo-seafloor. This observation makes the involvement of pumpellyosite alteration in the VMS-forming system questionable. The metasomatic fingerprint of pumpellyosite alteration also strongly contrasts with the chlorite-quartz alteration typically found below VMS deposits. Since epidosite and pumpellyosite alteration appear to be genetically linked, epidosites may likewise be unrelated to the genesis of VMS deposits.

How to cite: Weber, S. and Diamond, L. W.: Pumpellyosite alteration in the oceanic crust as marker of chemically evolved hydrothermal discharge and its relation to volcanogenic massive-sulphide (VMS) deposits, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-6713,, 2020.

Oxide- and silicate-dominated, stratiform iron formations are abundant in the northern part of the Sala inlier, Bergslagen, Sweden. The iron formations are commonly laminated and are associated with fine-grained siliciclastic and felsic volcaniclastic rocks in a 1.91-1.89 Ga succession dominated by pumiceous and lithic-bearing rhyolitic volcaniclastic rocks. Depositional features are consistent with a volcanically active, submarine environment, in which the iron formations and fine-grained host strata to sulphide mineralization accumulated during pauses in volcanism. At c. 1.87-1.81 Ga, the succession underwent polyphase folding and shearing under lower amphibolite facies conditions, followed by polyphase faulting under more brittle conditions.

The iron formations are locally directly stratigraphically overlain by  stratiform Zn-Pb-Ag sulphide mineralization. Detailed geological mapping has demonstrated that sulphide-bearing (proximal) iron formation is gradational into sulphide-poor (distal) iron formation along a strike extent of more than 7 km. Proximal iron formation is dominated by magnetite, grunerite, tremolite, quartz, almandine-rich garnet (Alm54Sps35Grs8), muscovite, and chlorite, whereas distal iron formation is characterized by hematite, magnetite, epidote, actinolite, spessartine-rich garnet (Sps53Adr29Grs15) and locally calcite. 

Elevated contents of Mn, Zn and Co are observed in both distal and proximal iron formation, whereby these elements help pinpoint the favorable horizon, but are of less use for vectoring along strike. Whole-rock lithogeochemistry samples of proximal iron formation differ from distal iron formation in: (1) Eu/Eu*>1, (2) Ce/Ce*<1, (3) suprachondritic Y/Ho, (4) elevated Tl, Cs, Cd, Sn, S, Cu, Pb, Sb and Au (5) lower volcaniclastic/siliciclastic content based on lower Al, Ti and Zr. Collectively, these features are indicative of Fe mineralization following interaction of a hot, acid and reduced hydrothermal fluid with oxidized seawater in a vent proximal position which was deprived of clastic or volcaniclastic input.

Sulphide mineralization, ranging from banded, to disseminated and fracture-hosted, is associated with chlorite-rich, locally graphitic mudstone immediately overlying proximal iron formation. Multi-grain δ34SV-CDT of sphalerite, pyrite and pyrrhotite are exclusively negative, ranging from -10.6 to -0.25 with no clear mode. The δ34SV-CDT distribution is unusual for Bergslagen deposits, and is indicative of a significant contribution of sulphur via bacteriogenic or thermochemical reduction of seawater SO42-.

Stratigraphic analysis suggest that proximally, the mineralizing event followed a sudden deepening of the basin, and progressed from Fe oxide to polymetallic sulphide mineralization. The temporal zonation probably reflect a decrease in the redox potential of the basin, possibly due to venting and ponding of reduced hydrothermal fluids. Ore textures and host facies are consistent with of an exhalative mode of formation for both deposit types, albeit an importance of subseafloor mineralization processes is implied by lateral variability in both sulphide and chlorite content. In relation to the local stratigraphic evolution in the area, the mineralizing event can be directly linked to an event of basin deepening following a caldera-forming volcanic eruption. The results from stratigraphic analysis along with aforementioned proxies for redox and vent-proximity present first order vectors to stratiform Zn-Pb-Ag mineralization in the Jugansbo area, Bergslagen.

How to cite: Jansson, N. and Allen, R.: Using iron formations during exploration for c. 1.9 Ga Zn-Pb-Ag sulphide deposits, Jugansbo area, Bergslagen, Sweden, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-8482,, 2020.

EGU2020-4325 | Displays | GMPV5.3

Targeting the hidden chromitite using geochemical vectoring for Bophivum area, northwestern Myanmar

Chulho Heo, Ilhwan Oh, Seokjun Yang, Jaeho Lee, Sungwon Park, and Seongjun Cho

Harzburgite are the rocks that make up the mantle and consist of olivine, orthopyroxene, and clinopyroxene (<5 %). Clinopyroxene contain Ca, Al, and Ti, while orthopyroxene contain Al. On the other hand, olivine contains almost zero contents of Ca, Al and Ti. When the rising melt from the lower mantle passes through the mantle harzburgite, the clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene with lower melting points compared with olivine are fused into the melt, and the olivine is crystallized from the melt. In this genetic process, harzburgite gradually change into dunite consisting of only olivine, and Ca, Al and Ti of pyroxene in harzburgite will escape into the melt. And, as the melting point of clinopyroxene is lower than that of orhopyroxene, the Ca, Al, and Ti in clinopyroxene are escaped into the melt earlier than those in orthopyroxene. The melt with changed composition formed by melting the pyroxene are mixed with the newly rising melt with pyroxene, so that the chromian spinel in the melt becomes saturated and the chromitite are formed. By the above-mentioned mechanism, chromitite occurs with dunite and pyroxene-deficient harzburgite formed by the reaction result between melt and harzburgite. In other words, in the genetic process of high Cr chromitite, the presence of melt that fused the pyroxene within harzburgite is essential. And, in order to make high Cr chromitite, the melt must have been fused more pyroxene in harzburgite. As a result, the Ti, Ca, and Al content of harzburgite will be decreased. Therefore, considering the representative chemical composition of podiform chromitite(Robinson et al., 1997), we assumed that as we approached into harzburgite bearing high Cr chromitite(probably hidden ore body), the Ti, Ca and Al content within harzburgite will be likely to converge toward the specific contents(Ti<180ppm, Ca<0.9%, Al<0.7%). In case of Bophivum chromitite in northwestern Myanmar, it corresponds well with the representative chemical composition of high Cr chromitite in terms of the above-mentioned data. Therefore, we monitored to see whether Ti, Ca, and Al contents systematically change by the distance from the center with chromitite outcrop or high Cr anomaly zone confirmed through soil and rock geochemical exploration toward the surrounding harzburgite outcrop or not and tried to select the target element for geochemical vectoring using portable XRF. Conclusively, Ca is considered to be a more meaningful geochemical vectoring indicator than Al in terms of portable XRF measurements in the survey area.

How to cite: Heo, C., Oh, I., Yang, S., Lee, J., Park, S., and Cho, S.: Targeting the hidden chromitite using geochemical vectoring for Bophivum area, northwestern Myanmar, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-4325,, 2020.

EGU2020-13259 | Displays | GMPV5.3

Isotopic studies on ore potential granitoid rocks in the Häme belt, Finland

Matti Kurhila, Markku Tiainen, Hannu Huhma, and Hannu Mäkitie

The Häme belt in southwestern Finland hosts several types of ore formations. Among others, Cu, Au, W, Li and La mineralizations have been identified. These mineralizations are linked with various types of granitoid rocks within the Paleoproterozoic Svecofennian bedrock. We have studied the granitoids and equivalent hypabyssal rocks by whole-rock geochemistry, U-Pb zircon geochronology and Sm-Nd isotope analysis. Geochemically, the granitoids show a wide range from adakitic to arc-type, implying that they had different source environments. New age data show that different types of granitoids (tonalitic, leucogranitic, granodioritic etc.) were emplaced simultaneously: the samples have ages from 1888 Ma to 1883 Ma and are coeval within the error limits. Nd isotopic results show slightly depleted compositions with initial epsilon values around +1, in line with most of the previously published data. An exception is the Cu-Au bearing Arolanmäki granite, which indicates a juvenile origin with an initial epsilon value of +3.2.

Overall the sources of granitoid magmatism vary considerably, and the overlapping ages indicate either a very rapid sequence or a simultaneous existence of varying types of magmatism. The ages coincide with the main stage of the Svecofenniean orogeny in the area. Later tectonic and hydrothermal activity is demonstrated by <1.80 Ga monazite and titanite ages as well as pegmatites. The granitoid magmatism of the Häme belt is related to several types of ore forming processes. The 1.88 Ga granitoids are hosting Cu-Au and W-Au-deposits, some of them interpreted as porphyric type deposits. The 1.80 Ga pegmatites include several LCT pegmatites hosting Li-deposits. The orogenic gold deposist of the Jokisivu-type in Häme belt have been interpreted to be controlled by the shear zones related to the 1.80 Ga granitoid magmatism. 

How to cite: Kurhila, M., Tiainen, M., Huhma, H., and Mäkitie, H.: Isotopic studies on ore potential granitoid rocks in the Häme belt, Finland, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-13259,, 2020.

In the Chungju area, Korea, highly enriched Zr-Nb-Y-REE deposits occur in subhorizontal layered Paleozoic granitic rocks (331±1.5 Ma), which can be divided into layered alkali granite, alkali aplite, and pegmatite. The rocks are mainly composed of alkali feldspar, quartz, and microcrystalline zircon. The ubiquitous zircon is the distinctive feature of the alkaline rocks, which plot with within plate granite, anorogenic granite, and ultrapotassic rocks, and show very similar REE patterns. Alkali aplite has especially high total rare earth elements and negative europium anomalies compared to the layered alkali granite. The Zr-Nb-Y-REE mineralization occurs as zircon-magnetite bands that are associated with several REE minerals. Repeated graded textures of layered alkali granites with interlayered Zr-Nb-Y-REE mineralization can be explained by gravity accumulation in the late magmatic stage. The compositions of zircons plot between the late magmatic and hydrothermal fields. The REE patterns of zircon-rich mineralization shows slightly negative slopes, whereas zircons show positive slopes. This can be explained by the HREE being strongly partitioned into zircon grains from the melt. Zircons with low total REE contents show high positive Ce anomalies. Although zircon analyses were conducted on one sample from a small area, it shows variable Ce anomalies and TREE, which indicates the zircons crystallized under conditions of rapidly changing oxygen fugacity, as the REE contents of zircon are related to the oxygen fugacity of the melt. The limited Th/U ratios of zircons indicate that they crystallized during a simple magmatic event, and were not affected by hydrothermal alteration and metamorphism. Here we suggest a flotation, aggregation, and gravity accumulation model can explain settle down of microcrystalline zircon and magnetite grains in fluid rich alkaline melt. This is the first report on highly evolved alkali granite that associated with Zr-Nb-Y-REE mineralization. The features displayed in these deposits have important implications for the evolution of alkali magmas.

How to cite: No, S.-G., Park, M.-E., and White, N. C.: Geochemistry and origin of a new-type of Zr-Nb-Y-REE deposit in highly-evolved alkali granite, Chungju area, South Korea, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-2554,, 2020.

A change in the Ta/Nb ratio in acid igneous rocks is related to crystallization differentiation processes. The genesis of rock-forming and accessory minerals, the formation of an aqueous fluid at the magmatic stage, or the separation of another liquid phase from a silicate melt through liquation can lead to a change in the Ta/Nb ratio and an increase in the contents of Ta and Nb in the residual melt. A calculation of the possible change in the Ta/Nb indicator ratio in the residual deeply differentiated granite melt is performed.

We used experimental data from various literature sources (T = 650–800 ºC, P = 1–2 kbar) on the solubility of columbite and tantalite in a silicate melt and on the distribution of Ta and Nb among a coexisting silicate melt, aqueous liquid, and aluminum fluoride melt. The Clarke values of these metals in acid rocks of the Earth’s crust were taken as the initial contents of Ta and Nb in the melt. The calculations were made using the mass balance method. It is shown that the separation of fluid in a closed magmatic system rock-forming minerals–silicate melt–water can lead to an approximately twice increase in Ta/Nb in the residual melt as compared to the initial Clarke value. In the system rock-forming minerals–silicate melt–alumino fluoride melt with the initial content of fluorine close to that in biotite granites, the Ta/Nb ratio in the residual melt can increase to ~1. Successive crystallization of minerals of the isomorphic columbite–tantalite series can lead to Ta/Nb > 2 in the residual melt. Crystallization of biotite causes a significant increase in Ta/Nb but significantly prevents the accumulation of these metals in the residual silicate melt.

How to cite: Alferyeva, Y. and Gramenitskiy, E.: Calculation of changes in the Ta/Nb ratio in differentiates of granite melt based on experimental data, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-7509,, 2020.

The Lijiagou spodumene deposit in the central Songpan-Garze Fold Belt (SGFB), West Sichuan, is a spodumene pegmatite-hosted deposit within the giant Songpan-Garze polymetallic belt. Systematic zircon, cassiterite and coltan U-Pb dating, Hf isotope and whole-rock geochemical analysis were undertaken. Two-mica granite and muscovite albite granite have S-type granite affinities and chemical compositions suggesting a post-orogenic setting, and the spodumene pegmatites belong to the LCT (Li-Cs-Ta) group of pegmatites. Zircon LA-MC-ICP-MS U-Pb dating of the two-mica granite, muscovite albite granite, barren albite pegmatite and albite spodumene pegmatite give crystallization ages of 219.2 ± 2.3 Ma (MSWD = 0.55), 217 ± 2.8 Ma (MSWD = 0.47), 202.8 ± 4.9 Ma (MSWD = 3.9), 200.1 ± 4.6 Ma (MSWD = 3.1), respectively. Zircons from the same units yield εHf(t) values of  −39.17 to 13.84, −22.73 to −2.83, −11.17 to 8.14, and −4.92 to −2.4, respectively, consistent with mixed crustal sources for the pegmatite and granite magmas. Cassiterite from spodumene pegmatite yields a concordia intercept age of 211.4 ± 3.3 Ma (MSWD = 2.9), while coltan yields a weighted mean age of 211.6 ± 0.5 Ma (MSWD = 0.61). The U-Pb zircon ages of the two-mica granite and muscovite albite granite are interpreted as ages of magmatic crystallization. Metamictization of zircon in both barren and spodumene pegmatites makes their U-Pb zircon ages liable to inaccuracy due to Pb loss. The coltan U-Pb age is regarded as an accurate measure of the magmatic crystallization age of the spodumene pegmatite. Given the differences in magmatic ages and εHf(t) ranges between spodumene pegmatite and both the two-mica granite and the muscovite albite granite, the spodumene pegmatite probably represents an anatectic melt and not a fractionation product of either of the granitic magmas. U-Pb coltan and U-Pb cassiterite dating are more likely to provide accurate crystallization ages of spodumene pegmatites than U-Pb zircon ages. Spodumene mineral exploration in such geological environments requires consideration both of the mineralogy and geochemistry of potential metasedimentary source rocks, and of the effects of granite intrusion in creating fertile mineral assemblages.

Two key conclusions for spodumene pegmatite mineral exploration follow: 1) prior intrusion of granite may be required to generate a metasedimentary mineral assemblage that may later yield albite-spodumene pegmatite magma, and 2) a focus on the mineralogy and Li concentration of potential metasedimentary source rocks is required to identify geological environments in which albite-spodumene pegmatite magmas may have been generated.

How to cite: Fei, G., Li, Y., and Menuge, J. F.: The origin of the super-large Lijiagou spodumene pegmatite deposit in Songpan-Garze Fold Belt, West Sichuan, China, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-17877,, 2020.

Magmatic-hydrothermal transition in highly differentiated silicic igneous systems is responsible for several mineralization styles including pegmatite-, porphyry- or greisen-related ore deposits. The Krušné hory/Erzgebirge province in central Europe is characterized by late Variscan, Sn-W greisen mineralization that is spatially and temporally associated with W-Mo pegmatite-greisen mineralization in its eastern part. In the Knöttel district at Krupka, a complete sequence of highly differentiated Li- and F-rich granites, aplites, pegmatites, breccias, greisens, hydrothermal quartzites and late quartz veins is exposed and the nature of magmatic-hydrothermal transition has been investigated and interpreted by trace element composition of quartz. Abundance of the siliceous rocks points to sharp chemical gradients, controlling the precipitation and/or mineralization processes that may have been facilitated by involvement of hydrosilicate (silicothermal) fluids. The trace element concentrations of quartz and their correlations suggest that Si4+ = Li+Al3+ and Si4+ = H+Al3+ are the most important substitution mechanisms. Ratios in Ti vs. Li, Be and Al define several distinct genetic trends: (1) magmatic, high-Li/Ti or Al/Ti trend which involves granites, aplites and K-feldspar pegmatites; (2) late-magmatic or hydrosilicate, medium-Li/Ti trend recorded by quartz megacrysts and pegmatite-textured aggregates in granites and quartz-protolithionite pegmatite; (3) hydrothermal, low-Li/Ti or Al/Ti trend represented by a stockwork of coarse-grained hydrothermal quartzites and quartz veins, and quartz replacement in greisens. The medium-Li/Ti trend plausibly represents a hydrosilicate liquid, an H2O- and SiO2-rich medium that was probably formed by disequilibrium crystallization in front of rapidly propagating solidification front of highly evolved granitic melt. Thermal evolution of the magmatic-hydrothermal system was monitored by Ti-in-quartz thermometry. The calculated rutile activity in the granitic melts was very low (0.3–0.05) but it increased (up to 1), that is, rutile saturation in the pegmatites and the hydrothermal quartz veins. Magmatic crystallization of the granites and aplites occurred from 700 to 580 °C, the pegmatite formation between 600 and 500 °C. The greisenization stage coincided thermally with the pegmatite crystallization, and it was followed by a late hydrothermal stage precipitating distal quartz veins at 500–390 °C. The concentrations of Ti, Al, Ge, Li and Rb in quartz reveal that the granite and pegmatite magmas at Knöttel – and in the Erzgebirge in general – have reached extremely high Al, Li, Rb and Ge enrichment in comparison with igneous rocks worldwide and their composition approaches that of pegmatites. In addition, the Knöttel system exhibits Be enrichment in quartz, apparently linked to F enrichment, and this feature marks the Mo-W-mineralized systems globally.

How to cite: Peterková, T. and Dolejš, D.: Magmatic-hydrothermal transition in Mo-W granite-pegmatite-greisen systems: trace element chemistry of quartz, Krupka district, eastern Erzgebirge (Czech Republic), EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-20113,, 2020.

Coupled dissolution – reprecipitation processes in apatite during metasomatism can occur both in nature as well as experimentally [1, 2, 3]. Various fluids can affect the growth of monazite and/or xenotime as well as element redistribution in apatite. We have conducted a series of hydrothermal experiments on the dissolution of fluorapatite in reactions with sulfate-bearing and saline fluids at post-magmatic P-T conditions. The fluorapatite used in these experiments are inclusion-free grains (size 0.5 - 1 mm) extracted from magnetite-apatite rocks of the Mushgai-Khudag complex (South Mongolia). The fluids used include aqueous solutions of H2SO4 + La2(SO4)3, FeCl3 and H2SO4 + Fe2O3 ( La2SO4 or FeCl3/H2O = 50/50, La2SO4 or Fe2O3/1N H2SO4 = 50/50). The solids + fluids were placed in 1 cm long/3mm wide Pt capsules and arc-welded shut.  They were then placed in a cold-seal autoclave on a hydrothermal line at 200 MPa and 600 oC for a duration of about 3 weeks. The experiments were quenched using compressed air and the products were analyzed by SEM and EMP.

In the La2(SO4)3/H2O experiments, the fluorapatite did not show any changes in composition compared to the original fluorapatite. Monazite and anhydrite did not form.  In the La2(SO4)3/H2SO4 experiments, monazite and cubic crystals of anhydrite were formed along the cracks and rims of the fluorapatite grains. A single grain of fluorite was found associated with anhydrite and monazite. Fluorapatite metasomatized in a FeCl3/H2O saline solution developed light trails across the grain surface. These trails are moderately depleted in Ca, P, Sr, and enriched in Si, S, and LREE as compared with the darker areas, which represent the original fluorapatite. Monazite and anhydrite did not form. In the Fe2O3/1N H2SO4 experiments, the fluorapatite developed a zonal structure where light zones are enriched in Si and LREE. Cubic crystals of anhydrite formed along the cracks and rims of the fluorapatite grains. Monazite did not form. A Fe-Ca-P phase was found as rounded or elongated grains within the fluorapatite.

Our results indicate that H2SO4 in the fluid promotes the highest reactivity allowing for the formation of new mineral phases in the fluorapatite during the dissolution-reprecipitation process.

This work was supported by the Russian Science Foundation, grant No 19-17-00013.


[1] Harlov, D. E., Förster, H. J., 2003. Fluid-induced nucleation of (Y+ REE)-phosphate minerals within apatite: Nature and experiment. Part II. Fluorapatite. Am. Miner., 88(8-9), 1209-1229.

[2] Harlov, D. E., Wirth, R., Förster, H. J., 2005. An experimental study of dissolution–reprecipitation in fluorapatite: fluid infiltration and the formation of monazite. Min. and Petrol., 150(3), 268-286.

[3] Harlov, D.E., Förster, H.J., Schmidt, C., 2003. High PT experimental metasomatism of a fluorapatite with significant britholite and fluorellestadite components: implications for LREE mobility during granulite-facies metamorphism. Min. Mag., 67 (1), 61-72.

How to cite: Nikolenko, A., Harlov, D., and Veksler, I.: An experimental study of apatite metasomatized by S-bearing fluid: the element redistribution and the formation of monazite and anhydrite , EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-12442,, 2020.

EGU2020-8942 | Displays | GMPV5.3

The sulfide enclave cargo: Insights into magmatic-hydrothermal ore systems

Ariadni Afroditi Georgatou and Massimo Chiaradia

The study of magmatic enclaves can provide a vertical understanding of the variable levels at which magmatic differentiation occurs, allowing us to quantify the conditions under which processes like sulfide saturation take place. Recent studies have confirmed the importance of lower crustal hornblende-rich enclaves (Chang and Audétat, 2018) and deep pyroxene-rich cumulates, as fertile sources in post-subduction and collisional settings, by sequestrating most of the Cu extracted from the mantle (Chen et al., 2019). Moreover, studies of sulfides in the host rock (Keith et al., 2017, Georgatou et al., 2018, 2020) and in enclaves (Du et al., 2014; Georgatou et al., 2018) have shown that sulfide saturation appears to be a multi-stage process starting with Fe,Ni-rich sulfides, switching to Ni-poor, Cu-rich sulfides and finally to only Cu-rich sulfides. Bracketing the P-T range in which sulfide saturation occurs relative to the sulfide occurrence and composition for diverse geodynamic settings in both mineralised and barren systems would permit us to assess the effect of sulfide saturation on the mineralization potential of the ascending residual melt.

Here, we investigate sulfide-bearing magmatic enclaves from: (i) the Miocene volcano-plutonic complexes of Konya (hosting the Doganbey Cu-Mo-W porphyry and Inlice Au-epithermal) and Usak (hosting the Kisladag giant Au-porphyry), in Western Turkey (post-subduction settings), (ii) the Kula Plio-Quaternary volcano, in the Usak basin, also in Turkey (intraplate OIB-like signature volcano in post-subduction setting). We compare results from the above areas with those of previously studied enclaves (Georgatou et al., 2018) and of new enclaves of the Quaternary Ecuadorian volcanic arc, hosting, among others, the Cascabel Cu-Au Miocene porphyry deposits (subduction setting).

Our results confirm previous conclusions (Georgatou et al., 2018) that mafic enclaves and cumulates carry a greater amount of sulfides compared to the more felsic host rock and that sulfides are generally Cu-poorer compared to the ones found in the host rock. Preliminary thermobarometry data on sulfide bearing amphibole cores found in the host rock yield P(GPa)/T(oC) (Ridolfi et al., 2010) of 0.39-0.53/1060-1093 for Kula, 0.46-0.11/1015-819 for Konya, 0.20-0.33/917-969 for Usak and 0.2-0.38/902-987 for Ecuador. Estimates on amphibole occuring in hornblende-rich enclaves of Kula and Ecuador indicate P/T values of 0.22-0.57/988-1097 and 0.24-0.4/900-1013, respectively. Crossrefencing with Mutch et al., 2016 shows similar temperatures but significantly higher pressures, indicating for the case of Kula 0.69-0.83 GPa in the host rock and 0.53-0.86 GPa in the enclaves. These data suggest widespread sulfide saturation occurring at mid- to upper crustal depths with the highest P-T values corresponding to the onset of early Fe,Ni-rich sulfide saturation. Future investigation of sulfide-rich enclaves found in other areas and crossreferencing with multiple thermobarometers will further constrain the P-T conditions for later stages of sulfide saturation.


Chang and Audétat 2018, J.Petrol. 59(10):1869-1898

Chen et al., 2019, Earth Planet.Sci.Lett. 531, 115971

Du et al., 2014, Geosci.Front. 5,237-248

Georgatou et al., 2019, Lithos 296-299,580-599

Georgatou and Chiaradia, 2020, Solid Earth 11(1):1-21

Keith et al., 2017, Chem.Geol. 451:67–77

Ridolfi et al., 2010, Contrib.Mineral.Petrol. 160,45-66

Mutch et al., 2016, Contrib.Mineral.Petrol. 171,85

How to cite: Georgatou, A. A. and Chiaradia, M.: The sulfide enclave cargo: Insights into magmatic-hydrothermal ore systems, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-8942,, 2020.

EGU2020-3513 | Displays | GMPV5.3

F, Cl content of Hydrothermal Biotite as a Geochemical Indicator Vectoring to Ore: Constrain on Niaz Cu-Mo porphyry Deposit, NW Iran

Kamal Siahcheshm, Christiane Wagner, Beate Orberger, Michel Fialin, and Nicolas Rividi

The Niaz porphyry Cu-Mo deposit in the Arasbaran metallogenic belt of NW Iran exhibits extensive hydrothermal alteration developed in three temporally and spatially overlapping zones:   early potassic, transitional phyllic and intermediate argillic, and late advanced argillic. The early and transitional zones contain biotite, either of magmatic (re-equilibrated) or hydrothermal (replacement and/or neoformed) origin. This study aims to understand the petrography and chemistry of the hydrothermal biotite for evaluating the fluid compositional changes during alteration processes. Selected samples from the different alteration zones were studied for petrography crossing from inner to outer parts of the Niaz deposit. Electron microprobe analyses (Cameca SX100) including halogens (F and Cl) were performed on the hydrothermal micas at the Centre CAMPARIS, Institut des Sciences de la Terre de Paris (ISTeP), Sorbonne University, France. The biotite composition displays an increase in Al2O3, FeO and Cl, but a decrease in TiO2, MgO and F, from the potassic to the transitional phyllic and intermediate argillic alteration zones. The hydrothermal biotite with high Mg (XMg = 0.61-0.72) inside potassic zone tends to incorporate more F and less Cl compared to the biotite with lower Mg; a crystal-chemical effect referred to as “Fe-F and Mg-Cl avoidance rules”. The biotite from the potassic zone possesses  a moderate range of F content (0.24 to 0.91wt. %) that is significantly higher than in the phyllic (0.45 to 0.62 wt. %) and argillic (0.19 to 0.37 wt. %) zones, exhibiting a positive correlation with XMg and a negative correlation with Cl. However, the biotite from transitional phyllic as well as intermediate argillic alteration zones shows a scattered relationship.

The biotite from the central potassic to transitional phyllic and intermediate argillic alteration zones have average log (XF/XOH) values of ‑1.16, ‑1.19, and ‑1.44, respectively. The log (XCl/XOH) values are ‑2.10, ‑1.97, and ‑1.98, whereas log (XCl/XF) val­ues vary from 0.95, 0.78 to 0.54. The systematic variation of the logarithmic ratios reflects a sys­tematic variation of the F content in biotite associated with these alteration zones.

Microthermometric data of fluid inclusions show a decrease in temperature from potassic through phyllic to intermediate argillic zones (420, 360 and 280 °C, respectively). The log (fH2O/fHF) and log (fH2O/fHCl) values calculated for fluids equilibrated with biotite increase progressively outward in these alteration zones (6.04, 6.42 and 7.39, respectively). The decrease in halogen content of hydrothermal fluids toward outer parts of the deposits reflects an increase in the degree of mixing between magmatic fluid and meteoric water.

The F content of biotite decreases systematically toward the outer part of the deposit, while the Cl content shows unsystematic variations crossing the alteration zones. This finding suggests that the Cl content cannot be used as exploration tool for vectoring the mineralization. However, the positive correlation between the F content in biotite and bulk concentration of Cu in the different alteration zones may provide a possible geochemical tool to vectoring the Cu mineralization in porphyry deposits.

How to cite: Siahcheshm, K., Wagner, C., Orberger, B., Fialin, M., and Rividi, N.: F, Cl content of Hydrothermal Biotite as a Geochemical Indicator Vectoring to Ore: Constrain on Niaz Cu-Mo porphyry Deposit, NW Iran, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-3513,, 2020.

The Rodu-Frasin Neogene volcanic structure and associated Au-Ag mineralization are located in the north-eastern part of the Metaliferi Mountains, being part of the Baia de Aries - Rosia - Bucium metallogenetic district of the "Golden Quadrilateral".

The Rodu-Frasin region's geology consists mainly of Frasin dacite dyke and dome, polymictic volcanic and phreatomagmatic breccias and related volcano-sedimentary deposits, Badenian volcanic and sedimentary rocks, and Cretaceous sedimentary rocks.

Hydrothermal alteration in the region is pervasive and widespread throughout the volcanic structure and surrounding Cretaceous formation. Five main types of hydrothermal alterations have been described: potassic, propylitic, phyllic, silicic and carbonate. Argillic alteration is present only locally.

In the area of Rodu-Frasin deposit, the ore occurs in a structurally complex environment, influenced by faults and fractures oriented in two or more directions. Au-Ag-base metals mineralization is genetically associated with hydrothermal breccias and phreatomagmatic fractures.

Ore minerals consist of sulfides, gold, carbonates, adularia and quartz. They have been prevalently emplaced as veins, breccia bodies and disseminations in open fractures and breccias in the Rodu diatreme, and as stockworks, veins and disseminations in relationship to the Frasin dome structure.

The mineralized veins contain carbonates, quartz, pyrite, sphalerite, galena, chalcopyrite, tetrahedrite and gold. Magnetite and hematite, probably formed under mesothermal conditions, have been identified only as metasomatic substitutions of possible deep-breaking Cretaceous limestone clasts.

The deposition of the ore seemed to have a pulsating nature with the evolution taking place, possibly, in three stages to which the following mineral assemblages were described: 1. magnetite, hematite - pyrite, marcasite - quartz and pyrite - quartz ± base metal sulfides, in the first stage (mesothermal?); 2. arsenopyrite, Au - base metal sulfides - quartz - adularia, “chinga”, pyrite, Au - quartz - adularia and base metal sulfides - calcite, aragonite, dolomite, ankerite, ± rhodochrosite ± kutnahorite - quartz - adularia, in the second stage (epithermal low sulfidation) and 3. quartz - pyrite - marcasite - carbonates dominant rhodochrosite - Au and alabandite - rhodochrosite - quartz in the third stage (epithermal low sulfidation).

Gold is present in various proportions, either as small grains or as sub-microscopic occurrences and has been petrographically identified as electrum. The individual grains in native state have been observed as thin sheets on pyrite, sphalerite, rhodochrosite, calcite and quartz or as short wires and sheets in geodes. Local gold concentrations are common at the intersection of the locally-called “chairs” with “crosses” veins.


This work was supported by two Romanian Ministry of Research and Innovation grants, CCCDI – UEFISCDI, project number PN-III-P4-ID-PCCF-2016-4-0014 and PN-III-P1-1.2-PCCDI-2017-0346/29, within PNCDI III.

How to cite: Elena-Luisa, I.: Ore mineralogy of the Rodu-Frasin Au-Ag deposit, Metaliferi Mountains, Romania, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-2888,, 2020.

EGU2020-20630 | Displays | GMPV5.3

Evolution of oxygen fugacity and copper in the Mesozoic Shanyang porphyry groups, South Qinling

Biji Luo, Hongfei Zhang, Liqi Zhang, Chao Zhang, Fabin Pan, and He Yang

Porphyries, closely associated with the copper ore deposits in orogenic belts, are usually considered to have high oxygen fugacity and display high Sr/Y ratios. However, it is still ambiguous whether the high oxygen fugacity and the enrichment of copper are inherited from magma source or obtained by magmatic processes, and the linkage between the high Sr/Y magmas and the formation of porphyry Cu deposits remains unclear. To address these issues, an integrated study of zircon geochronology and oxygen fugacity, petrography, geochemical and Sr-Nd-Hf isotopic compositions for was carried our for the Shanyang porphyry groups from the South Qinling Orogen, Central China. The crystallization ages for the Shanyang porphyries range from ca. 152 to 140 Ma. Our results suggest that the Shanyang porphyry groups are high Ba-Sr granitoids, rather than adakitic rocks, and there is no inevitable connection between high Sr/Y magma and the formation of PCDs. Their parental magmas were derived from partial melting of enriched heterogeneous lithospheric mantle that had been metasomatized by fluid or melt released from the previous subducting slab. Through magma differentiation, the Shanyang porphyry magmas changed from the oxidation state (ΔFMQ +1 to +2) to the reduced state (ΔFMQ +1 to -0.5). The redox condition of magma may be very different from its source and can be shifted remarkably during magmatic evolution that caused by fractional crystallization of garnet in the deep crust and magma degassing in the shallow upper crust. Remelting of the early formed sulfides and gas-brine reactions could enrich copper in the exsolved volatile fluid. Furthermore, the periodic and long-lived magmatic-hydrothermal systems in the shallower magma reservoirs play a critical role in the formation of porphyry Cu deposits.


How to cite: Luo, B., Zhang, H., Zhang, L., Zhang, C., Pan, F., and Yang, H.: Evolution of oxygen fugacity and copper in the Mesozoic Shanyang porphyry groups, South Qinling, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-20630,, 2020.

EGU2020-18257 | Displays | GMPV5.3

Integrated study of supergene copper deposits from Atacama Desert, Northern Chile: coupled petro-geochemical approach and U-Pb LA-ICP-MS in situ dating

Zia Steven Kahou, Stéphanie Brichau, Stéphanie Duchêne, Marc Poujol, Eduardo Campos, Mathieu Leisen, François-Xavier d'Abzac, Rodrigo Riquelme, Sébastien Carretier, Sandrine Choy, and Philippe De Parseval

Supergene copper mineralization (SCM) are nowadays the economic viability of many porphyry copper deposits worldwide. These mineralization are derived from supergene processes, defined by Ransome (1912) as sulfide oxidation and leaching of ore deposits in the weathering environment, and any attendant secondary sulfide enrichment. For supergene copper mineralization to form, favorable tectonics, climate and geomorphologic conditions are required. Tectonics control the uplift needed to induce groundwater lowering and leaching of sulphides from a porphyry copper deposit. Climate controls copper leaching in the supergene environment and groundwater circulation towards the locus where supergene copper-bearing minerals precipitate. Two types of SCM have been recognized: 1) in-situ SCM, which are products of descending aqueous solutions and 2) exotic SCM,  which are the products of lateral migration of supergene copper solutions from a parental porphyry copper deposit (Sillitoe, 2005).

In the Atacama Desert, such deposits seem to take place during specific Tertiary climatic periods and relief formation. But many uncertainties remain regarding the genesis and the exact timing for their formation. In this study, a coupled approach combining a petro-geochemical study and LA-ICP-MS U-Pb dating were applied to four mining copper deposits (e.g. Mina Sur, Damiana, El Cobre, Zaldivar) from hyperarid Atacama Desert of Northern Chile. Textural features are the same in all the deposits with chrysocolla as the abundant mineral, followed by black chrysocolla, pseudomalachite and minor atacamite and copper wad. Their geochemical compositions (i.e. major, traces and rare Earth elements) also show homogeneous results suggesting similar process in their genesis. U-Pb dating were performed on black chrysocolla, chrysocolla and pseudomalachite from all the deposits. Apart from Mina Sur deposit, all the mines mentioned above showed high common lead content. To try to extract in these deposit an U-Pb age, complementary analyses to quantify accurately common lead concentration are ongoing, using MC-ICPMS. At Mina Sur, U-Pb dating performed on pseudomalachite bands yields a crystallisation age of 18.4 ± 1.0 Ma. For the black chrysocolla clasts, the 206Pb/238U apparent ages are ranging from 19.7 ± 5.0 Ma down to 6.1 ± 0.3 Ma, a spreading that we interpret as the result of uranium and lead mobility linked to fluid circulation following crystallization. Isotopic analyses, i.e. Cu and O isotopes, are in progress to better constrain the source and nature of these fluids. This study demonstrates, for the first time, that supergene copper mineralization presents a chronological potential and can be dated, at least in some case, by the U-Th-Pb method. Furthermore, the age obtained on pseudomalachite indicates that Mina Sur deposition took place as early as 19 Ma, a result that is in agreement with geological constraints in the mining district and the supergene ages already known in the Atacama Desert. These promising results represent a new tool to understand the physico-chemical, climatic and geological conditions that prevailed during the formation of supergene copper deposits and a proxy for their prospection around the world and maybe date climatic variation.

How to cite: Kahou, Z. S., Brichau, S., Duchêne, S., Poujol, M., Campos, E., Leisen, M., d'Abzac, F.-X., Riquelme, R., Carretier, S., Choy, S., and De Parseval, P.: Integrated study of supergene copper deposits from Atacama Desert, Northern Chile: coupled petro-geochemical approach and U-Pb LA-ICP-MS in situ dating, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-18257,, 2020.

Porphyry magmatic systems emplaced within carbonate host rocks constitute a major source of the world’s Cu, Mo, Pb, Zn and Au [1]. Mineralisation is generally either porphyry-style or endoskarn-style within, or porphyry-, exoskarn- or manto-style outside the porphyry intrusion(s) [1,2]. Genetic models for porphyry and skarn mineralisation are well established, however questions remain as to why endoskarn- rather than porphyry-style mineralisation predominates within certain systems and regions. This is the case in Japan, for example, where there are very few signs of porphyry mineralisation despite generally favourable geological conditions, but there are large endoskarn and exoskarn deposits [3]. Recent studies show that magmas can assimilate large volumes of crustal carbonates, potentially providing a significant amount of CO2 to late and post-magmatic hydrothermal fluids [4]. High levels of CO2 in magmatic-hydrothermal systems may favour endoskarn formation and affect metal fractionation and solubility of ore minerals [5]. In this contribution, we test the hypothesis that endoskarn alteration may eliminate porphyry-style Cu mineralisation and mobilise Cu into other parts of the pluton and surrounding carbonate wall-rocks (exoskarns).  

To address this hypothesis, the Daye ore district in the Middle-Lower Yangtze River metallogenic belt was selected for study as it hosts porphyry-, exoskarn- and endoskarn-styles of mineralisation [6]. The porphyry and skarn deposits lie within Late Mesozoic intrusions or along their contacts with Late Triassic carbonates. From among the many porphyry-related systems, the Tonglushan Fe-Cu-(Au) endoskarn-bearing system was selected for detailed field-, light microscopy-, cathodoluminescence-, SEM- and QEMSCAN®-based genetic studies. The current study is mainly based on a comparison of samples from a single core through altered granite, endoskarn and exoskarn. From preliminary data for the Tonglushan system, the granites distal to the endoskarn were affected by Na-Ca alteration (replacement of intermediate composition plagioclase with albite, calcite and chlorite, and hornblende with calcite and chlorite), potassic alteration (replacement of plagioclase with K-feldspar), and later quartz-calcite veining. The endoskarn, which shows relict minerals and textures from the granite, underwent: 1) sericitic alteration, 2) prograde endoskarn formation, 3) retrograde endoskarn formation, 4) potassic alteration and 5) late carbonate veining stage. The textural relationships of oxide minerals in exoskarn and endoskarn indicate that magnetite and hematite likely formed during Stage 3, whereas Cu-(Au) mineralisation in the exoskarn is considered to be genetically associated with the potassic alteration phase, with precipitation of sulphides caused by acid neutralisation within the carbonates.


[1] Sillitoe R (2010) Econ Geol 105:3-41

[2] Meinert L D et al. (2005) Econ Geol 100:299-336

[3] Ishihara S (1980) Mining Geol 30:59-62

[4] Carter L B and Dasgupta R (2016) Geochem Geophys Geosyst 17:3893-3916

[5] Lowenstern J B (2001) Mineral Deposita 36:490-502

[6] Zhai Y S et al. (1996) Ore Geol Rev 11:229-248

How to cite: Zhang, F., J. Williamson, B., S.R. Hughes, H., and Rollinson, G.: Discriminating porphyry and endoskarn-forming magmatic-hydrothermal systems: a case study from the Tonglushan Fe-Cu-(Au) deposit, Daye district, China, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-317,, 2020.

The Keban Pb-Zn-(Cu) skarn deposit in the Elazığ region, Turkey, was formed at the contact zone of the Permo-Triassic metamorphics and the Late Cretaceous plutonic rocks in the Eastern Taurus orogenic belt. The mineralization is hosted by skarn and meta-clastic/carbonate rocks of the Keban Metamorphics intruded by alkali syenite porphyry, which is associated with the Pb-Zn-(Cu) mineralization. The rock units in the region are partly hydrothermally altered graphite calc-schist containing crystallized limestone interlayers and lenses, meta-pellitic rocks (phylitte/calc-phyllite), dolomitic limestone, calc-silicate hornfels, marble and plutonic rocks. Calc-silicate hornfels is an initial metamorphic product occurred in contact zone of the intrusive unit. Results of mineralogical studies indicate that garnet and pyroxene-rich skarn formed in early (prograde) stage of skarnization whereas epidote, chlorite, tremolite, phlogopite, muscovite, calcite, quartz and fluorite are typical minerals of the retrograde stage. Using the Raman spectroscopy investigations, garnets in alteration zone are subdivided into two groups. Garnets in andradite composition are zoned and occur close to the intrusion reflecting high-temperature conditions and those of grossular composition represent low-temperature conditions. The sill/dykes and stock-like Keban plutonic rocks hosting foid syenite porphyry and nepheline syenite are of holocrystalline hipidiomorph porphyritic texture including large nepheline and plagioclase phenocrysts. Metallic minerals comprise sphalerite, galena, chalcopyrite, magnetite, bornite, pyrite, fahlore and hematite, which mainly occur as dissemination, vein and massive forms and crosscut by late-stage quartz, fluorite and calcite veinlets. Sphalerite is medium-coarse grained, semi-euhedral and contain chalcopyrite inclusions. Blebs of chalcopyrite are widely recognized in sphalerite (chalcopyrite disease). Galena replaces sphalerite and in some cases, it hosts several sulfo-salt minerals. Magnetite partly or completely transforms to limonite and chalcopyrite inclusions in sphalerite occur among the magnetite grains.

Key words: Keban, Pb-Zn-(Cu) skarn deposits, Mineralogy, Petrography, Ore Microscopy, Raman Spectroscopy

How to cite: Kirat, E. and Mutlu, H.: Mineralogy and petrography of the Keban Pb-Zn-(Cu) skarn deposit, Elaziğ, eastern Turkey, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-4435,, 2020.

EGU2020-7392 | Displays | GMPV5.3

U-Pb dating of skarn garnets from Bulgarian deposits

Rossitsa Vassileva, Valentin Grozdev, Irena Peytcheva, Albrecht von Quadt, and Maria Stifeeva

Calcic garnets from grossular-andradite (grandite) series have proven their ability to record the conditions and timing of their formation processes. Typically these minerals occur in skarn systems, together with other calc-silicates (diopside, epidote) and commonly host economic Cu, Zn-Pb-Ag, Au, Sn, W or Mo mineralization. Based on the U-content in the garnet structure, we used in-situ LA-ICP-MS U-Pb geochronology to determine the age record in more than 15 skarn deposits from different tectonic zones in Bulgaria. The data is partly complemented with ID-TIMS dating. The mineralogical, geochemical and petrological characteristics of the materials were described additionally. Both contact and infiltration skarns were studied.

The obtained data revealed that the garnet composition in terms of major elements does not affect the precision of age determination. Both andradite and grossular members yield age data with very high accuracy. The dating results, however, depend on the geochemical signature of the garnets and especially on the U-content and U/Pb ratio. Our data shows that skarn samples from the vicinities of magmatic bodies or along contacts of causative pegmatite veins usually have increased U-incorporation from several to more than 70 ppm, as suggested by their proximal position to the source. The contact skarn garnets formed by intrusion of silicate melts (or pegmatites) onto carbonate-rich hosts mostly produce precise ages, which are in good agreement with the geochronological zircon data about the magmatism in the studied regions (e.g. Central Pirin, Teshevo, Plana, Gutsal, Rila-West Rhodope, Sv. Nikola etc. plutons). The infiltration skarns, though, generally reveal ages with low accuracy and significant errors, mainly due to U-content below 1 ppm. The reason for the low U-concentration and U/Pb ratio is either connected with a primary U-deficit and its depletion in the garnet-precipitating fluids with time and space but might be also related to garnet retrograde hydrothermal alteration.

The time span of the Bulgarian skarn garnets is closely connected with the causative magmatic bodies. The studied skarns reveal Paleogene (~30-42 Ma - Central Pirin and Teshevo plutons and pegmatites from Rila-West Rhodope batholith; Djurkovo, Murzian and Zvezdel Pb-Zn deposits; ~ 58 Ma - skarns from Western Rila Mts., ~ 68 Ma – Babyak Mo-Ag-Au-W-Bi-Cu-Pb-Zn deposit), Cretaceous (~ 76 Ma- Gutsal pluton, 81 Ma - scheelite bearing skarns from the Plana pluton, 86 Ma – Iglika skarn deposit) and Paleozoic (~ 303 Ma – Martinovo Fe-skarn deposit) ages. Given the occurrence of Ca-garnet in contact rocks and hydrothermal ore deposits, our results highlight the potential of grandite as a powerful U-Pb geochronometer for dating magmatism and skarn-related mineralizations.

Acknowledgements. The study is partly supported by the DNTS 02/15 bilateral project between Bulgaria and the Russian Federation, financed by the Bulgarian National Science Fund.

How to cite: Vassileva, R., Grozdev, V., Peytcheva, I., von Quadt, A., and Stifeeva, M.: U-Pb dating of skarn garnets from Bulgarian deposits, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-7392,, 2020.

EGU2020-485 | Displays | GMPV5.3

Mineralogy, textural characteristics and mineral chemistry of remobilised sulphides and sulphosalts in the Rävliden Norra VMS deposit, Skellefte district, northern Sweden

Jonathan Rincon, Simon Johansson, Nils Jansson, Helen Thomas, Majka Christiane Kaiser, Mac Fjellerad Persson, Erik Nordfeldt, and Christina Wanhainen

Remobilisation of sulphides in metamorphosed volcanic-hosted massive sulphide deposits has been investigated in many VMS districts with regards to scale, mineral assemblages, texture and relative competence of minerals under certain p-t conditions (Gilligan & Marshall, 1987; Marshall & Gilligan, 1987). Examples of syn-tectonic remobilisation can be found at the Rävliden Norra (RVN) volcanic-hosted massive sulphide in the Skellefte district. At Rävliden, polymetallic sulphide mineralization occurs at the transition from meta-volcanic rocks of the Skellefte group rocks to the overlying Vargfors group, comprising volcaniclastic metasedimentary rocks and graphitic shales. This contribution details features of mesoscale (0.1-50 cm) remobilisation of sulphides, such as sulphide-rich veins, tension gashes, ball-ore, massive sulphides with cataclastic texture, and micro-scale features such as infilling of pressure shadows, displaying evidences of brittle and ductile deformation. Sulphide-rich veins containing sphalerite, galena, and a relative high content of Ag-sulphosalts (e.g. freibergite, pyrargyrite, pyrostilpnite) are hosted in the hanging wall (HW) of the RVN mineralization. Brittle deformation is shown in accessory quartz and calcite as bulging recrystallization, grain boundary migration and deformation lamellae or twinning. Ductile expressions include ball-ore (i.e. “durchbewegung”) textures, typically made up of two components, one composed of clasts of graphite shale or tremolite-, actinolite-, talc-altered meta-volcanic rocks and the other comprising a matrix of massive sulphide mineralization. In the massive sulphide matrix of sphalerite, chalcopyrite or pyrrhotite, micro-scale tension gashes and/or pressure shadows occur around clasts infilled by pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, galena, freibergite, boulangerite, or gudmundite. A similar mineralogy is observed in ore lenses in the ore zone, comprising sphalerite, galena and Ag-Sb-As sulphosalts, hosted structurally above chalcopyrite + pyrrhotite stringer zones in the footwall (FW). Sulphosalts and galena present a high silver content relative to other VMS deposits in the district. This is evidenced by SEM and EMPA analysis in both HW and FW ore lenses. Argentopyrite, sternbergite and stephanite are also locally present in the HW as minor silver species hosted in veins. Inclusions of freibergite in galena contain Ag with average values of 18.4 wt. % in the HW (n=5), 18 wt. % in the massive sphalerite and ball-ore (n= 15), and 20.2 wt. % in the chalcopyrite + pyrrhotite stringer zone (n= 5). Similarly, Pb is 0.2 wt. %, 0.3 wt. %, and 0.4 wt. %, respectively. For sphalerite, Fe is on average 8.0 wt. % (n=3), 7.4 wt. % (n = 11), and 8.3 wt. % (n=3), respectively. Our preliminary results suggest that mineralization in the HW is remobilized from the main ore and textural relationships support a hypothesis that remobilisation involved a relative silver-enrichment in paragenetically later assemblages. At least two stages of deformation in the deposit can be recognized. In the first stage, sphalerite- and chalcopyrite-rich mineralization was deformed along with tremolite and talc to form a S1 foliation. The second stage involved folding of S1, and remobilisation of galena, chalcopyrite and Ag-Sb-As sulphosalts as veins or breccia infill in the HW or filling tension gaps or ball-ore, in the FW. These are often parallel to S2 crenulation or axial planes.

How to cite: Rincon, J., Johansson, S., Jansson, N., Thomas, H., Kaiser, M. C., Persson, M. F., Nordfeldt, E., and Wanhainen, C.: Mineralogy, textural characteristics and mineral chemistry of remobilised sulphides and sulphosalts in the Rävliden Norra VMS deposit, Skellefte district, northern Sweden, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-485,, 2020.

EGU2020-13141 | Displays | GMPV5.3

Mineralogical and structural characterization of massive sulphide deposits in the Iberian Pyrite Belt using hyperspectral digital outcrops

Moritz Kirsch, Sandra Lorenz, Samuel Thiele, Robert Zimmermann, Mahdi Khodadadzadeh, Laura Tusa, and Richard Gloaguen

In this contribution, we present integrated hyperspectral and photogrammetric models from three abandoned open pit mines in the Iberian Pyrite Belt: Corta Atalaya, Tharsis, and Peña de Hierro. On those three examples, we showcase the usefulness of these data for the characterization of volcanogenic massive sulphide (VMS) mineral deposits. The digital outcrop models are generated by co-registering Structure-from-Motion photogrammetric point clouds of the mine faces with radiometrically corrected hyperspectral images in the visible–near and short-wave infrared range. We then use advanced unmixing and supervised classification techniques to distinguish and map the massive sulphide and stockwork mineralization, their sedimentary, volcanic and volcaniclastic host rocks, and domains of hydrothermal and supergene alteration. The enhanced outcrop models also enable a semi-automatic delineation of discontinuities on the point clouds guided by changes in the hyperspectral attributes, and an estimation of structure orientations from their intersection with the surface to derive simple 3D geological models.

How to cite: Kirsch, M., Lorenz, S., Thiele, S., Zimmermann, R., Khodadadzadeh, M., Tusa, L., and Gloaguen, R.: Mineralogical and structural characterization of massive sulphide deposits in the Iberian Pyrite Belt using hyperspectral digital outcrops, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-13141,, 2020.

EGU2020-7018 | Displays | GMPV5.3

An isotopic and trace element investigation of gossans from Troodos ophiolite, Cyprus

Nina Zaronikola, Vinciane Debaille, Sophie Decree, Ryan Mathur, Christodoulos Hadjigeorgiou, and Ioulia Georgiadou Gavrilovic

The Troodos ophiolite is widely accepted to be a fragment of Mesozoic oceanic crust, which uplifted during Alpine orogeny, due to the collision of Eurasia and Africa (Gass and Masson-Smith, 1963; Vibetti, 1993; Adamides, 2011; Antivachis, 2015). It belongs to supra-subduction ophiolites, which probably set up during subduction initiation associated with back-arc spreading (Pearce, 1975; Rautenschlein et al., 1985; Pearce and Robinson, 2010; Martin et al., 2019). The Troodos ophiolite is mentioned to be one of the most well studied and well-preserved ophiolitic sequences (Moores and Vine, 1971; Benn and Laurent, 1987; Patten et al., 2017), presenting significant Cyprus-type sulphide deposits (Constantinou and Govett, 1973; Adamides, 2014).

Cyprus-type deposits are generally, considered as mafic type volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits (VMS), mainly rich in copper and subsidiary zinc, with average grade of 1.3 ± 1.1% Cu and 0.8 ± 0.4% Zn (Hannington et al., 1998; Barie and Hannington, 1999; Patten et al., 2016). VMS deposits are formed in the sea floor, along mid-ocean ridges, by the circulation of high temperature hydrothermal fluids, which their source is seawater (Gillis and Robinson, 1988; Richards et al., 1989; Patten et al., 2017; Martin et al., 2019). In many different regions along the Troodos ophiolite, the VMS deposits are covered by thick, Fe oxides enriched gossans (Bear, 1960; Herzig et al., 1991). In general, those can be formed, when the VMS deposits are exposed to weathering and oxidizing conditions (Herzig et al., 1991), but still the conditions for their formation are debated. The studied gossans from Troodos ophiolite are variegated due to the presence of white silica, red hematite and yellow jarosite. Gossans are always a very interesting part of the ophiolitic sequence from an economic point of view, as they present not only significant amount of extractible copper and zinc, but also, gold and silver (Bear, 1960; Herzig et al., 1991).

We aim to examine the major and trace elements of gossans, which have been collected from different mines (West Apliki, Skouriotissa and Agrokipia mines) of Troodos ophiolite, and define their enrichment or depletion in copper and zinc, by coupling copper and zinc stable non-traditional isotopes. We combined copper with zinc isotopes in a very novel and original approach in order to give information about the conditions prevailing in the system of interest. As many authors mentioned before, supergene enriched environments are the best places to examine the behavior of Cu isotope fractionation under the weathering conditions of ore deposits (Mathur et al., 2008). On the other hand, Zn isotopes are not redox sensitive, but pH-sensitive (Pons, 2016). By coupling them, it can bring light in understanding the way, the nature of fluids that led to gossans formation and their enrichment in copper and zinc in different locations of Troodos ophiolite.

How to cite: Zaronikola, N., Debaille, V., Decree, S., Mathur, R., Hadjigeorgiou, C., and Georgiadou Gavrilovic, I.: An isotopic and trace element investigation of gossans from Troodos ophiolite, Cyprus, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-7018,, 2020.

EGU2020-1475 | Displays | GMPV5.3

Trace elements in quartz vein of Gubong gold deposit, Republic of Korea

Bong Chul Yoo, Jung Hun Seo, Christoph A. Heinrich, and Bum Han Lee

  The Gubong gold deposit is located in the Cheonan metallogenic province which records a highest gold production areas in the Republic of Korea. The Gubong deposit is the richest gold deposit in the province and consists of five stages of massive quartz veins that fill fractures along fault shear zones orienting NE and NW hosted in Precambrian metasedimentary rocks (Gyeonggi massif).

  Ores and alteration minerals of Gubong deposit are sericite, chlorite, epidote, illite, K-feldspar, plagioclase, biotite, quartz, calcite, magnetite, ilmenite, rutile, zircon, monazite, apatite, pyrite, gersdorffite, arsenopyrite, pyrrhotite, sphalerite, marcasite, chalcopyrite, galena, and electrum. Fluid inclusion microthermometry and textural relationships in veins indicate that early sulfide deposition is associated with H2O-CO2-CH4-NaCl±N2 bearing hotter hydrothermal fluids (203~432oC, ≤ 13.4 wt % NaCl) and late sulfide deposition is associated with H2O-NaCl bearing fluids (202~399oC, 3.9~17.3 wt % NaCl) cooled and diluted possibly by mixing with meteoric water.

  Trace element analyses in quartz from veins were performed by using LA-ICP-MS (193-nm ArF Excimer laser combined with an Elan 6100 quadrupole mass spectrometer) at ETH Zürich. Concentration of trace elements in quartz including Li (<0.01~3.55 ppm), B (3.03~27.17 ppm), Na (3.23~72.79 ppm), Al (4.0~149.9 ppm), P (14.4~68.9 ppm), Sc (3.3~8.7 ppm), Ti (<0.10~1.43 ppm), Cr (<3.34~65.6 ppm), Ga (0.50~1.30ppm), Ge (0.57~2.15 ppm), Rb (<0.01~0.50 ppm), Sr (0.01~3.13 ppm), Sn (<0.29~7.24 ppm), Sb (<0.05~0.42 ppm), and Bi (<0.01~8.30 ppm) are reported. Some trace elements (Al, Na, Ga, P, Li) tend to correlate positively. Titanium versus aluminum concentrations in quartz from Gubong deposit are plotted in the field of orogenic Au deposit suggested by Rusk (2012). We analyzed quartz from other numerous Korean Au-Ag and W-Mo deposits to compare hydrothermal fluid conditions and to provide a geochemical tool for mineral exploration.


Rusk, B.G., 2012, Cathodoluminescent textures and trace elements in hydrothermal quartz: Quartz: Deposits, Mineralogy and Analytics, Jens Götze and Robert Möckel, Springer, p. 307-329.

How to cite: Yoo, B. C., Seo, J. H., Heinrich, C. A., and Lee, B. H.: Trace elements in quartz vein of Gubong gold deposit, Republic of Korea, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-1475,, 2020.


      The Yanbian area in northeast (NE) China is located in the eastern segment of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt. Due to its special tectonic location and complicated geologic evolution history, this area has been taken as a crucial region for studying late Paleozoic and Mesozoic tectonics, magmatism and metallogeny. There are a series of late Paleozoic volcanic-sedimentary formations in Yanbian area which host several copper polymetallic deposits including Hongtaiping in Wangqing area and Dongfengnanshan in Tianbaoshan ore district.

  1. Rock assembles of ore-hosting volcanic-sedimentary formations

     Filed survey and petrography researches indicate rock types in the late Paleozoic ore-hosting volcanic-sedimentary formations within and around the Hongtaiping and Dongfengnanshan deposit, Miaoling Formation, are mainly composed of tuffaceous sandstone, andesitic tuff, rhyolite, andesite, basalt, dacite, sandstone, carbonate, as well as minor silicolite and fluorite. These rock assembles imply the ore-hosting rocks belong to shallow-marine terrigenous sedimentary-volcanic-pyroclastic rock formation.

  1. Mineralization characteristics and genetic type of stratiform ore bodies in Hongtaiping copper polymetallic deposit

      Sixteen ore bodies in Hongtaiping deposit can be classified into two types, the stratiform and vein-type. The major stratiform ore bodies are flat and nearly horizontal, consistent with the Miaoling Formation in occurrence. The largest ore body is 570m long, 50 to 150m wide. The ore in the stratiform ore body is mainly characterized by the banded, lamellar and massive structure. The metal minerals mainly include pyrrhotite, pyrite, chalcopyrite and sphalerite, and most of the metal minerals show allotriomorphic granular and weak metasomatic texture. The microscopic characteristics of the ore show that the boundary between sphalerite and pyrite is relatively flat. According to the ore-hosting rock assembles, some typical alternation and mineralization characteristics, including exhalite in ore-hosting rock series, banded and layered ore bodies, as well as comparisons between the Hongtaiping and some typical VMS-type (e.g. the Laochang in Yunnan Province and the Dabaoshan in Guangdong Province), the Hongtaiping deposit can be classified into the VMS-type.

  1. Metallogenic time of Hongtaiping copper polymetallic deposit

      LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb dating of 69 igneous zircon grains in four volcanic clastic rock samples from the ore-hosting Miaoling Formation in the Hongtaiping deposit yields 206Pb/238U ages from 258±8 Ma to 293±10 Ma, and weighted mean age of 268.2±3.3Ma (MSWD=0.42), 273.8±4.7Ma (MSWD=1.3), 268.0±3.2Ma (MSWD=0.66) and 272.4±3.2Ma (MSWD=1.04), respectively. Rb-Sr isotope dating of seven sulfides (one pyrite, one sphalerite, two pyrrhotite and three chalcopyrite) yields the isochron age of 268.3±2.6Ma, which nearly consistent with LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb dating results of four ore-hosting volcanic rock samples. Isotope dating results demonstrate the VMS-type stratiform copper polymetallic mineralization in Hongtaiping deposit formed in the early-middle Permian period instead of late Triassic or early Jurassic period.

Acknowledgments: This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) (No.41772062)

How to cite: Ren, Y., Lu, S., Hou, H., and Yang, Q.: Mineralization characteristics, genetic type and metallogenic time of stratiform ore bodies in Hongtaiping copper polymetallic deposit in Yanbian area, NE China, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-6289,, 2020.

EGU2020-9946 | Displays | GMPV5.3

Stratigraphic and mineralogical characteristics of the Fishtie Cu-Co deposit in Zambia

Subaru Tsuruoka and Murray Hitzman

The Central African Copper Belt of southern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and northern Zambia is one of the world’s major sources of metals and currently accounts for world ~48% of cobalt reserves which will be critical for the shift to a low-carbon economy. The Cu-Co deposits are hosted in the Neoproterozoic Katangan Supergroup. The Fishtie Cu-Co deposit is located in the Lusale basin, to the southeast of the Zambian Copperbelt. At Fishtie, the Grand Conglomerate, which is interpreted as a Sturtian-age glacial diamictite, directly overlies basement schist and quartzite. Cu-Co sulphides are hosted in both the Grand Conglomerate and overlying Kakontwe Dolomite. The current study aims to refine the geological and genetic model of the deposit and is based on detailed logging of 41 cores totalling 8,040m including newly collared exploration drill holes.

The Grand Conglomerate (Mwale Formation) is comprised of several lithofacies but can be broadly classified into two lithofacies including diamictite and siltstone. The upper contact of the Grand Conglomerate is commonly gradational with increasing dolomite contents from bedded siltstone to bedded dolomitic siltstone into the lowermost bedded silty dolomite of the overlying Kakontwe Dolomite. Kakontwe Dolomite at Fishtie is subdivided into four lithofacies: bedded silty dolostone, massive dolostone, bedded dolomitic siltstone and laminated dolostone. Inidividual lithofacies display significant thickness variations that appear to be related to syn-sedimentary fault movement.

Hypogene chalcopyrite and bornite occur as disseminations in siltstones within both the Grand Conglomerate and Kakontwe Dolomite. Sulphides are most abundant in coarser-grained beds. The bedded dolomitic siltstone of Kakotwe Dolomite was also locally significantly mineralized. The bedded silty dolostone, massive dolostone and laminated dolostone facies of the Kakontwe Dolomite were poorly mineralized. Up to several percent hypogene cobalt mineralization is recognized in the eastern part of the deposit. Current data suggests that cobalt content was not controlled by either lithology. Hypogene Cu-Co sulphides are related to the location of syn-sedimentary faults. Work is ongoing regarding the deportment and paragenesis of cobalt in the deposit.

How to cite: Tsuruoka, S. and Hitzman, M.: Stratigraphic and mineralogical characteristics of the Fishtie Cu-Co deposit in Zambia, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-9946,, 2020.

EGU2020-19286 | Displays | GMPV5.3

Spatial Distribution of the Hydrothermal Black Matrix Breccia and its Impact on the Irish-type Zn-Pb Mineralisation

Nicholas Vafeas, Murray Hitzman, Sean Johnson, and John Güven

The Mississippian Waulsortian Formation of the Irish Midlands hosts a number of significant Zn-Pb mines including Lisheen, Galmoy and Silvermines. Consisting predominantly of sphalerite, galena and pyrite, the deposits are intimately associated with hydrothermal dolomite and dolomitic breccias, commonly referred to as “Black Matrix Breccia” (BMB). The hydrothermal dolomite and associated breccias form a predominantly tabular body that largely envelops the zone of sulphide mineralisation. A wide variety of mineralisation styles and textures are recognized, however the majority of the mineralisation resulted through replacement of this hydrothermal dolomite. Recent geochemical evidence indicates that the hydrothermal dolomite contains distinct geochemical signatures that may be useful in sulphide exploration within the Irish Midlands. To date, little work has been conducted on the spatial distribution and variability of this significant hydrothermal dolomite and the role it plays in ore genesis within the Irish Midlands. Through detailed petrographic characterisation, this study documents the distribution of the hydrothermal dolomite. This distribution helps constrain the origin of the massive Zn-Pb deposits and forms an important tool for future mineral exploration in the Irish Orefield.

How to cite: Vafeas, N., Hitzman, M., Johnson, S., and Güven, J.: Spatial Distribution of the Hydrothermal Black Matrix Breccia and its Impact on the Irish-type Zn-Pb Mineralisation , EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-19286,, 2020.

EGU2020-8317 | Displays | GMPV5.3

Geochemical significance and Formation of Suçatı Pb-Zn Deposits – Eastern Taurides

Ali Erdem Bakkalbasi, Hatice Nur Bayram, Mustafa Kumral, and Ali Tugcan Unluer

Geochemical significance and Formation of  Suçatı Pb-Zn Deposits – Eastern Taurides

Hatice Nur Bayram(1)*, Ali Erdem Bakkalbaşı (1)*, Mustafa Kumral(1), Ali Tuğcan Ünlüer(1)

(1)Istanbul Technical University, Department of Geological Engineering, Istanbul/Turkey



The Middle Tauride Orogenic Belt is a productive enviroment in terms of Pb-Zn ore deposits, mostly associated with Permian aged dolomitized, shallow marine platform type carbonate rocks. There have been many studies on the origin of the ore deposits in the region, there are two important approaches that stand out for the formation of the ore deposits: the first theory is hydrothermal deposits with magmatic origin, and the other theory is Missisippi Valley-type (MVT) deposits related with the carbonate rocks commonly found in the region. Field studies at the Suçatı (Kayseri – Yahyalı, Central Anatolia, Turkey, East of Aladağlar extension of the Taurides) ore district in the Aladağ geologic unit indicate that the deposits in the region are associated with Paleo-Tethys limestones, fossiliferous limestones and dolomitic limestones. Mineralization is related to Lower Permian aged carbonate rocks include primary mineralization ore minerals as galena, sphalerite, smithsonite and goethite and as a product of hydrothermal activity, calcite mineral filled within fractures and cracks represents gangue minerals. As a result of geochemical analysis of the samples collected from the ore zones, PbO values range between 25.93% - 0.012%, ZnO values range between 51.01% - 0.042%, Fe2O3 values range between 42.81% - 10.21%. In conclusion hydrothermal activities closely related with compressional and extentional tectonic regimes took place in multiphase mineralization.


Keywords: Pb-Zn Deposits, MVT, Taurides, Yahyalı

How to cite: Bakkalbasi, A. E., Bayram, H. N., Kumral, M., and Unluer, A. T.: Geochemical significance and Formation of Suçatı Pb-Zn Deposits – Eastern Taurides, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-8317,, 2020.

EGU2020-4111 | Displays | GMPV5.3

Geochemistry of REEs and trace elements in Diz alteration area, NW Iran

Behrooz Bakhshandeh, Rahim Masoumi, and Asma Parvaneh

Diz alteration area is situated in the southern part of Ardabil province in the northwest of Iran. This alteration area is a limited part of Tarom-Hashtjin volcanic zone. The hydrothermal alteration process has been mostly taken place in pyroclastic and volcanic units such as tuff, ignimbrite, and trachyandesites. The alterations of this area are related to Eocene volcanism which has considerably developed in the northwest of Iran. The argillic alterations in Diz area are mainly seen in ignimbrite unit and the precursor rock has been intensely altered such that many parts of the parent rock has been fully leached and all of the mobile elements have been removed from the parent rock while the resistant elements such as Al, Si, and some other immobile elements have remained in the context. Considering to the special behavior of REEs in the weathering and alteration profiles, depending on the REE bearing mineral’s resistivity against weathering and alteration processes, REEs can be removed or fixed in the environment. In the studied samples different concentrations of REEs are observable.            

The drawn REE diagrams show unique patterns for the studied samples where Ce group elements (LREEs) show a slight enrichment comparing to Y group (HREEs). The comparison of LREEs with HREEs represents that LREEs have been enriched 4 times more than HREEs.

The positive correlation coefficient between ΣREE and TiO2 (R2=0.70) represents the role of Ti bearing minerals such as ilmenite, pyroxene, rutile, and anatase in the fixation of REEs. On the other side the presence of considerable amounts of P2O5 in the studied samples and also the positive correlation coefficients between P2O5 and LREEs (R2=0.90), and P2O5 and ΣREE (R2=0.74) suggest that some minor minerals such as monazite (Ce,La,Nd,Th)(PO4,SiO4) must be considered. The positive correlation coefficient between Al2O3 and ΣREE shows the influence of clay minerals in the adsorption of REEs.         

The evaluation of REE patterns normalized to chondrite show a remarkable peak for Gd. Geochemically, Gd shows similarities with Ca2+. The Gd complexes may decompose in the presence of some elements such as Cu, Y, and REEs and Gd3+ ­­can be released. Hence, CaO is a main component in the parent rock of the studied altered samples, the positive Gd anomaly is most likely related to the primary composition of the parent rock. Furthermore, the decomposition of Gd complexes in the presence of competitor elements and also the high Gd content of altering fluids can be thought as the main reasons of Gd positive anomaly in the studied samples.

How to cite: Bakhshandeh, B., Masoumi, R., and Parvaneh, A.: Geochemistry of REEs and trace elements in Diz alteration area, NW Iran, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-4111,, 2020.

EGU2020-17873 | Displays | GMPV5.3

ERA-MIN2 AUREOLE project : tArgeting eU cRitical mEtals (Sb, W) and predictibility of Sb-As-Hg envirOnmentaL issuEs

Eric Gloaguen, Pablo Higueras, Giada Iacono-Marziano, Alexandre Lima, Daniel Pierre, Romain Augier, Axel Aurouet, Fabienne Battaglia-Brunet, Francisco Jesus Garcia, Laurent Guillou-Frottier, Charles Gumiaux, Saturnino Lorenzo, Helena Sant'Ovaia, Stanislas Sizaret, Alexandre Thibault, and Aubery Wissocq

Antimony (Sb) is a critical metal for Europe. Indeed, Sb is widely used in a variety of industrial operations, especially in the European aircraft industry, such as production of flame retardants, plastics, paint pigments, glassware and ceramics, alloys in ammunition and battery manufacturing plants.

Despite its strategic importance, the knowledge on Sb and its ore deposits remains poorly constrained. Moreover, Europe remains under the threat of an essentially Chinese supply despite a proven potential for European deposits that contain also strategic and precious co-products (W, Au). In parallel, Sb and associated metalloids (As, Hg, etc) are more and more recognised as a global threat for human health and it has been demonstrated that most of elevated concentrations of Sb on earth surface originate from natural, geogenic sources. Then, a first large-scale identification of these areas where primaries resources occur and metalloids can contaminate humans should be a priority.

To achieve its objectives, the overall approach of the ERA-MIN2 AUREOLE project (2019-2022 - is based on disruptive concepts: i) development of a 3D large-scale metallogenic model integrating deep-seated processes to determine the spatial distribution of ore deposits; ii) the use of mineral prospectivity data weighted by surface data to determine the probability of environmental risk over large areas.

The work package (WP) 1 is dedicated to produce the new 3D deep-seated metallogenic model for antimony mineralisations and contribute to the global 3D understanding of the Sb mineralising processes. The WP2 is designed to the understanding of processes - such as geomorphology, weathering, climate - that control the mobilisation and transport of metalloids at the earth surface. The WP3 will use results from WPs 1 & 2 to produce large-scale mineral prospectivity and a large-scale environmental risk assessment by weighting mineral prospectivity with earth surface properties, such as DTM, rainfall, weathering cartographic maps, etc.

The AUREOLE project will bring new scientific knowledge on Sb and Sb deposits, for a better mineral exploration targeting.

The expected outcomes will be several high-impact deliverables devoted to the targeting of new Sb deposits and a new large-scale environmental assessment maps for decision-making dealing with humans health. Long term expected impacts would be an increase of EU Sb resources and EU Sb sustainable supply. Because of its implications for European critical metals, the AUREOLE project will provide new findings and results to the SCRREEN project (Solutions for Critical Raw Materials – a European Expert Network) and to the IMP@CT project (Integrated Mobile Modularised Plant and Containerised Tools for sustainable, selective, low-impact mining of small, high-grade or complex deposits). It will also interact with the Geo-ERA FRAME project (Forecasting and assessing Europe’s strategic raw materials needs).

How to cite: Gloaguen, E., Higueras, P., Iacono-Marziano, G., Lima, A., Pierre, D., Augier, R., Aurouet, A., Battaglia-Brunet, F., Garcia, F. J., Guillou-Frottier, L., Gumiaux, C., Lorenzo, S., Sant'Ovaia, H., Sizaret, S., Thibault, A., and Wissocq, A.: ERA-MIN2 AUREOLE project : tArgeting eU cRitical mEtals (Sb, W) and predictibility of Sb-As-Hg envirOnmentaL issuEs, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-17873,, 2020.

EGU2020-16525 | Displays | GMPV5.3

Characterization of the fluid-rock interaction in the Colombian emerald deposits

Germán David Moreno Boada and Sheng-Rong Song

Emerald is a high-value gemstone and a variety of the Beryl group that contains traces of Chromium and Vanadium which give them their characteristic green color.  Colombian emerald deposits have been found within two main narrow belts both of them located in the Eastern Cordillera, one of the three main ranges that constitute the Colombian Andes along with the Central and Western Cordilleras.

Several authors (Kozlowski et al. 1998; Ottaway et al. 1994; Giuliani et al. 1993b) have established that the interaction between hydrothermal fluids and the emerald hosted black shales, leading into an intense albitization and carbonation of the host rocks with the depletion of many major and trace elements, resulting into the emerald mineralization along with the deposition of calcite, dolomite, pyrite, albite, quartz and rarely parasite (Giuliani et al.1995). However, the fluid-rock interaction has not been clearly explained and stablished for both productive and non-productive areas in order to provide a more useful guide for further emerald exploration.   

Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Mass Spectroscopy (ICP-AMS) along with X-ray Diffraction (XRD) and Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) data were obtained from unaltered and altered host rocks including siliceous black shales, carbonated black shales, limestones, and dolomitic limestones. The results were analyzed to establish the geochemical relationships between different lithologies and the occurrence or absence of emerald mineralization for the different emerald belts.

The concentration of major, trace and REE elements and particularly the of  Cr, V and Be in the host rocks and the distribution over the studied areas will provide a better understanding of whether those contents are sufficient not only for the formation of emeralds besides of the different minerals in paragenesis. The results of the ongoing results are expected to be used as a possible exploration tool in favor to identify the areas with low potential for emerald mineralization.

How to cite: Moreno Boada, G. D. and Song, S.-R.: Characterization of the fluid-rock interaction in the Colombian emerald deposits, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-16525,, 2020.

EGU2020-2547 | Displays | GMPV5.3

Ruby deposits: origin and geological classification

Giuliani Gaston, Groat Lee, Fallick Anthony, and Pignatelli Isabella

Classification systems for corundum deposits have evolved over time and are based on different mineralogical and geological features. An enhanced classification for ruby deposits based on the geological environment, degree of metamorphism, styles of mineralization and the pressure-temperature conditions of formation is proposed :

Primary ruby deposits are subdivided into two types based on their geological environment of formation: (Type I) Tectonic magmatic-related, and (Type II) Tectonic metamorphic-related.

Type I is characterized by two sub-types: Type IA where xenocrysts or xenoliths of gem ruby of metamorphic origin are hosted by alkali basalts (Madagascar and others); and Type IB corresponding to xenocrysts of ruby in kimberlite (Democratic Republic of Congo).

Type II has two sub-types hosted either in metamorphic deposits sensu stricto (Type IIA) formed in the amphibolite to granulite facies, or metamorphic-metasomatic deposits (Type IIB) formed via high fluid-rock interaction and metasomatism:

- Sub-Type IIA1 includes ruby in metamorphosed mafic and ultramafic rocks (M-UMR) as found at Montepuez (Mozambique) and Aappaluttoq (Greenland);

- Sub-Type IIA2 concerns rubies in marble such those from the Mogok Stone Track (Myanmar), and from central and eastern Asia;

- Sub-Type IIB1 corresponds to desilicated pegmatites i.e., plumasite in M-UMR as in the Rockland mine (Kenya) or Polar Urals (Russia);

- Sub-Type IIB2 is characterized by ruby in shear zone-related or fold hinge-controlled deposits in different substrata, mainly ruby-bearing Mg-Cr-biotite schist (metamorphosed M-UMR) and marble. It includes the ruby occurrences of Zazafotsy (Madagascar), Kerala (southern India), Mahenge (Tanzania), and the Hokitika deposit (New-Zealand).


Secondary ruby deposits i.e., placers, are termed Tectonic sedimentary-related (Type III). These placers are hosted in sedimentary rocks (soil, rudite, arenite, silt) that formed due to   erosion, gravity, mechanical transport and sedimentation along slopes or basins related to neotectonic movements. These are divided in two main sub-types:

- Sub-Type IIIA i.e., gem placers in alkali basalt or kimberlite environments as in eastern Australia, central Madagascar, and the Democratic Republic of Congo;

- Sub-Type IIIB i.e., gem placers in metamorphic environments such as at Montepuez in Mozambique or the Mogok Stone Track in Myanmar.

- Sub-Type IIIC i.e., gem placers with ruby originating from multiple and unknown sources such as at Ilakaka (Madagascar), Tunduru and Songea (Tanzania).

How to cite: Gaston, G., Lee, G., Anthony, F., and Isabella, P.: Ruby deposits: origin and geological classification, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-2547,, 2020.

EGU2020-10002 | Displays | GMPV5.3

Forming an economic industrial mineral resource in a volcanic arc environment: timescales, fluids and thermal drivers of Europe’s largest bentonite resource

A. Jo Miles, Simon R. Tapster, Jonathan Naden, Simon J. Kemp, Dan N. Barfod, and Adrian J. Boyce

Volcanoes in island arcs can undergo edifice evolution that includes submarine and subaerial volcanism. This provides a dynamic environment of magmatic heat and volatiles that drives hydrothermal fluid flow with potential inputs from sea and/or meteoric waters. This, in turn, can generate significant hydrothermal alteration that can result in economic deposits of industrial minerals such as bentonite and kaolinite. The island of Milos is Europe’s largest and actively mined calcium bentonite resource, with production capacities exceeding 400,000 tons per year. Here, we use the Milos island example to understand how magmatism, volcanic edifice evolution and hydrothermal activity interact to generate important bentonite mineralisation. We integrate field relationships of volcanic stratigraphy and alteration zones, with clay mineralogy (XRD), stable (S, O and H) isotope analysis and high precision geochronology (CA-ID-TIMS zircon U-Pb, and alunite Ar-Ar) to elucidate the timescales, thermal drivers and fluid components that lead to the development of a globally important bentonite resource.

A vertical transect through bentonite-altered volcanic stratigraphy indicates multiple magmatic pulses initiated at ca. 2.8 Ma with a submarine andesitic cryptodome and accompanying hyaloclastite carapace that display quenched and peperitic contacts. Cumulative volcanic and sub-volcanic processes occurred over ca. 170 kyrs, resulting in a volcanic pile exceeding 80 m. This period included an episode of magmatic quiescence and diatomite formation in a shallow submarine environment and is overlain by a silicic pyroclastic flow. In this upper unit, a pervasive alunite-kaolinite alteration assemblage was developed. Stable isotopic analyses of bentonite (> 85% montmorillonite) indicate a hydrothermal origin at around 125°C with the fluid being sourced from sea and meteoric waters. The timing of formation is defined by a maximum duration of ca. 170 kyrs, with clear geological evidence that a significant period of alteration occurred within <20 kyrs at ca. 2.64 Ma. Sulfur isotope analysis on alunite indicates a steaming ground origin that could be interpreted as the oxidised, shallower level counterpart to a boiling geothermal system linked to development of extensive bentonite. However, the timing of alunite can be clearly resolved to > 1 Ma after bentonite formation to 1.2 Ma, supporting a later overprint origin due to relatively recent steam heating of groundwater after emergence.

This study identifies new key parameters that have resulted in the formation of an economic-scale bentonite resource on the emergent island of Milos. In addition to the requisite appropriate protolith, we conclude that in an emergent volcanic arc setting the hydrology needed to form a bentonite deposit is not constrained to the marine environment and can be connected to emergent parts of the volcanic edifice. High precision geochronology indicates bentonite development happens on volcanic timescales (10 to 100 kyrs). A cumulative volcanic and sub-volcanic pile coeval with the formation of bentonite suggests multiple magmatic episodes over narrow timeframes provide and sustain the thermal driver for significant bentonite development. Once the volcanic edifice has completely emerged and developed a groundwater system, the steam heating of groundwater is deleterious to grade and results in the development of alunite-kaolinite overburden.

How to cite: Miles, A. J., Tapster, S. R., Naden, J., Kemp, S. J., Barfod, D. N., and Boyce, A. J.: Forming an economic industrial mineral resource in a volcanic arc environment: timescales, fluids and thermal drivers of Europe’s largest bentonite resource, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-10002,, 2020.

EGU2020-9452 | Displays | GMPV5.3

Geochemical and mineralogical characteristics of beach sand sediments in southwestern Black Sea: An approach to heavy mineral placers

Hatice Nur Bayram, Asli Nur Uslu, Ali Erdem Bakkalbasi, Demet Kiran Yildirim, Zeynep Doner, and Ali Tugcan Unluer

Geochemical and mineralogical characteristics of beach sand sediments in southwestern Black Sea: An approach to heavy mineral placers  

 Hatice Nur Bayram (1*), Aslı Nur Uslu (1), Ali Erdem Bakkalbaşı (1), Demet Kiran Yildirim (1), Zeynep Doner (1), Ali Tugcan Unluer (1)

 (1) Istanbul Technical University, Faculty of Mines, Department of Geological Engineering, Istanbul, Turkey (*


Coastal or beach placer deposits are enrichments of heavy minerals with significant metal content that have been mechanically formed. This work studies the geochemical and mineralogical characteristics of beach sand sediments of southwestern Black Sea, Turkey which cover approximately 20 km2 area. The study area has 4 main geological units: Upper Cretaceous moderately-K kalkalkaline Istanbul volcanics, Oligocene Danismen Formation which is dominated by flood plain, marshy and lake environments, Upper Miocene-Pliocene Belgrad Formation which is dominated by terrestrial deposits, mostly gravel, sand and clay dominated and Quaternary formations which include sandy beaches, sand dunes and river alluvials.

A total of 8 beach sand samples were analyzed by X-ray Diffraction (XRD) and X-ray Fluorecance (XRF). Mineralogical compositions are mainly dominated by quartz, siderite, albite, calcite and minor amount of magnetite. Siderite-rich beach sands are observed in western part of the study area and mostly derived from Danismen Formation. Fe2O3 contents of this area are determined up to 40%.  On the other hand, in eastern part of the study area REE-Th-U content of beach sands are relatively higher than source rocks which is defined as a high-Al moderately-K kalkalkaline felsic rocks. The highest HFSE concentration were determined in -250+125µm fraction which consists of 16.5% of eastern beach sand. In this fraction LREE-Zr-U content rise drastically. It can be considered that REE-LREE contents is related with monazite minerals and U contents is related with zircon minerals, considering the monazite and zircon minerals are resistant to weathering and likely to occur in the orthomagmatic phase in the source volcanics.

Key words: Beach sand sediments; REE-Th-U; heavy minerals; southwestern of Black Sea; Turkey

How to cite: Bayram, H. N., Uslu, A. N., Bakkalbasi, A. E., Kiran Yildirim, D., Doner, Z., and Unluer, A. T.: Geochemical and mineralogical characteristics of beach sand sediments in southwestern Black Sea: An approach to heavy mineral placers , EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-9452,, 2020.

Organic matters, such as oil, kerogen, fossil resins have different chemical functional groups. The complexity of chemical functional groups derives from the many sources of original contributing organic matter and long-term chemical and physical changes over geologic time. Fourier transform infrared spectrometer attenuated total reflectance (FTIR-ATR) can quantify the abundance of chemical functional groups and is a sensitive, high resolution and non-destructive analytical technique. The aim of this study was to characterize the spectral behavior and chemical structure of organic matters. In order to correlate organic matters of different types with its infrared spectra. The results show that FTIR-ATR spectra of oil contain intense aliphatic C-H stretching vibration in 2960 cm-1,2925 cm-1,2850 cm-1 region relative to the C–H (CH3) scissoring vibration at 1470 cm-1 and C=C aromatic ring stretching vibration at 1640 cm-1. We apply FTIR-ATR analyses for evaluating oil potential of kerogens. The longest aliphatic chains having the least amount of branching testifying to the highest oil generating potential. The similar locality of fossil resins has a similar chemical vibration ratio of C-H stretching (2925 cm-1,2850 cm-1) and C-H scissoring (1470 cm-1). In consequence, the analysis providing a rapid means of assessing organic matters and oil potential, and it can also rapidly identification the botanical origin of fossil resins.

How to cite: Chen, Y. Y. and Chang, Y. J.: Application of ATR-FTIR spectroscopy for the identification of chemical functional groups in kerogens and fossil resins., EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-9981,, 2020.

EGU2020-6392 | Displays | GMPV5.3

Emphasizing the importance of the expert user and a case-specific mineral database in automated quantitative mineralogy techniques – An inter-lab comparative study using QEMSCAN

Mathis Warlo, Christina Wanhainen, Glenn Bark, Alan R. Butcher, Iris McElroy, Dominique Brising, and Gavyn K. Rollinson

With the development of QEM*SEM, the first automated scanning electron microscopy (ASEM) system, by CSIRO in the 1970s, mineral and texture quantification in the extraction industries was revolutionised. Since then, several systems have emerged (QEMSCAN, MLA, Mineralogic, TIMA, AMICS, INCA-mineral) that now find widespread application not only in the industry but also in science. The popularity of these systems is owed to their ability to rapidly and reliably quantify the mineralogy and textures in a variety of sample types including polished rock samples, thin sections and epoxy mounts of both whole and particulate samples. However, despite their apparent automatization, to guarantee high quality data and reliable results, a key role falls to the operator. It is through a mineral database that the raw data collected by EDS-detectors is converted into quantitative mineralogical data, and the database is adjusted by the operator on a case by case basis.

In this study we qualitatively compare analyses of the same sample at two different QEMSCAN labs, Camborne School of Mines (CSM) in the UK and Boliden AB in Sweden, to highlight differences in their approach towards analysis and set-up of the database, and the consequences this has for the results. Furthermore, through modification of the database used at Boliden AB, several methods of how the results can be influenced are demonstrated.

The selected sample is a polished thin section of mineralised vein from a drill core from the Liikavaara East Cu-(W-Au) deposit in northern Sweden. The sample contains massive pyrite and pyrrhotite associated with quartz, silicates, and fine-grained clusters of carbonates and Fe-oxides. Chalcopyrite fills cracks in pyrite. Some sphalerite and scheelite are observed as well as traces of cassiterite, molybdenite, and Au-, Ag-, Bi-, and Te-minerals.

Compared to the analysis at CSM, the analysis at Boliden AB showed an overestimation of the chalcopyrite content, limited differentiation of gangue phases, and problems with identification of phases at scan resolution (~5 µm). These differences could subsequently be reduced through editing of the database.

Application of a software-tool called the ‘boundary-phase processor’  was used to correct erroneous mineral classifications resulting from mixed signals at grain boundaries, which had caused pyrite grains to show a false coating of chalcopyrite. Gangue phases were differentiated through subdivision of phase-categories, although for higher accuracy comparison with standards and fine-tuning of mineral-entries in the database would be necessary. Element-filters in the database allowed identification of phases of specific elements, e.g. Au, at or below scan resolution despite mixed signals with the surrounding phases.

While data from both analyses was generally similar, the inter-lab comparison clearly demonstrated that more detailed information could be attained with ASEM systems through optimisation of the database. In the mining industry, a loss in the level of detail is often accepted in favour of time spent on data processing. However, particularly the characterisation and quantification of complex ores and critical metals, which often occur only in traces and fine grain sizes in ore deposits, require a high level of detail to allow efficient processing of the ore.

How to cite: Warlo, M., Wanhainen, C., Bark, G., Butcher, A. R., McElroy, I., Brising, D., and Rollinson, G. K.: Emphasizing the importance of the expert user and a case-specific mineral database in automated quantitative mineralogy techniques – An inter-lab comparative study using QEMSCAN, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-6392,, 2020.

EGU2020-8624 | Displays | GMPV5.3

Comminution effects on mineral grade distribution

Gabriele Baldassarre and Oliviero Baietto

Every mining operations is followed by a beneficiation process aimed to deliver quality material to the transformation industry. Mainly, in mineral processing comminution and grinding of extracted ore, are crucial operations for the following separation steps in order to obtain valuable minerals from gangue.

Comminution is the most energy consuming phase and the quality of the results is strictly related to the characteristic of the material under treatment.

A preliminary study has been performed in order to understand the crushing behaviour of a mixed sulphide ore, containing galena and sphalerite, and the distribution of the two target minerals among the different sized products of the process.

Ore samples have been examined and characterized by means of thin sections observation and SEM analyses for the determination of the free grain size, while XRD quantitative analyses have been performed for the definition of the grades.

The selected crushing circuit comprises lab-scale impact crusher, jaw crusher, disk mill and rod mill. For each stage of the process products below the free grain size threshold have been collected and particle size analyses have been carried out.

Comminution products were divided in dimensional classes suitable for flotation separation, ranging between 0.250 and 0.075mm and XRD analyses showed a variable mineral grade distribution varying with the reduction in dimension of the products.

This important trend should be considered for further investigation related to an efficient froth flotation separation.

How to cite: Baldassarre, G. and Baietto, O.: Comminution effects on mineral grade distribution, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-8624,, 2020.

GMPV6.1 – Fluid-rock interaction: Kickstarter of metamorphic, deformation and geo-engineering processes

EGU2020-18931 | Displays | GMPV6.1

Hydrothermal dolomite breccia: when pre-existing rock heterogeneities control fluid-mediated replacement patterns and mimic tectonic features.

Stephen Centrella, Nicolas Beaudoin, Geoffrey Motte, Guilhem Hoareau, Daniel Koehn, and Jean-Paul Callot

Breccia structure is a ubiquitous feature that is characterized by angular fragment in a matrix composed of smaller grain size, often associated to brittle tectonics or to specific sedimentary environment such as karst collapse. Many different studies across the world describe breccia related to dolomite geobodies, themselves associated to ore deposits occurring during major extensional events (Hungary, Spain, France, Canada, Poland, Canada). The mineralogical textures of these structures, i.e. angular fragments of dark dolomicrite bound by elongated blocky, white, dolomite crystals in veins, are interpreted as univocal markers of fluid overpressure and hydrofracturing, hydrothermal dolomite breccia (HDB) being a precious tool to help to reconstruct pressure history.

This contribution presents a case study that challenge this hydrofracturing origin of HDB, questioning the role of fluid-mediated replacement in the observed crystallographic textures. The Mano Formation located in the Mail Arrouy, an anticline related to Mesozoic hyper-extension of the crust located in the Chaînons Béarnais (Northwest Pyrenees, France), presents classical HDB, i.e. characterised by black dolomite fragment surrounded by a white dolomite-matrix supposedly related to hydrofracturing. Yet, in some places, it is possible to observe this angular black fragment in contact with a brown dolomite matrix. As attested by the presence of dolomitized fossils, the brown dolomite and black fragments constitute an initial sedimentary breccia structure, that is described regionally.

Textural and chemical analyses of the HDB and of the initial sedimentary breccia have been carried out by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), electron backscattered diffraction (EBSD) and electron probe microanalyzer (EPMA) across different dolomite-dolomite interfaces. Quantitative data has been obtained by image processing, showing that oxide particles that are randomly distributed in the brown matrix appears pushed at the tips of the white crystals of dolomites, suggesting a cleaning process during growth. Also, the initial breccia comprises small-size around 1830 µm² (surface area) clasts that are absent from the HDB. Moreover, the contact between black, white and brown dolomite show a roughness similar to what is observed in fluid-mediated dissolution/replacement processes. Finally, EBSD results show that white dolomite crystal grew under local stress generated by a competition between grain growth, typical of slow, fluid-limited, grain growth.

This array of results leads us to propose that the HDB results from texturally controlled, fluid initiated hydrothermal recrystallization of initial sedimentary dolomicrite. This model is further tested by 2D numerical simulations of phase separation process using the modelling environment “ELLE” that reproduce the patterns observed in natural samples. Hence, a critical reappraisal of the origin and process behind HDB must be conducted, as we show that, in the case of the Mano Formation in the Mail Arrouy, no fluid overpressure were required to create HDB.

How to cite: Centrella, S., Beaudoin, N., Motte, G., Hoareau, G., Koehn, D., and Callot, J.-P.: Hydrothermal dolomite breccia: when pre-existing rock heterogeneities control fluid-mediated replacement patterns and mimic tectonic features., EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-18931,, 2020.

EGU2020-5293 | Displays | GMPV6.1

Visualization of localized deformation and fluid flow in sedimentary rocks

Jeroen F. Van Stappen, Maartje E. Houben, Timotheus K.T. Wolterbeek, Alessandro Tengattini, Takahiro Shinohara, Floris S.R. Teuling, Miao Zhang, Christopher J. Spiers, and Suzanne J.T. Hangx

Subsurface activities, such as energy production or geo-storage, affect the natural equilibrium of the reservoir and surrounding geological system. Fluid production from porous sandstones, for example, is often associated with reservoir compaction and induced seismicity, such as seen in the Groningen Gas Field. Production-induced stress changes lead to compaction by elastic and inelastic mechanisms. Partitioning between elastic and inelastic processes control the energy budget available for driving seismogenic events. To predict the amount of inelastic strain, it is key to identify the microscopic mechanisms controlling it. One of the current hypotheses is that micro-strains are accommodated by localized compaction of inter-granular clay films. In contrast to sandstones, claystones offer potential both as source rocks for shale gas and containment for the storage of radioactive waste and CO2. It is known that fluid flow in intact and fractured claystones is slow due to pore throats below 10 nm. However, it is unclear whether fractured shales contain a hierarchy of multi-scale highways and byways for fluid transport that is either poorly connected or more easily cross-linked and stable under in-situ conditions. Depending on how fractures change due to in-situ conditions, the shales may have a high potential as barriers in geo-storage systems, or they are of interest in relation to energy production.

This leads to two widely different research questions:

  • How do sandstones compact due to changing stress conditions?
  • How do fractures influence fluid flow in shales under in-situ stress conditions?

Despite the distance between these research questions, both can be addressed using in-situ imaging. We have developed a compaction cell and a fluid flow cell to perform experiments at the D50/NeXT beamline of the Institut Laue-Langevin in Grenoble, France. Here, combined X-ray and neutron imaging is possible.

With the compaction cell, sandstone samples from the Groningen gas field were uniaxially compacted to axial stresses of 45 MPa. At different intervals, 3D neutron and X-ray computed tomography scans were taken. As such, 4D representations (3D volumetric + time) of the in-situ changes were obtained using both neutron and X-ray tomography. The X-ray imaging allows a thorough inspection of the grain-scale deformation of the sample, while the neutron imaging highlights the changes in porosity and gives an indication of the role of clay films.

With the fluid flow cell, fractured samples of the Whitby mudstone were subjected to fluid flow under different hydrostatic pressures. The flow path evolution within the sample was visualized using neutron radiography, giving an indication of the differences between fracture and matrix permeability.

In this contribution, we will show preliminary results of four experiments performed at the D50/NeXT beamline in October 2019. We will discuss the applicability of using neutron imaging to study grain-scale processes occurring in compacting sandstone, as well as for understanding the fluid pathways in clay-rich shales, with direct implications for energy production and geo-storage.

How to cite: Van Stappen, J. F., Houben, M. E., Wolterbeek, T. K. T., Tengattini, A., Shinohara, T., Teuling, F. S. R., Zhang, M., Spiers, C. J., and Hangx, S. J. T.: Visualization of localized deformation and fluid flow in sedimentary rocks, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-5293,, 2020.

EGU2020-9560 | Displays | GMPV6.1

Chemical-mechanical-hydraulic coupling in deforming, dehydrating halite-gypsum rocks - implications for basal detachments in thin-skinned tectonics

Sina Marti, Florian Fusseis, Ian B Butler, Christian Schlepütz, Federica Marone Welford, James Gilgannon, Rüdiger Kilian, and Yili Yang

Long-distance transport along weak basal detachments in thin-skinned tectonics is often accomplished by rheologically weak evaporites. This weakness can be attributed to  the behavior of gypsum and/or halite. While the former dehydrates and the released fluid reduces the effective stress in the system, the latter is known to be extremely weak at the corresponding conditions. Separately, both minerals and their behavior under tectonic loading have been studied in great detail. However, these studies on single minerals are limited in that natural detachments are often not monomineralic and are clearly affected by interdependencies between different mineral species. In evaporitic sequences, two key couplings that can be expected are: 1) the sensitivity of the dehydration reaction to the pore fluid pressure versus the notoriously low permeability of rock salt (a potentially negative feedback), and 2) the exposure of halite to undersaturated water released from the gypsum dehydration reaction, versus the response of the dehydration reaction to lower water activity due to dissolved salt species (a potentially positive feedback). 

Here we present insights from experiments that used time-resolved (4D) synchrotron tomographic microscopy and our x-ray transparent triaxial deformation rig Mjølnir to document the evolution of layered gypsum-halite samples that were simultaneously deformed and dehydrated. Our data, which were acquired at the TOMCAT beamline at the Swiss Light Source, allow us to visualise chemical-hydraulic-mechanical feedbacks on the grain scale, and quantify the microscale evolution of transport properties. In this contribution, we show that gypsum dehydration affects the capacity of the halite layers to retain the liberated fluids. The reaction itself generates the pore fluid pressure to create permeability in the salt layers through hydraulic fracturing. Dissolved salt significantly accelerates the reaction, and the evolving interconnected porosity facilitates the transport and precipitation of solutes, which contributes to the rheological complexity. These insights have, potentially significant, repercussions on the long-standing assumption about the significance of the gypsum dehydration on thrust fault formation within evaporitic sequences.

How to cite: Marti, S., Fusseis, F., Butler, I. B., Schlepütz, C., Marone Welford, F., Gilgannon, J., Kilian, R., and Yang, Y.: Chemical-mechanical-hydraulic coupling in deforming, dehydrating halite-gypsum rocks - implications for basal detachments in thin-skinned tectonics, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-9560,, 2020.

EGU2020-5519 | Displays | GMPV6.1

Chloritization of granites in shear zones: an open window on fluid pathways, equilibrium length-scales and porosity formation down to nanoscale

Laura Airaghi, Benoit Dubacq, Gloter Alexandre, Verlaguet Anne, and Bellahsen Nicolas

Strain localisation in the upper crust is strongly influenced by the presence of phyllosilicates (e.g. white mica, biotite, chlorite), systematically observed in shear zones in granites. Identifying reactions involving phyllosilicates at low-grade metamorphic conditions is crucial to understand crust mechanics and fluid-granite interactions during deformation. In the 305 Ma old basement of the Bielsa massif (Axial Zone, Pyrenees), extensive pre-orogenic (i.e. pre-Alpine) alteration related to feldspar sericitization and chloritization of biotite and amphibole occurred at temperatures of 270–350°C at 230–300 Ma. This event was followed by mylonitization and fracturing at 40–70 Ma, and fluid–rock interaction at 200–280°C marked by replacement and new crystallization of chlorite and white mica. In undeformed parts of the granite, compositional maps reveal in situ reaction, high local heterogeneities and low element mobility (migration over few µm) for most elements. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) shows disconnected reaction-induced nanoporosity in chloritized amphiboles and ripplocations in chloritized biotite. Chloritization reaction varies over tens of nanometres, indicating high variability of element availability. Equilibrium is reached locally due to isolation of fluid in pockets. In samples with fractures, both elemental maps and TEM images show two chlorite groups: alpine chlorites in fractures have homogeneous composition while pre-alpine chlorites in the matrix show patchy compositions. Channelization of fluids in fractures and sealing by chlorite prevented replacement of the matrix chlorite. High element mobility was therefore limited to fractures. In mylonites, compositional maps show secondary chlorites up to 1 mm around cracks and only partial replacement of chlorite within the matrix. This suggests fluids could percolate from cracks to the matrix along chlorite grain boundaries. TEM images show nanocracks at the boundary of chlorite crystallites where replacement is localised. Crystallites were individually replaced by dissolution-reprecipitation reactions and not by intra-crystallite mineral replacement, explaining the patchy compositional variations. While fracturing did not allow chlorite sheets to be progressively re-oriented, a continuous, brittle-ductile deformation in mylonites did, making preferential fluid pathways progressively change.  Despite high strain, chlorite replacement was not complete even in mylonites. Replacement appears to be controlled by matrix-fracture porosity contrasts and the location and connection of nanoporosity between crystallites, criteria that may be only transiently met in space during deformation. These mechanisms need to be taken into account when attempting to reconstruct the metamorphic history of shear zones as well as the evolution of their mechanical behaviour since they affect the scale of the thermodynamic equilibrium and the preservation of hydrothermal metamorphism in granites.

How to cite: Airaghi, L., Dubacq, B., Alexandre, G., Anne, V., and Nicolas, B.: Chloritization of granites in shear zones: an open window on fluid pathways, equilibrium length-scales and porosity formation down to nanoscale, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-5519,, 2020.

EGU2020-1266 | Displays | GMPV6.1

Instantaneous rock transformations in the deep crust driven by reactive fluid flow

Andreas Beinlich, Timm John, Johannes C. Vrijmoed, Masako Tominaga, Tomas Magna, and Yuri Y. Podladchikov

Fluid–rock interactions link mass and energy transfer with large-scale tectonic deformation, drive the formation of mineral deposits, carbon sequestration, and rheological changes of the lithosphere. While spatial evidence indicates that fluid–rock interactions operate on length scales ranging from the grain boundary to tectonic plates, the timescales of regional fluid–rock interactions remain essentially unconstrained, despite being critically important for quantifying the duration of fundamental geodynamic processes. Here we show that reaction-induced transiently high permeability significantly facilitates fast fluid flow through low-permeability rock of the mid-crust. Using observations from an exceptionally well-exposed fossil hydrothermal system to inform a multi-element advective–diffusive–reactive transport model, we show that fluid-driven reaction fronts propagate with ~10 cm year-1, equivalent to the fastest tectonic plate motion and mid-ocean ridge spreading rates. Consequently, in the presence of reactive fluids, large-scale fluid-mediated rock transformations in continental collision and subduction zones occur on timescales of tens of years, implying that natural carbon sequestration, ore deposit formation, and transient and long-term petrophysical changes of the crust proceed, from a geological perspective, instantaneously.

How to cite: Beinlich, A., John, T., Vrijmoed, J. C., Tominaga, M., Magna, T., and Podladchikov, Y. Y.: Instantaneous rock transformations in the deep crust driven by reactive fluid flow, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-1266,, 2020.

EGU2020-8198 | Displays | GMPV6.1

The distribution of the H2O content in nominally anhydrous minerals and its effect on shear zone widening (Holsnøy, West-Norway)

Lisa Kaatz, Julien Reynes, Timm John, Stefan Schmalholz, Jörg Hermann, and Evangelos Moulas

High-grade anorthositic granulites from Holsnøy in the Bergen Arcs (western Norway) were subducted and underwent high pressure (HP) eclogite-facies metamorphism during Caledonian orogeny. They indicate that local eclogitization is linked to an interplay between deformation, fluid infiltration and subsequent fluid-rock interaction. The final result is an interconnected network of hydrous eclogite-facies shear zones surrounded by pristine unreacted granulites. This local transient eclogitization process temporarily weakens the subducting plate and therefore, might have had a strong impact on its deformation.  

In a first quantitative study we combined detailed field-mapping with numerical modelling to investigate the evolution of hydrous eclogite-facies shear zones with respect to the regional far-field stress and we discuss the strain partitioning. Although it is supposed that strain localises within the shear zones, we were able to show that widening overcomes the effect of stretching because of the fluid-rock interaction during deformation. The availability of a free fluid phase, which is continuously infiltrating the system, has a strong effect on shear zone widening. The most appropriate effective diffusion coefficient to emulate nature-like structures and hydration front widths by simple, hydro-mechanical numerical models was 10-12 m2.s-1. Our first conclusions suggest that a continuous fluid infiltration seems to be required to reproduce the observed structures. However, a complex model is necessary to understand how the fluid infiltrates and consequently, transforms the granulite adjacent to the shear zone widening.

Mass balance considerations reveal that the eclogitization of the granulite did not result in significant compositional changes, hence the fluid composition was quickly rock buffered. In order to better understand the link between enhancing deformation and fluid-infiltration fronts, we aim to determine the H2O content stored in minerals (including nominally anhydrous minerals, NAMs) perpendicular to the deformation structure from the core of the eclogite-facies shear zone to the macroscopically unaffected granulite. Hydrogen in garnet, pyroxene, plagioclase can significantly weaken the mineral structure, especially when substituting for silica. Additionally, it is crucial to constrain the amount of H2O needed for the transition from nominally anhydrous to hydrous assemblages. The H2O content was measured using transmission Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy using single points and maps to investigate potential zoning. An entire 20 cm wide transect was investigated, between unaltered granulite and the core of the eclogite-facies shear zone. This study will provide new constraints on the dynamic weakening processes affecting metastable dry and rigid crustal rocks.

How to cite: Kaatz, L., Reynes, J., John, T., Schmalholz, S., Hermann, J., and Moulas, E.: The distribution of the H2O content in nominally anhydrous minerals and its effect on shear zone widening (Holsnøy, West-Norway), EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-8198,, 2020.

EGU2020-4250 | Displays | GMPV6.1

Molecular dynamics simulations of diffusive properties of stressed water films in quartz and clay grain contacts

Floris Teuling, Marthe G. Guren, François Renard, Martyn R. Drury, Suzanne J.T. Hangx, Helen E. King, Oliver Plümper, and Henrik A. Sveinsson

Molecular dynamics simulations of diffusive properties of stressed water films in quartz and clay grain contacts

Floris S.R. Teuling1, Marthe G. Guren2, François Renard2, Martyn R. Drury1, Suzanne J.T. Hangx1, Helen E. King1, Oliver Plümper1, Henrik A. Sveinsson2

Hydrocarbon extraction can increase effective normal stresses in geological reservoirs, potentially inducing deformation and seismicity1. The kinetics of time-dependent creep processes that could persist long after production has ended, such as pressure solution and stress corrosion, are poorly quantified. These processes can be limited by diffusion efficiency at stressed grain contacts, which depends strongly on fluid film thickness as well as interfacial and surface energies. The diffusive properties of stressed fluid films between various crystallographic surfaces of the rock forming minerals clay and quartz are critical to predict long term deformation of reservoir. Due to the small length scales of grain contacts, experimental data on these quantities are difficult to acquire. Therefore, we use molecular dynamic simulations to elucidate the physico-chemical behaviour of fluid films at different mineral interfaces.

We apply large-scale classical molecular dynamics in LAMMPS to numerically resolve fluid film behaviour in grain contacts. The silicate-water system is modelled using a modified ClayFF force field2. A β-quartz block was placed within a water-filled nanopore with either hydroxylated  β-quartz or basal illite clay surfaces as walls.  This geometry was built using the software packages Atomic Simulation Environment, Ovito and Packmol. The system was first equilibrated using an NVT thermostat and an NPT barostat for tens of picoseconds under conditions of 8 MPa fluid pressure and a temperature of 100°C. Then, a force was applied on the quartz block, corresponding to 10-200 MPa normal contact stress, such that a thin water film is squeezed at the interface between two grains. Self-diffusion constants were calculated by mean square displacements and velocity autocorrelation in films at steady state thicknesses.

Simulations reach a steady state after several nanoseconds run time. Under reservoir conditions, fluid film thicknesses are reduced to less than one nanometre. Two to three layers of adsorbed water remain in the grain contact, a result consistent with reported fluid film properties for grain contacts in upper crustal systems. Our results quantify how various juxtaposed quartz surfaces and quartz-clay interfaces influence fluid film thickness, self-diffusion and the dynamics of the water layer, which allows for constraining the kinetics of pressure solution creep in sandstone reservoirs.


This project received funding from the DeepNL programme


How to cite: Teuling, F., Guren, M. G., Renard, F., Drury, M. R., Hangx, S. J. T., King, H. E., Plümper, O., and Sveinsson, H. A.: Molecular dynamics simulations of diffusive properties of stressed water films in quartz and clay grain contacts, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-4250,, 2020.

EGU2020-17237 | Displays | GMPV6.1

Building a giant quartz reef at the Heyuan fault, South China: observations and multiphysics model

Lisa Tannock, Marco Herwegh, Alfons Berger, and Klaus Regenauer-Lieb

A paleohydrothermal giant quartz reef (at least 75 m wide, 40 km long) and abundant hot springs at the Heyuan fault, South China, provide an excellent opportunity to investigate hydrothermal flows from the Mesozoic through to present-day.

The giant quartz reef has formed in the extensional regime initiated in the Mesozoic, while a change to  compressional stress on the Heyuan in the Cenozoic led to the development of cross-cutting strike-slip faults and associated vertical fracture network. Here, we present multiscale observations and analyses from the earlier long-term extensional phase.

Detailed microstructural analyses identified a 'quartz-reef window' of formation occurring between ~200-350˚C, linking in both quasi-static criteria (accommodation space; massive fluid sources; and a cap rock/seal)  and dynamic mechanisms (episodic-dynamic permeability; brittle-ductile cycles; and fluid injection though brittle-ductile equivalent of Sibson's 'fault-valve' behaviour.

This oscillatory brittle-ductile fault-valve is recorded in the field through its apparent contradiction between idiomorphic 5 cm long quartz crystal growth in mode-I fractures, embedded at large-scale inside far from equilibrium fault zones with mylonitic and cataclastic microstructures. Another characteristic feature is the increasing quartz vein frequency towards the core shown by enrichment of SiO2, with depletion of K2O and  Na2O in tectonites during alteration from the host granite; a reaction partly sourcing the SiO2 for the quartz reef.

We present a first theoretical model compatible with the observation of oscillatory macroscale far from equilibrium conditions, followed by long periods of micro-scale local equilibrium. The model can in particular describe mechanisms of abundant SiO2 dominated fluid release reaching episodically above hydrostatic pressures followed by long periods of SiO2 precipitation, allowing growth of up to 5 cm long idiomorphic quartz  crystals in subparallel open channels, which presumably were held open by high fluid pressures. In this interpretation, the observations instabilities are seen to stem from the multiscale and multiphysics of the mineral reactions at the brittle-ductile transition, promoted by a slow extensional geodynamic driver at the Heyuan fault.

The new approach allows interpretation of rock physics properties in terms of recently discovered Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical-Chemical (THMC) multiscale wave-like instabilities. In the model short wavelength chemical dissolution-precipitation reaction waves are bouncing between the phyllonitic cap rock and the mylonitic shear zone below. A resonance phenomenon of constructive interference in a finite width around the future quartz-reef triggers the long-time scale steady-state attractor allowing quartz reef growth over geodynamic time scales. We show that this solitary wave limit forms a standing wave matching the characteristic periodic pattern of mode-I quartz veining around the reef and also explaining the fluid overpressures leading to local hydro-fracturing.

How to cite: Tannock, L., Herwegh, M., Berger, A., and Regenauer-Lieb, K.: Building a giant quartz reef at the Heyuan fault, South China: observations and multiphysics model, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-17237,, 2020.

Hangjinqi area is located in the north of Ordos basin, China. The capping strata are mainly comprised of argillaceous rocks of the upper Shihezi and Shiqifeng formation. In this paper, the thickness and displacement pressure of the cap layers are analyzed by logging data, the sealing ability of the cap layers is comprehensively estimated based on the geochemical characteristics of the formation water.

 Based on logging data and well logging interpretation, The cumulative thickness of mudstone cover in the upper Shihezi formation is 32~112m, the highest thickness is 112m in Jin51, and 108m in Jin29. The thickness has the characteristics of being thicker in the east, which is bounded by the junction of Boerjianghaizi and Wulanjilinmiao fault. According to the statistical results of maximum thickness of monolayer, in upper Shihezi formation is generally 4~40m, the maximum in Jin91 is 40m. The spatial distribution shows that the maximum thickness is r in the central Jin72-Jin71-Jin 99 and in the western Jin29. The cumulative thickness of Shiqianfeng formation caprock is relatively thick, 80~201.5m. The maximum thickness of monolayer generally is 2~44m, the maximum is 44m in Jin83.

Based on the logging data of 69 Wells, the displacement pressure data of the upper Shihezi and the Shiqianfeng formation were calculated according to the calculation formula between the measured displacement pressure and the acoustic time difference, the statistics of maximum displacement pressures were conducted. The maximum displacement pressure of the upper Shihezi and Shiqianfeng formation changes from 23MPa in the west to 15MPa in the east, which shows the characteristics of higher displacement pressure in the middle west and lower in the east and northeast.

The results of the comparative analysis of the plane distribution characteristics of the geochemical parameters of formation water and the gas production of natural gas show that, in Jin30 and Jin63 near the Wulanjilinmiao and the Sanyanjing fault, the salinity and metamorphic coefficients of the formation water are relatively high, while the sodium-chloride coefficient, desulfurization coefficient and carbonate rock equilibrium coefficient are relatively low, which indicate that the stratigraphic sealing conditions are good and beneficial to the preservation of oil and gas reservoirs. To the east, the sodium chloride coefficient of the formation water increased obviously, while the salinity and metamorphism coefficient decreased, which indicated that the formation sealing condition became worse. Further to the east, due to the influence of the Boerjianghaizi fault, the fault zone is characterized by low values of salinity and metamorphic coefficient, high values of sodium-chlorine coefficient, desulfurization coefficient and carbonate rock balance coefficient, indicating that the formation has poor sealing conditions, which is not conducive to the preservation of oil and gas reservoirs. But in Jin53-JIn72 and Yishen1-Jinping1-Jin33 located in the south and north sides of fault zone, the salinity and metamorphic coefficient is relatively high, and sodium chloride, desulfurization and carbonate balance coefficient are relatively low, indicating stratigraphic sealing and preservation condition in the south and north areas near the fault zone are in favor of the preservation of the gas reservoirs.

How to cite: zhao, G.: Evaluation on sealing ability of caprocks for gas reservoirs in Hangjinqi area, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-20569,, 2020.

EGU2020-2314 | Displays | GMPV6.1 | Highlight

The Alteration of Reservoir-Cap’s System During CO2 Charging in Huangqiao Region, China

Bing Zhou and Zengmin Lun

Revealing the alteration mechanism of reservoir-cap rock system during CO2-rich fluid charging is meaningful to the study of CO2 geological storage, as well as when CO2 enhance oil recovery. The study is taking the Permian Longtan reservoir formation and Dalong cap layer of Huangqiao and Jurong region in Lower Yangtze area in China as comparative study objects, in order to understand the differences between presence and absence of CO2 in the similar geological background. The samples of reservoirs and cap rock in both regions are analysized through petrological and geochemistry method. The authigenic minerals in the reservoirs of Huangqiao region are mainly overgrowth quartz and kaolinite. A small amount of dawsonite is developed in Huangqiao, while undeveloped in Jurong region due to the absent of CO2. The content of secondary quartz is lower in Jurong than in Huangqiao. The reservoir’s average porosity in Huangqiao is obviously higher than in Jurong, because of the feldspar’s dissolution during CO2 charging. The cap rocks in the two areas are both black block mudstones. There were micro-cracks developed in the cap rocks of Huangqiao region, in which have been refilled with calcite veins. Carbon isotope data shows that calcite was formed from CO2-water-rock interaction. The result indicates that CO2 charging could cause a major dissolution of feldspar in reservoir, and precipitate a typical authigenic mineral assemblage of dawsonite, secondary quartz and kaolinite. The continuous activity of the CO2-rich fluid leads to re-precipitation of carbonate minerals in cap rock, which is improving its sealing ability.

How to cite: Zhou, B. and Lun, Z.: The Alteration of Reservoir-Cap’s System During CO2 Charging in Huangqiao Region, China, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-2314,, 2020.

EGU2020-10943 | Displays | GMPV6.1 | Highlight

Havelange deep borehole (Belgium): a study case for the evaluation of metasedimentary formations as potential geothermal reservoir – H2020 MEET project

Yves Vanbrabant, Vinciane Stenmans, Christian Burlet, Estelle Petitclerc, Bruno Meyvis, Giorgia Stasi, Rhadityo Arbarim, Kristian Bär, and Thomas Goovaerts

The outcrop areas of metamorphic rocks in continental setting cover significant regions and their extension zones are even more significant if we also consider the shallow and medium subsurface areas under the sedimentary cover. However, the metamorphic rocks are usually disregarded as potential geothermal reservoirs since they are considered as tight rocks with no or very limited porosity and permeability. Even if this statement is correct, the metamorphic units are frequently associated with a long and complex tectonic evolution and in particular with pre-, syn- and post-metamorphism fractures, which represent potential target zones for the development of geothermal reservoirs. Another limitation to assess the geothermal potentiality of the metamorphic units is the very limited number of deep exploration wells, especially in comparison to other well-investigated reservoirs, such as those located in sedimentary formations.

The anchizone and epizone metasedimentary rocks in Southern Belgium (Wallonia) cover more than 30% of the territory and probably more than 40% if we also consider the metamorphic rocks under the non-metamorphic formations. These statistics are based on the depth interval between 0 km (outcrop) and 6 km, which are reasonable depths for the development of geothermal projects. The encountered lithologies consist of a few km-thick quartzite and slate formations of Lower Palaeozoic and Lower Devonian ages. These formations are associated with different events with the most significant ones regarding this study being the fracturing events related to the formation of the Rhenohercynian basin during the Devonian and the Dinantian times followed  by the Variscan orogeny during Upper Carboniferous.

The Havelange borehole was drilled by the Geological Survey of Belgium between 1980-1985 as a gas exploration reaching a maximum depth of 5648 m (MD). The aim of this borehole was to investigate the presence/absence of a Carboniferous gas reservoir located under the main décollement level of the Ardenne Allochthon. Even if the borehole never reached any Carboniferous rocks, it allowed a better characterization of the transition between shallow Lower Famennian shale units and Lower Devonian meta-sedimentary formations, along with Middle Devonian rocks at intermediate depth. The study conducted in the framework of the H2020 MEET project ( for the Havelange study-site includes the re-investigation of cores, cuttings and log data acquired during the drilling. The laboratory study entails the mineralogical characterisation of the host rocks and fracture zones as well as the petrophysical and rock mechanical characterisation and this borehole material is completed with outcrop analyses and comparable measurements in analogue zones. The lab and field results are cross-matched with the drilling archives and in particular the drilling report indicating the depths of mud losses, representing intervals of great interest for the potential reconversion of this borehole into a geothermal well.

How to cite: Vanbrabant, Y., Stenmans, V., Burlet, C., Petitclerc, E., Meyvis, B., Stasi, G., Arbarim, R., Bär, K., and Goovaerts, T.: Havelange deep borehole (Belgium): a study case for the evaluation of metasedimentary formations as potential geothermal reservoir – H2020 MEET project, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-10943,, 2020.

EGU2020-1287 | Displays | GMPV6.1 | Highlight

Ophiolite carbonation: Constraints from listvenite core BT1B, Oman Drilling Project

Oliver Plümper, Andreas Beinlich, Esmée Boter, Inigo A. Müller, Fatma Kourim, Martin Ziegler, Yumiko Harigane, Romain Lafay, Peter B. Kelemen, and the Oman Drilling Project Science Team

The widespread occurrence of the quartz–carbonate alteration assemblage (listvenite) in ophiolites indicates that ultramafic rock represents an effective sink for dissolved CO2. However, the understanding of the carbonation mechanisms is almost exclusively based on surface samples, which adds significant uncertainty to the interpretation of fossil hydrothermal systems. Here we present novel insight into the reaction textures and mechanisms of ultramafic rock carbonation obtained from the 300 m deep BT1B drill hole, ICDP Oman Drilling Project. Hole BT1B recovered continuous drill core intersecting surface alluvium, 200 meters of altered ultramafic rock comprising serpentinite and listvenite, and 100meters of the underlying metamorphic sole. The ultramafic part of BT1B is dominated by listvenite with only two thin intercalated serpentinite bands at 90 m and 180 m depth. Microstructural analyses indicate an evolution beginning with non-equilibrium growth of spheroidal carbonate composed of interlayered magnesite and dolomite in the completely serpentinized harzburgite, and magnesite and Ca-magnesite in the listvenite. Carbonate spheroids are characterized by sectorial zoning resulting from radially oriented low-angle boundaries. In the listvenite spheroidal carbonate is overgrown by euhedral magnesite indicative of near-equilibrium growth. Carbonate clumped isotope thermometry indicates carbonate crystallization predominantly between 100°C and 200°C. The strong macroscopic brecciation and veining of listvenite indicate that carbonation was facilitated by significant tectonic deformation allowing for infiltration of reactive fluids over an extended duration.

How to cite: Plümper, O., Beinlich, A., Boter, E., Müller, I. A., Kourim, F., Ziegler, M., Harigane, Y., Lafay, R., Kelemen, P. B., and Project Science Team, T. O. D.: Ophiolite carbonation: Constraints from listvenite core BT1B, Oman Drilling Project, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-1287,, 2020.

EGU2020-1374 | Displays | GMPV6.1

Shallow-depth slab decarbonation prevents recharge of the deep carbon cycle

Leonie Strobl, Andreas Beinlich, Markus Ohl, and Oliver Plümper

Long-term oscillations of the Earth’s atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration and climate are intrinsically linked to tectonic plate motion controlling CO2 uptake in rocks, their transport into the Earth’s mantle and recycling back into the atmosphere by volcanic activity. In this long-term deep carbon cycle, the efficiency of mantle ingassing is controlled by the stability of carbon carrier phases at subduction zone pressure-temperature conditions, during deformation and their interaction with subduction zone dehydration fluids. However, the current understanding of carbonate stability under these conditions is controversial. This is reflected by studies predicting carbonate transport deep into the asthenospheric mantle [1, 2] in contrast to more recently postulated shallow-depth carbon release from subducting slabs [e.g. 3]. Some of this controversy is related to the lack of available field sites that allow for the quantification of subduction-related decarbonation and its driving force. Here we present novel observations on the release of carbon during subduction of previously carbonated, ultramafic, oceanic lithosphere. Our observations are based on a recently discovered, exceptionally well-exposed, outcrop in northern Norway [4] containing frozen-in decarbonation reaction textures at the km scale. Our observations and textural analyses indicate breakdown of magnesium carbonate and serpentine to secondary olivine at depths shallower than 20 km. Secondary olivine is present as up to fist-sized nodules pseudomorphically replacing magnesite and as veins delineating escape pathways for the carbon-bearing aqueous fluid. We present first field observations and reaction textures and will discuss implications for the efficiency of carbon transport into the Earth’s mantle by subduction of carbonate-bearing oceanic lithosphere.

[1] Kerrick, D.M. & Connolly, J.A.D. (1998). Geology 26, 375-378.

[2] Dasgupta, R. & Hirschmann, M.M. (2010). EPSL 298, 1-13.

[3] Kelemen, P.B. & Manning, C.E. (2015). PNAS 112, E3997-E4006.

[4] Beinlich, A., Plümper, O., Hövelmann, J., Austrheim, H. & Jamtveit, B. (2012). Terra Nova 24, 446-455.

How to cite: Strobl, L., Beinlich, A., Ohl, M., and Plümper, O.: Shallow-depth slab decarbonation prevents recharge of the deep carbon cycle, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-1374,, 2020.

The apparently low abundance of pseudotachylytes in field outcrops of fault zones may be due to their alteration and hence destruction of characteristic microstructures. The potential for alteration of rocks is largely controlled by the availability of water that in turn depends on the rocks’ permeability. The permeability of pseudotachylytes, which generally exhibit a fine-grained matrix, is expected to be low relative to their host rock, such that infiltration by fluids should be minimal. We are therefore conducting flow-through experiments at elevated temperatures on pseudotachylyte samples from the Gole Larghe fault zone, Italian Southern Alps. We are monitoring the permeability and its evolution with time due to hydrothermal alteration processes using the pore-pressure oscillation technique. Microstructural analyses of naturally and experimentally altered pseudotachylytes will help to constrain the alteration processes and associated kinetics. Our results contribute to answer the question how pseudotachylytes are lost from the rock record.

How to cite: Rempe, M. and Renner, J.: Permeability evolution of pseudotachylytes during hydrothermal alteration experiments, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-8269,, 2020.

EGU2020-1134 | Displays | GMPV6.1

The role of fluids on strain localization at seismogenic depth: a case study from brittle-ductile faults from Olkiluoto Island, SW Finland

Barbara Marchesini, Giulio Viola, Luca Menegon, Jussi Mattila, Gunnar Schwarz, Bodo Hattendorf, and Detlef Günther

Fluids play a key role in weakening rocks, controlling crustal deformation from early fracture development to mature strain localization, fault nucleation and propagation through cumulative slip. In particular, at the brittle-ductile transition zone crustal deformation and fluid flow are mutually interconnected by repeating cycles of transient frictional and viscous deformation. Uncertainties remain, however, on the details of the micromechanical and chemical influence of fluids in facilitating strain localization processes.

N-S to NW-SE sub-vertical brittle-ductile faults cut across the Paleoproterozoic migmatitic basement of southwestern Finland on the island of Olkiluoto, where the Finnish authorities plan the construction of a deep repository for high-grade nuclear waste. The faults are characterized by a brittle–ductile to fully brittle deformation style resulting from transient fluid pressurization. We investigated a representative fault by combining field and microstructural observations with fluid inclusion and mineral chemistry analysis on synkinematic and authigenic minerals in order to reconstruct the temporal variations of pressure, temperature, composition and salinity of the synkinematic fluids that controlled strain localization. Combined laser ablation inductively coupled plasma time-of-flight mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-TOFMS) and electron back-scattered diffraction analysis (EBSD) were also applied on authigenic sulphides to gain insights into their role upon strain accommodation and deformation-induced elemental transport and distribution at the microscopic scale.

Initial embrittlement of the Olkiluoto basement occurred under a first event of fluid overpressure conditions (> 210 MPa) with formation of a diffuse network of joints and/or hybrid–shear fractures in a volume that corresponds to the fault damage zone. Subsequent deformation was caused by repeated hydrofracturing induced by fluid pressure up to 210 MPa. Brittle ruptures affected a system that was otherwise under overall ductile conditions, as demonstrated by mutually overprinting veining, cataclasis and plastic deformation.

Later exhumation and cooling of the fault system to fully brittle conditions was aided by reactivation triggered by a distinct fluid ingress at lower pressure (140-180 MPa) and temperature (≤ 300° C). Deformation was accommodated at that stage by the interplay of brittle fracturing and low-temperature crystal-plastic in sulphides. Strain and fluid flow created high diffusivity pathways within the pyrite crystal lattices contributing to- and enhancing the net transport of a significant range of heavy elements (e.g. Co, Ni, Cu, Sn, Ag, As, Sb, Pb). These data indicate that the studied fault zone acted as a chemically open system and fault valve.

How to cite: Marchesini, B., Viola, G., Menegon, L., Mattila, J., Schwarz, G., Hattendorf, B., and Günther, D.: The role of fluids on strain localization at seismogenic depth: a case study from brittle-ductile faults from Olkiluoto Island, SW Finland, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-1134,, 2020.

EGU2020-21850 | Displays | GMPV6.1

The role of fluid chemistry on permeability and fault strength evolution in granite

Catalina Sanchez, Giuseppe Saldi, Tom Mitchell, Francesco lacoviello, Philip Meredith, Adrian Jones, Eric Oelkers, and Alberto Striolo

Efforts to maintain and enhance reservoir permeability in geothermal systems can contribute to lowering CO2 emissions and sourcing more sustainable energy. The evolution of permeability in geothermal reservoirs is strongly affected by interactions between the host rock and the fluids flowing through the rock’s permeable pathways. Mineral dissolution, which results from fluid-rock chemical reactions within the fracture network, can significantly enhance reservoir permeability, whereas the precipitation of secondary mineral phases, that are also the products of fluid-rock reactions, can significantly reduce the permeability of the system. The interplay between these two important processes dictates the long-term productivity and lifetime of the reservoir. In the study reported here, we have attempted to simulate the conditions within a geothermal reservoir from initially induced fracturing to the final precipitation or “clogging” phase. We have performed, sequentially, batch, flow-through and circulating flow experiments on cores of the Carnmenellis granite, the target unit of geothermal projects in Cornwall (UK), to understand the role of mineral dissolution and precipitation in controlling the permeability of the system. The physico-chemical properties of the cores are monitored after each reaction-phase using ICP-OES, SEM, hydrostatic permeability measurements, and X-ray Computed Tomography.

Our results show that the evolution of the permeability is strongly dependant on the chemistry of the permeating fluid. We find that undersaturated fluids (pH 10-10.5) dissolve the most abundant mineral phases in the granite (quartz and feldspars), thus creating micro-cavities along the main fracture traces that lead to enhanced but essentially pressure-independent permeability. These results suggest that the creation of chemical dissolution in the early stages of geothermal operations could generate permeable pathways that are less sensitive to effective stress and will likely remain open at higher pressures. Similarly, maintaining the circulation of undersaturated and relatively high-pH fluids (pH 10-10.5) through these granitic reservoirs could prevent the precipitation of clogging mineral phases and preserve reservoir permeability in granite-hosted geothermal systems.

By contrast, we find that supersaturated fluids (pH 9-9.5), evolving from extended periods of fluid-rock interaction, promote the precipitation of clay minerals that leads to decreased permeability within the system. In natural systems, such as fault zones, the precipitation of clay minerals on the fault plane can also severely affect the frictional properties of the fault and therefore it's slip mode (seismic or asesismic). Triaxial friction experiments on a direct shear configuration were run on samples extracted from well UD-2, part of the United Downs geothermal drilling campaign. The frictional strength of the drilling cuttings from depths around 2370 (at the intersection with the Porthowan’s fault plane ) show variations from 0.3 to 0.1, while friction results from unaltered granite show a friction coefficient of 0.6. These results suggest that the frictional properties of the Porthowan fault have been modified, due to the precipitation of new mineral phases.

How to cite: Sanchez, C., Saldi, G., Mitchell, T., lacoviello, F., Meredith, P., Jones, A., Oelkers, E., and Striolo, A.: The role of fluid chemistry on permeability and fault strength evolution in granite, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-21850,, 2020.

EGU2020-6785 | Displays | GMPV6.1

The retrograde hydration of the continental granitoid crust as seen from epidote-bearing veins: Trace elements and microstructures

Veronica Peverelli, Alfons Berger, Thomas Pettke, Holger Stunitz, Pierre Lanari, and Marco Herwegh

The widespread presence of epidote-bearing veins and hydrous minerals such as micas in meta-granitoid rocks attests to the large extent of hydration of the exhuming continental crust. The ability of epidote (Ca2Al3Si3O12(OH) – Ca2Al2Fe3+Si3O12(OH)) to incorporate a wide variety of trace elements renders this mineral a promising geochemical tracer of circulating fluid(s).

We report trace element and microstructural data on epidote-bearing veins from the Aar Massif (Central Alps) and from the Albula Pass (Eastern Alps). We characterized and classified the epidote-bearing veins based on their extent of deformation, shape and size of the epidote grains, coexisting minerals, and degree of dynamic recrystallization of associated quartz. Laser ablation ICP-MS data of individual epidote crystals reveal prominent zoning, confirmed by electron probe maps for Sr and Mn. Overall, low to very low Th/U ratios (down to 0.0005 in the Aar Massif veins and 0.001 in the Albula ones) with Th often below limits of detection (< 0.1 µg/g at 16 µm beam size) go along with variably LREE-depleted patterns (and CI Chondrite-normalized LaN/YbN ~0.35 in the Aar Massif veins and ~0.60 in the Albula Pass veins). Strontium contents are variable (hundreds to thousands of µg/g) and mostly high (up to 10100 µg/g in the Aar Massif samples and 12800 µg/g in the Albula Pass samples). The in-situ geochemical data are linked to the microstructures in order to assess whether microstructures can be related to variations in trace elements, also considering the role of coexisting phases. Moreover, trace element data of samples from the Aar Massif are compared to metamorphic host-rock epidotes and cleft epidotes from the same massif.

We find that REE patterns of Aar Massif vein epidotes are clearly different than those of metamorphic host-rock epidotes and of cleft epidotes. In addition, REE patterns vary based on the microstructural characteristics of veins. Overall REE patterns of the Albula Pass vein epidotes resemble those from the Aar Massif. Different veins and microstructures define clusters in Sr vs. Y, Eu anomaly vs. Th/U ratios, and Eu anomaly vs. U values. Geochemical heterogeneities are observed among sampling localities within the Aar Massif.

The fact that the geochemical characteristics of retrograde hydrothermal vein epidotes are clearly different than those of high-grade metamorphic and metamorphic host-rock epidotes, and the relationship between geochemical characteristics and microstructures support the hypothesis that the deformation did not alter the original geochemical record through neomineralization. Our data argue for the potential of epidote as a powerful fluid tracer in the granitoid continental crust.

How to cite: Peverelli, V., Berger, A., Pettke, T., Stunitz, H., Lanari, P., and Herwegh, M.: The retrograde hydration of the continental granitoid crust as seen from epidote-bearing veins: Trace elements and microstructures, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-6785,, 2020.

EGU2020-17187 | Displays | GMPV6.1

Fluid circulations in detachment faults : insights from Mykonos Metamorphic Core Complex

Agathe Faure, Laurent Jolivet, Anne Verlaguet, and Damien Do Couto

Back-arc basins are known to be controlled by deep subduction dynamics. In the Aegean domain, the slab retreat led to the formation of crustal-scale Low Angle Normal Faults (LANFs) that were involved in the exhumation of Metamorphic Core-Complexes (MCC) in this region. The North Cycladic Detachment System (NCDS) is an example of these LANFs. These large-scale structures are associated with heat exchange and fluid circulations representing a major interest in the understanding of metallogenic provinces and hydrothermal systems. The Menderes massif of Western Anatolia is the location of an active exploitation of high-temperature geothermal resources related to extension and the activity of the main detachments. However, there the rock-fluid interactions in the deep part of the geothermal reservoir are not accessible to observation. The Miocene MCC of Mykonos (Cyclades) represents instead a perfect example to study those systems because it combines detachment faults, a magmatic event, a sedimentary basin and baryte-iron-hydroxides veins exploited until the 80’s. The NE-SW post-orogenic extension is accommodated in the island by the Livada and Mykonos detachments that belong to the NCDS. These detachments are coeval with the emplacement of granitoids and associated to the formation of a supra-detachment sedimentary basin during the Late Miocene. These detachments are strongly related to a dense network of barite, Fe-oxy/hydroxide or Fe-sulfur veins that emplaced during the synkinematic cooling of Mykonos granitic laccolith. The observed fluids in the granite below the detachments show two distinct sources, seawater and a magmatic fluid. However, in the sedimentary basin, the emplacement and the nature of fluids and their interaction with deformation remain poorly investigated. Based on field observations and geochemical analyses, this study aims to propose a scenario of fluid circulations in the Mykonos sedimentary basin by characterizing and tracking them. Raman spectroscopy on fluid inclusions and bulk-rock geochemical analyses were performed to respectively understand fluid sources and hydrothermal circulations. Our observations led us to suggest a mineralization emplacement model during the synkinematic cooling of the laccolith intrusion. First, Mykonos detachment isolates two different domains in term of fluid circulations: strongly reduced magmatic fluids below the detachment and oxidized fluids above it. Further extension and formation of normal faults promoted the progressive connection of these domains. In barite from the detachment, the coexistence of low-salinity fluids and brines in coeval fluid inclusions suggest a boiling phase that could be related to the opening of the system by pulse. Moreover, iron-leached infiltration zones in the overlying sediments witness the percolation of magmatic reduced fluids, able to mobilize Fe2+ and to transport it towards oxy-hydroxide-rich veins. These reduced fluids also allowed baryum leaching from magmatic feldspar, while mixing with seawater (rich in SO42-) in the detachment could be responsible for barite mineralization during and after the deposition of the sedimentary pile in Mykonos.

How to cite: Faure, A., Jolivet, L., Verlaguet, A., and Do Couto, D.: Fluid circulations in detachment faults : insights from Mykonos Metamorphic Core Complex, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-17187,, 2020.

EGU2020-2154 | Displays | GMPV6.1

Rapid fluid-driven transformation of lower continental crust associated with thrust-induced shear heating

Bjørn Jamtveit, Kristina G. Dunkel, Arianne Petley-Ragan, Fernando Corfu, and Dani W. Schmid

Caledonian eclogite- and amphibolite-facies metamorphism of initially dry Proterozoic granulites in the Lindås Nappe of the Bergen Arcs, Western Norway, is driven by fluid infiltration along faults and shear zones. The granulites are also cut by numerous dykes and pegmatites that are spatially associated with metamorphosed host rocks. U-Pb geochronology was performed to constrain the age of fluid infiltration and metamorphism. The ages obtained demonstrate that eclogite- and amphibolite-facies metamorphism were synchronous within the uncertainties of our results and occurred within a maximum time interval of 5 Myr, with a mean age of ca. 426 Ma.  Caledonian dykes and pegmatites are granitic rocks characterised by a high Na/K-ration, low REE-abundance and positive anomalies of Eu, Ba, Pb, and Sr. The most REE-poor compositions show HREE-enrichment. Melt compositions are consistent with wet melting of plagioclase- and garnet-bearing source rocks. The most likely fluid source is dehydration of Paleozoic metapelites, located immediately below the Lindås part of the Jotun-Lindås microcontinent, during eastward thrusting over the extended margin of Baltica. Melt compositions and thermal modelling suggest that short-lived fluid-driven metamorphism of the Lindås Nappe granulites was related to shear heating at lithostatic pressures in the range 1.0-1.5 GPa. High-P (≈2 GPa) metamorphism within the Nappe was related to weakening-induced pressure perturbations, not to deep burial. Our results emphasize that both prograde and retrograde metamorphism may proceed rapidly during regional metamorphism and that their time-scales may be coupled through local production and consumption of fluids.

How to cite: Jamtveit, B., Dunkel, K. G., Petley-Ragan, A., Corfu, F., and Schmid, D. W.: Rapid fluid-driven transformation of lower continental crust associated with thrust-induced shear heating, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-2154,, 2020.

GMPV7.1 – The metamorphic rock record: pieces of the lithospheric puzzle

EGU2020-20617 | Displays | GMPV7.1

Decoding 3-D monazite textures using LA-ICP-MS raster mapping

Owen Weller, Simon Jackson, William Miller, Marc St-Onge, and Nicole Rayner

Texturally complex monazite grains within two granulite-facies pelitic migmatites from southern Baffin Island, Arctic Canada, were mapped by laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry to quantitatively determine the spatial variation in trace element chemistry with a 4-5 μm resolution (with up to 1883 analyses per grain). The maps demarcate growth zones, some of which were cryptic with conventional imaging, highlighting the 3-D complexity of monazite grains that have experienced multiple episodes of growth and resorption during high-grade metamorphism. Associated monazite trace element systematics are highly variable, both within domains interpreted to have grown in a single event, and between samples that experienced similar metamorphic conditions and mineral assemblages. This result cautions against generalised petrological interpretations being made about monazite trace element signatures as it suggests sample-specific controls. Nevertheless, by quantifying monazite textures, a related U-Pb dataset is re-interpreted, allowing ages to be extracted from a continuum of concordant data. The results reveal a ~45 Myr interval between prograde metamorphism and retrograde melt crystallisation in the study region, emphasising the long-lived nature of heat flow in high-grade metamorphic terranes. Careful characterisation of monazite grains suggests that continuum-style U-Pb datasets can be decoded to provide insights into the rates of metamorphic processes.

How to cite: Weller, O., Jackson, S., Miller, W., St-Onge, M., and Rayner, N.: Decoding 3-D monazite textures using LA-ICP-MS raster mapping, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-20617,, 2020.

Plagioclase-rich lower crustal granulites exposed on the Lofoten archipelago, N Norway, display pseudotachylytes, reflecting brittle deformation, as well as ductile shear zones, highlighting plastic deformation. Pristine pseudotachylytes often show no or very little difference in mineral assemblage to their host-rocks that exhibit limited, if any, metamorphic alteration. In contrast, host-rock volumes that developed ductile shear zones exhibit significant hydration towards amphibolite or eclogite-facies assemblages within and near the shear zones. We combine experimental laboratory results and observations from the field to characterize the structural evolution of brittle faults in plagioclase-rich rocks at lower crustal conditions. We performed a series of deformation experiments on intact granulite samples at 2.5 GPa confining pressure,  a strain rate of 5×10-5 s-1,  temperatures of 700 and 900 °C, and total strains of either ~7-8 % or ~33-36 %. Samples were either deformed ‘as-is’, i.e. natural samples without any treatment, or with ~2.5 wt.% H2O added. Striking similarities between the experimental and natural microstructures suggest that the transformation of precursory brittle structures into ductile shear zones at eclogite-facies conditions is most effective when hydrous fluids are available in excess.

How to cite: Incel, S., Renner, J., and Jamtveit, B.: Evolution of brittle structures in plagioclase-rich rocks at high-grade metamorphic conditions – Linking laboratory results to field observations, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-8367,, 2020.

EGU2020-20670 | Displays | GMPV7.1

Elastic geothermobarometry on multiple inclusions in a single host

Mattia Gilio, Matteo Alvaro, Ross Angel, and Marco Scambelluri

The characterization of the pressure and temperature (P-T) histories of subducted rocks is of key importance to unravel geological processes at all scales. Conventional element-exchange geothermobarometers are challenged in ultra-high-pressure metamorphic terranes as the subduction temperatures may exceed their closure temperature and minerals may undergo re-equilibration along their path. Elastic geobarometry applied to host-inclusion systems is a complementary method to determine P and T conditions of metamorphism that does not rely upon chemical equilibrium. Recent development of elastic geobarometry (Angel et al., 2019; Campomenosi et al., 2018; Murri et al., 2018) allows us to retrieve entrapment pressures for host-inclusion pairs from the residual strains acting on the inclusion. Because only a single measurement, the inclusion strain, is made, only a line in PT space of possible entrapment conditions, the entrapment isomeke, can be determined. Thus, the entrapment pressure along an isomeke can only be determined if the entrapment temperature is known.

An alternative is to calculate entrapment conditions for two types of inclusions that are believed, from petrological evidence, to have been entrapped at the same time. In this study we performed micro-Raman measurements on quartz and zircon inclusions trapped in garnets from a garnet-kyanite gneiss and a quartz-garnet vein from the Fjørtoft UHP terrane, Norway. From the micro-Raman data, using the program stRAinMAN (Angel et al., 2019), we calculated the strains at room conditions (Murri et al., 2018) and thus the entrapment conditions. The intersection between the two sets of isomeke calculated on multiple quartz and zircon inclusions demonstrates that measuring different inclusion phases trapped inside a single host allows unique P-T conditions for the host rock to be determined.

This work was supported by ERC-StG TRUE DEPTHS grant (number 714936) to M. Alvaro

Angel R.J., Murri M., Mihailova B. & Alvaro M. (2019) - Stress, strain and Raman shifts. Zeitschrift für KristallographieCrystalline Materials, 234(2), 129-140.

Campomenosi N., Mazzucchelli M.L., Mihailova B., Scambelluri M., Angel R.J., Nestola, F., Reali A. & Alvaro M. (2018) - How geometry and anisotropy affect residual strain in host-inclusion systems: Coupling experimental and numerical approaches. American Mineralogist, 103(12), 2032-2035.

Murri M., Mazzucchelli M.L., Campomenosi N., Korsakov A.V., Prencipe M., Mihailova B.D., Scambelluri M., Angel R.J. & Alvaro M. (2018) - Raman elastic geobarometry for anisotropic mineral inclusions. American Mineralogist, 103(11), 1869-1872.

How to cite: Gilio, M., Alvaro, M., Angel, R., and Scambelluri, M.: Elastic geothermobarometry on multiple inclusions in a single host, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-20670,, 2020.

EGU2020-13967 | Displays | GMPV7.1

Bulk inclusion dating: a geochronological tool to date low-grade metamorphism

Marianne Sophie Hollinetz, David A. Schneider, Christopher R. M. McFarlane, Benjamin Huet, and Bernhard Grasemann

The petrologic evolution of low-grade metamorphic rocks is essential for a coherent understanding of subduction- and exhumation-related processes during collisional orogeny. Retrieving useful P-T-t-d data from low-grade metamorphic units however is challenging as these rocks commonly lack suitable target minerals for geothermobarometry and/or geochronology. Herein we introduce a new geochronological method termed ‘bulk inclusion dating’ and present an example of a rock sampled at the base of the Stauffen-Höllengebirge Nappe (Austroalpine Unit, Eastern Alps, Austria) that witnessed an Eo-Alpine tectono-metamorphic event in the Late Cretaceous.

The investigated schist contains mm-scale chloritoid porphyroblasts in a foliated matrix consisting of chlorite, muscovite and quartz. Accessory minerals include ilmenite, hematite, rutile, zoned epidote with REE-rich cores, euhedral apatite and zircon. Thermodynamic modeling in the MnCNKFMASHTO system predicts the stability of the equilibrium assemblage in a narrow P-T field between 450–490°C and 5–7 kbar. Ilmenite, rutile and hematite inclusions in chloritoid cores indicate porphyroblast growth within this field, which is consistent with the observed chemical zoning of the chloritoid. The interpreted peak P-T conditions agree with the observation of garnet in a sample from the same outcrop and independent peak temperature constraints around 490°C derived from Raman spectroscopy of carbonaceous material.

Detailed petrographic investigations using high-resolution SEM imaging combined with EDX analysis revealed abundant minute (100 nm – 3 µm), idiomorphic zircons both included in chloritoid porphyroblasts and in the matrix. In the chloritoid rim, zircon comprises >95% of the inclusionary phases.  Based on grain size distribution, we interpret zircon growth during prograde metamorphism via dissolution-precipitation mechanism and progressive coarsening due to Ostwald ripening. In situ laser ablation ICP-MS analysis of the bulk zircon population included in the chloritoid rim using a 120 µm spot size yields a U-Pb age of 116.7 ± 6.4 Ma (MSWD: 1.5; n: 79). Combined with the results of thermodynamic forward modeling, we link the age to the late prograde part of the P-T evolution. The latest synorogenic sediments on top of the Stauffen-Höllengebirge Nappe were deposited at ca. 120 Ma, giving a consistent upper bound the late prograde age. An apatite U-Pb age from the same sample yields 429.3 ± 14.6 Ma (MSWD: 1.2; n: 60). Considering the protolith is an altered tuff and the apatite is likely magmatic, a Devonian protolith age is inferred. That the apatite age was not reset during Eo-Alpine metamorphism is in agreement with the inferred metamorphic conditions. We emphasize that the strength of the bulk inclusion dating approach lies in the improved link of P-T and age data and its relative ease of application compared to other geochronological methods.

How to cite: Hollinetz, M. S., Schneider, D. A., McFarlane, C. R. M., Huet, B., and Grasemann, B.: Bulk inclusion dating: a geochronological tool to date low-grade metamorphism, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-13967,, 2020.

EGU2020-15931 | Displays | GMPV7.1

Metamorphic evolution of the Petersen Bay assemblage, Ellesmere Island: What can we learn about Pearya - Laurentia accretion?

Karolina Kośmińska, Jane Gilotti, William McClelland, and Matthew Coble

The accretion of the Pearya terrane to the northern margin of Laurentia plays an important role in the paleogeographic reconstructions for the Arctic region. Earlier workers proposed a timing of its juxtaposition spanning from Late Silurian (Trettin, 1998) to Late Ordovician (Klaper 1992). In this study, we focus on the pressure-temperature-time (P-T-t) evolution of the Petersen Bay assemblage. This subduction related unit crops out between the crystalline basement of Pearya and volcano-sedimentary sequence of Clements Markham fold belt. The highest grade rocks, garnet-kyanite-bearing schist (sample 17-66) and garnet-kyanite-staurolite garbenschiefer (sample 17-64) were selected for P-T studies and in-situ monazite U-Pb dating by sensitive high resolution ion microprobe.

Thermodynamic modelling of sample 17-66 gives a P-T condition of 7.8-8.1 kbar and 590-610°C for garnet core formation, whereas a pseudosection calculated for the effective bulk composition indicates garnet rim growth at 8-9 kbar and 650-660°C. The QuiG Raman barometry coupled with Ti-in-biotite thermometry yield conditions of 6.5-7.5 kbar and 540-600°C for the garnet growth. The combination of QuiG barometry and Ti-in-biotite thermometry indicate garnet growth at 7.5-8 kbar and 500-550°C for the garbenschiefer sample.

Monazite shows distinctive zonation and 2, up to 3, domains were recognized based on textures and X-ray microprobe maps. For the sample 17-66, Monazite-I forms inclusions within garnet rims or cores of bigger matrix grains. It defines a weighted mean 206Pb/238U age of 397±2 Ma (n=18, MSWD=1.6). Monazite-II occurs in the matrix and gives an age of 385±2 Ma (n=19, MSWD=1.5). Monazite-I from sample 17-64 yields a weighted mean 206Pb/238U age of 394±2 Ma (n=11, MSWD=0.6). Monazite-II defines the age of 388±2 Ma (n=7, MSWD=0.8). Monazite-III was distinct only in garbenschiefer. It yields a younger age of 374±6 Ma (n=6, MSWD=3.1).

The P–T data coupled with monazite dating suggest a Middle Devonian metamorphism of the Petersen Bay assemblage under amphibolite facies conditions. These new results suggest that the juxtaposition of the Pearya terrane, Petersen Bay assemblage and the Clemens Markham fold belt is Middle Devonian or younger, i.e. much younger than previously thought.


Klaper E.M. 1992. The Paleozoic tectonic evolution of the northern edge of North America: A structural study of Northern Ellesmere Island, Canadian Arctic Archipelago Tectonics, 11, 854–870.

Trettin H.P. 1998. Pre-Carboniferous geology of the northern part of the Arctic Islands: Northern Heiberg Fold Belt, Clements Markham Fold Belt, and Pearya; northern Axel Heiberg and Ellesmere islands GSC Bulletin, 425, 401 p.

How to cite: Kośmińska, K., Gilotti, J., McClelland, W., and Coble, M.: Metamorphic evolution of the Petersen Bay assemblage, Ellesmere Island: What can we learn about Pearya - Laurentia accretion?, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-15931,, 2020.

EGU2020-12038 | Displays | GMPV7.1

Reconciling zircon and monazite thermometry constrains H2O content in granitic melts

Silvia Volante, William Collins, Chris Spencer, Eleanore Blereau, Amaury Pourteau, Vitor Barrote, Adam Nordsvan, Zheng-Xiang Li, Noreen Evans, and Jiangyu Li

In this contribution, we compare and test the reliability of zircon and monazite thermometers and suggest a new and independent method to constrain the H2O content in granitic magmas from coeval zircon and monazite minerals. We combine multi-method single-mineral thermometry (bulk-rock zirconium saturation temperature (Tzr), Ti-in-zircon (T(Ti-zr)) and monazite saturation temperature (Tmz)) with thermodynamic modelling to estimate water content and P–T conditions for strongly-peraluminous (S-type) granitoids in the Georgetown Inlier, NE Queensland. These granites were generated within ~30 km thick Proterozoic crust, and emplaced during regional extension associated with low-pressure high-temperature (LP–HT) metamorphism.

SHRIMP U–Pb monazite and zircon geochronology indicates synchronous crystallization ages of c. 1550 Ma for granitic rocks emplaced at different crustal levels—from the eastern deep crustal domain (P = 6–9 kbar), through the middle crustal domain (P = 4–6 kbar), to the western upper crustal domain (P = 0–3 kbar).

Bulk-rock Tzr and T(Ti-zr) yielded magma temperature estimates for the eastern domain of ~800°C and ~910–720°C, respectively. Magma temperatures in the central and western domains were ~730°C (Tzr) and ~870–750°C (T(Ti-zr)) in the central domain, and ~810°C (Tzr) and ~890–720°C (T(Ti-zr)) in the western domain, respectively. These temperature estimates were compared with P–T conditions recorded in the host rocks to determine if the magmas had equilibrated thermally with the crust. Similar temperatures were obtained for the middle and lower crust suggesting that the associated magmas thermally equilibrated at their respective depths, whereas the sub-volcanic rocks were, as expected, significantly hotter than the adjacent crust.

By plotting the results on a P–T–XH2O petrogenetic grid, and assuming adiabatic ascent through the crust, the sub-volcanic magmas appear to be drier (~3 wt% H2O) than the granitic magmas (~7 wt% H2O) which formed at greater depth. Monazite saturation temperatures (which depends on the water content, light–REE content and composition of the granitic melt), are in agreement with the zircon thermometers only if water values of ~3 wt% H2O and ~7 wt% H2O are assumed for the upper crustal magmas and deeper magmas, respectively. Moreover, melt compositions extracted from a modelled pseudosection of a sillimanite-bearing metapelite, which was interpreted to be the typical source rock for the surrounding granites (P=5 kbar and T=690°C–850°C), show comparable water content values.

The Tmz results provide independent evidence for the H2O content in magmas, and we suggest that reconciling Tzr with Tmz is a new and independent way of constraining H2O content in granitic magmas.

How to cite: Volante, S., Collins, W., Spencer, C., Blereau, E., Pourteau, A., Barrote, V., Nordsvan, A., Li, Z.-X., Evans, N., and Li, J.: Reconciling zircon and monazite thermometry constrains H2O content in granitic melts , EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-12038,, 2020.

EGU2020-10658 | Displays | GMPV7.1

Significance of variation in extent of recrystallization of zircon in orogenic eclogite

Donna Whitney, Clementine Hamelin, Christian Teyssier, Francoise Roger, and Patrice Rey

Migmatite domes are common structures in orogens, and in some cases are comprised of deeply-sourced crust that experienced lateral and subsequent vertical flow, with ultimate emplacement in the mid/upper crust. The record of the deep-crustal history survives in layers and lenses of refractory rock types within the dominant quartzofeldspathic gneiss. These deep-crustal relics are typically the best archives of pressure-temperature-time-deformation conditions of crustal flow, although it can be difficult to extract information about the duration of deep-crustal residence – such as might accompany lateral flow of deep-crust – because intracrystalline diffusion at protracted high temperatures may erase much of the history and/or minerals may record only the timing of final emplacement and cooling. One possible indicator of deep-crustal history is the extent of recrystallization of zircon that experienced eclogite-facies conditions; the conditions of zircon growth/recrystallization are indicated by REE abundance and results of Ti-in-zircon thermometry. For example, in the eclogite-bearing Montagne Noire migmatite dome of the southern French Massif Central, zircon in eclogite from the core of the dome has been extensively recrystallized under eclogite-facies conditions. In contrast, zircon in eclogite from the margin of the dome experienced very little recrystallization and largely consists of inherited (magmatic) cores with very thin (<20 um) eclogite-facies rims. The two eclogites, which both contain garnet + omphacite + rutile + quartz, record the same age of protolith crystallization (~450 Ma) and high-P metamorphism (~315 Ma), and similar metamorphic conditions (700 ± 20°C, 1.4 ±0.1 GPa). Differences in extent of recrystallization of zircon in the two eclogites may relate to duration at high T and/or extent of interaction with aqueous fluid (ongoing work to obtain in situ oxygen isotope data for zircon and garnet will evaluate the latter for each eclogite). Deformation may have been involved in recrystallization of zircon, but is not the primary factor accounting for the differences in extent of recrystallization; both eclogites were deformed during eclogite-facies metamorphism, as indicated by crystallographic-preferred orientation of omphacite and shape-preferred orientation of rutile. Other variables that are also unlikely to explain differences in these eclogite zircons are differences in host rock chemistry, availability of Zr from decompression reactions involving Zr-bearing minerals, extent of radiation damage, and original crystal size. The two most likely explanations for variations in zircon recrystallization are duration at high-T and extent of fluid-rock interaction. In the case of the former, dome-margin eclogite may have had a shorter residence time in the deep crust and was more directly exhumed from a proximal source, whereas the dome-core eclogite may have had a more extended transit in the deep-crust before being exhumed in the steep, median high-strain zone of the migmatite dome.

How to cite: Whitney, D., Hamelin, C., Teyssier, C., Roger, F., and Rey, P.: Significance of variation in extent of recrystallization of zircon in orogenic eclogite, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-10658,, 2020.

EGU2020-351 | Displays | GMPV7.1

Timing of HP/HT alpine metamorphism: new data from Cima di Gagnone (Central Alps)

Stefania Corvò, Matteo Maino, Antonio Langone, Filippo Luca Schenker, Silvio Seno, and Sandra Piazolo

Keywords: HP-HT metamorphism, microstructures, U-Pb-Th dating, P-T-t-d path.

The occurrence of (ultra)high pressure and high temperature mineralogical assemblages developed during the Alpine phases makes the Cima di Gagnone area (Cima Lunga unit) one of the most studied area in the Central Alps. It consists of continental basement rocks (orthogneisses, paragneisses and metapelites) enveloping (ultra-) mafic bodies of oceanic crust (eclogite, amphibolites and peridotites) which record pressure and temperature up to 3 GPa and 800 °C, respectively (e.g. Nimis and Trommsdorff, 2001; Scambelluri et al., 2015). This high-grade metamorphism is constrained between 40 and 35 Ma by U-Pb dating from the ultra-mafic and mafic rocks (e.g. Gebauer, 1999). The metamorphism peak of the surrounding gneiss complex is instead constrained at considerably lower conditions (up to 0.8 GPa and 660 °C; Grond et al., 1995). The temperature peak in the felsic rocks is dated at ca. 32 Ma (Gebauer, 1996), coeval with the Bergell emplacement. Several models have been proposed to explain the coupling between ultrahigh- and middle- pressure rock pairs resulting in a large uncertainty in the adopted subduction-exhumation models.

We performed new petrological, micro-structural and geochronological data from the gneissic rocks, with the aim to investigate how the pressure and temperature conditions experienced by the felsic and mafic rocks are truly different. We explored the spatial variation of the metamorphic record through sample collection the structural control of the inclusion-matrix couples. Petrological and microstructural (SEM-EBSD) analyses are performed to define the deformation and metamorphic patterns of samples collected. Our results indicate that some portions of the gneissic matrix preserve relicts of higher pressure and temperature than previously suggested. The high-T conditions are temporally constrained by U-(Th)-Pb dating of monazite and zircon, which provides peak age estimations similar to the mafic rocks. The new data shed a light on heterogeneous metamorphism recorded by different rocks, providing new elements for the discussion on the most fitting geodynamic models.


- Gebauer, 1996. A P-T-t Path for an (Ultra?-) High-Pressure Ultramafic/Mafic Rock-Association and its Felsic Country-Rocks Based on SHRIMP-Dating of Magmatic and Metamorphic Zircon Domains. Example: Alpe Arami (Central Swiss Alps). Earth Processes Reading the Isotopic Code, Geophysical Monograph 95, 307-329, AGU.

- Gebauer, 1999. Alpine geochronology of the Central Alps and Western Alps: new constraints for a complex geodynamic evolution. Schweiz. Mineral. Petrogr. Mitt., 79, 191-208.

- Grond, R., Wahl, F. and Pfiffner, M., 1995. Mehrphasige alpine Deformation und Metamorpshe in der nordlichen Cima Lunga-Einheit, Zentralalpen (Scweiz). Schweiz. Mineral. Petrogr. Mitt., 75, 371-386.

- Nimis, P. & Trommsdorff, V., 2001. Revised thermobarometry of Alpe Arami and other garnet peridotites from the central Alps. J. of Petrology, 42, 103-115.

- Scambelluri, M., Pettke, T., & Cannaò, E. (2015). Fluid-related inclusions in Alpine high-pressure peridotite reveal trace element recycling during subduction-zone dehydration of serpentinized mantle (Cima di Gagnone, Swiss Alps). Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 429, 45-59.

How to cite: Corvò, S., Maino, M., Langone, A., Schenker, F. L., Seno, S., and Piazolo, S.: Timing of HP/HT alpine metamorphism: new data from Cima di Gagnone (Central Alps), EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-351,, 2020.

EGU2020-2635 | Displays | GMPV7.1 | Highlight

Changing exhumation potential of (U)HP eclogite through geological time

Richard Palin

Ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphism is defined by achieving P–T conditions sufficient to transform quartz to coesite (~26–28 kbar at ~500–900 °C), which occurs at ~90-100 km depth within the Earth under lithostatic conditions. Thus, the occurrence of UHP metamorphism is often taken as being a diagnostic indicator of subduction having operated in the geological record, and hence plate tectonics. Yet, the oldest such coesite-bearing rocks belong to the Pan-African belt in northern Mali, and formed at 620 Ma, although there exist multiple lines of evidence to show that a global network of subduction had been operative on Earth for billions of years beforehand. Why, then, are these key geodynamic indicators missing from the majority of the rock record? Here, I show how secular cooling of the Earth's mantle since the Mesoarchean (c. 3.2 Ga) has affected the exhumation potential of UHP (and HP) eclogite through time due to time-dependent compositional variation of both oceanic and continental crust. Petrological modeling of density changes during metamorphism of Archean, Proterozoic, and Phanerozoic composite continental terranes shows that more mafic Archean crust reaches a point-of-no-return during transport into the mantle at shallower depths than less MgO-rich modern-day crust, regardless of whether this occurs via subduction of stagnant lid-like vertical 'drip' tectonics. Thus, while Alpine- and Himalayan-type (U)HP orogenic eclogites represented by metamorphosed mafic intrusions into continental crust may readily have formed during the Precambrian, they would have lacked the buoyancy required for exhumation and preservation in the geological record.

How to cite: Palin, R.: Changing exhumation potential of (U)HP eclogite through geological time, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-2635,, 2020.

Reconstructing the tectonic history of metamorphosed terranes is a key step towards establishing a comprehensive model for collisional orogens such as the Alps. Single chronometers tend to record one specific component of such history—be it inheritance, reactions or cooling—or record several of these, without a clear indication of what each age datum means. Resolving the complex evolution of such terranes requires chronometric data of different minerals, which on the basis of their chemistry, may be linked to distinct stages. Here we present a multi-mineral geochronology of the Theodul Gletscher Unit (TGU; Western Alps). The tectonic unit is a metamorphic sequence containing a variety of pelitic and mafic rocks that mainly record Alpine low-temperature, high-pressure metamorphism. In addition, however, the rocks are known to host age components related to events and processes in the Permian and Jurassic; these could be attributed to inherited components and pervasive fluid-rock interaction during oceanic alteration and subduction. To investigate this, we subjected pelitic schists and mafic rocks from the TGU to a multi-method analysis, involving thermometry, oxygen isotope analysis in garnet, and zircon U-Pb and garnet Lu-Hf dating.

Zircon crystals in all rock types are Permian in age and have no significant record of Alpine metamorphism; they are interpreted as dating the source of the felsic and mafic sediments. Complex garnet textures in the schists reveal multiple growth stages: whereas the garnet rim reflects the subduction stage, the relict nature of the garnet core allows for speculation of an older, perhaps Permian age (Bucher et al., 2019). A distinct and abrupt rim-ward drop in δ18O coherent with major-element zoning in garnet from the schists indicates open system fluid-rock interaction. Rutile included in the different garnet zones as well as in the matrix of the schists provided consistent Zr-in-rutile thermometry results of 520–560 °C (calculated at 2.5 GPa). Similarly, Raman spectroscopy of carbonaceous material in the same textural positions indicates 540–580 °C. These results indicate a single Alpine metamorphic cycle. To look back beyond that stage, Lu-Hf data will be presented for garnet with and without seemingly inherited cores, as well as for cores that were physically isolated from the sample material. The results, together, provide new insight into the petrological and tectonic processes that affected rocks in the TGU during and prior to their Alpine history.


Bucher, K., Weisenberger, T. B., Klemm, O., Weber, S. (2019). Decoding the complex internal chemical structure of garnet porphyroblasts from the Zermatt area, Western Alps. Journal of Metamorphic Petrology, 37, 1151-1169

How to cite: Bovay, T., Smit, M. A., and Rubatto, D.: Multimineral chronology of a complex high pressure terrane: insights from the Theodul Gletscher Unit (Western Alps, Switzerland), EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-15877,, 2020.

In the Monte Duria area (Adula-Cima Lunga unit, Central Alps, N Italy) Grt-peridotites occur in direct contact with migmatised orthogneiss (Mt. Duria) and eclogites (Borgo). Both mafic and ultramafic rocks share a common HP peak at 2.8 GPa and 750 °C and post-peak static equilibration at 1.2 GPa and 850 °C (Tumiati et al., 2018).

Grt-peridotites show abundant amphibole, dolomite, phlogopite and orthopyroxene after olivine, suggesting that they experienced metasomatism by crust-derived agents enriched in SiO2, K2O, CO2 and H2O. Peridotites also display LREE fractionation (La/Nd = 2.4) related to LREE-rich amphibole and clinopyroxene grown in equilibrium with garnet, indicating that metasomatism occurred at HP conditions. At Borgo, retrogressed Grt-peridotites show low strain domains characterised by garnet compositional layering, cut by a subsequent low-pressure chlorite foliation, in direct contact with migmatised eclogites. Kfs+Pl+Qz+Cpx interstitial pocket aggregates and Cpx+Kfs thin films around symplectites after omphacite parallel to the Zo+Omp+Grt foliation in the eclogites suggest that they underwent partial melting at HP.

The contact between garnet peridotites and associated eclogites is marked by a tremolitite layer. Tremolitites also occur as variably stretched layers within the peridotite lens, showing a boudinage parallel to the garnet layering of peridotites, indicating that the tremolitite boudins formed when peridotites were in the garnet stability field. Tremolitites also show Phl+Tc+Chl+Tr pseudomorphs after garnet, both crystallized in a static regime postdating the boudins formation, suggesting that they derive from a Grt-bearing precursor. Tremolitites have Mg#>0.90 and Al2O3=2.75 wt.% pointing to ultramafic compositions but also show enrichments in SiO2, CaO, and LREE suggesting that they formed after the reaction between the eclogite-derived melt and the garnet peridotite at HP. To test this hypothesis, we calculated a log aH2O-X pseudosection at fixed P=3GPa and T=750°C to model the chemical interaction between the garnet peridotite and the eclogite-derived melt. Our results show that the interaction produces a Opx+Cpx+Grt assemblage + Amp+Phl, depending on the water activity in the melt, suggesting that tremolitites likely derive from a previous Grt-websterite with amphibole and phlogopite. Both peridotites and tremolitites also show a selective enrichment in LILE recorded by amphiboles in the spinel stability field, indicating that a fluid-assisted metasomatic event occurred at LP conditions, leading to the formation of a Chl-foliation post-dating the garnet layering in peridotites, and the retrogression of Grt-websterites in tremolitites.

The Monte Duria area is a unique case study where we can observe eclogite-derived melt interacting with peridotite at HP and relatively HT, and could thus represents a proxy for the crust-to mantle mass transfer at great depths in subduction zones.


Tumiati, S., Zanchetta, S., Pellegrino, L., Ferrario, C., Casartelli, S., Malaspina, N., 2018. Granulite-facies overprint in garnet peridotites and kyanite eclogites of Monte Duria (Central Alps, Italy): Clues from srilankite- and sapphirine-bearing symplectites. J. Petrol. 59.

How to cite: Pellegrino, L., Malaspina, N., Zanchetta, S., Langone, A., and Tumiati, S.: HP melting of eclogites and metasomatism of garnet peridotites in the Monte Duria area (Central Alps, N Italy): a proxy for the mafic crust-to-mantle mass transfer at subduction zones, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-716,, 2020.

EGU2020-6986 | Displays | GMPV7.1

Porosity of metamorphic rocks and fluid migration within subduction interfaces

Bruno Reynard, Anne-Céline Ganzhorn, and Hélène Pilorgé

            Large earthquakes break the subduction interface to depths of 60 to 80 km. Current models hold that seismic rupture occurs when fluid overpressure builds in link with porosity cycles, an assumption still to be experimentally validated at high pressures. Porosities of subduction zone rocks are experimentally determined under pressures equivalent to depths of up to 90 km with a novel experimental approach that uses Raman deuterium-hydrogen mapping. Natural rocks (blueschists, antigorite serpentinites, and chlorite-schists) representing a typical cross-section of the subduction interface corresponding to the deep seismogenic zone are investigated. In serpentinite, and to a smaller extent blueschist, porosity increases with deformation, whereas chlorite-rich schists remain impermeable regardless of their deformation history[ 1]. Such a contrasting behavior explains the observation of over-pressurized oceanic crust and the limited hydration of the forearc mantle wedge. These results provide quantitative evidence that serpentinite, and likely blueschist, may undergo porosity cycles making possible the downdip propagation of large seismic rupture to great depths. 

[1] Ganzhorn, A.C., Pilorgé, H., Reynard, B., 2019, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 522: 107-117.

How to cite: Reynard, B., Ganzhorn, A.-C., and Pilorgé, H.: Porosity of metamorphic rocks and fluid migration within subduction interfaces, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-6986,, 2020.

EGU2020-9555 | Displays | GMPV7.1

The Fate of Subduction Fluids above the Subduction Interface: Implications for Mantle Wedge Deformation Processes

Samuel Angiboust, Johannes Glodny, Aitor Cambeses, Tom Raimondo, Patrick Monié, Damien Deldicque, and Antonio Garcia-Casco

The physical and mechanical processes rooted in the hydrated, serpentinized mantle above subduction zones (the “cold nose”) remain debated and poorly understood, despite fundamental consequences on the elastic loading of the seismogenic interface. The fluids crossing this interface are expected to generate nests of seismicity and at the same time weaken the interface hanging wall through serpentinization and metasomatic processes. Ultramafic and jadeitite samples from two natural laboratories where such fossil settings are now visible at the Earth’s surface are used here to document multi-scale deformation mechanisms and fluid-rock interaction processes. Field relationships enable tracking the pathways followed by the fluids during HP metamorphism. Petrographic, geochemical, geochronological and microstructural observations demonstrate the complex interplay between brittle and plastic deformation processes throughout the gradual hydration of the cold nose mantle over millions of years. Changes in bulk rock geochemical and paragenetic sequence also reveal the evolution of the composition of the fluid source through time. These results shed light on the geometry of the cold nose above the interface, with implications for volatile budget estimates, rheology of the plate interface (including the various types of seismicity) as well as the interpretation of Vp/Vs ratios from active subduction settings worldwide.

How to cite: Angiboust, S., Glodny, J., Cambeses, A., Raimondo, T., Monié, P., Deldicque, D., and Garcia-Casco, A.: The Fate of Subduction Fluids above the Subduction Interface: Implications for Mantle Wedge Deformation Processes, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-9555,, 2020.

EGU2020-20622 | Displays | GMPV7.1

Oxidized slab fluids revealed in metasomatized eclogites: A case study from Syros, Greece

Jesse Walters, Horst Marschall, Pierre Lanari, and Alicia Cruz-Uribe

Garnet-epidote oxybarometry, major element mineral compositions, and textural analysis of eclogites from Syros, Greece reveal the presence of high fO2 slab fluids. The four investigated samples from blocks hosted in the serpentinite matrix mélange on Syros fall into three categories: unmetasomatized eclogite (Type I, n = 1), heavily metasomatized garnet-clinopyroxene bearing rocks (Type II, n = 2), and an eclogite which hosts veins of Andr + Acm + Ep + Hem + Chl (Type III, n = 1). Type I samples of metagabbroic eclogite are characterized by a peak assemblage of Grt + Cpx + Rt with abundant clinozoisite after lawsonite. In addition to Grt + Cpx, Type II samples contain Chl + Ilm + Py + Ap ± Ep ± Cam. Clinopyroxene compositions within Type I samples display a prograde trend of increasing jadeite and decreasing acmite. In contrast, the matrix clinopyroxene in one Type II sample exhibits compositions up to 60 % acmite component. Alternatively, clinopyroxene in the second Type II sample investigated exhibit an increase in acmite component during metasomatism. Type II samples also contain epidote and hematite-rich ilmenite as opposed to clinozoisite and rutile. The association of Fe3+-rich phases with sulfides, such as inclusions of acmitic pyroxene in pyrite, in Type II samples suggests a temporal link between sulfide deposition and oxidation of Fe2+ to Fe3+. In contrast, the Adr + Acm + Ep + Chl + Hem veins in the Type III sample are sulfide absent and suggest fluids with fO2 above the Hem-Mag and Hem-Py buffers.

Garnet-epidote oxybarometry revealed elevated fO2 in metasomatically altered samples. Calculations were performed using a new oxybarometry Matlab code written by the authors. Our code utilizes the latest thermodynamic database, A-X models, and equations of state implemented in THERMOCALC. The code was also implemented in the XMapTools software package for quantitative visualization of fO2 using EPMA X-ray maps. Fugacity calculations were conducted at 550 °C, 2.0 GPa, and an aH2O of unity, unless otherwise stated. Oxygen fugacities for clinozoisite-garnet pairs in the Type I sample were calculated in XMapTools and fall within 0.5 log units of the quartz-fayalite-magnetite (QFM) buffer. Inclusions of garnet in epidote and epidote overgrowths on garnet were selected for fO2 calculation in the Ep-bearing Type II sample. These garnet-epidote pairs exhibit fO2 of QFM+1.9 to +2.0. A minimum fO2 of QFM+4 calculated from the Hem-Mag buffer is estimated for Type III veins. The remarkably high fO2 of Type III veins contrasts with prograde fO2conditions of QFM+1 to +2 estimated for epidote inclusions in garnet cores from the same sample at 400-450 °C and 1.0-1.5 GPa. While elevated fO2 and acmite inclusions in pyrite are consistent with a SOx(aq)-Fe2+ redox pair in Type II samples, fO2 above the Hem-Mag buffer require the bulk addition of Fe3+ or Mn3+ as a carrier of oxidation. These data demonstrate that slab fluids may impose fO2 well above the sulfur-sulfur oxide buffer.

How to cite: Walters, J., Marschall, H., Lanari, P., and Cruz-Uribe, A.: Oxidized slab fluids revealed in metasomatized eclogites: A case study from Syros, Greece, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-20622,, 2020.

EGU2020-6664 | Displays | GMPV7.1

Fitting a new piece into the Precambrian puzzle: the detrital rutile record and its links to modern plate tectonics

Inês Pereira, Craig D. Storey, Robin Strachan, Hugo Moreira, James Darling, and Peter A. Cawood

Plate tectonics is responsible for shaping the Earth’s surface, influencing the geological, hydrological and atmospheric cycles. However, there is no consensus on when plate tectonics initiated: was it fully operational during the Archean or did it not develop until the Proterozoic?

Much of what is currently known about the secular evolution of Earth’s continental crust and its links to plate tectonics has been recovered from detrital minerals. This is related to the incomplete rock record; the detrital record allows access to information from eroded and unexposed terrains. Most studies have relied on the detrital zircon record, but it is still unclear if the coincidence in age peaks with periods of supercontinent assembly reflects episodic continental growth or bias due to selective preservation of new crust within collisional orogenic belts. Furthermore, because zircon mostly grows in high-temperature conditions, it mostly calibrates magmatic cycles. To understand the evolution of plate tectonics and to assess its influence on continental crust preservation, we developed a new proxy, relevant to a range of metamorphic conditions, including HP-LT.

We investigate the U-Pb distribution ages of detrital rutile, from a range of modern stream sediments and siliciclastic units at sub-amphibolite facies metamorphic grade. Rutile mostly forms in collisional orogens and, by comparison with the zircon record, we can test the existence of a preservation bias. Zircon and rutile age distributions from our sample sets show a significant correlation, both peaks and troughs, that can only be reconciled if the detrital zircon record reflects a preservation bias that occurred during supercontinent assembly.

We further present new U-Pb and trace element data from detrital rutile within two clastic sedimentary units, preserved at sub-greenschist facies conditions in NW Scotland. These are the Torridon (Tonian) and the Ardvreck (Cambrian) groups, whose detrital zircon ages span a significant period between 3 and 1 Ga. By applying Zr-in-rutile thermometry and comparing it to the preserved metamorphic record, we show that both low and high dT/dP conditions can be inferred since at least 2.1 Ga.

Combining the existence of paired metamorphism up to 2.1 Ga with the periodic preservation of the continental crust throughout most of the Earth’s history implies that one-sided subduction, a hallmark of plate tectonics, has operated since at least the late Paleoproterozoic, and that supercontinent assembly during and after this period has been driven by plate tectonic mechanisms.

How to cite: Pereira, I., Storey, C. D., Strachan, R., Moreira, H., Darling, J., and Cawood, P. A.: Fitting a new piece into the Precambrian puzzle: the detrital rutile record and its links to modern plate tectonics, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-6664,, 2020.

Incipient charnockites are orthopyroxene-bearing granitic gneisses that are commonly considered to be a product of infiltration of CO2-rich fluids during high temperature dehydration in the granulite terrane. Greenish patches of incipient charnockite are locally present and hosted by granitic gneiss in the Sancheong-Hadong anorthosite complex, southern Yeongnam Massif. Both lithologies are foliated and show a variety of field evidence for partial melting and melt crystallization. Granitic leucosomes and biotite or garnet-rich residua are ubiquitous along ductile shear bands and/or penetrative foliations in the gneiss. These melt-related features are consistent with mineral assemblages and reaction textures, characterized by biotite-breakdown melting. Based on phase equilibria modeling, P-T conditions of peak metamorphism are constrained at 3.5–8.5 kbar and 770–840 °C. Sensitive high-resolution ion microprobe U-Pb analyses of inherited cores and overgrowth rims of zircon from a charnockite yielded the weighted mean 207Pb/206Pb ages of 1880 ± 5 Ma and 1861 ± 4 Ma, which are interpreted as the times for magmatic crystallization and subsequent anatexis of granitic protolith, respectively. This timeline is consistent with that determined from the host granitic gneiss. In contrast, monazite grains from the charnockite and granitic gneiss yielded the weighted mean 207Pb/206Pb ages of 1842 ± 8 Ma and 1838 ± 18 Ma, respectively, suggesting that an influx of aqueous fluid took place ~20 m.y. after the crystallization of granitic melt. Both charnockitic and granitic gneisses underwent high-temperature metamorphism and partial melting at ~1.86 Ga, and were followed by fluid influx at ~1.84 Ga, apparently characterized by monazite recrystallization in association with the retrogression of orthopyroxene to ferromagnesian amphibole-rich aggregates in the former. Thus, the timing and conditions of high-temperature metamorphism, charnockite formation, and fluid flow suggest that the granulite-facies metamorphism and fluid-rock interaction is linked to the waning stage of Paleoproterozoic hot orogenesis in the Yeongnam Massif.

How to cite: Lee, Y., Cho, M., and Kim, T.: Linking high-temperature metamorphism, charnockite formation, and fluid-rock interaction during the waning stage of Paleoproterozoic hot orogeny in the Yeongnam Massif, Korea, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-4405,, 2020.

EGU2020-18718 | Displays | GMPV7.1

The metamorphic record of crustal assembly in the Paleoproterozoic Southeastern Churchill Province, Trans-Hudson Orogen, Canada

Antoine Godet, Carl Guilmette, Loic Labrousse, Matthijs A. Smit, Donald W. Davis, and Marc-Antoine Vanier

Dating the onset of the continental collision and amalgamation of crustal blocks is at the basis of the reconnaissance of orogenic cycles and yields time constraints for the estimate of rates of accretionary processes over the last 4.5 Gyrs. The Paleoproterozoic Southeastern Churchill Province (SECP) represents the easternmost branch of the Trans-Hudson Orogen, squeezed between the Superior and North Atlantic Cratons (NAC). It comprises a collage of Archean to Paleoproterozoic crustal blocks (Core Zone), and two transpressive orogenic belts (New Quebec and Torngat Orogens), for which crustal amalgamation and associated collisional events are largely undated. We apply a multi-chronometer approach coupled with trace elements geochemistry on supracrustal sequences from the granulitic Tasiuyak Complex accretionary prism and the occidental margin of the NAC (upper plate) to estimate the timing of prograde, peak and retrograde metamorphism in the core of the Torngat Orogen. Our results yield to prograde garnet growth at 1885 ± 12 Ma (Lu-Hf), peritectic prograde monazite growth at 1873 ± 5 Ma (U-Pb), retrograde zircon growth during melt crystallization at 1848 ± 12 Ma, and rutile closure during slow exhumation at 1705 ± 5 Ma in the Tasiuyak Complex. Garnet from the NAC are dated at 2567 ± 4.4 Ma (Lu-Hf) and suggest that the granulite facies metamorphism in the NAC margin largely predates the Torngat Orogeny. We integrate the metamorphic record throughout the SECP to decipher its Paleoproterozoic tectonometamorphic evolution and propose a sequential collisional evolution from ~1.9 to 1.8 Ga.

How to cite: Godet, A., Guilmette, C., Labrousse, L., Smit, M. A., Davis, D. W., and Vanier, M.-A.: The metamorphic record of crustal assembly in the Paleoproterozoic Southeastern Churchill Province, Trans-Hudson Orogen, Canada, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-18718,, 2020.

EGU2020-21505 | Displays | GMPV7.1

Determining the speed of intracontinental subduction – preliminary results of zoned garnet geochronology in micaschists from the Schneeberg Complex, Eastern Alps.

Kathrin Fassmer, Peter Tropper, Hannah Pomella, Thomas Angerer, Gerald Degenhard, Christoph Hauzenberger, Carsten Münker, Axel K. Schmitt, and Bernhard Fügenschuh

In collisional orogens continental crust is subducted to (ultra-)high-pressure (HP/UHP) conditions as constrained by petrologic, tectonic and geophysical observations. These (U)HP rocks are exhumed by an extremely fast process (few Ma) as numerous rocks still preserve their high-pressure metamorphic assemblages, which would not be the case if they had time to re-equilibrate at lower pressure conditions. Despite a wealth of studies on the subduction and exhumation of UHP rocks, the duration of prograde metamorphism during subduction is still not well constrained.

We plan to do Lu-Hf and Sm-Nd geochronology on metamorphic rock samples to date the duration of garnet growth, which represents a major part of prograde metamorphism from the greenschist-facies on. Micaschist samples from the Schneeberg and Radenthein Units in the Eoalpine high-pressure belt (Eastern Alps) will be used for dating as they contain cm- to dm-sized garnets, which experienced only one subduction-exhumation cycle with P-T conditions reaching 600 °C and up to 1 GPa. With dating different parts of big garnet grains we test (1) if it is possible to resolve the duration of garnet growth within single crystals, (2) if both systems, Lu-Hf and Sm-Nd, are needed for better age-constraints, and (3) whether both systems date the same events in the PT-path or give differing information. Additionally we will perform U-Pb geochronology on titanite in order to obtain the age of the first stages of exhumation and on rutile inclusions as well as matrix rutiles to confirm the Eoalpine prograde age with this additional method. Therefore, we will be able to compare the duration of subduction and the timing of initial exhumation in a single sample. We then will constrain the PT-path of the samples that will be dated by pseudosection modeling combined with Zr-in-rutile geothermometer, quartz-in-garnet geobarometer, and carbonaceous material geothermometer. In addition EPMA, µ-XRF, LA-ICPMS, and µCT will be used to control if garnets preserved major and trace elemental growth zoning and to provide spatial 3D information on inclusion patterns. With dating different parts of single garnet crystals separately with Lu-Hf and Sm-Nd geochronology, we will add tight time constraints to the PT-path and constrain the duration of garnet growth.

With this contribution we formulate the working hypothesis that prograde subduction together with  exhumation is a fast process. The basis for testing the idea of fast prograde metamorphism is that many geochronological studies propose a prograde duration of < 10 Ma and studies using geospeedometry sometimes propose an even shorter duration, which is the impetus for this investigation.

How to cite: Fassmer, K., Tropper, P., Pomella, H., Angerer, T., Degenhard, G., Hauzenberger, C., Münker, C., Schmitt, A. K., and Fügenschuh, B.: Determining the speed of intracontinental subduction – preliminary results of zoned garnet geochronology in micaschists from the Schneeberg Complex, Eastern Alps., EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-21505,, 2020.

EGU2020-1576 | Displays | GMPV7.1

Finding a Pulse: Melt Formation and Timing in the Garhwal Himalaya

Charlie Oldman, Clare Warren, Christopher Spencer, Tom Argles, Nigel Harris, and Sam Hammond

The most significant consequence of prograde metamorphism for orogenic evolution is the melting of high-grade metamorphic rocks, resulting in a dramatic decrease in their mechanical strength, the activation of shear zones and consequent exhumation. Granitic bodies emplaced within the highest metamorphic grades of the Himalayan orogen form by the melting of amphibolite-grade pelitic rocks, either due to the presence of aqueous fluid or through the dehydration of hydrous phases such as muscovite. Across the Himalayas, these granites, and partially melted source migmatites, are found in the Greater Himalayan Sequence (GHS), bounded by the Main Central Thrust (MCT) and the South Tibetan Detachment (STD). Many of these granites formed during the Miocene when decompression of the unit during rapid exhumation triggered melting; however, exact timings and reaction pathways appear to vary laterally across the orogen. The timescales of anatexis, amalgamation, migration, and emplacement are the focus of active research and have implications for orogenic tectonic development. Recent studies of granite pluton formation suggest a series of pulsed melting events with protracted periods of crystallisation under low melt-fraction conditions. These studies show that grain-scale variations in age can be linked with trace element data in both monazite and zircon, spanning millions of years of crystallisation. It is, therefore, important to recognise the geochemical signatures that these processes leave in granites, migmatites, and melt-extracted restite and to delineate more precisely the relevant processes and timescales leading to magma genesis. We present a preliminary dataset that aims to constrain the source, melt reactions, and timescales of melting episodes that form the migmatites and leucogranites of the upper GHS. We sampled leucogranites, migmatites, and their host metasediments along the Rishi Ganga (Badrinath) and Alaknanda valleys in the Garhwal region of the Indian Himalaya. Zircon from these samples were analysed for their crystallisation age (U-Pb), Hf-isotopic ratios, oxygen isotope and trace element composition using LA-ICPMS.  Rim domains identified using cathodoluminescence (CL) imaging were preferentially targeted, with the aim of collecting data that related to Himalayan melting processes. Preliminary findings suggest that the leucogranites crystallised from 22 Ma to ~13 Ma, with punctuated zircon crystallisation occurring throughout this timespan. Zircon rim ages from migmatites are generally older, ranging from 34 Ma to ~15 Ma. Integration of Hf-isotopic and trace elemental data, combined with petrographic observations allow mineral age data to be linked to changes in geological processes.

How to cite: Oldman, C., Warren, C., Spencer, C., Argles, T., Harris, N., and Hammond, S.: Finding a Pulse: Melt Formation and Timing in the Garhwal Himalaya, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-1576,, 2020.

During subduction, devolatization reactions within the downgoing slab release significant volumes of fluid. Once released, the fate of such fluids remains unclear; they may either stagnate such that local rock systems remain undrained, or fluids may be mobilized over large length scales, draining the dehydrating rock volume. The fact that there is evidence from the metamorphic rock record to support both open- and closed-system fluid behavior demonstrates that permeability in deep crystalline metamorphic rock is both spatially and temporally heterogeneous. Prograde eclogitic veins greater than cm-scale are volumetrically scarce in the high pressure–low temperature (HP–LT) rock record, suggesting that either transient channelized flow is incredibly efficient and thus necessitates negligible grain boundary transfer and a low intact rock permeability, or that a large proportion of fluid migration to the subduction interface may be via more elusive grain boundary mechanisms.

Major element electron microprobe maps of HP–LT garnets from metabasic rocks of the Urals, Russia, As Sifa, Oman, and Syros, Greece, variably reveal short-wavelength and concentric oscillatory zoning in the outer rim region. Oscillatory zoning in most garnets is accompanied by homogeneous core-to-rim aluminum content. However, in samples from As Sifa and Syros, the onset of near-rim major element oscillatory zoning is concomitant with a rimwards step increase in Al content. Secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) O-isotope analyses across rhythmic zoning in samples from each setting are used to assess the hypothesis that this sharp, stepwise change in garnet chemistry reflects a period of localized open system fluid-fluxing behavior, superimposed on a history of an otherwise stagnant fluid within an impermeable grain boundary network. In such a case, coupled oscillatory zoning in major and trace elements—as revealed by laser ablation–inductively coupled plasma­–mass spectrometry (LA–ICP–MS) mapping—may point to pulsed P–T fluctuations, variable partitioning behavior, local kinetic effects associated with metamorphic reaction/dehydration, or changes in redox state serving as a driver for the development of this characteristic HP–LT geochemical garnet zoning.

How to cite: George, F. R., Viete, D. R., Ávila, J., and Seward, G. G. E.: Oscillatory and stepwise compositional zoning in high pressure–low temperature garnets: records of transient and spatially-variable fluid-fluxing during subduction?, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-9077,, 2020.

EGU2020-8749 | Displays | GMPV7.1

Constraining the process of intracontinental subduction: implications from petrology and Lu-Hf geochronology of eclogites from the Austroalpine Nappes

Irena Miladinova, Nikolaus Froitzheim, Thorsten Nagel, Marian Janák, Raúl Fonseca, Peter Sprung, and Carsten Münker

The nucleation of subduction zone remains a widely discussed topic in the global tectonics. The prevalent view is that subduction starts within an oceanic plate. However, there is strong evidence that subduction can also be initiated within a continent. To test this hypothesis, we combine petrology, isotope geochronology and thermodynamic phase equilibrium modelling on eclogites from the Austroalpine Nappes of the Eastern Alps.

The high- and ultrahigh-pressure rocks occur in a ~400 km long belt from the Texel Complex in the west to the Sieggraben Unit in the east without remnants of Mesozoic oceanic crust. Garnet growth during pressure increase was dated using Lu-Hf chronometry. The results range between c. 100 and c. 90 Ma, indicating a short period of subduction. Combined with already published data, our estimates of metamorphic conditions indicate a field gradient with increasing pressure and temperature from northwest to southeast, where the rocks experienced ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism. The oldest Cretaceous eclogites (c. 100 Ma) are found in the Saualpe-Koralpe area which comprises widespread gabbros formed during Permian to Triassic rifting. This supports the hypothesis that subduction initiation was intracontinental and localized by a Permian rift. In the Texel Complex two-phased garnets yielded a Variscan-Eoalpine mixed age indicating re-subduction of Variscan eclogite-bearing continental crust during the Eoalpine orogeny. Jurassic blueschist-facies metamorphism at Meliata in the Western Carpathians and Cretaceous eclogite-facies metamorphism in the Austroalpine are separated by a time gap of ~50 Ma and therefore do not represent a transition from oceanic to continental subduction but rather separate events.

How to cite: Miladinova, I., Froitzheim, N., Nagel, T., Janák, M., Fonseca, R., Sprung, P., and Münker, C.: Constraining the process of intracontinental subduction: implications from petrology and Lu-Hf geochronology of eclogites from the Austroalpine Nappes, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-8749,, 2020.

Pressure estimated from metamorphic rocks is one of the main tools for geodynamic reconstructions. The pressure-temperature path of UHP metamorphic rocks typically shows a linear increase of P and T followed by a rapid drop of Pressure at near-constant temperature. The geological history can be reconstructed by using the metamorphic pressure as a proxy for depth. Researchers often base their geodynamic reconstruction on a simple linear mapping of pressure to depth, by considering that the pressure is the weight of the overlying column of rock or lithostatic pressure. In recent years, an increasing corpus of evidence demonstrates that rocks can experience pressures that deviate from the lithostatic state on the order of GPa. These deviations can be at the scale of the orogen (Petrelli and Podladchikov, 2002), the outcrop (Jamtveit et al., 2018; Luisier et al., 2019); or even at the grain-scale (Tajcmanova, 2015). Thus, these studies raise the concern that metamorphic pressures may not be reliable proxies for depth, and therefore could not be used for geodynamic reconstructions. The objective of this contribution (1) to review the various models proposed in the literature for metamorphic pressure, (2) to formulate analytical models with simple assumptions that can be used to convert metamorphic pressure to depth even in the case where pressure deviates significantly from the lithostatic pressure. We use our pressure-to-depth conversion models to estimate the depth of ~60 samples from various orogens worldwide. The prediction of the different models varies widely. Some models predict depth as deep as 160km for specific samples, while other models predict depth $<75$ km (i.e. deepest depth of the Moho) for all data points.  We discuss the limits of applicability and the geodynamic implications of each model. 

How to cite: Bauville, A. and Yamato, P.: Pressure-to-depth conversion models for (ultra-)high-pressure metamorphic rocks: review and application, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-6539,, 2020.

Serpentinites can significantly modulate the carbon fluxes in subduction zones because they occasionally host substantial concentrations of carbonate formed during the oceanic stage of subducting oceanic lithosphere (ophicalcite; [1]) or during metasomatic reaction with CO2-bearing fluids at the subduction plate interface (e.g. hybrid carbonate–talc rocks; [2]). At subarc depth, fluid-mediated carbon release from lithologies like serpentinite-hosted carbonates is critical to understand the global carbon balance and magnitude of carbon fluxes from the subducting plate into the deep mantle. However, the solubility of carbon and the open-system metasomatic reactions during fluid-rock interactions in carbonated serpentinites at high P are not fully understood. In line with previous studies of prograde devolatilization [3], newer models show that the carbon release during prograde devolatilization reactions of serpentinite-hosted carbonate rocks is limited even if accounting for the higher carbon solubility of electrolytic fluids compared to molecular fluid models [4]. Therefore, devolatilization reactions driven by infiltration of Atg-serpentinite dehydration fluids into serpentinite-hosted meta-carbonate rocks determines how much carbon in the mantle lithosphere subducts deep into the mantle. Here we present the results of thermodynamic modelling – using the implementation of the DEW aqueous database in Perple_X [5] – to explore subduction fluid compositions and metasomatism of serpentinite-hosted carbonate rocks during prograde and infiltration-driven devolatilization reactions. The chemical system of serpentinite + carbonate is ideal to understand the interplay of changes in fluid composition, pH, bulk chemical modification and mineral assemblage during open-system fluid infiltration metamorphism. Our models provide new insights into the interaction of carbon-bearing subduction fluids with the cold hydrated mantle wedge, and the carbon release from serpentinite-hosted carbonates related to infiltration of serpentinite dehydration fluids at subarc depths. Our results further show that even though high fluid fluxes from serpentinite dehydration will transform meta-ophicalcites and talc-carbonate rocks into carbonate-garnet-clinopyroxene-olivine rocks and carbon-bearing orthopyroxenites, these rocks can subduct carbon beyond subarc depths into the deeper mantle where they may be related to the formation of deep diamonds, carbonatites and kimberlites.


[1] Menzel et al., 2019, JMG 37, 681– 715.

[2] Spandler et al., 2008, CMP 155, 181-198.

[3] Kerrick & Connolly, 1998, Geology 26, 375-378.

[4] Menzel et al., 2020, EPSL 531.

[5] Connolly & Galvez, 2018, EPSL 501, 90-102.

How to cite: Menzel, M., Garrido, C. J., and López Sánchez Vizcaíno, V.: Fluid-mediated carbon release by infiltration of serpentinite dehydration fluids during subduction: insights from thermodynamic models of serpentinite-hosted carbonate rocks, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-11027,, 2020.

EGU2020-4906 | Displays | GMPV7.1

Monazite Behaviour during Metamorphic Evolution of a Diamond-bearing Gneiss

Igor Petrík, Marian Janák, Iwona Klonowska, Jaroslaw Majka, Niko Froitzheim, Kenta Yoshida, Vlasta Sasinková, Patrik Konečný, and Tomáš Vaculovič

We studied monazite behaviour in UHP diamond-bearing gneiss from Saxnäs in the Seve Nappe Complex of the Scandinavian Caledonides (Petrík et al., 2019). Although the rock has been re-equilibrated under  granulite facies and partial melting conditions, the UHP stage is recorded by the presence of diamond. Microdiamonds occur in situ as inclusions in garnet, kyanite and zircon, either as single-crystal or polyphase inclusions with Fe-Mg carbonates, rutile and CO2. Two garnet types have been recognised: dominant Grt I  with inclusions of diamond found mostly in the garnet rims, which suggests that originally the bulk of Grt I grew at UHP conditions. Grt II, forming small crystals, overgrowths on, or domains within Grt I originated by dehydration melting reactions involving breakdown of phengite and clinopyroxene during decompression. Monazite occurs in the rims of Grt I close to microdiamond, where garnet shows the highest pyrope content and a secondary peak of yttrium. Such a position indicates thermally activated diffusion under high temperature at the end of prograde metamorphism. Based on such textural relations, we argue that monazite formed at UHP conditions.

Monazite composition shows negative Eu anomalies and moderate Y contents, which is not in agreement with common interpretation that UHP conditions necessarily lead to the absence of Eu anomaly and low Y content due to absence of plagioclase and high garnet content. We explain this by the effect of whole-rock composition. LA ICP MS analyses show that whole-rock budget is controlled by monazite, apatite and garnet, all having negative Eu anomalies. Whole rock composition is successfully modelled by (wt. %) garnet 16, apatite 3, monazite 0.06. We conclude that the Eu anomaly is inherited from the source rock, not reflecting the coexistence with plagioclase and/or K-feldspar, which are unstable at UHP conditions. Uniform garnet abundance (16 vol. %) above 20 kbars predicted by pseudo-section modelling explains the lack of Y decrease due to the increase of garnet content at UHP conditions. Our results suggest that the effect of the whole-rock composition may be more important than that of coexisting phases.

U-Th-Pb chemical age dating of monazites yields an isochron centroid age of 472 ±3 Ma. We interpret this age as monazite growth under UHP conditions related to subduction of the Baltican continental margin in Early Ordovician time.

This work was supported by the projects APVV-14-0278 and APVV-18-0107, National Science Center “CALSUB” 2014/14/E/ST1/00321

Reference: Petrík, I., Janák, M., Klonowska, I., Majka, J., Froitzheim, N., Yoshida, K., Sasinková, V., Konečný, P., Vaculovič, T. 2019. Journal of Petrology doi: 10.1093/petrology/egz051

How to cite: Petrík, I., Janák, M., Klonowska, I., Majka, J., Froitzheim, N., Yoshida, K., Sasinková, V., Konečný, P., and Vaculovič, T.: Monazite Behaviour during Metamorphic Evolution of a Diamond-bearing Gneiss , EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-4906,, 2020.

EGU2020-5720 | Displays | GMPV7.1

High pressure serpentinization and abiotic methanogenesis in metaperidotite from the Appalachian subduction, northern Vermont

Antoine Boutier, Alberto Vitale Brovarone, Isabelle Martinez, Olivier Sissmann, and Sara Mana

Serpentinization is the process of hydroxylation of olivine-rich ultramafic rocks to produce minerals such as serpentine, brucite, magnetite, and may release H2. The hydrogen produced through serpentinization reactions can be involved in abiotic reaction pathways leading to the genesis of abiotic light hydrocarbons such as methane (CH4). Examples of this phenomenon exist at the seafloor, such as at the serpentinite-hosted Lost City hydrothermal field, and on land in ophiolites at relatively shallow depths. However, the possibility for serpentinization to occur at greater depths, especially in subduction zones, raises new questions on the genesis of abiotic hydrocarbons at convergent margin and its impact on the deep carbon cycle. High-pressure ultramafic bodies exhumed in metamorphic belts can provide insights on the mechanisms of high-pressure serpentinization in subduction zones and on the chemistry of the resulting fluids. This study focuses on the ultramafic Belvidere Mountain complex belonging to the Appalachian belt of northern Vermont, USA. Microstructures show overgrowth of olivine by delicate antigorite crystals, suggesting olivine serpentinization at high-temperature consistent with the subduction evolution of the Belvidere Mountain complex.  Fluid inclusion trails cross-cutting the primary olivine relicts  suggest their formation during the antigorite serpentinization event. MicroRaman spectroscopy on the fluid inclusions reveals a CH4-rich gaseous composition, with trace of N2, NH3 and S-H compound. Moreover, the precipitation of daughter minerals of lizardite and brucite in the fluid inclusions indicate the initial presence of H2O in the fluid. Secondary olivine is observed at the rim of pseudomorphosed primary pyroxenes (bastite), and has higher forsterite (Fo95) content with respect to the primary olivine (Fo92), suggesting either a syn-serpentinization olivine precipitation in the subduction zone, or a successive partial dehydration of the antigorite during metamorphism. Decreasing oxygen fugacity during serpentinization and related abiotic reduction of carbon at high-pressure conditions is proposed at the origin of methane in the fluid inclusions. This potentially places the Belvidere Mountain complex as an example of deep serpentinization related to high-pressure genesis of abiotic methane.

How to cite: Boutier, A., Vitale Brovarone, A., Martinez, I., Sissmann, O., and Mana, S.: High pressure serpentinization and abiotic methanogenesis in metaperidotite from the Appalachian subduction, northern Vermont, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-5720,, 2020.

EGU2020-13756 | Displays | GMPV7.1

Deciphering the brittle failure of eclogites at high-pressures: hydrofractures as fluid-escape pathways

Michał Bukała, Károly Hidas, Carlos J. Garrido, Christopher Barnes, Iwona Klonowska, and Jarosław Majka

The Tsäkkok lens (northern Scandinavian Caledonides) represents the outermost part of the rifted Baltica passive margin and consists of sediments and pillow basalts of MORB affinity that were metamorphosed in eclogite facies. The Tsäkkok eclogites underwent metamorphism in a cold subduction regime (~8 °C/km) at the onset of the Iapetus Ocean closure. These rocks record pervasive high-pressure, fracturing during prograde dehydration at eclogite-facies conditions reaching up to 2.2 GPa and 590 ºC. Locally, the omphacite-dominated groundmass is transected by fractures sealed either by omphacitite or garnetite veins. Garnetite veins form a dense network that disrupt intact eclogite blocks, whereas omphacitite is found in rare, single veins. The garnetite veins are dominated by dense, poikiloblastic garnet clusters and display two chemically different zones, i.e., a high-Mn inner zone and a low-Mn outer zone. Detailed microstructural and geochemical mapping by EDS-EBSD SEM revealed that the high-Mn inner zone is disrupted and sealed by the low-Mn garnet zone. Garnets in the vein usually show little elongation and moderate intracrystalline substructure that is dominated by slightly changing misorientations without clear subgrain boundaries. By contrast, garnets of the sealed domain display an abrupt grain size reduction and anomalously high density of sharp intracrystalline misorientations in equant grains. The interstitial space between garnet grains in both of the inner and outer zones of the vein is infilled by omphacite + rutile + quartz + phengite + glaucophane.

The textural relationship between the inner- and outer zones of the garnetite vein implies syn-deformation growth of the outer zone, while the mineral assemblage attests for high-pressure conditions of the vein formation. Considering the lack of significant offset along the vein, we interpret the observed microstructures as formed during the sudden opening and closing of a brittle fracture, typical of hydrofracturing, and fast crystal growth assisted by high-pressure fluids. Presumably, these fractures constitute a fluid escape pathway during dehydration at prograde/peak conditions.

Research funded by NCN project no. 2019/33/N/ST10/01479 (M.Bukała) and no. 2014/14/E/ST10/00321 (J.Majka), as well as the The Polish National Agency for the Academic Exchange scholarship no. PPN/IWA/2018/1/00046/U/0001 given to M.Bukała.


How to cite: Bukała, M., Hidas, K., Garrido, C. J., Barnes, C., Klonowska, I., and Majka, J.: Deciphering the brittle failure of eclogites at high-pressures: hydrofractures as fluid-escape pathways , EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-13756,, 2020.

EGU2020-16224 | Displays | GMPV7.1

Solubility of magnetite-hematite assemblages in slab-derived saline fluids

Carla Tiraboschi and Carmen Sanchez-Valle

In subduction zones, aqueous fluids derived from devolatilization processes of the oceanic lithosphere and its sedimentary cover, are major vectors of mass transfer from the slab to the mantle wedge and contribute to the recycling of elements and to their geochemical cycles. In this setting, assessing the mobility of redox sensitive elements, such as iron, can provide useful insights on the oxygen fugacity conditions of slab-derived fluid. However, the amount of iron mobilized by deep aqueous fluids and melts, is still poorly constrained.

We experimentally investigate the solubility of magnetite-hematite assemblages in water-saturated haplogranitic liquids, which represent the felsic melt produced by subducted eclogites. Experiments were conducted at 1 GPa and temperature ranging from 700 to 900 °C employing a piston cylinder apparatus. Single gold capsules were loaded with natural hematite, magnetite and synthetic haplogranite (Na0.56K0.38Al0.95Si5.19O12.2). Two sets of experiments were conducted: one with H2O-only fluids and the second one adding a 1.5 m H2O–NaCl solution. The capsule was kept frozen during welding to ensure no water loss. After quench, the presence of H2O in the quenched haplogranite glass was checked by Raman spectroscopy, while major elements were determined by microprobe analysis.

Preliminary results indicate that a significant amount of Fe is released from magnetite and hematite in hydrous melts, even at relatively low-pressure conditions. At 1 GPa the FeOtot quenched in the haplogranite glass ranges from 0.60 wt% at 700 °C, to 1.87 wt% at 900 °C. In the presence of NaCl, we observed an increase in the amount of iron quenched in the glass (e.g., at 800 °C from 1.04 wt% to 1.56 wt% of FeOtot). Our results suggest that hydrous melts can effectively mobilize iron even at low-pressure conditions and represent a valid agent for the cycling of iron from the subducting slab to the mantle wedge.

How to cite: Tiraboschi, C. and Sanchez-Valle, C.: Solubility of magnetite-hematite assemblages in slab-derived saline fluids, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-16224,, 2020.

EGU2020-13604 | Displays | GMPV7.1

Slab-derived fluid evolution induced from oxygen and hydrogen isotopes compositions of blueschist-facies phengites

Tatsuki Tsujimori, Daniel Pastor-Galán, and Antonio Álvarez-Valero

Phengite is the most common metamorphic mineral in HP-UHP metasedimentary rocks, which can convey H2O, LILEs (especially K, Ba, Cs and Rb), Li, B and N in their structure formed at depths up to 300 km. The breakdown of phengite in a downgoing oceanic slab would cause fluid-induced element transport into the overlying mantle wedge. We have investigated the 2H/1H (D/H) and 18O/16O ratios of twenty-four phengite separates from pelitic schists of the Devonian–Carboniferous Renge Belt (SW Japan), Permian Shaiginsky Complex (Far East Russia) and Cretaceous Sambagawa Belt (SW Japan).

We found the presence of the very light hydrogen isotope (δD < –95‰) in blueschist-facies phengites in the three different metamorphic belts. For example, phengite from the lawsonite- and epidote-grade metasedimentary schists of the Osayama Serpentinite Mélange (OSM) of the Renge Belt are characterized by negative hydrogen isotope compositions (δD values relative to VSMOW) ranging from –113 to –93.9‰ and oxygen isotope compositions (δ18O values relative to VSMOW) ranging from +12.9 to +14.6‰.

High-Si features and K–Ar ages of the investigated phengites deny the possibility of meteoric-hydrothermal alteration to have caused the low δD values. The light values might be attributed to isotopic fractionation during progressive metamorphic dehydration.Assuming a meamorphic temperatures range of 250–350°C for the OSM schists, the inferred metamorphic fluid compositions in blueschist-facies depth for that fossil slab had a range of δD = ~–40 to –75‰ and δ18O = ~+13 to +15‰. These values are significantly lighter than the slab-fluid induced from the Arima hot spring water in a forearc region of modern SW Japan subduction zone. Our study suggests that slab-derived fluids in ancient Pacific-type subduction zone are characterized by light hydrogen isotope and that the phengite breakdown can affect hydrogen isotope of nominally anhydrous minerals (NAMs) in the deep mantle.

How to cite: Tsujimori, T., Pastor-Galán, D., and Álvarez-Valero, A.: Slab-derived fluid evolution induced from oxygen and hydrogen isotopes compositions of blueschist-facies phengites, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-13604,, 2020.

The spatial, temporal, and pressure-temperature (P-T) relationships among high-pressure metamorphic rocks from within subduction complexes have key implications for their exhumation mechanisms and the rheological properties of the subduction interface. Structural, age, and P-T relationships among exhumed rocks may indicate, for example, (1) melange-style mixing during subduction and exhumation or (2) progressive underplating and coherent exhumation.  Melange-style subduction ‘channels’ should exhibit a range of peak metamorphic grades in incorporated blocks, whereas coherent underplating may result in similar peak P-T conditions among blocks, especially from similar structural levels. Determining P-T conditions of high grade blocks is key for understanding these subduction zone endmembers, but constraining formation pressures of high grade blocks such as eclogites has historically been challenging for petrologists due to the lack of suitable barometers.

In this study, we compare pressure conditions recorded by spatially and temporally variant high-grade eclogite blocks from the Franciscan Complex in California. We use quartz-in-garnet elastic barometry, a technique that can reliably provide growth P conditions of garnets, to determine formation pressures of eclogites from sections of the northern (Jenner Beach, Ring Mountain, and Junction School) and the southern Fransican Complex (Santa Catalina Island). Multiple eclogite blocks from Jenner Beach are analyzed, and single eclogite blocks from the other localities. By comparing  garnet growth conditions from within a single outcrop and between distinct outcrops, we evaluate the local and regional spatial distribution of P conditions recorded by eclogites. Preliminary data from > 100 quartz-in-garnet inclusion pressures suggests that eclogites from the northern Franciscan record similar garnet growth conditions (~1.5 - 1.9 GPa), and pressures recorded on Santa Catalina Island differ slightly (~1.2 - 1.3 GPa). We use these results to address spatio-temporal variations of peak P recorded by eclogites and its implications for exhumation of the Franciscan complex, and further discuss how quartz-in-garnet pressures compare with conventional thermobarometry techniques.

How to cite: Cisneros, M., Behr, W., and Platt, J.: Formation pressures of eclogites from the Franciscan complex, California, from quartz-in-garnet elastic barometry, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-16048,, 2020.

EGU2020-6258 | Displays | GMPV7.1

The effect of iron content on dehydration kinetics of talc

Li Yi, Ruixin Zhang, and Siyu Yang

    Subduction zone is a distinct activity structure of hypocenter distribution of earthquakes. Hydrous minerals are involved in the chemical and physical activities in subduction zones. As a widely distributed hydrous mineral in shallow depths, talc has potential significance in various fault activities, and its dehydration reaction may be an important cause of the earthquake. Iron is a main element of the earth's crust, and the iron contents of hydrous minerals have a large impact on melting point, the rheological strength physical and chemical properties of the rocks. As a common hydrous mineral, the iron content of talc is not uniform; therefore, it is very important to study the dehydration kinetics of talc with different iron content.

    The dehydration reaction of three different iron contents talc was studied by means of synchronous thermal analysis, high temperature and high pressure differential thermal experiment and in-situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction experiment. Data of synchronous thermal analysis was calculated by Flynn-Wall-Ozawa (FWO). The activation energies of different iron content talc were calculated as 359.8 kJ/mol(FeO:0.4wt%),368.2.0 kJ/mol(FeO:2.0wt%),belonging to the second-order reaction. Data of in-situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction experiment was fitted by Avrami equation, E=350 kJ/mol(FeO:2.0wt%),n=1.67. The dehydration of talc followed random nucleation and growth mechanism. High content of iron obviously resulted in lower dehydration temperature.

  The release rate of talc dehydration fluid was 2.3E-05 to 6.1E-06 obtained by in-situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction experiment,it could lead to local overpressure induced rock brittle fracture. The supercritical fluid produced by the dehydration of talc in the subduction zone further attenuates the rock, resulting in local overpressure, which eventually leads to rock failure. The results suggested that the dehydration of different iron contents of talc may occur at the different depth around hundreds of kilometers, so the study was significant to our understanding of the genetic mechanism of earthquakes in the subduction zone.

How to cite: Yi, L., Zhang, R., and Yang, S.: The effect of iron content on dehydration kinetics of talc, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-6258,, 2020.

EGU2020-6078 | Displays | GMPV7.1

Investigation of juxtaposed high- and low-pressure metamorphic field gradients rocks and its tectonic implications, a case study of Turvo-Cajati Formation, Ribeira Belt, Brazil

Bruna Ricardo, Renato Moraes, Frederico Faleiros, Oswaldo Siga Júnior, Ginaldo Campanha, and Catherine Mottram

The Turvo-Cajati Formation (TCF) is a metasedimentary unit composing the Curitiba Terrane, a major segment of the southern Ribeira Belt, SE Brazil. It is composed of rocks of greenschist (Low-TCF), amphibolite (Medium-TCF) and granulite (High-TCF) facies conditions. Previous studies in High-TCF indicates that the unit underwent extensive partial melting under high-pressure conditions (670-810 °C and 9.5-12 kbar), within the kyanite stability field. New data on the metamorphic zoning within Low and Medium-TCF were collected using petrography and thermodynamic modeling in the MnNCKFMASHTO system. Four metamorphic zones were recognized for Low-TCF and Medium-TCF: biotite, garnet, staurolite and sillimanite zones where sillimanite zone prevails. The pressure regime is estimated to be below 8 kbar, as staurolite breaks down straight to sillimanite. Thermodynamic modeling yielded metamorphic peak conditions of ~530-560 °C ,~6-7 kbar (garnet zone) and ~660-690 °C ,~6-7 kbar (sillimanite zone). The metamorphic field gradient is flat and of low to medium pressure, below the typical barrovian-type baric regime. It is inferred that Low and Medium-TCF were metamorphosed in a tectonic setting different from the High-TCF. Probability density plots(pdp) from detrital zircon indicate late-Cryogenian-Ediacaran arc-related and Rhyacian sources for all TCF sub-units, where High-TCF presents forearc depositional setting and Low-Medium-TCF back arc depositional setting. This scenario suggests that the TCF is made up of a collisional juxtaposition of an accretionary wedge (High-TCF) and a back-arc basin (Medium-TCF and Low-TCF) on the border of a microplate that includes a Rhyacian basement microcontinent (Atuba Complex). Available petrological and geochronological data suggest that the TCF comprises a paired low-P and high-P belt, associated with a major Ediacaran suture zone in the southern Ribeira Belt. The high metamorphic gradient recorded in the Medium-TCF and Low-TCF was related to asthenospheric upwelling in the back-arc region, which also produced extensive partial melting in the Atuba Complex basement. Metamorphic ages where previously obtained in High-TCF with ages around 589 ± 12 Ma and 584 ± 4 Ma. Petrochronology will be used to obtain the age of metamorphic events, using monazite and apatite grains from Low and Medium-TCF and compare them to available High-TCF data to understand and adjust the proposed model.

How to cite: Ricardo, B., Moraes, R., Faleiros, F., Siga Júnior, O., Campanha, G., and Mottram, C.: Investigation of juxtaposed high- and low-pressure metamorphic field gradients rocks and its tectonic implications, a case study of Turvo-Cajati Formation, Ribeira Belt, Brazil, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-6078,, 2020.

More than a dozen deposits of corundum-bearing rocks are known within the Belomorian mobile belt (references in Serebryakov, Rusinov, 2004); their genesis remains debatable. Some authors consider corundum-bearing rocks to be normal metamorphic rocks (for example, Lebedev et al., 1974), others suggest the metasomatic genesis of rocks with corundum: 1 – corundum-bearing rocks were formed as a result of high-temperature high-pressure (600 - 700ºC, 7 - 8 kbar) metasomatism which was accompanied by desilification and the introduction of Ca and Na (Serebryakov, Rusinov, 2004); 2 – these rocks are a product of hydrothermal alteration of gneisses by fluids associated with basic intrusions (Bindeman et al., 2014). All these assumptions were made without a detailed physicochemical analysis of the mineral parageneses of corundum-bearing rocks.
The Perple_X software package (Connolly, 2005) is discussed in some recent works as an effective tool for the thermodynamic modeling of the open systems (Goncalves et al., 2012, Manning, 2013). Using the Perple_X software package (version Perple_X 6.8.7, updated 04.07.2019) we constructed P-T, T-μ (SiO2), and μ(SiO2)-μ(Na2O) pseudosections for a given chemical composition of kyanite-garnet-biotite gneiss of the Chupa sequence. The hp02ver.dat thermodynamic database was used, the diagram μ(SiO2) - μ(Na2O) was calculated for P = 8 kbar, T = 650ºC, in the presence of a carbonic-aqueous fluid with X(CO2) = 0.3. Selected solid solution models are Ca-Amph(D) for hornblende, Gt(HP) for garnet, St(HP) for staurolite, Bi(HGP) for biotite, feldspar for feldspar, Sp(HP) for spinel.
The results show that the majority of corundum-bearing rocks varieties (amphibole-free corundum-bearing rock, amphibole-bearing rock with corundum, altered quartz-free kyanite-garnet-biotite gneiss, kyanite-garnet amphibolite) could be formed by metasomatic alteration of kyanite-garnet-biotite gneisses of the Chupa sequence. This process was characterized by a significant decrease in µ(SiO2) and a slight increase in µ(Na2O). Our conclusion is partly consistent with the hypothesis that corundum-bearing rocks were formed as a result of metasomatism, which was accompanied by desilification of Ky-Grt-Bt gneisses and the introduction of Na and Ca (Serebryakov, Rusinov, 2004).

The study was conducted according to the IPGG project 0153-2019-0004.

Bindeman I.N., Serebryakov N.S., Schmitt A.K. et al. (2014) Field and microanalytical isotopic investigation of ultradepleted in 18O Paleoproterozoic “Slushball Earth” rocks from Karelia, Russia. Geosphere. V. 10. P. 308-339.

Connolly J.A.D. (2005) Computation of phase equilibria by linear programming: A tool for geodynamic modeling and its application to subduction zone decarbonation.  Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 236, p. 524–541.

Goncalves P., Oliot E., Marquer D., Connolly J.A.D. (2012) Role of chemical processes on shear zone formation: an example from the Grimsel metagranodiorite (Aar massif, Central Alps). J. metamorphic Geol., 30, p. 703–722.

Lebedev V.I., Kalmykova N.A. & Nagaytsev Yu.V. (1976) Corundum-staurolite-hornblende schists of the Belomorskiy complex, International Geology Review, 18:6, 653-662.

Manning C.E. (2013) Thermodynamic modeling of fluid-rock interaction at conditions of the earth's middle crust to upper mantle. Reviews in Mineralogy & Geochemistry, 76, p. 135-164.

Serebryakov, N.S., Rusinov, V.L. (2004) High-T high-pressure Ca, Na metasomatism and formation of corundum in the precambrian Belomorian mobile belt. Dokl. Earth Sci. 395, pp. 549–533.

How to cite: Akimova, E. and Kol’tsov, A.: Thermodynamic modeling of the formation of corundum-bearing rocks within the Belomorian mobile belt using Perple_x software, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-327,, 2020.

Thermobarometric data and fluid inclusions data of conditions of interaction between mafic granulite xenoliths and plagiogranites in the Lotta river area, Lapland Granulite Belt, confirm the conclusion that leucocratic garnet-bearing plagiogranites of the Lapland complex are associated with the anatexis of country khondalites during peak of metamorphism.

The formation of plagiogranitic magmas, probably, occurred at depths of about 25-30 km. As they ascended, they captured numerous xenoliths (Kozlov, Kozlova, 1998). The most remarkable of them are two-pyroxene-plagioclase granulite xenoliths (orthopyroxene ± clinopyroxene + plagioclase ± quartz + magnetite + ilmenite + pyrrhotite). The xenoliths show extensive amphibole formation, which is manifested as coronas of K-bearing pargasite-edenite amphibole and coarse-grained amphibole-quartz symplectites in contacts of pyroxenes, magnetite, ilmenite and pyrrhotite with plagioclase.

The more calcic composition of plagioclase and the lower Mg-number of pyroxenes in the amphibolized portions of xenoliths correspond to the amphibole formation via reaction: Opx + Ilm + Mt + Pl = Amph ± Qtz. Amphibole formation is locally accompanied by biotite, indicating the addition of potassium into the xenoliths.

A pressure of 6.0-6.4 kbar was estimated from the equilibrium of clinopyroxene + orthopyroxene + plagioclase + quartz in non-amphibolized portions of xenoliths. The corresponding temperatures 800-860°C are within the range of temperatures estimated for the plagiogranite crystallization (Kaulina et al., 2014) as well as peak temperatures of the M2 tectonic-thermal event in the Lapland complex (Mints et al., 2007). Amphibole-plagioclase equilibrium (Blundy, Holland, 1990) recorded the temperatures of the amphibole formation 740-780°C at a pressure of 5.0-5.5 kbar. Compositional variations of amphibole toward tremolite indicate further cooling. It was, probably, due to the interaction of an essentially aqueous fluid issued from plagiogranitic magma with xenoliths as they were captured and transported.

Indeed, xenoliths are crossed by plagiogranitic veins. Abundance of aqueous-salt (17-20 wt. % NaCl eq.) inclusions and the subordinate amount of carbon dioxide inclusions in plagiogranite minerals confirm this assumption. Thus, plagiogranites of the Lapland complex and associated fluids were formed inside the complex at P-T parameters comparable to the peak conditions of granulite metamorphism. During ascension, these granite magmas could only produce fluid effects on the country rocks including xenoliths.

How to cite: Butvina, V., Golunova, M., and Safonov, O.: Fluid inclusion and thermobarometric study of interaction between mafic xenoliths and plagiogranites in the Lotta River Area, Lapland Granulite Belt, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-294,, 2020.

The widespread occurrence of high to ultra-high temperature (HT-UHT) metamorphism in continental crust has been widely documented worldwide. However, there has been ongoing debate on the heat sources responsible for generating these HT-UHT conditions.


Generating HT-UHT temperatures is thought to require either singularly, or in combination, long-lived crustal thickening (e.g. orogenic systems) with high radioactive heat production and low erosion rates, or large supplies of heat from the mantle either through conduction within thinned lithosphere (e.g. back-arc) or by advective heating linked to large-scale mantle-derived  magma’s. Distinction between these two major thermal sources can made on the crustal heat generation rates and timescales of the HT-UHT metamorphism and the volumes of externally derived high-temperatures magmas. Therefore, a detailed understanding of the terrain-scale heat generation rates, and the metamorphic P-T-­t path inferred from the integration of petrochronology and phase equilibria modelling can provide important information.


The Paleoproterozoic Khondalite (metasedimentary) rock system in the North China Craton is thought to represent a typical Paleoproterozoic HT metamorphic belt with local areas reaching UHT conditions and it has been extensively studied. In terms of the thermal drivers, most workers suggest advective heating from the emplacement of mantle related mafic magma, although the apparent volume of clearly-mantle derived magma appears generally insufficient to account for the regional extent of HT-UHT conditions.


To better understand the mechanisms leading the HT-UHT conditions, we need (1) regional-scale measurements of in-situ heat producing elements and (2) a better understanding of the duration of HT-UHT conditions on a regional scale. To better characterise in-situ thermal sources we have determined heat generation rates using quantitative in-field gamma ray spectrometer (GRS) analysis. Volume averaging of rock types indicates terrain-scale U-Th concentrations would have generated around 3mWm-3 at the time of metamorphism.  Given that U-Th would have been lost from the metamorphic system during extraction of high-temperature crustal melts, simple modelling shows the crustal U-Th concentrations would have contributed substantially to the generation of the high-temperature thermal regime. Furthermore, a preliminary compilation of concordant zircon and monazite metamorphic ages from published literature shows a range of ca. 1950-1850 Ma in both western and eastern Khondalite Belt, suggesting possible long-lived metamorphism. Therefore, we argue that the role of the mantle derived advective heat in generating the UHT regime in the North China Khondalite Belt may have been overestimated.


Key words: heat generation, HT-UHT metamorphism, Khondalite Belt, North China Craton

How to cite: He, X., Hand, M., and Hasterok, D.: Crustal heat generation rates in the North China Khondalite Belt high to ultra-high-temperature metamorphic rock system, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-12688,, 2020.

EGU2020-9956 | Displays | GMPV7.1

Petrology and geochronology of cordierite bearing assemblages from the Wanni Complex – Sri Lanka

Nikolaus Lechner, Christoph Hauzenberger, Marcel Masten, Dominik Sorger, and G.W.A. Rohan Fernando

Based on differences in metamorphic grade and isotope model ages, the basement rocks of Sri Lanka can be subdivided from NW to SE into the Wanni Complex (WC), the Highland Complex (HC) and the Vijayan Complex (VC) (Milisenda et al. 1994). The UHT conditions of the HC were studied extensively and are well constrained whereas data from the WC and VC are less abundant. Only few recent petrological and geochemical work has been done especially along the WC–HC boundary which is still ill-defined (Kitano et al. 2018; Wanniarachchi & Akasaka 2016). Due to the common occurrence of migmatites, pyroxene bearing gneisses, and cordierite bearing metapelites/paragneisses, the WC clearly experienced granulite facies metamorphism. However, PT conditions are lower compared to the HC. In this study, U-Th-Pb monazite dating combined with a petrological study including phase equilibria modelling and thermobarometry was conducted focusing on cordierite bearing migmatic biotite gneisses located at the WC–HC boundary in the West of Sri Lanka. The HC underwent UHT metamorphism at 580-570Ma (Sajeev et al. 2010), the main metamorphic phase of the VC is dated with 580Ma. (Kröner et al., 2013). With U-Th-Pb monazite ages of around 530 Ma, the cordierite bearing assemblages from the WC are significantly younger (Wanniarachchi & Akasaka 2016). The predominantly felsic but also mafic peraluminous migmatic ortho- and paragneisses comprising the mineral assemblage cordierite + garnet + biotite + plagioclase + k-feldspar + quartz + ilmenite + magnetite + spinel + sillimanite ± orthopyroxene and contain monazite (+ zircon ± xenotime) as garnet inclusions (Group1) and in the matrix (Group2). Group1 monazite ages cluster around 575±5 Ma and 561±5 Ma whereas ages of Group 2 cluster at 550±3 and 527±3. Based on ages and textural occurrence of monazite we suggest that two thermal events at ca. 550-575 Ma and ca. 530-550 Ma are recorded in this rock type indicating a complex evolution during the late stage of the Pan-African orogeny. PT conditions range from 700–900°C and from 5–8 kbar with a decreasing north-south gradient. Further geochronological investigations are needed to relate either to the older or the younger overprint to the main metamorphic phase of the WC.

Kitano, I., Osanai, Y., Nakano, N., Adachi, T., & Fitzsimons, I. C. W. (2018). Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 156, 122–144.

Kröner, A., Rojas-Agramonte, Y., Kehelpannala, K. V. W., Zack, T., Hegner, E., Geng, H. Y., … Barth, M. (2013). Precambrian Research, 234, 288–321. 

Milisenda, C. C., Liewa, T. C., Hofmanna, A. W., & Köhler, H. (1994). Precambrian Research, 66(1–4), 95–110.

Sajeev, K., Williams, I. S., & Osanai, Y. (2010). Geology, 38(11), 971–974.

Wanniarachchi, D. N. S., & Akasaka, M. (2016). Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences, 111(5), 351–362.

How to cite: Lechner, N., Hauzenberger, C., Masten, M., Sorger, D., and Fernando, G. W. A. R.: Petrology and geochronology of cordierite bearing assemblages from the Wanni Complex – Sri Lanka, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-9956,, 2020.

EGU2020-18403 | Displays | GMPV7.1

Metamorphic evolution and geochronology of gneisses from the Wanni Complex, Sri Lanka

Marcel Masten, Christoph A. Hauzenberger, Nikolaus Lechner, Daniela Gallhofer, and G.W.A. Rohan Fernando

The Wanni Complex is found in the northwestern part of Sri Lanka. The boundary to the Highland complex occurring to the south is partly ill defined. Differences in isotopic model ages were used to seperate both units (Kitano et al. 2018; Milisenda et al. 1994). While the Highland Complex has gained a lot of attention due to the UHT metamorphic overprint (up to 1150°C and 8-12kbar)(Sajeev and Osanai 2004) detailed petrological and geochronological work in the Wanni Complex is missing. Only a few studies focus on the border area between the Wanni Complex and the Highland Complex (Kitano et al. 2018; Wanniarachchi and Akasaka 2016).

Large areas of the Wanni Complex are covered by biotite gneisses, mostly migmatic, partly with occurrences of arrested charnockites or displaying potassium metasomatism (Cooray 1994; Kröner et al. 2003). However, charnockitic gneisses, garnet bearing gneisses and in the southwestern part cordierite bearing gneisses and metapelites occur which can be used for obtaining the PTt history of this complex. PT conditions of the Wanni Complex obtained from garnet bearing rocks place the metamorphic overprint clearly into the granulite facies and partly into the UHT field. Compared to the Highland Complex, temperatures are somewhat lower at 800-1000°C at 7-9kbar.

LA-ICP-MS U/Pb dating was performed on zircons from different locations of the Wanni Complex and shows igneous protolith ages of 855-963Ma. The ages were obtained from felsic hornblende-biotite gneisses and charnockitic gneisses. The wide range of ages could be a result of resetting shortly after magmatic crystallisation. CL images of some zircons show dark zones separated from oscillatory zoned cores by thin bright fronts. Taken together with core/rim dating of these zircons, this could be a sign of transgressive recrystallization (Hoskin and Black 2000).



Cooray, P.G. 1994. Precambrian Research 66(1–4):3–18.

Hoskin, P.W. and Black L.P. 2000. Journal of Metamorphic Geology 18:423–39.

Kitano, I., Osanai, Y., Nakano, N., Adachi, T. and Fitzsimons, I.C.W. 2018. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 156:122–44.

Kröner, A., Kehelpannala, K.V.W. and Hegner, E. 2003. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 22(3):279–300.

Milisenda, C.C., Liew, T.C., Hofmann, A.W. and Köhler, H. 1994. Precambrian Research 66:95–110.

Sajeev, K. and Osanai, Y. 2004. Journal of Petrology 45(9):1821–44.

Wanniarachchi, D.N.S. and Akasaka, M. 2016. Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences 111(5):351–62.

How to cite: Masten, M., Hauzenberger, C. A., Lechner, N., Gallhofer, D., and Fernando, G. W. A. R.: Metamorphic evolution and geochronology of gneisses from the Wanni Complex, Sri Lanka, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-18403,, 2020.

South Delhi orogeny is constrained by correlating the deformational fabric with geochronology of the granites and metasediments around Beawar- Rupnagar-Babra, Rajasthan, NW India. The area consists of metaconglomerate, calcareous schist, mica schist and amphibolite. These were deformed by three stages of deformation(D1-3) and intruded by four types of granite plutons (G1-4). The D1 deformation produced F1, reclined/recumbent folds with S1 axial planar fabric in greenschist facies metamorphic condition. The D2 deformation produced NE-SW trending F2 folds coaxial with F1(type 3 interference pattern), crenulations and F2-axial parallel ductile shear zones.  The D3 deformation produced NW-SE F3 folds, which superimposed on F1 and F2 to create type 1 and 2 interference pattern. Granites carry pervasive S1 fabric. In G1-3 granites, the S1 is characterized by low temperature deformation fabric marked by bulging recrystallization of quartz. The G4 granite (namely Sewariya granite) contains magmatic to submagmatic fabric and the S1 fabric in it is a high temperature deformation fabric and lies parallel to magmatic fabric in the rock. Plagioclase is dynamically recrystallized by subgrain rotation and grain boundary migration and quartz shows chess board twinning. We interpret that the G4 granite is syntectonic and G1-3 were pre-tectonic to D1 deformation.  U-Pb data (SHRIMP method) of G1, G2 and G4 granites yield Concordia age calculated with 206Pb/238U and 207Pb/235U ratio at ~982 Ma, ~992 Ma and ~878 Ma respectively. Thus the South Delhi orogeny is constrained by the age of G4 granite at ~ 878 Ma (~ 870 Ma).  The G1-3 granites are pre- Delhi orogeny and probably constrain the age of rifting of the Delhi basin. EPMA Th-U-total Pb monazite geochronology of the garnet-staurolite-quartz-feldspar-biotite schist from the basal conglomerate zone shows three distinct ages, ca. 1611 Ma, 864 Ma and 718 Ma.  Correlating with granite SHRIMP age, the ~ 864 Ma corresponds to Delhi metamorphism and D1 deformation (~ 870 Ma). The event ca. 1611 Ga probably belongs to pre-Delhi age, which is observed in nearby pre-Delhi localities like Sandmata terrane.

Keywords: Deformational fabric, geochronology, metaconglomerate, granite and geochronology.

How to cite: Singh, S. and Biswal, T. K.: 870 Ma age of South Delhi Orogeny: A study on Geochronology of the granites and the metasediments, NW India., EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-3259,, 2020.

Ductile shear zones usually record mineralogical and isotopic changes that are not apparent in the surrounding host rocks and thus may preserve a complete evolutionary record in a single locale from relatively undeformed to highly deformed rocks. The Zhujiafang ductile shear zone is situated in the central Hengshan Complex, a key area for understanding the Paleoproterozoic tectonic evolution of the Trans-North China Orogen, North China Craton. Detailed metamorphic and geochronological analyses were carried out on metapelite and garnet amphibolite from the Zhujiafang ductile shear zone. The metapelite preserves two phases of mineral assemblages: early kyanite-rutile-bearing assemblage and late chlorite-staurolite-bearing assemblage in garnet–mica schist, and inclusion-type muscovite (high-Si) + kyanite assemblage and late sillimanite-bearing assemblage in sillimanite–mica gneiss. Garnet in the metapelite occasionally exhibits pronounced two-stage zoning characteristic of a diffusion core with irregular pyrope (Xpy) and grossular (Xgr) contents and a growth rim with Xpy and Xgr increasing outwards. The isopleths of the maximum Xgr in garnet core and Si content in inclusion-type muscovite in the P–T pseudosections suggest that the early mineral assemblages underwent medium-high-pressure type metamorphism with pressures up to 12–14 kbar at 700–750 °C. The late assemblages and the growth zoning of garnet rim predict a late separated clockwise P–T path with peak conditions of 6.5 ± 0.2 kbar/620 ± 10 °C (medium-low-pressure type). The garnet amphibolite is mainly composed of garnet, hornblende, plagioclase, ilmenite and quartz, without overprinting of late mineral assemblages except for localized corona textures. Phase modeling suggests that the rock has experienced high-amphibolite facies metamorphism with peak conditions of 10.5 ± 0.8 kbar/770 ± 50 °C, which is broadly consistent with the early-phase metamorphism of metapelite. Zircon U–Pb dating on metapelite yields two metamorphic age groups of 1.96–1.92 Ga and 1.87–1.86 Ga which are interpreted to represent the timing of the two separated phases of metamorphism. Two separated orogenic events may have occurred respectively at ~1.95 Ga and ~1.85 Ga in the Hengshan–Wutai area. The older orogeny was resulted from continental collision and the younger one may be caused by within-plate deformation. The final exhumation of the high-grade rocks formed in the older (i.e. 1.95 Ga) orogeny should be related with the younger deformation/metamorphic event. For more details, please refer to

How to cite: Qian, J.: Two Paleoproterozoic metamorphic events in the Zhujiafang ductile shear zone of the Hengshan Complex: Insights into the tectonic evolution of the North China Craton, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-13282,, 2020.

GMPV8.3 – The Dynamics of Magmatic Plumbing Systems

EGU2020-1984 | Displays | GMPV8.3

The architecture of an intrusion in magmatic mush

Alexandre Carrara, Alain Burgisser, and George Bergantz

Magmatic reservoirs located in the upper crust have been shown to result from the repeated intrusions of new magmas, and spend most of their dwelling time as cristal-rich mush. Despite advances in our understanding of the physical processes that may occur in a magma reservoir, the architecture of the intrusion into a mush remains poorly constrained. The geometry of such intrusions, however, may greatly affect the thermal and compositional evolution of the magmatic reservoir. We performed numerical simulations coupling computational fluid dynamics with the discrete element method to identify the geometry and emplacement dynamics of an intrusion in a mush, and the relevant physical parameters controlling it. Our results show that the intrusion geometry is to first-order controlled by the density contrast between the melt phases of the intruded and resident materials rather than the bulk density contrast as usually considered. When the melt phase of the intruded materials is denser than that of the host, the intrusion ponds at the base of the mush and is emplaced as a horizontal layer. However, when the intruded melt is lighter, the intrusion rises through the mush forming a Rayleigh–Taylor instability. In the absence of density contrast between the two melts, the intrusion fluidizes the host crystal network and slowly ascends through the mush. The presence of a viscosity contrast between the intruded and resident materials as well as the intrusion injection velocity were found to have less of an influence on the final geometry and intrusion dynamics in mush. In addition, we analyzed the eruptive sequence of well documented eruptions involving an intrusion as a trigger, and found good agreement with our modeling results. This study sheds light on the importance of explicitly considering granular mechanisms and the relative motion between the crystals and the melt phase when studying the physical processes of magmas and mush.

How to cite: Carrara, A., Burgisser, A., and Bergantz, G.: The architecture of an intrusion in magmatic mush, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-1984,, 2020.

Chemical differentiation requires the relative motion of melt and crystals during multicomponent phase change.  Compaction is often invoked as the mechanism that allows this in crystal rich ‘mush’ reservoirs.  Compaction is a term used broadly to describe the coupled processes of buoyancy-driven melt flow through permeable crystalline matrix and matrix deformation in response to the extraction or accumulation of melt.  One key challenge to melt segregation models that invoke compaction is that textural evidence for crystal deformation in the residual material left after melt extraction is largely absent (Holness, 2018).

Here, we test the relative contribution of compaction and reactive flow to melt fraction change in crustal mush reservoirs using a modified version of the reactive flow model of (Solano et al., 2014).  Reactive flow changes melt, solid and bulk composition and is essential to chemical differentiation in crustal mush reservoirs but has been largely neglected in models of melt segregation.  We find that melt fraction changes in response to reactive flow can be as important as those caused by compaction, irrespective of the phase behaviour tested.  That compaction may account for only half the melt fraction change observed in mush reservoirs could help to explain why textural evidence for mush deformation remains enigmatic.


Holness, M. B. (2018). Melt segregation from silicic crystal mushes: a critical appraisal of possible mechanisms and their microstructural record. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 173(6):48.
Solano, J. M. S., Jackson, M. D., Sparks, R. S. J., and Blundy, J. (2014). Evolution of major and trace element composition during melt migration through crystalline mush: Implications for chemical differentiation in the crust. American Journal of Science, 314(5):895–939.


How to cite: Hu, H. and Jackson, M.: Compaction versus reactive flow: How does melt fraction change in crustal mush reservoirs?, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-5715,, 2020.

EGU2020-8115 | Displays | GMPV8.3

Time and tempo of melt segregation from a magma mush: evidence from the Takidani pluton (Japan)

Federico Farina, Daniela Rubatto, Eva Hartung, and Luca Caricchi

The Takidani pluton is a Pleistocene intrusion representing a nearly 2 km-thick shallow level magma reservoir located in the Central Japan Alps. The pluton, which is associated with caldera-forming eruptions, is vertically zoned and composed of six distinct lithological units ranging from hornblende-bearing granodiorite to biotite granite, with silica content varying from ca. 65 to 76 wt.%. In its upper part, the intrusion is characterized by the gradual transition between equigranular and porphyritic granodiorites. Textural and geochemical evidence indicates that the porphyritic unit represents a lens of residual melt extracted from the underlying equigranular granodiorite (Hartung et al., 2017).

The time and tempo of melt extraction is determined using both high precision and high-spatial resolution U-Pb zircon geochronology, performed by CA-ID-TIMS and SIMS respectively. High precision 206Pb/238U zircon ages for the two units are similar, with grains from both rocks exhibiting an age spread as large as 200-300 kyr, from ca. 1.2 to 1.5 Ma. In-situ U-Pb dating obtained by SIMS using a spot size of 20 μm reveal systematic age difference between cores and rims, highlighting two events of zircon crystallization with no substantial difference between the two units. Zircon cores from the porphyritic and equigranular granodiorites give identical ages at ca. 1.45 ± 0.06 Ma. Spot U-Pb ages from magmatic rims range between 1.29 and 1.07 Ma, with a peak of the distribution density at around 1.20 Ma.

This information, combined with Zr saturation temperatures and phase equilibria modelling, suggests that zircon cores crystallized from the magma reservoir before rheological locking and melt segregation were achieved. The segregation of the interstitial melt from the mush took place in the ca. 250 kyr between the two events of zircon crystallization. The extracted residual melt was depleted in Zr and carried entrained crystals of plagioclase and zircon from the mush. The low Zr content of this melt hindered zircon crystallization that was only possible after a time lag of 250 kyr. The youngest event of zircon crystallization at ca. 1.2 Ma was contemporaneous in the segregated melt and in the underlying mush.


Reference: Hartung, E., Caricchi, L., Floess, D., Wallis, S., Harayama, S., Kouzmanov, K., Chiaradia, M., 2017. Evidence for residual melt extraction in the Takidani Pluton, Central Japan. J. Petrol.58, 763–788.

How to cite: Farina, F., Rubatto, D., Hartung, E., and Caricchi, L.: Time and tempo of melt segregation from a magma mush: evidence from the Takidani pluton (Japan), EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-8115,, 2020.

EGU2020-9113 | Displays | GMPV8.3

Probing the characteristics of mush-magma transition: insights from laboratory experiments

Nicolò Rubens Sgreva, Anne Davaille, Ichiro Kumagai, and Kei Kurita

The mush-magma transition (MMT) marks a profound change in rheological properties between two of the principal magmatic reservoirs that constitute a magmatic system. Mush behaves as a solid and its rheology is largely dominated by the deformation of the crystals network whereas magma is a liquid and has a rheology dominated by melt.

To better understand the solid-liquid transition in such crystal-rich systems, we present here an experimental study using mixtures of aqueous superabsorbent polymers (SAPs). SAPs are constituted of polymer grains that in water can swell up to 100 times and form gel grains whose size can be controlled by controlling the size of the initial powder. Particle fractions between 60% and 80% are easy to reach, making this system a promising analog of mush. The non-Newtonian rheology of the mixture of water and touching grains combines viscous, elastic and plastic aspects and can be characterized using the free-fall of spheres of different diameters and densities. 

We observe five different regimes of motion for the settling of a sphere: (1) A linear regime where the sphere has a rapid and linear fall and reaches a constant terminal velocity. (2) An irregular regime where the sphere’s velocity fluctuates around a constant value. (3) A stop&go regime where periods of no-motion and periods of irregular falls follow one another. (4) A slow fall regime where the sphere’s velocity progressively decreases in a logarithmic way. And (5) a no-motion regime when spheres are not buoyant enough to overcome the yield stress of the mixture or are too small compared to the grain size. So, the Yield number (ratio of the yield stress to the sphere buoyancy-induced stress), critical value Yc above which there is no motion decreases as the sphere to grain diameters ratio becomes smaller than 2. This enlarges the domain of conditions under which the mush strength will lead to the entrapment of the intruder. Moreover, the mixture structure strongly affects the path that a buoyant melt pocket can follow through the mush, and the time it spends motionless. The latter will increase the time available for reactions between melt and surrounding crystalline matrix.

How to cite: Sgreva, N. R., Davaille, A., Kumagai, I., and Kurita, K.: Probing the characteristics of mush-magma transition: insights from laboratory experiments, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-9113,, 2020.

EGU2020-9649 | Displays | GMPV8.3

Crystal mush formation, timescales, and unrest: a combined study of olivine crystals and their hosted melt inclusions

Helena Albert, Fidel Costa, Andrea Di Muro, Jason Herrin, Nicole Métrich, and Etienne Deloule

Crystals and their hosted melt inclusions are key witnesses of the processes occurring in the magma plumbing systems. Crystal zoning patterns can inform us of the range of magmatic environments, magma interactions, timescales, and of the likely processes that lead to eruption. A complementary view of the plumbing system is provided by detailed studies of melt inclusions. The variability of major, trace, and volatile element concentrations of the inclusions informs us of the heterogeneity and architecture of the system (e.g. minimum depth of magma storage). Coupling of the storing depth with the times of magma movement allows us to propose links with the eruptive behavior and different phases of eruptions, and especially with the monitoring data describing the unrest preceding the eruptions. Here we report the magmatic processes associated with caldera collapse and lateral magma transport recorded in olivine crystals and their melt inclusions on selected samples from the largest historical eruption of Piton de la Fournaise (April 2007).

The olivine crystals and melt inclusions from the 2007 Piton de la Fournaise eruption record shallow storage depth and re-equilibration related to lateral magma movement towards the surface. Most crystals we have studied likely grew during the pre-eruption and eruption period (e.g. in about 3 months) from the basalt that migrated from, and was temporarily stored at shallow depths (about 0.5-1 km a.s.l.), although deformation source modeled from tilt data indicates an initially deeper magma source (ca. 3 km b.s.l.). These observations suggest that magma arrival at shallow depth pressurized the pre-existing melts and led to eruption, but we have no evidence of physical interaction between the two. The zoning and timescales derived from olivine crystals record fast crystal growth, creation of a crystal mush and subsequent lateral transport, eruption, and caldera collapse. Timescales deduced from Fe/Mg, Ni and Ca in olivine rims and towards melt inclusions are relatively short (from 3 to 60 days) and agree with the changes in monitoring data. Degassing and re-equilibration of H+ of melt inclusions via diffusion occurred during the depressurization of the shallow system and caldera collapse and vary between a few hours to six days (depending on the crystallographic direction).

How to cite: Albert, H., Costa, F., Di Muro, A., Herrin, J., Métrich, N., and Deloule, E.: Crystal mush formation, timescales, and unrest: a combined study of olivine crystals and their hosted melt inclusions, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-9649,, 2020.

EGU2020-19199 | Displays | GMPV8.3

The role of basaltic magma in the petrogenesis of the Late Pleistocene Ciomadul dacite, Romania

Szabolcs Harangi, Maurizio Petrelli, Balázs Kiss, Olivier Bachmann, Ioan Seghedi, Theodoros Ntaflos, Éva Jankovics, and Réka Lukács

The Ciomadul in eastern-central Europe is a high-K dacitic volcanic complex characterized by long quiescence (several 10’s of kyr) periods between eruptions and a long-standing (over several 100’s of kyr) magmatic plumbing system. Following intermittent lava dome extrusions from 1 Ma to 360 ka, a more intense eruption stage occurred between 160 ka and 30 ka with initial lava dome building period followed by dominantly explosive eruptions. The volcano has been again in a long quiescence stage since 30 ka, although results of geophysical studies suggest presence of a subvolcanic magma body with significant melt fraction. In order to constrain better the rejuvenation mechanism of such long-dormant volcanic complex, a more thorough understanding of the nature and dynamics of the magmatic plumbing system and the reason of eruption triggers is required. In spite of the homogeneous dacitic bulk rock composition and similar mineral assemblage, each eruption product shows subtle differences in mineral-scale features. Here, we present examples showing how basaltic magma played a role in the genesis of dacite as well as triggered eruption in a timescale of days to weeks.
The Ciomadul dacites are crystal rich and contain plagioclase, amphibole and biotite as main phenocrysts in addition to accessory phases of apatite, titanite and zircon. Several dacitic lava dome rocks formed between 90 and 160 ka in Ciomadul contain also high-Mg minerals such as olivine, clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene. Cr-spinel inclusions occur in olivine, orthopyroxene and also in high-Al amphiboles. Textures and the high Mg-numbers (0.85-0.91) of these mineral phases suggest that they can be considered as antecrysts with magmatic origin having crystallised from primitive mafic magmas, which were involved in the evolution of the subvolcanic magma storage system. Zoning pattern and trace element content of plagioclases and amphiboles clearly show interaction between dacitic and basaltic magmas. In addition, these high-Mg minerals allow us to have an insight into the origin of the primary magmas as well as the dynamics of the mafic magma body stalled at the crust-mantle boundary.
The compositions of the Cr-spinel inclusions significantly differ from those of the spinels in the 600-1200 ka alkaline basalts of the nearby Perşani Volcanic Field and their high Cr-numbers indicate a depleted mantle source for the parental magma. Such Cr-rich spinels are common in high-K magmas originated in metasomatized lithospheric mantle with depleted, harzburgitic lithology. Compositional zoning of clinopyroxenes indicates several recharge events by high-Mg and high-Cr basaltic magmas. Mafic magma batches repeatedly ascended and emplaced below the upper crustal felsic crystal mush and formed a dynamic interface between these two magmas. The mafic components remained in plastic state allowing thorough mixing of the mafic and felsic mineral cargos during turbulent convective magma stirring, whereas farther from this interface, remelting of the crystal mush occurred due to reheating and volatile transfer into the interstitial melt. The series of mafic magma injections increased the eruptible magma volume and occasionally led to eruptions.
This research was financed by the Hungarian National Research, Development and Innovation Fund (NKFIH) within K116528 project.

How to cite: Harangi, S., Petrelli, M., Kiss, B., Bachmann, O., Seghedi, I., Ntaflos, T., Jankovics, É., and Lukács, R.: The role of basaltic magma in the petrogenesis of the Late Pleistocene Ciomadul dacite, Romania, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-19199,, 2020.

The crustal-scale magmatic systems of Andean-style subduction zones produce thick volcanic deposits and abundant plutons emplaced into the upper crust. They can also result in the formation of spatially- and temporally-restricted, economically-important porphyry Cu deposits. Understanding the magmatic and tectonic processes acting within an arc segment, including changes in the fractionating assemblage, subduction angle, chemistry of slab-derived melts or water content, is essential to develop and refine quantitative models for the formation of these deposits. Specific geochemical signatures (e.g. elevated Sr/Y) are associated with magmas that source the metals and volatiles to form porphyry deposits based on empirical studies. However, it is unclear whether this geochemical signature is the result of geologically rapid processes resulting in sudden shifts in magma chemistry or whether they are the result of protracted changes within the crustal-scale magmatic system over extended timescales.

In this study we examine the magmatic evolution of the Rio Blanco-Los Bronces district, ~30 km northeast of Santiago, Chile, which is host to the Earth’s largest resource of Cu. Eocene to Early Miocene volcanic rocks were intruded by the Miocene San Francisco Batholith that, in turn, partially hosts intrusions related to the Late Miocene to Early Pliocene Rio Blanco-Los Bronces porphyry deposit cluster. We apply a combination of whole-rock and zircon geochemistry, isotopic tracing and LA-ICP-MS U-Pb geochronology to the intrusive rock suite of the district to provide temporally- constrained geochemical information over the entire duration of batholith assembly and ore formation.

U-Pb geochronology reveals incremental assembly of the San Francisco Batholith by individual magma batches over >13Myr (~17 – 4 Ma), with ore formation occurring in discrete pulses in the last 3 Myr before cessation of intrusive activity within the district. Temporally-resolved whole-rock major element chemistry shows that the progressively-emplaced magmas were not sourced from a common, continuously differentiating, lower crustal magma reservoir. Evolving trace element signatures over the recorded timescale indicate that magmas were sourced from progressively deeper fractional crystallisation reservoir(s) that exhibited increasing water contents. The geochemical evolution recorded over the entire investigated 13 Myr timescale could reflect geodynamic changes linked to the ingression of the subducting Juan Fernandez ridge from the north. However, within this continuous evolution, the most prominent geochemical shifts occur over a much shorter timescale of a few Myr, directly preceding economic ore-formation, implicating an additional mechanism for controlling the metallogenic potential of the magma source.




How to cite: Large, S., Buret, Y., Knott, T., and Wilkinson, J.: Petrochronology resolves the multi-Myr crustal scale magmatic evolution of an arc segment resulting in porphyry copper formation , EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-20757,, 2020.

EGU2020-18109 | Displays | GMPV8.3

Significant changes in the magma dynamics of Stromboli steady-state volcano recorded by clinopyroxene crystals.

Chiara Maria Petrone, Flavio Di Stefano, Ralf Gertisser, Silvio Mollo, Simone Tommasini, Elisabetta Del Bello, Daniele Andronico, Piergiorgio Scarlato, Pierpaolo Giacomoni, and Massimo Coltorti

Steady-state volcanic activity implies equilibrium between the rate of magma replenishment and eruption of compositionally homogeneous magmas, lasting for tens to thousands of years in an open conduit system. The Present-day activity of Stromboli volcano (Aeolian Islands, Southern Italy) has long been recognised as typical of a steady-state volcano, with a shallow magmatic reservoir (highly porphyritic or hp-magma) continuously refilled by more mafic magma (with low phenocryst content or lp-magma) at a constant rate and accompanied by mixing, crystallisation and eruption. The lp-magma is erupted only during more violent explosive events (paroxysms), which usually occur at intervals of a few years. However, the two most recent paroxysms occurred at very short timescales on 3 July and 28 August 2019 offering the unique opportunity of obtaining crucial information on the current magma dynamics of Stromboli.

Albeit the plumbing system shows such uniformity, clinopyroxene phenocrysts exhibit marked chemical heterogeneities and complex textures caused by continuous lp-hp magma mixing as well as antecryst recycling from different mush portions. The compositional zoning in clinopyroxene provides essential information on pre-eruptive magma dynamics, indicating multi-stage crystallization across the lp-hp-reservoirs, where diopsidic compositions are markers of more primitive, high-T magmas injecting into shallow, low-T domains of the plumbing system. By comparing clinopyroxene texture, chemistry and residence times from the Present-day eruptions with the previous Post-Pizzo activity, we conclude that a distinct phase in the life of Stromboli volcano commenced after the violent 2003 paroxysm. Our observations suggest there are more efficient mechanisms of mush disruption and cannibalization, in which old diopsidic antecrysts are continuously remobilized and transported by the lp-magmas permeating the mush. The disappearance of diopsidic recharge bands within augitic overgrowths indicates that over time, magmatic injections feeding the persistent Present-day activity are more intensively mixed and homogenized prior to eruption.

How to cite: Petrone, C. M., Di Stefano, F., Gertisser, R., Mollo, S., Tommasini, S., Del Bello, E., Andronico, D., Scarlato, P., Giacomoni, P., and Coltorti, M.: Significant changes in the magma dynamics of Stromboli steady-state volcano recorded by clinopyroxene crystals., EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-18109,, 2020.

EGU2020-9513 | Displays | GMPV8.3

Understanding basaltic Plinian activity at Masaya caldera, Nicaragua

Emily C Bamber, Fabio Arzilli, Margherita Polacci, Giuseppe La Spina, Maurizio Petrelli, Margaret E Hartley, Danilo Di Genova, Jonathan Fellowes, David Chavarría, Jose Armando Saballos, Mattia De' Michieli Vitturi, and Mike Burton

Plinian eruptions are the most hazardous yet enigmatic style of volcanism at basaltic systems. The low viscosity of basaltic magma should preclude its fragmentation; however, there are several recognised examples of basaltic Plinian activity. Historical eruptions of Masaya caldera, Nicaragua; Etna, Italy (122 BC); and Tarawera, New Zealand (1886) have ejected > 1 km3 of material. The Las Sierras-Masaya volcanic complex (Masaya caldera) has produced several basaltic Plinian eruptions, yet currently exhibits low explosive-effusive activity. This volcano has erupted chemically homogeneous magmas over at least the past 6000 years, which suggests that this significant difference in eruptive style is not attributable to a compositional change. Therefore, the cause of increased explosivity at Masaya caldera remains uncertain. 

We present new measurements of major, trace and volatile elements in basaltic Plinian eruption products from the Fontana Lapilli (60 ka) and Masaya Triple Layer (2.1 ka) eruptions of the Las Sierras- Masaya volcanic complex. We use our data in rheological and thermometric models to define the pre- and syn-eruptive conditions that favour highly explosive activity. We then combine our petrological data with a numerical conduit model to constrain the pre-eruptive condition of the magma reservoir and simulate the conduit processes, to understand the magmatic conditions that promote fragmentation during magma ascent. The common physico-chemical magmatic conditions that promote basaltic Plinian activity at Masaya are high microlite crystallinity, moderate storage temperatures and a low initial H2O concentration. Our combined approach greatly improves our general understanding of explosive basaltic activity and provides new insight into the effusive-explosive transition of the highly hazardous Las Sierras-Masaya system.

How to cite: Bamber, E. C., Arzilli, F., Polacci, M., La Spina, G., Petrelli, M., Hartley, M. E., Di Genova, D., Fellowes, J., Chavarría, D., Saballos, J. A., De' Michieli Vitturi, M., and Burton, M.: Understanding basaltic Plinian activity at Masaya caldera, Nicaragua, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-9513,, 2020.

EGU2020-11154 | Displays | GMPV8.3

Shifting eruption dynamics: Constraints from mineral chemistry and plagioclase-hosted melt inclusions at Santiaguito volcanic dome complex, Guatemala

Eva Hartung, Paul A. Wallace, Felix W. Von Aulock, Adrian Hornby, and Yan Lavallée

Activity at Santiaguito volcanic dome complex started in 1922 with the continuous eruption of crystal-rich dacitic-andesitic lavas, which over the course of the last century, constructed a series of four domes and were host to frequent minor explosions. In 2016, a drastic shift in activity occurred with an 8-months period of heightened explosion intensity. We present records of textural and compositional variations in plagioclase, orthopyroxene and plagioclase-hosted melt inclusions of a series of ash and ballistic samples erupted and collected in-situ between 2015 and 2019 to reconstruct the magmatic processes associated with such shifts in activity.

Plagioclase phenocrysts show a wide range of compositions (An90-35) and can be grouped into three populations based on compositional and textural variations: crystals with resorbed albite-rich cores (An35–40), anorthite-rich cores (An85–90) and patchy zoned cores (An50–85). All plagioclase crystals contain homogenous rims of An50 that are marked by an increase in Fe content from about 3000 to 5000 ppm and a higher Mg content (of up to 300 ppm) towards the rim. Orthopyroxene phenocrysts show constant enstatite compositions from core to rim (En68-70). However, rims are relatively enriched and depleted in Ti and Mn contents respectively. Plagioclase-hosted melt inclusions are found in reversely zoned crystals, in crystal rims and between glomerocrysts. Irregularly shaped melt pockets are frequently observed in patchy zoned cores. Melt inclusions overall range in silica content from 71 to 78 SiOwt.% (anhydrous) and are marked by relatively high TiOand K2O contents.

Melt and mineral compositions and textures suggest that a shallow magma storage zone currently exists below Santiaguito volcanic dome complex. Pressure estimates of plagioclase-hosted melt inclusions yield an average of about 150 MPa (± 50 MPa) using rhyolite-MELTS indicating magma storage at depth of about 4 to 8 km. The observed increase in Fe, Mg and Ti contents in the rims of the plagioclase and orthopyroxene phenocrysts and microlite crystals are consistent with recharge of new magma into the upper crust, which was likely responsible for the drastic shift in eruption dynamics at Santiaguito volcanic dome complex in 2015-2016.

How to cite: Hartung, E., Wallace, P. A., Von Aulock, F. W., Hornby, A., and Lavallée, Y.: Shifting eruption dynamics: Constraints from mineral chemistry and plagioclase-hosted melt inclusions at Santiaguito volcanic dome complex, Guatemala, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-11154,, 2020.

EGU2020-8886 | Displays | GMPV8.3

Plagioclase as a witness of syn-eruptive degassing in rhyolitic magmas

Ben Ellis, Julia Neukampf, Oscar Laurent, Lena Steinmann, Stefan Weyer, Tomas Magna, Teresa Ubide, and Olivier Bachmann

Lithium (Li) is one of the fastest diffusing elements in most geological media and so has the potential to provide information about processes occurring on timescales too short to be captured by other proxies.  These processes may be of fundamental importance both in terms of understanding what happens during explosive volcanism and for defining where lithium, an element of increasing economic importance, ends up.  To investigate the fate of Li, we studied in detail the 1.30 Ma Mesa Falls Tuff (MFT) from the Yellowstone volcanic field (USA).  MFT is a typical rhyolite of the Yellowstone system containing an anhydrous mineral assemblage of sanidine, quartz, plagioclase, clinopyroxene, fayalite, orthopyroxene and accessory phases.  We focussed on plagioclase crystals that have a strong gradient in Li contents from cores at ~25 ppm to rims with ~ 5 ppm.  This notable decrease in Li abundance is decoupled from changes in other major and trace elements.  δ7Li values measured by fs-LA-MC-ICPMS in the plagioclase crystals reveal that cores are about 5 ‰ lower than rims.  Taken together, the Li abundance and isotopic data make a compelling case for the plagioclase attempting to react to a sudden change in Li abundance in the surrounding melt.  Diffusion modelling of these gradients indicates that this sudden Li drop in the melt occurred over timescales of tens of minutes prior to quenching.  The volatile behaviour of Li implied by this result finds support in Li concentrations measured in quartz-hosted melt inclusions that reach 400 ppm while groundmass glass Li contents are much lower (36-55 ppm).  While equilibrium fractionation of stable isotopes is minimised at high temperatures, the large-magnitude, rapid loss of lithium from the melt phase may allow kinetic isotopic fractionation to occur, as recorded in the plagioclase crystals.  With glass / groundmass both volumetrically dominant and the main repository of Li in virtually all volcanic deposits, further consideration of how syn-eruptive processes may affect the bulk Li identity of a sample is warranted.        


How to cite: Ellis, B., Neukampf, J., Laurent, O., Steinmann, L., Weyer, S., Magna, T., Ubide, T., and Bachmann, O.: Plagioclase as a witness of syn-eruptive degassing in rhyolitic magmas, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-8886,, 2020.

EGU2020-4895 | Displays | GMPV8.3

Experimental time constraints on the kinetic and chemistry of amphibole at deep crustal levels

Barbara Bonechi, Cristina Perinelli, Mario Gaeta, Vanni Tecchiato, and Alessandro Fabbrizio

Aiming to improve the current knowledge about amphibole growth kinetics at deep crustal levels, new amphibole growth rate data are provided. Our findings, indeed, may be useful to correctly interpret the textural features of amphibole-bearing mafic cumulates and rocks, and for a better constraining of the timescales of magmatic processes at upper mantle-lower crustal depths. Experiments were performed to determine the amphibole growth rates in a primitive alkaline basalt from Procida island (Campi Flegrei Volcanic District, southern Italy) at the following conditions: temperature of 1030 and 1080 °C, pressure of 0.8 GPa, water content in the range 3.3-4.2 wt%, and variable dwell time from 0.25 to 9 h. Amphibole growth rates range from 1.5·10-7 to 2.9·10-8 cm·s-1 with increasing the duration of the experiments. It is observed that, keeping a constant dwell time, an increase of the experimental temperature or of the water content results in comparable growth rate increase. Coexisting synthetic amphibole and clinopyroxene show a faster growth rates in favour of amphibole regardless of the dwell time, since the chemical and structural similarities of these minerals cause kinetic competition. Moreover, the chemical composition of amphibole is influenced mainly by the experimental time; in detail, in the shortest (≤3 h) and low temperature runs edenite is the prevailing composition whereas the magnesiohastingsitic term becomes dominant at higher temperature and longer run duration. Based on the interpretation of the Fe-Mg exchange coefficient values between amphibole and coexisting liquid, the magnesiohastingsitic amphibole is considered to be the stable term at the investigated run conditions. Finally, the resulting growth rates have been applied to constrain the crystallization time of natural amphiboles and clinopyroxenes from the Oligo-Miocene cumulates of north-western Sardinia (i.e., Capo Marargiu  Volcanic District, Italy), yielding crystallization times in the range 1.46-3.12 yr.

How to cite: Bonechi, B., Perinelli, C., Gaeta, M., Tecchiato, V., and Fabbrizio, A.: Experimental time constraints on the kinetic and chemistry of amphibole at deep crustal levels, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-4895,, 2020.

EGU2020-22411 | Displays | GMPV8.3

Leveraging crystal-scale data to constrain the conduit flow regime in persistently active volcanoes

Jenny Suckale, Michelle diBenedetto, and Zhipeng Qin

Persistently active volcanoes are often closely monitored, yielding a rich archive of observational data. The availability of varied observations provides a unique opportunity for improving theoretical models of magma dynamics, but data and model can be difficult to compare directly. Geophysical observations like seismicity or geodetic measurements often operate at similarly large scales as many models, but they only provide indirect and non-unique testimony of the processes occurring at depth. In contrast, crystals in erupted tephra or scoria samples record at least some aspects of the pre-eruptive condition in the volcanic conduit directly, but refer to spatial scales that are much smaller than most models resolve.

The goal of this paper is to demonstrate the potential of crystalline-scale data for distinguishing directly between different conduit-flow models. As a proof of concept, we focus on the preferential alignment of olivines crystals from tephra erupted at Kilauea Iki in 1959. Prior petrographic analysis suggests that these olivine glomerocrysts formed through synneusis of individual crystals. To evaluate the fluid-dynamical conditions under which both crystal synneusis and preferential crystal alignment would occur, we compare two broad classes of conduit flow models, unidirectional and bidirectional models.

We hypothesize that the observed preferential alignment of olivine crystals is created by a pronounced, nearly stationary wave at the interface that separates the ascending and descending magmas in bidirectional flow models. Crystals in bidirectional flow are hence exposed to a superposition of wave and shear, while crystals in a unidirectional, laminar flow experience approximately constant shear strain during ascent. To test our hypothesis, we quantify the crystal alignment resulting from a pure shear flow and from the superposition of a stationary wave on shear flow through two complementary model approaches. We first derive an analytical model for when crystals align under the joint influence of a wave and shear flow. We then use direct numerical simulations to quantify how crystal-crystal interactions modulate the analytically predicted preferential alignment of crystals.

We find that the formation of glomerocrysts with preferential aligned olivine crystals is consistent with bidirectional flow models, but unlikely to form in a unidirectional model. We emphasize that the imprint of the conduit flow on the crystals is subtle, suggesting that both clustering or alignment in isolation would be compatible with a much wider range of flow conditions than the observed conjunction of both attributes in the Kilauea Iki olivines. To our knowledge, these observations provide the first direct evidence of bidirectional flow in volcanic conduits.

How to cite: Suckale, J., diBenedetto, M., and Qin, Z.: Leveraging crystal-scale data to constrain the conduit flow regime in persistently active volcanoes, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-22411,, 2020.

EGU2020-355 | Displays | GMPV8.3

Tracking sulfur and its chalcophile allies at Kīlauea Volcano, Hawaii: A story of sulfide saturation, sulfide resorption and magmatic degassing

Penny Wieser, Frances Jenner, Marie Edmonds, John Maclennan, and Barbara Kunz

Kīlauea Volcano emits large quantities of sulfur and other chalcophile elements into the troposphere as gas and aerosol particles, with widespread implications for regional air quality. The concentration of these elements in erupting melts is controlled by sulfide saturation, as well as the interplay between the exsolved volatile phase, silicate and sulfide liquids on eruption. Analysis of sulfur and other chalcophile elements (e.g, Ni, Cu, Se, As, Bi, Cd) in melt inclusions and matrix glasses allow deconvolution of these various processes. Olivine-hosted melt inclusions have significantly lower Ni and Cu concentrations than matrix glasses, defining trajectories consistent with sulfide saturation. These observations, when interpreted with the latest generation of sulfide saturation models, demonstrate that sulfides saturate at high MgO contents (10-14 wt%), in contrast to the traditional interpretation that sulfide saturation occurs relatively late at Kīlauea (~ 2 wt% MgO). This apparent discrepancy may be reconciled by considering the behaviour of sulfides during syn-eruptive degassing. The release of ~90% of dissolved sulfur into the vapour phase at low pressures leads to previously sulfide-saturated magmas becoming sulfide-undersaturated, driving the resorption of sulfides in contact with the degassing silicate melt. Sulfide resorption releases Cu, Ni, S and other chalcophile elements into the vapour-melt-(sulfide) system. Comparisons of melt inclusion and matrix glasses reveals that significant quantities of S, Se, Bi and As partition into the exsolved volatile phase. Other elements, such as Ni and Cu, remain largely in the melt. The contrasting behaviour of Se and Cu demonstrates that chalcophile element degassing is largely controlled by fluid-melt, rather than sulfide-melt partitioning. Crucially, sulfide resorption obscures the textural and chemical record of sulfide saturation in matrix glass and whole-rocks, but not in melt inclusions, which are isolated from the late-stage release of chalcophile elements from sulfide breakdown. Sulfide resorption during degassing and eruption provides a significant, but previously unquantified flux of sulfur to the atmosphere (as SO2) at Kīlauea. Careful evaluation of melt inclusion Cu-Ni-S systematics reveals that the total S release during eruptions is ~1450 ppm (1.8 x previous estimates).

How to cite: Wieser, P., Jenner, F., Edmonds, M., Maclennan, J., and Kunz, B.: Tracking sulfur and its chalcophile allies at Kīlauea Volcano, Hawaii: A story of sulfide saturation, sulfide resorption and magmatic degassing, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-355,, 2020.

EGU2020-4848 | Displays | GMPV8.3

What is the magma storage depth under Osorno Volcano (Southern Volcanic Zone, Chile)?

Tonin Bechon, Jacqueline Vander Auwera, Olivier Namur, Paul Fugmann, Olivier Bolle, and Luis Lara

The depth at which magma chamber processes take place below magmatic arcs and the parameters controlling them are highly debated. These questions are fundamental for our understanding of the global magma differentiation as well as the formation of the continental crust at convergent margins, but also for evaluating the risks associated with volcanic eruptions.

In the Central Southern Volcanic Zone (Central-SVZ) of the Chilean Andes, a thin continental crust (30-40 km) and the occurrence of a major fault zone (Linquiñe-Ofqui) likely favor rapid magma ascent. This segment of the arc is as a consequence one of the most active in Chile with several recent eruptions (e.g. Llaima 2009, Cordon Caulle 2011, Calbuco 2015, Villarrica 2015 & 2019). The Central-SVZ is characterized by dominant mafic lavas (basalts, basaltic andesites), few rhyodacitic lavas, a noticeable compositional (Daly) gap in the intermediate compositions (andesites). Noteworthy, amphibole is usually absent, except in a few volcanoes (e.g. Calbuco) or only occurs as microliths in enclaves, which suggests rather low water contents. These observations contrast sharply with the Northern-SVZ where andesitic lavas are dominant and hydrous phases common.

We focused our research on the eruptive products of Osorno volcano (41°S, CSVZ) located between two volcanoes (Calbuco and Cordon Caulle) which recently showed very explosive eruptions and partly overlies an older Pleistocene eroded volcanic edifice (La Picada). A large series of samples were collected in four units spanning 200 kyr. They define a differentiation trend ranging from tholeiitic basalts to calk-alkaline dacites with a Daly Gap between 58 wt. % and 63 wt. % SiO2. Plagioclase and olivine are dominant before the gap while plagioclase and clino- and orthopyroxene dominate afterwards.

The use of recent thermobarometric models revealed two main storage regions: (1) at the MOHO interface (1-1.2GPa) and (2), at the upper/lower crust interface with rather low pressures (likely ≤0.3 Gpa). While at (1) primary magmas differentiate, (2) is interpreted as the depth of major differentiation and volatile exsolution. Thermodynamic simulations (Gualda et al., 2012; Ghiorso & Gualda, 2015) support these (2) depth estimates and reproduce the main paragenesis by simple fractional crystallization at 0.1-0.2 GPa. Our results may explain the recent seismic unrest below Osorno (from 2015 to 2019) with earthquakes mostly taking place between 0.1-0.3 GPa (4-10km below the summit). We suggest that Osorno is an important target to perform a comprehensive petrological study aiming at characterizing the Central-SVZ magmatic arc and the magmatic storage depths.

How to cite: Bechon, T., Vander Auwera, J., Namur, O., Fugmann, P., Bolle, O., and Lara, L.: What is the magma storage depth under Osorno Volcano (Southern Volcanic Zone, Chile)?, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-4848,, 2020.

EGU2020-8591 | Displays | GMPV8.3

Petrology of the April 2015 eruption of Calbuco volcano, southern Chile

Olivier Namur, Olivier Bolle, and Jacqueline Vander Auwera

Understanding the origin of intermediate magmas that commonly erupt from subduction zone volcanoes is important to better constrain the mechanisms of continental crust formation. We carried out a detailed mineralogical and petrological study of the eruptive products from the last eruption of Calbuco volcano, Chile. In April 2015, Calbuco produced a 3 phase sub-Plinian eruption with pyroclastic fallouts and flows of andesitic composition. Rocks from Calbuco are made up of a glass phase and a high but variable proportion of minerals dominated by plagioclase, clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene and minor olivine, amphibole and magnetite. Plagioclase is very strongly zoned with highly anorthitic cores surrounded by more albitic rims. Based on thermodynamic calculations and using published experimental data, we estimate that the anorthitic cores crystallized from a basaltic andesite containing 3.5-4.5 wt.% H2O. Using geochemical modelling, we also estimate that the bulk-rock major and trace element variability of Calbuco is best explained by accumulation of minerals in proportion plagioclase/pyroxene 72/28 in a dacitic melt. Such minerals most likely formed in the crystal mush zone of a magma chamber which, according to pyroxene and amphibole compositions, may have formed at a pressure of 2-3 kbar, corresponding to a depth of 8-11 km. A few weeks to months before the eruption, the crystal mush disaggregated, perhaps due to magmatic underplating, and a crystal-bearing dacitic melt moved upwards into a sub-surface storage region where the anorthite-poor rims formed. The 2015 eruption was probably internally triggered by over-pressurization in the shallow magma chamber.

How to cite: Namur, O., Bolle, O., and Vander Auwera, J.: Petrology of the April 2015 eruption of Calbuco volcano, southern Chile, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-8591,, 2020.

EGU2020-13762 | Displays | GMPV8.3

Magmatic processes under Villarrica stratovolcano (Central Southern Volcanic Zone, Chile).

Paul Fugmann, Jacqueline Vander Auwera, Olivier Namur, Tonin Bechon, Olivier Bolle, and Luis Lara

Magmatic arcs are usually considered to be major sites of new continental crust formation. However, the detailed differentiation processes that produce the characteristic calc-alkaline trends are still controversial. More particularly, the depth of differentiation in the arc crustal column and possible changes during the lifespan of a volcano are current subject of discussion.

The Central Southern Volcanic Zone (CSVZ) in Chile is characterized by a thin crust (~ 35 km; Hickey-Vargas et al., 2016) and by the presence of a major dextral transpressional crustal scaled structure (Liquiñe-Ofqui Fault Zone), two features that favor a rapid ascent of magmas from the mantle wedge to the surface. Recent petrological data acquired on volcanoes of the CSZV further indicate that most of the differentiation takes place at about 0.2 GPa, a depth corresponding to a major intracrustal discontinuity. However, for Villarrica stratovolcano (VR; 39.3°S, 71.6°W), estimates suggest two depths of differentiation, respectively at 0.8 and 0.2 GPa (Morgado et al. 2015, 2017).

VR is one of the most active volcanoes in the Andean Cordilleras. Since the mid 80’s, it has been constantly degasing through an open conduit filled by a summit lava lake. Several Holocene, monogenetic small eruptive centers (SECs) surround VR which forms together with Quetrupillán and Lanin stratovolcanoes a NW-SE oriented chain. It gives thus a perfect opportunity to study how the mentioned features influence the differentiation processes, their corresponding depth and the observed differentiation trends. VR is mainly composed of basaltic andesites and basaltic lavas and pyroclasts with less andesitic lavas and minor dacitic – rhyodacitic domes, while rocks from Quetrupillán and Lanin are compositionally more evolved (e.g. Hickey-Vargas et al., 1989).

Here we present mineral compositions (plagioclase, olivine, clinopyroxene) and whole-rock (lavas, pyroclasts) geochemical data for different units of VR as well as for some nearby SECs (Los Nevados, Chaillupén, San Jorge). The WR data combined with published analyses define a single differentiation trend extending from ~50 – 71 wt.% SiO2, with a compositional “Daly” gap between 58 – 62 wt.% SiO2. Moreover, a few VR samples have high Mg# up to 62 (SiO2 50.3-52.6, MgO 7.98 wt.%) and a tholeiitic affinity (e.g. AFM, K2O/Yb vs. Ta/Yb). The most mafic, tholeiitic basalts found in the area where produced by the proximate San Jorge SEC (Mg# 69, SiO2 50.6, MgO 9.5 wt.%) and interpreted by McGee et al. (2019) as reflecting a deep, melt-exhausted region of the mantle wedge. Major- and trace elements data together with supportive mass balance modelling and thermodynamic simulations with rhyolite-MELTS imply fractional crystallization as a major differentiation process.

How to cite: Fugmann, P., Vander Auwera, J., Namur, O., Bechon, T., Bolle, O., and Lara, L.: Magmatic processes under Villarrica stratovolcano (Central Southern Volcanic Zone, Chile)., EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-13762,, 2020.

EGU2020-10836 | Displays | GMPV8.3

Petrology and geochronology of Vran Kamak paleovolcano, Central Srednogorie, Bulgaria

Stoyan Georgiev, Eleonora Balkanska, Irena Peytcheva, and Dian Vangelov

Vran Kamak paleovolcano is formed during the Upper Cretaceous igneous activity along the Panagyurishte strip of Central Srednogorie Zone, Bulgaria, part of the magmatic-metalogenic arc belt Apuseni-Banat-Timok-Srednogorie. It represents a comparatively well-preserved, eroded stratovolcano built of epiclastics, pyroclastics and lava flow (with typical hyaloclastite and peperite formation) succession surrounded by marine environment, as only a part from the volcanic cone was over the sea level. The central (conduit) parts of the paleovolcano are intruded by a volcanic neck in the area of Vran Kamak summit. The volcanic activity was accompanied by sedimentary gravity flows and volcaniclastic debris is dispersed in the Late Cretaceous basin. The present study provides new petrological and geochronological data for Vran Kamak paleovolcano.

The analyzed samples from the lava flows show basaltic andesite to andesite composition with SiO2 contents ranging from 51 to 55.5 wt %, while the volcanic neck of the Vran Kamak summit is trachydacite (SiO2 of 61.54 wt % ). The rocks are medium- to high-K calc-alkaline. On a primitive-mantle normalized diagram, the rocks show peaks in LILE (U, Th, Pb) and troughs in Nb, Ta, Ti and P. Weak negative Eu anomaly (0.83–0.94) and LaN/YbN (10 to 13) are observed. Fractionation of mafic minerals (amphibole and pyroxene) and plagioclase is visible on the harker diagrams. The 87Sr/86Sr(i) ratio of 0.705141 from the volcanic neck shows small degree of crustal assimilation.

The basaltic andesite to andesite lava flows are built of plagioclase (with normal oscillatory zoning, bytownite-labrador, An88-56), amphibole (tschermakite to magnesiohastingsite) and pyroxenes (mostly augite and rare small enstatite crystals embedded in them). Some of the clinopyroxenes form corona texture around the amphibole, showing processes of dewatering. The trachydacite neck is built of porphyries of plagioclase, sanidine, biotite, amphibole (megnesiohornblende to thermakite), magmatically coroded quartz and accessories of zircon, apatite and magnetite set in a fine-grained groundmass. The calculated depths of crystallization and temperatures of the hornblende from the lava flows are 17–22 km and 930–970 oC and that from the neck are 5.9–7 km and 800–830 oC, that give evidence for a complex volcano-plutonic system.

An attempt for LA-ICPMS U-Pb zircon dating of one the lava flows is made, but it contains only xenocrysts which fall in several age intervals: 306–314 Ma, 440–450 Ma, 520–530 Ma, 560–614 Ma, 810–830 Ma which represent inherited and recycled component from the local basement. This lava flow has a peperitic contact with sediments faunistically dated at the Turonian/Coniacian boundary (Cremnoceramus deformis erectus, Vangelov et al., 2019). The zircon population of the trachydacite neck is presented mostly by own magmatic grown crystals giving a Concordia age of 91.12 ±0.43 Ma.


Acknowledgements. The study is supported by grant DN 04/9 funded by the National Science Fund, Ministry of Education and Science, Bulgaria.



Vangelov, D., Gerdjikov, I., Dochev, D., Dotseva, Z., Velev, S., Dinev, Y., Trayanova, D., Dancheva, J. 2019. Upper Cretaceous lithostratigraphy of the Panagyurishte strip (Central Bulgaria) – part of the Late Cretaceous Apuseni-Banat-Timok-Srednogorie magmatic belt. – Geol Balc., 48, 3, 11–33.


How to cite: Georgiev, S., Balkanska, E., Peytcheva, I., and Vangelov, D.: Petrology and geochronology of Vran Kamak paleovolcano, Central Srednogorie, Bulgaria, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-10836,, 2020.

Diffusion profiles in sanidine (Ba) and olivine (Mg-Fe, Ca, Mn, and Ni) were used to track recharge events prior to the eruption of the Laacher See volcano, East Eifel volcanic field, western Germany (12.9 ka). Sanidine crystals were analyzed in samples from cumulates and mafic to intermediate phonolites. Olivine crystals occur only in the final mafic eruption products of the compositionally zoned tephra deposit and represent the hybrids of mixing between differentiated phonolite, crystal cumulates, and intruding basanitic magma at the bottom of the magma reservoir. This mixing event is likely related to the eruption triggering event. Additionally, olivine crystals from ten basanitic scoria and maar deposits in the East Eifel and two locations in the West Eifel (Pulvermaar melilith-nephelinite, Meerfelder Maar ol-nephelinite) were analyzed to represent Quaternary parent mafic magmas in Eifel volcanism.

Olivine from the mafic component that mixed with the Laacher See phonolite are always reversely zoned from cores of variable composition (Fo83-89). Zoning of all crystals show trends to a common rim composition (Fo87.5-89). Most crystals show additionally a narrow (<10 μm) normally zoned overgrowth at the outermost grain boundary (Fo86.5-87.5). Olivine crystals from mafic cones in the East Eifel show similar zoning patterns and core compositions (Fo80-88) as those from Laacher See hybrids, but their rims are more variable and always less forsteritic (Fo83-88). The lack of olivine rims with >Fo88 indicates that East Eifel basanites are less primitive than the basanite that intruded into the Laacher See reservoir with olivine rim composition >Fo89. However, olivine in samples from the West Eifel nephelinite maar deposits show rim compositions similar to the olivines from Laacher See (Fo87.5-90), but are dominantly normal zoned and have high-Fo cores (Fo88-92).

We interpret these observations to indicate that olivine crystals on Laacher See hybrids probably originate from a cumulate or crystal mush with low melt fraction that was disaggregated by the ascending basanite before hybridization. Diffusion modeling of olivine rims indicate a time scale between mixing and eruption of less than 49 days.

Diffusion times of the sanidine phenocrysts from the intermediate phonolite indicate older recharge events every 1500-3000 yrs that did not result in complete hybridization and eruption. Ba-diffusion times are much shorter for sanidines from the mafic phonolite (4-8 yrs) and the cumulates (months). The reactivation of crystals from cumulates, that can be related to the eruption-triggering recharge event, occurred therefore only months prior to the eruption of Laacher See. These timescales between recharge and eruption are remarkably shorter than the diffusion times calculated for olivine from basanite erupted from scoria cones (up to 500 days).

How to cite: Sundermeyer, C., Rout, S. S., and Wörner, G.: Timescales from mixing to eruption in alkaline volcanism in the Eifel volcanic fields obtained from sanidine and olivine diffusion modelling, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-6945,, 2020.

EGU2020-15464 | Displays | GMPV8.3

The eccentric cones Monte De Fiore, Monti Rossi, Monte Spagnolo and the 2002/2003 eruption, Mt. Etna: evidence for magma mixing

Moritz Bauer, Theodoros Ntaflos, Rainer Abart, Pier-Paolo Giacomoni, Carmelo Ferlito, and Massimo Coltorti

Mt. Etna is one of the most protrusive features of the eastern coastline of Sicily, Italy. As Europe’s most active volcano it has been studied extensively to reveal its geodynamic setting, plumbing system and due to the constant monitoring of the volcano edifice the prediction of the risk future events is sophisticated at Mt. Etna.

The eruptive activity has been divided according to the age into 6 stages: (1) “Tholeiitic Stage”, was active between 600-320 ka ago, (2) the “Timpe Stage” between 220 and 110 ka ago, (3) the “Ancient Alcaline Volcanism”  between 110 and 65 ka ago and (4) the “Ellittico Stage” between 57 and 15 ka ago (5) the “Mongibello Stage” from 15 ka ago until 1971 and (6) the “post -1971 Stage” active since 1971 (Casetta et al., 2019).

The lava propagating through the Etnean plumbing system generated a complex network consisting of sills and dykes responsible for the formation of the summit craters and a plethora of eccentric cones that cover the flanks of the volcano.

We studied whole rock and mineral chemistry of the lavas from three eccentric cones (Monte Spagnolo, Monte Fiori and Monte Rossi) and the 2002/2003 southern flank lava flow. All lavas are characterized by trachytic texture with variable modal composition of olivine, clinopyroxene and plagioclase phenocrysts. Euhedral and skeletal olivine phenocrysts can be distinguished into three main groups; a) normal zoning, b) inverse zoning, and c) patchy appearance with melt inclusions of andesitic and trachytic composition. The Monte Spagnolo whole rock composition has an Mg# ranging between 52-54 and 10.7 wt% CaO , being are the most primitive lavas among the sampled outcrops whereas the Monte De Fiore lavas are the most evolved since the Mg# ranges from 48.6 to 49.2 and the CaO content from 11 to 11.2 wt%. Both, Monti Rossi and the  2002/2003 lava flow are more evolved than the Monte Spagnolo since they have Mg# ~ 50 and 49-49.3 respectively. The CaO concentration in both outcrops is relatively constant ranging around 10.5 wt%.

The olivine compositions follow the same trend as their whole rocks. The most MgO-rich olivine (Fo=88.9 %) was found in the Monte Spagnolo lavas. This olivine is of magmatic origin and cannot be considered as mantle derived xenocryst since the NiO content is low (NiO=0.17 – 0.2 wt%) and the CaO-content high (CaO=0.24 – 0.26 wt%). The most evolved lavas from Monte De Fiore have the lowest Fo-content (Fo=75 - 78 %). Olivine from all samples has a characteristic inverse zonation with, at Monti Rossi and 2002/2003 lava flow, Fo-content in the core ranging from 69% to 75% and in the rim from 77% to 80% respectively.

In conclusion, the studied eccentric cones show extensive magma mixing as can be inferred from the olivine inverse zoning. Monte Spagnolo lavas represent the most primitive magma formed at high temperatures (olivine skeletal growing) and the Monte De Fiore lavas the most evolved magma.


Casetta et al., 2019. International Geology Review, DOI: 10.1080/00206814.2019.1610979

How to cite: Bauer, M., Ntaflos, T., Abart, R., Giacomoni, P.-P., Ferlito, C., and Coltorti, M.: The eccentric cones Monte De Fiore, Monti Rossi, Monte Spagnolo and the 2002/2003 eruption, Mt. Etna: evidence for magma mixing, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-15464,, 2020.

EGU2020-16427 | Displays | GMPV8.3

Petrological constraints on the evolution of the eccentric cones Monte Maletto, Monte Frumento and Monte Nuovo – Mt. Etna

Barbara Hofbauer, Theodoros Ntaflos, Rainer Abart, Pier Paolo Giacomoni, Massimo Coltorti, and Carmelo Ferlito

Mt. Etna is one of the most protrusive features of the eastern coastline of Sicily, Italy. As Europe’s most active volcano it has been studied extensively to reveal its geodynamic setting, plumbing system and due to the constant monitoring of the volcano edifice the prediction of the risk future events is sophisticated at Mt. Etna.
The eruptive activity has been divided according to the age into 6 stages: (1) “Tholeiitic Stage”, was active between 600-320 ka ago, (2) the “Timpe Stage” between 220 and 110 ka ago, (3) the “Ancient Alcaline Volcanism”  between 110 and 65 ka ago and (4) the “Ellittico Stage” between 57 and 15 ka ago (5) the “Mongibello Stage” from 15 ka ago until 1971 and (6) the “post -1971 Stage” active since 1971 (Casetta et al., 2019).

The lava propagating through the Etnean plumbing system generated a complex network consisting of sills and dykes responsible for the formation of the summit craters and a plethora of eccentric cones that cover the flanks of the volcano.

We studied using whole rock and mineral analyses the lavas from three eccentric cones (Monte Maletto, Monte Nuovo and Monte Frumento) and the 2001 eruption on the south flank from the main crater. All lavas are characterized by trachytic texture with variable modal composition of olivine, clinopyroxene and plagioclase phenocrysts. The Monte Maletto whole rock composition with an Mg# ranging between 56-58 and a CaO content of 12.0 wt% are the most primitive lavas among the sampled outcrops whereas the Monte Frumento lavas are the most evolved since the Mg# ranges from 43 to 46 and the CaO content from 9.5 to 10.8 wt%. Both, Monte Nuovo and 2001 eruption are more evolved than the Monte Maletto since they have Mg# ~ 50 and 51.5-52.9 respectively. The CaO concentration in both outcrops is relatively constant ranging from 9.8 to 10.7 wt%.

The olivine compositions follow the same trend as their whole rocks. The most MgO-rich olivine (Fo=87.5 %) found in the Monte Maletto lavas. This olivine is of magmatic origin and cannot be considered as mantle derived xenocryst since the NiO content is low (NiO=0.16 wt%) and the CaO-content high (CaO=0.22 wt%). The most evolved lavas from Monte Frumente have the lowest Fo-content (Fo=64-68 %). Olivine from both, Monte Nuovo and 2001 eruption have a characteristic inverse zonation with Fo-content in the core ranging from 69.9 to 75 and in the rim from 78.2 to 81.7 respectively.

In conclusion, the Monte Maletto lavas represent the most primitive magma formed at high temperatures (skeletal growing of the olivine) and the Monte Frumento lavas the most evolved magma. The Monte Nuovo and 2001 eruption experienced magma mixing as inferred from the olivine inverse zonation. Monte Nuovo can be considered a flank eruption of lava deviated from the central conduit rather than an eccentric cone.

Casetta, Federico, et al. "The evolution of the mantle source beneath Mt. Etna (Sicily, Italy): from the 600 ka tholeiites to the recent trachybasaltic magmas." International Geology Review (2019): 1-22.

How to cite: Hofbauer, B., Ntaflos, T., Abart, R., Giacomoni, P. P., Coltorti, M., and Ferlito, C.: Petrological constraints on the evolution of the eccentric cones Monte Maletto, Monte Frumento and Monte Nuovo – Mt. Etna, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-16427,, 2020.

EGU2020-18258 | Displays | GMPV8.3

How to reconstruct the geometry of a Middle Triassic feeding system: clues from clinopyroxene textures in lava flows from Cima Pape (Southern Alps, Italy)

Federico Casetta, Pier Paolo Giacomoni, Nicolò Nardini, and Massimo Coltorti

Ancient volcano-plutonic complexes can record the evolution of single- or multi-pulse plumbing systems and thus can be used as proxy to investigate the magma dynamics beneath active volcanoes. The exceptional state of conservation of the Middle Triassic Cima Pape complex (Dolomitic Area, Southern Alps) makes it an ideal snapshot of a ~238 Ma old feeding system of a dominantly effusive volcano. It is composed of a 50 to 300 metres thick gabbroic to monzodioritic sill intruded in the sedimentary cover and overlaid by its volcanic counterpart, made up of basaltic to trachyandesitic lavas and pillow breccias. A detailed investigation of the textural and compositional features of clinopyroxene phenocrysts in the volcanites revealed that complex dynamic processes took place in the feeding system beneath the Cima Pape “volcano”. Although some crystals have normal homogeneous or simple-zoned texture, with Mg# [MgO/(MgO+FeOtot) mol%] ranging between 71 and 77 (type 1 clinopyroxene), the great majority of them is typified by a peculiar texture, characterized by the occurrence of intermediate high-Mg# (80-84, up to 90), high-Cr2O3 (up to 1.0 wt%) and low-TiO2 (down to 0.1 wt%) bands (type 2 clinopyroxene). These overgrowths, crystallized between low-Mg# cores and rims, likely indicate that the feeding system was affected by frequent mixing between mafic inputs and differentiated batches. An overview of the main textural/geochemical features of clinopyroxene in effusive and intrusive products was put forward in the present study to reconstruct the main chemico-physical parameters and evolution of the feeding systems beneath the Middle Triassic volcanoes of the Dolomitic Area. Afterwards, these results will be used to advance some speculations about the processes recorded by clinopyroxene crystals in lava flows from active volcanoes, such as Stromboli and/or Mt. Etna.

How to cite: Casetta, F., Giacomoni, P. P., Nardini, N., and Coltorti, M.: How to reconstruct the geometry of a Middle Triassic feeding system: clues from clinopyroxene textures in lava flows from Cima Pape (Southern Alps, Italy), EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-18258,, 2020.

EGU2020-20439 | Displays | GMPV8.3

Insights from ultramafic nodules on the plumbing system of the Fogo Island 2014-2015 Eruption (Cape Verde)

Rita Caldeira, João Mata, Sofia Martins, José Madeira, Rui Ramalho, Pedro Silva, and Mário Moreira

The last eruption on Fogo Island (Cape Verde Archipelago) occurred in 2014-2015, with mostly hawaiian and strombolian but sometimes vulcanian activity, with variable emission rates of lava flows, pyroclasts and gases (SO2 and CO2).   Some lava flows, mainly from the first stage of the eruption enclosed small granular ultramafic nodules (1-3cm), with angular to rounded shapes. The host rocks are porphyritic tephrites, with Ti-augite and Ti-magnetite phenocrysts and, sometimes, amphibole xenocrysts in a brown glassy matrix including laths of plagioclase, clinopyroxene and Ti-mgnetite.

The nodules are composed of an early crystallization phase olivine, in subheuedral crystals devoid of kink-bands or in rounded crystals enclosed in clinopyroxene oikocrysts. Clinopyroxene occurs in subeuhedral to anhedral zoned crystals, sometimes partially patchy replaced by late igneous amphibole which also occurs as primary crystals as well as in some xenocrysts. In both cases they frequently show reaction rims with transformation in rhonite, most probably resulting from degassing. Oxide minerals are present as a minor component occurring in sub-euhedral to anhedral crystals as inclusions in olivine and clinopyroxene or interstitially between silicate minerals.

The typical cumulus textures, and the mineral chemistry already obtained for the ultramafic nodules from the 2014 eruption at Fogo strongly suggest that they have a cumulate origin and are cognate with the host magmas. Indeed, the similar composition of Ti- augites from the nodules and phenocrysts (Wo49-51 En42-36 Fs12-10), as well as the olivine Fo contents and high CaO contents in olivine are explained by crystal segregation from the same magma of the host rock.

Geothermobarometric calculations point to crystallization temperatures for the cumulates between 1150 and 1200 ºC and pressures around 7- 10 kbar, while phenocrysts in host rocks crystallized at around 1000 ºC, and pressures of 3-4. These data confirm the existence of a polybaric plumbing system feeding the 2014-15 Fogo eruption, with some of the reservoirs having developed at mantle depths (at least 22 km).   


This research received financial support from FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia) through project FIRE (PTDC/GEO-GEO/1123/2014).

How to cite: Caldeira, R., Mata, J., Martins, S., Madeira, J., Ramalho, R., Silva, P., and Moreira, M.: Insights from ultramafic nodules on the plumbing system of the Fogo Island 2014-2015 Eruption (Cape Verde) , EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-20439,, 2020.

EGU2020-10696 | Displays | GMPV8.3

Analysis of Experimentally Zoned Crystals to Investigate The Thermo-Chemical Evolution of Magma Reservoirs

Alessandro Musu, Luca Caricchi, Diego Perugini, Rosa Anna Corsaro, Francesco Vetere, and Maurizio Petrelli

Magma reservoirs are characterized by thermal and chemical gradients producing large variations of the spatial distribution of the physical properties of the magma they contain. Understanding the pre-eruptive thermal, chemical and physical evolution of magma represents an important step to correctly interpret the signs of an impending eruption. In this framework, the chemical zoning of minerals, which provide us a record of these thermal and chemical perturbations, represents an important tool to reconstruct reservoir dynamics. We study the effect of the competition between changing intensive parameters, element diffusion and mineral growth on the chemical zoning of minerals. We grow chemical zoned minerals at the Petro-Volcanology Research Group of the University of Perugia, using tephra from 2002-03 Mt. Etna eruption as starting material. The zonation in minerals is been forced inside a high-temperature furnace by oscillating the temperature under three different conditions: static conditions, using a controlled deformation gradient (concentric cylinder apparatus) and using a chaotic mixing regime (Chaotic Magma Mixing Device – CMMD). We collect major and trace elements distribution maps on a large number of crystals using Electron Probe Micro Analyzer (EPMA) and Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS), respectively. The data will be analysed using a series of custom built machine learning algorithms to disentangle zoning related to variations of the thermodynamic conditions of crystal growth from the effects of the competition between diffusion and growth. Our data will help deciphering the zoning patterns observed in natural crystals, improve our understanding of magma reservoir dynamics and help the interpretation of monitoring signals in the period preceding a volcanic eruption.

How to cite: Musu, A., Caricchi, L., Perugini, D., Corsaro, R. A., Vetere, F., and Petrelli, M.: Analysis of Experimentally Zoned Crystals to Investigate The Thermo-Chemical Evolution of Magma Reservoirs, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-10696,, 2020.

EGU2020-488 | Displays | GMPV8.3

The role of syn-eruptive crystallization on pantelleritic eruptive dynamics

paola stabile, Ernestina Appiah, and Michael Robert Carroll

Pantellerites are strongly peralkaline rhyolites occurring mainly in extensional tectonic setting, from oceanic islands (Ascension Island) to continental rift zones, as for example Pantelleria Island in the Sicily channel rift zone, Kenyan and Ethiopian Rift Valleys and Mayor Island (NZ-Taupo Volcanic Zone). Peralkaline magmas are noted for their ability to shift between explosive and effusive eruptive styles, which is strictly associated with viscosity, degassing kinetics, the initial temperature and crystal content of the magma.

The present experimental work aims at unravelling pre- and syn-eruptive crystallisation dynamics and time-scales of most explosive eruptions that are so unforeseeable and not yet systematically studied, but essential to assessing volcanic hazards of the Pantelleria system.

Crystal nucleation and growth of alkali feldspars in pantelleritic melts have been investigated by cooling and decompression experiments conducted at the T-P range more plausible for the Pantelleria system (T=680-800 °C,  [1]; 25-100 MPa). The studied melt composition belongs to the Fastuca pumice fall eruptive unit of Pantelleria which is rich in Na and Fe and it presents a peralkalinity index of 1.4.

Textural analysis on the hydrous samples reveal that crystal fraction (φ) varies from average pre-eruptive values of 0.02  to 0.2 during magma ascent from magma chamber depths (ca. 3-4 km, at 100 MPa) to shallower depths (corresponding to pressures of 50 MPa), leading to an increase of viscosity of 1 log unit (value estimated using the equation in [2], starting from the pre-eruptive low viscosity of the pure pantelleritic liquid calculated by [3]), which may contribute to enhance a more explosive magma eruptive behavior. Also considering fast decompression rates (DP/Dt) (in the range of 0.2-0.6 MPa/s), it results a large decrease in pressure along the conduit, promoting volatile exsolution and higher magma accelerations, which along with increasing viscosity, crystallinity, and velocities, could lead to magma brittle behavior and trigger explosive eruptive events.

A better understanding of how these explosive pantelleretic eruptions work will lead to improved volcano monitoring and disaster mitigation in high-risk volcano-tectonic areas as for instance is Pantelleria Island, where about 10.000 inhabitants live permanently.


[1] Di Carlo I. et al. (2010) Journal of Petrology 51 (11), 2245–2276. [2] Vona A. et al. (2011) Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 75(11), 3214–3236. [3] Di Genova D. et al. (2013) Volcanol. Geotherm. Res. 249, 201–216.

How to cite: stabile, P., Appiah, E., and Carroll, M. R.: The role of syn-eruptive crystallization on pantelleritic eruptive dynamics, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-488,, 2020.

EGU2020-19028 | Displays | GMPV8.3

Unravelling pre-eruptive P-T conditions by machine learning

Maurizio Petrelli, Luca Caricchi, and Diego Perugini

Clinopyroxene based thermometers and barometers are widely used tools for estimating temperature and pressure conditions under which magmas are stored before eruptions.

Several studies reported the development and the application of Clinopyroxene–liquid geothermobarometers in many different volcanic environments, also warning on the potential pitfall in using overly complex models [e.g., 1 and references therein]. The main drawback in the use of models with a large number of parameters is the potential overfitting of the calibration data, yielding a poor accuracy in real-world applications. On the other hand, simpler models cannot account for the complexity of natural magmatic systems, requiring different calibrations for different magma chemistries [e.g., 2, 3].

In the present study, we report on the development of Clinopyroxene and Clinopyroxene-liquid thermometers and barometers in a wide range of P-T-X conditions using Machine Learning (ML) algorithms. To avoid overfitting and demonstrate the robustness of the different methods, we randomly split the dataset into training and validation portions and repeating this procedure up to 10000 times to trace the performance of each of the used algorithms. We compared the performance of ML algorithms with classical and established Clinopyroxene and Clinopyroxene-liquid thermometers and barometers using local and global calibrations. Finally, we applied the obtained thermometers and barometers to real study cases.


[1]      K. D. Putirka, Thermometers and barometers for volcanic systems, Minerals, Inclusions and Volcanic Processes, 69. 61–120, 2008.

[2]      D. A. Neave, K. D. Putirka, Am. Mineral., 2017, DOI:10.2138/am-2017-5968.

[3]      M. Masotta, S. Mollo, C. Freda, M. Gaeta, G. Moore, Contrib. to Mineral. Petrol., 2013, DOI:10.1007/s00410-013-0927-9.

How to cite: Petrelli, M., Caricchi, L., and Perugini, D.: Unravelling pre-eruptive P-T conditions by machine learning, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-19028,, 2020.

EGU2020-9688 | Displays | GMPV8.3

Time-series experiments of pyroxene crystal nucleation and growth in basaltic magmas and implications for magma rheology

Margherita Polacci, Fabio Arzilli, Giuseppe La Spina, Nolwenn Le Gall, Rafael Torres Orozco, Margaret Hartley, Danilo Di Genova, Robert Atwood, Ed Llewellin, Richard Brooker, Heidy Mader, Peter Lee, and Mike Burton

Basaltic volcanism is strongly influenced by magmatic viscosity, which, in turn, is controlled by magma composition, crystallisation, oxygen fugacity and vesiculation. We developed an environmental cell to replicate the pressure and temperature during magma ascent from crustal storage to the surface, while capturing crystallisation using in-situ 4D X-ray computed microtomography. Crystallisation experiments were performed at Diamond Light Source, using monochromatic 53 keV X-rays, a pixel size of 3.2 μm, a sample to detector distance of 2000 mm, 1440 projections per 180 deg, an acquisition time of 0.04 s, and a rotation velocity of 3.125 deg.s-1. The redox conditions were controlled using an oxidised nickel disk for each experiment. Our starting materials were samples made of crystal-free glass cylinders (Ø 3 mm) from the 2001 Etna eruption with 0.9 and 0.8 wt. % water content. In the experiments, samples and crucibles were sealed initially by applying ~10 N loads. All samples were then heated up above glass transition (between 800 °C and 900 °C) in order to allow sample homogenisation while preventing volatiles exsolution. We then pressurised each sample by applying uniaxial loads (between 80 and 380 N), using high-degree alumina pistons, in order to generate enough internal pressure to maintain bubble-free samples when the desired high temperature was reached. Once at the initial high temperature, we began experiments via dropping the temperature to different target isothermal (from 1210 to 1130 °C or 1180 to 1110 °C) and isobaric conditions (8 and 10 MPa, respectively). For the whole duration of the experiments, we were able to observe directly and record pyroxene crystal nucleation and growth. Specifically, we were able to observe pyroxene nucleation on bubbles at small undercooling (∆T) and epitaxial growth of pyroxene at large ∆T. An increase of ∆T (up to 50 °C) can be associated with a decompression of a magma chamber or a decompression during magma ascent in the conduit. As ∆T = 30 - 50 °C can be reached in most of the basaltic volcanic systems on Earth, our results provide a feasible explanation of which mechanisms control nucleation and growth of pyroxene crystals in hydrous basaltic magmas. In addition, epitaxial growth promotes a faster increase of the crystal volume. As a larger crystal content translates into a higher viscosity, our results have important implications for magma rheology, and are extremely important to improve our understanding of magma ascent dynamics during volcanic eruptions, and our capacity to predict eruptions and mitigate volcanic hazards.

How to cite: Polacci, M., Arzilli, F., La Spina, G., Le Gall, N., Torres Orozco, R., Hartley, M., Di Genova, D., Atwood, R., Llewellin, E., Brooker, R., Mader, H., Lee, P., and Burton, M.: Time-series experiments of pyroxene crystal nucleation and growth in basaltic magmas and implications for magma rheology, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-9688,, 2020.

EGU2020-10336 | Displays | GMPV8.3

The origin of clinopyroxene - titanomagnetite clustering during crystallisation of synthetic trachybasalt

Thomas Griffiths, Gerlinde Habler, Matteo Masotta, and Alessio Pontesilli

Crystal clustering impacts rheology and differentiation in magmatic systems, and also offers insights into nucleation processes. Electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) is ideal for studying interactions between crystals at interfaces. Clinopyroxene (Cpx) – titanomagnetite (Timt) clusters formed in time series experiments on synthetic trachybasaltic melt were studied using EBSD to understand the cause of clustering. Experiments were performed at 400 MPa and the NNO +2 buffer, at both anhydrous and hydrous (2 wt.% H2O) conditions, by cooling from 1300 °C (superliquidus) to 1100 °C with a rate of 80°C/min and holding at the target temperature for 4 – 8 hours before isobaric quenching.

All experiments crystallize dendritic Cpx (Lmax = 50 – 60 µm) and isometric euhedral to hopper-shaped Timt (Lmax = 5 – 6 µm). Infrequent (~ 10 mm-2) unmelted Cr-oxide crystals are surrounded by polycrystalline Cr-bearing Timt rims (Lmax Cr-oxide + rim = 20 µm). Cpx dendrite “rosettes” radiate from the polycrystalline rims, but many dendrites do not belong to rosettes, at least in 2D. Individual Timt crystals (Cr-free) are strongly associated with the sides and tips of Cpx dendrites. About 75% of Timt grains are in contact with Cpx in 2D. Cpx-Timt interfaces are irregular, and Timt is often attached only by thin necks. Timt grain centers are weakly clustered (R = 0.87 – 0.95, 1 = random).

Timt shows a strong crystallographic orientation relationship (COR) with Cpx, with 75 – 89% of Timt grains in contact with Cpx lying within 6° of a single fixed (“specific”) COR, OR1 = Cpx [010] // Timt <110>; Cpx (100) // Timt <111>; Cpx [001] // Timt <112>. The axes Cpx [010] // Timt <110> show the least dispersion (< 3°) from the ideal alignment. Relative to Cpx, individual Timt may be rotated up to 6° away from OR1, around an axis close to Cpx [010]. There are two peaks in this continuous distribution, corresponding to OR1 (above) and OR2 = Cpx [010] // Timt <110>; Cpx (-101) // Timt <111>; Cpx [101] // Timt <112>. The misorientation between OR1 and OR2 is 5.3°. OR1 and OR2 together represent 68 – 77% of Timt grains in contact with Cpx (tolerance angle 2.6°).

Cpx dendrite branches bend around Cpx [010]. The anhydrous sample with dwell time 4 hours shows continuous bending of up to ~15°, whereas the hydrous sample with dwell time 8 hours shows bending of up to only ~7° and subgrain boundaries (1 - 2°) separating undistorted domains, suggesting recovery of bent crystals during annealing. Initial Cpx nucleation likely occurred heterogeneously as rosettes on Cr-bearing Timt rims around Cr-oxide crystals. Multiple Timt grains touching different branches of the same bent Cpx crystal all maintain a close COR with the Cpx orientation immediately adjacent to the Cpx-Timt interface, indicating that Timt nucleated on (or attached to) dendrite branches during or after their growth.

In conclusion, EBSD is a powerful method for understanding crystallization and cluster formation. Future work will study the effect of annealing time, water content, and undercooling on Cpx – Timt cluster development.

How to cite: Griffiths, T., Habler, G., Masotta, M., and Pontesilli, A.: The origin of clinopyroxene - titanomagnetite clustering during crystallisation of synthetic trachybasalt, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-10336,, 2020.

EGU2020-12700 | Displays | GMPV8.3

Magma ascent and eruption forecasting at Deception Island volcano (Antarctica) evidenced by δD and δ18O variations

Antonio M. Álvarez-Valero, Meritxell Aulinas, Adelina Geyer, Guillem Gisbert, Gabor Kereszturi, Elena Núñez-Guerrero, Antonio Polo-Sánchez, and Hirochika Sumino

Geochemistry of volatiles in active volcanoes provides insights into the magmatic processes and evolution at depth, such as magma evolution and degassing, which can be implemented into volcanic hazards assessment. Deception Island is one of the most active volcanoes in Antarctica, with more than twenty explosive eruptions documented over the past two centuries. Hydrogen and oxygen isotopic variations in the volatiles trapped in the Deception Island rocks (glass and melt inclusions in phenocrysts) provide essential information on the mechanisms controlling the eruptive history in this volcanic suite. Thus, understanding the petrological and related isotopic variations in the island, has the potential to foresee the possible occurrence and its main eruptive features of a future eruption.

Information from hydrogen and oxygen stable isotopes combined with detailed petrologic data reveal in Deception Island (i) fast ascent and quenching of most magmas, preserving pre-eruptive magmatic signal of water contents and isotopic ratios, with local modification by rehydration due to glass exposition to seawater, meteoric and fumarolic waters; (ii) a plumbing system(s) currently dominated by closed-system degassing leading to explosive eruptions; (iii) control on the interactions of ascending magmas with the surface waters producing hydrovolcanic activity throughout the two main fault systems in Deception Island. These results can be considered in further studies of volcanic monitoring to improve the capability to interpret geophysical data and signals recorded during volcanic unrest episodes, and hence, forecast volcanic eruptions and related hazards.

This research was partially funded by the following projects: POSVOLDEC (CTM2016‐79617‐P) (AEI/FEDER‐UE), VOLGASDEC (PGC2018-095693-B-I00) (AEI/FEDER‐UE) and Programa Propio Ib-2019 (USAL). This research is also part of POLARCSIC activities.

How to cite: Álvarez-Valero, A. M., Aulinas, M., Geyer, A., Gisbert, G., Kereszturi, G., Núñez-Guerrero, E., Polo-Sánchez, A., and Sumino, H.: Magma ascent and eruption forecasting at Deception Island volcano (Antarctica) evidenced by δD and δ18O variations , EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-12700,, 2020.

EGU2020-4830 | Displays | GMPV8.3

Massive degassing-derived eruptions at Deception Island (Antarctica): Evidences from noble gas isotopes

Elena Núñez-Guerrero, Hirochika Sumino, Antonio M. Álvarez-Valero, Meritxell Aulinas, and Helena Albert

Analysis of noble gas isotopes is an excellent tool to decipher the origin of the Earth materials due to their particular isotopic ratios for each geochemical reservoir. In addition, they are particularly useful for tracing the evolution of these materials as their elemental ratios record modifications produced by key magmatic processes such as degassing, melting and crystallization (1).

We have analysed noble gas composition in melt inclusions in olivine phenocrysts and glass (bulk-rock) of volcanic ejecta from Deception Island’s volcano with the aim to trace noble gas evolution from its magma source to eruption. Deception Island is one of the most active volcanoes in Antarctica, characterised by three main eruptive episodes, namely pre-, syn- and postcaldera, which magmatic system is widely characterized from the petrologic and geochemical perspectives (2). In pre- and syn-caldera samples, we have extracted the gas from the glass, and the melt inclusions in the olivines, by step-heating (up to 2000ºC) and crushing (hydraulic press) in an ultra-high-vacuum mass spectrometer.

4He/40Ar* ratios in Deception Island (0.15-0.25), where 40Ar* indicates non-atmospheric 40Ar,are significantly lower than the mantle ratio (1-5). If this 4He/40Ar* variation resulted from fractionation during degassing, the residual magma (i.e., olivine melt inclusions)should have higher 4He/40Ar* ratio than the previous magmas as He is more soluble than Ar within silicate melt. Hence, the previous or primitivemagmashould have 4He/40Ar* lower than 0.15, due to diffusivity-controlled fractionation in its source mantle by precedent melt extraction stages. However, local pre- and syn-caldera olivines show 4He/40Ar* values as high as c. 20(with 3He/4He RA= 8, i.e. mantle signal), thus revealing intensivedegassing episodes that led to the pre- and syn-caldera eruptive events, responsible forboth the island formation and the caldera’s collapse, respectively. This is coherent at least with (i) the enormous eruption described in the island of over 60 km3of magma erupted (3)during the caldera event (4); and (ii) the current 4He/40Ar* values(5)of fumaroles in the island (3-8) that represent degassing of the present magma and are also higher than in the melt inclusions, thus implying significant degassing possibly during the caldera event.


(1) Burnard, 2001, GCA; (2) Geyer et al., 2019. Sci.Rep.; (3) Geyer & Martí, 2008. JVGR; (4) Antoniades et al., 2018. Sci.Rep; (5) Padrón et al., 2015. Antarct Sci.

This research was partially funded by the POSVOLDEC (CTM2016‐79617‐P) (AEI/FEDER‐UE) and VOLGASDEC (PGC2018-095693-B-I00) (AEI/FEDER‐UE) projects and a JSPS Invitation Fellowship (S18113) at the University of Tokyo. This research is also part of POLARCSIC activities. E. N-G very much appreciates the travel grant to attend EGU-2020 funded by ANTVOLC, the European Social Fund and the Youth Employment Initiative of the Consejería de Educación of Castilla y León.

How to cite: Núñez-Guerrero, E., Sumino, H., Álvarez-Valero, A. M., Aulinas, M., and Albert, H.: Massive degassing-derived eruptions at Deception Island (Antarctica): Evidences from noble gas isotopes, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-4830,, 2020.

EGU2020-5893 | Displays | GMPV8.3

Tracking the Magmatic Flow in a Dyke-Sill Hybrid System using a Multi-Method Approach (AMS, SPO, X-ray micro-CT) for Petrofabrics Characterization (Lessines, Belgium)

Antoine Triantafyllou, Jean-Marc Baele, Hervé Diot, Veerle Cnudde, Redouane Meftah, Sara Vandycke, and Koen Van Noten

Understanding how magmas are transported and collected within the crust is crucial for constraining the dynamic of shallow plumbing volcanic systems and associated hydrothermal activity. This study focuses on the Lessines dioritic intrusion exposed in the SW margin of the Brabant Massif in Belgium. The kilometric subvolcanic body was emplaced around 419 Ma and is thought to result from the emplacement of multiple sills which intruded a lithostratigraphic discontinuity within Upper Ordovician sedimentary units. Our study aims to constrain how magmatic flow is recorded through different fabrics, how this flow varies across the solidified magmatic intrusion and how primary fabrics can be affected by subsequent hydrothermal overprint.

The petrofabric of 40 oriented diorite samples was investigated with a multi-methods approach: (i) Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility (AMS) along with K-temperature curves determined using low field KLY-4S Kappabridge susceptibilimeter (at LIENS lab, University of La Rochelle, France), (ii) Shape Preferred Orientations (SPO) of melanocratic phenocrysts (pseudomorphosed amphibole and biotite) as well as leucocratic phenocrysts (quartz and sericitized felspars s.l.) determined by the Intercepts method applied on optical scans of three adjacent cut faces of each sample, (iii) X-ray micro-CT scanning of five selected samples using the HECTOR device at UGCT lab (Ghent University, Belgium).

AMS and melanocratic fabrics SPO are mainly marked by prolate shaped ellipsoids. Both subsets show similar and homogeneous orientation of their structures through the studied area, with E-W striking foliations dipping 70° to the North to subvertical. Leucocratic petrofabric SPO shows more heterogeneous distribution with a similar E-W to N120-striking foliations but generally subhorizontal to low dipping structures (< 30°). This discrepancy is thought to be due to differential record of the subvolcanic phenocrysts during the ultimate emplacement and solidification of the Lessines magmatic body. These results combined to field observations (e.g., enclave orientations, columnar joints, borehole logs) suggest that the Lessines intrusion is a complex dyke-sill hybrid system, made of a main subvertical dyke-like structure that fed lateral sills bodies.

How to cite: Triantafyllou, A., Baele, J.-M., Diot, H., Cnudde, V., Meftah, R., Vandycke, S., and Van Noten, K.: Tracking the Magmatic Flow in a Dyke-Sill Hybrid System using a Multi-Method Approach (AMS, SPO, X-ray micro-CT) for Petrofabrics Characterization (Lessines, Belgium), EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-5893,, 2020.

EGU2020-18651 | Displays | GMPV8.3

Magma transport in the shallow crust – the dykes of the Chachahuén volcanic complex (Argentina)

Tobias Schmiedel, Steffi Burchardt, Frank Guldstrand, Tobias Mattsson, Olivier Galland, Octavio Palma, Emma Rhodes, Taylor Witcher, and Bjarne Almqvist

Recent eruptions such as the Kilauea 2018 (fissure) eruption on Hawaii are the result of magma intruding into Earth’s crust and ascending towards the surface. Magma is dominantly transported, through the shallow crust in form of vertical sheet intrusions (dykes). Even though dyke propagation and emplacement has been monitored with geodetic and geophysical methods, direct observations of subsurface intrusion processes remain inaccessible due to the hazardous nature of active volcanic and igneous systems. Therefore, we studied the extinct and eroded volcanic system of the Chachahuén volcanic complex (CVC) in Argentina to investigate the scale and physical mechanisms of magma transport in volcanic and igneous plumbing systems.

The Chachahuén volcanic complex is located in the northern part of the Neuquén Basin, east of the southern volcanic zone (SVZ) of the Andes. A decline in volcanic activity during the Quaternary and erosion have exposed the shallow part of the Miocene CVC’s plumbing system, including two major vertical sheet intrusions: (1) the Great Dyke and (2) the Sosa Dyke.

The objective of this ongoing study is to characterize the mechanisms of magma transport within the two exposed dykes to better understand the physical processes during their emplacement. We apply a multiscale approach combining field work and state-of-the-art analytical techniques, i.e., drone/ground-based photogrammetry, Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD) and Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility (AMS), with traditional geological methods, i.e., microstructural analysis and igneous petrology. Thus, we can investigate the effect of magma rheology (small-scale) on the outer shape and morphology of the dykes (large-scale).

Our results using high-resolution 3D outcrop models show a segmentation of the investigated dykes. Each of these dyke segments shows blunt ends. This suggests either the emplacement of a highly viscous magma or a weak brittle host rock. Flow features identified with AMS analysis indicate a dominantly lateral magma transport within the dykes. To estimate the magma viscosity during emplacement FTIR (H2O content of the initial melt), and microstructural analysis (for crystallinity) are performed at the moment. These analyses in combination with a map of the host rock and, the dyke morphologies, will help to characterize the dominantly controlling mechanism(s) of magma emplacements in the CVC. Finally, the new findings from this project will contribute to the general understanding on how the physical properties of the magma affect the shape of magma bodies and magma flow in the Earth’s shallow crust.

How to cite: Schmiedel, T., Burchardt, S., Guldstrand, F., Mattsson, T., Galland, O., Palma, O., Rhodes, E., Witcher, T., and Almqvist, B.: Magma transport in the shallow crust – the dykes of the Chachahuén volcanic complex (Argentina), EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-18651,, 2020.

EGU2020-17755 | Displays | GMPV8.3

The origin of large zoned ignimbrites: the case of Aso caldera, Japan

Franziska Keller, Olivier Bachmann, Nobuo Geshi, and Ayumu Miyakawa

Silicic magmas are the most evolved, most viscous and potentially most explosive melts present on Earth. Despite their importance, the processes leading to accumulation of large amounts of silicic magma in the crust are still a matter of debate. Ignimbrite sheets of large caldera forming eruptions are interpreted to be unique snapshots of upper crustal magma reservoirs just prior to eruption and hence represent an exceptional possibility to study pre-eruptive magmatic conditions within silicic reservoirs.

The Aso System, in Central Kyushu (Japan), is an archetypical example of a multicyclic caldera-forming volcanic edifice; it was built by four catastrophic caldera forming eruptions, with the latest (Aso 4) taking place approximately 90 ka ago. The ignimbrite sheets produced during the Aso eruptions are some of the first ever described compositionally zoned pyroclastic flow deposits and are interpreted to be the result of extensive magma mixing of two compositionally distinct magmas in an upper crustal reservoir.

Here, we propose an alternative view of the Aso 4 ignimbrite sheets based on re-evaluation of whole rock data combined with mineral and glass geochemistry. The relatively scarce presence of mafic pyroxenes and plagioclases indicate recharge of hot, mafic magmas occurring shortly prior to eruption. However, the large amount of crystal-poor, felsic material in early erupted units in combination with late-erupted, crystal-rich basaltic andesite clasts, which are enriched in compatible elements and rich in compositionally highly evolved minerals, lead to the conclusion that magma mixing alone is not able to explain the complexities observed in Aso 4 deposits. Evidence for crystal accumulation in late erupted basaltic andesite clasts implies the formation of melt-rich lenses within a crystal-rich reservoir due to significant crystal-melt separation. We therefore propose an origin of the compositionally zoned Aso 4 ignimbrite largely by erupting a heterogeneous upper crustal reservoir, consisting of crystal-poor rhyodacitic melt pockets within a cumulate mush. The emptying of this heterogeneous magma storage zone was likely triggered by a recharge event from deeper in the system, initiating partial melting of previously-formed crystals (rejuvenation), mingling/ mixing, pressurization, and finally catastrophic evacuation of the eruptible portions of the subvolcanic reservoir, including parts of the cumulate mush.

How to cite: Keller, F., Bachmann, O., Geshi, N., and Miyakawa, A.: The origin of large zoned ignimbrites: the case of Aso caldera, Japan, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-17755,, 2020.

Long-dormant volcanoes (quiescence time is several 100’s to 10’s thousand years between eruptions) pose a particular hazard, since the long repose time decreases the awareness and there is mostly a lack of monitoring. The Haramul Mic, a pancake-shaped flat dacitic lava dome is part of the Ciomadul Volcanic Complex in eastern-central Europe (Romania) and serves as an excellent example of such volcanoes. The Haramul Mic lava dome is the earliest product of the Young Ciomadul Eruption Period (YCEP), when the activity recrudesced in the area after about 200.000 years quiescence time. Eruption age of the dome determined by (U-Th)/He dating on zircon gave 154 +/- 16 ka that is in agreement with the youngest zircon U-Th outer rim date (142 +18/-16 ka). In the YCEP zircon crystallization dates record typically long, up to 350-400 kyr lifetime of the magmatic plumbing system, in case of  Haramul Mic the oldest zircon core is 306 +/- 37 ka old.

The 880.7 m high lava dome covers an area of 1.1 km2 and has a volume of ~0.15 km3. It is composed of crystal-rich homogeneous high-K dacite. The average crystal content is 35-40% and consists of plagioclase, amphibole, biotite and accessory zircon, apatite, titanite and Fe-Ti oxides. The groundmass is mainly built up by perlitic glass with some microlites. The dacite includes mafic enclaves having plagioclase and amphibole besides a large amount of biotite crystals, that eventuates K-rich, shoshonitic bulk composition. The dacite contains abundant felsic crystal clots which comprise plagioclase, amphibole, biotite and interstitial vesicular glass.

Amphiboles are relatively homogeneous in chemical composition. They are low-Al hornblendes suggesting 700-800 oC crystallization condition at 200-300 MPa compared with experimental data. Al-in-hornblende geobarometer and amphibole-plagioclase geothermometer calculations give results reproducing these temperature and pressure ranges. Although the Kis-Haram dacite is fairly rich in 25-45 anorthite mol% plagioclase, no negative Eu anomaly can be observed in the bulk rock and the glass. Similarities between Fish Canyon Tuff and Kis-Haram rocks can be strikingly noted regarding the major and trace element contents of mineral phases, glass and bulk rock that all refer to a wet oxidised calc-alkaline magmatic system. The relatively small volume Kis-Haram lava dome represents a rejuvenated low-temperature granodioritic crystal mush having similar features as the large volume silicic eruption of Fish Canyon Tuff. Their recorded almost similarly long zircon crystallization intervals give an interesting aspect with regard to the thermal evolution of the magmatic system and eruption volumes.

This research was financed by the Hungarian National Research, Development and Innovation Fund (NKFIH) within No. K116528 project and was supported by the ÚNKP-19-1 New National Excellence Program of the Ministry for Innovation and Technology.

How to cite: Pánczél, E., Petrelli, M., Lukács, R., and Harangi, S.: The ’Little’ Fish Canyon Tuff in Romania: Rejuvenation of granodioritic crystal mush resulting in homogeneous dacite recorded by the Haramul Mic lava dome (Ciomadul) , EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-19689,, 2020.

The presence of a thick continental crust makes Earth a unique planet in the solar system. During post-Archaean times, with the onset of plate tectonics, processes by which continents form is a complex function of juvenile growth and recycling of pre-existing crust. Indeed, post-Archean mantle-derived magmas commonly intrude pre-existing, felsic continental crust. As a result, the origin of upper crustal granitoids, the most accessible products of planetary differentiation, is either accounted for by the melting of the pre-existing mid- to lower crust or the differentiation of mantle-derived mafic magmas. It is therefore critical to identify the relative contribution of these two different granite-forming processes in a given magmatic province, as well as how this relative contribution evolves over time, to assess crustal growth and/or recycling. To shed some light on this question, we used the combination of oxygen, hafnium and uranium-lead isotopic systems in zircons from granitoids of the Ordovician Famatinian Arc (Argentina) representing a typical crust-forming geotectonic setting. While the lower crustal section of Valle Fertíl, representing the basal level of the Famatinian crust, is already well studied, little is known on the timing and nature of igneous processes that built up the mid- and upper crust. 

From our study, we observe a systematic co-variation of the O and Hf isotopic signatures of zircon in the mid- to upper crustal rocks, from a clearly crustal footprint (granodiorites with zircon δ18O of ca. +8 ‰; εHft of ca. –3) to a mantle-like signature (granites and rhyolites: zircon δ18O of ca. +5 ‰; εHft of ca. +5). Moreover, the high-precision (ID-TIMS) U-Pb dating obtained from the same zircons seem to record a progressive building of the Ordovician continental crust lasting for ca. 13Myrs from 483 to 470 Myrs ago. The results overlap with published ID-TIMS U-Pb data for the Famatinian lower crust, clustering at 470 Myrs, which confirms that the Famatinian Arc was a transcrustal magmatic system ultimately fed by mantle-derived magmas. In details, the oldest granitoids (483 Myrs) show the strongest crustal Hf-O isotopic fingerprint while the younger ones define a continuous range from this end-member towards the mantle signature. These results could be explained by (i) continuous ingrowth and “self-shielding” of lower crustal mafic intrusions progressively decreasing crustal melting or contamination of ascending mafic magma from a homogenous mantle source; (ii) progressive defertilization of an enriched lithospheric mantle or a strongly slab-enriched mantle wedge. The fact that the earliest (483 Myr-old) granitoids also show a more significant crustal contribution (ASI >1.1, inherited zircon cores) supports the first scenario. In this case, the combination of Hf-O isotopic studies as well as high precision U-Pb dating for the Famatinian arc comply with a progressive building of a magmatic column where a certain amount of time is needed for the system to mature and eventually reach mantle dominated processes in the formation of granites and so, new continental crust.

How to cite: Cornet, J., Laurent, O., Wotzlaw, J.-F., Otamendi, J., and Bachmann, O.: Evolution of crust vs. mantle contributions to continental arc granitoids within a few Myr: evidence from zircon Hf-O isotopes and high-precision U-Pb dating in the Famatinian Arc, Argentina , EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-19390,, 2020.

The Erzurum-Kars Volcanic Plateau (EKVP) was formed by volcanic eruptions during the Messinian-Zanclean (~5.5 Ma) period, related to a continental collision event between Eurasia and Arabia, initiated ~15 Ma ago. The EKVP unconformably overlies a series of older sedimentary formations spanning in age from Cretaceous to Miocene. It starts with a ~400 m thick pyroclastic-rich layer at its bottom, named the Akkoz basal tuff, consisting of rhyolitic and dacitic ignimbrites, pyroclastic fall and surge deposits, which are intercalated with andesitic and dacitic lavas. Upper layers of the plateau are dominated by andesitic and basaltic andesitic lavas (~100 m).

In the northwest of the study area, an eroded stratovolcano, named Hamamlı volcano, which is possibly coeval with the plateau volcanism is present. It covers ~280 km2 area and consists of a thick sequence of rhyolitic lavas, tuffs, ignimbrites, perlites and obsidians. The best preserved volcanic edifice in the study area is the Greater Aladağ Stratovolcano with a footprint of ~230 km2. It is composed of intermediate lavas with andesitic, dacitic, trachy-andesitic compositions, erupted ~3.55 Ma in Piacenzian. A small volcanic cone, named in this study as the Lesser Aladağ volcano, sits on the northern flank of the Greater Aladağ. Lesser Aladağ has an elliptical shape and is composed of basaltic-andesitic and basaltic trachy-andesitic lavas. Three semi-circular shaped rhyolitic domes called the Odalar rhyolite sit on the southern and eastern slopes of the Greater Aladağ. In the N and NE, the Aladağ volcanic sequence is unconformably overlain by a younger (~2.7 Ma) sequence of olivine basalts and basaltic andesites, which is known as the Kars volcanic plateau.

All volcanic products in the study area are calc-alkaline in character with a clear subduction signature. Results from our petrological modelling studies indicate that the magmas that fed the Aladağ volcanic system were evolved in a chamber, which was periodically replenished by fresh and primitive basaltic magma. Our assimilation model results based on the equations of DePaolo (1981) and Aitcheson and Forrest (1994) show that fractional crystallization was more important than crustal assimilation process in evolved lavas of the Aladağ system. Interestingly, EC-AFC model results indicate that some of the youngest basalts from the Kars volcanic plateau contain higher degrees of crustal assimilation relative to more evolved lavas.

Crystal chemistry of amphiboles by EMP from the amphibole-bearing lavas of the Akkoz basal tuff layer indicates that they had experienced crystallization pressures between 5.63 and 6.45 kbar and temperatures between 949 and 1026 °C during their magma chamber evolution. On the other hand, pyroxene thermo-barometry of the Aladağ units has given crystallization pressures between 0.8 and 4.8 kbar, and temperatures from 1025 to 1078 °C, implying polybaric fractionation. Calculated crystallization pressures and temperatures from the younger lavas of the Kars volcanic plateau are ~8.8 kbar and ~1179 °C respectively. Our partial melting models indicate that the primitive basaltic magmas might have been derived from a metasomatised spinel peridotite source with varying melting degrees from 0.7% to 2%.

How to cite: Duru, O. and Keskin, M.: MAGMATIC EVOLUTION of the ALADAĞ VOLCANIC SYSTEM and SOUTHERN EDGE OF THE ERZURUM-KARS VOLCANIC PLATEAU (SARIKAMIŞ, CITY of KARS, NE TURKEY), EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-21626,, 2020.

In the southern part of the Adamello Batholith (43-33 Ma; Schaltegger et al., 2019) in Northern Italy (Re di Castello superunit), we identified a multi-generational dyke suite with “exotic” chemical compositions intruding quartz-dioritic units surrounding a gabbroic complex. These dykes are characterised by SiO2 contents between 43 and 46 wt.%, high Al2O3 (20-21 wt.%), and low MgO and Ni (below 6.5 wt.% and 40 μg/g, respectively), displaying a nepheline-normative character. Furthermore, they exhibit positive Sr and Ba anomalies. These chemical features exclude a possible primitive character or derivation from a typical calc-alkaline liquid line of descent, as identified for the Adamello Massif (Ulmer et al, 2018). The primocrystic cargo of these dikes (clinopyroxene, anorthitic plagioclase, and low-Si, high-Na pargasitic amphibole) displays striking similarities with cumulate crystals of the contiguous Blumone amphibole gabbroic cumulate, inferring mechanical interaction of these exotic liquids with and/or derivation from the cumulate complex. Amphibole-plagioclase equilibration temperatures of the dikes (875 to 775ºC) are consistent with thermal equilibration with the surrounding quartz-dioritic mush. Sharp contacts and dyke fragmentation are also observed and are thermally congruent with the ductile-brittle transition of a quartz-dioritic to tonalitic mush (Marxer & Ulmer, 2019).

Simple mass balance calculations modelling of the peritectic melting of pargasitic amphibole and high-An plagioclase (major mineral phases of the contiguous amphibole gabbroic cumulates) with simultaneous crystallisation of low-Al clinopyroxene reveal that melt compositions similar to these dykes can be achieved with amphibole-plagioclase proportions ranging between 65:35 and 50:50. To verify if peritectic cumulate remelting represents a possible generation mechanism of these dykes we performed  experiments at 0.2 GPa.

Established phase equilibria of these dyke compositions reveal a lack of near-liquidus olivine, which is a rare phase in gabbroic complex. This is consistent with preliminary experimental results on cumulate melting, where olivine is also absent at high temperatures (> 1075ºC). These observations further disprove the petrogenesis of these liquids via a calc-alkaline liquid line of descent, where mafic magmas would be early saturated in olivine at low pressure further supporting their generation by local remelting of amphibole-plagioclase dominated mafic cumulates.Geochemical as well as experimental results both strongly point towards the petrogenesis of these nepheline-normative, high-Al, low-Mg picrobasalts by low pressure peritectic melting of a pargasite-anorthite cumulate assemblage in an active magmatic system.


Marxer, F. & Ulmer, P. Contrib Mineral Petr. 174(10), 84 (2019).

Schaltegger, U. et al. J Petrol. 60(4), 701-722 (2019).

Ulmer, P. et al. J. Petrol. 59(1), 11-58 (2018).

How to cite: Pimenta Silva, M., Ulmer, P., and Müntener, O.: Self-cannibalisation of an active cumulate system (Blumone complex, Adamello, Italy): Geochemical and experimental evidence , EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-11109,, 2020.

The Northern Ireland sector of the North Atlantic Large Igneous Province (NIAP) is the biggest onshore exposure of the British and Irish Igneous Province. The Antrim Lava Group is composed mostly of flood basalt sequences (Lower and Upper Basalt formations) with associated acid-basic central complexes, dyke swarms, plugs and sill complexes (Cooper 2004; Cooper & Johnston 2004; Cooper et al. 2012) that display unconformable and cross cutting field relationships. This study has for the first time generated a self-consistent and representative chronology using high-precision CA-ID-TIMS U-Pb zircon isotopic dating across the range of lithologies to provide a fuller picture of how the region was operating during the Paleogene.

Results indicate that punctuated magmatism within the north of Ireland lasted at least c. 5.5 Myrs from c.61.5 to 56 Ma. The 61.5 Ma age comes from magmatic zircons from a paleosoil immediately below the Lower Basalt Formation (LBF), and is believed to represent the onset of magmatism in the region. This age is matched by that of the Killala-Erne Dyke Swarm (c.61.5 to c.61 Ma) which is now considered to have fed melt to LBF lava flows. Dates of c.61 Ma for the Tardree and c.60.7 Ma for Slieve Gullion igneous complexes are the youngest of this grouping which together spans about 1 Myrs and may represent the igneous activity associated with a single pulse of the Icelandic Plume.

Following the initial activity there was a break in magmatism-volcanism which lead to the development of a thick weathering profile referred to as the Interbasaltic Formation. We then see the development of a regionally significant unconformity and deposition of the Coagh Conglomerate Member which includes clasts of Tardree Complex (or similar) rhyolite. This was followed by extrusion of the Causeway Tholeiite Member (CTM) and Upper Basalt Formation (UBF) across the region. A new age for the Portrush Sill Complex at c. 58.5 Ma provides a constraint on this episode of magmatism, however, it the combination of regional unconformity, outpouring of flood basalts and other magmatism that suggest a second pulse may be represented.

The Mourne Mountains Complex at c.56-56.5 Ma is not associated with flood basalts in Northern Ireland, however, in Scotland basalts of the Upper Skye Lava Formation are of similar age to the Mourne granites and together they might represent a third pulse of the plume in the region.

New U-Pb zircon geochronology has allowed for significant reinterpretation of the regional scale geology and stratigraphy of the Antrim Lava Group. Geochronological constraints define an early episode of igneous activity that is separated from the next by a prolonged period of weathering and the formation of a regionally significant unconformity. In summary three temporally discrete episodes of magmatism and tectonics with 1-2 Myr periodicity are observed that we believe resulted from a pulsing Icelandic Plume head.

How to cite: Cooper, M., Tapster, S., and Condon, D.: Feeling the pulse? New high resolution U-Pb zircon geochronological constraints for the Northern Ireland sector of the North Atlantic Igneous Province, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-8464,, 2020.

EGU2020-21552 | Displays | GMPV8.3

Detailed timescale of magma-chamber assembly and eruption revealed by ultra-high precision zircon U-Pb geochronology on a Permian caldera plumbing system, Sesia Magmatic System (southern Alps, Italy)

Lorenzo Tavazzani, Jörn-Frederik Wotzlaw, Rita Economos, Silvano Sinigoi, Gabriella Demarchi, Oscar Laurent, Cyril Chelle-Michou, and Olivier Bachmann

In recent years, technical developments in isotope dilution thermal ionization mass spectrometry technique (ID-TIMS) have pushed the precision of single zircon U-Pb geochronology to new limits. The use of interlaboratory calibrated U-Pb tracer solutions for isotopic dilution [1] paired with using newly developed high ohmic resistors (1013Ohm) in Faraday cup amplifiers, allow the determination of single zircon dates with precision and accuracy at the 0.02 % level [2].This level of analytical precision makes the ID-TIMS technique a geochronological tool able to unravel the detailed temporal evolution of magmatic plumbing systems older than the Mesozoic Era.

In the southern Alps, a thick sliver of continental crust, tilted and exhumed during the Alpine orogeny, is exposed as a complete crustal cross-section (Ivrea crustal section). This section preserves a transcrustal magmatic system, developed in an extensional environment in ca. 4 My during the Early Permian [3]. Its upper crustal portion consists of a zoned granitic intrusion (Valle Mosso pluton) overlaid by a dominantly rhyolitic caldera-related volcanic field (Sesia Caldera).

To obtain a time-integrated view of the petrological evolution of this plumbing system, we combine a new ultra high precision ID-TIMS zircon U-Pb dataset with zircon geochemistry from samples collected in compositionally and texturally different units of the Valle Mosso pluton and Sesia Caldera. All the analyzed units are coeval within 700 ky and the overall trends in zircon trace elements (Eu*/Eu, Zr/Hf, Sm/Yb) suggest an evolution of the reservoir dominated by fractional crystallization. The data show a ca. 200 ky gap in zircon crystallization, following the injection of recharge magma that triggered the eruption of the crystal-rich rhyolite followed by caldera collapse [3]. This suggests mass addition and rejuvenation of a partly crystallized mush, which temporarily hindered zircon crystallization. On the other hand, crystal-poor rhyolites, characterized by a younger eruption age and evolved zircon composition, likely represent late stage evacuation of evolved melt lenses extracted from a mostly crystalline framework.

[1] Condon, D. J., et al., 2015, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 164, 464-480.

[2] Wotzlaw, J. F., et al., 2017, J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 32, 579-586.

[3] Karakas, O., et al., 2019, Geology, 47, 1-5.

How to cite: Tavazzani, L., Wotzlaw, J.-F., Economos, R., Sinigoi, S., Demarchi, G., Laurent, O., Chelle-Michou, C., and Bachmann, O.: Detailed timescale of magma-chamber assembly and eruption revealed by ultra-high precision zircon U-Pb geochronology on a Permian caldera plumbing system, Sesia Magmatic System (southern Alps, Italy), EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-21552,, 2020.

EGU2020-22291 | Displays | GMPV8.3

Thermochemical modelling of zircon age distributions from Nevado de Toluca volcano, Trans Mexican Volcanic Belt

Gregor Weber, Luca Caricchi, Axel Schmitt, and José Luis Arce

Understanding the assembly of eruptible magma in volcanic plumbing systems through time is key to the evaluation of hazard scenarios at potentially active volcanoes. In this respect, zircon geochronology provides a temporally resolvable record of the presence of magma. However, which specific processes and associated timescales are captured by zircon age distributions is not well constrained. Here we use zircon geochronology and geochemistry and thermal modelling of pulsed magma injection in the Earth crust to quantitatively invert zircon ages and recalculate magma fluxes and the rate of accumulation of eruptible magma in time. Zircon crystals have been analyzed from 4 late Pleistocene eruptions of Nevado de Toluca, a long-lived currently dormant dacitic stratovolcano in Central Mexico. 238U-230Th and 238U-206Pb age distributions show a protracted zircon crystallization history of ~900 ka in the magmatic plumbing system, a large fraction of the 1500 ka record of volcanic activity at the surface for this volcano. The 4 studied eruptions show similar broad age spectra, which are overlapping with each other and comparable peak zircon crystallization ages between 150 and 250 ka. Our dataset suggests that interstitial melt extraction (including zircon crystals) from highly crystallized resident magma and mixing thereof with fresh recharge magma surges is very efficient beneath Nevado de Toluca. Zircon trace element data, together with the geochronology show that the observed temporal trends in zircon geochemistry are consistent with tracking long-term assembly processes beneath the volcano operating over more than 1 million years. The combination of these results and thermal modelling allow us to quantify the rate of magma input, intrusive/extrusive ratio and the rate of accumulation of eruptible magma at Nevado de Toluca, which is essential to estimate the maximum potential size of the next eruption from this system.

How to cite: Weber, G., Caricchi, L., Schmitt, A., and Arce, J. L.: Thermochemical modelling of zircon age distributions from Nevado de Toluca volcano, Trans Mexican Volcanic Belt, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-22291,, 2020.

EGU2020-921 | Displays | GMPV8.3

Thermobarometry of Jurassic and Early Cretaceous plutonic rocks from the Northern Andes: tracing magmatic and tectonic changes

Luisa Chavarria, Camilo Bustamante, Agustín Cardona, and Marcela Restrepo

Plutonic rocks in magmatic arcs record variations in composition, thermal flux, and dynamics of subduction through time. In the northern Andes, arc magmatism of Jurassic age registers a complex history, including the fragmentation of Pangea at the end of the Triassic as well as the beginning of a new subduction zone in the Jurassic located at the western margin of South America. Two contrasting models have been proposed by previous researches to explain the evolution of this arc: i) continuous subduction with a slab-roll back that produced a crustal thinning and ii) oblique subduction associated with a crustal thickening.

We characterized the emplacement conditions and crustal thickness variations of the Jurassic and Early Cretaceous arc in the northern Andes from 170 to 130 Ma using a combination of thermobarometers and trace element signatures and reviewed the previously suggested evolution models. The zircon and apatite saturation temperatures indicate that the intermediate magma became Zr and P2O5 oversaturated at 695-739 °C and 849-909 °C, respectively. Pressures obtained with the Al-in-hornblende barometer shows that the magma emplacement pressures varied from 1.2 to 7.1 kbar, with two distinct trends. A low-pressure trend (<2 kbar) related to different stock size bodies emplaced through the arc formation and a high-pressure trend (>5 kbar), which is restricted to the southern segment of the arc at the end of the Jurassic. Low Sm/Yb and Dy/Yb ratios show that the magma interacted with an amphibole-rich crust, implying that the Northern Andes was characterized by a thin crust during the Jurassic.

The shallow emplacement pressures and thin crust suggest that the Jurassic magmatic arc record a predominant extensional tectonic style that could be linked with the Pangea breakup and the beginning of the arc magmatism. However, the younger magmatic pulses are characterized by higher emplacement pressures associated with an increase in crustal thickness during convergence. Such variation indicates that the Jurassic magmatism in the Northern Andes experienced significant changes in their tectonic controls and not a single dominant mechanism, as has been proposed.

How to cite: Chavarria, L., Bustamante, C., Cardona, A., and Restrepo, M.: Thermobarometry of Jurassic and Early Cretaceous plutonic rocks from the Northern Andes: tracing magmatic and tectonic changes, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-921,, 2020.

EGU2020-1457 | Displays | GMPV8.3

40Ar-39Ar geochronology of the Karoo flood basalts: tracking disturbance in the isotopic system.

Clémentine Antoine, Richard Spikings, Danijela Miletic Doric, Julian S. Marsh, and Urs Schaltegger

High precision dating of Large Igneous Provinces (LIP) is not only useful to understand their link to environmental changes and mass extinctions (Courtillot and Renne, 2003), but they also provide insights into the geodynamic setting in which they form (Encarnación et al., 1996). The Drakensberg continental flood basalts of South Africa and Lesotho are part of the Karoo LIP, which is presumably responsible for a phase of global climate change and disturbance of the oceanic ecosystems (the so-called Toarcian oceanic anoxic event T-OAE; Pálfy and Smith (2000)). However, the paucity of zircon or baddeleyite in most continental flood basalts renders is difficult to match the sub-permil age precision and accuracy that is typical for high-precision U/Pb CA-ID-TIMS age determination. Previous attempts to date the Karoo lavas using the 40Ar-39Ar method failed to yield sufficient precision and accuracy for resolving the sequential stacking of the different basalt units. For example, 40Ar-39Ar  analyses of carefully selected plagioclase separates yielded dates that are inverted relative to their stratigraphic position, with uncertainties that encompass the entire duration of volcanism in the area (Jourdan et al., 2007; Moulin et al., 2017). Here we test the hypothesis that previous, inconsistent 40Ar-39Ar dates of plagioclase were a consequence of degassing of primary, metasomatic and alteration phases (mainly zeolites with subordinate sericite and carbonate) within single or multiple crystals. The lavas are mainly tholeiitic basalts that display two distinct sizes of plagioclase, which can be dated separately. Petrological characterization of these two size fractions shows that the larger plagioclase crystals (100-400 μm) are more altered and fractured than the smaller grains and are therefore more likely affected by post-crystallization disturbance of the Ar isotopic system. We present preliminary 40Ar-39Ar data from i) untreated plagioclase that hosts visible alteration phases, ii) untreated plagioclase that is devoid of visible alteration phases (2 grain size aliquots), and iii) leached plagioclase that is devoid of visible alteration phases (2 grain size aliquots). The results of this study may enhance the effectiveness of the 40Ar-39Ar dating technique to accurately constrain the crystallisation ages of altered mafic lavas, which form the majority of the exposed Karoo LIP flood basalts. Ar isotope data were collected using a multi-collector Argus VI mass spectrometer, and irradiated in an un-shielded reactor position to optimize the formation of 38Ar from Cl to permit identification of different gas reservoirs in the sample through isochemical dating, based on Ca, K and Cl in-situ concentration (EPMA) and Ar isotopic ratios.

How to cite: Antoine, C., Spikings, R., Miletic Doric, D., Marsh, J. S., and Schaltegger, U.: 40Ar-39Ar geochronology of the Karoo flood basalts: tracking disturbance in the isotopic system., EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-1457,, 2020.

EGU2020-3595 | Displays | GMPV8.3

Pb-Sr isotope temporal variations on juvenile ash samples from the last eruptive period of Tungurahua volcano (1999-2016)

Natacha Sainlot, Ivan Vlastélic, Pablo Samaniego, Benjamin Bernard, François Nauret, and Silvana Hidalgo

Andean volcanic activity consists in long quiescence periods interrupted by violent explosive eruptions of diverse intensity, magnitude and duration. Anticipating these transitions between low energy eruptions and violent major explosions is a challenge for modern volcanology. Many parameters could play a role in explaining these fast transitions, such as the conduit process (degassing and microlite crystallizations) but also deeper processes (crustal assimilation, nature of the mantle-derived primitive liquids).

Geophysical methods (seismic, acoustic, heat flow, ground deformation, gas emissions) are currently used by volcano observatories in order to identify unrest phases at medium to short time-scale. Furthermore, the evolution of pre-eruptive magmatic reservoirs is often studied via micro-petrological techniques, such as the detailed study of growth-zoned crystals emitted during paroxysmal phases. These zonation patterns are related to changes in composition and/or P-T-XH2O conditions in the magma reservoir caused by its complex evolution through time (injection/recharge, crystallization, degassing processes). Thanks to these methods, a tight relation between mafic magma recharge and explosive volcanic reactivation has been constrained with delay time estimated from years to months. Yet, such petrologic methods are not efficient as predictive tools.

In this study, we performed micro-geochemical analysis (trace elements, Pb-Sr isotopes) on time-series of juvenile ash samples (80) emitted by Tungurahua volcano over its most recent period of activity (1999-2016). Geochemical time series display an oscillating pattern with good correlations between Pb-Sr isotope compositions evolution and most trace elements as well as between whole rocks and ashes compositions. Pb-Sr isotope cyclic signal seems to reveal that paroxysmal phases first emissions are the most radiogenic of each eruption phase. As the eruption goes on, we observe a rapid decrease in Pb-Sr isotope composition. Finally, it appears that both 206Pb/204Pb and 87Sr/86Sr ratios of juvenile ash samples decrease from 2013 to the last year of activity in 2016, leaving the final emissions with the less radiogenic Pb-Sr isotope compositions.

The oscillating geochemical pattern of juvenile ash samples has been meticulously compared to the well-known eruptive dynamics of the volcano through time, providing clues on the processes triggering the violent reactivation phases. Indeed, the rapid geochemical evolution of the magma reservoir with a high temporal resolution has been interpreted as the effect of deep magma recharges in the shallow reservoir of Tungurahua volcano.

Coupling continuous geochemical analysis to geophysical monitoring puts in evidence a geochemical precursor for eruptive phases, delivering a better understanding on the global stratovolcano system and assuring an improvement in volcanic monitoring.

How to cite: Sainlot, N., Vlastélic, I., Samaniego, P., Bernard, B., Nauret, F., and Hidalgo, S.: Pb-Sr isotope temporal variations on juvenile ash samples from the last eruptive period of Tungurahua volcano (1999-2016), EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-3595,, 2020.

EGU2020-8372 | Displays | GMPV8.3 | Highlight

Thermal history and emplacement mechanisms of Theo’s Flow lava: a proxy for Martian lava flows

Mara Murri, Chiara Maria Domeneghetti, Anna Maria Fioretti, Fabrizio Nestola, Francesco Vetere, Diego Perugini, Alessandro Pisello, Manuele Faccenda, and Matteo Alvaro

Terrestrial analogues are often investigated to get insights into the geological processes occurring on other planetary bodies. The pyroxenitic layer of the 120m-thick magmatic pile Theo’s Flow (Archean Abitibi greenstone belt Ontario, Canada), due to its petrological similarities, has always been regarded as the terrestrial analogue for Martian nakhlites (e.g. Lentz et al. 2011). However, its origin and cooling history and, as a consequence those of nakhlites, have always been a matter of vigorous debate. Did this lava flow originate from a single magmatic event similar to those supposed to occur on Mars or do the different units derive from multiple eruptions?

To answer this question, we calculated the closure temperature and the cooling history for six augite crystals of Theo’s Flow lava sampled at four different stratigraphic depths. These results were then coupled with (i) the low viscosity data by Vetere et al. (2019) on the same composition and (ii) the results from the finite difference method in order to test the possible emplacement mechanisms for Theo’s Flow.

The combination of geothermometric constraints on augite single crystals and numerical simulations in the framework of a multi-methodological approach, allowed us to demonstrate that Theo’s Flow has been formed by multiple magma emplacements that occurred at different times (Murri et al. 2019). Moreover, this discovery also supports the idea that the enormous lava flows with similar compositions observed on Mars could be the result of a process where low viscosity lavas are emplaced during multiple eruptions. This has profound implications for understanding the multiscale mechanisms of lava flow emplacement on Earth and other Terrestrial bodies.


M.M. and M.A. have been funded by the IMPACt project (R164WEJAHH) and by the ERC-StG TRUE DEPTHS under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme (n. 714936) to M. Alvaro. M.C.D. has been funded by the IMPACt project (R164WEJAHH) to M. Alvaro. D.P. has been funded by the ERC Consolidator Grant ERC-2013-COG (n. 612776) for the CHRONOS project to D. Perugini. The Alexander von Humboldt foundation senior research grant to F.V. is acknowledged. M.A. is also supported by the Ministero dell’Istruzione dell’Università e della Ricerca (MIUR)Progetti di Ricerca di Interesse Nazionale (PRIN)Bando PRIN 2017 - Prot. 2017ZE49E7_005.


Lentz, R.C.F., McCoy, T.J., Collins, L.E., Corrigan, C.M., Benedix, G.K., Taylor, G.J. and Harvey, R.P., 2011. Theo's Flow, Ontario, Canada: A terrestrial analog for the Martian nakhlite meteorites. Geological Society of America Special Papers, 483, pp.263-277.

Murri, M., Domeneghetti, M.C., Fioretti, A.M., Nestola, F., Vetere, F., Perugini, D., Pisello, A., Faccenda, M. and Alvaro, M., 2019. Cooling history and emplacement of a pyroxenitic lava as proxy for understanding Martian lava flows. Scientific reports, 9(1), pp.1-7.

Vetere, F., Murri, M., Alvaro, M., Domeneghetti, M.C., Rossi, S., Pisello, A., Perugini, D. and Holtz, F., 2019. Viscosity of Pyroxenite Melt and its Evolution during Cooling. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 124(5), pp.1451-1469.

How to cite: Murri, M., Domeneghetti, C. M., Fioretti, A. M., Nestola, F., Vetere, F., Perugini, D., Pisello, A., Faccenda, M., and Alvaro, M.: Thermal history and emplacement mechanisms of Theo’s Flow lava: a proxy for Martian lava flows, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-8372,, 2020.

GMPV8.4 – Magma generation and differentiation: crystals, isotopes, and experiments

EGU2020-19851 | Displays | GMPV8.4

Are protracted timescales of magmatism documented in the Platreef, Bushveld Complex?

Simon Tapster, Iain McDonald, Dave Holwell, and Danie Grobler

Models for the formation of the Rustenberg Layered Suite of the Bushveld Igneous Complex continue to be debated. The consensus timescale over which magmatism took place has reduced hand in hand with advancements in geochronological techniques and data precision. The most recent studies by double spiked (202Pb-205Pb) zircon CA-ID-TIMS U-Pb have indicated emplacement in less than 1 Myrs [1][2]. Increasing analytical precision has also seemingly permitted individual magmatic layers to be resolved, leading to the “out of sequence sill” emplacement model [2], albeit contested [3].

We present two new high-precision zircon dates obtained from two continuous core intervals collected  <4m apart in a single Ni-Cu-PGE rich pyroxenite unit in the Turfspruit section of the Platreef, Northern Limb of the Bushveld Complex [4]. Grobler et al. [5] correlate this pyroxenite with the Merensky Cyclic Unit of the Upper Critical Zone in eastern and western limbs. Assuming the recommended zircon 238U/235U of Hiess et al. [6] without uncertainties propagated as per previous studies e.g. [1][2], the age interpretations of these two samples define a minimum and maximum temporal interval between 1.01 ±0.16 Myrs and 1.28 ±0.22 Myrs that brackets, or overlaps with, the entirety of previous dates from all preceding studies. The pyroxenite is continuous, without intrusive contacts, and the stratigraphically lower sample produces an apparently younger zircon age than the overlying sample.  It seems highly unlikely the entire longevity of the Bushveld’s magmatic evolution was apparently captured within this 4 m section. Therefore, it now seems highly improbable that the Bushveld was emplaced and cooled in less than 1 Myrs, as the current paradigm states [1].

The older date from the Platreef now aligns the isotopic age relationships with the field observations of the overlying Main Zone, in contrast to the interpretation of Mungall et al. [2]. The new dates alone neither support nor contradicts the “out of sequence” sill emplacement model. Rather they merely indicate that melt related process that crystallised zircon was protracted within narrow vertical intervals, and that future work should acknowledge this potential complexity. It raises questions which age of event(s) introduced or modified sulfides within the ore bearing horizon. This requires greater integration of the geochronological record with ore textures at a high sampling density.

However, there also remains a substantial, yet previously overlooked caveat to all geochronological interpretations presented thus far; “out of sequence” sills in particular. This caveat is that the variations in the 238U/235U between samples over observed magnitudes of variations in zircon [4] could account for any offsets in 207Pb/206Pb dates interpreted as real temporal differences. This issue remains to be tested.


[1] Zeh A et al. (2015) EPSL 418:103-114; [2] Mungall J et al. (2016) Nat. Coms. 13385; [3] Latypov R et al. (2017) South African Jour of Geol. 120.4, 565-574; [4] Nodder SM (2015) MESci dissertation, Cardiff University, 257pp; [5] Grobler D et al. (2019) Min Dep 54, 3-28; [6] Hiess J et al. (2012) Science 418,103-114

How to cite: Tapster, S., McDonald, I., Holwell, D., and Grobler, D.: Are protracted timescales of magmatism documented in the Platreef, Bushveld Complex?, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-19851,, 2020.

The association of platinum-group elements (PGE) and the chalcophile elements Te, As, Bi, Sb and Sn (TABS) has been documented in several magmatic sulfide deposits. These groups of elements are either hosted within sulfide minerals, or combine to form discrete platinum-group minerals (PGM) associated with sulfide minerals. However, the concentration of TABS in parental magmas from which magmatic sulfide deposits formed was still missing. This study presents the distribution of TABS and Se in B-1, B-2 and B-3 rocks of the Marginal Zone of the Bushveld Complex. These rocks have been proposed as representative of the parental liquids from which the Bushveld Complex crystallized, thus allowing us to assess the concentration of Se and TABS in the liquids from which some of the largest PGE deposits in the world have formed. Concentrations of As and Sb in the initial Bushveld liquid (B-1) are significantly higher than in primary magmas, whereas the Se and TABS of later magmas (B-2 and B-3) are similar to primary magmas. We attribute the difference due upper crustal contamination of the B-1 magma, whereas the B-2 and B-3 magmas were most likely contaminated with a plagioclase-rich residuum formed upon the partial melting of the upper crust. Moreover, we modeled the concentrations of the TABS in the Merensky Reef using a mixture of two of the magma types present in the Marginal Zone (the B-1 and B-2) as the initial silicate liquid. The modeled concentrations closely resemble the measured values obtained for a section across the Merensky Reef at the Impala mine. This supports the B-1 and B-2 mixture as an appropriate initial liquid for the crystallization of the Merensky Reef. The modeling also shows that the distributions of Se, Te and Bi across the Merensky Reef are controlled by the sulfide liquid component. In contrast, As and Sb distributions are influenced both by the amount of silicate melt component in the cumulates and the sulfide liquid component. This is because Se, Te and Bi are moderately to strongly chalcophile elements, but As and Sb are only slightly chalcophile elements. Consequently, the effect of crustal contamination for elements with high partition coefficients between sulfide and silicate liquid (Te, Bi and Se) is obscured by the interaction of sulfides with a large volume of silicate magma. Therefore, the concentrations of these elements are higher in samples with greater proportions of sulfide minerals. In contrast, for elements with lower partition coefficients (As and Sb), the whole-rock concentrations are not upgraded by the presence of sulfide minerals, and thus the effect of crustal contamination can be more readily assessed.

How to cite: Mansur, E. and Barnes, S.-J.: Concentrations of Te, As, Bi, Sb (TABS) and Se in the Marginal Zone of the Bushveld Complex: evidence for crustal contamination and the nature of the magma that formed the Merensky Reef, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-12277,, 2020.

EGU2020-10852 | Displays | GMPV8.4

Hydrogen isotopes in phlogopite indicate crustal fluids in the UG2 chromitite layer, Bushveld Complex

Haoyang Zhou, Robert Trumbull, Ilya Veksler, Johannes Glodny, and Ilya Bindeman

The Upper Group 2 (UG2) chromitite layer in the upper Critical Zone of the Bushveld Complex, South Africa, is the world’s largest PGE orebody. The UG2 is typically 0.5 to 1.5 m thick and it consists of 75–90 modal % chromite with interstitial silicate and sulfide minerals. Although a minor component, phlogopite is important because it is a hydrous phase. It has been noted that the UG2 chromitite contains more abundant phlogopite (locally > 1 modal %) than the surrounding pyroxenite layers (Mathez and Mey, 2005). More and more studies suggest that water plays an important role in the UG2 chromite formation and in PGE enrichment or remobilization (e.g., Li et al., 2004; Mathez and Mey, 2005; Schannor et al., 2018). The source of the water is controversial, and this motivated our ongoing study of hydrous minerals in the UG2.

We determined the chemical composition and hydrogen isotope ratio of phlogopite from the chromitite layer and from the surrounding pyroxenite in drill cores from two sites the eastern and western Bushveld (Nkwe and Khuseleka, respectively). The δD values of phlogopite in chromitite from the eastern site are -38.2 to -25.5‰ (mean = -29.7‰, n = 6). The corresponding values from the western site are similar, with -34.6 to -31.6‰ (mean = -33.2‰, n = 6). The δD values of phlogopite from pyroxenite are more variable, ranging from -43.1 to -26.1‰ for the eastern site (mean = -32.9‰, n = 4) and from -38.7 to -26.1‰ for the western site (mean = -31.7‰, n = 3).

Published whole-rock δD values for silicate cumulate rocks in the upper Critical Zone are -93 to -55‰ (Mathez et al., 1994), which are similar to mantle values (-70±10%; Boettcher and O'neil, 1980) and are interpreted as magmatic.  In comparison, our δD values of phlogopite from UG2 are much higher and suggest a significant contribution of crustal fluids. Harris and Chaumba (2001) estimated a δD value of -22‰ for paleo-meteoric water in the Bushveld Complex. Given the relative homogeneity of the phlogopite δD data in both sites of the complex, and the primary appearance of the grains in thin section, we argue that the crustal fluids were incorporated in the magma before the crystallization of the UG2 layer. Triple oxygen isotopes will test our hypothesis further.


References: Boettcher & O'neil (1980) Amer. Jour. Sci. 280A, 594–621. Harris & Chaumba (2001) J. Petrol. 42, 1321–1347. Li et al. (2004) Econ. Geol. 99, 173–184. Mathez et al. (1994) Econ. Geol. 89, 791–802. Mathez & Mey (2005) Econ. Geol. 100, 1616–1630. Schannor et al. (2018) Chem. Geol. 485, 100–112.

How to cite: Zhou, H., Trumbull, R., Veksler, I., Glodny, J., and Bindeman, I.: Hydrogen isotopes in phlogopite indicate crustal fluids in the UG2 chromitite layer, Bushveld Complex, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-10852,, 2020.

EGU2020-2334 | Displays | GMPV8.4

Differential migration of interstitial immiscible liquids in the Skaergaard Layered Series

Marian Holness, Victoria Honour, and Gautier Nicoli

The liquid line of descent of the Skaergaard magma intersects a binodal creating an immiscible conjugate pair comprising a dense Fe-rich liquid and a buoyant Si-rich liquid. These two liquids have different wetting properties: the Si-rich liquid wets plagioclase, whereas the Fe-rich liquid wets oxides, pyroxene and olivine. The two liquids may therefore undergo differential migration within a gabbroic crystal mush: the Fe-rich liquid sinks and accumulates in mafic layers, while the Si-rich liquid rises and accumulates in plagioclase-rich regions.

Field-scale evidence of metre-scale differential migration of unmixed immiscible interstitial liquids is provided by paired felsic and mafic lenses spatially associated with gabbroic pegmatite bodies in the Skaergaard floor cumulates. These represent small batches of late-stage liquids rising from the pegmatite bodies into the overlying mush, and their subsequent separation into immiscible conjugates. The paired lenses form irregular, approximately layer-parallel clusters in thick mush, but thin concordant dendritic structures within strongly foliated thin mush. Invariably the melanocratic component lies stratigraphically below the felsic component.

Differential migration within the floor cumulates is also recorded by mm-scale mafic and felsic rims developed on the top and bottom margins of anorthositic blocks derived from the roof. Highly tabular blocks have an upper mafic rim and a lower leucocratic rim. As the block aspect ratio decreases, the rims disappear, with the mafic rim retained at lower aspect ratios than the leucocratic rim. We interpret rim formation as a consequence of trapping migrating unmixed interstitial liquid against the relatively impermeable blocks: tabular blocks are most effective at trapping these liquids.

On a smaller scale, the different wetting properties of the two immiscible conjugates result in post-accumulation pattern formation in rapidly deposited modally graded layers, imposing cm-scale internal layering on the overall modal grading. The tops of the modally-graded layers may also develop felsic flame-like structures interpreted as a consequence of upwards-migration of the immiscible Si-rich conjugate from high-porosity rapidly deposited layers into the overlying cumulates.

These observations demonstrate the complexity of behaviour in a crystal mush containing a two-phase interstitial liquid. Understanding cumulate evolution necessitates a consideration of the scale of migration of interstitial liquid and the possibility of the differential loss of one of the two conjugates.

How to cite: Holness, M., Honour, V., and Nicoli, G.: Differential migration of interstitial immiscible liquids in the Skaergaard Layered Series, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-2334,, 2020.

EGU2020-20272 | Displays | GMPV8.4

Sr isotopes indicate millennial-scale formation of metal-rich layers by reactive melt percolation in an open-system layered intrusion

J. Stephen Daly, Luke Hepworth, Brian O'Driscoll, Chris Johnson, Ralf Gertisser, and C. Henry Emeleus

In order to test whether the crystal mushes that form layered mafic intrusions can behave as open systems, we investigated mineral-scale textural, chemical and Sr isotopic heterogeneity in the c. 60 Ma Rum intrusion, Scotland. Within Unit 10 of the Rum intrusion, intercumulus plagioclase and clinopyroxene crystals in peridotite 1-2 cm above and below millimetric Cr-spinel seams exhibit complex optical and chemical zoning (Hepworth et al. 2017). These Cr-spinel seams are closely associated with sulphide and platinum-group element (PGE) mineralization. High precision Sr isotopic analyses (undertaken by thermal ionisation mass spectrometry) of individual intracrystal zones (sampled by micromilling) in intercumulus plagioclase and clinopyroxene from within the PGE-enriched Cr-spinel seams have revealed significant intra-crystalline heterogeneity. 87Sr/86Sr heterogeneity is present between plagioclase crystals, between clinopyroxene and plagioclase, and within plagioclase crystals, throughout the studied section. The preservation of Sr isotope heterogeneities at 10-100 µm length-scales implies cooling of the melts that formed the precious metal-rich layers at rates >1 °C per year, and cooling to diffusive closure within 10s-100s of years. The combined textural observations and intra-crystal plagioclase 87Sr/86Sr data also highlight the importance of repeated cycles of dissolution and recrystallization within the crystal mush, and together with recent documentation of ‘out-of-sequence’ layers in other layered intrusions (Mungall et al. 2016; Wall et al. 2018), raise the prospect that basaltic magmatic systems may undergo repeated self-intrusion during solidification.

Hepworth, L.N., O’Driscoll, B., Gertisser, R., Daly, J.S. and Emeleus, H.C. 2017. Journal of Petrology 58, 137-166; Mungall, J. E., Kamo, S. L. & McQuade, S. 2016. Nature Communications 7, 13385; Wall, C. J., Scoates, J. S., Weis, D., Friedman, R. M., Amini, M. & Meurer, W. P. 2018. Journal of Petrology 59, 153–190.

How to cite: Daly, J. S., Hepworth, L., O'Driscoll, B., Johnson, C., Gertisser, R., and Emeleus, C. H.: Sr isotopes indicate millennial-scale formation of metal-rich layers by reactive melt percolation in an open-system layered intrusion, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-20272,, 2020.

The composition of the magmas from which the chromites that form the massive chromite layers of the Stillwater, Great Dyke and Bushveld Complexes are of interest both to understand the economic importance of the resources in the layers (Cr and PGE), but also in understanding how these layers form.  Magmas that have been suggested as parental to the intrusions are boninites or crustally contaminated komatiites.  Another magma that could be considered in recognition of the continental setting of the Bushveld and Great Dyke is picrite associated with continental flood basalts. In order to investigate whether any of these magmas are suitable parental magmas for the chromites we have determined major and trace elements in komatiites of low metamorphic grade, boninites and chromites from low-Ti and high-Ti picrites of the Emeishan Provence.

In order to test whether the chromites are in equilibrium with volcanic magmas we first modelled the major and minor element composition of the chromites that should have crystallized from the komatiite, boninites and picrite liquids using SpinMelt v2.  The compositions are approximately correct.  In terms of major and minor elements none of the chromites from the layered intrusions match boninite chromites.  The Great Dyke chromites are similar to chromites from komatiites.  The chromites the Bushveld are slightly more evolved with higher Ti contents and lower Cr# and resemble the chromites from the low-Ti picrites of Emeishan.  The Stillwater chromites have similar Ti contents to the Emeishan low-Ti picrites, but have lower Cr#.  Their compositions resemble chromite compositions reported from the North Atlantic Igneous Provence.

Hafnium, Ta, Cu, Sn, Sc, Ti, Mn, Ni, Co, Mn, Ga, V and Zn were determined by LA-ICP-MS.  To compare the composition of the chromites an estimate of their partition coefficients into chromite was made based on the concentrations of elements in komatiite chromite divided by element in komatiite.  The elements were then arranged in order of compatibility and the chromites normalized to the median komatiite chromite.  Podiform chromites from boninites are depleted in most elements and none of the layered intrusions chromites resemble them.  The chromites from the Great Dyke have essentially flat patterns close to 1 times komatiite, but with negative Cu anomaly and a slight positive Sn anomaly.  The Bushveld and Stillwater chromites are richer in Al, Ga, V and Ti than the komatiite chromite and are depleted in Cu.  The patterns resemble the chromites form the low Ti-picrites form Sn to Zn, but differ from picrites from Hf to Cu.  The picrites are enriched in Hf, Ta and Cu.

The chromite compositions suggest that boninite magmas are not involved in forming the chromites from layered intrusions.  The Great Dyke chromites appear to have a komatiitic affinity.  The Bushveld and Stillwater chromites appear to have a low-Ti picrite affinity.

How to cite: Barnes, S.-J., Mansur, E., Pagé, P., Meric, J., and Arguin, J.-P.: A Comparison of Major and Trace Element Compositions of Chromites from the Stillwater, Bushveld and Great Dyke Layered Intrusions with Chromites from Komatiites, Boninites and Large Igneous Provinces. , EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-9768,, 2020.

EGU2020-10584 | Displays | GMPV8.4

Differentiation in Sheared Granular Magma

Nick Petford, John Clemens, and Curt Koenders

Recent developments in high definition mineral chemistry at the grain scale are shedding new light on the processes and rates of magma storage, differentiation and eruption. However, the complementary physics and fluid dynamics of magma as a granular material are still based on viscous compaction theory, which may not be relevant in sub-volcanic settings where magma is being deformed by external shear. We present a quantitative model for shear deformation of a crystallised dense magma (>70% solid) with poro-elastic properties where the critical link between the mechanics and associated compositional changes in the melt are governed by dilation (volume increase) of the granular skeleton. Key material parameters governing the dilatancy effect include magma permeability, mush strength, the shear modulus and the contact mechanics and geometry of the granular assemblage. Calculations show that dilation reduces the interstitial fluid (melt) pressure to produce a ‘suction’ effect. At shear strain rates in excess of the tectonic background, deformation-induced melt flow can redistribute chemical components and heat between regions of crystallising magma with contrasting rheological properties, at velocities far in excess of diffusion or buoyancy forces, the latter of course the driving force behind fractional crystallisation and compaction. Unlike static magmas, there is no ‘lock-up’ state above which the interstitial melt cannot percolate. Co-mingling of hotter, indigenous melt has the potential to interrupt (or locally reverse) fractionation trends and produce reverse zoning or resorbtion of crystals, mimicking some of the textural effects attributed to magma mixing. Post-failure instabilities include hydraulic rupture of the mush along shear zones with potential for larger scale extraction and redistribution of evolved melt. A novel feature of congested, sub-volcanic granular magma is that the eruption itself helps drive rapid melt extraction, negating the requirement to first segregate large volumes of evolved melt as a precursor. 

How to cite: Petford, N., Clemens, J., and Koenders, C.: Differentiation in Sheared Granular Magma, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-10584,, 2020.

EGU2020-10054 | Displays | GMPV8.4

Low recycling efficiency of boron into the deep mantle

Horst Marschall and Matthew Jackson

Boron is a distinctly crustal element in that it is strongly enriched in the surface reservoirs, such as continental crust, seawater, sediments, serpentinites and altered oceanic crust, relative to the mantle. These B-enriched reservoirs are also isotopically very distinct from the regular depleted upper mantle (d11B = -7.1 ±0.9 ‰ [10.1016/j.gca.2017.03.028]). This has encouraged the idea that boron could be an ideal tracer for subducted surface materials in the deep mantle in the form of isotopically anomalous recycled components in ocean island basalts (OIB) and enriched MORB. Yet, the potential of a geochemical tracer of this type is weakened by its extraction from the slab at the onset of subduction by dewatering and metamorphic dehydration, because this process depletes the recycled components in fluid-mobile elements. As such, this “subduction barrier” diminishes the deep recycling efficiency of incompatible, fluid-mobile tracers like B.

This study focuses on the B abundances and B isotopic compositions of glasses and melt inclusions that show low Cl/K ratios and are thought to represent the uncontaminated mantle signal from the HIMU (Tuvalu and Mangaia), EM1 (Pitcairn) and EM2 (Samoa) sources. Strikingly, all samples are depleted in boron by a factor of approximately 1.5 to 4 relative to non-fluid-mobile elements of similar incompatibility (e.g. LREE, P, Be). This negative boron anomaly is ubiquitous in OIB and is consistent with the results of previous studies [10.1016/0016-7037(95)00402-5; 10.1016/j.epsl.2018.12.005]. It also mirrors their characteristic negative Pb anomaly. These anomalies show that the mantle sources of OIB are depleted in B (and Pb) relative to non-fluid-mobile elements of similar incompatibility and relative to the MORB-source mantle. This is best explained by the presence in the OIB sources of recycled components that are enriched in all incompatible elements except for the fluid-mobile B (and Pb). The fluid mobile elements must have been preferentially extracted in the subduction barrier and returned to the surface on the short path via arc magmas. Arc magmas consistently show a general enrichment in isotopically heavy boron [10.1007/978-3-319-64666-4_9] with positive B anomalies.

Despite of the low recycling efficiency of boron into the convecting mantle, OIB still have B isotope signatures that are distinct from those of MORB. Previous studies have reported OIB signatures slightly lighter than MORB and the primitive mantle [10.1016/j.epsl.2018.12.005]. However, our study exclusively finds isotopically heavy B with a range in d11B from MORB-like values (-8.6 ±2.0 ‰) up to -2.5 ±1.5‰ for EM1 and HIMU lavas. The total OIB range is small but significant, and is consistent with the deep recycling of material that is strongly depleted in boron, but isotopically distinct (with isotopically heavy B in the case of our EM1 and HIMU samples). The B depletion combined with the B isotopic anomaly in OIB shows that B is efficiently (but not quantitatively) removed from the slab during subduction, and that isotopically distinct mantle domains are thus produced. The subduction barrier for boron increases its strength as a tracer in arcs, but it diminishes its potential as a tracer of deep mantle recycling.

How to cite: Marschall, H. and Jackson, M.: Low recycling efficiency of boron into the deep mantle, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-10054,, 2020.

EGU2020-1405 | Displays | GMPV8.4

Multi-stage arc magma evolution recorded by apatite in volcanic rocks

Chetan Nathwani, Matthew Loader, Jamie Wilkinson, Yannick Buret, Robert Sievwright, and Pete Hollings

The chemical diversity observed in the rock record of volcanic arcs is determined by a multitude of processes operating between the magma source region and the surface. A fundamental step in producing this variability is fractional crystallisation, assimilation and melting in the lower crust which drives magmas to more evolved and hydrous compositions. During extensive fractionation of hydrous magmas in the lower crust, amphibole (± garnet) is stabilized in the fractionating assemblage and plagioclase is suppressed resulting in melts with elevated Sr, an absence of strong negative Eu anomalies (both elements being compatible in plagioclase), and depleted Y (compatible in amphibole and garnet). The high Sr/Y values that result can be used to provide insights into arc magma evolution, evaluate whether a magmatic system has the potential to form a porphyry-related ore deposit and track crustal thickness. However, this deep fractionation history may be obscured due to differentiation and mixing upon ascent to the shallow crust. Since arc rocks are a product of this multi-stage, polybaric process, unravelling the complete history of magmatic evolution using bulk-rock chemistry alone can be challenging. However, accessory minerals such as apatite, are capable of capturing discrete periods of melt evolution during differentiation [1]. For example, apatite has been shown to record the Sr content of the melt at the time of its crystallization which has been used to reconstruct host rock compositions in provenance studies [2, 3].

Here, we use a novel approach to track the petrogenesis of arc magmas using apatite trace element chemistry in volcanic formations from the Cenozoic arc of Central Chile. These rocks formed during magmatism that culminated in high Sr/Y magmas and porphyry ore deposit formation in the Miocene. We use Sr/Y, Eu/Eu* and Mg in apatite to demonstrate that apatite tracks the multi-stage differentiation of arc magmas. We apply fractional crystallization modelling to show that early crystallizing apatite inherits a high Sr/Y and Eu/Eu* melt chemistry signature that is predetermined by amphibole-dominated fractional crystallization in the lower crust. Our modelling shows that crystallisation of the in-situ host rock mineral assemblage in the shallow crust causes competition for trace elements in the melt that leads to apatite compositions diverging from bulk magma chemistry. Understanding this decoupling behaviour is important for the use of apatite as an indicator of metallogenic fertility in arcs and for interpretation of provenance in detrital studies. We suggest our approach is widely applicable for unravelling the composite evolution of arc magmas and studying magmatic processes conducive to porphyry ore deposit formation.


[1] Miles, A.J., Graham, C.M., Hawkesworth, C.J., Gillespie, M.R., and Hinton, R.W., 2013, Evidence for distinct stages of magma history recorded by the compositions of accessory apatite and zircon: Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology.

[2] Jennings, E.S., Marschall, H.R., Hawkesworth, C.J., and Storey, C.D., 2011, Characterization of magma from inclusions in zircon: Apatite and biotite work well, feldspar less so: Geology.

[3] Bruand, E., Storey, C., and Fowler, M., 2016, An apatite for progress: Inclusions in zircon and titanite constrain petrogenesis and provenance: Geology, v. 44, p. 91–94.

How to cite: Nathwani, C., Loader, M., Wilkinson, J., Buret, Y., Sievwright, R., and Hollings, P.: Multi-stage arc magma evolution recorded by apatite in volcanic rocks, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-1405,, 2020.

EGU2020-13433 | Displays | GMPV8.4

Insights into the magma plumbing system of La Fossa di Vulcano (Aeolian Islands, Italy) using oxygen isotopes and clinopyroxene crystal structure

Rebecca Wiltshire, Ralf Gertisser, Ralf Halama, Adrian Boyce, Chiara Petrone, Sabrina Nazzareni, Federico Lucchi, Claudio Tranne, and Roberto Sulpizio

The presently active La Fossa cone, Vulcano, widely considered the most hazardous volcano in the Aeolian Islands, is characterised by alternating periods of Vulcanian to subplinian explosive events and lava flow effusion. It has formed over 5.5 kyr, last erupting in 1888-90 [1], and presently behaves in a quiescent, fumarolic stage. The volcanic deposits from the cone comprise 7 major formations: Punte Nere, Grotta dei Palizzi 1, 2, and 3, Caruggi, Pietre Cotte and Gran Cratere. Many of these commence with dilute pyroclastic density current (PDC) deposits and tephra fallout capped by lava flows, with a compositional range from shoshonite to rhyolite (52-74 wt.% SiO2) [1]. Crustal xenoliths in some of the lava flows and PDC deposits signify the importance of crustal contamination in the La Fossa magmatic system [1]. Here, we present new oxygen isotope data of mineral (clinopyroxene, plagioclase) and glass separates and combine these with petrological and textural analyses as well as clinopyroxene crystal chemistry and thermobarometry to constrain the extent of crustal contamination and to determine if and where crustal contamination took place in the magmatic system of La Fossa.

Oxygen isotope data are presented for pumice, scoriae, breadcrust bombs, lavas and mafic magmatic enclaves of all formations of La Fossa. δ18O values range from +6.0‰ to +6.7‰ (SMOW) for clinopyroxene (n=19), from +7.0‰ to +8.1‰ for feldspar (n=15) and from +8.3 ‰ to +8.7 ‰ for obsidian glass (n=2). Estimated δ18Omelt values are higher than that of mantle-derived magmas, indicating that crustal contamination is ubiquitous in the La Fossa magma plumbing system. δ18Ofsp increases with the degree of magmatic differentiation, indicating feldspar is more contaminated in the more evolved products of La Fossa. However, no systematic variation is observed between δ18Opx and whole-rock SiO2, indicating disequilibrium between clinopyroxene and plagioclase. The disequilibrium observed at La Fossa suggests that clinopyroxene is mostly xenocrystic in the more evolved samples. This is supported by clinopyroxene equilibrium tests. Single-crystal X-ray diffraction to determine clinopyroxene crystal structures is presented to constrain crystallisation pressures. Crystallisation pressure of magmas feeding explosive eruptions to between approximately 2 and 6 kbar, while magmas feeding effusive eruptions appear to have crystallised at a narrower pressure range. Our results indicate that crustal contamination is an important process at La Fossa that accompanies fractional crystallisation and magma mixing/mingling processes throughout the entire (deep to shallow) crustal magma plumbing system.


[1] De Astis et al. 2013. Geol. Soc. London Memoirs. 37. 281-349.

How to cite: Wiltshire, R., Gertisser, R., Halama, R., Boyce, A., Petrone, C., Nazzareni, S., Lucchi, F., Tranne, C., and Sulpizio, R.: Insights into the magma plumbing system of La Fossa di Vulcano (Aeolian Islands, Italy) using oxygen isotopes and clinopyroxene crystal structure, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-13433,, 2020.

EGU2020-3519 | Displays | GMPV8.4 | Highlight

Ignimbrite flare-ups in the Central Andes: Crustal sources and processes of magma generation

Gerhard Wörner, Elena Belousova, Simon Turner, Jelte Kemann, Axel K Schmitt, Axel Gerdes, and Shan de Silva

Silicic magmatism in the Central Andes forms rhyolitic to dacitic volcanic deposits that range from large-volume ignimbrites (>1000 km3) to small local dome eruptions. The mass proportion between mantle-derived magmatic contributions to crustal melting was previously estimated to range from 20 to 70 % based on Sr-O isotope data obtained on separated feldspar and quartz contained as crystal cargo. New O-Hf isotope data from in-situ ion-probe and laser ablation measurements of U-Pb-dated zircons further constrain type, proportion, and processes of crustal input into silicic magmas. Variations in time and space of these geochemical parameters are documented here using representative samples that cover the entire Central Andes over 20 Ma and 800 km distance. Systematic covariations in isotope tracers relate to increasing crustal thickening through time during Andean orogenesis. Collectively, Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf-O isotopic signatures vary in space and time and temporally reflect increasing crustal input during ignimbrite flare-ups as the crust becomes thermally matures. Spatial variations derive from different crustal domains in the Central Andes and reflect the different age and composition of crustal components.

Remarkably, inherited zircon representing basement involved in crustal assimilation is exceedingly rare over the entire province. This most probably reflects high temperatures that exceed zircon saturation temperatures of crustal melts in ignimbrite-forming magmas. This observation distinguishes silicic ignimbrite-forming magmatism from typical granitoid-forming magmatism in orogenic settings where abundant older zircons inherited from the crust are commonly found.

How to cite: Wörner, G., Belousova, E., Turner, S., Kemann, J., Schmitt, A. K., Gerdes, A., and de Silva, S.: Ignimbrite flare-ups in the Central Andes: Crustal sources and processes of magma generation, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-3519,, 2020.

EGU2020-22106 | Displays | GMPV8.4

A new approach to modelling differentiation (with particular focus on granitic magmatism): Equilibrated Major Element Assimilation with Fractional Crystallisation (EME-AFC)

Alex Burton-Johnson, Colin Macpherson, Christopher Ottley, Geoff Nowell, and Adrian Boyce

We present the new approach to AFC modelling published as Editor’s Choice in the July 2019 issue of Journal of Petrology [1].

Our new, Equilibrated Major Element – Assimilation with Fractional Crystallisation (EME-AFC) approach simultaneously models the major element, trace element, and radiogenic and oxygen isotope compositions during such magmatic differentiation (including a new approach to oxygen modelling); addressing the lack of current AFC modelling approaches for felsic, amphibole- or biotite-bearing systems. We discuss the application of this model to granitic magmatism in SE Asia and Antarctica, with particular focus on the Mt Kinabalu granitic intrusion of Borneo. We discuss the background to the model, and explain how it can be freely accessed via GitHub [2], and applied to other scenarios of magmatic differentiation; not just granitic magmatism.

We present new geochemical data for the composite units of the Mount Kinabalu, and use this to explore the discrimination between crustal- and mantle-derived granitic magmas. The isotopic data (oxygen, Hf, Sr, Nd, and Pb) indicate that the magma cannot be the result only from fractional crystallisation of a mantle-derived magma. Alkali metal compositions show that crustal anatexis is also an unsuitable processes for genesis of the intrusion. Using the new EME-AFC modelling approach, we show that the high-K pluton was generated by fractional crystallisation of a primary, mafic magma followed by assimilation of the partially melted sedimentary overburden. We propose that Mt Kinabalu was generated through low degree melting of upwelling fertile metasomatised mantle driven by regional crustal extension in the Late Miocene.

[1] Burton-Johnson, A., Macpherson, C.G., Ottley, C.J., Nowell, G.M., Boyce, A.J., 2019. Generation of the Mt Kinabalu granite by crustal contamination of intraplate magma modelled by Equilibrated Major Element Assimilation with Fractional Crystallisation (EME-AFC). J. Petrol. 60, 1461–1487.


How to cite: Burton-Johnson, A., Macpherson, C., Ottley, C., Nowell, G., and Boyce, A.: A new approach to modelling differentiation (with particular focus on granitic magmatism): Equilibrated Major Element Assimilation with Fractional Crystallisation (EME-AFC), EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-22106,, 2020.

EGU2020-13633 | Displays | GMPV8.4

The role of contamination in the tightrope of Gran Canaria felsic magma differentiation

Edgar Alejandro Cortes Calderon, Ben Ellis, Julia Neukampf, Chris Harris, Darren Mark, John Wolff, and Olivier Bachmann

Peralkaline magmatism is mostly sustained by extensive feldspar fractionation from mafic parents at shallow depths in intraplate settings. In this case, silica saturation is critical as it controls the differentiation trend that a peralkaline magma follows. SiO2-oversaturated parents fractionate towards rhyolites, and SiO2-undersaturated towards phonolitic compositions. The Miocene post-shield stage of Gran Canaria records both differentiation trends, which has previously been ascribed to changes in the mantle source. Such stage has been divided in the Mogan and Fataga Group based on silica saturation. Here, we propose that contamination plays a key role in the differentiation of Gran Canaria volcanics. This assumption is supported with new 40Ar/39Ar geochronology, mineral, glass and juvenile clast chemistry (oxygen isotopes, major and trace elements) merged with a detailed stratigraphy. Two types of contaminants were identified, one being cogenetic feldspar-dominated cumulates and the second one being sediments within the island crust. We propose that barium-rich trachytic magmas with positive europium anomalies are linked to melting of the feldspar cumulates left after extensive fractional crystallisation. The chemistry of such trachytes does not follow a liquid line of descent and contains reverse-zoned alkali-feldspars. The shift in silica saturation took less than 1 Ma and is marked by an increase in peralkalinity from 0.9 to 1.5 and a decrease in oxygen isotopes ratio from 7.0 to 5.0 ‰. We interpret these observations as the consequence of maturation of the shallow magma reservoir towards less sediment contamination. Such assimilation of sediments is limited thermally, and compositionally because the system should remain alumina deficient. Crustal assimilation in Gran Canaria did not produce voluminous silicic melts by itself but allowed the deviation of the differentiation trend of a more primitive, initially SiO2-undersaturated magma. The tightrope of differentiation is represented by the thermal divide between the granite and phonolite minima (i.e. feldspar join in petrogeny’s residua system). Contamination by sediments produces a transient SiO2-oversaturated system (Mogan Group). Cogenetic assimilation of cumulates by thermal rejuvenation of the reservoir attracts the magma towards the thermal divide (ubiquitous during the peralkaline stage). Armouring against sediment assimilation through time relaxes the system back to the initial SiO2-undersaturated conditions (Fataga Group).

How to cite: Cortes Calderon, E. A., Ellis, B., Neukampf, J., Harris, C., Mark, D., Wolff, J., and Bachmann, O.: The role of contamination in the tightrope of Gran Canaria felsic magma differentiation, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-13633,, 2020.

EGU2020-10794 | Displays | GMPV8.4

Solidification timescale for the Dufek Intrusion, Antarctica determined by U-Pb zircon ages

Jill VanTongeren, Aidan Taylor, and Blair Schoene

The 8-9 km thick Dufek layered mafic intrusion of Antarctica was emplaced at approximately 182 Ma associated with the Ferrar dolerites and the breakup of the supercontinent Gondwana.  It is rivaled in thickness only by the Bushveld Complex of South Africa and shows a similar progression in mineral compositions all the way to the uppermost contact with an overlying granophyre layer.  This progression in mineral composition suggests that it crystallized from the bottom to the top and did not form an upper solidification front (a.k.a., Upper Border Series) typical of smaller intrusions such as the Skaergaard Intrusion.  Unlike the Bushveld Complex, however, the Dufek Intrusion is exposed in only two ~1.8 km thick sections: the lowermost Dufek Massif, and the uppermost Forrestal Range, which are separated from one another by a ~50km wide snowfield.  The remainder of the stratigraphy is inferred from geophysics, evolution of mineral compositions, and projection of the dip of the layering through the snowfield. 


            We obtained precise CA-ID-TIMS U-Pb zircon ages from samples from the Dufek Massif and Forrestal Range in order to determine the timescale of solidification of a large layered mafic intrusion.  What we found is surprising - zircons from the bottom of the intrusion record younger ages than those from the top of the intrusion.  Two samples from the Dufek Massif have zircon U-Pb ages of 182.441±0.048 Ma and 182.496±0.057 Ma; whereas three samples from the Forrestal Range have zircon U-Pb ages of 182.601±0.064 Ma, 182.660±0.10 Ma, 182.78±0.21 Ma.  Thus, the lower section of the Dufek Intrusion solidified approximately 160,000 years after the upper.  We explore two possibilities for this reverse-age stratigraphy, (1) that the ages reflect the solidification of interstitial melt in a single magma chamber cooling from the top down, or (2) that the Dufek Massif and Forrestal Range are two separate magma chambers that are not connected at depth.  Our results have implications for the stratigraphic thickness estimates of the Dufek Intrusion as well as the duration of magmatism associated with continental breakup.



How to cite: VanTongeren, J., Taylor, A., and Schoene, B.: Solidification timescale for the Dufek Intrusion, Antarctica determined by U-Pb zircon ages, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-10794,, 2020.

Study of phenocryst and megacryst mineral associations of alkali rocks is the key to understanding an evolution and a source of the rocks.

In the Devonian Kola alkaline province (KAP) along with large mafic-ultramafic massifs there are several synchronous swarms of lamprophyre dykes. The dyke swarms occur mainly in the Kandalaksha graben. As suggest, their compositional diversity is caused by fractional crystallization and crustal contamination and a primary melt of lamprophyre was generated from a common source.  

We have studied two dykes of the Turiy Cape swarm and  the Kandalaksha swarm in the vicinity of the Kandalaksha town. The aim of  study was to determine the source of lamprophyre melts based on petrography, geochemistry and detailed investigation of clinopyroxene and olivine.

Two principal petrographical types: alkali lamprophyres (Cb-Anl monchiquite) and ultramafic lamprophyres (Cpx ailikites and mela-alikites) in the Kandalaksha swarm were observed. Alkali lamprophyres contain medium size (0.3 – 1 cm) phenocrysts of olivine, clinopyroxene, magnetite, phlogopite. A groundmass contains analcime, clinopyroxene, various amounts of carbonate (from 0 to 30-40 %), pyrite, apatite, ilmenite.

Ultramafic lamprophyres contain medium size (0.5 – 1 cm) phenocrysts of olivine, clinopyroxene, phlogopite and amphibole. A groundmass contains phlogopite, carbonate, apatite, clinopyroxene, garnet, titanite and opaque minerals.

The most important chemical features of the  alkali lamprophyres are undersaturation of SiO2 (31.04-40.54 wt%), high alkali contents (3.86 – 6.47 wt% K2O+Na2O) and their sodium specification (K2O/Na2O - 0.36-0.68), whereas ultramafic lamprophyres  have lower alkali contents (1.73-3.39 wt% K2O+Na2O), and potassium specification (K2O/Na2O -  1 -2.31). They also contain less SiO2 (27.73 – 34.11 wt%).

The Turiy Cape dykes are characterized by only a single petrographic type  - alkali lamprophyres (Cb-Anl and Ne-Anl monchiquites). They contain small and medium size (0.1 – 1 cm) phenocrysts of olivine, clinopyroxenes, amphiboles, magnetite, phlogopite. A groundmass contains analcime, nepheline, aegirine, phlogopite, garnet, perovskite, apatite and opaque minerals.

Rocks of the Turiy Cape dykes are SiO2 undersaturated (33.93 - 41.86 wt%), and contain extremely high alkalis (5.62-14.51 wt% K2O+Na2O) and all of them have sodium specification (0.11-0.68 K2O/Na2O).

The most primitive core of clinopyroxenes in the Kandalaksha dykes are high magnesian (#Mg – 0.76 – 0.87), low titanian (0,5 – 1,09 wt% TiO2) and contains chromium (0.1-1.1 wt% Cr2O3). The clinopyroxenes of the Tyriy Cape dykes have high magnesian core (#Mg 0.79-0.83, 1.48-2.05 wt% TiO2, 0.12-0.4 wt% Cr2O3).

Olivines in the Kandalaksha lamprophyres have more primitive composition in comparison with olivines from the Turiy Cape ones. The #Mg of Kandalaksha olivines varies from 0.84 to 0.87, nickel concentration varies from 1500 to 2500 ppm and the  #Mg of Turiy Cape olivines varies from 0.82 to 0.85, nickel concentration varies from 500 to 1000 ppm.  

Based on composition of primary minerals we suggest that compositional diversity of both dyke swarms were formed due to crystal fractionation processes. Though, the significant difference in chemistry of whole rocks and clinopyroxene and olivine composition do not support a common source for of the  Turiy Cape and Kandalaksha dykes.

This work was supported by the Russian Science Foundation under Grant No. 19-17-00024.


How to cite: Vozniak, A., Sazonova, L., and Nosova, A.: Lamprophyres from Turiy Cape and Kandalaksha Devonian dykes (Kola peninsula, Russia) : petrography,geochemistry and mineral composition, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-784,, 2020.

EGU2020-2574 | Displays | GMPV8.4

Sulfur cycling in carbonatite of the Kaiserstuhl volcanic complex (Germany)

Bianca Kuhn, Christian Peters, and Simon Schurr

The redox sensitive element sulfur is used for reconstructing the oxygen fugacity during magmatic melt evolution applying the sulfur isotopic composition of sulfide and sulfate minerals. Especially fast ascending sulfur-rich alkaline magma from the upper mantle provides the possibility for determining the oxidation state of Earth`s mantle via a detailed investigation of the sulfur cycling. Here we present the first sulfur isotope data of sulfides, sulfates as well as carbonate associated sulfate (CAS) of carbonatite (sövite) from two well-studied locations (Orberg and Badberg) of the Kaiserstuhl volcanic complex, situated in the southern part of the Upper Rhine Graben (Germany). Based on our results, sövites are 25000 times more enriched in sulfate than in sulfide. Sulfides display a δ34S value of 0.6 ‰ (V-CDT), whereas water-soluble sulfate (e.g. anhydrite) show a sulfur isotopic composition between 3.8 ‰ and 6.1 ‰. δ34SCAS data are at 6 ‰ at the Orberg and 9 ‰ at Badberg locality. Our sulfur isotope data are comparable to other carbonatite occurrences worldwide (e.g. Phalabora, South Africa), emplaced at similar temperatures (ca. 860 °C). However, the strongly elevated sulfate content recorded here for sövites formed at this high temperature is unique and indicates an enhanced oxidation state during sövite formation in the Kaiserstuhl volcanic complex.

How to cite: Kuhn, B., Peters, C., and Schurr, S.: Sulfur cycling in carbonatite of the Kaiserstuhl volcanic complex (Germany), EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-2574,, 2020.

Despite the largest explosive eruptions posing significant potential hazards, the recurrence rate of these so called ‘super-eruptions’ remains poorly constrained. The younger portion of the Yellowstone-Snake River Plain province is well-known for large-scale explosive volcanism; however, the older history within the Snake River Plain remains poorly-known and partially obscured by later basaltic volcanism. To address this, we characterised the mineral cargo of four widely spaced rhyolitic ignimbrites found at the margins of the Snake River Plain that reveal a strong compositional similarity in bulk geochemistry, major crystal phases (e.g. pyroxene and ilmenite), and radiogenic isotopes. To test whether these four compositionally similar units may have had a common origin we used a tandem in-situ and isotope dilution method for U/Pb geochronology of zircon crystals. The youngest populations of zircons from all four samples are equivalent in age, and together define a pooled weighted mean 238U/206Pb age of 11.030 ± 0.006 (MSWD = 1.44, n=24). These results reveal an event with a conservatively estimated erupted volume ~1,470 km3, of similar magnitude to the largest Yellowstone eruptions. Numerous widely dispersed tephra deposits found across the western portions of North America with geochemical affinities to the Snake River Plain province hint at the existence of other such voluminous ignimbrites. The improved ability to correlate deposits of an individual eruption shown by this and other recent studies implies that ‘super’ eruptive events are more common than previously thought.

How to cite: Ellis, B. and Schmitz, M.: Reconstructing a Snake River Plain ‘super-eruption’ via compositional fingerprinting and high-precision U/Pb zircon geochronology, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-8223,, 2020.

EGU2020-10738 | Displays | GMPV8.4

Characterizing magnetite reference material for secondary ion mass spectroscopy (SIMS)

Malin Andersson, Valentin Troll, Martin Whitehouse, Frances Deegan, Karin Högdahl, Erik Jonsson, Gavin Kenny, and Ulf Andersson

Sweden is responsible for over 90% of the iron ore production in the European Union, the bulk of which originates from the Kiruna-Malmberget region in northern Sweden, the type locality for Kiruna-type apatite-iron oxide ores. Despite thorough investigations of these long known deposits, their origin is still debated. Currently, two main formation theories are discussed: formation by orthomagmatic processes (Nyström & Henriquez 1994; Troll et al. 2019), versus hydrothermal processes (Hitzman et al. 1992; Smith et al. 2013).

Secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) analysis allows gathering of more detailed information regarding intra-crystal variations, such as core to rim growth zonations, than bulk analysis do. Measurements of δ56Fe and δ18O in Kiruna-type magnetites by SIMS would therefore aid in the determination of their main formation process. However, there are conflicting studies regarding crystallographic orientation effects of δ56Fe and δ18O in magnetite, and while some authors found that the isotope ratios varied depending on how the crystal was oriented (e.g. Huberty et al. 2010), others found no such effects (e.g. Marin-Carbonne et al. 2011). This research project thus aims to further examine any effects of crystal orientation on Fe and O isotope signatures and identify a suitable magnetite reference material for SIMS analysis. To enable comparison between isotope ratios and crystal orientations, the sample orientations will therefore be determined by electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) prior to SIMS analysis. SIMS analysis require reference material mounted next to the sample for continuous corrections during analysis. Different magnetite samples will now be tested for usage as reference materials. If a homogeneous reference material is found, future studies can utilise it for further investigations of the formation of Kiruna-type magnetite, as well as any other research concerning δ56Fe or δ18O in magnetite.

Hitzman, M.W., Oreskes, N., & Einaudi, M.T. (1992). Geological characteristics and tectonic setting of proterozoic iron oxide (Cu-U-Au-REE) deposits. Precambrian Research. Precambrian Metallogeny Related to Plate Tectonics, vol. 58 (1), pp. 241–287. DOI:10.1016/0301-9268(92)90121-4.

Huberty, J.M., Kita, N.T., Kozdon, R., Heck, P.R., Fournelle, J.H., Spicuzza, M.J., Xu, H., & Valley, J. W. (2010). Crystal orientation effects in 18O for magnetite and hematite by SIMS. Chemical Geology, vol. 276 (3), pp. 269–283. DOI:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2010.06.012.

Marin-Carbonne, J., Rollion-Bard, C., & Luais, B. (2011). In-situ measurements of iron isotopes by SIMS: MC-ICP-MS intercalibration and application to a magnetite crystal from the Gunflint chert. Chemical Geology, vol. 285 (1), pp. 50–61. DOI:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2011.02.019.

Nyström, J.O. & Henriquez, F. (1994). Magmatic features of iron ores of the Kiruna type in Chile and Sweden; ore textures and magnetite geochemistry. Economic Geology, vol. 89(4), pp. 820–839. DOI:10.2113/gsecongeo.89.4.820.

Smith, M.P., Gleeson, S.A., & Yardley, B.W.D. (2013). Hydrothermal fluid evolution and metal transport in the Kiruna District, Sweden: Contrasting metal behaviour in aqueous and aqueous–carbonic brines. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, vol. 102, pp. 89–112. DOI:10.1016/j.gca.2012.10.015.

Troll, V.R., Weis, F.A., Jonsson, E., Andersson, U.B., Majidi, S.A., Högdahl, K., Harris, C., Millet, M.-A., Chinnasamy, S.S., Kooijman, E., &Nilsson, K.P. (2019). Global Fe–O isotope correlation reveals magmatic origin of Kiruna-type apatite-iron-oxide ores. Nature Communications, vol. 10(1), pp. 1712. DOI:10.1038/s41467-019-09244-4.

How to cite: Andersson, M., Troll, V., Whitehouse, M., Deegan, F., Högdahl, K., Jonsson, E., Kenny, G., and Andersson, U.: Characterizing magnetite reference material for secondary ion mass spectroscopy (SIMS), EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-10738,, 2020.

EGU2020-7141 | Displays | GMPV8.4

Fractionation of Highly Siderophile Elements during reactive melt infiltration in lower oceanic crust

Riccardo Tribuzio, Maria Rosaria Renna, Sonia Armandola, Harry Becker, Alessio Sanfilippo, and Zaicong Wang

The olivine-rich troctolites are Mg-rich rocks forming by open-system magmatic crystallization in response to primitive melt injections into the growing lower oceanic crust (e.g., Renna et al., 2016).

In the present study, whole-rock highly siderophile (HSE: Os, Ir, Ru, Rh, Pt, Pd, Au and Re) and chalcogen (S, Se and Te) element compositions, and Re-Os isotopes of the olivine-rich troctolites from the Jurassic Alpine ophiolites were determined with the aim to investigate the control that the formation of lower oceanic crust may exert on the fractionation of HSE and other incompatible chalcophile elements in MORB.

The olivine-rich troctolites have initial γOs (160 Ma) ranging from +0.2 to +5.9, and Primitive Mantle (PM)-normalized HSE-Te-Se-S patterns showing a gradual increase from Os to Au, and nearly flat Au-Te-Se patterns. These patterns are similar to those of little-fractionated mantle melts and are parallel, at higher concentrations levels, to those typical of MORB. The olivine-rich troctolites have higher Te and Os/Ir, and lower Se/Te than MORB, which may be reconciled with a process of sulfide accumulation. Sulfide precipitation could be promoted by interaction between melts interstitial to olivine and melts relatively rich in silica, which could migrate from an underlying gabbroic framework (cf. Renna et al., 2016). Melts residual to the formation of olivine-rich troctolites are inferred to have a markedly HSE-fractionated signature comparable to that of MORB.

Renna M.R., Tribuzio R., Ottolini L. (2016). J Geol Soc Lond 173, 916–932

How to cite: Tribuzio, R., Renna, M. R., Armandola, S., Becker, H., Sanfilippo, A., and Wang, Z.: Fractionation of Highly Siderophile Elements during reactive melt infiltration in lower oceanic crust, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-7141,, 2020.

EGU2020-12359 | Displays | GMPV8.4

Petrology of granitic rocks in Dan Chang District, Suphan Buri Province, Thailand

Thirawat Tukpho and Alongkot Fanka

Granitic rocks in Thailand and South East Asia have been divided into Eastern belt granite, Central belt granite, and Western belt granite.The Central belt granite widely expose in Thailand including Dan Chang area. According to the field investigation, there are two granitic bodies in Dan Chang area. The main granitic body is composed of mainly K-feldspar, plagioclase, quartz, and biotite with some accessory minerals of opaque mineral and zircon. The granitic rocks are obviously characterized by porphyritic texture of coarse-grain K-feldspar.Another granitic body is small body which is similar mineral assemblage to those granite in the main body with different proportion of K-feldspar. The amount of K-feldspar in the small body granite is less than the main body granite. However, both granitic bodies are generally characterized by porphyritic texture of K-feldspar. Moreover, aplite and pegmatite are associated with both of them. The results of field investigation and petrographic study of the granitic rocks in Dan Chang District, Suphan Buri Province, Thailand can be compared with the Central belt granite which may be resulted from the Sibumasu and Indochina collision in Late Triassic.

How to cite: Tukpho, T. and Fanka, A.: Petrology of granitic rocks in Dan Chang District, Suphan Buri Province, Thailand, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-12359,, 2020.

An experimental study of three examples of the sub-volcanic body of Ary-Bulak ongonite was carried out to determine the composition of the liquidus phases and the order of crystallization of minerals. Phase relations in the samples of porphyritic ongonites (1), porphyritic ongonites with a high content of Ca and F (2)  and aphyric rocks with a high content of Ca and F (3) were studied at temperatures of 700–800 °C, a pressure of 1 kbar in Ni-NiO and Mt– Hem buffer conditions.

Rock samples have specific petrochemical aspects. In this series of rocks from (1) to (3), the general tendency is directed towards a decrease in the content of alkalis and silicon and an increase in the content of F and Ca.

Liquidus is achieved for porphyritic and aphyric ongonites with a high content of Ca and F. The liquidus phases for them are fluorite, topaz and plagioclase. Crystallization of porphyry ongonites begins at a temperature below 700 ° C.

The phase relationship and composition of the liquidus phases are independent of oxygen fugacity.

How to cite: Novikova, A. and Alferyeva, Y.: Experimental Study Of Phase Relations In The Ca-Ongonite From Ary-Bulak Massive (Transbaykal Region, Russia) at 700–800 °C, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-13270,, 2020.

EGU2020-13763 | Displays | GMPV8.4

Partition of Ni, Ca and Mn between olivine and carbonated silicate melt

Ming-Jun Zhan, Guo-Liang Zhang, and Shuai Wang

Phenocrysts of olivine with high Ni, low Mn and Ca relative to global MORBs are usually attributed to a stronger role of the pyroxenite melting (Soblev et al., 2005). The Hawaiian shield stage lavas (high Si group) with high bulk-rock and olivine Ni have usually been attributed to the role recycled oceanic crust. However, the Hawaiian plume also produces lavas with Si-undersaturated alkali basalt (low Si group) and relatively low Ni, whose origin has not been well understood. In this study, we examine the role of deep carbon on the magma compositions and their influences on olivine geochemistry. Here by comparing the whole rock and olivine geochemistry data of Hawaiian high Si group basalts with Hawaiian low Si group basalts, we find that the primary magmas of the latter have relatively lower Ni but comparable concentrations of Mn and Ca. However, the high Si group basalt olivines have indistinctive partition coefficient of Ni but significantly lower Mn and Ca than those of the high Si group basalts.

The deep Earth is a large reservoir of carbon, which when participates in mantle melting would significantly influence the mantle residual minerals and melt compositions. For example, mantle melting with CO2 is commonly shown to reduce SiO2 in the melts. Thus, the genesis of the Si-undersaturated alkali basalts has usually been attributed to the role of CO2 (Zhang et al., 2017). The role of CO2 in the genesis of Hawaiian alkali lavas have also been predicted in previous studies. Based on the observations from Hawaiian lavas, we suggest that CO2 played a key role in lowering the partition coefficients of Mn and Ca. We have conducted high pressure-temperature melting experiments on mantle rocks with CO2, and find that CO2 has a potential influence on the partition of Ni, Mn and Ca between olivine and silicate melts, more experiments remain to be further conducted. This work was financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (91858206, 41876040).

How to cite: Zhan, M.-J., Zhang, G.-L., and Wang, S.: Partition of Ni, Ca and Mn between olivine and carbonated silicate melt, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-13763,, 2020.

EGU2020-17903 | Displays | GMPV8.4

Parental magma composition of the Main Zone of the Bushveld Complex: Evidence from in-situ LA-ICP-MS trace element analysis of silicate minerals in the cumulate rocks

Shenghong Yang, Wolfgang D. Maier, Belinda Godel, Sarah-Jane Barnes, Eero Hanski, and Hugh O'Brien

In-situ trace element analysis of cumulus minerals may provide a clue to the parental magma from which the minerals crystallized. However, this is hampered by effects of the trapped liquid shift (TLS). In the Main Zone (MZ) of the Bushveld Complex, the Ti content in plagioclase grains shows a clear increase from core to rim, whereas most other elements (e.g., rare earth elements (REEs), Zr, Hf, Pb) do not. This is different from the prominent intra-grain variation of all trace elements in silicate minerals in mafic dikes and smaller intrusion, which have a faster cooling rate. We suggest that crystal fractionation of trapped liquid occurred in the MZ of Bushveld and the TLS may have modified the original composition of the cumulus minerals for most trace elements except Ti during slow cooling. Quantitative model calculations suggest that the influence of the TLS depends on the bulk partition coefficient of the element. The effect on highly incompatible elements is clearly more prominent ­­than on moderately incompatible and compatible elements because of different concentration gradients between cores and rims of cumulate minerals. This is supported by the following observations in the MZ of Bushveld: 1) positive correlation between Cr, Ni and Mg# of clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene, 2) negative correlation between moderately incompatible elements (e.g., Mn and Sc in clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene, Sr, Ba, Eu in plagioclase), but 3) poor correlation between highly incompatible elements and Mg# of clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene or An# of plagioclase. Modeling suggests that the extent of the TLS for a trace element is also dependent on the initial fraction of the primary trapped liquid, with strong TLS occurring if the primary trapped liquid fraction is high. This is supported by the positive correlation between highly incompatible trace element abundances in cumulus minerals and whole-rock Zr contents.

We have calculated the composition of the parental magma of the MZ of the Bushveld Complex. The compatible and moderately incompatible element contents of the calculated parental liquid are generally similar to those of the B3 marginal rocks, but different from the B1 and B2 marginal rocks. For the highly incompatible elements, we suggest that the use of the sample with the lowest whole-rock Zr content and the least degree of TLS is the best approach to obtain the parental magma composition. Based on calculation, we propose that a B3 type liquid is the most likely parental magma to the MZ of the Bushveld Complex.

How to cite: Yang, S., Maier, W. D., Godel, B., Barnes, S.-J., Hanski, E., and O'Brien, H.: Parental magma composition of the Main Zone of the Bushveld Complex: Evidence from in-situ LA-ICP-MS trace element analysis of silicate minerals in the cumulate rocks, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-17903,, 2020.

EGU2020-19579 | Displays | GMPV8.4

Investigating mantle melting temperatures on Earth, Mars and the Moon using Al-in-olivine thermometry

Eleanor Jennings, Iris Buisman, and Peter Coull

Al-in-olivine thermometry, based upon the temperature-dependent solubility of Al in the olivine crystal structure [1], has become a widely adopted method to investigate the crystallisation temperatures of primitive mantle melts on Earth [2]. The thermometer is calibrated using the Al contents of co-existing olivine and spinel: these phases are on or near the liquidus of primitive magmas, so the thermometer should access liquidus temperatures of mantle melts, thereby constraining the minimum mantle melting temperature. CFB-associated primitive melts have average olivine crystallisation temperatures well in excess of MORB, and back-calculation to the potential temperature of their mantle source regions suggests mantle thermal anomalies of several hundred degrees [3].

Whilst mantle thermal anomalies are moderately well-understood on Earth, relatively little is known about the melting conditions in the mantles of the Moon and Mars that led to the production of Maria basalts and Martian surface basalts and associated volcanic activity. Several samples returned from the Moon and basaltic meteorites from Mars (shergottites) are primitive and rich in both olivine and spinel, so would appear ideal samples for the application of Al-in-olivine thermometry to unravel their respective mantle melting conditions and, more generally, the thermal structures of those planetary interiors. In this study, we present preliminary investigations into a) five Apollo 12 primitive lunar basalts, and b) two olivine-phyric shergottites. We find that pervasive shock features make the trace Al concentrations of shergottitic olivines difficult to use, because high Al concentrations are associated with a fine micron to sub-micron network of K-rich melt veins, suggestive of fluid-mediated melt transport. On the other hand, olivine phenocrysts in all five lunar samples yield clear trends in Al contents and are excellent targets for Al-in-olivine studies. We present preliminary thermal results, as well as a newly-calibrated set of relevant thermodynamic parameters needed for back-calculating lunar melting temperatures. A fully quantitative assessment of lunar maria liquidus temperatures is, however, currently hampered by the limited calibration range of the Al-in-olivine thermometer and the unconstrained effect of high spinel TiO2 contents on the results.

[1] Coogan, L. A., Saunders, A. D. & Wilson, R. N. Chem. Geol. 368, 1–10 (2014).

[2] Trela, J. et al. Nat. Geosci. 10, 451–456 (2017).

[3] Jennings, E. S., Gibson, S. A. & Maclennan, J. Chem. Geol. 529, 119287 (2019).

How to cite: Jennings, E., Buisman, I., and Coull, P.: Investigating mantle melting temperatures on Earth, Mars and the Moon using Al-in-olivine thermometry, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-19579,, 2020.

EGU2020-20063 | Displays | GMPV8.4

Investigating H2O contents in clinopyroxene from explosive versus effusive eruption products from Merapi volcano, Indonesia

Dimitrios Dimitriou, Valentin Troll, Franz Weis, Nadhirah Seraphine, Frances Deegan, Henrik Skogby, Hanik Humaida, and Ralf Gertisser

The 2010 eruption of Merapi produced pyroclastic deposits and lava flows that are compositionally very similar, raising the question as to the underlying reason of the differences in eruptive styles between the various phases of the 2010 eruptive events. To test whether primary magmatic volatile content is the reason for the different eruption styles, we analyzed magmatic water contents in nominally anhydrous clinopyroxene crystals contained in lava and ash from the 2010 eruptive events. We utilized two analytical approaches: (i) Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) analysis of fresh clinopyroxene from the ash and lava samples and (ii) FTIR analysis of clinopyroxene both prior to and after experimental re-hydration. By employing calculated partition coefficients, we determined the magmatic water content of the magma from which the various crystals grew. The magmatic water content determined from the unmodified clinopyroxenes from lava samples yield a range of 0.35 wt.% to 2.02 wt.% H2O, whereas magmatic water contents determined from untreated clinopyroxene contained in the ash samples range between 0.04 and 3.25 wt.%, with two outliers at 4.62 and 5.19 and wt.%, respectively. In contrast, for the rehydrated crystals the range for lava derived clinopyroxene crystals is between 1.94 and 2.19 wt.% and for ash between 1.74 and 2.66 wt.%, with two crystals at extreme values of 0.85 and 3.20 wt.%. We interpret these results to indicate that crystals from different populations are present in the 2010 eruptive products, with the dominant group reflecting relatively low magmatic H2O contents (around 2 wt.%) due to storage in shallow magma reservoirs and pockets at high levels within the Merapi plumbing systems (e.g. top 3 km). The overall higher H2O range and the occasionally more extreme values recorded in clinopyroxenes from ash deposits may then represent the presence of a crystal population that last equilibrated at deeper levels and at higher water contents, i.e. these crystals derive from the replenishing magma that activated the shallow portion of the plumbing system during the 2010 events. While this is work in progress, our results so far seem to suggest that the pyroclastic deposits of the 2010 Merapi eruption may contain a higher fraction of clinopyroxene derived from ‘deeper magma’ with higher H2O contents then what we have detected in associated lavas.

How to cite: Dimitriou, D., Troll, V., Weis, F., Seraphine, N., Deegan, F., Skogby, H., Humaida, H., and Gertisser, R.: Investigating H2O contents in clinopyroxene from explosive versus effusive eruption products from Merapi volcano, Indonesia, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-20063,, 2020.

EGU2020-21265 | Displays | GMPV8.4

Magmas of the El Quemado Complex (Chon Aike Silicic Igneous Province, Patagonia): Elevated Oxygen Isotope Signatures Across Space and Time

Michelle Foley, Benita Putlitz, Lukas Baumgartner, Zoé Guillermin, and Florence Bégué

The generation and source of ~230,000 km3 of total erupted volume of the predominately silicic (>90 %; Pankhurst et al., 2000) magmas which comprise the Jurassic Chon Aike Large Silicic Igneous Province (CASP) of Southern Patagonia is currently debated. In this study, we conducted a widespread sampling of multiple eruptive units, primarily ignimbrites and minor rhyolitic flows, along the Eastern Andean front (~47°S to 49°S), owning to the third and youngest eruptive episode of the CASP (El Quemado Complex; EQC). To determine the magmatic source and potential role of a significant crustal contribution proposed in the generation of these magmas, we analyzed the in-situ δ18O composition of both quartz and zircon by SIMS. We combined these data with LA-ICP-MS U/Pb analyses on single zircon crystals to characterize the potential for changing oxygen isotopic values through time and space within the EQC units along this ~230 km long transect.

The northern-most units sampled have the lightest average δ18O (relative for the EQC) analyzed in zircon and quartz (7.7 and 10.4 ‰, respectively). Oxygen isotope values increase towards the South, with the highest δ 18O values previously reported in El Chaltén, reaching up to 10.1 ‰ for zircon and 12.5 ‰ for quartz (Seitz et al., 2018). Eruptive units from the same locality appear to be homogeneous in their oxygen isotopic composition.

U/Pb zircon ages for the EQC range overall from ~148 to 155 Ma, though no obvious trend from North to South in zircon crystallization ages is noticeable. Multiple inherited zircon cores (at ~230, 460, 500, 1300 Ma) with Jurassic magmatic overgrowths were discovered. Isotopic compositions of these inherited magmatic cores are variable in their δ18O values throughout time. However, and more significantly, most of these inherited cores record high δ 18O values, with the highest value at 9.5 ‰ measured for a ~460 Ma core. These high values measured within inherited cores are found at all locations sampled for the EQC.

The δ18O values of the EQC rocks are significantly higher than what would be expected for silicic magmas formed by simple closed-system fractionation from any mantle-derived melt (6­-7‰; Valley, 2003). Thus, our oxygen isotope data support significant input of crustal material - of either a sedimentary origin or from hydrothermally altered crust - to generate these ignimbrites and rhyolites with elevated δ18O values all along this transect.

How to cite: Foley, M., Putlitz, B., Baumgartner, L., Guillermin, Z., and Bégué, F.: Magmas of the El Quemado Complex (Chon Aike Silicic Igneous Province, Patagonia): Elevated Oxygen Isotope Signatures Across Space and Time, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-21265,, 2020.

EGU2020-2990 | Displays | GMPV8.4

Phase relations of Ca-Mg-carbonates and trace element partition coefficients between carbonates and dolomitic melt at 6 and 9 GPa

Melanie Sieber, Franziska D.H. Wilke, Hans-Josef Reichmann, and Monika Koch-Müller

Calcite (CaCO3) and magnesite (MgCO3) are among the most common carbonates on Earth. The presence of Ca‑Mg‑carbonates in the mantle affects the melting and phase relations of peridotites and eclogites and (partial) melting of carbonates liberates carbon from the mantle to shallower depths. The onset of melting and the incipient melt composition of carbonated peridotites and carbonated eclogites are influenced by the pure CaCO3‑MgCO3‑system. Thus, a deeper insight into the phase relations and melting behavior of the CaCO3‑MgCO3‑system is crucial to better understand the carbon cycle in the Earth’s mantle.

We performed quenched multi-anvil experiments at 6 and 9 GPa to (a) examine the phase relations of the nominally anhydrous CaCO3‑MgCO3‑system and to (b) establish partition coefficients for Li, Na, K, Sr, Ba, Nb, Y and rare earth elements (REEs) between carbonates and dolomitic melt. We used a rotating multi-anvil press to overcome quenching problems as observed in previous studies. Rotation of the multi‑anvil press is, additionally, indispensable to establish equilibrium between solid carbonates and dolomitic melt.

The melting temperature and phase relations of Ca‑Mg‑carbonates depend on the Mg/Ca‑ratio. For instance, at 6 GPa Ca‑rich carbonates with a molar Mg/(Mg+Ca)‑ratio (XMg) of 0.2 will transform into a dolomitic melt (XMg=0.33‑0.31) and calcite crystals (XMg=0.19‑0.14) at 1350‑1440 ℃. Partial melting of Mg‑rich carbonates (XMg=0.85) will produce a dolomitic melt (XMg=0.5‑0.8) and Ca‑bearing magnesite (XMg=0.89‑0.96) at 1400‑1600 ℃. Trace element distribution into Ca-Mg-carbonates depends on XMg, temperature and seems to follow lattice constraints for divalent cations. Partition coefficients of REEs between magnesite (Ca0.11Mg0.89CO3) and dolomitic melt (Ca0.5Mg0.5CO3) at 6 GPa and 1400 ℃ are uniform scattering marginal between 0.1‑0.2. The partition coefficient of Lu (D=0.1) is unmodified to lower Ca-content in magnesite (Ca0.04Mg0.96CO3) and higher temperature (1600 ℃), but the partition coefficients between such Ca-poor magnesite and dolomitic melt (Ca0.2Mg0.8CO3) decrease continuously from heavy-REEs to light‑REEs from 0.1 to 0.001, respectively.

Our findings have important implications for the cycle of carbon and trace elements in the mantle because Ca‑Mg‑carbonates will (partially) melt at 6 GPa and temperatures above ~1300 ℃ producing a dolomitic melt. Consequently, CO2 will be liberated by partial melting of an upwelling carbonated mantle at a depth of ~200 km considering the thermal structure of the upper mantle. The results also affirm that carbonates are stable in the subducting slab even for hot subduction zone geothermal gradients unless carbonate-bearing lithologies in the slab are infiltrated by aqueous fluids.

How to cite: Sieber, M., Wilke, F. D. H., Reichmann, H.-J., and Koch-Müller, M.: Phase relations of Ca-Mg-carbonates and trace element partition coefficients between carbonates and dolomitic melt at 6 and 9 GPa, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-2990,, 2020.

High-Mg# (molar 100 × Mg/(Mg + Fe)) diorites can provide significant insights on the mantle metasomatism under the subduction zone. Here we investigate the genesis of Neoproterozoic high-Mg# diorites in the western Yangtze Block to constrain mantle metasomatism during the subduction process. Zircon U-Pb dating results display new weighted mean 206Pb/238U ages of 850.1 ± 1.7 Ma, 840.9 ± 2.4 Ma, and 836.6 ± 1.9 Ma for these high-Mg# diorites. They are metaluminous and calc-alkaline rocks, and characterized by moderate SiO2 (57.08–61.12 wt.%), high MgO (3.36–4.30 wt.%) and Mg# values (56–60). The relatively low initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.703406 to 0.704157), highly positive whole-rock εNd(t) (+3.26 to +4.26) and zircon εHf(t) values (+8.43 to +13.6) imply that they were predominantly sourced from depleted lithospheric mantle. These high-Mg# diorites also show the enrichment of large ion lithophile elements (LILEs, e.g., Rb, Ba, K, and Sr) and depletion of high field strength elements (HFSEs, e.g., Nb, Ta, Zr, and Hf), resembling typical arc magma affinity. The highly variable Rb/Y, Th/Ce, Th/Sm, and Th/Yb ratios indicate the significant incorporation of subduction-related fluids and sediment-derived melts into primary mantle source. We therefore propose that the ca. 850–835 Ma high-Mg# diorites in this study were formed by the partial melting of metasomatized mantle source influenced by subduction fluids and sediment melts. Our new data, in conjunction with numerous studies of metasomatized mantle magmatism from the western Yangtze Block, suggest that Neoproterozoic mantle sources were progressively metasomatized by the subduction-related compositions from slab fluids, sediment melts, to oceanic slab melts during persistent subduction process.

How to cite: Zhu, Y. and Lai, S.: Genesis of ca. 850-835 Ma high-Mg# diorites in the western Yangtze Block, South China: Implications for mantle metasomatism under the subduction process, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-3985,, 2020.

EGU2020-5908 | Displays | GMPV8.4

Settling behaviour of particles in Rayleigh-Benard convection

Vojtech Patocka, Enrico Calzavarini, and Nicola Tosi

Our numerical study evaluates the settling rate of solid particles, suspended in a highly 
vigorous, finite Prandtl number convection of a bottom heated fluid. We explore a broad 
range of model parameters, covering particle types appearing in various natural systems, 
and focus in particular on crystals nucleating during the cooling of a magma ocean. The 
motion of inertial particles within thermal convection is non-trivial, and under idealized 
conditions of spherical shaped particles with small Reynolds number it follows the 
Maxey-Riley equation (Maxey and Riley, 1983). Two scaling laws exist for the settling 
velocities in such system: for particles with small but finite response time, the Stokes' 
law is typically applied. For particles with a vanishing response time, a theoretical model 
was developed by Martin and Nokes (1989), who also validated their prediction with analogue 

We develop a new theoretical model for the settling velocities. Our approach describes 
sedimentation of particles as a random process with two key constituents: i) transport 
from convection cells into slow regions of the flow, and ii) the probability of escaping 
slow regions if a particle enters them. By quantifying the rates of these two processes, 
we derive a new equation that bridges the gap between the above mentioned scaling laws. 
Moreover, we identify four distinct regimes of settling behaviour and analyze the lateral 
distribution of positions where particles reach the bottom boundary. Finally, we apply our 
results to the freezing of a magma ocean, making inferences about its equilibrium vs 
fractional crystallization. The numerical experiments are performed in 2D cartesian geometry 
using the freely available code CH4 (Calzavarini, 2019).

Maxey, M. R. and Riley, J. J.(1983): Equation of motion for a small rigid sphere in a nonuniform flow. 
Physics of Fluids, 26(4), 883-889.

Martin, D and Nokes, R (1989): A fluid-dynamic study of crystal settling in convecting magmas. 
Journal of Petrology, 30(6), 1471-1500.

Calzavarini, E (2019): Eulerian–Lagrangian fluid dynamics platform: The ch4-project. Software Impacts, 1, 100002.

How to cite: Patocka, V., Calzavarini, E., and Tosi, N.: Settling behaviour of particles in Rayleigh-Benard convection, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-5908,, 2020.

The Remal granite-gneiss is situated close to the tectonic boundary between the Singhbhum Craton and the Rengali Province in the state of Odisha, eastern India. This granite-gneiss contains two prominent fabric elements - a sub-horizontal to gently dipping felsic fabric Sign, believed to be of igneous origin that predates a sub-vertical gneissosity S1 which is of tectonic origin. Sign layers have a non-uniform, arcuate geometry and grain-size within the layers show systematic variations. S1 is defined by metre-scale segregations of biotite-poor and biotite-rich domains whose orientations are constant. Sign layers are arranged rhythmically in cross-section and either curve into parallelism with or truncate against layers above and below; the entire assembly resembles cross beds developed in sediments. Some of the layers develop trough cross-bedding similar to those seen in mafic intrusions such as the Skaergaard Complex, indicative of slumping of a crystallizing mush along an inclined depositional plane at the time of crystallization. The Sign layers are composed of quartz, K-feldspar and plagioclase with abundant graphic intergrowths and myrmekite, and lack any evidence of compaction. Plagioclase grains are often zoned, and dihedral angles between mineral grains is significantly different from the equilibrium value of 120°, testifying to the preservation of the igneous nature of this fabric without significant solid state modification. In contrast, S1 is sub-parallel to localized mylonite zones within the granite-gneiss composed of chlorite and epidote, indicative of deformation under greenschist facies conditions. The mylonitized zones contain prominent dextral shear sense indicators and is believed to have originated due to the amalgamation of the Rengali Province with the Eastern Ghats Mobile Belt along the east-west trending, sub-vertical Brahmani Shear Zone further to the south. The S1 gneissosity appears to have developed as a result of this deformation event. EBSD analyses of quartz grains within the granite-gneiss reveal distinct variations in the distribution of <c> axes in different domains. Close to the mylonite zones, deformation of quartz has been dominantly accommodated by basal <a> slip with a dextral shearing overprint while away from these zones and S1, the <c> axes are distributed in clusters without any systematic pattern. The persistence of an earlier igneous layering, despite the subsequent development of a gneissosity concomitant with localised mylonitisation, indicates that the later deformation event has not obliterated the earlier formed igneous fabric. The study also demonstrates that development of a gneissosity does not necessarily require deformation operating at moderate to high temperature, and can stabilize even under greenschist facies conditions.

How to cite: Dobe, R. and Gupta, S.: Orthogonal Tectonic and Magmatic Fabrics in a Layered Granite-Gneiss at Remal Dam Site, India: Implications for Fabric Generation and Superposition , EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-6526,, 2020.

EGU2020-11044 | Displays | GMPV8.4

Redox control on chromium isotope behaviour in silicate melts in contact with magnesiochromite

Pierre Bonnand, Emilie Bruand, Andrew Matzen, Matthew Jerram, Federica Schiavi, Bernard Wood, Maud Boyet, and Alex Halliday

Transition metals are of special interest for understanding the conditions of differentiation processes such as core formation. Those that have more than one oxidation state can also provide powerful constraints on changing redox conditions in the mantle over time. The ability to determine isotopic fractionations associated with differentiation processes has provided a new dimension to exploration of the conditions in the early Earth in particular. It has been recently shown that Cr isotope variations in igneous systems are strongly affected by redox conditions and chromite crystallisation.

In this study, we have investigated the variations in chemical composition and Cr isotopic compositions in both magnesiochromite and silicate melts during experiments performed under controlled redox conditions. The Cr isotopic compositions measured in the silicate melts in our experiments are strongly influenced by oxygen fugacity and experiments performed at 1300 °C and -12 < logfO2 < -6 are correlated with fO2. This suggests that Cr isotopes are a powerful tool to study changes in redox conditions in high temperature processes. The Cr isotopic composition of silicate melt reacted under more oxidising conditions (logfO2 > -6) are isotopically much lighter compared to melts reacted at lower oxygen fugacity. Three hypotheses are proposed to explain such variations: (i) a change in Cr bonding environment in the silicate melt (ii) a change in Cr bonding environment in the chromite (iii) volatile loss of Cr from the silicate melt. More work is needed to definitively determine the factors that control the isotopic behaviour of Cr in silicate melts.

How to cite: Bonnand, P., Bruand, E., Matzen, A., Jerram, M., Schiavi, F., Wood, B., Boyet, M., and Halliday, A.: Redox control on chromium isotope behaviour in silicate melts in contact with magnesiochromite, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-11044,, 2020.

EGU2020-11377 | Displays | GMPV8.4

Genetic interpretation of CSD for olivine through the dunite section of the Dovyren layered intrusion: linking with geochemistry and probable dynamics of the cumulate mush.

Sergei Sobolev, Alexey Ariskin, Simone Tarquini, Ivan Pshenitsyn, Georgy Nikolaev, and Boris Shkurskii

The Yoko-Dovyren ultramafic-mafic intrusion (the northern Baikal region, Russia) has excellent outcropping as well as layering falls vertically. It`s age is 728 Ma. Length of the main body is 26 km. The modal layering of its central part (~3 km thick) includes a basal reversal (from chilled rocks to plagiolherzolites) followed with Pl-bearing to adcumulate dunite, troctolite and gabbroic sequence.

Over the past 20 years, several sections of the massif have been studied in detail. (Ariskin et al 2018) have determined two major types of parental magmas recorded in the FeO vs MgO trends for the Ol cumulates through the first 500 m of the cross-section. These two geochemically similar magmas are consistent with equilibrium olivine Fo88 and Fo86 in the range of temperatures from 1290°C to ~1200°C.

We present the results of quantification of CSD of olivine from the dunite succession, which argue for two types of olivine grain populations differing for the more primitive and relatively evolved magma.

The slope of the log-linear CSD function in the lower-temperature magmas has a less steep as compared to the higher temperature ones.  Both populations can be considered to represent intratelluric olivine crystallized at a pre-emplacement stage. At a stratigraphic level of 200 m from the lower contact, in some of the samples we observed changes in the CSD patterns, which evidence a coarsening of the populations within the Dovyren chamber. Starting from 350-400 m coarsening is noticeable everywhere, so that the CSD cease to be log-linear. In addition, in a narrow zone of 500-550 m dunite are found to display a pronounced bimodal (kinked) distribution of olivine. In a larger population, olivine has highest aspect ratio (up to 3-3.5) compared to other dunite samples. The origin of such dunite can be explained by the intrusion of hot portions of magma into the colder cumulus. In this case such elongated crystals may be due to the increased growth rate of the original olivine grains. The smaller population may be due to a new nucleation event after emplacement. CSD in cumulates above the «kinked dunites» demonstrate coarsening of olivine, with the most coarse-grained populations typical of highly contaminated dunite.

Thus, a rather narrow zone is distinguished in dunite, where we can observe primary intratelluric CSD, which is not substantially altered nither by peritectic reactions in the loose cumulus of the reversal sequence, where the temperature drops rapidly, nor by coarsening during long history of temperature oscillations close to the primary magmas condition above this zone.

This work support from the Russian Science Foundation (RSF, grant No. 16-17-10129)

Ariskin Alexey, Danyushevsky Leonid, Nikolaev Georgy, Kislov Evgeny, Fiorentini Marco, McNeill Andrew, Kostitsyn Yuri, Goemann Karsten, Feig Sandrin, and Malyshev Alexey. The dovyren intrusive complex (southern siberia, russia): Insights into dynamics of an open magma chamber with implications for parental magma origin, composition, and cu-ni-pge fertility. Lithos, 302:242–262, 2018.

How to cite: Sobolev, S., Ariskin, A., Tarquini, S., Pshenitsyn, I., Nikolaev, G., and Shkurskii, B.: Genetic interpretation of CSD for olivine through the dunite section of the Dovyren layered intrusion: linking with geochemistry and probable dynamics of the cumulate mush., EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-11377,, 2020.

EGU2020-12618 | Displays | GMPV8.4

Crystal fractionation by crystal-driven convection

Cansu Culha, Jenny Suckale, Tobias Keller, and Zhipeng Qin

In the last two decades, improved fine scale analysis in crystalline profiles has improved our understanding of igneous processes, while opening our sight to more complexities. As an example, plagioclase crystal profiles in Holyoke flood-basalt flow revealed that the crystals got exposured to different melt environments as the layer underwent fractional crystallization. Fractional crystallization is an essential process for determining the compositional evolution of magmatic systems. The process requires a reactive segregation process, where crystals precipitate from the melt and segregate from their residual melt. In this study, we are motivated by the subtleties in the crystalline record to model the segregation component of fractional crystallization, or crystal fractionation.


We build a numerical model with individually resolved, denser-than-melt crystals in a convective flow. We test the low to intermediate crystallinity regime, where the physical processes leading to efficient fractionation are less clear than at high crystallinity. We simulate the physical segregation of crystals from their residual melt at the scale of individual crystals using a direct numerical method. By resolving each of the crystals, we do not require a priori parameterization of crystal-melt interactions. We use tracers in the melt to track the different melts around the crystals.


We find that collective sinking of crystal-rich clusters dominate settling at low particle Reynolds numbers. The relatively rapid motion of this cluster strips away the residual melt around the cluster. Compared to individual settling, the resulting crystal fractionation is efficient but heterogeneous at the crystalline scale. Similar to the Holyoke flood-basalt plagioclase profiles, the crystals in our analysis show exposure to different melt environments as they drive crystal fractionation. Our results suggest that cluster driven fractional crystallization will vary in efficiency. At the system scale, this result would suggest a bell curve compositional abundance distribution in volcanic systems.


How to cite: Culha, C., Suckale, J., Keller, T., and Qin, Z.: Crystal fractionation by crystal-driven convection, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-12618,, 2020.

EGU2020-15016 | Displays | GMPV8.4

The Moon in the Skye: insights into the formation and evolution of the lunar magma ocean

Gautier Nicoli, Jerome Neufeld, and Marian Holness

On the Moon, mare basalts were the results of explosive volcanic eruptions which sampled mantel material during the ascent. Apollo 15 and Apollo 17 missions have landed on the edge of Mare Imbrium and Mare Tranquillitatis respectively and collected numerous volcanic material, including basaltic lavas, mantle and crustal xenoliths, and magnesium rich green glasses. Studies of the green glass indicate that the melt from which it formed originated about 400 kilometres below the Moon's surface.

Due to the absence of tectonic reworking, a protracted mantle convection history and the lack of weathering, and notwithstanding meteorite impacts, the pristine nature of the lunar samples can be used to both better constrain magma-storage depth during plume-like volcanic activity and provide better understanding on the crystallization of magma oceans. Unlike most erupted volcanic material on Earth, whole rock lava and xenolith samples present at the Moon’s surface likely preserve pressure and temperature at which they have formed or have reequilibrated. In this study, we used thermodynamic modelling to constrain the minimum depth of magma storage and the equilibrium depth of mantle and crustal xenoliths (i.e. picrite, dunite, troctolite).

Our results indicate that there were two levels of magma storage beneath the Mare Imbrium at the time of the eruption, at 140 ± 11 km depth and at ~ 82 km depth below the KREEP layer (~ 60 km). Picrite and dunite are equilibrated at 130-150 km depth, troctolite at 80 km depth and anorthosite between 0 and ~ 35 km depth. The maximum equilibrium depth for forsterite-rich olivine in picrite xenoliths and green glass beads is estimated at 490 ± 10 km. Estimated lunar mantel potential temperature (Tp) is 1490 °C, which is similar to the Icelandic Tp (~ 1490 °C) and close to the North Atlantic Province Tp (1350 °C).

There are strong petrological similarities in the internal architecture of the first 150 km of the Moon presents Shiant Isles Main Sill (135 m) (SIMS) in Scotland), suggesting similar formation processes. The SIMS formed with a significant crystal cargo (~ 15 vol%), which then differentiates through settling of crystals from a vigorously convective magma and the concomitant rising of buoyant melt giving rise to a sandwich horizon significantly above the mid-point (~ 75 %) of the sill total thickness. On the Moon, the predominant current theory of lunar formation suggests the formation of a flotation anorthosite crust on the top of a rapidly convecting magma ocean. However, in such environment (Ra ~ 1030), anorthosite crystals are likely to be re-entrained, suggesting the crust might have only formed once the magma ocean had an aggregate crystal cargo of roughly 50%. 

Hence, the petrological information contained in picritic sills on Earth might give direct insights into the formation and evolution of the magma ocean on the Moon. Based on our observations, we argue that lunar differentiation would have then been driven by the formation of a stagnant lid, compaction through buoyant flow of anorthite-rich melt and then further refinement through magmatism on the moon.  

How to cite: Nicoli, G., Neufeld, J., and Holness, M.: The Moon in the Skye: insights into the formation and evolution of the lunar magma ocean , EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-15016,, 2020.

EGU2020-1737 | Displays | GMPV8.4

Podiform and stratiform chromitite with PGE in Paleoproterozoic (2.1 Ga) Pados-Tundra ultramafic (ophiolite) complex (N-E part of the Fennoscandian Shield, Arctic region)

Tamara Bayanova, Serov Pavel, Kunakkuzin Evgeniy, Steshenko Ekaterina, and Borisenko Elena

Pados-Tundra ultramafic complex belong to Serpentinite belt in the northern Fennoscandian Shield and composed of dunite-harzburgite-orthopyroxenite with 7 rhythms and 4 Cr layers. The associated massif named as Malyi Pados are considered as a satellite intrusion (Mamontov, Dokuchaeva, 2005) or dislocated block detached according by (Barkov et al., 2016). Nevertheless the complex includes of Dunite Zone with podiform and stratiform chromitite with Ir subgroup PGE (Ru, Os, Ir – IPGE) and associated with chromian spinel in ophiolite (Joban, 2006). Fiestly unusual microtextures and mineralogical features with clinochlore, laurite and native Ru was found (Barkov et al., 2017).

Isotope U-Pb data on baddeleyite in core of zircon from mafic gabbronorite rocks of the Malyi Pados gave 2083±7 Ma and are coeval to ages of Cu-Ni Pechenga (1980 Ma) and PGE Bushveld deposits. Notably are measured new U-Pb ages with 2087±3 Ma for baddeleyite and metamorphic rutile with 1804±10 Ma from hornblendite dyke which are cutted ultramafic rocks of the Pados-Tundra complex.

New Sm-Nd mapping data for the main rocks of the complex are reflected model TDM ages of primary protolith from 2.78 Ga to 2.36 Ga and 3.13 Ga for host rock with positive εNd values from +2.7 to +2.1. New Sm-Nd investigations to podiform chromitites of the Pados-Tundra complex are similar to Sopcheozerskoe Cr-deposit (Dunite Block) of the Monchegorsk ore region with positive εNd and young protolith ages about 2.7 Ga for primary magma sources instead of Paleoproterozoic Co-Cu-Ni and PGE layered intrusions of the Fennoscandian Shield with 2.4 Ga to 2.5 Ga for origin and 3.2 - 3.5 Ga of the protolith EM-1 enriched mantle plume reservoir (Bayanova et al., 2009, 2014, 2018). All new U-Pb on baddeleyite and Sm-Nd studies to whole rocks of the Pados-Tundra complex infer about ophiolite (spreading or oceanization of the crust) and presence diamond in podiform chromitites according to new highlights of (Ballhause et al., 2017).

All investigations are supported by RFBR 18-05-70082 (Arctic resources), 18-35-00152, 18-35-00246, Scientific Research Contract N0.0226-2019-0053 and Program of Presidium RAS 8.48.

How to cite: Bayanova, T., Pavel, S., Evgeniy, K., Ekaterina, S., and Elena, B.: Podiform and stratiform chromitite with PGE in Paleoproterozoic (2.1 Ga) Pados-Tundra ultramafic (ophiolite) complex (N-E part of the Fennoscandian Shield, Arctic region), EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-1737,, 2020.

GMPV9.5 – Volcanic processes: tectonics, deformation, geodesy, unrest

EGU2020-5388 | Displays | GMPV9.5

3D Geodynamic Models of the Present-Day Altiplano-Puna Magmatic System

Arne Spang, Tobias Baumann, and Boris Kaus

For the past decades, several numerical studies have successfully reproduced the concentric uplift pattern observed above the Altiplano-Puna Magma Body (APMB) in the central Andes. However, the temperature- and strain rate-dependent viscoelastoplastic rheology of rocks, the buoyancy of magma, the effects of modelling in 3D as well as the shape of the magma body have often been simplified or neglected.

Here, we use a joint interpretation of seismic imaging and gravity anomalies to constrain location, 3D shape and density of the magma body. With the help of the thermo-mechanical finite difference code LaMEM, we then model the surface deformation and test our results against observations made by Interferometric Synthetic-Aperture Radar (InSAR) missions. This way, we gain insights into the dynamics and rheology of the present-day magmatic system and can test how a change to the current conditions (e.g., magma influx) could impact it.

We find that only an APMB with a maximum thickness of 14 to 18 km and a corresponding density contrast to the surrounding host rock of 100 to 175 kg/m3 satisfies both tomography and Bouguer data. Based on that and the chemistry of eruption products, we estimate the melt content of the APMB to be on the order of 20 - 25%. We also find that the observed uplift can be reproduced by magma-induced buoyancy forces without the need for an additional pressure source or magma injection within the mush, and that the geometry of the top of the magma body exerts a major control on the deformation pattern at the surface.

How to cite: Spang, A., Baumann, T., and Kaus, B.: 3D Geodynamic Models of the Present-Day Altiplano-Puna Magmatic System, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-5388,, 2020.

EGU2020-11307 | Displays | GMPV9.5 | Highlight

Birth of a large volcanic edifice offshore Mayotte (Comoros Island, Western Indian Ocean)

Nathalie Feuillet, Stephan Jorry, Wayne Crawford, Christine Deplus, Isabelle Thinon, Eric Jacques, Jean-Marie saurel, Anne Lemoine, Fabien Paquet, Claudio Satriano, Chastity Aiken, Angèle Laurent, Cecile Cathalot, Emmanuel Rinnert, Arnaud Gaillot, Carla Scalabrin, Manuel Moreira, Aline Peltier, François Beauducel, and Valerie Ballu and the Tellus SISMAYOTTE and MAYOBS Team

Volcanic eruptions are foundational events shaping the Earth’s surface and providing a window into deep Earth processes. We document here an ongoing magmatic event offshore Mayotte island (Western Indian Ocean) unprecedented in terms of emitted volume of lava and duration of the seismic crisis.This event gave birth to a deep-sea volcanic edifice 820m tall and ~ 5 km3 in volume, located 50 km from Mayotte. A plume with distinct chemical signatures compared to open-ocean seawater emanated from the edifice, generating an exceptional 1900m-high vertical acoustic anomaly in the water column. Noble gas analyses in the vesicles from a popping rock dredged on the flank of the edifice, indicate rapid magma transfer from the asthenosphere. The edifice is located at the tip of a WNW-ESE–striking volcanic ridge composed of many other edifices, cones and lava flows constructed by past eruptions. Starting in May 2018 thousand of earthquakes were triggered by the magmatic event. The space-time distribution of the seismicity suggests that magma below the center of the ridge was transported to the new edifice over a few weeks in dikes that penetrated the brittle mantle a result of a lithosphere-scale extensional episode accommodating motion along a transfer zone between the East-African rifts and Madagascar. Since the eruption’s onset, the seismicity is mostly concentrated closer to the island, in an exceptionally deep zone (25-50 km) overlain by a zone of enigmatic, very low frequency, tremors.

How to cite: Feuillet, N., Jorry, S., Crawford, W., Deplus, C., Thinon, I., Jacques, E., saurel, J.-M., Lemoine, A., Paquet, F., Satriano, C., Aiken, C., Laurent, A., Cathalot, C., Rinnert, E., Gaillot, A., Scalabrin, C., Moreira, M., Peltier, A., Beauducel, F., and Ballu, V. and the Tellus SISMAYOTTE and MAYOBS Team: Birth of a large volcanic edifice offshore Mayotte (Comoros Island, Western Indian Ocean), EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-11307,, 2020.

EGU2020-7188 | Displays | GMPV9.5

Unrest episodes at Alcedo and Cerro Azul (Galapagos) revealed by InSAR data and geodetic modelling

Federico Galetto, Andrew Hooper, and Marco Bagnardi

Western Galápagos calderas experienced repeated eruptive and non-eruptive unrest in the last decades, only partially studied. Here we investigated, using the Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry (InSAR) and geodetic modelling, the eruptive and the non-eruptive unrest episodes occurred in two of the less studied calderas of the western Galápagos: Alcedo and Cerro Azul. Alcedo underwent repeated non-eruptive unrest from 2007 to 2011, while Cerro Azul experienced an unrest, from 2007 to 2008, culminated in two eruptive phases from May 29th to June 11th 2008. Results highlight how Alcedo experienced two episodes of uplift due to new magma injections in its shallow magma reservoir, separated by an episode with a limited lateral propagation of magma, probably interrupted for the lack of new magma supply in the magma reservoir. Results also hint to a possible relationship between these short-term unrest episodes and the longer-term process of resurgence at Alcedo. As for Cerro Azul, we overcame unwrapping errors affecting some of the InSAR data of Cerro Azul by proposing a new method, based on the wrapped phase differences among nearby pixels, to invert the wrapped phase directly. Our results highlight how the eruption was preceded by long-term pre-eruptive inflation (October 2007 – April 2008). During the first eruptive phase, most of the magma responsible for the inflation fed the lateral propagation of a radial dike, which caused a first deflation of the magmatic reservoir. During the second eruptive phase, the further lateral propagation of the dike fed a radial eruptive fissure at the base of the edifice, causing further deflation of the magmatic reservoir. From the first to the second eruptive phase, the radial dike changed its strike propagating towards a topographic low between Cerro Azul and Sierra Negra. An increase in magma supply from the reservoir to the dike promoted the further lateral propagation of the dike, confirming the importance of a continuous supply of magma in the propagation of a dike. 

How to cite: Galetto, F., Hooper, A., and Bagnardi, M.: Unrest episodes at Alcedo and Cerro Azul (Galapagos) revealed by InSAR data and geodetic modelling, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-7188,, 2020.

EGU2020-9580 | Displays | GMPV9.5

A Monte Carlo Markov Chain Approach to Stress Inversion and Forecasting of Eruptive Vent Locations

Lorenzo Mantiloni, Tim Davis, Ayleen Barbara Gaete Rojas, and Eleonora Rivalta

Current approaches to vent opening forecast produce probabilistic maps on the base of the spatial density of past eruptive vents, as well as the surface distribution of structural features such as faults and fractures. One of the main challenges in forecasting future vent locations in the case of distributed volcanism is that we usually deal with scarce, spatially scattered data to support these approaches. As sophisticated as our statistical analysis can be, such data are difficult to interpolate between and extrapolate from, resulting in spatially coarse forecasts and large uncertainties. More recently, Rivalta et al. (2019) proposed a forecasting strategy to predict future vent locations, combining the physics of magma transport at depth (where magma trajectories are assumed to be driven entirely by stress) with a Monte Carlo inversion technique for key stress parameters. This method has been first tested on the Campi Flegrei caldera; however, further validations and development are needed. Here we validate the strategy of Rivalta et al. with data from analog models (air injection in gelatine). We stress a gelatine block in controlled conditions (extension/compression, surface loading/unloading, layering) and observe air-filled crack trajectories. With these data, we test a flavour of the strategy that combines boundary element magma trajectory calculations with a  Monte Carlo Markov chain approach. We find the scheme is able to retrieve the parameters of the stress imposed on the gelatine and forecast subsequent vents in the same experimental setups. We also discuss how it may be applicable to natural cases, and what data are necessary for the approach to be feasible.

How to cite: Mantiloni, L., Davis, T., Gaete Rojas, A. B., and Rivalta, E.: A Monte Carlo Markov Chain Approach to Stress Inversion and Forecasting of Eruptive Vent Locations, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-9580,, 2020.

EGU2020-21351 | Displays | GMPV9.5

Fully-coupled 3D modelling of magmatic dike propagation - finite pulse release from a point source

Andreas Möri, Brice Lecampion, and Haseeb Zia

Magmatic dikes are a naturally occurring type of fluid-driven fractures [1] propagating in the lithosphere driven by buoyancy (more precisely by the difference between the in-situ minimum horizontal stress gradient and the magma weight). Fully-coupled modelling of these 3D fractures is very challenging and most contributions until today have been restricted to 2D plane-strain. These 2D investigations have highlighted the importance of the head-tail structure, notably the fact that lubrication flow in the tail is driving the growth of the hydrostatic head [2, 3]. We investigate the 3D development of a buoyant dike from a point source, focusing on the case of a finite volume release under homogeneous conditions (homogeneous material properties and buoyancy contrast). We use the fully coupled planar 3D hydraulic fracture growth solver PyFrac based on the implicit level set algorithm [4].

This configuration shows an early time behaviour heavily dominated by the effects of the pulse release. The initially radial hydraulic fracture transitions toward a large time buoyant dike solution. At large time our simulations tends to the finger-like/constant breadth solution [5] albeit extremely slowly. Our results confirm the 3D toughness dominated head structure and the importance of the viscous tail as the driving mechanism for the dynamics of such a 3D Weertman’s pulse (form of the head). Depending on the initial phase of the pulse release, we observe an overshoot of the dike breadth when it is initially strongly dominated by viscous dissipation. Using a scaling analysis, we characterize the transition from the early time radial finite pulse fracture to the late dike constant breadth solution. Our simulations show, that the time when the buoyant force takes its full dominance is crucial and governs the existence (or not) of an overshoot. Mainly we show that the overshoot depends on a transitional time/lengthscale. A detailed understanding of the fracture propagation after the end of the finite volume release (yet without buoyancy) is key to quantify this lengthscale. We thus present scalings and semi-analytical solutions for this case and discuss its relevance for the transition toward a buoyancy driven dike propagation.

[1]  E. Rivalta, B. Taisne, A.P. Bunger, and R.F. Katz. Tectonophysics, 638:1–42, 2015.

[2]  J. R. Lister and R. C. Kerr. J. Geohpys. Res. Solid Earth, 96(B6):10049–10077, 1991.

[3]  S. M. Roper and J. R. Lister. J. Fluid Mech., 536:79–98, 2005.

[4]  A. P. Peirce and E. Detournay. Comput. Methods in Appl. Mech. Eng., 197(33-40):2858–2885, 2008.

[5]  L.N. Germanovich, D. I. Garagash, Murdoch, L., and Robinowitz M. AGU Fall meeting, 2014.

How to cite: Möri, A., Lecampion, B., and Zia, H.: Fully-coupled 3D modelling of magmatic dike propagation - finite pulse release from a point source , EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-21351,, 2020.

EGU2020-17969 | Displays | GMPV9.5

Pre-existing fault-controlled eruptions from the lateral tips of a laccolith in SE Iceland

Vincent Twomey, William McCarthy, Craig Magee, and Michael Petronis

Volcano eruption forecasting relies on models of sub-volcanic magmatic plumbing systems that link ground deformation to sub-surface magma movement. However, many of these models typically assume that eruption sites occur directly above laccolithic reservoirs. Furthermore, many of these models assume deformation of the host rock is exclusively elastic with few studies highlighting the role inelastic deformation (e.g., faulting/fracturing). Whilst the dynamics of magma flow have previously been well constrained in ancient in sub-volcanic systems, its geometrical and kinematic relationship with the corresponding host rock deformation remains poorly understood which, is critical to volcanic hazard assessment.

Here, we examine the structure of the shallow-level (i.e. intruded <1 km below the palaeosurface), silicic Reyðarártindur laccolith in SE Iceland, and demonstrate how the underlying mechanisms of lateral magma flow coupled with pre-existing host rock structures influenced the localisation of volcanic activity. In particular, we use anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) fabric analysis and show that the intrusion contains several laterally emplaced magma lobes, with magma flowing along a SW-NE axis, parallel to the strike of pre-existing, steeply dipping fault arrays in the host basalt lavas. Lateral magma flow and inflation of the lobes promoted upward intrusion along these pre-existing faults, which we posit acted as preferential pathways for magma to reach eruption sites that were laterally offset by tens to hundreds of metres from the underlying main intrusion.

Our interpretation provides field evidence for the reactivation of pre-existing structures as inclined magma conduits to eruptive vent sites on the outer margins of subjacent lateral magma bodies. This supports seismic observations where (i) Volcanoes overlie the lateral tips of subjacent intrusions in subvolcanic systems; (ii) ground, and host rock deformation preceding eruptions can be most prominent in areas adjacent to the volcano site; and (iii) volcanoes overlie and are aligned along fault traces suggesting that pre-existing normal faults influence the localisation of volcanic activity.


How to cite: Twomey, V., McCarthy, W., Magee, C., and Petronis, M.: Pre-existing fault-controlled eruptions from the lateral tips of a laccolith in SE Iceland, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-17969,, 2020.

EGU2020-2236 | Displays | GMPV9.5

Viscoelastic crustal deformation in the Aira caldera before and after the 1914 eruption of the Sakurajima volcano

Tadashi Yamasaki, Freysteinn Sigmundsson, and Masato Iguchi

Long-term volcano deformation cannot be well understood without considering crustal viscoelasticity because the presence of magma is expected to significantly lower the crustal viscosity beneath volcanoes. In this study, we examine viscoelastic crustal response to continuous magma supply into the upper crust and its sudden discharge. We use a three-dimensional (3-D) finite element model composed of an elastic layer underlain by a linear Maxwell viscoelastic layer with spatially uniform viscosity, in which a sill emplaced at the bottom of the elastic layer inflates with constant rate, during which the deflation due to an eruption suddenly occurs. Our numerical experiment finds that viscoelastic response to the sill deflation causes post-eruption surface uplift, depending on how much viscoelastic relaxation progresses in response to sill inflation due to pre-eruption magma supply and how much the sill deflates during the eruption. However, the recovery of the post-eruption surface is always later than that of the sill volume, because the viscoelastic response to the sill inflation reduces the surface uplift. Magma recharge is required to bring the surface to the elevation that was at immediately before the eruption. We adopt our viscoelastic model to geodetic data in and around the Aira caldera, southern Kyushu, Japan. It is found that the observed exponential-like surface recovery after the 1914 eruption can be explained if: (1) The effective crustal viscosity is ∼5×1018 Pa s, (2) the sill emplacement, whose equatorial radius is ∼2 km, occurs at a depth of ∼11 km, (3) a constant inflation rate of the sill is ∼0.009 km3/yr, which has continued since ∼50 yr before the 1914 eruption, and (4) the sill deflates by ∼0.4 km3 during the 1914 eruption, ∼4 times less than the eruptive volume. The sill inflation during the first ∼50 yr after the eruption is lower than that predicted by an elastic model, but larger thereafter. Fit to geodetic data after ∼1975 can be improved by introducing temporal variation of the inflation rate, which is a topic of investigation for a future study.

How to cite: Yamasaki, T., Sigmundsson, F., and Iguchi, M.: Viscoelastic crustal deformation in the Aira caldera before and after the 1914 eruption of the Sakurajima volcano, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-2236,, 2020.

The ca. 182 Ma Jurassic dolerite sills of Tasmania, SE Australia, overlap in age with dolerite sills and basaltic lavas in the Ferrar province, Antarctica, and the Karoo, South Africa. Hence, the Tasmanian dolerites have long been considered to be part of a major Large Igneous Province that extended parallel to the Jurassic margin of Gondwana from what is now southern Africa, the Transantarctic Mountains, to Tasmania and South Australia. Two hypotheses have been proposed for the Ferrar and Tasmanian dolerites. 1) They are related to a mantle plume emplaced in the present-day Wedell Sea region, implying long-range, shallow-crustal transport of magmas in sills and dykes over distances of up to 4,000 km. 2) They are sourced from the mantle below Tasmania and Antarctica, implying only short-range lateral transport at the level of emplacement. We report results from a combined structural and anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) study of the Tasmanian dolerites conducted to evaluate these hypotheses by differentiating between flow patterns and structural architectures in sills that are indicative of local versus distal sources.

Detailed structural mapping and 3D modelling indicate that no more than a few individual large sub-horizontal dolerite sheets were emplaced parallel to bedding in Permian sedimentary host rocks. They are offset by map and outcrop scale steps that we interpret to be NW-SE-trending, steeply dipping broken bridges.

The AMS of dolerite was measured in oriented samples collected from 126 sites across Tasmania. Their mean bulk magnetic susceptibility is ~0.01 SI units, which together with high-temperature susceptibility measurements indicate that the AMS is carried by magnetite, which occurs as skeletal grains with morphologies controlled by the petrofabric of plagioclase and pyroxene. These observations, and scant microstructural evidence for solid-state deformation, indicate that the AMS records a magmatic fabric that formed during emplacement and crystallization of the dolerite sheets. Magnetic lineations are dominantly subhorizontal, trending mostly NW-SE. Steeply-moderately inclined magnetic lineations are rare and mostly plunge SE. Subsets of shallow N-S and NE-SW lineations are associated with sites with subvertical E-W and NW-SE striking magnetic foliations. Magnetic foliations are dominantly subhorizontal, parallel to bedding in the surrounding sedimentary rocks, and the upper and lower contacts of subhorizontal dolerite sheets. Anomalous subvertical E-W and NW-SE striking magnetic foliations are associated with steps or broken bridges observed in the field and cross sections.

The AMS results are consistent with dominantly NW-SE magma flow within subhorizontal sheets, which is supported by the NW-SE orientation of steps and broken bridges. The architecture of segmented sheet fronts indicates that the polarity of sill propagation was from SE to NW. This finding is inconsistent with a magma source immediately below Tasmania and implies lateral transport from another location. However, the magma flow vector does not point back to the Ferrar dolerites in Antarctica, and therefore does not support the long-range Ferrar-Tasmania LIP hypothesis. Rather fabrics in the Tasmania dolerite are consistent with lateral flow from the present SE, perpendicular to the Gondwana margin with a source in the back-arc of the associated subduction zone

How to cite: Cruden, A., Gordon, A., and Barter, J.: Emplacement of Jurassic dolerite sills in Tasmania: Implications for Australia-Antarctica connections and Gondwana breakup, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-3281,, 2020.

EGU2020-7000 | Displays | GMPV9.5

Doming and faulting processes driving ground deformation at Campi Flegrei caldera (southern Italy): a modeling for the last 6 ka

Stefano Vitale, Roberto Isaia, Jacopo Natale, and Francesco D'Assisi Tramparulo

We investigated the major episodes of dome growth in the Campi Flegrei caldera occurred during the last period of large eruptive activity (Epoch 3, between 5.5 and 3.5 ka), and in the historical time. The first doming event occurred at the start of Epoch 3  where the caldera floor raised for at least 100 m. Following the Plinian eruption of Agnano-Monte Spina (AMS, 4.55 ka), a new uplift phase occurred with the set up of several lava domes (e.g., Olibano, Accademia and Solfatara cryptodome), the Averno-Solfatara  (AVS, 4.3 ka) and Astroni (AST, 4.2 ka) eruptions. This unrest episode was accompanied by severe and widespread faulting and fracturing well recorded in the stratigraphic record (Vitale et al., 2019). Finally, the last episodes of doming occurred before the eruption of Monte Nuovo volcano (MN, 1538 CE) and in the last century (1950-1985 CE). The 1538 CE uplift reached a maximum vertical displacement of ca. 15 m, whereas the 1950-1985 events reached a total dislocation of ca. 4 m. In order to study the former ground deformation pattern, we reconstructed the top surface of the La Starza succession, the latter formed by marine-transitional sediments deposited between 15 and 5.5 ka deposited in large part of the caldera floor. We used information from onland well-logs and seismic profiles in the Gulf of Pozzuoli. The same approach was used for the top surface of the younger marine succession, called Pozzuoli Unit (PU) (Isaia et al., 2019), emplaced following the AMS eruption and predating the AVS eruption. Subtracting the historical deformation pattern and considering the sea-level change in that time frame, we observe that the center of vertical deformation was located, for both Top Starza and Top PU surfaces, close to the Cigliano vent, and therefore not coinciding with the 1538 CE and recent deformation center, both defined by the same deformation center located close to the town of Pozzuoli. The resulting surfaces well mark local deformations related to the activity of major faults and the minor caldera formed following the AMS Plinian eruption. The restoring of the deformation of major faults with the Okada’s fault model has furnished useful information about the amount of displacement and rates of the faults' activity in the last ca. 6 ka.

Isaia, R., Vitale, S., Marturano, A., Aiello, G., Barra, D., Ciarcia, S., Iannuzzi, E., Tramparulo, F.D.A., 2019. High-resolution geological investigations to reconstruct the long-term ground movements in the last 15 kyr at Campi Flegrei caldera (southern Italy). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 385, 143-158. doi: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2019.07.012

Vitale, S., Isaia, R., Ciarcia, S., Di Giuseppe, M. G., Iannuzzi, E., Prinzi, E. P., Tramparulo, F.D’A., Troiano, A. 2019. Seismically induced soft‐sediment deformation phenomena during the volcano‐tectonic activity of Campi Flegrei caldera (southern Italy) in the last 15 kyr. Tectonics, 38(6), 1999-2018.

How to cite: Vitale, S., Isaia, R., Natale, J., and Tramparulo, F. D.: Doming and faulting processes driving ground deformation at Campi Flegrei caldera (southern Italy): a modeling for the last 6 ka, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-7000,, 2020.

EGU2020-10323 | Displays | GMPV9.5

Non-isothermal propagation and arrest of km-sized km-deep sills at calderas

Luca Crescentini and Antonella Amoruso

Caldera unrest is often attributed to magma intrusion into a sill. In several cases, like Fernandina and Sierra Negra, Kilauea south caldera, and Campi Flegrei, the sill is km-sized and km-deep. A few questions related to sill emplacement at calderas seem still unanswered: how do sills form and spread, why can magma propagate for kilometers without solidifying, and why do ground deformation data rarely, if ever, detect sill propagation.
When considering isoviscous incompressible magma intruding at a constant rate into a homogeneous half-space under non-isothermal conditions and forming a circular sill, mathematical modeling includes: a fluid-dynamic equation (relying on lubrication theory), a fracture propagation criterion, an elasticity equation (link between fluid overpressure and sill opening), and a heat-transfer magma-solidification equation. As already known, a small lag must exist between the fluid (magma) and fracture fronts, because of the large pressure gradients required to drive a viscous liquid into a narrow opening.
We show that the free-surface effects on the elasticity equation are negligible, provided that depth-to-radius is smaller than one, as at the above-mentioned calderas; thus, spreading occurs like in an infinite medium. Taking advantage of published studies on hydraulic fracture propagation, first we consider isothermal spreading, as governing equations admit approximate analytical solutions for sill radius, sill opening, fluid overpressure and lag size.  Next we consider non-isothermal spreading of an isoviscous incompressible single-component magma, which is initially at its solidification temperature.
We show that if the sill is at least a couple of kilometers deep and the product of viscosity and injection rate is sufficiently small, then the lag between the magma and fracture fronts is much smaller than the sill radius during most of the propagation process; as a consequence, propagation velocity is practically unaffected by the lag, except for the initial phase. Because of the way solidified magma thickness and sill opening grow with distance from the tip in the near-tip region, zero-lag non-isothermal spreading would stop after travelling unrealistically short distances, unless magma intrudes rocks that are as hot as the solidification temperature or has unrealistic overpressures. Thus, we consider how the lag might affect the sill maximum size, by preventing solidification at the tip. We compute non-isothermal propagation velocity and the solidified magma thickness by adapting the approach originally developed by Dontsov (2016) for the zero-lag propagation of penny-shaped hydraulic fractures with leak-off; then we relate the lag size to the propagation velocity using the isothermal solutions.
We find that the lag plays a fundamental role in postponing the sill arrest by magma solidification, because heat exchange between the magma and the hosting rock is effective only behind the lag, where the magma has some finite thickness and sill opening grows with distance from the tip faster than thickness of solidified magma.
As for ground deformation, we show that its pattern does not change appreciably over time if the final sill radius is smaller than 2 to 3 km: this explains why it is usually attributed to the inflation of a stationary source.

How to cite: Crescentini, L. and Amoruso, A.: Non-isothermal propagation and arrest of km-sized km-deep sills at calderas, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-10323,, 2020.

EGU2020-19745 | Displays | GMPV9.5

The continuing inflation of Montserrat – and the end of the intrusion

Jurgen Neuberg and Karen Pascal

Soufrière Hills volcano on Montserrat in the West Indies showed five episodes of magma extrusion and as many pauses in its 25years of volcanic activity. This eruptive behaviour exhibited cyclic deformation pattern where extrusive “phases” showed island-wide deflation and all “pauses” have been linked to inflation, the last of which remains ongoing. Several models have been developed over the years; all based on magma intrusion and extrusion, into, or from one or several reservoirs, respectively. Using the entire eruptive history, we demonstrate that both, pauses and phases can be linked to a single magma body. Through extensive numerical modelling, we explore in this presentation some alternative routes to magma intrusion, considering several magmatic processes. These range from crystallisation of magma (second boiling) to pressurisation through a free gas phase, to the extreme case where intrusion of fresh magma has ceased years ago, while the inflation is continuing. 

How to cite: Neuberg, J. and Pascal, K.: The continuing inflation of Montserrat – and the end of the intrusion, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-19745,, 2020.

EGU2020-3379 | Displays | GMPV9.5

Upscaling of geomechanical properties in Discrete Element Method (DEM) models of volcano-tectonics

Claire Harnett, Eoghan Holohan, Mark Thomas, and Martin Schöpfer

In volcanology, as in other branches of geosciences, uncertainties exist around how well rock properties constrained on the laboratory scale represent those at the field scale. For volcano deformation, scale-related uncertainties are compounded by changes in geomechanical properties as progressive deformation evolves to large strains. Furthermore, such large strain deformation is often localised along large-scale discontinuities. It is therefore difficult to investigate this deformation by using traditional continuum modelling approaches. Here we provide an overview of recent Discrete Element Method (DEM) modelling results as applied to large strain, edifice-scale deformation phenomena, such as lava dome instability and caldera collapse. The DEM is a particle-based numerical modelling approach that enables simulation of strain localisation and highly discontinuous deformation.

Upscaling the geomechanical properties of volcanic rocks from the laboratory to the field can be achieved in DEM models through a calibration process that simulates both the laboratory rock testing and field-scale examples. For lava dome collapse, through comparison of observed and modelled attributes (e.g., displacement, dome growth), we infer that field-scale bulk rock properties (i.e., strength, elastic moduli) are approximately 30% of typical laboratory-scale properties. For caldera collapse, varying the same geomechanical properties produces a range of observed styles of caldera collapse, but the properties required at the edifice scale are approximately a factor of 10 lower than typical laboratory-scale properties. Both the calibration of geomechanical properties and the structural outcomes of DEM simulations, and hence the accuracy of upscaling, are fundamentally dependent on the model resolution, which is a function of both the particle size and distribution. The chosen resolution particularly affects rock strength, fracture toughness, and crack development and propagation. Nonetheless, previously reported discrepancies between seismic and geodetic moments for certain volcano-tectonic events are consistent with the upscaled geomechanical properties in edifice-scale DEM simulations, in that such discrepancies can be explained by a similar-sized reduction in the properties derived from laboratory-scale rock tests.  

How to cite: Harnett, C., Holohan, E., Thomas, M., and Schöpfer, M.: Upscaling of geomechanical properties in Discrete Element Method (DEM) models of volcano-tectonics, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-3379,, 2020.

EGU2020-9443 | Displays | GMPV9.5

A microwave monitoring service for the study of the Stromboli volcano deformation

Claudio De Luca, Federico Di Traglia, Vincenzo De Novellis, Carmen Esposito, Teresa Nolesini, Mariarosaria Manzo, Pietro Tizzani, Antonio Natale, Paolo Berardino, Stefano Perna, Nicola Casagli, Riccardo Lanari, and Francesco Casu

In this paper, we present the activities relevant to the microwave monitoring of the Stromboli volcano ground deformation, performed by IREA-CNR (Institute for the Electromagnetic Sensing of the Environment) and UNIFI (University of Florence) as Centres of Competence for the Italian Civil Protection Department.

The availability of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) system provides, among several techniques, accurate information on the volcano morphology and deformation, thus allowing us to understand the on-going volcanic changes. In this work, we present the results of a back-analysis (from 2015) of the volcano behaviour in terms of ground deformation and an insight on the volcano crisis occurred from July 3 2019, by using Differential Interferometry SAR (DInSAR) measurements.

The generated DInSAR results are both satellite and ground based. In particular, we show the displacement time series obtained with Sentinel-1 data acquired from March 2015 to October 2019 over the whole island and from ascending and descending orbits, and the displacement estimated with a Ground-Based SAR placed for the Sciara del Fuoco and summit craters sensing.

Moreover, the combination of the deformation measurements retrieved with both monitoring systems, which are characterized by independent acquisition geometries, allowed us to partially reconstruct a 3D deformation field of Sciara del Fuoco area.

Finally, we show the preliminary result of a test about an operational monitoring service based on new methodologies for the processing of airborne SAR data, aimed at evaluating its relevance for Civil Protection purposes in volcanic risk context.


This work is supported by the 2019-2021 IREA-CNR and Italian Civil Protection Department agreement, and by the 2019-2021 UNIFI and Italian Civil Protection Department agreement.

How to cite: De Luca, C., Di Traglia, F., De Novellis, V., Esposito, C., Nolesini, T., Manzo, M., Tizzani, P., Natale, A., Berardino, P., Perna, S., Casagli, N., Lanari, R., and Casu, F.: A microwave monitoring service for the study of the Stromboli volcano deformation, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-9443,, 2020.

EGU2020-564 | Displays | GMPV9.5

New insight into the December 2018 Etna eruption through the joint inversion of ground deformation and gravity data

Mahak Singh Chauhan, Flavio Cannavò, Daniele Carbone, and Filippo Greco

We focus on the eruption of Mt. Etna which took place on 24 December, 2018. The eruption occurred after a month of unrest and was accompanied by a seismic swarm that culminated in the M4.9 earthquake on the 26th, with epicentre on the eastern flank of the volcano. We jointly analyse ground deformation and gravity data to estimate the geometrical and kinematic parameters of the source structure, together with the density of the intruding material. The data used in this study were recorded by stations in the INGV-OE monitoring network (21 GPS stations and 2 gravity stations equipped with superconducting gravimeters), during the interval of 23 to 28 December (pre to post eruption). We assume a dike-type source for the forward calculation in the defined objective function. A pattern search algorithm (PSA) is used for the iterative minimization of the misfit error. In order to estimate the posterior probability density function (PDFs) of the model parameters, we also use a Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) approach. Indeed, the calculated PDFs provide more information about the uncertainties of the model parameters, which helps to understand overall tendencies of the solutions. We first test the constrained inversion of the gravity data, to calculate the density of eruptive magmatic body, by fixing the geometrical parameters of the dike, previously retrieved through inversion of the deformation data only. Using this approach, it is possible to suitable explain the deformation data and the gravity change observed at the station in the near field (MNT), while the gravity change at the other station (SLN) remain unexplained. We then invert jointly both deformation and gravity datasets, in order to adequately fit all the observations. The final model gives a density value of ~1.8-2.0 g/cm3. This value is significantly lower than the density of bubble-free magma and indicates either the involvement of gas in the intrusive process, or the formation of dry fissures during the emplacement of the dyke.

How to cite: Chauhan, M. S., Cannavò, F., Carbone, D., and Greco, F.: New insight into the December 2018 Etna eruption through the joint inversion of ground deformation and gravity data, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-564,, 2020.

EGU2020-11 | Displays | GMPV9.5

On the depth of crater excavation and melting during the Sudbury impact: geochemical evidence from chilled impact melt dykes

Alexander Kawohl, Hartwig E. Frimmel, Wesley E. Whymark, and Andrejs Bite

The 1.85 Ga Sudbury Igneous Complex, Canada, is the remnant of a ~3 km thick impact-generated crustal melt sheet, caused by a 10-15 km large chondritic asteroid or comet that had left behind an impact structure of ~200 km prior to tectonic deformation und subsequent erosion. However, less is known about how deep the impactor penetrated the continental crust and where the source of the impact melt was. Mixing models including radioisotopes and trace elements on locally exposed country rocks have been used to evaluate their relative contribution to the impact melt. Based on this, Darling et al. (2010) have argued for shallow melting of the upper crust (UCC) only, either due to an oblique impact and/or a low-density bolide (comet). In contrast, the abundance of siderophile elements in impact melt-rocks was taken as evidence of a lower crustal source (Mungall et al. 2004), i.e. overlying rocks of the middle and upper crust must have been removed during the crater excavation stage. U-Pb age data on zircon xenocrysts also point to the involvement of rock types not exposed on surface (Petrus et al. 2016) in agreement with theoretical simulations, which have predicted a >20 km deep but unstable transient cavity (Ivanov & Deutsch 1999).

Large-scale (10s of km) and well-exposed impact melt dykes are a unique feature of Sudbury. The dykes are of granodioritic/quartz dioritic composition and are interpreted as clast-laden melt injections into the basement instantaneously after the impact (Pilles et al. 2018). Their vitric margins and distal extremities should therefore approximate the undifferentiated bulk composition of the Sudbury Igneous Complex prior to sulfide saturation. A compilation of published and new geochemical data of these dykes reveal a remarkably strong affinity (r2 >0.989) to the average middle continental crust (MCC) as given by Rudnick & Gao (2014), especially in terms of major elements and fluid-immobile transition metals (Th, Zr, Hf, Nb, Ta, Ti, Sc, REE). The dykes are, however, significantly enriched in Ni, Cu and Cr, and to a lesser extent in V, Co and P relative to the typical UCC and MCC. A systematic loss of volatiles (Tl, Cd, Sn, Zn, Pb, Ag, Cs, Rb, Na, K, Ga, As) compared to either crustal model is not evident. These new observations favour a scenario in which the impactor and supracrustal rocks in the target area became vaporized and ejected. Shock melting affected predominantly the middle crust of the Canadian Shield. We also propose that the rocks that contributed to the impact melt were, on average, more mafic than the typical UCC and MCC. This is consistent with the report of exotic mafic-ultramafic xenoliths within the Sudbury Igneous Complex (Wang et al. 2018) and its anomalously high PGE concentrations (Mungall et al. 2004). (Ultra-)mafic rocks hidden at mid-crustal depth were a likely source of Ni-Cu-PGE-Co and gave rise to world class ore deposits presently mined at Sudbury. Such (ultra-)mafic intrabasement body might also explain the 1200 km2 Temagami magnetic anomaly in the eastern vicinity of the Sudbury Complex.

How to cite: Kawohl, A., Frimmel, H. E., Whymark, W. E., and Bite, A.: On the depth of crater excavation and melting during the Sudbury impact: geochemical evidence from chilled impact melt dykes, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-11,, 2020.

EGU2020-12479 | Displays | GMPV9.5

Exploring Mechanisms and Conditions for the Generation of Self-propagating Dykes

Herbert Wallner and Harro Schmeling

Within the scope of our project “Modelling melt ascent through the asthenosphere-lithosphere-continental crust system: Linking melt-matrix-two-phase flow with dyke propagation” it is necessary to implement mechanisms with appropriate conditions to generate dykes which are propagating independently.

Conditions for self-propagating depend on the density contrast of melt and rock and the geometry of the fracture. Certain limits for the fluid-filled volume and dyke width must be reached. The height must be longer than the Bouguer length. To satisfy these conditions enough melt under overpressure must be available in the source region to supply the growing dyke.

A known and accepted mechanism for dyke generation is a tension fracture whichs opening space immediately is filled by fluid melt. The normal stress due to expansion of the magma on the wallrock causes tension therein parallel to the melt front. In brittle material the yield stress for extension is very low and the confining cold rock easily cracks.

With depth pressure, temperature and ductility of crustal rock and consequently the yield stress for the tensile cracking increases. Furthermore, the background permeability or connectivity, and finally the height of fluid columns decrease and the fluid overpressure is not high enough to exert matrix extension. Another dyke initiation mechnism must be found for the deeper parts of the crust.

A not smooth melt front - and pillows are often seen on top of magma chambers – provides shear stresses and stress concentrations. Above a certain yield stress for shear failure shear bands start to evolve. In such a network of fracture zones permeability should increase. Melt may intrude, coalesce bands and develop a growing dyke. Such a local scenario will be modelled and results presented. A further aim is the parametrisation of these mechanisms.

How to cite: Wallner, H. and Schmeling, H.: Exploring Mechanisms and Conditions for the Generation of Self-propagating Dykes, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-12479,, 2020.

EGU2020-13142 | Displays | GMPV9.5

Thermo-poromechanical induced seismic effects during diking

Thomas Nagel, Francesco Parisio, Eleonora Rivalta, and Sergio Vinciguerra

Dike propagation in the earth crust, often a precursor of major volcanic eruptions, usually generates a seismic response by activating small fractures (micro-seismicity) and larger existing faults (greater magnitude events). The conceptual interpretation is essentially viewed as a fluid-driven fracture advancing in the rock mass and altering the existing state of stress in its surroundings. Because dikes are filled with high-temperature magma, which can exceed 1000 °C, it is likely that they will alter the initial temperature while propagating. The temperature increase can generate pore water pressurization as a function of its rate of change. Pore pressure in turns diffuses through the porous and fractured rock, altering the initial effective stress state. Additionally, hot dikes also generate thermally-induced stresses. The stress changes in the rock are therefore affected by temperature and pore pressure as much as they are by mechanically induced fracturing. In this contribution, we have studied the coupled processes of temperature, pore pressure and deformation induced by diking. We have employed finite element analyses to solve the boundary value problem of a progressing dike. The main goal is to highlight the effects generated by temperature increase in the rock surrounding the dike. Thermal pressurization depends on heat loading rate, hence on diking advancement speed, and on surrounding rock permeability. Rock permeability also controls the diffusion of pore pressure, the size of the area affected by pressurization and the magnitude of pressurization. Results from numerical models show that positive Coulomb stress changes (instabilities) can be triggered by thermal effects at several hundred meters away from the dike, implying that even non-advancing dikes could generate a seismic response. We prove the importance of accounting for thermo-poromechanical effects in studying the seismic response during diking, a widely unexplored field which could have major implications for the assessment of volcanic eruptions’ precursory signals.

How to cite: Nagel, T., Parisio, F., Rivalta, E., and Vinciguerra, S.: Thermo-poromechanical induced seismic effects during diking, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-13142,, 2020.

EGU2020-13768 | Displays | GMPV9.5

Dyke segmentation: an experimental approach

Maria Jazmin Chàvez-Alvarez and Mariano Cerca-Martìnez

Hydrofractures induced by a pressurized fluid inside a solid host material occur in nature as joints, veins, and dykes. Due to the heterogeneity of the material properties, rock structure, fluid rheology, and in-situ stress state, the process of hydrofracturing in nature is highly complex. As a result, it is difficult to measure and predict the behavior of natural hydrofractures in field conditions. Fracture segmentation is observed in most materials at every scale from microns to kilometres and dykes are not the exception.  In particular, dykes not always emplace as individual, symmetric and planar structures in the host rock. In many cases even in homogeneous rocks, dykes exhibit segmentation of the type of en chelon-like structures and fingering. The causes of dyke segmentation have been associated with: (1) rock heterogeneity (i.e. pre-existing structures); (2) mixed-mode I+III loading; and (3) instabilities of dike growth process. However, there are still many open questions related to the origin of dyke segmentation, including at which level each of the mentioned processes influences its propagation. In order to have a first approach of study to this phenomenon, a series of laboratory experiments in transparent materials of dyke propagation have been performed. We present the results of experiments of analogue dykes that transport Newtonian and shear thinning fluids that lead to segmentation, in absence of rotational stresses and heterogeneity of the host media. We use these experiments as the most direct source of observations of dike geometry. These experiments allowed the visualization in real time of the developing geometry of the analog dykes and the direction of their propagation.

How to cite: Chàvez-Alvarez, M. J. and Cerca-Martìnez, M.: Dyke segmentation: an experimental approach, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-13768,, 2020.

EGU2020-8272 | Displays | GMPV9.5

Post-diking deformation in Harrat Lunayyir (Saudi Arabia) from InSAR

Adriano Nobile, Yunmeng Cao, Mohammad Youssof, Daniele Trippanera, Luigi Passarelli, and Sigurjón Jónsson

Magmatic intrusions often produce ground deformation that can be studied by geodetic techniques. In the past two decades, many volcanic dike and sill emplacements (sometimes associated to eruptions) in different tectonic settings have been analyzed through InSAR. However, in only a few cases, the post-intrusive behavior has been studied. Here we analyze the post-diking deformation in Harrat Lunayyir, which is a mononogenetic volcanic field located in western Saudi Arabia on the eastern margin of the Red Sea Rift.

Between April and July 2009, an intensive seismic swarm occurred in the area with many earthquakes above magnitude 4 and the largest earthquake of Mw 5.7. InSAR data showed that the earthquake swarm was triggered by the emplacement of a dike intrusion that stopped only ~1 km below the surface. Dike length was estimated to be ~7 km and with a maximum opening 4 m. Above the intrusion, a ~10 km long and ~5 km wide graben formed during the activity with up to 1 m of fault slip on the border faults. In the post diking phase up to present, micro-sesmicity (0<Ml<3.5) has been continuously registered in the graben region gradually fading out either in terms of earthquake rate and energy release.

In February 2017, a new seismic swarm occurred ~60 km north of Harrat Lunayyir and another swarm started in October 2018, about 30 km southwest of the volcanic field. Both swarms are still ongoing with a few events per week and Ml<3.5. By using Sentinel-1 images, acquired during the period 2015-2019, we derived deformation rate maps for the entire Harrat Lunayyir volcanic field. No ground deformation was detected at the locations of the recent seismic swarms, and a thorough analysis of seismic signals excludes the swarms were caused by new magmatic intrusions. However, within the Harrat Lunayyir graben region, we noticed a steady and long-lasting subsidence of ~1 mm/yr. During the 2015-2019 period, the total seismic moment release would only be able to accommodate less than 0.1 mm of the observed subsidence and thus the current post-diking deformation is mainly aseismic.

In order to reconstruct the entire post-diking deformation history in Harrat Lunayyir we also analyze older available SAR images (Envisat, ALOS, TerraSAR-X, TanDEM-X). Our preliminary results show that the subsidence rate in the graben area was faster just after the intrusion (few cm in two months) but then rapidly decayed as well as the seismicity. We are now investigating different processes that can cause post-diking deformation, such as residual opening of the dike, post-diking settlement of faults and fractures, release of gases into fractures, cooling of the dike, and post-diking viscoelastic relaxation. Modelling of the deformation source will contribute to the understanding on which of these post-diking processes might be the dominant one in Harrat Lunayyir.

How to cite: Nobile, A., Cao, Y., Youssof, M., Trippanera, D., Passarelli, L., and Jónsson, S.: Post-diking deformation in Harrat Lunayyir (Saudi Arabia) from InSAR, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-8272,, 2020.

EGU2020-13226 | Displays | GMPV9.5

Bosphorus Volcano; Signs of an Ancient Volcano on an Ancient City

Semih Can Ülgen, A.M. Celâl Şengör, Mehmet Keskin, and Namık Aysal

In many ancient and active volcanic provinces dyke systems represent radial and concentric patterns. In İstanbul, NW Turkey, late Cretaceous dykes, which are emplaced in pre-Cretaceous basement rocks consisting of sedimentary rocks of Palaeozoic and Triassic ages, have both patterns. In the region, late Cretaceous volcanism is represented by three elements, (1) The Çavuşbaşı granitoid, (2) volcano-sedimentary units and (3) dykes.

Age of the Çavuşbaşı granitoid is given as 67.91±0.63 to 67.59±0.5 Ma. It is emplaced in shallow depth and has an indistinct contact aureole. Volcano sedimentary units were deposited in an intra-arc basin. Three types of dykes are reported in the region: lamprophyre, diabase and intermediate to felsic dykes (72.49±0.79 to 65.44±0.93 Ma). Different petrology and the crystallization depths of the crystals in the dykes and the Çavuşbaşı granitoid suggest two different magma chambers emplaced at two different depths, the Çavuşbaşı granitoid representing the shallower one.

Upper Cretaceous dykes are concentrated around the Çavuşbaşı granitoid and extend almost as far as 30 km away from the pluton. The intrusion of the plutonic body of the Çavuşbaşı granitoid caused a dome structure in the basement rocks. The formation of this dome structure may have controlled the stress field and the orientation of the dyke system. Similar patterns are observed in the British Tertiary igneous province, Galapagos volcanoes, Boa Vista (Cape Verde), Summer Coon volcano, Spanish Peak Mountain and Dike Mountain (Colorado), Vesuvio, Etna and Stromboli (Italy).

We suggest that Upper Cretaceous volcanic edifice in the İstanbul region is related to an arc volcano similar to the andesitic volcanoes in the Sumatra Island; we name it the Bosphorus Volcano.  

How to cite: Ülgen, S. C., Şengör, A. M. C., Keskin, M., and Aysal, N.: Bosphorus Volcano; Signs of an Ancient Volcano on an Ancient City, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-13226,, 2020.

EGU2020-13041 | Displays | GMPV9.5

Sill-related seafloor domes in the Zhongjiannan Basin, western South China Sea

Minghui Geng, Ruwei Zhang, Haibin Song, and Yongxian Guan

The magmatism activities exert significant impact in sedimentary basins as the Zhongjiannan Basin (ZJNB), western South China Sea (SCS). We have evaluated multibeam bathymetric and multichannel seismic reflection data acquired by the Guangzhou Marine Geological Survey in recent years, in order to investigate the distribution, the characteristics and the subsurface structures related to the seafloor domes found in the northeastern ZJNB. Data reveal that there are forty two domes occurring in water depths between 2312 m and 2870 m, clustered around volcanic mounds and seamounts in the study area. These domes generally show circular to elongated or irregular plan views, can reach up to 26080 m in perimeters, and the vertical reliefs are tens to hundreds of meters. They have gentler flanks with average slope values of 1.46°~7.73° and basal areas between 0.85 km2 and 42.06 km2. The seismic reflection sections reveal that domes’ formation and development are attributed to igneous intrusion events in the strata. The igneous intrusions heat surrounding organic-rich sediments and release hydrocarbons and fluids, which accumulate and uplift the overlying strata immediately above the sills and form forced folds, manifesting as domes on the seafloor. These sill-folds-dome structures provide possibility for hydrocarbon generation, migration and accumulation and have important implications for petroleum prospectivity in the ZJNB.

How to cite: Geng, M., Zhang, R., Song, H., and Guan, Y.: Sill-related seafloor domes in the Zhongjiannan Basin, western South China Sea, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-13041,, 2020.

EGU2020-11047 | Displays | GMPV9.5

Bridging the gap from caldera unrest to resurgence

Valerio Acocella

Calderas often inflate up to a few metres for weeks to years, which is evidence of short-term unrest. Some calderas also show larger uplift (up to a thousand metres), achieved over the long-term (hundreds to thousands of years), manifest by a resurgent dome or block. How the short-term inflation relates to long-term resurgence is still poorly understood, even though established views consider the two processes distinct. This study exploits the longer deformation time series now available for several calderas, as well as the better understanding of magmatic processes and their evolution, to try to bridge the gap between these two scales of uplift. Available data challenge established views, suggesting that resurgence, rather than being produced by constant or continuous uplift, is the net cumulated result of tens to thousands distinct episodes of inflation, even interrupted by deflation episodes, as observed on short-term unrest. These inflation episodes are ascribed to distinct pulses of shallow magma emplacement, with most of the magma remaining intruded, especially in felsic calderas. This supports an incremental growth of magmatic systems, consistently with that observed below resurgent calderas and what is inferred for plutons. Comparing the uplift (as expression of the intrusive record) and eruptive histories or resurgent calderas opens new exciting research paths to understand the causal relationships between intruded and erupted magma at a given caldera, thus enhancing its long-term eruptive forecast.

How to cite: Acocella, V.: Bridging the gap from caldera unrest to resurgence, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-11047,, 2020.

EGU2020-5032 | Displays | GMPV9.5

High magma flux beneath Corbetti caldera (Ethiopia) accommodated by a ductile and compressible reservoir

Joachim Gottsmann, Juliet Biggs, Ryan Lloyd, Yelebe Biranhu, and Elias Lewi

Large silicic magma reservoirs preferentially form in the upper crust of 

extensional continental environments. However, our quantitative understanding of the link between mantle magmatism, silicic reservoirs and surface deformation during rifting is very limited. Here, we focus on Corbetti, a peralkaline caldera in the densely-populated Main Ethiopian Rift, which lies above a focused zone of upper mantle partial melt and has been steadily uplifting at ≤6.6±1.2 cm yr−1 for more than ten years. We show that a concomitant residual gravity increase of ≤9±3 μGal yr−1 by the intrusion of mafic magma at ∼7 km depth into a compressible and inelastic crystal mush best explains the uplift. The derived magma mass flux of ∼10^11 kg yr−1 is anomalously high

and at least one order of magnitude greater than the mean long-term mass

eruption rate. We demonstrate that periodic and high-rate magmatic rejuvenation of upper-crustal mush is a significant and rapid contributor to mature continental rifting.

How to cite: Gottsmann, J., Biggs, J., Lloyd, R., Biranhu, Y., and Lewi, E.: High magma flux beneath Corbetti caldera (Ethiopia) accommodated by a ductile and compressible reservoir, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-5032,, 2020.

EGU2020-19843 | Displays | GMPV9.5

Main controlling factors of enormous eruptions at calderas and Large Igneous Provinces

Eleonora Rivalta and Mehdi Nikkhoo

The largest volcanic eruptions in the geological record are typical of Large Igneous Provinces (LIPs) or of calderas. Known factors facilitating large eruptions include a large size of the feeding magma reservoir, massive vesiculation and gradual collapse of the magma reservoir roof to sustain pressure. Based on analytical models considering rock (visco)elasticity and magma compressibility, here we identify further controlling factors: the aspect ratio of the magma reservoir (equi-dimensional vs. elongated or crack-like), its orientation (vertical vs. horizontal) and its depth. We find that thin (crack-like) horizontally elongated reservoirs filled with gas-rich magma can best sustain pressure during eruptions and can thus evacuate a larger fraction of the magma they contain. In order for these melt lenses to accumulate magma without solidifying they should be located either in the lower crust or, if shallow, within large crystal mushes, where temperatures are high. All these factors are relevant for LIPs and caldera reservoirs and not for other settings. Our model predicts that eruptive volumes scale with the square of the horizontal dimension of the magma reservoir, and not with its third power, as it would be expected if reservoir volume was the main controlling factor. This scaling is supported by observations from calderas worldwide.

How to cite: Rivalta, E. and Nikkhoo, M.: Main controlling factors of enormous eruptions at calderas and Large Igneous Provinces, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-19843,, 2020.

EGU2020-2461 | Displays | GMPV9.5

Numerical simulations to study the geodynamic origin of Los Humeros Volcanic Field in Mexico

Andrés David Bayona Ordóñez and Vlad Constantin Manea

Los Humeros Volcanic Field (LHVF) represents one of the key volcanic calderas in Mexico. Nowadays, LHVF is the third largest geothermal field in Mexico in terms of energy output, with an installed capacity of 94 MWe. The caldera is about 21 by 15 km wide and is located in the Serdán Oriental basin, east of the Trans- Mexican Volcanic Belt in the central-eastern part of the country, roughly 440 km away from the Middle American Trench. In this study we show results of numerical simulations of magma intrusion in order to better understand the deep origin of the caldera. For this purpose, we used high-resolution two-dimensional coupled petrological-thermomechanical numerical simulations of magma intrusion where an initial thermal anomaly was placed in the asthenosphere just below the lithospheric mantle. We performed a parametric study where we investigated the influence of several parameters such as the diameter of the thermal anomaly, the excess temperature and the regional tectonic regime. These 2D simulations were carried out using the finite difference method coupled with the cell marker technique and employing the multigrid method. The physical parameters used for the Earth’s layers (asthenosphere, lithospheric mantle, lower crust and upper crust) and for the composition of the magmatic intrusion were taken from literature and previously established models. In addition, we considered a viscoelastoplastic rheology and the simulations included erosion and surface sediment transport. Modeling results showed that only under certain conditions of temperature excess, initial diameter of the deep thermal anomalies that come in a specific chain-type sequence, it is possible to form a volcanic caldera similar with the dimensions of the LHVF. The temperature excess (ΔT = ~150K) suggested a deep origin for the thermal anomaly with an approximate depth of ~380 km, where currently the surface of the Cocos slab is located below the North American Plate. Additionally, we found that several magmatic pulses can reach the surface only if we consider in our models a small horizontal extension rate consistent with the extensional tectonic regime in the region.

How to cite: Bayona Ordóñez, A. D. and Manea, V. C.: Numerical simulations to study the geodynamic origin of Los Humeros Volcanic Field in Mexico, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-2461,, 2020.

EGU2020-1375 | Displays | GMPV9.5

Morphometric analysis of the post-caldera monogenetic volcanoes at Deception Island, Antarctica: implications for landform recognition and volcanic hazard assessment

Dario Pedrazzi, Gabor Kereszturi, Stefania Schamuells, Agustin Lobo, and Janina Calle

Deception Island is one of the most active volcanoes in Antarctica, with more than 20 monogenetic eruptions during the Holocene. The latest episodes of 1967, 1969 and 1970 have shown that volcanic activity on Deception Island can become a concern for tourists, scientists, and military personnel working on or near the island.

The objective of this work is, therefore to identify eruptive processes and the evolution of post-caldera volcanic edifices at Deception Island by morphometric analysis, supported by field observations. This methodology has been used since the 1970s to analyse mafic monogenetic volcanoes but it has not been fully developed until recently.

Tuff cones and rings, as a result of magma-water interaction, represent the most common eruptive events occurring during Deception Island's recent geological past and are therefore the most likely to occur in the near future. This work provides an opportunity to incorporate for the first time at Deception Island geomorphological observations for a better comprehension of the potential evolution of a future eruption and for a broader understanding of volcanic hazards on this island.

This research was supported by the MICINN grant CTM2011- 13578-E and was partially funded by the POSVOLDEC project (CTM2016-79617-P) (AEI/FEDER-UE). A.G. is grateful for her Ramón y Cajal contract (RYC-2012-11024). D.P. is grateful for his Beatriu de Pinós (2016 BP 00086) and Juan de la Cierva (IJCI-2016-30482) contracts. This research is part of POLARCSIC and AntVolc activities

How to cite: Pedrazzi, D., Kereszturi, G., Schamuells, S., Lobo, A., and Calle, J.: Morphometric analysis of the post-caldera monogenetic volcanoes at Deception Island, Antarctica: implications for landform recognition and volcanic hazard assessment, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-1375,, 2020.

EGU2020-19915 | Displays | GMPV9.5

Renewed Inflation of Krafla Caldera, Iceland, since 2018: Sensitivity of Ground Deformation to lateral variation in Earth structure and architecture of the magmatic system explored with the Finite Element Method

Chiara Lanzi, Vincent Drouin, Siqi Li, Freysteinn Sigmundsson, Halldor Geirsson, Gylfi Pall Hersir, Kristjan Agustsson, Sigrun Hreinsdottir, and Asgrimur Gudmundsson

The Krafla volcanic area in Northern Volcanic Zone of Iceland was characterized by deflation starting in 1989, suggesting a general pressure decrease and/or volume contraction at depth, which then exponentially decayed until having no significant deformation since around 2000.  In summer 2018, the volcano behaviour changed to inflation as observed both by Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) geodesy  and Sentinel-1 satellite radar interferometry (InSAR). Inflation since 2018 occurs at a rate of 10-14 mm/yr, centered in the middle of the caldera. No significant change in seismicity has occurred in the area in 2018, but seismic moment release ocurrs at a higher rate since middle 2019. Gravity stations in the area were remeasured in November 2019 for allowing comparison with earlier observations, and for providing reference for later studies. Initial modelling of the geodetic data is carried out assuming that the deformation is caused by a spherical source of pressure in an uniform elastic half-space. The result suggests that the deformation can be broadly explained by a single source of magma inflow at depth around 3.9-7.5 km, with the best-fit value around 4-4.5 km. We also apply the Finite Element Method (FEM) to additionally consider modification of the deformation field caused by Earth’s elastic heterogeneities and the uncertain geometry and  depth of the magma source. A set of FEM models are built with the COMSOL Multiphysics software in a 50x50 km domain where we test three different geometries of the source: a spherical source (radius 1000 km), a prolate ellipsoid,  and an oblate ellipsoid (sill-like) source, at 2.5, 4.0 and 5.5 km of depth. We also build a model to test how the vertical and horizontal displacements may be influenced by different elastic properties (e.g. Young’s modulus; about an order of magnitude different within a caldera boundary) for these sources. The results show that lateral variations in material properites can have a significant influence on ground deformation. Low-value Young’s inside caldera boundaries compared to higher values outside caldera boundaries will in particular influence the vertical displacement: the vertical displacement is about half of of what it is the original modelling.  The ratio of vertical to horizontal displacements will thus also be modified. This can in turn influence the inferred magma source geometry as it depends on the displacement ratios. The outcome of our study will provide better constrain for the elastic properties in Krafla area, and help understand the magma intrusion rate in the area.

How to cite: Lanzi, C., Drouin, V., Li, S., Sigmundsson, F., Geirsson, H., Hersir, G. P., Agustsson, K., Hreinsdottir, S., and Gudmundsson, A.: Renewed Inflation of Krafla Caldera, Iceland, since 2018: Sensitivity of Ground Deformation to lateral variation in Earth structure and architecture of the magmatic system explored with the Finite Element Method, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-19915,, 2020.

EGU2020-7409 | Displays | GMPV9.5

Correlation between submerged and continental infill at Campi Flegrei caldera: insights on the volcano-tectonic events of the last 15 kyr

Jacopo Natale, Stefano Vitale, Roberto Isaia, Francesco D'Assisi Tramparulo, Luigi Ferranti, Camilla Marino, Lena Steinmann, Volkhard Spiess, and Marco Sacchi

The Campi Flegrei caldera (southern Italy) is characterized by over one-third of its extension lying below the sea. In the last 15 ka the caldera floor has suffered hundreds of meters of ground deformation alternating uplift and subsidence episodes in response to the activity of the volcanic system. The evidence of significant uplifts is witnessed by the occurrence of marine sequences exposed on land, both along a 30 m high La Starza cliff and in numerous well logs. However, most of these sediments are currently hidden below the sea. This work aims to reconstruct the marine counterpart of the infill by using large multiscale reflection seismic data (>100 profiles) and an accurate seismic facies analysis. The latter consisted in the study and
comparison of seismic attributes, scaled to the resolution of the different datasets, to their geological analogs on land. Furthermore, by observing the changes in the pattern of on-lap terminations, thickness, amplitude, and distribution of erosive features of different horizons, we tentatively ascribed these sequences to the well-known continental deposits. The study of the whole sequence above the Neapolitan Yellow Tuff (15 ka) allowed us to gather relevant information about the relationships between stratigraphic record, ground deformation and sea-level changes. In particular, the reconstruction of buried surfaces gave us hints on the evolution of the volcanic system including the role of faults in terms of estimation of displacement and relationships with the different epoch of major eruptive activity.

How to cite: Natale, J., Vitale, S., Isaia, R., Tramparulo, F. D., Ferranti, L., Marino, C., Steinmann, L., Spiess, V., and Sacchi, M.: Correlation between submerged and continental infill at Campi Flegrei caldera: insights on the volcano-tectonic events of the last 15 kyr, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-7409,, 2020.

EGU2020-2602 | Displays | GMPV9.5 | Highlight

Precursors and processes culminating in the Anak Krakatau December 2018 sector collapse and tsunami

Thomas R. Walter and the Rapid Response Team

It is 135 years after the 1883 volcano-triggered tsunami disaster, when Krakatau volcano became once more the source of a deadly tsunami striking without warning. We use data recorded on the ground and by satellite, to show that the volcano was in an elevated stage of activity throughout the year 2018, producing thermal anomalies associated with volcanic deposits, an increase of the island area and ground movement of the southwestern sector of the island towards the sea, increasing in June 2018. Following further intense activity on 22 December 2018, seismic data reveal the timing and duration when this sector collapsed. The landslide removed 102 million m³ of material subaerially, which was followed by ~15 minutes of phreatic explosions. This study allows better understanding of the complex hazard cascades, including precursory thermal anomalies, island growth and deformation, followed by sector collapse, tsunami waves, and finally explosive volcanic eruptions, and has important implications for designing early warning systems.

How to cite: Walter, T. R. and the Rapid Response Team: Precursors and processes culminating in the Anak Krakatau December 2018 sector collapse and tsunami , EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-2602,, 2020.

EGU2020-14016 | Displays | GMPV9.5

Evolution of mechanical properties of lava dome rocks across the Soufrière Hills eruption, and application in discrete element models

Claire Harnett, Jackie Kendrick, Anthony Lamur, Mark Thomas, Adam Stinton, Paul Wallace, and Yan Lavallee

Lava dome collapses pose a hazard to surrounding populations, but equally represent important processes for deciphering the eruptive history of a volcano. Models examining lava dome instability rely on accurate physical and mechanical properties of volcanic rocks. Here we focus on determining the physical and mechanical properties of a suite of temporally-constrained rocks from different phases of the 1995–2010 eruption at Soufrière Hills volcano in Montserrat. We determine the uniaxial compressive strength, tensile strength, density, porosity, permeability, and Young’s modulus using laboratory measurements, complemented by Schmidt hammer testing in the field.

By viewing a snapshot of each phase, we find the highest tensile and compressive strengths in the samples attributed to Phase 4, corresponding to a lower permeability and an increasing proportion of isolated porosity. Samples from Phase 5 show lower compressive and tensile strengths, corresponding to the highest permeability and porosity of the tested materials. Overall, this demonstrates a reliance of mechanical properties primarily on porosity, however, a shift toward increasing prevalence of pore connectivity in weaker samples identified by microtextural analysis demonstrates that here pore connectivity also contributes to the strength and Young’s Modulus, as well as controlling permeability. The range in UCS strengths are supported using Schmidt hammer field testing. We determine a narrow range in mineralogy across the sample suite, but identify a correlation between increasing crystallinity and increasing strength. We correlate these changes to residency-time in the growing lava dome during the eruption, where stronger rocks have undergone more crystallization. In addition, subsequent recrystallization of silica polymorphs from the glass phase may further strengthen the material.

We incorporate the variation in physical and mechanical rock properties shown within the Soufrière Hills eruptive into structural stability models of the remaining over-steepened dome on Montserrat, considering also the possible effect of upscaling on the edifice-scale rock properties, and the resultant dome stability.

How to cite: Harnett, C., Kendrick, J., Lamur, A., Thomas, M., Stinton, A., Wallace, P., and Lavallee, Y.: Evolution of mechanical properties of lava dome rocks across the Soufrière Hills eruption, and application in discrete element models, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-14016,, 2020.

EGU2020-1530 | Displays | GMPV9.5

Volcanic debris avalanches - from collapse to hazards

Matteo Roverato, Anja Dufresne, and Jon Procter

This year marks the 40th anniversary of the 1980 Mt. St. Helens eruption and sector collapse. In acknowledgement to the vast research dedicated to understanding volcano collapse and debris avalanche dynamics, we have collated in a book the topic’s current state of the art. Within 12 chapters, this book contains reviews of and new insights from the work done over the past four decades, and provides outlooks and recommendations for future research. It is part of the Springer Book Series ‘Advances in Volcanology’ and the chapters contributed by a team of experts cover the following topics:

  1. Introduction 
  2. A historical perspective on lateral collapse and debris avalanches
  3. Terminology and strategy to describe volcanic landslides and debris avalanches 
  4. Distribution and geometric parameters of volcanic debris avalanche deposits 
  5. Destabilizing factors that promote volcano flank collapse
  6. Volcanic debris avalanche transport kinematics and emplacement mechanisms
  7. Sedimentology of volcanic debris avalanche deposits
  8. Climatic and paleo-climatic implications 
  9. Computer simulation of volcanic debris avalanches
  10. Volcanic debris avalanche deposits in the context of volcaniclastic ringplain successions
  11. Cyclicity in edifice destruction and regrowth 
  12. Volcanic island lateral collapses and submarine volcanic debris avalanche deposits

Finally, the aim of the book is to reach the professional research community as well as students and a broader audience interested in hazard management in volcanic environments.

How to cite: Roverato, M., Dufresne, A., and Procter, J.: Volcanic debris avalanches - from collapse to hazards, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-1530,, 2020.

EGU2020-5569 | Displays | GMPV9.5

Regional structural control on the Mont-Dore plio-quaternary volcanism (France)

Camille Daffos, Laurent Arbaret, Jean-Louis Bourdier, and Charles Gumiaux

The relationship between volcanic and tectonic activity is well known. The volcanic activity strongly depend on the geodynamic context. This relationship is well highlight for systems like monogenic, mostly basaltic, volcanic fields (Cebrià and al, 2011). However, for complex, polygenetic, volcanic systems, this relationship remains very poorly constrained. The Mont-Dore Plio-Quaternary volcanic complex (4.7 to 0.3 My) is one of such polygenetic volcanic fields. This alkaline volcanism is located in the French Central massif. We define three eruptive cycles: The Bourboule caldera (3.3 to 2.2 My); the Aiguiller complex in the north (2.5 to 1.5 My) and the Sancy stratovolcano with the Adventif massif in the south-east (1.5 to 0.3 My).

Analysis coupling Coulomb fractures and faults kinematics in the variscan basement and directions of volcanic centers alignments analysed by Hough transform method highlight a strong influence of the basement fracturing on volcanism distribution. The late-variscan N20 and N160 main fracture directions were reactivated as normal faults during the oligocene E-W rifting. This fault system continued to act from the Miocene to the present day uplift, associated with new N20, flat-lying, coulomb fractures relevant with a present-day NW-SE compressional regional stress field. During the La Bourboule caldera activity, new N60 and N130 fractures were activated, some acting as normal faults. The contemporaneous vertical dykes injected the volcanic deposits mainly along the N60 direction. This suggest that this local N60-N130 brittle network were formed during the successive collapses that formed the La Bourboule caldera. In the Aiguiller massif, the brittle network is mainly composed of N-S and E-W directions. The E-W direction include normal faults that structure the north flank of the Mont-Dore horst. N-S trending volcanic dykes and alignments of monogenic volcanic events along the E-W directions point out a strong control of the fracturation of the granitic horst on the volcanic activity in the Aiguiller massif. The Sancy volcano and the Massif Adventif are marked by dykes and alignment of volcanic events that mostly trend N20. Only few dykes measured in the central area of the Sancy stratovolcano exhibit dispersed, radial, directions suggesting a local contribution of the volcanic edifice on the superficial stress field.

This study point out the strong control by the regional tectonic stress field on the activity of the Mont-Dore Plio-Quaternary volcanic complex. Alignment of monogenic edifices and dykes along the associated N20/N160 regional brittle directions is also evidenced in the northern monogenic field of the Chaine des Puys (Boivin et al. 2017). In contrast, larger volcanic activity such as caldera collapses or the building of a strato-volcano perturb the regional stress field creating a specific superficial stress field with its own fracture and faults networks.


Boivin et al. 2017. Volcanologie de la Chaîne des Puys. 6e édition. Carte 1/25.000, 120x90 ; notice 199 p.

Cebrià, J.M., Martin-Escorza, C., Lopez-Ruiz, J., Moran-Zenteno, D.J., and Martiny, B.M. Numerical recognition of alignments in monogenetic volcanic areas: Exemples from the Michoacan-Guanajuato Volcanic Field in Mexico and Calatrava in Spain. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 2011,201, 73-82.

How to cite: Daffos, C., Arbaret, L., Bourdier, J.-L., and Gumiaux, C.: Regional structural control on the Mont-Dore plio-quaternary volcanism (France), EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-5569,, 2020.

The study of the stability of volcano flanks has been an active topic of research for the last few decades. In 2018, two major events renewed attention in this hazardous processes. In May 2018, following the beginning of a flank eruption at Kilauea volcano in Hawai’i, a M6.9 earthquake occurred along the Southern flank of Kilauea marking a dramatic but transient acceleration from its secular deformation rate. Alternatively, in December 2018, an intense period of volcanic activity preceded a catastrophic sector collapse which triggered a devastating tsunami at Anak Krakatou volcano (Indonesia). The two contrasting behavior events reveal our poor understanding of the physical processes controlling volcano stability.

Ultimately, instability of volcano flanks is characterized by the development and evolution of failure surfaces (faults and/or basal shear zones). Once established, for example at a rheological interface, a decollement fault should be a key element in the control of the mechanical interplay between the volcano-tectonic and gravitational forces. In this communication, I review our ability to map surface displacements measured with geodetic techniques into frictionally distinct regions on the fault surface. I explore a range of inverse modeling methods to estimate bounds on the extend of geodetically constrained fault slip areas. I apply the methods to the Southern flank of Kilauea volcano. The range of different solutions for fault slip models allows to critically assess whether there are regions of stable or variable frictional conditions. Mapping accurately the frictional behavior and constraining its location region will allow to generate more realistic dynamic models of volcano flanks and improve our understanding the physical processes controlling volcano stability.

How to cite: Gonzalez, P.: Sharp geodetic fault slip models for an improved understanding of volcano flank dynamics, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-5674,, 2020.

EGU2020-13178 | Displays | GMPV9.5

New insights on the structural setting of the Pisciarelli fumarole field (Campi Flegrei caldera): implications for evolution and eruptive scenarios

Roberto Isaia, Maria Giulia Di Giuseppe, Jacopo Natale, Francesco D'Assisi Tramparulo, Antonio Troiano, and Stefano Vitale

The Solfatara-Pisciarelli area, located in the active Campi Flegrei caldera (Italy) hosts an intense hydrothermal activity, whose shallower expression is controlled by a complex pattern of fractures and faults. Volcanological and structural studies may be the key to disclose the relationships between brittle structures and hydrothermal activity, as well as to understand the dynamic processes and possible eruption scenarios. For this purpose, we present the results of a volcanological and structural survey combined with Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) and Self Potential data. Three ERT surveys has been performed in order to reconstruct the Pisciarelli structural setting and the relationships of the main fractures and faults with the underground fluid circulation. Two measured profiles crossing the main mud pool and fumaroles of Pisciarelli and has been repeated every three months to evaluate the possible influence of seasonal effects on the hydrothermal system. These profiles performed during the last year have been compared with a first ERT prospection carried on in correspondence of a 100 m long survey line, which crosses along the W-E direction the Pisciarelli permanent mud pool and its main fumarole. The comparison of the results with temperature, geochemical data and rainfall rates allowed to separate the areas dominated by seasonal effects from areas where deeper injected gasses cumulate in the subsoil. Further indication on the fluid circulation and structures derived by a mapping of the self-potential anomaly realized for the whole Solfatara-Pisciarelli area. The rocks exposed in the Pisciarelli area host a large number of faults and fractures, the latter often related to fault damage zones. Cross-cutting fault and fracture relationships and their relations with the volcanic sequences suggest that NW-SE and NE-SW trending faults are sealed by Solfatara deposits (4.28 ka); whereas E-W and N-S trending faults cross-cut the youngest volcanic succession (Astroni deposits, 4.25 ka). Several landslide deposits were recognized in the higher part of the Pisciarelli fumarole field, mainly due to intense rock fracturing, hydrothermal alteration, mud-pool activity and steep relieves surrounding the mud pool. Ancient landslide deposits overlying mud sediments, similar to those nowadays forming within the active mud pool, cropping out along the slope, at about 5 meters above the present mud pool level. New landslide phenomena could seal off the mud pool and fumaroles of Pisciarelli, with a possible consequence to trigger an hydrothermal explosions as described for other hydrothermal systems in the world.

How to cite: Isaia, R., Di Giuseppe, M. G., Natale, J., Tramparulo, F. D., Troiano, A., and Vitale, S.: New insights on the structural setting of the Pisciarelli fumarole field (Campi Flegrei caldera): implications for evolution and eruptive scenarios , EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-13178,, 2020.

EGU2020-19384 | Displays | GMPV9.5

Dynamics of the 1989 fracture system and relations with the Etna eruptive activity of the last 30 years

Salvatore Gambino, Giampiero Aiesi, Alessandro Bonforte, Giuseppe Brandi, Francesco Calvagna, Salvatore Consoli, Giovanni Distefano, Giuseppe Falzone, Angelo Ferro, Francesco Guglielmino, Giuseppe Laudani, Giuseppe Marsala, Franco Obrizzo, Laura Privitera, Giuseppe Puglisi, Salvatore Russo, Benedetto Saraceno, and Rosanna Velardita

On September 11, 1989, after four months of Strombolian activity at the summit craters, effusive activity began on Mt. Etna and lasted about a month.

The 1989 eruption of Mt. Etna was characterized by the formation of two fracture systems, striking NE-SW and NNW-SSE, and both starting from the SE Crater on September, 24.

The NE-SW system was followed by effusive activity while the NNW-SSE fractures opened for a length of 7 km without eruptive phenomena. Between September, 27 and October, 3 the fracture system propagated until it reached and cut the SP 92 provincial road (Zafferana - Rifugio Sapienza), near the 1792 effusive mouth, and continued southward for another 700 m.

We investigated the fracture southern branch dynamics through 30 years of ground deformation data collected by the discrete and continuous INGV monitoring networks. We considered levelling, GPS, EDM, and extensometers data. EDM and levelling measurements began in the 80s; on 2003 EDM measurements have been replaced by GPS.

During the 1989 eruption, EDM measurements showed variations of tens of centimeters on the lines close to the fracture.

Precise levelling discrete measurements revealed, in the period 4-16 October 1989 and during the 1991-1993 eruption a subsidence of some centimeters on benchmarks close to fracture.

A network of rod extensometers evidenced the fracture activation during the 2001 intrusion phases (12-17 July) measuring several centimeters of left lateral slip. Distance measurements and InSAR show signs of the fracture reactivation during the 2002 and 2018 eruptions.

Several authors show as the 1989 fracture zone connects the summit region of the volcano with the tectonic structures of the lower SE flank considering it as well part of the NNW-SSE oriented structure.

The dynamics of these last 30 years suggests that the 1989 fracture play an important role on the flank dynamics and strain distribution. It also represents a potential hazard to population because it represents a possible way of ascending magma also testified by cones aligned along the structure.

How to cite: Gambino, S., Aiesi, G., Bonforte, A., Brandi, G., Calvagna, F., Consoli, S., Distefano, G., Falzone, G., Ferro, A., Guglielmino, F., Laudani, G., Marsala, G., Obrizzo, F., Privitera, L., Puglisi, G., Russo, S., Saraceno, B., and Velardita, R.: Dynamics of the 1989 fracture system and relations with the Etna eruptive activity of the last 30 years, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-19384,, 2020.

EGU2020-500 | Displays | GMPV9.5

Unravelling rift development: a key study from the Northern Volcanic Zone of Iceland

Elena Russo, Alessandro Tibaldi, Fabio Luca Bonali, Federico Pasquarè Mariotto, Páll Einarsson, and Ásta Rut Hjartardóttir

Unravelling the kinematics, development and origin of the structures along a volcano-tectonic rift is of paramount importance for understanding plate separation, seismicity, volcanic activity and the associated hazards. Here, we focus on an extremely detailed survey of the Holocene deformation field along the Northern Volcanic Zone of Iceland, the northernmost point of emergence of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. The study of this extremely dynamic rift is also useful for a better comprehension of how mid-oceanic ridges work. The study is based on extensive field and unmanned aerial vehicle surveys performed over the last four years, completed by about 6000 measures collected at 1633 sites on fault strike, dip and offset, and fracture strike, dip, dilation direction and dilation amount. The rift, named Theistareykir Fissure Swarm, is composed of N-S to NNE-SSW-striking normal faults and extension fractures affecting an area 8 km-wide and 34 km-long. The computed overall spreading direction is N111° averaged during Holocene times, with values of N125° to the north and N106° to the south. The kinematics is characterised by the presence of complex components of right-lateral and left-lateral strike-slip motions, with a strong predominance of right-lateral components along structures parallel and coeval to the rift zone. The surveyed 33 Holocene faults (696 sites of measurement) along the central part of the rift show two opposite directions of fault/rift propagation, based on fault slip profile analyses. We discuss the possible causes of these characteristics and analyse in detail the interaction of both faults and extension fractures with the WNW-ESE transform Tjornes Fracture Zone, and in particular with the parallel right-lateral Husavik-Flatey Fault in the central part of the rift, and the Grimsey Lineament to the north. We also assess the role of: i) repeated dyke intrusions from the magma chamber outward along the plate margin, ii) regional tectonic stresses, iii) mechanical interaction of faults, and iv) changes in the rheological characteristics of rocks.

How to cite: Russo, E., Tibaldi, A., Bonali, F. L., Pasquarè Mariotto, F., Einarsson, P., and Hjartardóttir, Á. R.: Unravelling rift development: a key study from the Northern Volcanic Zone of Iceland, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-500,, 2020.

EGU2020-5668 | Displays | GMPV9.5

Emplacement mechanism of Late Triassic granitic Dushan pluton, North China and its tectonic implications

Huabiao Qiu, Wei Lin, Yan Chen, and Michel Faure

To better understand the Late Triassic tectonic setting in the northern North China Craton (NCC), a multidisciplinary investigation, including structural geology, geochronology, anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) and gravity modeling, has been carried out in the Dushan pluton. The Dushan pluton consists of monzogranite and biotite-rich facies along the pluton margin without sharp contact between them. The granite varies southwestwards from isotropic texture to arcuate gneissic structures, with locally mylonitic structures. The intensity of solid-state deformation increases southwestwards across the pluton, leaving preserved magmatic fabrics in the northeastern part. The compatible outward dipping magmatic and solid-state magnetic fabrics, together with mesoscopic fabrics, define an elliptic dome-like pattern with a NE-SW oriented long axis, despite the fabrics dip inwards in the southeastern margin of the pluton. Combining gravity modeling, the Dushan pluton presents an overall tabular or tongue-like shape with a northeastern root. The magnetic lineations nearly strike NE-SW, concordant with the stretching lineations observed in the mylonitic zones. We propose the emplacement mode that the Dushan pluton emplaced southwards through the feeder zone in its northeast, beginning probably with a sill. The later successive magma batches may laterally and upwardly inflate, deform and even recrystallize the former cool-down magma. This inflation forms an arcuate, gneissic to mylonitic foliation in the southwestern margin. The Dushan pluton is considered as typically post-tectonic in emplacement, recording a Late Triassic post-tectonic setting of the northern NCC.

How to cite: Qiu, H., Lin, W., Chen, Y., and Faure, M.: Emplacement mechanism of Late Triassic granitic Dushan pluton, North China and its tectonic implications, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-5668,, 2020.

EGU2020-13517 | Displays | GMPV9.5

How do cirques form in ocean island volcanoes: the case of Piton des Neiges (Réunion Island, Indian Ocean)

Camille Paquez, Vincent Famin, Nicolas Villeneuve, Laurent Michon, and Bhavani Bénard

“Cirques” are funnel-shaped, seaward-narrowing valleys commonly observed on many volcanic islands worldwide, such as Tahiti (French Polynesia), La Palma or Gran Canaria (Canary), Anjouan (Comores), and Maui or Molokai (Hawai’i). Because they contradict the basics of regressive erosion by rivers, these geomorphic structures have been interpreted in many ways, including the erosion of volcano-tectonic depressions (crater, caldera, rift zone), the formation of leaf grabens caused by volcano spreading, or the subsidence of dense plutonic bodies within edifices. Piton des Neiges volcano (Réunion Island) is dissected by three cirques (Salazie, Mafate and Cilaos) and thus provides an excellent case to study the processes that lead to the formation of these funnel-shaped valleys. To do so, we performed a detailed field and photogrammetric mapping of the volcanic and volcaniclastic products outcropping in the cirques using an updated chrono-stratigraphy.

Our mapping reveals that the three cirques of Piton des Neiges are not delimited by faults, which excludes vertical movements as the primary cause of their formation. Rather, the cirques are built on former horseshoe-shaped depressions filled with volcaniclastic breccias (mostly related to debris avalanches and debris flows), and later covered by lava flow units. Importantly, the breccia are several hundred meters thick in the innermost parts of the cirques, but thin out until complete disappearance toward the outer flanks of the volcano.

In consequence, we interpret the basal volcaniclastic breccias as playing a major role in the formation of the cirques, by offering a weaker resistance than the lava flow units. This contrasted resistance leads to greater erosion rates on the inside of the volcano than on the outer flanks and, hence explaining the reverted funnel shape of the cirques. In our model, cirques are therefore erosional structures mostly guided by past dismantling episodes rather than by tectonic or volcano-tectonic structures.

How to cite: Paquez, C., Famin, V., Villeneuve, N., Michon, L., and Bénard, B.: How do cirques form in ocean island volcanoes: the case of Piton des Neiges (Réunion Island, Indian Ocean), EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-13517,, 2020.

Using numerical reconstructions of the morphology of the volcanoes in correlation with petrography, paleomagnetic and K-Ar age data we are showing the differences in eruptive activity between volcanoes in a post-collisional setting. North Harghita is a chain segment of the Călimani-Gurghiu-Harghita(Romania) volcanic range, composing by row of volcanic of partial overlapping edifices. It is formed from north to south by the following volcanic edifices: Răchițiș (small monogenetic aphanitic dacitic shield volcano) and the Ostoroș, Ivo-Cocoizaș, Vârghiș (including Harghita Băi) andesitic (dacitic) composite volcanoes.

The Miocene-Pliocene calc-alkaline volcanism developed in the North Harghita Mts. for ca. 2.4 Ma (6.3-3.9 Ma). The Răchițiș monogenetic volcano has been generated at ~ 5.8 Ma. The volcanic edifices of Ostoroș and Ivo-Cocoizaș were build up in the same time interval (6.3-5.0 Ma), lasting ~1.5 Ma each; Vârghiș main edifice indicate a <1 Ma-long activity (5.5-4.8 Ma), however dated debris avalanche suggest longer duration.

The Ostoroș and Ivo-Cocoizaș volcanic edifices after the build-up stage were followed by destructive east-oriented debris avalanches events (~ synchronous) and eruption activity stopped.

The Vârghiș edifice complex (including Harghita Băi volcano), experienced an intense build up stage followed by a south-west-oriented debris avalanche failure event. The southernmost Rupea basaltic andesite mega-block is 6.8 Ma old and can be attributed to the Vârghiş volcano suggesting a much longer duration for the volcano lifespan; later at 3.9 Ma a small effusive event was generated in the failure crater.

DEM volume calculations include present exposed edifices and debris avalanches. Răchițiș is only of 0.8 km3; Ostoroș volcano edifice have 16 km3 and a debris avalanche deposits of 6.1 km3 suggesting a total volumes of 22.1 km3; Ivo-Cocoizaș volcano has 18.6 km3 and its debris avalanche deposits is of 12.6 km3, suggesting a total volume of 31.2 km3; Vârghiș volcano, the southernmost, has the largest volume of 84.9 km3 (111.7 km3 including Harghita Băi associated edifice) with a total debris avalanche deposits of 8.7 km3 with a total volume of 120.4 km3.

East-oriented debris avalanches of Ostoroș and Ivo-Cocoizaș travelled up to 20km where has been blocked by a higher morphology. South-west-oriented Vârghiș debris avalanche traveled up to 55km on a lower morphology, and it is much thinner.

The North-South-directed spatio-temporal evolution of North Harghita volcanic edifices reflect the southward propagation of strike-slip and normal faulting, following the post-collisional events in the East Carpathians.

Acknowledgements: This work was supported by a grant of the Ministry of Education and Scientific Research, CNCS-UEFISCDI, project number PN-II-IDPCE-2012-4-0137 and by grant of Ministry of Research and Innovation, CNCS–UEFISCDI, project number PN-III-P4-ID-PCCF-2016-4-0014, within PNCDI III.

How to cite: Mirea, V. and Seghedi, I.: Volcanoes morphology of the North Harghita (Romania) Volcanic chain segment : similarities and differences , EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-7584,, 2020.

EGU2020-6806 | Displays | GMPV9.5

Fault geometry and dynamics during the 1993-1998 uplift episode in Hengill, SW-Iceland

Hanna Blanck, Halldór Geirsson, Kristín Vogfjörd, and Vala Hjörleifsdóttir

The Hengill volcanic complex in SW-Iceland is located on a triple junction where two extensive and one conservative plate boundary meet. An uplift event, possibly caused by a magmatic intrusion, in the 1990ies caused a landrise of 8 cm over the period of 4 years and was accompanied by more than 90.000, mostly very small, earthquakes. We used cross-correlation to improve pick accuracy and applied a relative relocation algorithm to get high resolution earthquake locations of the earthquakes in the direct vicinity of the centre of the uplift. Relocated earthquake location reveal clustering and alignments of earthquakes that are mostly oriented in NNE and ENE direction. Then we recalculated focal mechanisms for the new locations and then use the Quakelook software to select the best fitting focal mechanism. Quakelook calculates a plane that best fits the locations of a cluster of earthquakes which then is compared to the database of possible focal mechanisms that all explain the polarity and amplitude data similar well. The projection of the slip vectors into the fault plane is then used to estimate the average movement along the fault. From the fault dynamics we learn about the stresses activating that fault.

The relocated earthquake distribution shows that the stresses induced by the uplift event must have been small in comparison to the regional stress since the activated faults do not respect the geometry of the uplift source but are rather in agreement to the regional stress field. The uplift did not cause any new breaks in the crust but rather reactivated existing faults which sub-optimally oriented in relation to the uplift.

How to cite: Blanck, H., Geirsson, H., Vogfjörd, K., and Hjörleifsdóttir, V.: Fault geometry and dynamics during the 1993-1998 uplift episode in Hengill, SW-Iceland, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-6806,, 2020.

EGU2020-17915 | Displays | GMPV9.5

Crustal viscosity and its control on volcanic ground deformation patterns

Matthew Head, James Hickey, Jo Gottsmann, and Nico Fournier

Episodes of ground deformation, relating to the unrest of a volcanic system, are often readily identifiable within geodetic timeseries (e.g. GPS, InSAR). However, the underlying processes facilitating this deformation are more enigmatic. By modelling the observed deformation signals, the ultimate aim is to infer characteristics of the deforming reservoir; namely the size and time-dependent evolution of the system and, potentially, the fluxes of magma involved. These parameters can be estimated using simple elastic models, but the presence of shallow or long-lived magmatic systems can significantly perturb the local geothermal gradient and invalidate the elastic approximation. Inelastic rheological effects are increasingly utilised to account for these elevated thermal regimes, where a component of viscous (time-dependent) behaviour is expected to characterise the observed deformation field.

Here, our investigations are concentrated on Taupō volcano, New Zealand, the site of several catastrophic caldera-forming eruptions. We use 3D thermomechanical models of the Lake Taupō region, featuring thermal constraints and heterogeneous crustal properties, to compare the commonly-used Maxwell and Standard Linear Solid (SLS) viscoelastic configurations under contrasting deformation mechanisms; a pressure condition (stress-based) and a volume-change (strain-based). By referring to models allocated a single viscosity value, we investigate the influence of a temperature-dependent viscosity distribution on the predicted spatiotemporal deformation patterns. Comparisons of the overpressure models highlights the influence of the crustal viscosity structure on deformation timescales, by enabling the SLS rheology to account for both abrupt and long-term deformation signals. For the Maxwell rheology, we show that the viscosity distribution results in unexpected deformation patterns, both spatially and temporally, and so query the suitability of this rheology in other model setups. Further to this, the deformation patterns in volume-change models are governed by the resulting stress response, and the effect of the viscosity structure on its propagation. Ultimately, we demonstrate that variations in crustal viscosity greatly influence spatiotemporal deformation patterns, more so than heterogeneous mechanical parameters alone, and consequently have a large impact on the inferences of the underlying processes and their time-dependent evolution. The inclusion of a crustal viscosity structure is therefore an important consideration when modelling volcanic deformation signals.

How to cite: Head, M., Hickey, J., Gottsmann, J., and Fournier, N.: Crustal viscosity and its control on volcanic ground deformation patterns, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-17915,, 2020.

EGU2020-18000 | Displays | GMPV9.5

Non-eruptive Uplift and Subsidence episodes beneath the Hengill Triple Junction, SW Iceland

Cécile Ducrocq, Halldór Geirsson, Thóra Árnadóttir, Daniel Juncu, Bjarni R. Kristjánsson, Gunnar Gunnarsson, and Vincent Drouin

Non-eruptive uplift and subsidence episodes at volcanic systems have been observed on volcanic systems around the world and understanding the complex source processes of the deformation is key to mitigate the hazard assessment or geothermal potential of the area. The Hengill area, an approximately 100 km² area in SW Iceland, located at the triple junction of the Eurasian plate, North-American plate and Hreppar Microplate, is one such example of a complex deforming volcanic system. The triple junction accommodates a total spreading and shear of 1.8 cm/yr through a systems of spreading ridges and “bookshelf-faulting” processes. The two active volcanoes of the area (Hrómundartindur and Hengill), last erupted ~2000 years ago. Beneath these adjacent volcanic systems, deep sources (5-7 km depth) caused successive episodes of broad-scale uplift (1993 – 1999; 2017 – 2018) and subsidence (2006 – 2017; 2018 – ongoing at the time of writing) in the area. These deep sources may be closely related as they have been located only 2-3 km from each other within the brittle-ductile transition zone of the area. More superficial sources (depth < 3 km) of deformation are also observed in the Hengill area, related to the extraction and injection of fluids in the Nesjavellir and Hellisheiði geothermal power plants.

Through the combination of GNSS, InSAR, analytical models and geophysical data sets from the area we investigate the spatial and temporal relation between these deep sources. The observed ground motions associated with these deep sources may be magmatic in nature (e.g. magma accumulation, degassing of older intrusions), however previous seismic tomography work (Tryggvason et al. 2002) in the area does not suggest a large partially melted magmatic body at those depths, hinting that other processes (e.g. hydrothermal) may be at the origin of some of these episodes. The correlation of geodetic measurements with geophysical and geothermal datasets may bring clues to constrain the nature of uplift and subsidence episodes in volcanic and high temperature geothermal areas such as the Hengill area.

How to cite: Ducrocq, C., Geirsson, H., Árnadóttir, T., Juncu, D., Kristjánsson, B. R., Gunnarsson, G., and Drouin, V.: Non-eruptive Uplift and Subsidence episodes beneath the Hengill Triple Junction, SW Iceland, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-18000,, 2020.

EGU2020-18664 | Displays | GMPV9.5

Ground deformation associated with the August 2019 eruption of Piton de la Fournaise (La Réunion Island) inferred from DInSAR measurements

Vincenzo De Novellis, Francesco Casu, Claudio De Luca, Mariarosaria Manzo, Fernando Monterroso, Emanuela Valerio, Riccardo Lanari, and Maurizio Battaglia

Piton de la Fournaise volcano forms the southeastern part of La Réunion, an oceanic basaltic island in the southernmost part of Mascarene Basin (Indian Ocean). Five eruptions occurred at Piton in 2019, accompanied by seismic activity, lava flow, and lava fountaining. Here below, we focus on the fourth eruption occurred between August 11 and 15 on the southern-southeastern flank of the volcano, inside the Enclos Fouqué caldera. This eruption was characterized by the opening of two eruptive fissures. We retrieve the surface deformations induced by the eruptive activity through space-borne Differential Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry (DInSAR) measurements. First, we generated the coseismic deformation maps by applying the DInSAR technique to SAR data collected along ascending and descending orbits by the Sentinel-1 constellation of the European Copernicus Programme. The DInSAR technique allows us to analyze the deformation patterns caused by the 11 August 2019 eruption. We also retrieved the pre-eruptive deformation through the Small BAseline Subset (SBAS) DInSAR approach. Then, we modelled the DInSAR displacements to constrain the geometry and characteristics of the eruptive source. The modelling results suggest that the observed deformation can be attributed to the interaction between a shallow magma reservoir located at ~1.5-2 km depth below the summit, and the intrusion of a dike feeding the eruptive fissure inside the Enclos Fouqué caldera.

This work is supported by: the 2019-2021 IREA-CNR and Italian Civil Protection Department agreement; the EPOS-SP project (GA 871121); and the I-AMICA (PONa3_00363) project.

How to cite: De Novellis, V., Casu, F., De Luca, C., Manzo, M., Monterroso, F., Valerio, E., Lanari, R., and Battaglia, M.: Ground deformation associated with the August 2019 eruption of Piton de la Fournaise (La Réunion Island) inferred from DInSAR measurements, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-18664,, 2020.

EGU2020-19030 | Displays | GMPV9.5

Post-eruptive volcano inflation following major magma drainage: Interplay between models of viscoelastic response influence and models of magma inflow at Bárðarbunga caldera, Iceland, 2015-2018

Siqi Li, Freysteinn Sigmundsson, Vincent Drouin, Michelle M. Parks, Kristín Jónsdóttir, Benedikt G. Ofeigsson, Ronni Grapenthin, Halldór Geirsson, and Andy Hooper

Unrest at Bárðarbunga after a caldera collapse in 2014-2015 includes elevated seismicity beginning about six months after the eruption ended, including nine Mw>4.5 earthquakes. The earthquakes occurred mostly on the northern and southern parts of a caldera ring fault. Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS, in particular, Global Positioning System; GPS) and Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) geodesy are applied to evaluate the spatial and temporal pattern of ground deformation around Bárðarbunga caldera outside the icecap, in 2015-2018, when deformation rates were relatively steady. The aim is to study the role of viscoelastic relaxation following major magma drainage versus renewed magma inflow as an explanation for the ongoing unrest.

The largest horizontal velocity is measured at GPS station KISA (3 km from caldera rim), 141 mm/yr in direction N47oE relative to the Eurasian plate in 2015-2018. GPS and InSAR observations show that the velocities decay rapidly outward from the caldera. We correct our observations for Glacial Isostatic Adjustment and plate spreading to extract the deformation related to volcanic activity. After this correction, some GPS sites show subsidence.

We use a reference Earth model to initially evaluate the contribution of viscoelastic processes to the observed deformation field. We model the deformation within a half-space composed of a 7-km thick elastic layer on top of a viscoelastic layer with a viscosity of 5 x 1018 Pa s, considering two co-eruptive contributors to the viscoelastic relaxation: “non-piston” magma withdrawal at 10 km depth (modelled as pressure drop in a spherical source) and caldera collapse (modelled as surface unloading). The other model we test is the magma inflow in an elastic half-space. Both the viscoelastic relaxation and magma inflow create horizontal outward movements around the caldera, and uplift at the surface projection of the source center in 2015-2018. Viscoelastic response due to magma withdrawal results in subsidence in the area outside the icecap. Magma inflow creates rapid surface velocity decay as observed.

We explore further two parameters in the viscoelastic reference model: the viscosity and the "non-piston" magma withdrawal volume. Our comparison between the corrected InSAR velocities and viscoelastic models suggests a viscosity of 2.6×1018 Pa s and 0.36 km3 of “non-piston” magma withdrawal volume, given by the optimal reduced Chi-squared statistic. When the deformation is explained using only magma inflow into a single spherical source (and no viscoelastic response), the optimal model suggests an inflow rate at 1×107 m3/yr at 700 m depth. A magma inflow model with more model parameters is also a possible explanation, including sill inflation at 10 km together with slip on caldera ring faults. Our reference Earth model and the two end-member models suggest that there is a trade-off between the viscoelastic relaxation and the magma inflow, since they produce similar deformation signals outside the icecap. However, to reproduce details of the observed deformation, both processes are required. A viscoelastic-only model cannot fully explain the fast velocity decay away from the caldera, whereas a magma inflow-only model cannot explain the subsidence observed at several locations.

How to cite: Li, S., Sigmundsson, F., Drouin, V., Parks, M. M., Jónsdóttir, K., Ofeigsson, B. G., Grapenthin, R., Geirsson, H., and Hooper, A.: Post-eruptive volcano inflation following major magma drainage: Interplay between models of viscoelastic response influence and models of magma inflow at Bárðarbunga caldera, Iceland, 2015-2018 , EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-19030,, 2020.

EGU2020-21540 | Displays | GMPV9.5

Mechanical interactions between pressure sources and rift zones at Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii.

Fabio Pulvirenti, Marco Aloisi, Daniele Carbone, Michael Poland, and Sergio Vinciguerra

Underground pressure sources and rift zones may act jointly during phases of volcanic activity. Pressurization of magma bodies at shallow to intermediate depth, along with degradation of the mechanical properties of the host rock, can enhance tensile stress along zones of weakness, thus favoring magma intrusion. Such interactions were hypothesized at different volcanoes, including Mt. Etna, Piton de la Fournaise and Montserrat, from seismic, gravity and ground deformation data. Here we use a finite-element modeling approach to quantitatively understand possible mechanical interactions between a shallow pressure source beneath the summit caldera and the rift zones at Kīlauea Volcano (Hawai‘i). Past studies have demonstrated a strong connection between these structures, for example, with increases in seismic activity and extension across the rift, during phases of inflation of the summit. These observations suggest a coupling, which may modulate magma accumulation and transport processes along the rift.

How to cite: Pulvirenti, F., Aloisi, M., Carbone, D., Poland, M., and Vinciguerra, S.: Mechanical interactions between pressure sources and rift zones at Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii., EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-21540,, 2020.

EGU2020-11571 | Displays | GMPV9.5

Piton de la Fournaise, elasto-plastic models of stresses and deformation accounting for the topographic load and a magmatic injection

Muriel Gerbault, Fabrice Fontaine, Aline Peltier, Lydie Gailler, Riad Hassani, Jean-Luc Got, and Valerie Ferrazzini

Building on previous work aimed at identifying and characterizing the potential mechanical trigger controlling eruptions and destabilization at Piton de la Fournaise, we study the mechanical behavior of the volcanic edifice on a crustal scale. Do the recurrent earthquake pattern correspond to a destabilization structure, precursor of a large-scale flank sliding? Or instead to a reactivated area of magma storage (partially crystallized “sill”)? To answer these questions, we design numerical models which estimate the stress field associated with the volcanic complex. We use the ADELI finite element method in three dimensions, which handles elasto-visco-plastic rheologies. In these models, we take into account 1) the topographic load, 2) the major density and resistance heterogeneities within the volcano obtained from previous studies, and 3) the overpressure induced by the intrusion of a dike of arbitrary geometry.
The model
ed dike injection generates deformation and stress fields such that their isocontours highlight an ellipsoidal cup structure extending from the central cone to a depth close to 0 and reaching the ends of the eastern flank. This zone could be assimilated to the zone of seismicity observed and described previously. Together with several systematic test cases, we will discuss the significance of these results, such as whether it reveals a rheological delimitation zone of the hydrothermalized bedrock, resulting from the combined influence of the topographic load and that of a magmatic injection.

How to cite: Gerbault, M., Fontaine, F., Peltier, A., Gailler, L., Hassani, R., Got, J.-L., and Ferrazzini, V.: Piton de la Fournaise, elasto-plastic models of stresses and deformation accounting for the topographic load and a magmatic injection, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-11571,, 2020.

EGU2020-20637 | Displays | GMPV9.5

Early warning signals before paroxysmal activity at Stromboli volcano, Italy

Bellina Di Lieto, Pierdomenico Romano, Roberto Scarpa, Alan T. Linde, and Agata Sangianantoni

Mt. Stromboli is an active volcano, located near the coasts of Sicily (Italy), in the Mediterranean Sea. Its volcanic activity is characterized by mild and frequent explosions, sometimes interrupted by occasional episodes of more vigorous activity, which can be accompanied by lava flows and more energetic eruptions, known as “major” or “paroxysmal” eruptions, according to the energy dissipated during the event.

Stromboli produced vulcanian eruptions in 2003, 2007 and July-August 2019, which were well recorded by the INGV monitoring network. In particular the last three events are studied through records from borehole strainmeters, which allow us to infer many details of source dynamics. These events are clearly preceded by a slow strain buildup, starting several minutes before the paroxysms, which can be used in future for civil protection purposes. The eruptions then consist of two or more pulses, with oscillations ranging from several seconds, as in 2007, to some minutes, such as in 2019 and lasting from several minutes to one hour after the explosions.

Mechanisms involved in the triggering process of the vulcanian explosions include an increase of magma flux ascending from sources located from 2 to 5-7 km depths and morphological complexity in the upper feeding system.

A preliminary early-warning algorithm, based on an evaluation of strain rate change, has been defined: it has shown itself capable of ascertain the occurring eruptions minutes before their summit onset.

Valuable information are embedded in the data used in the current work, which could be used not only for scientific purposes but also from civil protection for monitoring reasons. Such a variety of possible usage needs the setting of principles and legal arrangements to be implemented in order to ensure that data will be properly and ethically managed and in turn can be used and accessed from the scientific community.

Particular care is needed in order to harmonize the different rules regarding use of data/information, to identify any potential legal issues related to Intellectual Property (IP) and to set up clear and consistent principles related to IP Rights.

How to cite: Di Lieto, B., Romano, P., Scarpa, R., Linde, A. T., and Sangianantoni, A.: Early warning signals before paroxysmal activity at Stromboli volcano, Italy, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-20637,, 2020.

EGU2020-10551 | Displays | GMPV9.5 | Highlight

InSAR Imaging of White Island from 2014 to 2020: Insights into the 2019 Phreatic Eruption

Yunmeng Cao, Daniele Trippanera, Xing Li, Adriano Nobile, Zhang Yunjun, Luigi Passarelli, Wenbin Xu, and Sigurjón Jónsson

At 14:11 NZDT (01:11 UTC) on 9 December 2019, an explosive eruption (VEI=2) occurred on White/Whakaari Island in New Zealand’s northeast Bay of Plenty. The sudden eruption claimed 20 lives among the 47 tourists who were on the island at the time of the eruption. Several volcano-tectonic features overlap in the island such as a major caldera rim collapsing scarp to the west, a landslide, a crater lake and a large shallow hydrothermal system at the center, making complex the understanding of the eruption triggering factors. Here we use Sentinel-1 Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) data from 3 different tracks (1 ascending and 2 descending) spanning the period of 2014-2020 to investigate the spatio-temporal surface deformation evolution of White Island in the years before the eruption. By analyzing the InSAR time-series displacements between the two eruptions of April 2016 and December 2019, at least 4 separate stages can be identified that possibly relate to different parts of the volcanic eruptive cycle:  1) During April 2016 - February 2018, the crater lake edge and the western sub-crater wall rapidly moved downslope at a rate of ~6 cm/yr, while the central sub-crater area uplifted at a rate of ~3 cm/yr; 2) From February 2018 to January 2019, both the western and the central sub-craters uplifted at a rate of ~5 cm/yr; 3) During  the following six months, from January 2019 to June 2019, the western sub-crater started moving downslope again at a rate of ~3 cm/yr, while the central sub-cater kept moving up at a rate of ~4 cm/yr; 4) And finally, during June 2019 - December 2019 (until the eruption), uplift occurred around the western sub-crater again at a similar rate as in the central sub-crater area (~ 4 cm/yr). Seismic records before the eruption show that approximately 500 volcanic earthquakes located at a depth of ~ 5 km occurred at the southwestern part of White Island on June 2019, that may point to a shallow level intrusion of new magma. This upcoming magma might then have pressurized the shallow hydrothermal system during the fourth-stage uplift. Modeling of the uplift during June 2019 to December 2019 indicates a shallow source located at only ~200 m below the surface in the vicinity of the crater lake, likely coinciding with the shallow hydrothermal system responsible for the final 2019 phreatic eruption.

How to cite: Cao, Y., Trippanera, D., Li, X., Nobile, A., Yunjun, Z., Passarelli, L., Xu, W., and Jónsson, S.: InSAR Imaging of White Island from 2014 to 2020: Insights into the 2019 Phreatic Eruption, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-10551,, 2020.

EGU2020-11260 | Displays | GMPV9.5 | Highlight

The 2019 eruptive phase of Stromboli volcano through multiparametric geophysical observations.

Massimo Orazi, Flora Giudicepietro, Carmen López, Giovanni Macedonio, Salvatore Alparone, Francesca Bianco, Sonia Calvari, Walter De Cesare, Dario Delle Donne, Bellina Di Lieto, Antonietta Esposito, Rosario Peluso, Eugenio Privitera, Pierdomenico Romano, Giovanni Scarpato, and Anna Tramelli

In summer 2019, two paroxysmal explosions occurred in Stromboli. The first one occurred on July 3, when the Strombolian ordinary eruptive activity did not show a significant intensification. The explosion formed an eruptive column more than 3 km high. A pyroclastic flow ran down the “Sciara del Fuoco” slope causing a victim and some injuries. Moreover, the pyroclastic flow spread over the sea surface for about one kilometer. On August 28, a second paroxysmal explosion occurred, similar to the previous one. Also in this case the eruption formed an eruptive column of more than 3 km and a pyroclastic flow that expanded along the “Sciara del Fuoco” slope and traveled about 1 km on the sea surface. In the period between the two paroxysms, effusive activity occurred from the summit crater area. The eruptive phase of summer 2019, which began with the paroxysm of 3 July, was not preceded by significant changes in the routinely monitored parameters, such as the hourly frequency (daily average) of the VLP events (typical of Stromboli) and the amplitude of the seismic signal (RSAM). For this reason, we have analyzed the seismic and dilatometric data, which were recorded by the INGV geophysical network in the period November 2018 - September 2019, focusing our attention on other parameters that can give indications on the activity state of the volcano. In particular, we analyzed the data of the broadband seismic stations, equipped with the Guralp CMG40T sensors, and the data of one Sacks-Evertson borehole strainmeter. We defined the "VLP size", which takes into account the waveform of the VLP events, in terms of both amplitude and duration. We also applied time varying Fractal Dimension (FD) analysis to the seismograms of a seismic station close to the crater area and we analyzed the polarization of the same signal. We carried out the polarization analysis both without applying a filter and by filtering the seismic signal in the typical frequency bands of the Stromboli volcanic tremor (1-3 Hz) and of the VLPs (0.5-0.05 Hz). We found that the "VLP size", the FD and the polarization parameters showed significant changes about one month before the paroxysm of July 3. In the short term, we applied an appropriately tuned STA/LTA algorithm to the data of the borehole strainmeter, which is installed on the island at about 2km from the craters, and we obtained an automatic detection of the paroxysmal events 10 and 7.5 minutes before the explosion of July 3 and August 28, respectively.

How to cite: Orazi, M., Giudicepietro, F., López, C., Macedonio, G., Alparone, S., Bianco, F., Calvari, S., De Cesare, W., Delle Donne, D., Di Lieto, B., Esposito, A., Peluso, R., Privitera, E., Romano, P., Scarpato, G., and Tramelli, A.: The 2019 eruptive phase of Stromboli volcano through multiparametric geophysical observations., EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-11260,, 2020.

EGU2020-22449 | Displays | GMPV9.5 | Highlight

Magma Degassing as a Source of Long‐Term Seismicity at Volcanoes: The Ischia Island (Italy) Case

Mauro Di Vito, Elisa Trasatti, Valerio Acocella, Carlo Del Gaudio, Gregor Weber, Ida Aquino, Stefano Caliro, Giovanni Chiodini, Sandro de Vita, Ciro Ricco, and Luca Caricchi

Transient seismicity at active volcanoes poses a significant risk in addition to eruptive activity.
This risk is powered by the common belief that volcanic seismicity cannot be forecast, even on a long
term. Here we investigate the nature of volcanic seismicity to try to improve our forecasting capacity. To this
aim, we consider Ischia volcano (Italy), which suffered similar earthquakes along its uplifted resurgent
block. We show that this seismicity marks an acceleration of decades‐long subsidence of the resurgent block,
driven by degassing of magma that previously produced the uplift, a process not observed at other
volcanoes. Degassing will continue for hundreds to thousands of years, causing protracted seismicity and
will likely be accompanied by moderate and damaging earthquakes. The possibility to constrain the future
duration of seismicity at Ischia indicates that our capacity to forecast earthquakes might be enhanced when
seismic activity results from long‐term magmatic processes, such as degassing.

How to cite: Di Vito, M., Trasatti, E., Acocella, V., Del Gaudio, C., Weber, G., Aquino, I., Caliro, S., Chiodini, G., de Vita, S., Ricco, C., and Caricchi, L.: Magma Degassing as a Source of Long‐Term Seismicity at Volcanoes: The Ischia Island (Italy) Case, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-22449,, 2020.

EGU2020-19326 | Displays | GMPV9.5

Transient tectonic switch in volcanic arcs: observations from the Southern Andes ( 33S - 38S).

Matteo Lupi, Daniele Trippanera, Diego Gonzalez-Vidal, Andres Tassara, Sebastiano D'Amico, Cabello Catalina, and Stef Marc Muelle

It has been shown that in the aftermath of megathrust earthquakes the forearc region moves trenchwards promoting crustal extension alterating the long term stress regime in place before the earthquake during the inter-seismic periods. In the far field such variations are less well-recognised and their influence on volcanic arc activity poorly constrained.

To tackle this problem we deployed a temporary seismic network in the volcanic arc of Southern Andes from November 2013 to April 2015 to investigate the tectonic deformation imposed by the M8.8 2010 Maule megathrust earthquake. The network is centred on the Nevados de Chillan Volcanic Complex is an Andean-transverse NW-oriented structure whose orientation is not well compatible with the current tectonic regime. The Nevados de Chillan faces one of the regions that slipped the most during the 2010 M8.8 Maule earthquake. The system was also reactivated after the earthquake and its activity is still ongoing at writing.

We compared the deformation of the geological records such as faults, fractures and dikes (assumed to be representative of inter-seismic periods) against the focal mechanisms inverted from shallow moderate-magnitude earthquakes occurred in the arc from 2010 to 2015. We found out that the geological record shows the imprinting of both long term inter-seismic and perturbed shorter term post-seismic deformation. In particular, the latter may create the conditions to re-activate NW pre-existing tectonic structures enhancing the magma upwelling sitting in the upper lithosphere.

Our work suggests that the kinematics driving the growth of NW-striking volcanic systems in the Southern Central Andes are affected by both magmatic and tectonic processes, with the latter experiencing short-lived perturbations.

How to cite: Lupi, M., Trippanera, D., Gonzalez-Vidal, D., Tassara, A., D'Amico, S., Catalina, C., and Marc Muelle, S.: Transient tectonic switch in volcanic arcs: observations from the Southern Andes ( 33S - 38S)., EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-19326,, 2020.

GMPV9.6 – Magma ascent, degassing and eruptive dynamics: linking experiments, models and observations

At large crystal contents magma exhibits non-Newtonian behavior, typically shear thinning due to crystal orientation along streamlines. 1D models widely used for extrusive eruption simulations cannot capture efficiently the complexity of cross-conduit variations of the properties of magmas as they assume parabolic velocity profile and averaged properties of magma. Large aspect ratios of volcanic conduits (length/diameter) makes use of fully 2D numerical models computationally expensive and not reliable because of extremely large cross-conduit variation of parameters.

Here we present results of numerical simulations of a quasi-2D model that accounts for magma crystallization with the release of the latent heat, shear thinning rheology, heat transfer and viscous dissipation. Simulated velocity profile is far from parabolic. Shear layers form initially near the wall of the conduit and migrate towards the interior as magma ascends. Shear heating results in significant increases in temperature of the magma in narrow shear bands. There is a drastic difference between the predictions of 1D and quasi-2D models in terms of pressure-discharge rate relations. Lava dome morphology can be strongly affected by the formation of shear zones inside volcanic conduits during magma ascent.

How to cite: Melnik, O. and Tsvetkova, Y.: Shear localization during magma ascent: results from quasi-2D numerical simulations , EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-3284,, 2020.

EGU2020-9497 | Displays | GMPV9.6

Beyond empiricism: Quantitative models for the permeability of heterogeneous magmas

Jérémie Vasseur, Fabian Wadsworth, and Donald Dingwell

Measurements abound for the permeability of volcanic rocks, high temperature magmas, synthetic analogues for magma and rock, and 3-dimensional domains of porous media simulated numerically. Despite a wealth of data, the dominant approach to parameterisation has been empirical, and scarcely goes beyond the power-law models for percolating systems. Here we propose a suite of methods to bring the data for these complex systems in line with theoretically grounded percolation models. To do this we create numerical samples using variations on theme of overlapping spheres filling volumes. In order to create a wide range of possible geometries, we can either define the spheres as the pore phase, or the inter-sphere volume as the pore phase, such that one option is the inverse of the other. In either case, we simulate fluid flow through the pore phase until steady state, to determine the Darcian and inertial permeability tensors. We compare these results with derived, fully theoretical percolation theory and find good agreement without fitting parameters. In order to render this useful for understanding permeability in volcanic scenarios, we compare these validated models to a large database of compiled published permeability data. This approach allows us to group the permeability of magmas into three universality classes, which each have just one dimensionless solution: (1) initially granular magmas, such as variably welded ignimbrites or tuffisites, and (2) bubbly magmas, such as pumice.

How to cite: Vasseur, J., Wadsworth, F., and Dingwell, D.: Beyond empiricism: Quantitative models for the permeability of heterogeneous magmas, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-9497,, 2020.

EGU2020-2535 | Displays | GMPV9.6

Fragility and an extremely low shear modulus of high porosity silicic magma

Atsuko Namiki, Yukie Tanaka, Satoshi Okumura, Osamu Sasaki, Kyohei Sano, and Shingo Takeuchi

The rheology and strength of bubbly magma govern eruption dynamics by determining the possibility of fragmentation of ascending magmas. The rheology of magma also regulates the propagation velocity and attenuation of seismic waves, and are required parameters for understanding seismic monitoring. We measured the rheology and strength of high porosity (>0.86) rhyolitic magma at 500-950 degrees C. The measured shear modulus and strength are several orders of magnitude lower than bubble-free rhyolite melt, implying that high porosity magma cannot avoid fracturing during magma ascent. The occurrence of fractures is observed in the low-temperature magma (<800 degrees C). In this temperature range, the measured attenuation is low (Q>1). That is, the elastic energy originated by deformations avoids attenuation and is stored in the bubbly magma to cause fracturing. The newly found porosity-dependent strength based on our measurements comprehensively explains three different fragmentation criteria that have been previously proposed independently. Our measurements also show that the shear modulus becomes lower by increasing porosity, which can slow the shear wave velocity. These results suggest that knowing the attenuation of the seismic wave is useful to evaluate magma temperature and the possibility of a fragmentation event that may determine subsequent volcanic activities.

Reference: Namiki et al. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research (2020).

How to cite: Namiki, A., Tanaka, Y., Okumura, S., Sasaki, O., Sano, K., and Takeuchi, S.: Fragility and an extremely low shear modulus of high porosity silicic magma, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-2535,, 2020.

EGU2020-17732 | Displays | GMPV9.6

The effect of nanolites on degassing of silica-rich magma

Francisco Cáceres, Fabian Wadsworth, Bettina Scheu, Mathieu Colombier, Claudio Madonna, Corrado Cimarelli, Kai-Uwe Hess, Melanie Kaliwoda, Bernhard Ruthensteiner, and Donald B. Dingwell

Magma degassing dynamics play an important role controlling the explosivity of volcanic eruptions. Some of the largest explosive eruptions in history have been fed by silica-rich magmas in volcanic systems with complex dynamics of volatiles degassing. Degassing of magmatic water drives bubble nucleation and growth, which in turn increases magma buoyancy and results in magma ascent and an eventual eruption. While micro- to milli-meter sized crystals are known to cause heterogeneous bubble nucleation and to facilitate bubble coalescence, the effects of nanolites remains mostly unexplored. Nanolites have been hypothesized to be a primary control on the eruptive style of silicic volcanoes, however the mechanisms behind this control remains unclear.

Here we use an experimental approach to show how nanolites dramatically increase the bubble number density in a degassing silicic magma compared to the same magma without nanolites. The experiments were conducted using both nanolite-free and nanolite-bearing rhyolitic glass with different low initial water content. Using an Optical Dilatometer at 1 bar ambient pressure, cylindrical samples were heated at variable rates (1-30 °C min-1) to final temperatures of 820-1000 °C. This method allowed us to continuously monitor the volume, and hence porosity evolution in time. X-ray computed microtomography (µCT) and Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) analyses revealed low and high bubble number densities for the nanolite-free and nanolite-bearing samples respectively.

Comparing vesicle number densities of natural volcanic rocks from explosive eruptions and our experimental results, we speculate that some very high naturally occurring bubble number densities could be associated with nanolites. We use a magma ascent model with P-T-H2O starting conditions relevant for known silicic eruptions to further underpin that such an increase in bubble number density caused driven by the presence of nanolites can feasibly turn an effusive eruption to an eventually explosive behavior.

How to cite: Cáceres, F., Wadsworth, F., Scheu, B., Colombier, M., Madonna, C., Cimarelli, C., Hess, K.-U., Kaliwoda, M., Ruthensteiner, B., and Dingwell, D. B.: The effect of nanolites on degassing of silica-rich magma, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-17732,, 2020.

EGU2020-2769 | Displays | GMPV9.6

Silent VLPs At Stromboli: Implications For Slug Vs. Plug

Kathleen McKee, Diana Roman, David Fee, Gregory Waite, and Maurizio Ripepe

Very long period (VLP) seismic signals observed in volcanic environments are thought to be produced by magma and gas flow through conduits. Stromboli Volcano, Italy, typically produces hundreds of VLPs per day. These have been generally attributed to the flow of gas slugs through the shallow plumbing system and thus linked to the mechanism thought to drive Strombolian explosions. During a 6-day-long seismo-acoustic campaign in May 2018 (a period characterized by relatively low activity) we recorded 1900+ seismic events, the majority of which have significant energy in the VLP (2-100 s) band. We used a coincident STA/LTA trigger to identify seismic events in continuous waveform data and then used the PeakMatch algorithm (Rodgers et al., 2015) to identify seismic multiplets, with a focus on VLPs. To identify explosions, we applied the same coincident trigger to infrasound data, and manually identified gas jetting events using spectrograms and high-pass-filtered (20 Hz) waveforms. 


We identified ~250 explosions and ~600 jetting events. Seismic multiplet analysis identified two main families of repeating events. Family 1 (F1) has over 500 events and Family 2 (F2) has over 150 events based on a 0.7 correlation threshold. We find that F1 VLPs coincide in time with ~6% of explosions and ~0.8% of jetting events and F2 VLPs coincide in time with ~28% of explosions and ~2.7% of jetting events (we term these “silent VLPs”). These VLPs do not correspond with lava effusion (Marchetti and Ripepe, 2005; Ripepe et al., 2015). F2 have a higher dominant period (8-10 s) compared to F1 (3-4 s). The repeating VLPs are part of a broadband signal and the higher frequencies start after the VLP. VLP peak amplitudes are generally larger for F1 events. The dip of the VLP particle motion roughly locates the F1 and F2 VLP source centroids beneath the active crater and are stable throughout the dataset. Both VLP displacements show a small outward, large inward, and subsequent large outward motion from the crater. The lack of explosions relative to repeating VLPs does not support the slug model, where a slug rises through a conduit, generates a VLP through interactions with changes in conduit geometry, and then bursts at the lava free surface. Our observations support the plug model (Suckale et al., 2016). We suggest the “silent” VLPs are generated when the gas bubbles interact with and move into the semipermeable plug. Then the plug behaves as a mechanical filter for gas escape and allows for passive and explosive escape mechanisms.

How to cite: McKee, K., Roman, D., Fee, D., Waite, G., and Ripepe, M.: Silent VLPs At Stromboli: Implications For Slug Vs. Plug, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-2769,, 2020.

EGU2020-8046 | Displays | GMPV9.6

Highly explosive basaltic eruptions: magma fragmentation induced by rapid crystallisation

Fabio Arzilli, Giuseppe La Spina, Mike R. Burton, Margherita Polacci, Nolwenn Le Gall, Margaret E. Hartley, Danilo Di Genova, Biao Cai, Nghia T. Vo, Emily C. Bamber, Sara Nonni, Robert Atwood, Edward W. Llewellin, Richard A. Brooker, Heidy M. Mader, and Peter D. Lee

Basaltic eruptions are the most common form of volcanism on Earth and planetary bodies. The low viscosity of basaltic magmas generally favours effusive and mildly explosive volcanic activity. Highly explosive basaltic eruptions occur less frequently and their eruption mechanism still remains subject to debate, with implications for the significant hazard associated with explosive basaltic volcanism. Particularly, highly explosive eruptions require magma fragmentation, yet it is unclear how basaltic magmas can reach the fragmentation threshold.

In volcanic conduits, the crystallisation kinetics of an ascending magma are driven by degassing and cooling. So far, the crystallisation kinetics of magmas have been estimated through ex situ crystallization experiments. However, this experimental approach induces underestimation of crystallization kinetics in silicate melts. The   crystallization experiments reported in this study were performed in situ at Diamond Light Source (experiment EE12392 at the I12 beamline), Harwell, UK, using basalt from the 2001 Etna eruption as the starting material. We combined a bespoke high-temperature environmental cell with fast synchrotron X-ray microtomography to image the evolution of crystallization in real time. After 4 hours at sub-liquidus conditions (1170 °C and 1150 °C) the system was perturbed through a rapid cooling (0.4 °C/s), inducing a sudden increase of undercooling. Our study reports the first in situ observation of exceptionally rapid plagioclase and clinopyroxene crystallisation in trachybasaltic magmas. We combine these constraints on crystallisation kinetics and viscosity evolution with a numerical conduit model to show that exceptionally rapid syn-eruptive crystallisation is the fundamental process required to trigger basaltic magma fragmentation under high strain rates. Our in situ experimental and natural observations combined with a numerical conduit model allow us to conclude that pre-eruptive temperatures <1,100°C can promote highly explosive basaltic eruptions, such as Plinian volcanism, in which fragmentation is induced by fast syn-eruptive crystal growth under high undercooling and high decompression rates. This implies that all basaltic systems on Earth have the potential to produce powerful explosive eruptions.

How to cite: Arzilli, F., La Spina, G., Burton, M. R., Polacci, M., Le Gall, N., Hartley, M. E., Di Genova, D., Cai, B., Vo, N. T., Bamber, E. C., Nonni, S., Atwood, R., Llewellin, E. W., Brooker, R. A., Mader, H. M., and Lee, P. D.: Highly explosive basaltic eruptions: magma fragmentation induced by rapid crystallisation, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-8046,, 2020.

EGU2020-5278 | Displays | GMPV9.6

The fate of volcanic ash aggregates: premature or delayed sedimentation?

Eduardo Rossi, Frances Beckett, Costanza Bonadonna, and Gholamhossein Bagheri

Most volcanic ash produced during explosive volcanic eruptions sediments as aggregates of various types that typically have a greater fall velocity than the particles of which they are composed. As a result, aggregation processes are commonly known to affect the sedimentation of fine ash by considerably reducing its residence time in the atmosphere. Nonetheless, speculations also exist in the literature that aggregation does not always result in a premature sedimentation of their constitute particles but that it can also result in a delayed sedimentation (i.e. the so-called rafting effect). However, previous studies have considered rafting as a highly improbable phenomenon due to a biased representation of aggregate shapes.

Here we provide the first theoretical evidence that rafting may not only occur, but it is probably more common than previously thought, helping to elucidate often unexplained field observations. Starting from field evidence of rafted aggregates at Sakurajima Volcano (Japan), we clarify the conditions for which aggregation of volcanic ash results either in a premature or a delayed sedimentation.

Moreover, using the Lagrangian dispersion model NAME, we show the practical consequences of rafting on the final sedimentation distance of aggregates with different morphological features. As an application we chose the case study of the 2010 eruption of Eyjafjallajökull volcano (Iceland), for which rafting can increase the travel distances of ash <500 m up 3.7 times with respect to sedimentation of individual particles.

These findings have fundamental implications both for real-time forecasting and long-term hazard assessment of volcanic ash dispersal and sedimentation and for weather modelling. The constraints on rafting presented and discussed in this work will help the scientific community to clarify the often unexpected role of aggregation in creating a delayed sedimentation of coarse ash.

How to cite: Rossi, E., Beckett, F., Bonadonna, C., and Bagheri, G.: The fate of volcanic ash aggregates: premature or delayed sedimentation?, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-5278,, 2020.

EGU2020-12279 | Displays | GMPV9.6

Numerical simulation of bubble deformation in various velocity profiles across a conduit

Masatoshi Ohashi, Mie Ichihara, Fukashi Maeno, Ben Kennedy, and Darren Gravley

Tube pumice is characterized by aligned highly elongated bubbles and is a common product of explosive silicic eruptions. The relative abundance of tube pumice and non-tube pumice in the stratigraphy has been interpreted as resulting from temporal and spatial variations in a conduit flow. Therefore, understanding the formation mechanism of tube pumice is valuable, but still debated. Most previous studies interpret tube pumice forming from simple shear deformation, assuming a parabolic velocity profile across a conduit. However, simple shear cannot explain the observation that tube pumice is rare in plinian falls but frequent in ignimbrites (interpreted to have wider vents).

In this study, we combine a bubble deformation model with a quasi-two-dimensional steady conduit flow model. A bubble is deformed by the velocity gradient while moving within the conduit flow. The conduit flow model is calculated for the 1.8 ka Taupo plinian eruption, which produced a high proportion of tube pumice in the ignimbrite phase. In this abstract, we explain results from two rheological models showing distinct velocity profiles. In the Newtonian isothermal fluid, the velocity profile across the conduit becomes parabolic. In a fluid that allows viscous heating, the temperature near the conduit wall rises up sharply, leading to a strong reduction in viscosity, and the velocity profile changes from a parabolic shape to a plug-like shape. The parabolic velocity profile produces highly elongated bubbles mainly by simple shear, while the plug-like velocity profile is dominated by pure shear and accumulates less strain to elongate bubbles. The bubble shape at the fragmentation surface depends significantly on the velocity profile and its change along the conduit.

We also conduct a quantitative and statistical bubble shape analysis of pumice erupted at Taupo volcano. It shows that the plinian pumices have a single peak in the bubble shape distribution, while the ignimbrite pumices have a broad distribution and contain highly elongated bubbles. The comparison of the distribution of pumice textures with the simulation results suggests that the velocity profile of the plinian phase is close to a plug-like shape. We also calculate bubble deformation for the Taupo ignimbrite eruption, using the viscous-heating model. We model a wider conduit for the ignimbrite phase which leads to lower shear rate around the conduit walls and a higher proportion of the conduit experiencing parabolic flow compared to the plinian phase. This increased proportion of parabolic velocity profile in the conduit can explain a large number of tube pumice in the Taupo ignimbrite.

How to cite: Ohashi, M., Ichihara, M., Maeno, F., Kennedy, B., and Gravley, D.: Numerical simulation of bubble deformation in various velocity profiles across a conduit, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-12279,, 2020.

EGU2020-7602 | Displays | GMPV9.6

Towards a self-consistent thermodynamic magmatic model for conduit transport processes

Jost von der Lieth and Matthias Hort

The geodynamical side of explosive volcanic eruption modelling on the one hand, as well as the petrological one on the other, have reached a high degree of sophistication and maturity independently from each other over the years. Unfortunately, adherents of one discipline often only utilize the other’s tools in a simplified and makeshift way, obscuring the full potential of their synergies. Over the past decade efforts have been made to re-integrate both approaches to the issue into a more holistic view on the sub-surface processes leading to and concurrent with explosive volcanism.
One of the difficulties encountered in that effort are conceptual and technical incompatibilities between thermo- and fluid-dynamic modelling toolboxes. While the tools perform well individually, they are often not suitable to work in combination in highly complex numerical models, due to interface problems impeding performance.
For an ongoing numerical study on transport processes within a volcanic conduit, it has been deemed necessary to re-implement an established thermodynamic model based on Holland and Powell (2011, and follow-ups) in order to a) attain the required computing performance and b) to gain sufficient petrological insight (starting from a geophysical point of view) to be able to make apt use of the tool then at hand.
The path to the intermediate goal of deriving the thermodynamic and transport properties (e.g. density, viscosity, heat capacity and conductivity) in a self-consistent and stable manner suitable for further use in a numerical fluid-dynamics model is illustrated here. The focus is on problems encountered with the petrological modelling, and on the subsequent derivation of the above properties, that are not directly available from the former results. The methods presented are general and applicable to various settings regarding volcanic chemistry and transport processes, however, they will be demonstrated on low-viscosity open-conduit systems typical for strombolian activity.

How to cite: von der Lieth, J. and Hort, M.: Towards a self-consistent thermodynamic magmatic model for conduit transport processes, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-7602,, 2020.

EGU2020-22139 | Displays | GMPV9.6 | Highlight

Constraints on magma ascent and pressurisation prior to explosive paroxysms on Stromboli

Mike Burton, Catherine Hayer, and Giuseppe La Spina

The paroxysmal eruptions of Stromboli in July and August 2019 highlighted with stark clarity the risks associated with visiting the summit of this remarkable volcano. It is an imperative for the volcanological community to recognise signals which precede such paroxysms, with the aim of maximising the warning time before an eruption. The common interpretation of the process driving paroxysms is that a volume of buoyant magma rises from depth, degassing in closed-system. The ascent is rapid, from 10 km depth to the surface in a few hours. This rapid ascent produces a kinetic limit to crystal growth, reflected in the ‘blonde’ colour of the eruption products. Closed-system degassing leads to an overpressure in the rising slug, which helps lift magma in the conduit, pressurising also the shallow system.

The gas plume produced by the 28 August 2019 eruption was observed approximately 2 hours after eruption by the orbiting TROPOMI imaging spectrometer aboard Sentinel-5P. Using the Plume Trajectory modelling approach, we have reconstructed a time series of SO2 flux associated with the explosion.  This reveals no clear precursor in SO2 emissions, but our temporal resolution is limited to 20-30 minutes. A total SO2 mass of 360 tonnes was quantified.

We can use this SO2 mass together with previously measured gas compositions of explosive gas emissions to quantify the total mass of gas at explosion and an estimate of the magma mass required to produce this SO2 mass. Together, these provide the initial conditions required to apply a magma ascent model in which we calculate the overpressure of the slug during its ascent. This provides a basis for determining the shallow deformation produced by both the increase in magma level and over-pressurised gas slug, and this may be helpful in constraining the timescales of precursory deformation.



How to cite: Burton, M., Hayer, C., and La Spina, G.: Constraints on magma ascent and pressurisation prior to explosive paroxysms on Stromboli, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-22139,, 2020.

EGU2020-1962 | Displays | GMPV9.6

Morphology of lava domes inferred from numerical modeling

Alik Ismail-Zadeh, Oleg Melnik, and Igor Tsepelev

Several types of lava dome morphology can be distinguished depending on the flow rate and the rheology of magma. At an endogenous regime, magma is embedded inside the dome and fresh magma is not extruded on the surface; vice versa, at an exogenous regime, a fresh lava is extruded, and a lava obelisk is of particular interest. Sometimes obelisks reach hundreds of meters in height before they collapse. We present models of magma extrusion on the surface and lava dome evolution to analyze morphology of the domes. For this aim, we consider a flow of a Newtonian and non-Newtonian viscous inhomogeneous incompressible fluid in the field of gravity. The flow is described by the Navier-Stokes equations, the continuity equation, the transport equation of a two-component incompressible fluid, the heat conduction equation, and the rheological law. The lava viscosity in our models depends on the crystals concentration, temperature, and the rate of shear deformation. We show that the morphology of the domes depends on the characteristic time of crystal growths in the magma and on the rate of magma extrusion. In this case, obelisks are formed at a small value of the characteristic time of growth of crystals and/or low extrusion rates. At high values of the characteristic time and high extrusion rates, magma spreads over the surface after an eruption.

How to cite: Ismail-Zadeh, A., Melnik, O., and Tsepelev, I.: Morphology of lava domes inferred from numerical modeling , EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-1962,, 2020.

EGU2020-17813 | Displays | GMPV9.6

Pyroclast textures and fragmentation efficiency - constraining the range of eruptive dynamics of Mt. Pelée volcano, Martinique

Mila Huebsch, Ulrich Kueppers, Guillaume Carazzo, Anne-Marie Lejeune, Audrey Michaud-Dubuy, Kai-Uwe Hess, and Donald Bruce Dingwell

Mt. Pelée is a historically active stratovolcano, situated on the island of Martinique in the French Caribbean.  It exhibits a variety of eruptive styles, from dome formation to highly violent explosivity. 

In 1902, a Pelean event destroyed the town of St. Pierre, killing more than 28,000 residents (Lacroix, 1904).  As this town is now re-established, along with several others along the volcano’s flanks, it is of utmost importance to understand the range of eruptive activity possible such that preparedness of the local authorities and population can be improved.

There remains a gap in quantitative understanding of the energy required to fragment material to produce explosive eruptions, as this process is not directly observable.  Further, eruption records are incomplete (as at most volcanic islands) due to product loss to the ocean and intense tropical erosion.  Here, we constrain the energies of past eruptions by performing rapid decompression experiments and comparing the resulting grain-size distributions with primary deposits and dispersal in the field.

During a field campaign in March 2019, we collected ash and pumice blocks from five recent magmatic eruptions.  Two of these eruptions are historic (the Pelean episodes of 1902-1905, and 1929-1932), and three are prehistoric (the Plinian eruptions of 1300 CE P1, 280 CE P2, and 79 CE P3)(Carazzo et al. 2012).  We characterized ash (morphology), and constrained petrophysical (porosity, density, and permeability) and thermal properties of cylindrical samples. These cores (58-70% porosity) were subjected to rapid decompression in shock tube experiments to mimic explosive eruptions.  Fragmentation efficiency results from a combination of material properties and experimental conditions (temperature and overpressure). The particulate products were evaluated for their grain-size distribution in order to calculate the fractal dimension Df and constrain eruptive conditions.

Our results provide new insights into the energy required for magma fragmentation at Mt. Pelée and similar volcanoes. We hope to elucidate whether the 1902 eruption was catastrophic due to significant and measurable differences in eruption dynamics, or due to the flank topography and direction of the initial blast. 



Carazzo, G., Tait, S., Kaminski, E., Gardner, E., (2012), The recent Plinian explosive activity of Mt. Pelée volcano (Lesser Antilles): The P1 AD 1300 eruption, Bull. Volc., 74, 2187-2203, doi: 10.1007/s00445-012-0655-4

Lacroix, A. (1904) La Montagne Pelée et ses éruptions. Masson, Paris

How to cite: Huebsch, M., Kueppers, U., Carazzo, G., Lejeune, A.-M., Michaud-Dubuy, A., Hess, K.-U., and Dingwell, D. B.: Pyroclast textures and fragmentation efficiency - constraining the range of eruptive dynamics of Mt. Pelée volcano, Martinique, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-17813,, 2020.

EGU2020-20546 | Displays | GMPV9.6

Magma fragmentation and timing of water-magma interaction of La Joya de Yuriria maar volcano and La Sanabria-San Roque tuff ring complex, Mexico

Andrés Josué Campos Domínguez, Pooja Kshirsagar, Maria de Jesus Puy y Alquiza, and Raul Miranda Aviles

La Joya de Yuriria maar volcano and La Sanabria-San Roque tuff ring complex manifests at the southern and northern extreme of the NNW-SSE trending clusters of phreatomagmatic vents of Valle de Santiago volcanic field, which forms the NE part of the famous Michoacan-Guanajuato Volcanic Field ( (MGVF), central Mexico. La Sanabria-San Roque complex is located in the south of the town of Irapuato and is composed of three tuff rings namely San Joaquin (SJ), La Sanabria (LS) and San Roque (SR). Their tephra deposits were studied at 7 different active quarries, which suggests that the San Joaquin tuff ring was formed before La Sanabria-San Roque tuff ring complex. San Joaquin is composed of medium-size lapilli flow (Mdphi=-2.05 to -3.90, σphi=2.00 to 2.58) and fine ash surge units and contains different types of lithics and juvenile fragments (50-68 vol.%.). About four types of lithics were identified namely: grey-colored vesicular basaltic andesites (9-27 vol.%), grey-colored non-vesicular basaltic andesites (17-19 vol.%), white lithics (sediments 0-1 vol.%), red-colored lithics (volcanic breccias 1-3 wt.%) along with few plagioclase crystals (0.54-0.66 vol.%) that are exposed at quarries 1, 3. La Sanabria-San Roque tuff ring complex tephra deposits are exposed at quarries 2, 5 and 8 and are composed of intercalated flow (Mdphi=-1.65 to -2.15, σphi=1.00-1.83) and fallout (Mdphi=-2.00 to -6.10, σphi=2.00) units with juvenile content from 41-87 vol.% and four different types of lithic fragments: grey-colored vesicular lithics (1- 20 vol.%), grey-colored compact lithics (2-6 vol.%), which is considerably lower than the amount encountered within SJ deposits. Further-more, white-colored lithics, mostly sediments (0-10 vol.%) and red-colored lithics (rhyolites and/or volcanic breccias) around 0-3 vol.%.

La Joya de Yuriria is currently located on the southern margin of the artificial lake of Yuriria and its tephra sequence is composed of mostly fallout units (Mdφ=-4.45 to -4.60, σφ=1.88 to 2.55), followed by flow units (Mdφ=-2.95 to -3.800, σφ=1.93 to 2.05) that are separated with both indurated, fine-ash wet and dry surge units of which a very particular fine-ash dry surge unit ( Mdφ=-0.95, σφ=2.03), yellowish in color (due to oxidation?), may represent a short-term break within the phreatomagmatic activity. It is also composed of flow units (Mdφ=-1.50 to -2.95, σφ=1.40 to 3.43) that are clast supported, friable and contains medium to coarse lapilli size fragments that are rich in accidental lithics with very juvenile clasts (<33 vol.%) of basaltic andesite (SiO2= 54.4 wt%, Na2O+K2O= 5.21 wt%) with very few juvenile content (5-37 wt.%), except at VS-1741-P7 (85 vol.%) and abundance of light grey colored angular lithics that were classified as vesicular (4.51 vol.%) and non-vesicular (1-66 vol.%) with few reworked lithics (1-5 vol.%) and altered lithics (1-5 vol.%).

Vesicularity index on 2741 juvenile clasts from these vents was utilized to determine the magma fragmentation and the timing of magma-water interactions (especially exsolution of volatiles before or during mag-water interaction). To corroborate this, Bubble Nucleation Density and crystal texture of primary vesicles within glass shards were also performed to validate the interpretations made.

How to cite: Campos Domínguez, A. J., Kshirsagar, P., Puy y Alquiza, M. D. J., and Miranda Aviles, R.: Magma fragmentation and timing of water-magma interaction of La Joya de Yuriria maar volcano and La Sanabria-San Roque tuff ring complex, Mexico, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-20546,, 2020.

EGU2020-199 | Displays | GMPV9.6

Mechanisms controlling explosive-effusive transition of Teide-Pico Viejo complex dome eruptions.

Olaya Dorado, Joan Andújar, Joan Martí, and Adelina Geyer

The Teide-Pico Viejo (PT-PV) stratovolcanoes constitute one of the major potentially active volcanic complexes in Europe. PT-PV was traditionally considered as non-explosive system however, recent studies (ie. García et al. 2014) have pointed out that the explosive character of phonolitic magmas, including plinian and subplinian eruptions and generation of pyroclastic density currents, have also been significant within the last 30 kyr volcanological record. This explosive activity is mostly associated to satellite dome vents, like the one studied in this work, Pico Cabras. Dome-forming eruptions usually present sudden transitions between explosive and effusive activity. A better knowledge of this type of eruptions and about the main mechanisms controlling the changes in eruptive dynamics is required to undertake a comprehensive volcanic hazard assessment of Tenerife Island. In this study, we conduct a petrological and mineral characterization of the different eruption phases of Pico Cabras (pumice and lava flow samples for the explosive and effusive activity, respectively) with the aim of determining the factors that control these changes in the volcanic activity. Products were characterized with Scanning Electrom Microscope, and mineral phases, glass and volatile species (F, Cl) were analysed with electron microprobe and micro-XRF. The pre-eruptive conditions of the magma (pressure, temperature and water dissolved in the magma) were determined first by using available geothermobarometers, geohygrometers (Masotta et al., 2013; Mollo et al., 2015) and compared to those retrieved by using available phase equilibria experiments from the literature (ie. Andújar and Scaillet, 2012).

Our results suggest the presence of a compositionally stratified magma chamber at 1 kbar±0.5kbar prior to Pico Cabras eruption in which the differences in the eruptive styles are controlled by the temperature and the amount of volatiles dissolved in the melt. The explosive phase is related to the upper part of the magma chamber at 725ºC±25ºC and 3,5-5 wt% H2O and the effusive phase with the main body of the chamber at 880ºC±30ºC and 2,5-3 wt% H2O. Feldspar zonations show that overturn events occurred in the different layers of the magma chambers (“self-mixing”) and suggest that the eruption was triggered by underplating of mafic magma without magma mixing. Chemical composition of some feldspars from the explosive phase are equivalent to those found in El Abrigo eruption, the last caldera-forming episode (ca. 190 ka), demonstrating that PT-PV volcanic system is still capable of producing evolved and very explosive magmas.

This research has been partially funded by a CSIC JaeIntro grant and the EC Grant EVE (DG ECHO Ref: 826292).

How to cite: Dorado, O., Andújar, J., Martí, J., and Geyer, A.: Mechanisms controlling explosive-effusive transition of Teide-Pico Viejo complex dome eruptions. , EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-199,, 2020.

EGU2020-2704 | Displays | GMPV9.6

Source area and emplacement conditions of Riscos Bayos Ignimbrites, Caviahue-Copahue Volcanic Complex (Argentina)

Maurício Haag, Thiago Moncinhatto, Carlos Sommer, Jairo Savian, Alberto Caselli, Ricardo Trindade, Gelvam Hartmann, and Wilbor Poletti

The Caviahue-Copahue Volcanic Complex (CCVC, Argentina) composes one of the most active volcanic centers in the Southern Volcanic Zone (SVZ) of the Andes, characterized by the presence of voluminous explosive and effusive deposits. Despite its young age (< 5 Ma), CVCC deposits were strongly affected by two glaciations, leading to the removal of a considerable volume of the original deposits, requiring alternative techniques for the reconstruction of this volcanic center. The Riscos Bayos Ignimbrites (RBI) consist of a sequence of non-welded ignimbrites, located approximately 15 km southeast of the CVCC. This unit is commonly associated with the putative collapse of Caviahue caldera (15 x 20 km, 1 km deep) during the Pleistocene, although the source area and emplacement conditions of RBI still poorly constrained. In this work, we combine fieldwork, anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS, 23 sites) and rheological analyses (17 samples) in order to trace RBI source region and constrain its emplacement conditions, addressing its relevance to CVCC evolution. Rheological parameters, including viscosity, glass transition temperature, and liquidus temperatures were obtained using numerical models available from the literature, while AMS samples were measured using a Kappabridge MFK1-A (Agico) and the data processed using Anisoft5 (Agico). The magnetic mineralogy was characterized using several experiments, including isothermal remanet magnetization, thermomagnetic curves, hysteresis loops, first-order reversal curves and scanning electron microscopy. Our data indicate liquidus temperatures ranging from 969 to 1100 ºC, glass transition temperatures from 653 to 721 ºC, and viscosity (at liquidus temperature) from 3.4 to 7.3 log Pa.s. The absence of welding features in the samples implies RBI emplacement at temperatures below the glass transition temperature, suggesting a fast and effective cooling of the pyroclasts before their settling. The low crystal content of the samples suggests eruption temperatures close to the calculated liquidus temperature of the melt.  AMS directional analyses indicate a consistent transport sense to SSE (Az of approximately 100º), implying the southern rim of the CVCC as the main source region of RBI. Magnetic experiments show primary, multi-domain, high curie temperature (580 ºC) titanomagnetites as the main carriers of the AMS signal. Most ellipsoids display oblate to triaxial geometry, with a low degree of anisotropy (< 5%) and magnetic susceptibility (1.0 x 10-2 SI). The low welding degree of RBI units and its geographic distribution outside the Caviahue depression contributes to the Caviahue caldera hypothesis in the region, suggesting its emplacement as an ‘extra-caldera’ pyroclastic unit.

How to cite: Haag, M., Moncinhatto, T., Sommer, C., Savian, J., Caselli, A., Trindade, R., Hartmann, G., and Poletti, W.: Source area and emplacement conditions of Riscos Bayos Ignimbrites, Caviahue-Copahue Volcanic Complex (Argentina), EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-2704,, 2020.

EGU2020-6694 | Displays | GMPV9.6

The Youngest Toba Tuff (74 ka) Crystals Characterization

Gabriela Nogo Retnaningtyas Bunga Naen, Atsushi Toramaru, Tomoharu Miyamoto, and Haryo Edi Wibowo

Toba Caldera Complex, Indonesia is well known as the largest Quaternary caldera (87x33 km) that formed by four major eruptions among which the biggest one is the eruption of the Youngest Toba Tuff (YTT) about 74,000 years ago. Textural study of the pumice clast from YTT has been done to estimate the decompression rate by using bubble number density data. The result shows that decompression rate of Toba Caldera forming eruption varies in two order magnitude ranging from 106 – 108 Pa/s. Southern pumices show the lower value than pumices from northern caldera. Similarly, new data about lithic distributions and mineral components of YTT from the northern and southern caldera showed several different characteristics. This fact suggests possibility of different processes which is distinguish production of southern and northern deposits. Therefore, understanding both conduit and chamber processes is needed to reveal the origin of differences in deposits. This study aims to elucidate magma chamber condition by characterizing the deposit especially crystals from YTT eruption.

Characterizations of Toba Tuffs have been made but not been enough to discuss YTT in detail. In this study, we focus on spatial differences in YTT deposits. Samples from four different locations were employed for the analyses. Component analysis was carried out on components larger than 2 mm. Whole-rock geochemical data were obtained by XRF. Petrography analysis for 37 thin sections was conducted using optical microscope. Textural analysis was carried out for 84 free crystals and 25 selected thin sections using microphotographs taken by SEM and further analyzed using image processing software. Chemical analysis for free crystal was carried out by SEM-EDS, while for pumices grain of 22 thin sections was conducted using EPMA.

Geochemical data showed that YTT magma is rhyodacitic to rhyolitic in whole-rock compositions with wide range of SiO2 (69.15–76.83 wt.%). There are differences in abundance and type of pumices, free crystals, and lithic in each location. Major minerals are plagioclase, biotite, sanidine, and quartz. Common characteristics of northern and southern part deposit is that most of crystals are fractured, some forming aggregates, has anhedral shape and wide variation in size (0.003 mm2-13.113 mm2). However, there are differences between northern and southern deposits: presence of amphibole with larger size, orange quartz, sieve texture, patchy zoning, oscillatory zoning, crystal clots, and wider range of anorthite (An25– An87) is mostly found in northern deposits.

Plagioclase composition from northern part shows bimodal distribution suggesting that crystallization does not occur simultaneously by single process. Furthermore, plots of anorthite number versus size and of average anorthite number versus crystal content show random distribution, suggesting the complex crystallization of plagioclase: other processes than fractional crystallization in magma chamber. Moreover, presence of antecryst and disequilibrium textures in northern deposit indicates intervention from older rocks or even other systems. Different characteristics between northern and southern deposits suggest that YTT deposits are generated by multiple eruptions from independent, at least two magma chambers.

Keywords: Toba Caldera, the Youngest Toba Tuff (YTT), Crystal Characterization, Conduit Process, Chamber Process, Fractional Crystallization, Multiple eruptions

How to cite: Bunga Naen, G. N. R., Toramaru, A., Miyamoto, T., and Wibowo, H. E.: The Youngest Toba Tuff (74 ka) Crystals Characterization, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-6694,, 2020.

EGU2020-8328 | Displays | GMPV9.6

Prebiotic synthesis in volcanic discharges: lightning, porous ash and volcanic gas atmospheres

Christina Springsklee, Thomas Steiner, Thomas Geisberger, Bettina Scheu, Claudia Huber, Wolfgang Eisenreich, Corrado Cimarelli, and Donald Bruce Dingwell

The emergence of the first organic molecules as a fundamental step in the prebiotic assembly of life remains enigmatic. Lightning has been considered as a potential energy source for the synthesis for first organic molecules. The iconic abiotic synthesis experiments: the discharge experiments performed in 1953 by Miller and Urey [1] under simulated reducing atmosphere conditions were conducted in the absence of any geomaterial substrate. Further, new views about the composition of the Early Earth’s atmosphere have been developed which require a revisiting of the Miller experiment.

Volcanic lightning associated with volcanism provides a possible energy source, a variety of different volcanic gases and possible catalysts to synthesize a variety of primitive organic molecules. Volcanic ash particles are known for their porosity, high surface area and significant surface reactivity. Volcanic plumes themselves provide a high variety of volcanic gases including, but not limited to reducing ones, and therefore may enlarge the spectrum for possibly available gas compositions in the Early Earth atmosphere.

Recent laboratory studies have successfully recreated near-vent volcanic lightning under laboratory conditions [2,3]. We will present first insights from volcanic discharge experiments under different atmospheric compositions, varying in CO2, and N2 composition to mimic some first Early Earth conditions. Special focus is given to the role of ash particles as a catalyst and container as well as the influence of gas composition on the yield of organic compounds.


[1] Miller, S.L. (1953). A production of amino acids under possible primitive earth conditions. Science, 117, 528-529.  

[2] Cimarelli, C., Alatorre-Ibargüengoitia, M.A., Kueppers, U., Scheu, B. and Dingwell, D.B. (2014). Experimental generation of volcanic lightening. Geology, 42, 79-82.

[3] Gaudin, D. and Cimarelli, C. (2019). The electrification of volcanic jets and controlling parameters: A laboratory study. EPSL, 513, 69-80.


How to cite: Springsklee, C., Steiner, T., Geisberger, T., Scheu, B., Huber, C., Eisenreich, W., Cimarelli, C., and Dingwell, D. B.: Prebiotic synthesis in volcanic discharges: lightning, porous ash and volcanic gas atmospheres, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-8328,, 2020.

EGU2020-7102 | Displays | GMPV9.6

The role of calcium diffusion on high temperature SO2 uptake by volcanic glasses

Ana S. Casas, Fabian B. Wadsworth, Paul M. Ayris, Pierre Delmelle, Jérémie Vasseur, Corrado Cimarelli, and Donald B. Dingwell

Glass-SO₂ reactions occurring at high temperatures in (terrestrial and extraterrestrial) volcanic environments have received increasing attention in the past years (e.g., Renggli and King 2018; Casas et al. 2019; Renggli et al. 2019), based on both natural and experimental observations. Laboratory studies carried out at high temperatures (>200 °C) demonstrate that volcanic glass in the presence of SO₂ reacts to form surficial sulfate-bearing minerals (e.g., Ayris et al. 2013; Delmelle et al. 2018), mostly calcium sulfate salts (CaSO₄). Thus, high temperature glass-SO₂ interaction acts as a sink for the magmatic S released during explosive volcanic activity, potentially impacting the S budget of large explosive eruptions. Here, we present the results of new experiments aimed at assessing the influence of the glass Ca content on SO2 uptake in the temperature range of 600-800 °C. We exposed haplogranitic glasses to SO₂ for diverse time exposures (5-30 minutes). Rhyolitic composition was chosen due to the ubiquity of Si-rich magmas in large explosive eruptions (Cioni et al. 2000).

The experimental glasses were synthesized with an initial HPG8 composition (see Holtz et al. 1992), doped with 1 and 2 wt.% CaO. Furthermore, the role of Fe was tested by doping the glasses with 0, 0.1, 1, 1.5, 2 and 2.5 wt.% FeO and equilibrating them at 1500 °C. Leachates of post-treated glasses were analyzed by ion chromatography in order to determine SO2-uptake and the nature of the sulfate-bearing minerals formed by solid-gas reactions. The bulk redox state of iron (Fe³⁺/Fetotal), was obtained by the K₂Cr₂O₇ potentiometric titration method. Our results show a strong correlation between the amount of Ca in the glasses and the formation of CaSO₄ surficial deposits (i.e. SO₂ uptake), i.e. the HPG8 + 2 wt.% CaO treated samples produced up to 40 % more CaSO₄ than the samples containing 1 wt.% CaO. Higher Fe content in the glass also enhanced formation of CaSO₄. In contrast, the absence of Fe oxide resulted in preferential formation of Na₂SO₄ and K₂SO₄, when compared to the Fe-bearing specimens. Our experiments confirm that high temperature SO₂ uptake by glass is strongly dependent on the Ca content and temperature, with the optimal reaction temperatures being ≥600 °C. Increasing the amount of FeO in the glasses seems to enhance SO2 uptake, although this effect appears to be different for Ca than for Na or K, pointing out a more complex influence of redox dynamics on cation diffusion.


How to cite: Casas, A. S., Wadsworth, F. B., Ayris, P. M., Delmelle, P., Vasseur, J., Cimarelli, C., and Dingwell, D. B.: The role of calcium diffusion on high temperature SO2 uptake by volcanic glasses, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-7102,, 2020.

EGU2020-18180 | Displays | GMPV9.6

Li and B diffusivity in hydrated silicate melts: an experimental study

Roberta Spallanzani, Sarah B. Cichy, Marcus Oelze, Kenneth Koga, Max Wilke, Sara Fanara, and Melanie J. Sieber

Magmatic volatiles play a major role in controlling magma dynamics, such as ascent characteristics and eruption style. In order to fully understand their influence in magmatic systems, it is crucial to examine their behaviour within silicate melts. Although numerous studies have been conducted on volatile solubility, exsolution and degassing, some aspects of  magma degassing such as bubble formation, bubble growth and the affect on the distribution of fluid-mobile elements are poorly understood. For instance, magma degassing is likely to affect the abundance and dispersion of fluid-mobile elements, such as Li and B, in the magma. Thus, this study focuses on the diffusivity of Li and B in hydrated silicate melt as a proxy for degassing processes.

Lithium and boron are particularly suitable as geochemical tracers of degassing processes because they are light elements, present in natural volcanic systems in low concentrations, and have similar characteristics: both elements are fluid-mobile and each has two stable isotopes with different transport behaviours due to their atomic weights, which can lead to isotope fractionation. In order to successfully model their behaviour during magmatic ascent, their diffusivities in silicate melts have to be well constrained.

Diffusion data in hydrous settings are missing or underrepresented: very little studies have been conducted on boron diffusivity, the literature gives contradictory diffusion coefficients for lithium. In this study, we focus on elemental diffusion and isotopic fractionation of lithium and boron in hydrated silica-rich melts, in order to better understand B diffusivity and solve the discrepancies about Li data.

Sets of diffusion-couple experiments on synthetic water-bearing rhyolitic glasses have been performed, using an internally heated pressure vessel, at a constant pressure of 300 MPa and temperatures of 700°, 800° and 1000° C, with durations of 0 seconds, 30 minutes, 2 hours and 4 hours. Lithium and boron elemental concentrations have been measured by LA-ICP-MS, resulting in 600 μm long profiles, while isotopic ratios are being evaluated by SIMS analysis.

The zero-hour experiment indicates that lithium diffuses very rapidly, potentially already at temperatures below 700° C (during the heating process), while boron diffusion is generally slower, hence the necessity of higher temperatures and longer experimental run durations. Overall, our experimental results confirm previous literatue findings that Li diffuses faster in water-bearing melts, and give first constraints on boron diffusivity in hydrated silicate melts, whereas previous studies only considered anhydrous samples. The determination of diffusion coefficients of the two elements gives us a better understanding of the diffusion timescales. This information allows us to interpret additional decompression experiments, simulating a wide range of magma ascent rates, and to correlate the elemental and isotopic behaviour of lithium and boron with decompression-induced bubble formation processes.

How to cite: Spallanzani, R., Cichy, S. B., Oelze, M., Koga, K., Wilke, M., Fanara, S., and Sieber, M. J.: Li and B diffusivity in hydrated silicate melts: an experimental study, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-18180,, 2020.

EGU2020-13591 | Displays | GMPV9.6

Dominica: transcrustal magmatic system and eruptive halogen budgets

Thiebaut d'Augustin, Hélène Balcone-Boissard, Georges Boudon, Caroline Martel, Etienne Deloule, and Pierre Bürckel

Dominica island experienced the largest explosive eruptions (ignimbrites) of the Lesser Antilles arc. The recent revised chronostratigraphy of the Morne Trois Pitons – Micotrin eruptive activity evidenced a series of plinian eruptions that occurred between 18 ka and 9 ka BP. Here we focus on these recent eruptions in order to determine the magma storage conditions at depth and volatile degassing budget. Volatile concentrations (H2O, CO2) in melt inclusions indicate storage conditions of 200 MPa (~6-8 km deep) and 860-880°C in agreement with experimental constraints from phase-equilibrium data. The magmas were thus stored shallower than those involved during the ignimbritic eruptions (~16 km deep). Magma composition and halogen ratios suggest a common magma origin for all eruptions of Morne Trois Pitons Micotrin volcano in the last 60 kyrs. In addition, for the first time, a complete degassing budget including H2O, CO2, SO2, F, Cl, and Br has been established for all these explosive eruptions. The estimation of their eruptive fluxes towards the atmosphere supports the potential important role of halogen elements in the modification of atmosphere chemistry. Br degassing budget was the same order of magnitude as S whereas F and Cl budgets were 1 and 2 orders of magnitude higher than these two species.

How to cite: d'Augustin, T., Balcone-Boissard, H., Boudon, G., Martel, C., Deloule, E., and Bürckel, P.: Dominica: transcrustal magmatic system and eruptive halogen budgets, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-13591,, 2020.

EGU2020-14840 | Displays | GMPV9.6

Characterizing the last explosive gasps of the Piton des Neiges (La Réunion Island) over the last 200 ka

Maria Paula Castellanos Melendez, Ben Ellis, Oscar Laurent, Jan Wijbrans, Klaudia Kuiper, Jörn-Frederik Wotzlaw, Andrea Di Muro, and Olivier Bachmann

The most recent activity of Piton des Neiges (La Réunion) is characterized by explosive behavior and relatively evolved magma compositions. These eruptions occurred roughly over the past 200 thousand years producing thick pyroclastic deposits, lava domes and block and ash flow deposits. We here present a detailed petrologic and geochronologic characterization of these deposits providing insights into the timing of explosive eruptions and pre-eruption magma storage conditions.

The early phase of explosive activity is characterized by up to 15 m-thick pyroclastic deposits found on the southeastern and western flanks of Piton des Neiges. These deposits have been regarded as individual discrete eruptions that occurred between 220 and 110 ka. Our detailed petrographical and geochemical study on juvenile fragments and the main mineral phases indicate that all deposits share similar geochemical fingerprints. High-precision single crystal 40Ar/39Ar dates on 70 alkali feldspars from 6 samples reveal significant dispersion but the youngest population of dated crystals from each sample yield overlapping weighted mean dates around 200 ka, supporting their geochemical correlation. The wide spread in 40Ar/39Ar dates of up to 88 kyrs prior to eruption, uncommon for alkali feldspar in volcanic rocks, argues for the presence of excess and/or inherited argon in those crystals. Together, our findings suggest that the early pyroclastic deposits are the product of a Plinian-type eruption that covered a large area of the island around 200 ka. The eruption was fed by a long-lived magma reservoir that produced differentiated magmas in response to lower recharge fluxes after the main active center migrated to the currently active Piton de la Fournaise. A wide range of mineral compositions and the strong disequilibrium between crystals and the trachytic groundmass is an indication of the pronounced heterogeneity of the magmatic reservoir following a deep recharge event that triggered the eruption.

The younger eruptive episode of Piton des Neiges occurred between 70 and 30 ka with dome-forming lavas of trachytic to rhyolitic composition that collapsed into pyroclastic density currents resulting in block and ash flow deposits found closer to the current summit. This eruptive style, infrequent in this geotectonic setting, has not yet been well recognized for Piton des Neiges. Pristine zircon crystals, found in a sample from a block and ash deposit, were dated with a total of 192 LA-ICP-MS spot analyses using the U-Th disequilibrium method, and constitute the first zircon geochronology study for this volcano. The results yield a well-defined isochron with a date of 44.80 ± 1.32 ka (2 S.E., MSWD = 1.2). Single crystal 40Ar/39Ar dates on alkali feldspars show a similar dispersion as for the older eruptive phase, but the youngest dates overlap with the zircon U-Th date, providing robust estimates of the eruption age.

This detailed characterization of the youngest eruptive episode of Piton des Neiges documents its explosive potential during the past 200 thousand years and has significant implications regarding the current view of Piton des Neiges as an extinct volcano.

How to cite: Castellanos Melendez, M. P., Ellis, B., Laurent, O., Wijbrans, J., Kuiper, K., Wotzlaw, J.-F., Di Muro, A., and Bachmann, O.: Characterizing the last explosive gasps of the Piton des Neiges (La Réunion Island) over the last 200 ka, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-14840,, 2020.

EGU2020-5673 | Displays | GMPV9.6

A new database of independently estimated eruption source parameters devoted to eruptive column model evaluation

Samantha Engwell, Thomas Aubry, Sebastien Biass, Costanza Bonadonna, Marcus Bursik, Guillaume Carazzo, Julia Eychenne, Mathieu Gouhier, Don Grainger, Mark Jellinek, David Jessop, Larry Mastin, David Pyle, Simona Scollo, Isabelle Taylor, Alexa Van Eaton, Kristi Wallace, and Mark Woodhouse

Eruptive column models are crucial for managing volcanic crises, forecasting future events, and reconstructing past eruptions. Given their central role in volcanology and the large uncertainties weakening their predictions, the evaluation and improvement of these models is critical. Such evaluation is challenging as it requires independent estimates of the main model inputs (e.g. mass eruption rate) and outputs (e.g. column height). Despite recent efforts to extend datasets of independently estimated eruption source parameters (ESP) (e.g. Mastin 2014, Aubry et al. 2017), there is no standardized, maintained, and community-based ESP database devoted to the evaluation of eruptive column models.

Here we present a new ESP database designed to respond to the needs of the plume modelling community, and which will also be valuable to observatories, field volcanologists, and volcanic ash advisory centers. We compiled data for over 130 eruptive events with independent estimates of: i) the mass eruption rate; ii) the height reached by the column; and iii) atmospheric conditions during the eruption. In contrast with previous ESP datasets, we distinguish estimates of column height that relate to different phases (ash and SO2) and parts of the column (plume top or umbrella). We additionally provide the total grain size distribution, uncertainties in eruption parameters, and multiple sources for atmospheric profiles for events where these parameters are available. The database also includes a wealth of additional information which will enable modelers to distinguish between different eruptions when evaluating or calibrating models. This includes the type of eruption, the morphology of the plume (weak/transitional/strong), and the occurrence and mass entrained within pyroclastic density currents.

We will apply the new database to revisit empirical scaling relationships between the mass eruption rate and “plume height”. In particular, we will show how such relationships depend on the type of height (e.g. SO2 height vs. ash top height) and eruption (e.g. magmatic vs. phreatomagmatic) considered. We will also discuss the difficulties and limitations of compiling ESP estimates from the literature as well as characterizing fundamentally unsteady volcanic events by a single value for each ESP.

How to cite: Engwell, S., Aubry, T., Biass, S., Bonadonna, C., Bursik, M., Carazzo, G., Eychenne, J., Gouhier, M., Grainger, D., Jellinek, M., Jessop, D., Mastin, L., Pyle, D., Scollo, S., Taylor, I., Van Eaton, A., Wallace, K., and Woodhouse, M.: A new database of independently estimated eruption source parameters devoted to eruptive column model evaluation, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-5673,, 2020.

EGU2020-10166 | Displays | GMPV9.6

Morpho-textural and dynamic analysis of ash particles and ash aggregates at Sakurajima volcano (Japan)

Pietro Gabellini, Costanza Bonadonna, Raffaello Cioni, Marco Pistolesi, Nobuo Geshi, Eduardo Rossi, and Gholamhossein Bagheri

Morphological, textural and granulometric studies of volcanic ash particle provides important insights into the mechanisms of fragmentation, transport and deposition in the context of low-to-mid intensity activity, and particularly during those eruptions showing high-transients in the style of activity. A comprehensive study of volcanic ash from Vulcanian activity of variable intensity at Sakurajima volcano (Japan) is here presented together with a detailed analysis of ash aggregates collected and filmed during the same eruptive sequences. Bulk tephra deposits from different events (July-August 2013, October 2014 and November 2019) and high-speed video of falling ash aggregates were collected directly during the fallout. Tephra samples, resulting from the different phases of activity, were analyzed using an optical particle analyzer which allowed to characterized the grain size distribution and to quantify the shape of a large set of particles. A set of objective parameters were used to constrain the shape of ash grains. This helped to better characterize different phases of activity also in the light of the magma fragmentation process and to evaluate the role played by the fragmentation process in controlling the eruption dynamics. SEM analyses of representative ash grains allowed distinguishing four principal types of ash fragments basing on morphological, surface and groundmass features: Blocky Irregular (BI), Blocky Regular (BR), Vesicular (V). A comprehensive textural analysis of grains belonging to either the different classes and phases of activity was provided in order to better resolve the complex relationships between the processes occurring before and during magma fragmentation and secondary processes affecting ash characteristics, like the intra-crateric recycling of ash. This helped also to shed light on the different processes of ash production and link them with the resulting dynamics of activity in the context of unsteady eruptions. On the other hand, the analysis of the high-speed video depicting ash aggregates, and aggregates collected during the same eruptive periods revealed important information about the influence of ash aggregation in controlling the depositional dynamics of Vulcanian eruptions. Three main types of ash aggregates were recognized to occur into all the Sakurajima samples: Ash Clusters, Coated Particles, Cored Clusters. Using image analysis techniques of SEM images, collected aggregates were characterized in terms of dimension, grain size of the aggregating ash, and shape features of the aggregated ash, pointing out important differences between the different types. Analysis of high-resolution, High-speed Camera video recordings, allowed finally to collect an important set of measurements of terminal velocity, bulk density, and size of a large number of observed falling aggregates. The resulting data reveal the strong influence of aggregation processes in controlling ash deposition processes at Sakurajima, and also represent a valuable dataset useful for validation and calibration of numerical models.

How to cite: Gabellini, P., Bonadonna, C., Cioni, R., Pistolesi, M., Geshi, N., Rossi, E., and Bagheri, G.: Morpho-textural and dynamic analysis of ash particles and ash aggregates at Sakurajima volcano (Japan), EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-10166,, 2020.

EGU2020-15153 | Displays | GMPV9.6

Acoustic analysis of starting jets in an anechoic chamber

Jörn Lothar Sesterhenn, Juan Jose Peña Fernández, Valeria Cigala, Ulrich Küppers, and Don Dingwell

Explosive volcanic eruptions emanate complex acoustic signals. They
are influenced by several parameters, most of most of which are highly
unconstrained in volcanic setting.

We investigate the acoustics of starting jets analogous to
volcanic jets at high Mach numbers and with different nozzle
geometries, in a controlled environment. For the first time in
volcanic analog studies, an anechoic chamber is used to eliminate
contamination of the signals by reflections from any wall or
obstacle.  The analysis concentrates on the identification of the
principal jet noise components including: compression waves, vortex
ring noise, turbulent jet mixing noise,  broadband shock noise and
screech. We employed a shock tube apparatus and signals were recorded
using a microphone array.  Employing wavelet analysis, we have
identified the noise sources in both time- and frequency-space.

We have identified the principal sound sources of the jet in
time-frequency space and have analyzed their behaviour with respect to
changes in pressure ratio $p/p_\infty$ ,non-dimensional mass supply
L/D and exit-to-throat area ratio.

We find that at higher pressure ratios the peak frequency of the
broadband shock noise is noticeably lower whereas the amplitude is
higher. The non-dimensional mass supply controls whether a jet forms
and its blowing duration and maximum velocity. The nozzle geometry has
a markable effect on delay of the shock-shear layer-vortex ring
interaction with respect to the compression wave.

Changes in parameters of the starting jet leave a clear and
interpretable trace in the observed sound pattern. This quantitative
parametrisation of these effects is essential for utilizing these
findings as well as field observations for the solution of the inverse
problem in the lab and in nature.


How to cite: Sesterhenn, J. L., Peña Fernández, J. J., Cigala, V., Küppers, U., and Dingwell, D.: Acoustic analysis of starting jets in an anechoic chamber, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-15153,, 2020.

GMPV9.7 – Multi-disciplinary volcano monitoring and imaging

EGU2020-6156 | Displays | GMPV9.7

Mid-crustal magma reservoirs at Cleveland and Akutan Volcano imaged through novel receiver function analyses

Helen Janiszewski, Lara Wagner, and Diana Roman

Processes related to magma formation, transport, emplacement, and eruption at volcanoes are linked by structures that transect the entire crust, but imaging the mid- to lower-crustal portions of these magmatic systems has been a longstanding challenge. Tomography, local seismic source studies, geodetic, and geochemical constraints are typically most sensitive to shallow storage and/or have insufficient resolution at these depths. Scattered wave seismic imaging techniques, particularly receiver function analyses, provide a promising pathway towards imaging the mid- to deep-crustal magmatic structure beneath volcanoes with only a modest number of broadband seismic instruments (N < 10). Using seismic data from two recently-active volcanoes in Alaska’s Aleutian arc, Akutan and Cleveland, we demonstrate the feasibility of seismically imaging crustal magmatic structure with only three and seven local broadband seismometers at each volcano, respectively. The two volcanoes have significantly differing eruptive histories: Akutan last erupted in 1992 and has since experienced only experienced a shallow dike intrusion in 1996, whereas Cleveland is one of the most frequently-erupting volcanoes in the Aleutian arc. Both also have significantly different depths-to-slab, with Cleveland representing one of the global shallow end members at ~ 70 km depth, and a more globally-average depth of 85 km at Akutan. Receiver functions reveal different underlying crustal magmatic structures, with a mid-crustal sill-like structure that has a well-defined top and base beneath Akutan, and a thicker and deeper magmatic region with less abrupt boundaries beneath Cleveland. Future work using similar approaches will enable an unprecedented comparative examination of magmatic systems beneath sparsely instrumented volcanoes globally.

How to cite: Janiszewski, H., Wagner, L., and Roman, D.: Mid-crustal magma reservoirs at Cleveland and Akutan Volcano imaged through novel receiver function analyses, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-6156,, 2020.

EGU2020-2419 | Displays | GMPV9.7

Imaging active magmatic systems at Oldoinyo Lengai volcano (Tanzania) via earthquake distribution and seismic scattering and absorption mapping

Miriam Christina Reiss, Luca De Siena, Georg Rümpker, and Emmanuel Owden Kazimoto

Oldoinyo Lengai volcano, located in the Natron Basin (Tanzania), is the only active natrocarbonatite volcano world-wide. As such, it presents an important endmember magmatic system, which occurs in a young rift segment (~3 Ma) of the East African Rift System. At this volcano, effusive episodes of long-duration are interrupted by short-duration explosive eruptions. At the end of February 2019, we installed a dense seismic network and four infrasound stations as part of the SEISVOL - Seismic and Infrasound Networks to Study the Volcano Oldoinyo Lengai - project. The seismic network spans an area of 30 x 30 km and encompasses Oldoinyo Lengai volcano, the extinct 1 Ma-old Gelai shield volcano, the active Naibor Soito monogenetic cone field and surrounding fault population. Here, we present temporal earthquake distributions combined with 2D absorption and scattering imaging.

On average, we report up to 34 earthquakes per day within and in the vicinity of our network. Given the dense station spacing, we are able to lower the detection threshold to -1.0 ML with a MC of -0.3. During the first months of data acquisition, the seismicity is clustered in distinct areas as background seismicity and in intermittent seismic swarms:

  1. Most of the events are located beneath the eastern and southern flank of Gelai shield volcano. These events are shallow and close to the dike intrusion that preceded the last explosive eruption of Oldoinyo Lengai in 2007-2008.
  2. In April 2019, a seismic swarm of ~262 earthquakes in three days forms a pipe-like structure beneath the north western flank of Gelai.
  3. Deeper events cluster beneath the monogenetic cone field located just NE of Oldoinyo Lengai. A distinct gap in seismicity can be traced down to 10 km depth between the monogenetic cone field and Gelai volcano.
  4. While there seems to be little seismicity directly beneath Oldoinyo Lengai in the upper 5 km of the crust, we observe a number of different, recurring seismic and infrasound signals at the crater, which are indicative of magmatic activity.

To image the magmatic plumbing system, we map scattering and absorption of the seismic dataset using the MuRAT (Multi-Resolution Attenuation Tomography) code. Our preliminary results show two well-resolved high-absorption and high-scattering anomalies below Oldoinyo Lengai and the Gelai intrusion in 2007 at all frequencies. With decreasing frequency (increasing depth) the anomalies converge, suggesting a link of the plumbing systems at depth.

How to cite: Reiss, M. C., De Siena, L., Rümpker, G., and Kazimoto, E. O.: Imaging active magmatic systems at Oldoinyo Lengai volcano (Tanzania) via earthquake distribution and seismic scattering and absorption mapping, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-2419,, 2020.

EGU2020-4015 | Displays | GMPV9.7

Mantle feeding sources of the Northern group of volcanoes in Kamchatka inferred from the tomographic inversion of travel time data of the KISS network

Ivan Koulakov, Nikolay Shapiro, Evgeny I. Gordeev, Christoph Sens-Schoenfelder, Ilyas Abkadyrov, Sergey Senyukov, Birger Luehr, Natalia Bushenkova, Andrey Jakovlev, Tatiana Stupina, and Angelika Novgorodova

The major part of the Northern group of volcanoes (NGV) in Kamchatka is occupied by the Klyuchevskoy group, which is a unique cluster of more than thirteen volcanos having exceptionally diverse eruption styles and compositions. The NGV also includes Shiveluch volcano to the north and Kizimen volcano to the south, both andesitic strongly explosive volcanoes. The crustal structure beneath the Klyuchevskoy group was previously explored using data of the permanent stations and several temporary networks; however, for studying the mantle structures, no high-quality data was available. To close this gap, a temporary seismic KISS network was installed throughout the NGV by an international consortium from August 2015 to July 2016. Together with 22 permanent stations, it included more than 100 simultaneously operating seismic stations. Based on the KISS data, we manually picked more than 43,000 arrival times of the P and S waves from 665 events (65 picks per event on average). Furthermore, this dataset was supplemented with the arrival times from the slab-related seismicity recorded by permanent stations during long-term observations. Several resolution tests have demonstrated that this dataset allows very high quality recoveries of the anomaly both laterally and in the vertical direction. The distributions of seismic anomalies in the uppermost mantle (50 km depth) show clear connection with the composition of the volcanoes. All the andesitic volcanoes (Kizimen, Udina, Zimina, Bezymyanny, Zarechny, Kharchenko and Shiveluch) are located above prominent low-velocity anomalies, whereas the basaltic volcanoes (Nikolka, Tolbachinsky Dol, Ostry and Plosky Tolbachik, Ushkovsky and numerous monogenic cones) are mostly associated with higher velocities in the mantle. This correlation might be explained by the effect of the mantle temperature to the rheological properties of the crust. Over the hot mantle, the crust becomes ductile, and it favors for forming intermediate crustal reservoirs, where magma is accumulated and separated for long time making it more felsic. Above the colder mantle, the crust is brittle and may be fractured by ascending mafic intrusions. In this case, mantle material quickly penetrates through the crust and reaches the surface producing fissure basaltic eruptions and shield volcanoes. Another important conclusion follows from the interpretation of the vertical section throughout the NGV from Kizimen to Shiveluch. Along this section, the only one deep low-velocity anomaly reaching depths of more than 100 km is located beneath Shiveluch, which perfectly coincides with the gap in the Pacific slab imaged by other studies. Further to the south, the low-velocity anomaly is observable in the uppermost mantle down to 60-70 km. This result shows that all the volcanoes of the NGV are fed from a single source associated with the ascent of the hot asthenosphere though the slab window beneath Shiveluch. Then the hot asthenospheric material spreads southward along the crust bottom. This flow heats the mantle wedge, which is highly contaminated with volatiles coming from the slab, and leads to active melting and forming magma sources. This may explain exceptional activity and diversity of the volcanoes in this zone.

How to cite: Koulakov, I., Shapiro, N., Gordeev, E. I., Sens-Schoenfelder, C., Abkadyrov, I., Senyukov, S., Luehr, B., Bushenkova, N., Jakovlev, A., Stupina, T., and Novgorodova, A.: Mantle feeding sources of the Northern group of volcanoes in Kamchatka inferred from the tomographic inversion of travel time data of the KISS network, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-4015,, 2020.

EGU2020-318 | Displays | GMPV9.7

Velocity and attenuation models of Tenerife and La Palma (Canary Islands, Spain) through Ambient Noise Tomography.

Iván Cabrera, Jean Soubestre, Luca D'Auria, Edoardo Del Pezzo, José Barrancos, Germán D. Padilla, Germán Cervigón, Monika Przeor, Garazi Bidaurrazaga-Aguirre, David Martínez van Dorth, Alba Martín-Lorenzo, and Nemesio M. Pérez

Tenerife and La Palma are active volcanic islands belonging to the Canarian archipelago. The island of La Palma is the most occidental and volcanically active island of the archipelago. The youngest volcanic rocks are located in the Cumbre Vieja volcanic complex, a fast-growing North-South ridge in the southern half part of the island. On the other hand, the central part of Tenerife island hosts the Teide composite volcano, the third tallest volcano on Earth measured from the ocean floor. The volcanic system of the island extends along three radial dorsals, where most of the historical eruptions occurred. Those two volcanic islands have potential geothermal resources that could be exploited to increase the percentage of renewable energy in the Canary Islands.


The main objective of this work is the use of Ambient Noise Tomography (ANT) to determine high-resolution seismic velocity and attenuation models of the first few kilometres of the crust, in order to detect anomalies potentially related to active geothermal reservoirs. In the case of Tenerife, previous tomographic studies were performed on the island using active seismic data. They allowed to image the structure of the first 8 km depth. However, for the purpose of geothermal exploration, a higher spatial resolution is needed for the first few kilometres and the determination of the shear wave velocity has a particular importance when searching for fluid reservoirs. In the case of La Palma, no seismic tomography was performed yet.


To realize the ANT, we deployed temporary broadband seismic networks in the two islands. In total, we deployed seismic stations on 41 measurements points in Tenerife and 23 points in La Palma. The campaigns lasted at least 1 month, using jointly the permanent seismic network Red Sísmica Canaria (C7) operated by INVOLCAN. After performing standard data processing to retrieve Green’s functions from cross-correlations of ambient noise, we retrieved the dispersion curves using the FTAN (Frequency Time ANalysis) technique. The inversion of dispersion curves to obtain group velocity maps was performed using a novel non-linear multiscale tomographic approach. The forward modelling of surface waves traveltimes was implemented using a shortest-path algorithm which takes the topography into account. The method consists of progressive non-linear inversion steps at increasing resolution. This technique allows retrieving 2D group velocity models in presence of strong velocity contrasts with up to 100% of relative variation.


In parallel with velocity model, we retrieved maps of seismic attenuation (i.e. quality factor Q) retrieved from the coda envelope decay of noise cross-correlations (Q-coda). For each source-receiver pair, a Q-coda value was calculated, and mapped to the target area by using 2D empirical sensitivity kernels for diffusion (Del Pezzo and Ibañez, 2019). We compared 2D velocity and attenuation images at different dominant periods, evidencing structural features for Tenerife and La Palma islands which seem to be relevant for the purpose of geothermal exploration.

How to cite: Cabrera, I., Soubestre, J., D'Auria, L., Del Pezzo, E., Barrancos, J., Padilla, G. D., Cervigón, G., Przeor, M., Bidaurrazaga-Aguirre, G., Martínez van Dorth, D., Martín-Lorenzo, A., and Pérez, N. M.: Velocity and attenuation models of Tenerife and La Palma (Canary Islands, Spain) through Ambient Noise Tomography. , EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-318,, 2020.

EGU2020-7111 | Displays | GMPV9.7

Towards more realistic values of elastic moduli for volcano modelling

Michael Heap, Marlène Villeneuve, Fabien Albino, Jamie Farquharson, Elodie Brothelande, Falk Amelung, Jean-Luc Got, and Patrick Baud

The accuracy of elastic analytical solutions and numerical models, widely used in volcanology to interpret surface ground deformation, depends heavily on the Young’s modulus chosen to represent the medium. The paucity of laboratory studies that provide Young’s moduli for volcanic rocks, and studies that tackle the topic of upscaling these values to the relevant lengthscale, has left volcano modellers ill-equipped to select appropriate Young’s moduli for their models. Here we present a wealth of laboratory data and suggest tools, widely used in geotechnics but adapted here to better suit volcanic rocks, to upscale these values to the scale of a volcanic rock mass. We provide the means to estimate upscaled values of Young’s modulus, Poisson’s ratio, shear modulus, and bulk modulus for a volcanic rock mass that can be improved with laboratory measurements and/or structural assessments of the studied area, but do not rely on them. In the absence of information, we estimate upscaled values of Young’s modulus, Poisson’s ratio, shear modulus, and bulk modulus for volcanic rock with an average porosity and an average fracture density/quality to be 5.4 GPa, 0.3, 2.1 GPa, and 4.5 GPa, respectively. The proposed Young’s modulus for a typical volcanic rock mass of 5.4 GPa is much lower than the values typically used in volcano modelling. We also offer two methods to estimate depth-dependent rock mass Young’s moduli, and provide two examples, using published data from boreholes within Kīlauea volcano (USA) and Mt. Unzen (Japan), to demonstrate how to apply our approach to real datasets. It is our hope that our data and analysis will assist in the selection of elastic moduli for volcano modelling. To this end, our new publication (Heap et al., 2019), which outlines our approach in detail, also provides a Microsoft Excel© spreadsheet containing the data and necessary equations to calculate rock mass elastic moduli that can be updated when new data become available. The selection of the most appropriate elastic moduli will provide the most accurate model predictions and therefore the most reliable information regarding the unrest of a particular volcano or volcanic terrain.

Heap, M.J., Villeneuve, M., Albino, F., Farquharson, J.I., Brothelande, E., Amelung, F., Got, J.L. and Baud, P., 2019. Towards more realistic values of elastic moduli for volcano modelling. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research,

How to cite: Heap, M., Villeneuve, M., Albino, F., Farquharson, J., Brothelande, E., Amelung, F., Got, J.-L., and Baud, P.: Towards more realistic values of elastic moduli for volcano modelling, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-7111,, 2020.

EGU2020-11001 | Displays | GMPV9.7

Volcanic Jet Noise from the Kilauea Fissure 8 Lava Fountain

Julia Gestrich, David Fee, John Lyons, Matthew Patrick, Carolyn Parcheta, Ulrich Kueppers, and Valeria Cigala

Seismic and acoustic signals are important for remote real time and post-eruption analysis of volcanic eruptions. To properly interpret these signals it is critical to connect their characteristics with eruption parameters. In this study, we present an analysis of the infrasound emissions by the sustained lava fountain at Fissure 8 during the 2018 eruption of Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii. This eruption was one of the largest and most destructive events in Hawaii’s historic times. Large (35.5 km2) lava flows covered much of the Lower East Rift Zone (LERZ) and destroyed property and infrastructure. This activity was dominated by high lava effusion rates at Fissure 8 and lava fountains up to 80 m tall. The energetic output of gas and lava produced sustained, broadband acoustic waves which were recorded by a four-element infrasound array deployed 0.6 km northwest of the fountain. The spectrum of the infrasound is similar to that of man-made jets and is termed volcanic jet noise. We compare the spectrum of the recorded infrasound signal with models developed for man-made jets such as rockets and jet engines. These models predict different spectral shapes for fine scale turbulence (FST), produced by incoherent movement of the gases, and large scale turbulence (LST), produced by coherent instability waves. The dominance of one or the other turbulent noise source is highly directional. We compare the infrasonic signals with observations of fountain properties, such as pyroclast velocity and height, to help understand the jet noise signals and determine quantitative fountain properties from the infrasound. The results of this work will contribute to the understanding of the physics of lava fountain sound generation, its dependence on eruption parameters, and ultimately provide a tool for rapid assessment of eruption style and dynamics.

How to cite: Gestrich, J., Fee, D., Lyons, J., Patrick, M., Parcheta, C., Kueppers, U., and Cigala, V.: Volcanic Jet Noise from the Kilauea Fissure 8 Lava Fountain, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-11001,, 2020.

EGU2020-11939 | Displays | GMPV9.7

Multiparametric measurements of the lava lake at Masaya volcano

Tom D. Pering, Tehnuka Ilanko, Thomas C. Wilkes, Leigh Stanger, Jon R. Willmott, and Andrew J. S. McGonigle

The recent lava lake activity at Masaya volcano, Nicaragua, provided an ideal and rare moment to investigate dynamic and rapid magmatic processes. A multiparametric and low-cost approach which combined high time resolution gas, thermal, and video of the rapidly convecting lava lake was used. Gas measurements were conducted using DOAS (Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy) by traversing beneath the plume and Raspberry Pi ultraviolet (UV) cameras. Temperature measurements of the lake were made using a Raspberry Pi near infrared thermal camera approach. Video footage of the lava lake allowed the determination of the unusually rapid lake velocity, and crucially the generation of activity statistics such as location and frequency of the frequent small (spherical-cap) bubble bursts at the surface. Contemporaneously acquired UV and thermal datasets also allowed the assessment of a detected oscillation in the sulphur dioxide degassing data. By combing all these data streams, the unique fluid dynamics of lava lake activity at this location is highlighted.

How to cite: Pering, T. D., Ilanko, T., Wilkes, T. C., Stanger, L., Willmott, J. R., and McGonigle, A. J. S.: Multiparametric measurements of the lava lake at Masaya volcano, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-11939,, 2020.

EGU2020-13978 | Displays | GMPV9.7

Bayesian joint inversion of muographic and gravimetric data for the 3D imaging of volcanoes, case study of the Puy de Dôme

Anne Barnoud, Valérie Cayol, Peter Lelièvre, Valentin Niess, Cristina Cârloganu, and Eve Le Ménédeu

We present a method to jointly invert muographic and gravimetric data to infer the 3D density structure of volcanoes.

Muography and gravimetry are two independent methods that are sensitive to the density distribution. The gravimetric inversion allows to reconstruct the 3D density variations but the process is well-known to be ill-posed leading to non unique solutions. Muography provides 2D images of mean densities from the detection of high energy atmospheric muons crossing the volcanic edifice. Several muographic images can be used to reconstruct the 3D density distribution but the number of imagdes is generally limited by instrumentation and field contstraints.

The joint inversion of muographic and gravimetric data aims at reconstructing the 3D density structure of an edifice, benefiting from the advantages of both methods. We developed a robust inversion scheme based on a Bayesian formalism. This approach takes into account the data errors and a priori information on the density distribution with a spatial covariance so that smooth models are obtained. The a priori density standard deviation and the spatial correlation length are the two hyperparameters that tune the regularization, hence that control the inversion result. The optimal set of hyperparameters is determined in a systematic way using Leave One Out (LOO) and Cross Validation Sum of Squares (CVSS) criteria (Barnoud et al., GJI 2019). The method also allows to automatically determine a constant density offset between gravimetry and muography to overcome a potential bias in the measurements (Lelièvre et al., GJI 2019).

The case of the Puy de Dôme volcano (French Massif Central) is studied as proof of principle as high quality data are available for both muography (Le Ménédeu et al., EGU 2016; Cârloganu et al., EGU 2018) and gravimetry (Portal et al., JVGR 2016). We develop and validate the method using synthetic data computed from a model based on the Puy de Dôme topography and acquisition geometry, as well as on real data.

How to cite: Barnoud, A., Cayol, V., Lelièvre, P., Niess, V., Cârloganu, C., and Le Ménédeu, E.: Bayesian joint inversion of muographic and gravimetric data for the 3D imaging of volcanoes, case study of the Puy de Dôme, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-13978,, 2020.

EGU2020-13307 | Displays | GMPV9.7

Hydrothermal activity in a lava dome detected by combined seismic and muon monitoring

Marina Rosas-Carbajal, Yves Le Gonidec, Dominique Gibert, Jean de Bremond d'Ars, Jean-Christophe Ianigro, and Jacques Marteau

Characterizing volcano-hydrothermal activity is crucial for understanding the dynamics of volcanos and the relation between surface observations and deep magmatic activity. It may be also relevant for detecting precursors to magmatic and phreatic eruptions. Traditional monitoring tools such as seismicity and deformation are not always sensitive to hydrothermal activity, therefore it is important to explore new tools that can provide complementary information about the system.

Muon imaging is increasingly used as a novel tool to complement standard geophysical methods in volcanology, allowing to image large volumes of a geological body from a single observation point. Continuous measurements of the muon flux enable to infer density changes in the system. In volcanic hydrothermal systems, this approach helps to characterize processes of steam formation, condensation, water infiltration and storage. Here we present the results of a combined study in the La Soufrière de Guadeloupe volcano (West Indies, France) where continuous measurements of muon tomography were acquired simultaneously to seismic noise. The combination of these two methods helps to characterize a short-term, shallow hydrothermal event, its localization, and the involved volumes in the volcano. The deployment of networks of various sensors including temperature probes, seismic antennas and cosmic muon telescopes around volcanoes could valuably contribute to detect precursors to more hazardous hydrothermal events.

How to cite: Rosas-Carbajal, M., Le Gonidec, Y., Gibert, D., de Bremond d'Ars, J., Ianigro, J.-C., and Marteau, J.: Hydrothermal activity in a lava dome detected by combined seismic and muon monitoring, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-13307,, 2020.

EGU2020-20669 | Displays | GMPV9.7

The 2018-2019 Mayotte volcano-tectonic crisis: insights from electromagnetic experiments

Pierre Wawrzyniak, Mathieu Darnet, Sophie Hautot, and Pascal Tarits

Since May 2018, the Mayotte Island (Comoros archipelago) is ongoing the largest basaltic eruption of the three last centuries, with up to several km3 deduced from modeling and direct seafloor observations. During this volcano tectonic crisis, we performed a land and shallow marine Magnetotelluric (MT) survey on the island the closest to the new volcano. Initially designed for shallow geothermal exploration (<2km depth), we extended the duration of the measurements to perform deep MT soundings (>10km depth) and get some insight into the geo-electric structure of the Mayotte island.

The analysis of the MT data shows a deep geo-electrical anisotropy in the W-NW E-SE direction that is coherent with the expected orientation of the oceanic ridge between the Somalian and the Lwandle plate. Additionally, the 3D inversion of the data shows that a massive conductive body is present at great depth (>15km), possibly related to the presence of partial melt. Interestingly, this conductor seems to become shallower in the direction of the new volcano.

After the survey, we installed two permanent MT stations in Petite Terre and Grande Terre islands to monitor possible time-lapse conductive anomaly related to fluid migration. We will show the results and discuss the Time Lapse MT strategy, challenges and observations.

How to cite: Wawrzyniak, P., Darnet, M., Hautot, S., and Tarits, P.: The 2018-2019 Mayotte volcano-tectonic crisis: insights from electromagnetic experiments, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-20669,, 2020.

EGU2020-18744 | Displays | GMPV9.7

Rapid resurgence of the subglacial Bárdarbunga caldera following collapse in 2014-2015, quantified with repeated Bouguer gravity surveys

Magnús Tumi Gudmundsson, Thórdís Högnadóttir, Freysteinn Sigmundsson, Halldór Geirsson, Siqi Li, Hannah I. Reynolds, Eyjólfur Magnússon, and Finnur Pálsson

The 65 km2 Bárdarbunga caldera is located in the NW part of the Vatnajökull glacier in central Iceland.  The caldera floor lies under 500-800 m thick ice and the rims are fully subglacial as well.  The caldera subsided by 65 m during the Bárdarbunga-Holuhraun eruption in 2014-2015, when about 2 km3 of magma drained out from a magma reservoir at ~10 km depth leading to the largest eruption in Iceland since Laki in 1783.  Deformation surveys outside the caldera have indicated inflation since soon after the end of the eruption in February 2015 and seismicity has been elevated.  The extensive ice cover precludes conventional microgravity surveys or detailed surveys of caldera floor elevation.  However, we have studied gravity changes by comparing results of repeated Bouguer anomaly surveys.  We perform a full Bouguer correction using detailed DEMs of both the ice surface and the ice-radar-derived bedrock.  Ice surface changes are also mapped, allowing the removal of effects on gravity by ice mass changes.  Possible sources of significant anomalies are either changes in bedrock elevation between surveys, other more deep-seated mass changes beneath the volcano, or changes in the water table and pore pressure.  Surveys were carried out using a Scintrex CG-5 in 2015, 2016, 2018 and 2019, with measurements done at 25-50 locations each time.  As no benchmarks exist on the ice the spatial difference in station location of 10-20 m exists between survey years.   However, post-processing provides kinematic GPS position and elevation accuracy better than 0.1 m. Analysis of the data and error sources indicate an accuracy in estimates of changes of 50-100 µGal. The results obtained indicate change with an amplitude of a few hundred µGals; over the four years between 2015-2019 a clear Bouguer anomaly increase is recorded over the caldera relative to the surrounding area. Sharp gradients in the gravity difference near the caldera boundary point to a shallow source, consistent with the gravity signal arising from or near the ice-bedrock boundary.  This indicates fast resurgence at Bárdarbunga since 2015. The elevation of bed reflections delineated from radio echo sounding profiles (~2 MHz), measured within the caldera in June 2015 and accurately repeated in June 2019, further supports this.  The suggested deformation mechanisms can be compared to geodetic observations outside the caldera for further evaluation. If all the signal is interpreted in terms of magma movements, a rise of the caldera floor by several meters and the inflow of 0.2-0.3 km3 of new magma is inferred.

How to cite: Gudmundsson, M. T., Högnadóttir, T., Sigmundsson, F., Geirsson, H., Li, S., Reynolds, H. I., Magnússon, E., and Pálsson, F.: Rapid resurgence of the subglacial Bárdarbunga caldera following collapse in 2014-2015, quantified with repeated Bouguer gravity surveys, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-18744,, 2020.

EGU2020-12683 | Displays | GMPV9.7

Pre-eruptive diffuse heating of volcanoes

Társilo Girona, Vincent Realmuto, and Paul Lundgren

Identifying the observables that warn of volcanic unrest and impending eruptions is one of the greatest challenges in the management of natural disasters. An important but scarcely explored observable is diffuse heating, that is, the heat released passively through the ground. Diffuse heating represents one of the major energy sources in active volcanoes during inter-eruptive periods, and can dominate over the elastic energy released during seismic and deformation events. However, many questions remain open: Is there a direct correlation between diffuse heating and the subsurface processes that precede volcanic eruptions? To what extent are volcanic eruptions preceded by an enhancement of the diffuse emissions of heat? We address these questions by analyzing 16.5 years of long-wavelength (10.780 – 11.280 μm) thermal infrared radiance data recorded over nine volcanoes by the moderate-resolution imaging spectroradiometers (MODIS instruments) aboard NASA's Terra and Aqua satellites; this amounts to >35 TB of data and >210,000 MODIS scenes. Our statistical analysis reveals that volcanic edifices get warm for several years before magmatic, phreatic and hydrothermal eruptions. This pre-eruptive warming has been observed at Ontake (Japan), Ruapehu (New Zealand), Domuyo (Argentina), Calbuco (Chile), Redoubt and Okmok (Alaska), Pico do Fogo (Cape Verde), El Hierro (Spain), and Agung (Indonesia) volcanoes. In particular, we found pre-eruptive increases of up to ~1.5 K in the median temperature of the volcanic edifices; this, based on an energy balance, reflects increases of heat flux of up to 10 W/m2. We theorize that the pre-eruptive surface warming of volcanoes is the surface manifestation of shallow hydrothermal activity. Our retrospective analysis is especially relevant, since several of the eruptions analyzed did occur with little or no warning (e.g., the 2014 phreatic eruption of Ontake and the 2015 magmatic eruption of Calbuco). The possibility of tracking temporal changes of diffuse heating using satellite data opens new horizons to study the thermal reactivation of magma reservoirs and improve the forecasting of volcanic eruptions.

How to cite: Girona, T., Realmuto, V., and Lundgren, P.: Pre-eruptive diffuse heating of volcanoes, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-12683,, 2020.

The use of polar-orbiting satellite instruments to monitor volcanoes has been an established technique for decades. However, a major limitation is the temporal resolution provided by these satellite platforms. For UV instruments, one or occasionally two observations per day are possible for tropical latitudes, though an improved temporal resolution is seen at high latitudes. The SO2 altitude within the atmospheric column is usually highly unconstrained and is one of the largest sources of uncertainty within the SO2 retrieval. This method assigns a best-fit altitude to each pixel, instead of using a single value for the whole plume.

TROPOMI is an UV spectrometer, launched on the Sentinel-5P platform in October 2017. The instrument has a swath of 2600 km and a spatial resolution of 5.5x7.5 km (improving to 3.5x7.5 km from August 2019). Sentinel-5P flies with the A-Train constellation, with an equatorial overpass time of 13:30 local time.

Applying the NOAA HYbrid Single Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory (HYSPLIT) back trajectory model, the injection time, injection and measurement altitudes of the SO2 in each pixel within the satellite image is derived. Back trajectories are run for each pixel at a range of altitudes. The natural variability in the wind field at different altitudes (wind shear) means that only some of those trajectories will return to the volcano, constraining the measurement altitude to those trajectories. The SO2 concentration is interpolated to this altitude. Finding the point in the trajectory when it most closely approaches the volcano provides the time and altitude of injection.

Combining the corrected SO2 concentrations with the injection time produces the SO2 flux that generated the observed SO2 cloud, and with the injection altitude to calculate the mass eruption rate. These parameters can also be used to improve eruption plume modelling by improving the constraints on the eruption column characteristics.

The method is applied to the December 2019 eruption of White Island, New Zealand.

How to cite: Hayer, C. and Burton, M.: Application of back trajectory modelling to TROPOMI SO2 observations to retrieve sub-daily volcanic fluxes, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-17999,, 2020.

EGU2020-21391 | Displays | GMPV9.7

Active subglacial volcanism in West Antarctica as assessed by airborne geophysics: Distribution and context

Donald Blankenship, Enrica Quatini, and Duncan Young

A combination of aerogeophysics, seismic observations and direct observation from ice cores and subglacial sampling has revealed at least 21 sites under the West Antarctic Ice sheet consistent with active volcanism (where active is defined as volcanism that has interacted with the current manifestation of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet). Coverage of these datasets is heterogenous, potentially biasing the apparent distribution of these features. Also, the products of volcanic activity under thinner ice characterized by relatively fast flow are more prone to erosion and removal by the ice sheet, and therefore potentially underrepresented. Unsurprisingly, the sites of active subglacial volcanism we have identified often overlap with areas of relatively thick ice and slow ice surface flow, both of which are critical conditions for the preservation of volcanic records. Overall, we find the majority of active subglacial volcanic sites in West Antarctica concentrate strongly along the crustal thickness gradients bounding the central West Antarctic Rift System, complemented by intra-rift sites associated with the Amundsen Sea to Siple Coast lithospheric transition.

How to cite: Blankenship, D., Quatini, E., and Young, D.: Active subglacial volcanism in West Antarctica as assessed by airborne geophysics: Distribution and context, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-21391,, 2020.

Seismic tomography is the state-of-the-art technique for imaging the Earth. When applied to magmatic systems, phase-dependent imaging (e.g. travel-time tomography or noise interferometry) has shown the potential to broadly resolve magmatic anomalies. Here, I show recent advances in tomographic imaging of collisional continental structures at the upper mantle scale in SE Asia, with their influence on the distribution of magmatic systems. Then, I focus on the latest results of seismic attenuation (amplitude) tomography applied to crustal magmatic systems using both coherent waves and the stochastic signature of heterogeneities on seismic wavefields. The development of sensitivity kernels modeled using a multiple scattering description of seismic wavefields provide improved models of heterogeneous structures and better connections with alternative volcanological observations. The examples provided will span the Cascadian Arc (Mount St. Helens), Campi Flegrei caldera (Southern Italy) and Deception Island (Antarctica). Advanced imaging techniques, as full-waveform inversions and amplitude interferometry, remain biased in magmatic systems, without an improved understanding of the physics underlying anisotropy, multiple-scattering propagation and shallow-heterogeneity interaction, even if coverage substantially improves.

How to cite: De Siena, L.: Seismic imaging of magmatic systems from the upper mantle to the surface with attenuation and scattering, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-1736,, 2020.

EGU2020-3163 | Displays | GMPV9.7

Modelling Fluid Migration and Seismicity in an Active Volcano: A Case Study of Campi Flegrei Caldera, Southern Italy

Waheed Gbenga Akande, Quan Gan, David G. Cornwell, and Luca De Siena

Several observables from geological, geophysical and geochemical studies (e.g., seismic velocities, seismic amplitudes/attenuation, isotopic ratios, and gas composition from fumaroles) have indicated that activities at active volcanoes change over different time scales. We have modelled the cause of this spatiotemporal evolution of deformation and seismicity at Campi Flegrei caldera (southern Italy) as two high coda wave attenuation anomalies (at ~ 1 km and ~2-3 km, respectively) separated by ca 0.5-km-thick low seismic attenuation layer “caprock”, which acts as a major blocking interface for the uprising hot magmatic fluids. We have used these observations along with rock physics data as constraints to conduct fluid flow simulation studies to gain more insights into how this active volcano works. We adopt a coupled modelling approach using mechanical (deformation) and fluid low simulators (TOUGH2-FLAC3D) to simulate seismic slips in the caldera’s computational domain both in isothermal and non-isothermal modes. The method allows us to investigate the roles of both hydromechanical and thermal effects of fluid injections in triggering seismicity at the caldera. The magnitudes of seismicity generated are comparable to the field observations and records of the major seismicity for the caldera in the 1980s.

How to cite: Akande, W. G., Gan, Q., Cornwell, D. G., and De Siena, L.: Modelling Fluid Migration and Seismicity in an Active Volcano: A Case Study of Campi Flegrei Caldera, Southern Italy, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-3163,, 2020.

EGU2020-2028 | Displays | GMPV9.7

Analysis of the Magmatic – Hydrothermal Volcanic Field of Tacora Volcano, Northern Chile, using Travel Time Tomography

Diana Comte, Claudia Pavez, Francisco Gutierrez, and Diego Gaytan

Tacora Volcano (17º43’S – 69º46’W) is a composite stratovolcano that lies at the southernmost end of a 10 km-long volcanic lineament that extends between Chile and Perú. Around Tacora volcano, current thermal manifestations are two active fumarolic fields located at the western flank of the stratovolcano and at the volcano summit, indicating active magma degassing in a shallow hydrothermal system. Beneath Tacora volcano is located the NW Challaviento reverse fault that belongs to the Incapuquio - Challaviento fault system of Middle Eocene age. To complement previous exploration results and conceptual modeling developed by INFINERGEO SPA, seventeen short period seismic stations were installed around Tacora volcano, between August and December 2014. Using the P and S wave arrival times of locally recorded seismicity, a 3D velocity model was determined through a travel time tomography. According with the results, we interpreted high Vp /Vs values as water-saturated areas, corresponding to the recharge zone of Tacora hydrothermal system. In addition, low values of ΔVp/Vp (%) and Vp/Vs ratio represent the location of a gas-saturated magmatic reservoir between sea level and 2 km depth and circulation networks of magmatic-hydrothermal fluids. Low Vp/Vs volumes (magma reservoir / high temperature hydrothermal fluids), the presence of fumarolic fields and surface hydrothermal alteration have a spatial correlation. The above suggests a structural control of the Challaviento fault in the hydrothermal flow as well as a primary influence in the emplacement and location of the magmatic-hydrothermal reservoir. Finally, we present a cluster analysis using the ΔVp/Vp (%) parameter. Through this analysis, we found a method for the identification of a key structure in depth composed by the magma reservoir (low Vp/Vs ratios, low ΔVp/Vp (%)), clay level areas (intermediate values of ΔVp/Vp (%)), and degasification zones (low values of ΔVp/Vp (%)) directly related with the surface thermal manifestations.

How to cite: Comte, D., Pavez, C., Gutierrez, F., and Gaytan, D.: Analysis of the Magmatic – Hydrothermal Volcanic Field of Tacora Volcano, Northern Chile, using Travel Time Tomography, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-2028,, 2020.

EGU2020-4539 | Displays | GMPV9.7

Tomographic images of Avacha and Koryaksky volcanoes in Kamchatka

Natalia Bushenkova, Ivan Koulakov, Sergey Senyukov, Evgeny I. Gordeev, Hsin-Hua Huang, Sami El Khrepy, and Nassir Al Arifi

In this study, we have mapped for the first time robustly the 3D structure of two upper-crustal magmatic reservoirs beneath the active volcanoes Avacha and Koryaksky, which are called “home volcanoes” for Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, the main city of Kamchatka (~200,000 inhabitants). These volcanoes represent a serious potential hazard for the city, because they are located at a distance of 25–30 km from the populated areas. A new tomographic model (VP, VS, VP/VS ratio) was built, for which we used the arrival times of seismic P- and S-waves from almost 5,000 local events, recorded by a permanent network of seismic stations during 2009–2018.The resolution of the derived models was carefully tested by a series of synthetic simulations. Prominent anomalies with extremely high VP/VS ratios (up to 2.4) were retrieved directly beneath both volcanoes and interpreted as magma reservoirs containing high degrees of partial melt and/or fluids. Beneath Avacha, the upper limit of the anomaly is located at the depth of ~2 km below the surface. The reservoir appears to be connected to the surface by a neck-shaped anomaly of high VP/VS ratio associated with active seismicity, which is interpreted as a magma and fluid conduit. Beneath Koryaksky, the magma related anomaly is deeper: its upper limit is located at a depth of ~ 7 km below the surface. This anomaly is connected with the volcanic coneby a vertical seismicity cluster, which possibly marks the pathway of fluid ascent and degassing. Between the volcanoes, a 2–3 km thick layer of very low VP and VS is interpreted as deposits of volcanoclastic sediments. Generally low Vp/Vs ratios in the area between the volcanoes show that the magma reservoirs in the upper crust are not interconnected.

This study was partially supported by the RFBR project # 18-55-52003.

How to cite: Bushenkova, N., Koulakov, I., Senyukov, S., Gordeev, E. I., Huang, H.-H., El Khrepy, S., and Al Arifi, N.: Tomographic images of Avacha and Koryaksky volcanoes in Kamchatka, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-4539,, 2020.

EGU2020-20013 | Displays | GMPV9.7

Discerning Between Real and Artificial Velocity Change in Time-Dependent Seismic Tomography

Alex Hobé, Ari Tryggvason, and Olafur Gudmundsson and the SIL Seismological Group

Volcanoes and volcanic systems are very dynamic. The influx of new magma, changes in the hydrothermal system, and eruptions produce large changes in the velocity structure. Such changes can be inferred using Time-Dependent Seismic Tomography (TDST), as has been done by multiple authors (e.g. Koulakov et al. 2013, Hobé et al. 2020). Due to the nature of the inversion process inherent to tomographic methods, it is difficult to discern between real and artificial differences between epochs. In TDST, such artificial differences can arise from differences in raypath-geometry (due to differences in station and earthquake distributions), the employed regularization in the inversion process, and errors due to multiple sources (e.g. travel-time picks, and assumptions in the forward model). This study provides two novel ways of inferring the influence of these artificial sources of velocity change in tomographic models: a baseline reconstruction (Hobé et al. 2020) and time-varying reconstructions. These reconstructions are produced for the Krysuvik volcanic system. The velocity differences produced by the "true" data are then compared to those produced in the synthetic reconstructions. We show that the differences in the obtained models cannot solely have been produced artificially and therefore that there must have been significant velocity changes in the area.


Hobé et al. (2020): Imaging the 2010-2011 inflationary source at Krysuvik, SW Iceland, using time-dependent Vp/Vs tomography, WGC 2020, forthcoming

Koulakov et al. (2013): Rapid changes in magma storage beneath the Klyuchevskoy group of volcanoes inferred from time-dependent seismic tomography, J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res.

How to cite: Hobé, A., Tryggvason, A., and Gudmundsson, O. and the SIL Seismological Group: Discerning Between Real and Artificial Velocity Change in Time-Dependent Seismic Tomography, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-20013,, 2020.

EGU2020-15005 | Displays | GMPV9.7

Characteristics of seismic activity of Villarrica Volcano

Johanna Lehr and Wolfgang Rabbel

Villarrica is one of the most active and dangerous volcanoes in Chile. During the last decade it consisted of a single open vent hosting an active lava lake which produced mild stombolian explosions, persistent tremor and continuous degassing.

We present an analysis of the seismic activity of Villarrica between 2010 and 2012. Periods of increased lava lake activity are characterized by numerous small transient events which exibit a variety of waveforms and spectral characteristics. Statistical analysis of interevent times revealed a periodic occurrence. At comparable volcanic systems (Stromboli, Erebus), such distributions of events indicated unusual periods of activity corresponding to magma injection. Methods of blind signal separation (ICA, PCA) were used to analyse the wavefield. While regional and local tectonic earthquakes can easily be separated, the tremor and transient events from the crater can not.

How to cite: Lehr, J. and Rabbel, W.: Characteristics of seismic activity of Villarrica Volcano, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-15005,, 2020.

EGU2020-17795 | Displays | GMPV9.7

Using ambient noise tomography to image tectonic and magmatic features of the Irazú-Turrialba volcanic complex at regional and local scales

Elliot Amir Jiwani-Brown, Thomas Planes, Javier Francisco Pacheco, Mauricio Mora, and Matteo Lupi

Passive seismology in volcanically active locations provides a valuable insight into the structural and evolutionary characteristics of subsurface magmatic features. The Irazú-Turrialba Volcanic Complex (ITVC) consists of a twin-system of volcanoes in Costa Rica, located at the south-eastern end of the Central American Volcanic Arc (CAVA). The ITVC represents a noticeable delineation of this subduction arc sequence, influenced by the formation of the Panama microplate and potentially driven by the Central Costa Rican Deformation belt (CCRDB). This volcanic arc is formed by the subduction of the Cocos Plate, beneath the Caribbean plate. This is an interesting twin-volcanic system consisting of the close-system of Irazú, and actively-venting open-system of Turrialba. Utilizing ambient noise tomography (ANT), 3D shear-wave velocity models are retrieved and compared to previously determined major tectonic features at both regional and local scales


Data were collected from 20 temporary broadband seismic stations, forming a network around the ITVC, and supplemented by 45 permanent stations from the regional networks (OVSICORI & RSN). We used the continuous noise readings from vertical components to compute cross-correlation functions. We then used Rayleigh wave group-velocity dispersion curves to perform an inversion to obtain 2D group velocity maps at both regional and local scales. A further inversion step was undertaken to obtain 3D shear-wave velocity models of the regional features of the Central American Volcanic Arc and more local-scale features of the plumbing system beneath the ITVC. Features determined in the inversions are compared to the literature-established, large-scale and local tectonic features, creating an image of the twin-system complex. In particular, we compare the subsurface magmatic features of the ITVC to establish the impact of local and regional faulting on the shape of the internal plumbing structure, and to determine whether ANT can effectively constrain these known tectonic features.


We establish an improved understanding of the ITVC whole-system plumbing, and the regional velocity anomalies attributed to other Costa Rican volcanic systems within the Central American Volcanic Arc and relation to the tectonics.

How to cite: Jiwani-Brown, E. A., Planes, T., Francisco Pacheco, J., Mora, M., and Lupi, M.: Using ambient noise tomography to image tectonic and magmatic features of the Irazú-Turrialba volcanic complex at regional and local scales, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-17795,, 2020.

EGU2020-10847 | Displays | GMPV9.7

High Resolution Attenuation Images From Active Seismic Data: The Case Study of Solfatara Volcano (Southern Italy)

Guido Russo, Vincenzo Serlenga, Grazia De Landro, Ortensia Amoroso, Gaetano Festa, and Aldo Zollo

The anelastic attenuation of rocks strongly depends on the contained fluid physical state and saturation. Furthermore, it is more sensitive than elastic parameters to changes in the physical state of materials. In a geologically complex  volcanic context, where fluids play a very important role, anelastic imaging of the subsoil is therefore a very powerful tool for a better understanding of its dynamics.

In this study we present a robust workflow aimed at retrieve accurate 1-D and 3-D anelastic models from the processing of active seismic data, in terms of lateral and depth variations of P-wave quality factors QP. This methodology has been applied to data collected during a high resolution active seismic experiment in a very small-scale volcanic volume, the Solfatara crater, within Campi Flegri caldera, Southern Italy. The presented methodology is developed in three distinct steps: 1) the active seismic data have been properly processed and analyzed for measuring the t* attenuation parameter for all possible source-receivers couples. First, the source contribution has been removed by cross-correlating the recorded signal with the sweep function of the Vibroseis, which was the adopted active seismic source. Then, the spectral decay method has been applied in order to compute the t* values. 2) A reference 1-D attenuation model has been retrieved by means of a grid search procedure aiming at finding the 1-D Qp structure that minimizes the residual between the average observed t* and the theoretical t* distributions. The obtained starting reference model allowed to build a preliminary map of t* residuals through which the retrieved t* dataset has been validated. 3) The 15,296 t* measurements have been inverted by means of a linearized, perturbative approach, in a 160 x 160 x 45 m3 tomographic grid.

The retrieved 3-D attenuation model describes the first 30 m depths of Solfatara volcano as composed of very high attenuating materials, with Qp values ranging between 5 and 40. The very low Qp values, correlated with low Vp values retrieved by a previous tomographic work carried out in the area, indicate the low consolidation degree of very superficial volcanic materials of Solfatara volcano. Finally, in the NE part of the crater, lower attenuating bodies have been imaged: it is a further hint for characterizing this area of the volcano as the shallow release of the CO2 plume through the main fumaroles of the crater.

How to cite: Russo, G., Serlenga, V., De Landro, G., Amoroso, O., Festa, G., and Zollo, A.: High Resolution Attenuation Images From Active Seismic Data: The Case Study of Solfatara Volcano (Southern Italy), EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-10847,, 2020.

EGU2020-2676 | Displays | GMPV9.7

Analyzing earthquakes and hybrid events on Fogo and Brava, Cape Verde, with multiple arrays

Carola Leva, Georg Rümpker, and Ingo Wölbern

Fogo and Brava are part of the south-western chain of the Cape Verde archipelago, which is believed to originate from a mantle plume. The two islands are located about 18 km apart from each other. Only Fogo experienced historic eruptions at intervals of about 20 years, with the last eruption from November 2014 to February 2015. In contrast to Fogo, Brava shows a high seismic activity. In our study we focus on the characterization of the seismicity in the region. We employ multi-array techniques to study the seismic activity, as many events are located offshore. Additionally, arrays are well suited for the analysis of volcano-related seismic signals without clear onset of phases. From January 2017 to January 2018 we operated a network of three seismic arrays (two on Fogo, one on Brava) and seven single short-period stations (five on Fogo, two on Brava). The arrays consist of 4 broad-band and 6 short-period stations each and are shaped circularly with an aperture of approximately 700 m. We apply a time-domain array analysis to locate seismic events. This approach is computationally more expensive than a traditional f-k analysis, but allows for a higher flexibility in the selection of relevant time windows to calculate the beam energy. For the analysis in the time-domain, traces are first shifted and then cut to suitable time windows to determine the energy stack as a function of horizontal slowness.

For a single array, epicentral distances can be estimated from arrival-time differences between S- and P-waves, by assuming a suitable velocity structure. However, with two or more arrays, epicenters can be obtained directly from the intersecting beams. The technique is applied to earthquakes as well as to hybrid events. During 2017 the seismicity is clearly dominated by volcano-tectonic earthquakes, mainly originating beneath and around Brava. Additionally we observe hybrid events on Fogo, which are characterized by a transition from high (20-40 Hz) to low (1-10 Hz) frequencies. The events lack clear phases, although they often exhibit a relatively sharp onset. These features provide ideal conditions for the application of the multi-array analysis. The hybrid events originate in the Chã das Caldeiras region, a collapse scar surrounding the present-day Fogo volcano, and are likely related to rock-fall events.

How to cite: Leva, C., Rümpker, G., and Wölbern, I.: Analyzing earthquakes and hybrid events on Fogo and Brava, Cape Verde, with multiple arrays, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-2676,, 2020.

EGU2020-552 | Displays | GMPV9.7

Applying seismic ring-fault models to real case scenarios

Rodrigo Contreras Arratia and Jurgen Neuberg

Previous studies have found discrepancies concerning the seismic radiation between planar and curved faults; moment tensor (MT) interpretations, seismic moment estimation and waveforms change dramatically when the rupture is not planar. Therefore, assuming a point source on a planar fault for earthquakes in volcanic environments can be an oversimplification that needs to be addressed if we observe some seismological clues. First, we study waveforms for LP events at Etna. To explain these waveforms we propose a full-ring rupture with an inner net movement of magma, in in contrast to the planar fault approach that returns a pulsating rupture. Second, we study MT inversions for the biggest earthquakes during the 2014-2015 collapse of the Bardarbunga caldera, which show non-double couple solutions, with vertical compression axis. We calculate synthetic seismograms for partial-ring ruptures using an “ideal” seismic network, and one emulating the existing monitoring network at Bardarbunga. Observations using distal stations can return a better-constrained seismic moment, but they fail to characterise the dynamics involved. On the other hand, using proximal stations we obtain a reliable representation of the forces involved; however, the seismic moment is systematically overestimated due to the proximity to the curved source and the corresponding focussing effects. Finally, we correct the area of rupture due to fault shape to estimate the real cumulative seismic moment during the caldera collapse. The result shows a closer relationship between seismic and geodetic moment.

How to cite: Contreras Arratia, R. and Neuberg, J.: Applying seismic ring-fault models to real case scenarios, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-552,, 2020.

EGU2020-5737 | Displays | GMPV9.7

Seismo-volcanic source mechanism in White Island's hydrothermal system

Dinko Sindija and Jurgen Neuberg

The signals preceding and accompanying phreatic eruptions, although observed on many volcanoes, are still not very well understood. As this type of eruption can have severe consequences, we need to understand the processes and the observed seismic signals leading up to these eruptions. Using seismic broadband instruments, we can detect signals in a wide frequency range, and careful analysis and modelling of these data can help us understand these processes. Phreatic eruptions are often accompanied, and sometimes preceded, by Very Long Period (VLP) seismic signals. These signals are caused by sudden pressure changes inside the volcanic system and in hydrothermal environments these pressure changes and, therefore, observed VLPs are attributed to the sudden expansion of water-filled cracks by vapourisation due to heat flow from the underlying magma body. 
However previous studies consider pure water-water systems which sometimes assume unrealistic pressure-temperature changes in the system to produce a violent phase change from water to vapour. As there are instances of significant amounts of CO2 measured within hydrothermal systems, we model how a sudden injection of CO2 into the hydrothermal system, which would easily allow for explosive phase change could trigger the observed VLPs. Further, we show how poroelastic medium responds to such a source.

How to cite: Sindija, D. and Neuberg, J.: Seismo-volcanic source mechanism in White Island's hydrothermal system, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-5737,, 2020.

EGU2020-6027 | Displays | GMPV9.7

Vulcanian/hydrothermal eruptions of Ebeko volcano, Kurile Islands

Alexander Belousov, Marina Belousobva, Thomas Walter, and Andreas Auer

Ebeko is a small (1156 m a.s.l) andesitic volcano located in the northern part of Paramushir island of Kurile Island Arc. It is not well studied but in fact represents the most active volcano of the Kuriles  with > 10 eruptions recorded in the 20th century.  All historical eruptions of the volcano had similar style. They were purely explosive, mild (VEI 1 – 2) series of frequent short-lived outbursts of ash and bombs with eruptive clouds up to 3 km high. Some of the outbursts were more extended in time (lasted minutes-hours) and produced mostly fine ash. Common explosions occurred in the summit area of the volcano which characterized by strong hydrothermal activity and multiple fumaroles depositing sulfur. Each eruption produced broad, shallow craters surrounded by low rims of the ejected material. Commonly the craters are later occupied by shallow lakes.

 In 2019 we realized a field work to investigate the most recent eruptive activity of Ebeko that commenced in 2016.  We installed seismometers, monitoring cameras and recorded the terrain using unmanned aerial systems (UAS) together with optical and infrared cameras. The drone data shows dimensions and structures of the newly forming crater and shows deposition of erupted materials. Ejected material was probed and analysed. It is represented by ash and bread crust bombs composed of moderately vesicular two pyroxene andesite with glassy crusts. We found evidence for recycling and rewelding of ash shown by the clastic domains, which are enclosed / mantled by coherent lava. The eruptions of Ebeko volcano were in part phreatic (hydrothermal) and in part magmatic / phreatomagmatic (vulcanian in a broad sense). Mechanism of this (and probably of some other eruptions) can be explained by shallow intrusions of small batches of strongly crystallized andesitic magma into water-saturated hydrothermally altered rocks composing the volcano summit. We suggest a model of the Ebeko eruptions, where new batches of fresh magma incorporate and amalgamate previously erupted fresh material.

How to cite: Belousov, A., Belousobva, M., Walter, T., and Auer, A.: Vulcanian/hydrothermal eruptions of Ebeko volcano, Kurile Islands, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-6027,, 2020.

EGU2020-4796 | Displays | GMPV9.7

The scholar seismic network of Tenerife: technical and scientific issues

Vidal Domínguez, José Barrancos, Luca D'Auria, and Nemesio M. Peréz

Currently thousands of seismic sensors, managed by different national and international institutions, are deployed throughout the planet. In the last decades, thanks to scientific and technological advances, broadband sensors are being produced at costs affordable for most institutions that operate a seismic network. At the same time, advances in nanotechnology led to the development of MEMS sensors which allowed the development of accelerometers of very reduced dimensions and low costs. The seismic data obtained by the commercial MEMS sensors, can be sampled, synchronized, stored and transmitted through low cost microcontrollers such as RaspberryPi or Arduino. This allows the development of a complete seismic station of very small size and cost with respect to the traditional ones, although of lower sensitivity and quality.

Since 2019, Instituto Volcanológico de Canaria (INVOLCAN) is developing a low cost seismic network: the Red Sísmica Escolar Canaria (RESECAN, Scholar Canarian Seismic Network) with multiple purposes. The main aims of RESECAN are:

  • supporting the teaching of geosciences
  • promoting the scientific vocation
  • strengthening the resilience of the Canarian communities by improving awareness of the Canary volcanism and the associated hazards.

The project aims at realizing and distributing low-cost stations in various educational institutions of the Canary Islands, complementing them with didactic material on the topics of seismology and volcanology. Each school will be able to access the data of its own station, as well as other centers, being able to locate some of the recorded earthquakes. The data recorded by RESECAN will be fully integrated with the data of the Red Sísmica Canaria (C7), a permanent broadband seismic network operated by INVOLCAN. This will make RESECAN also an instrument of scientific interest able to contribute effectively to the volcanic monitoring of the Canary Islands, strengthening its resilience in facing future volcanic emergencies.

How to cite: Domínguez, V., Barrancos, J., D'Auria, L., and Peréz, N. M.: The scholar seismic network of Tenerife: technical and scientific issues, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-4796,, 2020.

EGU2020-4819 | Displays | GMPV9.7

The new tiltmetric network of Tenerife: technical and scientific issues

José Barrancos, Monika Przeor, Luca D'Auria, Iván Cabrera, Ana Carolina Montañez, Pedro A. Hernández, and Nemesio M. Pérez

Since 2004, the Instituto Tecnológico y de Energías Renovables (ITER) in collaboration, since 2011, with the Instituto Volcanológico de Canarias (INVOLCAN), are monitoring Canary Islands archipelago with a network of more than 30 differential GPS stations. Specifically, in Tenerife island alone there are 12 permanent GPS receivers. Data are processed automatically using Bernese software, constituting an important tool for the geodetic monitoring of Tenerife.

Since 2016, the volcanic system of Tenerife is experiencing a hydrothermal unrest, with a marked increase of the diffuse CO2 flux from the crater of Mt. Teide, the major volcanic edifice of the island. This increased flux is likely to be related to the injection of fluids of magmatic origin within the hydrothermal system of Tenerife. The subsequent pressurization of this system is reflected also by the increase in the background microseismicity observed since July 2017. Until now, the GPS network has not recorded significant ground deformation above the instrumental error.

With the aim of improving the geodetic monitoring of Tenerife, detecting possible small ground deformation below the sensitivity of the GPS network, INVOLCAN has recently started deploying, since June 2019, high-gain tiltmeters (Jewell Instruments A603-C) in the surrounding of Mt. Teide. Currently the tiltmetric network consists of 3 tiltmeters, located close to existing seismic or GPS stations. Data are automatically downloaded via UMTS connection and processed daily.

The nominal sensitivity of such instruments is less than 2.5 nradians, hence their installation and calibration require very careful operations. The sensors are equipped with leveling worm-gear feet to guarantee a perfect levelling. However, the high sensitivity of the instrumentation makes adjustments made manually totally useless. The tilt change caused by the weight of the human operator during the levelling is enough to drive the instrument out of scale. For this reason, INVOLCAN developed a robotic system to perform the required adjustments from remote. The system is based on Arduino Mega 2560, driving two servomotors to adjust the leveling worm-gears. Another servomotor allows switching the gain level. The system can be accessed and operated through an internal web page, which allows driving the servomotors and checking the leveling of the tiltmeter platform by using an Arduino Ethernet.

How to cite: Barrancos, J., Przeor, M., D'Auria, L., Cabrera, I., Montañez, A. C., Hernández, P. A., and Pérez, N. M.: The new tiltmetric network of Tenerife: technical and scientific issues, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-4819,, 2020.

EGU2020-4692 | Displays | GMPV9.7

Heat flux measurements at Teide Volcano, Tenerife, Canary Islands, by means of thermal imaging

Ana Carolina Montañez Hernández, Enrica Marotta, Germán D. Padilla, Rosario Peluso, Pedro A. Hernández, Alberto Prieto, Francisco Airam Morales González, Vidal Domínguez, José Barrancos Martínez, Nemesio M. Peréz, and Luca D'Auria

Nowadays, scientific surveys to evaluate the thermal energy release from volcanoes are very tedious and involve performing numerous measure points to determine the heat flux of a specific area. This study tests a new method to calculate the heat flux from Teide inner crater using thermal images without the need for on-site heat flow campaigns. So far, panoramic infrared images of the study area and infrared images of thermal anomaly zones at a distance of 1 meter have been carried out in a monthly basis with a FLIR T660 thermal camera. Soil temperature of study area was also measured with a K-type thermocouple in order to compare the results between the temperature measured with the thermocouple and the one obtained by the thermal camera. The method developed in Marotta et al. 2019 to determine the heat flux from thermal images will be adapted to the peculiarities of the Teide stratovolcano, such as the topography of the inner crater. To check the reliability of the method, values obtained with a heat flux sensor, by means of the temperature gradient and those resulting from the application of the developed method are compared. Finally, the error associated to the use of thermography at a greater distance to calculate heat flux is analysed by comparing the results obtained when applying the method with thermographic images taken at 1 meter with the results obtained when applying it with the panoramic thermal images of the crater, taken at approximately 50 metres.

How to cite: Montañez Hernández, A. C., Marotta, E., Padilla, G. D., Peluso, R., Hernández, P. A., Prieto, A., Morales González, F. A., Domínguez, V., Barrancos Martínez, J., Peréz, N. M., and D'Auria, L.: Heat flux measurements at Teide Volcano, Tenerife, Canary Islands, by means of thermal imaging, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-4692,, 2020.

EGU2020-2962 | Displays | GMPV9.7

Modeling of the Dec 24, 2018 eruptive intrusion at Etna volcano by data of multi-disciplinary continuous deformation networks (CGPS, borehole strainmeters and tiltmeters)

Marco Aloisi, Alessandro Bonaccorso, Flavio Cannavò, Gilda Currenti, and Salvatore Gambino

In the previous EGU 2019 we presented the different data acquired by the multi-disciplinary deformation networks during the eruption of Etna on 24 December 2018, when the volcano was suddenly penetrated by a violent dyke intrusion. An eruptive fissure opened and continued to propagate southward for more than 10 hours. The situation created the fear of possible serious consequences of feeding a lava flow even at medium-low altitudes, therefore potentially hazardous for the villages and infrastructures located there. However, the propagation stopped and lava flows finished on 25 December.

In this updated study we present the effort made to model the complex eruptive process characterized by two attempts of intrusion. We inferred a first dyke starting from the sea level depth with an increasing of its dimension in the shallower part. Successively and until the early hours of 25 December, we revealed a second attempt of intrusion characterized by a dyke with a powerful opening with respect to the first dyke but that, fortunately, did not reach the free surface. We describe how different types of continuous deformation data provide complementary information on the ongoing process allowing us to model the fast intrusive process. In particular, the high-precision borehole instruments (strainmeters and tiltmeters) provided a robust early warning; the displacement field measured by high-rate GPS allowed obtaining an early but also reliable model of the source. Finally, the integration of all the continuous data constrained a more detailed and complete model and its time evolution able to represent the complex process leading to this flank eruption.


How to cite: Aloisi, M., Bonaccorso, A., Cannavò, F., Currenti, G., and Gambino, S.: Modeling of the Dec 24, 2018 eruptive intrusion at Etna volcano by data of multi-disciplinary continuous deformation networks (CGPS, borehole strainmeters and tiltmeters), EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-2962,, 2020.

GNSS campaign measurements are often used for also volcano monitoring. The most important reason for this is that the permanent stations near the volcano are costly and likely to be damaged after the eruption. Often, even campaign measurements are risky near an active volcano. On the other hand, it would be low risky and low costly to make campaign measurements distant from volcano activities and eruptions. In this study, in order to expound the analysis results, we constituted our global test area using five IGS stations around five active volcano eruptions over 2019 via the Smithsonian Institute Global Volcanism Program. The data archives of the International GNSS service (IGS) and the time series of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) were used for the purpose. And then we decimated the continuous data down to monthly and four monthly sampled GPS campaign time series. We also generated random values of ±3 mm for possible antenna setup errors. We tested whether the velocities obtained from monthly and four monthly solutions differ significantly from the velocities derived from daily solutions. As a result, we concluded on monthly velocities that horizontal components are compatible completely and 80% of the vertical components are compatible. We also concluded on four monthly velocities that 65% of the horizontal components are compatible and vertical components are compatible completely. We explained the utilization of campaign measurements in volcano monitoring by examining the effect of the distance between the stations and volcanoes on the results obtained.

Keywords: Volcano Monitoring, GNSS Campaign Measurements.

How to cite: Turen, Z., Turen, Y., and Erol, T.: Usability of velocities of GNSS campaign measurements on volcano monitoring depending distance between station and volcano, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-4119,, 2020.

EGU2020-4646 | Displays | GMPV9.7

High Rate Real Time GNSS monitoring of active volcanoes: 20 years of applications to Italian volcanoes

Mario Mattia, Valentina Bruno, Flavio Cannavò, Massimo Rossi, Daniele Pellegrino, Mario Pulvirenti, Francesco Pandolfo, Mario Dolce, and Prospero De Martino

Since 2000 an intense development of remote stations, transmission device, data processing software and tools for time series analysis aimed to high rate GNSS surveillance and monitoring of active Italian volcanoes has been realized or implemented at INGV. Since the very first case study (the 2001 Mt.Etna’s eruption) to the 2019 paroxysms of Stromboli, many observations and a lot of specific experience has been achieved on Italian active volcanoes (Etna, Stromboli) to track rapidly developing deformation patterns associated to different volcanic processes, as dike intrusions or explosive activity. Moreover, we here describe the hardware and software improvements for High Rate GNSS monitoring network with a specific attention to the recently realized network in the densely populated area of the Campi Flegrei caldera.

How to cite: Mattia, M., Bruno, V., Cannavò, F., Rossi, M., Pellegrino, D., Pulvirenti, M., Pandolfo, F., Dolce, M., and De Martino, P.: High Rate Real Time GNSS monitoring of active volcanoes: 20 years of applications to Italian volcanoes, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-4646,, 2020.

EGU2020-1371 | Displays | GMPV9.7

Implications of the observations scarcity on the gravity data inversion within volcanic areas. Ciomadul volcano

Lucian Besutiu, Luminita Zlagnean, Anca Isac, and Dragomir Romanescu


Gravity investigation of volcanoes is difficult due to their usual location in rugged topographic areas, where lack of access hardly offers possibility for adequate observations coverage.

In the absence of appropriate constraints this might have important consequences on the interpretation of the survey results.


Located in the inner part of the bending zone of East Carpathians, Romania, Ciomadul volcano represents the end member of the Neogene to Quaternary volcanism in the Carpathian - Pannonian Region. This cluster of dacitic domes last erupted about 30 ka ago, and there are authors claiming it might become active, based on indirect evidence on the presence of a magma chamber in the upper crust beneath it.

Inversion of relatively recent acquired gravity data outlined an extended mass deficit below central volcano initially interpreted as a magma chamber, in apparent agreement with previous MTS works unveiling an electrical resistivity low beneath volcano. The gradual decrease of density towards the inner (hotter?) part of the source seems to be consistent with hypothesis of a cooling body.

However, the overall geometry and in-depth extent of the density zone with values corresponding to volcanic rocks is not consistent with accepted structural models for such volcanoes, mainly developed on the topography.

Besides, the extreme density values predicted were never encountered on samples collected from outcrops, and according to literature there is no increase in temperature able to provide the density lowering shown by inversion.

Finally, the idea of magma chamber at relatively shallow depths may be hardly accepted because it would generate strong geothermal manifestations at the surface (e.g. geysers), nowhere encountered.


For better understanding/interpreting the inversion results, limitations of the approach were studied by computing/inverting the gravity effect of synthetic sources. Fluid-filled vertical volcano conduits of variable size/content (but always dimensioned bellow the sampling step of the gravity signal provided by the survey coverage) were subject to study.

The research showed that inversion was not able to accurately predict the parameters of the source in any simulation. Basic 2D geometry of the volcano conduit with step density change along the edges is replaced by a 3D broadly extended body with gradual decrease of density towards its inner part. The larger the cavity, the smaller densities may occur. Some densities outside the source model range are also predicted, and a pseudo-mass excess may be inappropriately generated above the upper end of the conduit.


Following the simulations, the density model of Ciomadul volcano was fully revised by using an iterative 3D forward modelling. The new model unveils peculiarities of a largely developed plumbing system, partly open to magma access, but does not support any longer the hypothesis of a magma reservoir in the upper crust beneath Ciomadul.


Given the above-mentioned aspects, we may assume that former solution of the MT data inversion was also biased by data scarcity that inherently led to the integration of local effects of several narrow fluid-filled conduits into a unique electrical resistivity anomaly interpreted as a magma chamber.

How to cite: Besutiu, L., Zlagnean, L., Isac, A., and Romanescu, D.: Implications of the observations scarcity on the gravity data inversion within volcanic areas. Ciomadul volcano, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-1371,, 2020.

EGU2020-13356 | Displays | GMPV9.7

Three-dimensional Density Reconstruction Analysis Method for Omni-directional Muography

Seigo Miyamoto and Shogo Nagahara

Muography is the technique to observe the inner density structure of volcano by using cosmic-ray muons. In previous study, three-dimensional density reconstruction was attempted by using muography data from multiple directions (Tanaka et al., 2010, Rosas-Carbajal et al., 2017), but they could only get a few hundred meters of spatial resolution. To improve the spatial resolution, Nagahara and Miyamoto (2018) suggested omni-directional muography, putting ten or more observation points to surround the volcano.

  There are two types of three-dimensional density reconstruction methods from omni-directional muography observations, the linear inversion method (Rosas-Carbajal et al., 2017) and the filtered back projection (FBP) method (Nagahara and Miyamoto, 2018). The former is applicable even when the number of observation points is small, but requires many arbitrary parameters, while the latter has the characteristic that no arbitrary parameters are required but a certain number of observation points is required.

In this presentation, we show the results of a comparison between the two methods in simulation.

How to cite: Miyamoto, S. and Nagahara, S.: Three-dimensional Density Reconstruction Analysis Method for Omni-directional Muography, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-13356,, 2020.

EGU2020-12807 | Displays | GMPV9.7

Demonstration of 11-directional muography in Omuro-yama Scoria cone, Izu, Japan

Shogo Nagahara, Seigo Miyamoto, Kunihiro Morishima, Toshiyuki Nakano, Masato Koyama, and Yusuke Suzuki

Muography is the method of determining inner bulk density structures of volcano by using cosmic-ray muons. When we get muography image from one direction, there is no spatial resolution along muon path. However, by observing from multiple directions, three-dimensional density structure can be obtained. In recent years, three-dimensional density reconstruction using two or three muographic images has been performed (Tanaka et al., 2010, Rosas-Carbajal et al., 2017), but they obtained three-dimensional density structure with only several hundreds of meters spatial resolution due to lack of information. To improve the spatial resolution, we suggested “omni-directional muography”, putting ten or more observation points to surround the volcano (Nagahara and Miyamoto, 2018), and we estimated its feasibility by simulation. On the other hand, in recent years, detectors for muography have become larger (Morishima et al., 2018, Olah et al., 2019), and a detector necessary for omni-directional muography can be prepared. Therefore, we demonstrated omni-directional muography in Omuro-yama Scoria cone, Izu, Japan.

Omuro-yama is a scoria cone formed by a single eruption. The mountain baseline diameter is about 1 kilometer and the height from base is 300 meters. The eruption has been investigated by sediment surveys (Koyano et al.,1996). This mountain has many advantages that are suitable for omnidirectional muography. 1) no mountains around Omuroyama, so no contamination of muon path except in the Omuroyama body. 2) easy to access the detector sites, 3) enough statistics of penetrating muons because of size. We started observing Omuro-yama in 2018. In 2018, we observed for two months from three directions using a 0.01 square meter emulsion detector. In 2019, we performed a three-month observation from eight directions using a 0.02 square meter emulsion detector. As a result of preliminary three-dimensional density reconstruction using the analysis method of Nishiyama et al. (2014), a region with a low density over 200 m in diameter was found under the crater. Currently, we are considering this result carefully. We plan to observe from 30 directions by 2021, including 11 points.

In this presentation, we report the latest analysis results of observation results from 11 directions and future plan.

How to cite: Nagahara, S., Miyamoto, S., Morishima, K., Nakano, T., Koyama, M., and Suzuki, Y.: Demonstration of 11-directional muography in Omuro-yama Scoria cone, Izu, Japan, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-12807,, 2020.

EGU2020-3439 | Displays | GMPV9.7

Satellite observations as a tool to monitor the volcanoes of Saba and St. Eustatius

Elske de Zeeuw - van Dalfsen, Anouk Korevaar, Freek van Leijen, Reinoud Sleeman, and Diego Coppola

The Dutch islands of Saba and St. Eustatius are located in the far north of the Lesser Antilles arc, a subduction zone hosting seventeen active volcanoes. The volcanoes of Saba and St. Eustatius: Mount Scenery and The Quill, are currently monitored using a ground based network, operated by KNMI, comprising broadband seismometers, continuous GNNS stations and a temperature sensor in the hotspring on Saba. Satellite observations are complementary to these ground based measurements and are especially useful for these volcanoes as they are located in a remote area.

InSAR observations can be used to monitor surface deformation of volcanoes. Because considerable areas are observed with each satellite passing, subtle signals, which may be missed by continuously recording ground based GNSS stations, may be picked up. However, research using TerraSAR X-band and Sentinel-1 C-band data in the Caribbean region has shown that monitoring with InSAR is hampered due to the loss of radar coherence caused by tropical rain forest covering the Caribbean islands. Moreover many of the islands have steep slopes resulting in layover and shadowing effects. We generate interferograms and time series of ALOS-2 L-band data and Sentinel C-band data to identify which mission is more suitable for long term monitoring of the volcanoes on Saba and St. Eustatius.

The Terra satellite carries five instruments that take coincident measurements of the Earth system, among those is MODIS: a Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer. MODIS data are used by MIROVA (Middle Infrared Observation of Volcanic Activity): an automatic volcano hot spot detection system, able to detect, locate and quantify thermal anomalies in near real-time, by providing, infrared images and thermal flux time-series on over 200 volcanoes worldwide ( A volcano in a non-eruptive state such as Mount Scenery on Saba would typically be checked on a monthly basis. As Saba is a very small island (12 km2) automatic triggering is challenging and therefore observations are still in a test phase.

Satellite observations can be a useful addition to the ground based monitoring of small island volcanoes although small adaptions to currently used techniques may be needed. As such they may be crucial for timely warning of local authorities in case of unrest at a remote volcano.

How to cite: de Zeeuw - van Dalfsen, E., Korevaar, A., van Leijen, F., Sleeman, R., and Coppola, D.: Satellite observations as a tool to monitor the volcanoes of Saba and St. Eustatius, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-3439,, 2020.

EGU2020-5415 | Displays | GMPV9.7

Tracking the evolution of the Merapi volcano crater area by high-resolution satellite imagery

Virginie Pinel, Raditya Putra, Akhmad Solikhin, François Beauducel, Agus Budi Santoso, and Hanik Humaida

Located about 30 km north of the city of Yogyakarta, Merapi is considered as one of the most dangerous volcano of Indonesia with 3000 to 5000 fatalities since 1672 and about two million people living at less than 30 km from the crater. The recent eruptive history of Merapi is characterized by two eruptive styles: 1) recurrent effusive growth of viscous lava domes, with gravitational collapses producing pyroclastic flows known as « Merapi-type nuées ardentes » (VEI 2); 2) more exceptional explosive eruptions of relatively large size (VEI 3-4), associated with column collapse pyroclastic flows reaching distances larger than 15 km from the summit. The eruptive periodicity is 4 to 5 years for the effusive events and 50 to 100 years for the explosive ones. The last explosive events (VEI 3-4) occurred in November 2010 and opened a 500m wide and 250m deep crater. After the 2010 eruption, the activity has been reduced. We used TerraSAR-X data to characterize eruptive deposits emplaced during the 2010 event as well as sudden destabilization of crater walls. The activity increased significantly during the spring of 2018 when several phreatic eruptions were recorded with ash emission reaching an elevation of more than 5 kilometers. The 11th of August 2018 a new dome was observed inside the summit crater, thus marking the start of a new phase of effusive activity. It is essential to be able to quantitatively follow the temporal evolution of the dome shape and volume through time as its potential destabilisation would produce pyroclastic flow on the volcano flank. A time series of five tri-stereo Pleiades optical images, acquired between February and September 2019, is used to produce High Resolution DEMs of Merapi summit area with a spatial resolution of 3 m and a vertical precision of 1 m. By using a DEM derived from Pleiades stereo images acquired in April 2013 as a reference, the dome volume evolution through time is estimated. We show that the dome had already reached a volume around 0.5 Mm3 (+- 0.02Mm3) end of February 2019 corresponding to a mean effusive rate of 3000 m3/day during 6 months and that its size remained constant after February 2019. These results are consistent with volume estimations derived from drone measurements. However DEMs derived from Pleiades images enable to monitor a larger area and reveal accumulation of eruptive deposits due to dome destabilization a few hundreds of meters below the dome. The magma effusive rate thus remained significant but was reduced to 250 m3/day from February to September 2019.

How to cite: Pinel, V., Putra, R., Solikhin, A., Beauducel, F., Santoso, A. B., and Humaida, H.: Tracking the evolution of the Merapi volcano crater area by high-resolution satellite imagery, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-5415,, 2020.

Growing volcanic islands and lava domes become structurally unstable, associated with sectoral collapses, explosive volcanism and related hazards. We present the rare case of a growing and collapsing lava dome at Kadovar Volcano. This small inhabited volcanic island is part of the Schouten Islands, at the western end of the Bismarck Volcanic Arc, north of Papua New Guinea. The first confirmed historical eruption at Kadovar began on 5 January 2018 and was monitored by synthetic aperture radar (SAR), thermal and optical satellite sensors. Our analysis of the different remote sensing data shows that Kadovar began a new episode of volcanic activity at the central crater and then also at the eastern coast of the island, where we monitored the birth of a new emerging lava dome. We analyse changes occurring on the island and the littoral lava dome and identify that after dome growth (with an area of ~2,000 m² area week), parts of the island and about 80% of the littoral lava dome collapsed eastwardly into the ocean on 9 February 2018. This collapse caused small tsunami waves that hit the neighbouring islands. The littoral lava dome then re-grew at a slower rate (of ~285 m² per week) and reached a final area of ~40,000 m² by 2 May 2018, which corresponds to an estimated subaerial volume of the lava dome of ~400,000 m³. This study provides details on the rapid growth and collapse of a peripheral lava dome and a destabilization episode in an island and dome sector. The importance of remote sensing data for the monitoring and investigation of remote volcanic islands is demonstrated.

How to cite: Plank, S., Walter, T., Martinis, S., and Cesca, S.: Multi-sensor satellite imagery analysis of the growth and collapse of a littoral lava dome during the 2018/19 eruption of Kadovar Volcano, Papua New Guinea, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-1423,, 2020.

EGU2020-4910 | Displays | GMPV9.7

Detailed Spectral Analysis of Askja 2014 Landslide Area: From Satellites to the Ground-based Measurements

Pouria Marzban, Daniel Mueller, Friederike Klos, Constantin Hildebrand, Stefan Bredemeyer, Tanja Witt, Thomas R. Walter, and Sabine Chabrillat


A major landslide occurred in 2014 on the east flank of the inner Askja caldera, Iceland, causing massive material redistributions and a tsunami hazard that affected even opposite shores of the caldera lake. The landslide has left a scar on the caldera wall, and was followed by mud flows, depositing mixed materials and un-roofing hydrothermally active sites. In an attempt to analyze the lithological and geomorphological consequences of the 2014 Askja landslide, we have realized a series of unmanned aerial system (UAS) surveys 2015-2019 carrying different sensors. From these drone campaigns we investigated the RGB, RedEdge, Near Infrared and thermal Infrared imagery. In addition, ground-based hyperspectral measurements in the wavelength range 350-2500 nm were acquired in 2019 with a field spectroradiometer to get more detailed spectral information of the surface materials. Here we proposed a geo-data-science approach to map and identify different types of deposits and structures by using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and classification approaches. Specifically, we tested different supervised and unsupervised classification methods to identify the different types of materials found in the landslide area. For the supervised classification approaches, we defined regions of interest (ROI) to train the classifier and to detect those regions with similar patterns and materials. At the end, we can clearly distinguish 5-6 different classes in the UAS data and compare to ground-based spectral and thermal infrared signals. Results suggest that the 2014 landslide source region is composed of a mixed material class, with sharp contrasts in the north, reaching the lake in the west. This re-deposited material is located in an area of hydrothermal alteration and also encircled by the material class associated with thermal anomalies. By comparing the results from the classifications to the in-situ spectral measurements, we were able to further interpret on the involved types of materials and the degree of hydrothermal alteration. At distance to the landslide we find that the materials differ, signaling virtual absence of major landslides entering the lake and minor alteration. As the study demonstrates the success of the supervised classification approach for material mobilization in the inner caldera wall and identification of mixed and non-mixed materials, important implications for hazard assessment in the Askja caldera and elsewhere can be drawn.

How to cite: Marzban, P., Mueller, D., Klos, F., Hildebrand, C., Bredemeyer, S., Witt, T., Walter, T. R., and Chabrillat, S.: Detailed Spectral Analysis of Askja 2014 Landslide Area: From Satellites to the Ground-based Measurements, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-4910,, 2020.

EGU2020-19354 | Displays | GMPV9.7

Study of the 2012-2020 pit crater evolution in the summit caldera of Nyamulagira volcano using multiple satellite sensors and UAS-based photogrammetry

Benoît Smets, Josué Subira, Antoine Dille, Nicolas Theys, Fran Broekmans, Adriano Nobile, Nicolas d'Oreye, and François Kervyn

Since its last flank eruption in 2011-2012, the activity of Nyamulagira volcano (Virunga Volcanic Province, DR Congo) has been characterized by pit crater collapse, lava fountaining and intermittent lava lake activity. No more flank eruption occurred since this concentration of the eruptive activity at the summit. As Nyamulagira is located in a remote area of the Virunga National Park, field observations remain limited. As a consequence, observations of the ongoing changes at the summit of the volcano mostly rely on satellite observations. Time-series of very-high to high resolution optical and SAR amplitude images for instance provide the required information to follow the evolution of the pit crater, from the first signs of collapse to its filling by lava. Hotspot detection from the combination of MODIS and Landsat-type images (including Sentinel-2) allows detecting the first appearance of lava in the pit crater and describing the intermittence of the lava lake activity that has developed since 2014. The OMI and TROPOMI instruments allow measuring the evolution of SO2 emissions. Thanks to few aerial surveys and the use of Unoccupied Aerial Systems (UAS or “drone”), the volume of lava accumulated within the pit crater since 2014 was measured. All these satellite and drone-based observations were finally compared with the known historical eruptive activity, in terms of lava and gas discharge rates and type of summit eruptive activity. The presented work shows how combining various remote sensing techniques that make use of recent generations of satellite images and UAS acquisitions allow a detailed interpretation of the evolution of the volcano, even when field access is an issue.


How to cite: Smets, B., Subira, J., Dille, A., Theys, N., Broekmans, F., Nobile, A., d'Oreye, N., and Kervyn, F.: Study of the 2012-2020 pit crater evolution in the summit caldera of Nyamulagira volcano using multiple satellite sensors and UAS-based photogrammetry, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-19354,, 2020.

EGU2020-5298 | Displays | GMPV9.7

Extremely low frequency detection of electrical discharges at Minamidake crater (Sakurajima volcano, Japan)

Caron E.J. Vossen, Corrado Cimarelli, Alec J. Bennett, André Geisler, Damien Gaudin, Daisuke Miki, Masato Iguchi, and Donald B. Dingwell

Volcanoes are increasingly better monitored around the world. Nonetheless, the detection and monitoring of volcanic ash plumes remains difficult, especially in remote areas. Intense electrical activity and lightning in volcanic plumes suggests that electrical monitoring of active volcanoes can aid the detection of ash emissions in near real-time. Current very low frequency and wide-band thunderstorm networks have proven to be able to detect plumes of large magnitude. However, the time delay and the relatively high number of non-detected explosive episodes show that the applicability of these systems to the detection of smaller (and often more frequent) ash-rich explosive events is limited. Here we use a different type of thunderstorm detector to observe electrical discharges generated by the persistent Vulcanian activity of Minamidake crater at Sakurajima volcano in Japan. The sensors consist of two antennas that measure the induced current due to the change in electric field with time. In contrast to the current thunderstorm networks, these sensors measure within the extremely low frequency range (1-45 Hz) and can detect lightning up to 35 kilometres distance.

Two detectors were installed at a distance of 3 and 4 kilometres from Minamidake crater and recorded almost continuously since July 2018. Within this period, the ash plumes reached a maximum height of 5.5 kilometres above the crater rim. Using a volcanic lightning detection algorithm and the catalogue of volcanic explosions compiled by the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA), the number of electrical discharges was determined for each individual explosive event. In addition, the start of electrical discharges was compared to the eruption onset estimated by the JMA.

Preliminary results show that the detector closest to the crater had the highest detection efficiency. It detected electrical discharges during 60% of the eruptions listed by the JMA. This is significantly higher than for the World Wide Lightning Location Network, which detected electrical discharges (in the very low frequency range) within 20 kilometres of Sakurajima for less than 0.005% of the eruptions. Furthermore, the results show that for 40% of the detected eruptions, electrical discharges were detected before the estimated JMA timing. Hence, electrical discharges can mark the inception of the explosion with a higher precision and are an indication of ash emission. This demonstrates the value of the cost-effective sensors used here as a monitoring tool at active volcanoes.

How to cite: Vossen, C. E. J., Cimarelli, C., Bennett, A. J., Geisler, A., Gaudin, D., Miki, D., Iguchi, M., and Dingwell, D. B.: Extremely low frequency detection of electrical discharges at Minamidake crater (Sakurajima volcano, Japan), EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-5298,, 2020.

EGU2020-6188 | Displays | GMPV9.7

Resistivity model for the Colima Volcanic Complex from magnetotelluric observations

Héctor Manuel Romo Lozano and Jorge Arturo Arzate Flores

The Colima Volcanic Complex is located within the central portion of the Colima Rift in the occidental part of Mexico. This volcanic structure is composed of two stratovolcanoes; the extinct Nevado de Colima and Volcán de Fuego. The latter is considered the most active volcano in the country which volcanism is related to the subduction of two oceanic plates with different slab angles that cause a gap between them just beneath the complex. Different methodologies have been carried out in this zone; seismic tomography and potential field data modelling to constraint a geophysical model that contributes the better understanding of the magmatic system and the geothermal energy potential.

 To reduce non-uniqueness of the previous models, a campaign was realized in September 2019 where 10 broadband magnetotelluric soundings were acquired and further process and inversion in conjunction with previous data was done. The distortion analysis for the data set presented a 1D behavior for the first kilometers and 2D and 3D behavior at higher depths suggesting the need of a 2D or 3D approach for the inversion. The electric strike calculation suggests the rotation of the impedance tensor so that the non-linear conjugated gradients algorithm of Rodi & Mackie (2001) was applied along three profiles perpendicular to the principal structures to obtain 2D resistivity models.

The inversion results range from 3.4 to 5.6 RMS error and show for all the profiles good correlation for the surface lithology, the principal normal faults which define the graben structures filled with pyroclastic deposits and alluvial sediments and a high resistive basement. For major depths, the northern profile shows a vertical extensive conductive body which connect to an upper conductive layer. So do the central profile, south the Volcán de Fuego vent but the superficial body is more conductive which can correlate with previous models as a magma reservoir approximately at a 2 km depth.


How to cite: Romo Lozano, H. M. and Arzate Flores, J. A.: Resistivity model for the Colima Volcanic Complex from magnetotelluric observations, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-6188,, 2020.

EGU2020-8600 | Displays | GMPV9.7

Machine learning approach for multi-perspective volcanic eruption recognition using thermal infrared images

Claudia Corradino, Gaetana Ganci, Giuseppe Bilotta, Annalisa Cappello, and Ciro Del Negro

Detect, locate and characterize eruptions in real-time is fundamental to monitor volcanic activity. Here we present an automatic system able to discover and identify the main types of eruptive activities by exploiting infrared images acquired by the thermal cameras installed around Mount Etna volcano. The system, which employs the machine learning approach, is based on a decision tree tool and a bag of words-based classifier. The decision tree provides information on the visibility level of the monitored area, while the bag of words-based classifiers detects the onset of the eruptive activity and recognize the eruption type among either explosion and/or lava flow or plume. Thus, applied to each image of all thermal cameras over Etna in real-time, the proposed system provides two outputs, namely the visibility level and the recognized activity status. By merging the outcomes coming from each thermal camera, the monitored phenomena can be fully described from different perspectives getting deeper information in real-time and in an automatic way.   

How to cite: Corradino, C., Ganci, G., Bilotta, G., Cappello, A., and Del Negro, C.: Machine learning approach for multi-perspective volcanic eruption recognition using thermal infrared images, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-8600,, 2020.

EGU2020-16172 | Displays | GMPV9.7

Integrating tri-stereo Pleiades images with infrared satellite data to monitor volcanoes: the 2019 Stromboli eruption

Gaetana Ganci, Giuseppe Bilotta, Sonia Calvari, Annalisa Cappello, Claudia Corradino, and Ciro Del Negro

The 3 July 2019 explosive paroxysm at Stromboli volcano (Italy) caused severe concern in the local population and media, and killed one tourist hiking the volcano. The great explosion formed a 4-km-high eruptive cloud, and its partial collapse ignited the dry vegetation and caused hot rock avalanches spreading along the northern slope to the sea and triggering a small tsunami wave. This paroxysm was followed by 56 days of lava flow effusion, and another explosive paroxysm occurred on 28 August 2019. Also this explosive event caused an eruptive column of about 4 km and hot avalanches spreading on the north flank of the volcano and on the sea surface. Here we use effusion rate time-series derived from MODIS and SLSTR data to follow the different thermal phases of this eruption and compute the dense rock equivalent volume emitted. At the same time we computed four digital elevation models from Pleiades triplets acquired on June, July, August and October 2019 in order to map the morphological changes occurred during the eruption. By differencing pre, syn and post eruptive topographies we computed the bulk lava volume at the different stages. Combining tri-stereo Pleiades results with MODIS and SLSTR ones, beside giving insights in the characterization of volcanic deposits, provides important constraints in the conversion between radiant heat flux and TADR, and demonstrates the powerful merging capability of multi-platform remote sensing data.

How to cite: Ganci, G., Bilotta, G., Calvari, S., Cappello, A., Corradino, C., and Del Negro, C.: Integrating tri-stereo Pleiades images with infrared satellite data to monitor volcanoes: the 2019 Stromboli eruption, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-16172,, 2020.

EGU2020-18638 | Displays | GMPV9.7

Quantitative observations and numerical modeling of charge development in volcanic eruption clouds

Andre Geisler, Benjamin Seelmann, Matthias Hort, Joachim Bülow, Lea Scharff, Masato Iguchi, and Daisuke Miki

In February 2019 we completed the installation of a ten instrument network at Sakurajima volcano, Japan. The network includes three Doppler radar systems to record eruption velocities and amount of ejected material at Minamidake crater. Those instruments are located to the East of the volcano at a distance of about 4.5 km to the vent. We also installed three field mills to measure the electric field that is generated during an eruption due to charging of the volcanic plume. Those instruments are located to the East, North and West of the volcano at different distances. The network is completed by a weather station to monitor environmental conditions, an absolute pressure sensor for recording infrasound data, and a broadband seismometer. As an additional instrument we installed a thunderstorm detector BTD300.


In a first step we use the infrasound data (complemented by four stations from the japanese network) to generate an event catalog. The main reason for doing this is the fact that the Japanese Meteorological Society (responsible for monitoring) only reports eruptions higher than 1000 m above the vent, but there are certainly more but smaller eruptions. The event catalog based on infrasound data is complemented by the events detected by our radar systems and the field mills. In the presentation we will discuss the detection limits of the network as well as the observed electrification of the volcanic cloud that may lead to lightning, which leaves a clear signal in the electric field data. We will present some initial numerical simulations on where the strongest electric field in an eruption column occurs and discuss the impact of charging due to fractoemission and triboelectrification. Using the measured data and our initial numerical model calculations we explore which dynamic conditions appear to be favorable for lightning to occur and which not.

How to cite: Geisler, A., Seelmann, B., Hort, M., Bülow, J., Scharff, L., Iguchi, M., and Miki, D.: Quantitative observations and numerical modeling of charge development in volcanic eruption clouds, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-18638,, 2020.

EGU2020-20566 | Displays | GMPV9.7

3D Reconstruction of Volcanic Ash Clouds Using Simulated Satellite Imagery

Tom Etchells, Lucy Berthoud, Andrew Calway, and Matthew Watson

Volcanic ash suspended in the atmosphere can pose a significant hazard to aviation, with the potential to cause severe damage or shutdown of jet engines. Forecasts of ash contaminated airspace are generated using atmospheric transportation and dispersion models, among the inputs to these models are eruption source parameters such as cloud-top height and cloud volume. A potential method to measure these source parameters is space carving – a technique to generate 3D hull reconstructions of clouds using multi-angle imagery.

This paper investigates the potential for 3D space carving reconstruction using multi-angle satellite imagery.  This builds on previous work where the authors have applied this technique to ground-based and drone-based imagery. A satellite-based imaging platform has advantages such as global coverage and being safely removed from any damaging effects of a volcanic eruption. However, the accuracy of any potential reconstruction will be affected by the distances and restricted viewing angles of a satellite in orbit.

To assess the general suitability of a satellite-based system for reconstruction, as well as different configurations of the system, a method for simulating satellite imagery and applying a space carving reconstruction scheme was developed. This method allows the analysis of the effects of orbital dynamics (altitude, inclination, etc.), spatial resolutions, and imaging rates on the efficacy of the 3D reconstruction of ash clouds. The model utilises an input ‘ground-truth’ voxel-based plume model as the imaging target and generates simulated satellite images based on the user defined orbital and camera properties. These simulated images are then used for reconstruction and the resultant plume can be compared against the ground-truth model.

A range of possible observation schemes (controlling number and distribution of images and limits on viewing angles) have been modelled over a range of possible orbital paths and the accuracy of the space carving reconstruction has been measured. Spatial resolution limits for the accurate reconstruction of various plume sizes can be calculated. Limitations of the model are presented, including the sensitivity to the size and shape of the input plume model and the impact of the perfect feature identification in the simulated images. Further work includes the use of additional input models and improvements and validation of the image simulation method.

The methods presented in this study demonstrate the potential of satellite-based 3D reconstruction methods in the forecasting of ash dispersion, leading to potential improvements in airspace management and aviation safety.

How to cite: Etchells, T., Berthoud, L., Calway, A., and Watson, M.: 3D Reconstruction of Volcanic Ash Clouds Using Simulated Satellite Imagery, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-20566,, 2020.

EGU2020-5678 | Displays | GMPV9.7

Using glaciers to identify, monitor, and predict volcanic activity

Michael Martin, Iestyn Barr, Benjamin Edwards, Elias Symeonakis, and Matteo Spagnolo

Many (about 250) volcanoes worldwide are occupied by glaciers. This can be problematic for volcano monitoring because glacier ice potentially masks evidence of volcanic activity. Both the deadliest and most costly volcanic eruptions of the last 100 years involved volcano-glacier interactions. The 1985 eruption of Nevado del Ruiz killed 23000 people, and the 2010 eruption of Eyjafjallajökull led to the closure of many European airports. Therefore, improving methods for monitoring glacier-clad volcanoes is of clear societal benefit. Amongst several methods, satellite based remote sensing techniques are perhaps most promising, since they frequently have a relatively high temporal and spatial resolution, and are mostly freely available. They can help to identify the effects of volcanic activity on glaciers, including ice fracturing, ice surface subsidence and glacier acceleration potentially due to subglacial melt or subglacial dome growth. This study aims to link pre-, syn- and post-eruption glacier behavior to the type and timing of volcanic activity, and to develop a satellite based predictive tool for monitoring future eruptions. Despite several studies that link volcanic activity and changing glacier behavior, the potential of using the latter to predict the former has yet to be systematically tested. Our approach is to use satellite imagery to observe how glaciers responded to past volcanic events, and to build a training database of examples for automated detection and forecasting.

How to cite: Martin, M., Barr, I., Edwards, B., Symeonakis, E., and Spagnolo, M.: Using glaciers to identify, monitor, and predict volcanic activity, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-5678,, 2020.

EGU2020-13472 | Displays | GMPV9.7

Geophysical and geomorphological observations of the glacier-covered, subantarctic Mount Michael volcano (Saunders Island), South Sandwich Islands

Nicole Richter, Philip Leat, Allan Derrien, Paul Wintersteller, Martin Meschede, and Thomas R. Walter

The nine active volcanoes of the sub-Antarctic South Sandwich Islands are a particularly remote region of active volcanism. Remote sensing methods, including satellite monitoring and aerial surveys, besides rare ship visits during austral summers, are the only means of investigating the uninhabited and largely ice-covered volcanoes. Mount Michael volcano on Saunders Island hosts a permanent active lava lake within its summit crater, a sure indicator of the existence of a shallow magmatic storage and transport system of unknown architecture and depth. Also, more than 75 % of the island’s area is glacier covered, which makes the island an important study site for investigating volcano-glacier interactions in the sub-Antarctic climate zone.

We describe new data for the active Mount Michael volcano on Saunders Island, including marine bathymetric and satellite-derived observational data, UAV-derived topographic data, and infra-red camera observations. This data together provide a much higher resolution understanding of the topography, geomorphology, glacial state and dynamics, as well as status of volcanic activity than has been previously achieved. We present a geomorphological and structural analysis of the outer subaerial and shallower submarine flanks of Saunders Island, estimate glacier volumes, morphologies and motion rates, and relate this to the underlying volcano morphology, structural architecture, and edifice stability. All of this is pioneer work at a remote volcano that can be largely regarded as terra incognita. With this study we highlight the unprecedented detail and the valuable information that can be retrieved from modern generation satellites, such as TerraSAR-X and Sentinel-2, as well as UAV-based photogrammetry in particularly remote and inaccessible locations on Earth.

How to cite: Richter, N., Leat, P., Derrien, A., Wintersteller, P., Meschede, M., and Walter, T. R.: Geophysical and geomorphological observations of the glacier-covered, subantarctic Mount Michael volcano (Saunders Island), South Sandwich Islands, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-13472,, 2020.

EGU2020-11604 | Displays | GMPV9.7

Surface diffuse degassing monitoring of the Tenerife Northeastern Rift Zone (NERZ) volcano, Canary Islands

Lucía Sáez-Gabarrón, Jazlyn Beeck, Sian Reilly, Mar Alonso, Víctor Ortega-Ramos, Eleazar Padrón, Gladys V. Melián, Fátima Rodríguez, Pedro A. Hernández, and Nemesio M. Pérez

The North East Rift volcanic Zone (NERZ) of Tenerife Island is one of the three volcanic rift-zones of the island, oriented NW-SE (NWRZ), NE-SW (NERZ) and a more scattered area on the south (NSRZ). From a volcano-structural point of view, NERZ is more complex than NW or NS rifts due the existence of Pedro Gil stratovolcano that broke the main NE-SW structure. Pedro Gil Caldera was formed  0.8  Ma ago by a vertical collapse of this stratovolcano. The most recent eruptive activity along the NERZ took place during 1704 and 1705 along a 13 km of fissural eruption of Arafo-Fasnia-Siete Fuentes. Diffuse CO2 emission surveys have been undertaken in a yearly basis since 2001 in order to provide a multidisciplinary approach to monitor potential volcanic activity changes at the NERZ. The aim of this study is to report the results of the last soil CO2 efflux survey undertaken in summer 2019, with 639 measuring sites homogeneously distributed in an area of 210 km2. In-situ measurements of CO2 efflux from the surface environment of NERZ were performed by means of a portable non-dispersive infrared spectrophotometer (NDIR) following the accumulation chamber method. Soil CO2 efflux contour maps were constructed to identify spatio-temporal anomalies and to quantify the total CO2 emission using the sequential Gaussian simulation (sGs) interpolation method. The CO2 efflux values ranged from non-detectable (0.5 g m-2 d-1) up to 72,3 g m-2 d-1, with an average value of 10,9 g m-2 d-1. Statistical-graphical analysis of the 2019 data show two different geochemical populations; background (B) and peak (P) represented by 70.4% and 1.9% of the total data, respectively. The geometric means of the B and P populations are 0.4 and 4.3 g m-2 d-1, respectively. The diffuse CO2 emission rate was estimated in 2,205 t d-1. Studying the long-term variations on the diffuse CO2 emission since 2001, two main pulses are identified: one in 2007 and a second one sustained over time between 2014 and 2019. Enhanced endogenous contributions of deep-seated CO2 might have been responsible for the higher CO2 emissions values observed during those pulses. The 2014-2019 pulse appears to be related to the seismic activity that started taking place in Tenerife at the end of 2016. This study denotes the importance of soil CO2 efflux surveys at the NERZ volcano of Tenerife Island as an effective volcanic monitoring tool.

How to cite: Sáez-Gabarrón, L., Beeck, J., Reilly, S., Alonso, M., Ortega-Ramos, V., Padrón, E., Melián, G. V., Rodríguez, F., Hernández, P. A., and Pérez, N. M.: Surface diffuse degassing monitoring of the Tenerife Northeastern Rift Zone (NERZ) volcano, Canary Islands , EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-11604,, 2020.

EGU2020-11762 | Displays | GMPV9.7

Soil carbon dioxide efflux weekly monitoring network for the volcanic surveillance of Tenerife, Canary Islands

Violeta T. Albertos, Conor M. Graham, Leopoldo Cabassa, Teresa Borges da Cruz, Gladys V. Melián, Nemesio M. Pérez, María Cordero-Vaca, Cecilia Amonte, María Asensio-Ramos, and Pedro A. Hernández

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is one of the first gases to escape from the magmatic environment due to its low solubility in basaltic magmas at low pressures. Monitoring of volcanic gases in Tenerife Island (2,304 km2) has been focused mainly on diffuse CO2 degassing and other volatiles due to the absence of visible gas manifestations except fumaroles at the summit of Teide volcano. An inexpensive method to determine CO2 fluxes based in the absorption of CO2 through an alkaline medium followed by titration analysis has been used with the aim of contributing to the volcanic surveillance of Tenerife. During summer 2016, a network of 31 closed alkaline traps was deployed along the three volcanic rifts of Tenerife (NE, NW and NS) and at Cañadas Caldera. To do so, an aliquot of 50 mL of 0.1N KOH solution is placed inside the chamber at each station to absorb the CO2 released from the soil. The solution is replaced in a weekly basis and the trapped CO2 is later analyzed at the laboratory by titration. Values are expressed as weekly integrated CO2 efflux. We present herein the results of one year CO2 efflux estimated by closed alkaline traps. The CO2 efflux values ranged from 1.0 to 14.5 g·m-2·d-1, with average values of 8.5 g·m-2·d-1 for the NE rift-zone, 5.2 g·m-2·d-1 for Cañadas Caldera, 6.4 g·m-2·d-1 for NW rift-zone and 6.1 g·m-2·d-1 for NS rift-zone. The estimated CO2 efflux values were of the same order than the observed ones in 2016. Relatively high CO2 efflux values were observed at the NE rift-zone, where maximum values were measured. The temporal evolution of CO2 efflux estimated by closed alkaline traps did not show significant variations during 2019. However, small seasonal variations are observed during the period 2016 – 2019. To investigate the origin of the soil CO2, soil gas samples were weekly sampled on the head space of the closed chambers. Chemical and isotopic composition of C in the CO2 were analysed in the gas samples. The concentration of CO2 on the head space of the closed chambers showed a range of 355-50,464 ppm, with an average value of 1,850 ppmV, while the isotopic composition expressed as d13C-CO2 showed a range from -5.03 to -30.44 ‰, with an average value of -15.9 ‰. The heaviest values of d13C-CO2 are in the NW rift-zone. The systematics of closed static chambers alkaline traps can be a simple and economical tool with volcanic surveillance purposes in system where visible volcanic gases manifestations are absence.

How to cite: Albertos, V. T., Graham, C. M., Cabassa, L., Borges da Cruz, T., Melián, G. V., Pérez, N. M., Cordero-Vaca, M., Amonte, C., Asensio-Ramos, M., and Hernández, P. A.: Soil carbon dioxide efflux weekly monitoring network for the volcanic surveillance of Tenerife, Canary Islands, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-11762,, 2020.

EGU2020-12067 | Displays | GMPV9.7

Diffuse CO2 degassing monitoring of the Tenerife North–South Rift Zone (NSRZ) volcano, Canary Islands

María Cordero-Vaca, Carolina A. Figueiredo, Nicole L. Czwakiel, Eleazar Padrón, Gladys V. Melián, Mar Alonso, María Asensio-Ramos, William Hernández-Ramos, Pedro A. Hernández, and Nemesio M. Pérez

Tenerife (2,034 km2) is the largest of the Canary Islands and the North South Rift Zone (NSRZ) is one of the three active volcanic rift-zones of the island. The NSRZ (325 km2) is characterized mainly by effusive activity of basaltic lavas forming spatter and cinder cones and comprises 139 monogenetic cones representing the most common eruptive activity occurred on the island during the last 1Ma. In order to provide a multidisciplinary approach to monitor potential volcanic activity changes at the NSRZ volcano, diffuse CO2 emission surveys have been undertaken since 2002. This study shows the results of the last soil CO2 efflux survey undertaken in summer 2019, with ⁓600 soil gas sampling sites homogenously distributed in the study area. Soil CO2 efflux measurements were performed at the surface environment by means of a portable non-dispersive infrared spectrophotometer (NDIR) LICOR Li820 following the accumulation chamber method. Soil CO2 efflux values ranged from non-detectable (⁓0.5 g m-2 d-1) up to 30 g m-2 d-1, with an average value of 2.6 g m-2 d-1. In order to distinguish the existence of different geochemical populations on the soil CO2 efflux data, a Sinclair graphical analysis was done. The average value of background population was 2.1 g m-2 d-1 and that of peak population was 18.5 g m-2 d-1, representing the 97% and the 1% of the total data, respectively. To quantify the total CO2 emission rate from the NSRZ volcano a sequential Gaussian simulation (sGs) was used as interpolation method. The diffuse CO2 emission rate for the studied area was estimated in 2019 in 819 ± 18 t d-1, ranging from 466 to 819 t d-1 between 2002 and 2019, with the highest value measured in 2015 (707 t d-1). The temporal evolution of diffuse CO2 emission at the NSRZ shows a clear relationship with the volcano seismic activity in and around Tenerife Island, which started to taking place from the end of 2016. This study demonstrates the importance of studies of soil CO2 efflux at the NSRZ volcano of Tenerife island as an effective volcanic monitoring tool, especially in areas where there is no visible degassing (fumaroles, etc.)

How to cite: Cordero-Vaca, M., Figueiredo, C. A., Czwakiel, N. L., Padrón, E., Melián, G. V., Alonso, M., Asensio-Ramos, M., Hernández-Ramos, W., Hernández, P. A., and Pérez, N. M.: Diffuse CO2 degassing monitoring of the Tenerife North–South Rift Zone (NSRZ) volcano, Canary Islands, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-12067,, 2020.

EGU2020-6991 | Displays | GMPV9.7

Extremely fast retrieval of volcanic SO2 layer heights from UV satellite data using inverse learning machines

Pascal Hedelt, MariLiza Koukouli, Isabelle Taylor, Dimitris Balis, Don Grainger, Dmitry Efremenko, and Diego Loyola

Precise knowledge of the location and height of the volcanic sulfur dioxide (SO2) plume is essential for accurate determination of SO2 emitted by volcanic eruptions. So far, UV based SO2 plume height retrieval algorithms are very time-consuming and therefore not suitable for near-real-time applications like aviation control. We have therefore developed the Full-Physics Inverse Learning Machine (FP_ILM) algorithm for extremely fast and accurate retrieval of volcanic SO2 layer heights based on the UV satellite instruments Sentinel-5 Precursor/TROPOMI and MetOp/GOME-2.

In this presentation, we will present the FP-ILM algorithm and show results of the 2019 Raikoke eruption; a strong volcanic eruption which has emitted a huge ash cloud accompanied by more than 1300 DU of SO2, which could be detected  even two months after the end of eruptive event. We will also present first results of the recent Taal volcanic eruption on 13 January 2020 in Indonesia, which has injected a huge ash and SO2 plume into the upper atmosphere, with plume heights of up to 20km. 

The algorithm is developed in the framework of ESA's  "Sentinel-5p+ Innovation: SO2 Layer Height project" (S5P+I: SO2 LH),  dedicated to the generation of an SO2 LH product and its extensive verification with collocated ground- and space-born measurements.

The high-resolution UV spectrometer GOME-2 aboard the three EPS MetOp-A, -B, and –C satellites perform global daily atmospheric trace-gas measurements with a spatial resolution of  40x40km2 at an overpass time of 8:30h local time. The UV spectrometer TROPOMI aboard the ESA Sentinel-5P satellite provides a much higher spatial resolution of currently 5.6x3.6km2 per ground pixel, at an overpass time of 13:30h. In the future, also UV instruments aboard the Sentinel-4 (geostationary) and Sentinel-5 will complement the satellite-based global monitoring of atmospheric trace gases.

How to cite: Hedelt, P., Koukouli, M., Taylor, I., Balis, D., Grainger, D., Efremenko, D., and Loyola, D.: Extremely fast retrieval of volcanic SO2 layer heights from UV satellite data using inverse learning machines, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-6991,, 2020.

EGU2020-13706 | Displays | GMPV9.7

Design and development of lightweight dropsondes for the monitoring of fugitive CO2-emissions from volcanic regions

Konradin Weber, Christian Fischer, and Detlef Amend

One of the main compounds emitted by volcanoes or volcanic fields is CO2. This is not only emitted from localized craters, but can emerge as distributed and fugitive emission from extended volcanic regions. In this situation it is of interest to explore the distribution and horizontal concentration profiles of the CO2-emissions.     

For this purpose new dropsondes for sensor measurements of CO2 emissions are under development at the Duesseldorf  University of Applied Sciences. These dropsondes are designed to be dropped from aircraft or drones over volcanic areas in order to map the distributed CO2 concentrations over longer times in an unattended way. They are very lightweight and cheap, so that a large number of dropsondes might be deployed even over remote areas or regions with difficult access. The data are transmitted with GSM broadcasting and can be visualized on a geographical map.

The dropsondes use an NDIR CO2 sensor as a basis for the measurement unit. Additionally to the concentration of CO2 the atmospheric pressure, temperature and humidity are measured. The sensor unit is mounted in a special shock absorbing housing, which is designed to absorb impacts from the touch down after dropping of the sensor and is able to resist even adverse weather conditions.

First measurement results and more details of the design of the sensor unit are presented in this contribution.


How to cite: Weber, K., Fischer, C., and Amend, D.: Design and development of lightweight dropsondes for the monitoring of fugitive CO2-emissions from volcanic regions, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-13706,, 2020.

EGU2020-3133 | Displays | GMPV9.7

The ASTER Volcano Archive (AVA): Twenty years of global monitoring of active volcanoes

Michael Abrams, Alexander Torres, and Ashley Davies

Orbital remote sensing is the only tool allowing global, systematic monitoring of all 1500+ active volcanoes (based on the Smithsonian Holocene catalog). A specialized archive has been developed at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory: the ASTER Volcano Archive (AVA). AVA is comprised of over 200,000 ASTER frames spanning 20 years of the NASA’s Terra platform mission. The ASTER Volcano Archive (AVA: is the world's largest (at 100+Tb), and the only high spatial resolution (15-30-90m/pixel), multi-spectral (VNIR-SWIR-TIR), downloadable (kml enabled) dedicated archive of volcano imagery. The system is designed to facilitate parameter-based data mining, and for the implementation of archive-wide data analysis algorithms. Results include thermal anomaly detection and mapping, the temporal variability of individual volcanic emissions, as well as the detection of SO2 plumes from both explosive eruptions and from passive emissions. A major expansion of the archive was implemented with the ingest of the full 1972-present Landsat dataset. In addition, the archive includes NASA Earth Observing-1 (EO-1) multispectral and hyperspectral imagery (10-30 m/pixel) of a subset of the Holocene catalog volcanoes obtained between 2004 and 2017. The newest version of AVA has been ported to the Amazon Web Services cloud and managed by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory’s Hybrid Science Data System (HySDS). This migration provides all of the previous capabilities, providing a stable, fast platform for rapid access to data. The system is updated with new data daily, with a latency of a few days following data acquisition. Currently we are developing a new user interface to facilitate easy, fast and efficient access to the archive. This work was performed at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology under contract to NASA. © 2020 Caltech.

How to cite: Abrams, M., Torres, A., and Davies, A.: The ASTER Volcano Archive (AVA): Twenty years of global monitoring of active volcanoes, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-3133,, 2020.

EGU2020-19414 | Displays | GMPV9.7

Global rates of continental volcanism on Earth

Paolo Papale, Warner Marzocchi, and Deepak Garg

Knowledge of the rates of Earth volcanism and their variability is critical in many fields involving global assessments, such as plate tectonics and associated rates of crustal formation and consumption, large-scale volcanic hazards, climate change, etc. Global rates also provide the base rate to which regional or individual volcano data can be compared, in order to quantify differences and similarities providing guidance in the identification of volcanoes with overall analogue behaviors. While global volcanic eruption databases, such as the Smithsonian Global Volcanism Project database or the Large Magnitude Explosive Volcanic Eruptions database at BGS, provide the required basic knowledge, substantial deterioration of the geologic information with age has been a serious obstacle to a comprehensive picture. Recent understanding that global eruption inter-event times are exponentially distributed, that being the essential character of Poisson distributed events, is leading to a general model for the global eruption behavior of the Earth. Exponential distributions are entirely characterized by one single rate parameter. Comparing the rate parameters for different VEI classes of eruptions, as well as analyzing the distribution of individual eruption volumes within and across different VEI classes, reveals that relative frequencies for the explosive eruptions with VEI higher than 2 distribute as a power law. This knowledge is employed a) to quantify the global volcanic hazard, in particular in relation to the occurrence of globally impacting eruptions, comparing with known hazards from many well-known adverse events; and b) within a Monte Carlo simulation of the eruptive history of the Earth, allowing us to quantify the distribution of volcanic eruption rates, both in number and volume, and globally or for each given VEI class or group of VEI classes, over different observational time windows from 1 to 100,000 years.

How to cite: Papale, P., Marzocchi, W., and Garg, D.: Global rates of continental volcanism on Earth, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-19414,, 2020.

GMPV9.8 – EUROVOLC - Networking of the European volcanological community

EGU2020-20686 | Displays | GMPV9.8

European Catalogue of Volcanoes and volcanic areas: a EUROVOLC contribution to strengthen the volcanological community

Mauro A. Di Vito, Bergrun A. Óladóttir, Sara Barsotti, and Wp collaborators

Sharing data, sharing information, sharing results is becoming a priority within open scientific communities. The European volcanological community has been fostering the integration of information on active volcanoes through the EUROVOLC project. Institutions currently responsible for monitoring active volcanoes in Europe and over-seas territories, participate in Work-package 11 aiming to make the information consistently available to the general public and stakeholders through a friendly and interactive web-site. A European Catalogue of Volcanoes (ECV) has been created containing information on geological background, historical eruptive activity, eruptive scenarios and potential hazards for ten volcanoes (Etna and Vesuvio in Italy; Santorini in Greece; Chain de Puys, La Piton de la Fournaise and La Soufriere de la Guadaloupe in France and French territories; Teide and La Garrtoxa Fields in Spain and Canary Islands; Fogo and Sete Cidades in Azores Islands).All 32 active Icelandic volcanoes are accessible through the same interface (by sharing the backend with the Catalogue of Icelandic Volcanoes), enlarging the number of volcanoes accessible through ECV to 42. Additionally, the ECV includes a database of quantitative parameters characterizing selected eruptions, facilitating the adoption of such eruptive source parameters for numerical modelling validation, comparison and volcanic hazard assessment.   

In this presentation the functionalities and features currently implemented in the ECV will be shown. The future steps to achieve the envisioned final result, by the end of the project in 2021, will also be introduced.

How to cite: Di Vito, M. A., Óladóttir, B. A., Barsotti, S., and collaborators, W.: European Catalogue of Volcanoes and volcanic areas: a EUROVOLC contribution to strengthen the volcanological community, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-20686,, 2020.

EGU2020-17778 | Displays | GMPV9.8

EUROVOLC Virtual Access to computational tools at INGV Pisa

Mattia de’ Michieli Vitturi, Francesco Martinelli, Matteo Cerminara, Chiara Paola Montagna, Tomaso Esposti Ongaro, and Paolo Papale

While computational capabilities in volcano science are developing to progressively higher sophistication levels involving HPC, parallel programming, and extensive use of super-computers, there is an increasing demand for accessibility to low to intermediate-level models and codes that can support multi-disciplinary research carried out by experts other than physical modelers and code developers. Responding to such a need by the international community is the justification and objective of Virtual Access (VA) activities developed under the EUROVOLC project. The Volcano Dynamics Computational Centre (VDCC) at INGV Pisa is renown as one international leader in physical-mathematical modelling and numerical simulation of volcanic thermo-fluid dynamics processes occurring from the deep regions of magma rise and accumulation within the crust, to within the atmosphere during volcanic eruptions. VDCC has been developing a large set of computational tools during last 30 years, that are offered under EUROVOLC for Transnational Access (for the most sophisticated, computational demanding models and codes) as well as for VA for low to intermediate-level models and codes. The latter include from non-ideal, compositional-dependent, multi-component volatile-melt thermodynamics to steady-state magma ascent to fast-performing kinematic modelling of pyroclastic density currents. Here we illustrate the model capabilities, the procedures to both download the codes and perform web-based computation, and a few relevant examples of calculations available through VA, and show relevant statistics of access and download by the volcano community to-date.

How to cite: de’ Michieli Vitturi, M., Martinelli, F., Cerminara, M., Montagna, C. P., Esposti Ongaro, T., and Papale, P.: EUROVOLC Virtual Access to computational tools at INGV Pisa, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-17778,, 2020.

EGU2020-22301 | Displays | GMPV9.8

DefVolc: Interface and web service for fast computation of volcano displacement

Valerie Cayol, Farshid Dabaghi, Yo Fukushima, Marine Tridon, Delphine Smittarello, Olivier Bodart, and Jean-Luc Froger

DefVolc is a suite of programs and a web service intended to help the rapid interpretation of InSAR data, acquired on volcanoes at an increased frequency thanks to the various dedicated satellites. Our objective is to help to rapidely inverse volcano displacements, whether these displacements result from fractures (sheet intrusions or faults) or massive magma reservoirs. These sources may have complex geometries, and they may deform simultaneously. Moreover, volcanoes are associated with prominent topographies. This makes the analysis of surface displacements complex. To appropriately analyse the InSAR displacements, we conduct inverse modelling, using 3D elastostatic boundary element models and a neighbourhood optimization algorithm . We simultaneously invert non-linear model parameters (source geometry and location) and linear model parameters (source stress changes), and further assess mean model parameters and confidence intervals. In order to speed up the setting up of inversions, we developed a users friendly graphical interface. In order to accelerate the inversions, they run on clusters. A web server is proposed to registered users in order to run the inversions on University Clermont Auvergne clusters. Because the web server was developped in the framework of the Eurovolc project framework, European volcano observatories are priority users.

How to cite: Cayol, V., Dabaghi, F., Fukushima, Y., Tridon, M., Smittarello, D., Bodart, O., and Froger, J.-L.: DefVolc: Interface and web service for fast computation of volcano displacement, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-22301,, 2020.

The hazardous stratovolcanoes in the Lesser Antilles island arc are monitored with sparse seismic networks. The application of ambient noise interferometry to monitor seismic velocity variations (dv/v) on data from such a sparse instrumented volcanic environment often is a challenge. For the purpose of monitoring it is important a) to analyse the applicability of, and differences between, cross- and single-station cross-correlations, b) to estimate the base level of seismic velocity variations during quiet times and c) to understand the characteristics. Within the EUROVOLC instrument “Transnational Access (TA)” a proposal called VANIC was supported to a) use and evaluate different types of ambient noise cross correlations (single stations vs. multiple stations; auto, cross and cross-component correlations) to be applied on seismic recordings from the Guadeloupe seismic network on La Soufriere, b) compare the results with dv/v base level estimates from the sparse Netherlands Caribbean network on The Quill and Mt. Scenery and c) start collaboration between OVSG and KNMI on both monitoring and research levels with a focus on volcano seismology. This presentation will focus is on the results obtained during the TA visit to OVGS.

How to cite: Sleeman, R.: Volcano Ambient Noise Interferometry in the Caribbean (VANIC), EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-6058,, 2020.

EGU2020-19078 | Displays | GMPV9.8

FAME: Fibre optic cables: an Alternative tool for Monitoring volcanic Events

Philippe Jousset, Gilda Currenti, Rosalba Napoli, Charlotte Krawczyk, Michael Weber, Andy Clarke, Thomas Reinsch, Athena Chalari, Ivan Lokmer, Daniele Pellegrino, Graziano Larocca, Mario Pulvirenti, Danilo Contrafatto, and Salvatore Consoli

In the framework of EUROVOLCs Trans-national grants, we propose the FAME project aiming at validating Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) technology as a complementary and alternative tool for monitoring volcanic and seismic activity at Etna volcano. DAS technology provides records of strain signals with unprecedented spatial and temporal resolution.

We deployed a fibre optic cable connected to an iDAS (Silixa) interrogator set-up at the Observatory Pizzi Deneri in the summit area. To allow for a continuously recording of the iDAS, a solar panel power system was designed using battery back-up and inverter to supply 200 W at 220 V/AC. An internet connection was set up for a full remote control capability. The iDAS interrogated a 1.5 km long fibre cable, buried at a depth of about 30 cm by digging a trench in Piano delle Concazze area. The DAS measurements were validated with conventional measurements from 26 broadband seismometers and 3 arrays of 3 infrasound sensors from the Geophysical Instrument Pool Potsdam (GIPP). We deployed instruments along the fibre optic cable, covering an area of about 0.1 km2. The DAS and conventional sensors acquired data from 4 July to 23 September 2019 without major interruptions.

Here, we show key features of this the extraordinary multidisciplinary dataset. Thanks to the high spatial resolution (2 m), we could find locations of hypothesized faults in Piano delle Concazze area. Thanks to the long acquisition period, we continuously tracked Etna activity, marked by several eruptive episodes, including ash emissions, strombolian and effusive activities from the summit craters. The most intense and sustained eruptive events occurred in 18-20 July, 27-28 July and 9-13 September. We investigate the application of well-established analysis techniques in volcano-seismology to DAS dataset in order to assess the performance of the system in detecting and characterizing volcanic events.

Our findings demonstrate that DAS technology can record on a long term basis volcanic activity, which suggests DAS technology can be integrated to volcanic monitoring systems.

How to cite: Jousset, P., Currenti, G., Napoli, R., Krawczyk, C., Weber, M., Clarke, A., Reinsch, T., Chalari, A., Lokmer, I., Pellegrino, D., Larocca, G., Pulvirenti, M., Contrafatto, D., and Consoli, S.: FAME: Fibre optic cables: an Alternative tool for Monitoring volcanic Events, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-19078,, 2020.

EGU2020-18267 | Displays | GMPV9.8

InSAR on-demand services and data processing pipelines for deformation modelling

Herve Caumont, Fabrice Brito, Manuela Sagona, Panteha Pishehvar, Danilo Reitano, and Francesco Guglielmino

EUROVOLC is developing case studies over European Volcanoes in Iceland, Italy, Spanish Canary islands and Portuguese Azores island. For the case of Etna, data access and processing automation levels for simultaneous and integrated strain tensor estimation from GNSS and satellite-based InSAR are applied to the modelling of deformation and seismicity data.

A Cloud platform environment is configured to this end for the EUROVOLC community. A community gathers its members around common thematic areas, in this case volcanoes.  The EUROVOLC community includes several “Thematic Apps” per European country volcanoes. For instance, the Italian Volcanoes Thematic App is focussed on the Etna, Vesuvius, Campi Flegrei and Stromboli volcanoes.

Each “Thematic App” includes a Geobrowser which is the access point to several services related to the Earth Observation (EO) data exploitation. The services include data discovery, access, processing and exploitation/visualization. 

The data discovery service provides the EUROVOLC community with custom and tailored catalogue access for several EO missions. At this stage, the platform provides access to Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2, Sentinel-3, Envisat ASAR, Landsat-8 and ASTER. The EO data discovered can be downloaded if needed.

The access to on-demand data processing services exploiting such EO missions is available from the Thematic Apps. This includes several services according to the nature of the EO data used. For Sentinel-1, there are InSAR processing services for interferometry (e.g. DIAPASON and SNAP) and for coherence and backscatter generation. For Sentinel-2, Sentinel-3, Landsat-8 and ASTER, there are the INGV Hot Spot detection services. 

In the scope of the simultaneous and integrated strain tensor estimation from GNSS and InSAR data activities, the access to Envisat ASAR IMS data is feeding an InSAR data processing pipeline, to generate and deliver interferogram stacks used as inputs to INGV’s  strain tensor estimation tool.

How to cite: Caumont, H., Brito, F., Sagona, M., Pishehvar, P., Reitano, D., and Guglielmino, F.: InSAR on-demand services and data processing pipelines for deformation modelling, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-18267,, 2020.

EGU2020-9406 | Displays | GMPV9.8

Pre-eruptive magmatic processes and their timescales revealed by crystal zoning

Helena Albert, Sergio Sainz-Maza, Adelina Geyer, and Carmen López

Understanding the processes that occur in the magma plumbing systems prior to eruption and how they relate to monitoring data can lead to improved volcanic hazard assessment. Crystal compositions are witnesses of the architecture and dynamics of the plumbing system, and crystal zoning patterns can inform us of the range of magmatic environments, and of the likely processes that lead to eruption. We have studied the petrology and the geochemistry of the monogenetic historical eruptions occurred in Tenerife (Canary Islands) that come out through the rift zones (NW and NE Rifts) as well as the last mafic intra-caldera monogenetic eruption of Montaña Mostaza (15 ka). The deposits from the NE Rift and the intra-caldera contain complexly zoned olivine crystals suggesting open system and magma mixing, while crystals from the NW Rift are mainly normally zoned. By modelling the zonation patterns of the crystals we have calculated the timescales of the magma intrusions and ascent to the surface. We have found that the magmas erupted along the NW rift are more evolved and vary from basanites to phono-tephrites, while the magmas from the NE rift are basanites recording different mixing events between magma pockets occurred around 1-2 years, 3 months and few days before the eruption. The olivine crystals from the intra-caldera eruption display more variety in the zoning patterns than the eruptions from the rift, suggesting a more complex history. Based on the integration of the petrological and modelling results with gravimetric and geophysical data we propose, at least, three main different ascent histories (paths and timescales) for monogenetic eruptions in Tenerife.

This research has been partially funded by the EUROVOLC project (Horizon 2020 Grant Agreement: 731070).

How to cite: Albert, H., Sainz-Maza, S., Geyer, A., and López, C.: Pre-eruptive magmatic processes and their timescales revealed by crystal zoning, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-9406,, 2020.

Volcanic systems are complex and volcanic eruptions are difficult to predict. The volcanoes present multiple hazards, where eruptions often result in cascading effects. The European volcano monitoring and research community, including volcano observatories and their close collaborating volcanic research institutions, play a key role in mitigating volcanic risk in Europe by providing key scientific information and interpretation during volcanic crises. However, to fully benefit society, access to these infrastructures and propagation of advances in volcanological research and know-how across the European volcanological community need to be improved. The H2020 EUROVOLC Infrastructure project is addressing this need by promoting collaboration and community building within the European volcanological community and between the community and its stakeholders, advancing new research and discoveries for the benefit of improved volcano hazard monitoring and management and opening access to European volcanological Research Infrastructures.

EUROVOLC’s objectives are to overcome the fragmentation of the European volcanology community. This fragmentation is portrayed by the scattered distribution of volcano observatories across the European plate and European overseas territories, the wide range of scientific disciplines involved in volcanology, the short and time-fragmented duration of research projects and, in some cases, the lack of community standards and test beds to test new theories and methodologies. The project builds upon developments of its forerunners, the volcano Supersite projects FUTUREVOLC and MED-SUV and will rely on collaboration with the e-Infrastructures of the EPOS (European Plate Observing System) Organization to sustain long-term access to the data and products made available in EUROVOLC. The consortium includes all the main European volcano observatories and many of the strongest volcano research institutions, as well as Civil Protection agencies and geothermal industry and IT companies.

The project is structured around activities contributing to the advancement of four main themes: (i) Community building, (ii) Sub-surface processes, (iii) Volcano-atmosphere interactions, and (iv) Volcanic hazard preparedness and risk management, where within each theme the three traditional categories of Infrastructure project activities are carried out: Networking people and data, Joint Research, and Access to Research Infrastructures, both virtual and trans-national.

EUROVOLC has already substantially enriched opportunities for volcanological research in Europe through the project’s two open calls for research proposals, offering trans-national access to the Research Infrastructures of European volcano observatories and laboratories and modeling facilities of volcano research institutions. From the first call in summer 2018 twelve projects were funded, most of which were carried out during 2019. The selected proposals submitted to the second call in 2019 will be carried out during 2020. Additionally, virtual access has been constructed to several new or improved data and modeling services. In the Networking activities new standards for observations and hazard communication are being developed, suitable data sets defined for benchmarking ash-dispersion models and new data sets opened. In the Joint Research activities new methodologies for ash-dispersion modeling and pre-eruptive unrest detection are being developed, a new catalogue of European volcanoes created, and hazard tools developed and tested.

The ingredients, activities and achievements of EUROVOLC will be summarized in the presentation.

How to cite: Puglisi, G., Vogfjörd, K. S., and Sigmundsson, F.: EUROVOLC: Building the European volcanological community and opening access to Research Infrastructures of Volcano Observatories and Volcano Research Institutions, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-16482,, 2020.

EGU2020-12669 | Displays | GMPV9.8

Transnational Access to on-site modelling resources and hazard assessment tools: Establishing the pillars of scientific collaboration.

Adelina Geyer, Erika Ronchin, Diana Jimenez, Joan Martí, and Marc Martínez

The Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) is the largest public multidisciplinary research organization in Spain. The Institute of Earth Sciences Jaume Almera (ICTJA) of Barcelona is one of the main CSIC centres dedicated to Earth Sciences. The Group of Volcanology of Barcelona (GVB), part of Environmental Geology and Geohazards of the ICTJA,  has vast experience in numerical and experimental modelling of volcanic and related processes, as well as in the development of hazard assessment and risk management e-tools and methodologies to be applied in active volcanic regions. Within the framework of the EUROVOLC project, the GVB-ICTJA has offered physical access to on-site modelling resources including initial training, guidelines and technical assistance to simulate with the FEM modelling software COMSOL Multiphysics: (i) thermo-fluid dynamic processes occurring during the phases of magma injection, accumulation and cooling and (ii) local and regional stress field of a volcanic area. The on-site access has been complemented with further remote assistance to the users to help finishing their research work. Additionally, the ICTJA has provided on-site access to VOLCANBOX (, an e-tool that integrates, in a systematic and sequential way, a series of well-tested tools addressing various aspects of the volcanic hazard processes and risk assessment. E-tools-computer or Web-based applications can help users employ probabilistic methods to assess and forecast volcanic eruptions and hazards, as well as their spatial and temporal likelihood of occurrence. In the first Transnational Access Call opened by the EUROVOLC project two accesses were funded, one for each offered installation. Thanks to the activities carried out during both accesses, the pillars for future scientific collaboration between the visiting research groups and the GVB-ICTJA have been successfully  consolidated.

These activities were funded  by the EUROVOLC project (Horizon 2020 Grant Agreement: 731070).

How to cite: Geyer, A., Ronchin, E., Jimenez, D., Martí, J., and Martínez, M.: Transnational Access to on-site modelling resources and hazard assessment tools: Establishing the pillars of scientific collaboration. , EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-12669,, 2020.

Indeed, nowadays data sharing via internet is one of the most used approaches to networking scientific communities. However, the opportunity to physically access Research Infrastructures (RIs) and their installations and facilities is potentially the most powerful mean to build up a community. Physically access, in fact, makes the ideal conditions for the RI’s providers and users to work side by side on specific research topics. This is recently the case of the European trans-national access activities promoted in order to allow and push the volcanology community to use either the volcano observatories, to carry out experiments or fieldworks, or laboratories, for exploiting analytical and computational facilities, belonging to the main European volcano research institutions.

The EUROVOLC project has granted the access to 11 RIs for an overall of 45 installations, including single facilities of pools of mobile instrumentation and of laboratories, and remote access to collections of volcanic rocks, of 5 European countries (France, Iceland, Italy, Portugal, and Spain). In the frame of the project, the trans-national access offer has come from 7 partners (IMO, UI, INGV&CNR, CIVISA, IPGP, and CSIC) acting in 7 WPs (13, 14, 16, 16, 17, 18, and 19).

The EUROVOLC work-plan has foreseen two calls, one in 2018 and the other in 2019, allowing users to apply for access the RIs, and the effective physical access in 2019 and 2020, respectively. Each call has been managed according to a stepwise process based on an excellence-driven criterion, in which the roles of the various actors and the schedule have been previously defined.

This contribution aims at presenting the management and coordination efforts related to the trans-national access activities in the frame of EUROVOLC including the preparation and the launch of the 1st call, the process of the selection of the proposals, the feedback from the management of the 1st call, the preparation of the 2nd call, and a critical analysis for improving the management of the 2nd call.

How to cite: Spampinato, L. and Puglisi, G.: Physical and remote access to the European Volcano Research Infrastructures as a strategy to promote the community building: efforts, challenges, and results., EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-13157,, 2020.

EGU2020-13428 | Displays | GMPV9.8

EUROVOLC tool for citizen science observations of volcanic phenomena

Laura Sandri, Evgenia Ilyinskaya, Melanie Duncan, Martin Nayembil, Danilo Reitano, Sara Barsotti, Costanza Bonadonna, Rosella Nave, Adelina Geyer, and Jacopo Selva

One of the aims of EUROVOLC is to raise awareness and share data by exploiting existing tools for hazard and risk. Here we present the ongoing effort within EUROVOLC WP12 to create an online tool to collect information from people witnessing volcanic events at European or other volcanoes.

In the recent past, building on the experience from earthquakes, and from the trans-national effects of Eyjafallajökull eruption, European research groups have built tools (e.g. questionnaires or apps) for facilitating the collection of data by citizens. These efforts are presently fragmented and sparse across Europe (and across the world).

As the first step we have conducted a reconnaissance survey of existing citizen science tools in volcanology (from operational and research projects), available for download through EUROVOLC website

One of the aims of EUROVOLC is to raise awareness and share data by exploiting existing tools for hazard and risk. Here we present the ongoing effort within EUROVOLC WP12 to create an online tool to collect information from people witnessing volcanic events at European or other volcanoes.

In the recent past, building on the experience from earthquakes, and from the trans-national effects of Eyjafallajökull eruption, European research groups have built tools (e.g. questionnaires or apps) for facilitating the collection of data by citizens. These efforts are presently fragmented and sparse across Europe (and across the world).

As the first step we have conducted a reconnaissance survey of existing citizen science tools in volcanology (from operational and research projects), available for download through EUROVOLC website.

The new EUROVOLC tool will:
- access and collate data collected by several pre-existing tools. These tools currently include ‘myVolcano’ by British Geological Survey; sulphur dioxide and ash recording tools by Iceland Met Office; Osservatorio Vesuviano web questionnaire & Tefranet by INGV-Catania. These tools were selected based on whether their data can be ‘pulled’ in real-time;
- allow additional tools to be incorporated as they become available;
- allow recording of new data by the users;
- allow visualizing on a map the data in which the users are interested in, that can be selected by region/country, by recording time, or by observed phenomenon;
- allow downloading the data in which the users are interested in

In this way, the users of EUROVOLC tool will have access to observations collected by the multiple tools available across EUROPE through a single access point.

The EUROVOLC tool will become available in July 2020.

How to cite: Sandri, L., Ilyinskaya, E., Duncan, M., Nayembil, M., Reitano, D., Barsotti, S., Bonadonna, C., Nave, R., Geyer, A., and Selva, J.: EUROVOLC tool for citizen science observations of volcanic phenomena, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-13428,, 2020.

EGU2020-22433 | Displays | GMPV9.8

Eurovolc Trans National Access service: design and implementation

Danilo Reitano, Lucia Cacciola, Giuseppe Puglisi, Vasiliki Somataridou, Letizia Spampinato, and Aspasia Zalachori

Trans-national Access (TA) is the best way to access, for free, to facilities (volcano observatories, laboratories, pool of instruments, etc.) offered in the framework of the EUROVOLC Consortium project. The strategic objective of this activity is to build strong connections between volcanological research infrastructures (providers) and users. Single researchers or research teams can choose facilities located in a different country where they are based. 

In order to achieve this goal, a custom tool built within the EUROVOLC data portal, has been planned and developed. The tool has based on a general design performed in the framework of the EPOS project and according to specific service requirements. It has been used to manage the second open research call offering Trans-national Access organized by the EUROVOLC community.

How to cite: Reitano, D., Cacciola, L., Puglisi, G., Somataridou, V., Spampinato, L., and Zalachori, A.: Eurovolc Trans National Access service: design and implementation, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-22433,, 2020.

EGU2020-10177 | Displays | GMPV9.8

Volcanic hazard assessment and vulnerability analysis at San Miguel Volcano, El Salvador.

Diana Jimenez, Laura Becerril, Stefania Bartolini, and Joan Martí

Despite being one of the most active volcanoes in El Salvador, San Miguel is surrounded by important population nuclei and infrastructures. We used existing historical records of past eruptive activity, available geological knowledge and monitoring data gathered over the past fifteen years to conduct the first comprehensive, long-term hazard assessment of this volcano, aimed at helping to reduce the potential risk it poses. We applied probabilistic methods (QVAST and HASSET) specifically designed for volcanic hazard assessment to conduct two hazard analyses, one with a forecasting time window of two years using information on volcanic activity over the past 430 years (historical period), and another with a forecasting window of six months, with information from the past 16 years (monitoring period). Using the information from this hazard assessment, we simulated: (1) the five most likely scenarios (ashfall scenarios, short-medium extent, and VEI 1-2); (2) other probable scenarios related to lava flows, based on the historical record of the volcano; (3) other possible scenarios related to PDCs with similar characteristics to those that occurred during its geological history; and (4) the most hazardous scenario (ashfall, lava flow, PDC) that has been identified from its geological record. Finally, we construct a qualitative integrated volcanic hazard map through the combination of the simulated scenarios. Finally, we developed an exposure analysis of the San Miguel volcano area by considering population distribution, land use, private houses, official buildings (hospitals, schools, etc.), and communication infrastructure, for the different hazard scenarios. In the particular case of private houses and official buildings, we estimated a Vulnerability Index for the hazardous areas, applying the Physical Vulnerability Methodology based on the characterization of the type of construction materials of walls and roofs.  This approach identifies the elements at risk according to each potential hazard, thus providing the authorities with a comprehensive tool to better understand the problem and to define emergency plans to minimize risk.

This research has been partially funded by Grants I-COOPA20161 (CSIC) and EU (DG ECHO) Project EVE n. 826292

How to cite: Jimenez, D., Becerril, L., Bartolini, S., and Martí, J.: Volcanic hazard assessment and vulnerability analysis at San Miguel Volcano, El Salvador., EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-10177,, 2020.

EGU2020-13392 | Displays | GMPV9.8

Multi-sensor determination of eruption source parameters: the example of the 10 April 2011 paroxysm at Mount Etna

Valentin Freret-Lorgeril, Costanza Bonadonna, Simona Scollo, Frank Marzano, Luigi Mereu, Stefano Corradini, Lorenzo Guerrieri, Luca Merucci, and Franck Donnadieu

The near real-time determination of Eruptive Source Parameters (ESPs) is one of the main challenges of modern volcanology. Strategies are now being developed to refine quantitative measurements of erupted mass, total grain-size distribution and plume height from ground sampling and remote sensing methods. However, each method has its own limitations and, therefore, ESPs remain poorly constrained.

Between 2011 and 2015, Etna volcano has produced 49 paroxysmal episodes characterized by the emission of fountain-fed tephra plumes whose heights reached up to 15 km (above sea level). In this work, we take advantage of the complementary set of remote sensing data available at Etna for assessing the quantification of ESPs and their associated uncertainties based on ground deposit sampling, Doppler radar data, visible imagery and satellite observations. In particular, we have considered the 10 April 2011 as a case study of the weakest paroxysms given that some of the strongest paroxysms have already been studied to develop and enhance remote sensing and monitoring strategies at Etna (e.g. 23 November 2013 and 3 December 2015). Satellite thermal infrared and weather radar observations for this weak paroxysm show tephra plume altitudes of 6 to 9 km (a.s.l.), in agreement with simulations with HYSPLIT model.  The erupted mass determined with all these sensors show a large variability that reflects the sensibility of each method to different grain sizes (e.g. from blocks and lapilli seen by L-band radar to very fine ash seen by satellite thermal-infrared). Our multi-sensor strategy shed some lights on the importance of intercomparing data from various approaches and studying their applicability limits for near real-time quantification of ESPs and monitoring purposes at Etna.

How to cite: Freret-Lorgeril, V., Bonadonna, C., Scollo, S., Marzano, F., Mereu, L., Corradini, S., Guerrieri, L., Merucci, L., and Donnadieu, F.: Multi-sensor determination of eruption source parameters: the example of the 10 April 2011 paroxysm at Mount Etna, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-13392,, 2020.

EGU2020-16164 | Displays | GMPV9.8

RETREAT - a REal-time TREmor Analysis Tool

Patrick Smith and Chris Bean

The EUROVOLC project aims to promote an integrated and harmonised European volcanological community, and one of its main themes focuses on understanding sub-surface processes. Early identification of magma moving towards the surface is very important for the mitigation of risks from volcanic hazards, and joint research activities within the project aim to develop and improve volcano pre-eruptive detection schemes. Volcanic tremor is a sustained seismic signal associated with eruptions and is often linked to movement of magmatic fluids in the subsurface. However, it can occur pre-, syn- and post-eruption, and signals with similar spectral content can also be generated by several other processes (e.g. flooding, rockfalls). Hence one of the best ways of distinguishing between the processes underlying tremor generation is through tracking the evolution of its spatial location. Due to its continuous nature tremor cannot be located using classical seismological methods and so its source must be determined using alternatives such as seismic array analysis.

This work presents RETREAT, a REal-time TREmor Analysis Tool developed under EUROVOLC, that uses seismic array data and array processing techniques to detect, quantify and locate volcanic tremor signals. It is an open-source python-based tool that utilizes existing routines from the open-source obspy framework to carry out analysis of seismic array data in real-time. The tool performs f-k (frequency-wavenumber) analysis using beamforming to calculate the back azimuth and slowness in overlapping time windows, which can be used to detect and track the location of volcanic tremor sources.

A graphical and web-based interface has been developed which allows adjustment of highly configurable input parameters. These include options for setting the data source, pre-processing, timing and update options as well as the parameters for the seismic array analysis which must be carefully selected and tuned for the specified array. Once configured the tool fetches waveform data in real time and updates its output accordingly, returning plots of the array processing results (slowness and back azimuth values) as well as plots of the seismic waveform, envelope and spectrogram. The tool has been tested on real-time data using the obspy FDSN (International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks) client to fetch data from the IRIS datacenter, using example array data from the small aperture SPITS seismic array in Spitsbergen, Svalbard. A 'replay’ mode using existing archive (non real-time) data has also been implemented and tested on array data from the 2014 eruption at Holuhraun and Bardarbunga volcano in Iceland, collected as part of the FUTUREVOLC project. The RETREAT tool is now ready for testing and implementation in a volcano monitoring setting at observatories. It will also be made freely available to download as a EUROVOLC community tool.

How to cite: Smith, P. and Bean, C.: RETREAT - a REal-time TREmor Analysis Tool, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-16164,, 2020.

EGU2020-22138 | Displays | GMPV9.8

Strategies to define best practices for geochemical gas monitoring across Volcano Observatories

Fausto Grassa and the Work Package 5 (WP5) Team "Consolidation of geochemical gas monitoring across Volcano Observatories" - EUROVOLC project.

In the framework of the EUROVOLC project, Work Package 5 (WP5) consists of a networking activity working towards “consolidation of geochemical gas monitoring across Volcano Observatories”.  This activity promotes the collaboration and cooperation among volcanologists belonging to several research infrastructures (RIs) and Volcanological Observatories (VOs) across Europe and in particular among researchers who undertake geochemical monitoring of volcanic emissions. Eight partners from six different European countries are involved: IMO and UI (Iceland) INGV (Italy), UNILEEDS and UMAN (United Kingdom), CSIC (Spain), CIVISA (Portugal), IPGP and UCA-OPGC (France).

The study of magmatic degassing in terms of gas chemistry and flux is essential to understand how, and why, volcanoes erupt. Very often, each research group employs different instruments and applies distinct sampling and analytical procedures and strategies, developed from years of experience. One of the consequences of these diverse approaches is the difficulty in comparison of data between the different research groups.

Based on these challenges, one of the aims of the EUROVOLC project is to define best practices in geochemical gas monitoring for direct sampling of fumaroles, in situ measurements of gas chemistry and remote sensing of volcanic plumes, based on the combined expertise from VOs and RIs, and finalized to optimize the capacity of each VO to monitor the volcanoes they are responsible for. In order to standardize, process, store and share the data collected on volcanic gas emissions, EPOS[BMk1]  (European Plate Observing System) project guidelines are applied.

Collective field surveys on different volcanic fumaroles and plumes using direct sampling and remote sensing systems have been planned and constitute powerful tools facilitating knowledge and expertise transfer between project partners. In February 2019, we carried out a joint survey at Furnas Volcano in Azores Islands. There, five research groups performed direct sampling on the same low-T fumarole (~100°C), using the procedures followed at each VO. The collected samples were analysed in four different laboratories and the obtained results have been compared in a round-robin test. At the same time, four research groups acquired real-time data of the fumarolic gas using multi-sensor portable instruments produced by different manufactures.


A second joint field campaign is scheduled in the late spring of 2020 at Vulcano Island (Italy), where a high temperature (T~300°C) fumarolic field exists. The acquired data will be organized, standardized and stored in a data repository, following common standards so that data for volcanic gas emissions will be accessible to the whole community by implementing the already planned activities in EPOS. The final deliverables include the writing of “user manuals” with standardized recommendations for acquisition of high-quality data for the geochemical monitoring of volcanic gas emissions including fumaroles and plumes, as well as the applicability and limitations of the employed methodology/instrument in different case studies.

How to cite: Grassa, F. and the Work Package 5 (WP5) Team "Consolidation of geochemical gas monitoring across Volcano Observatories" - EUROVOLC project.: Strategies to define best practices for geochemical gas monitoring across Volcano Observatories, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-22138,, 2020.

EGU2020-18631 | Displays | GMPV9.8

Unsupervised deep learning on seismic data to detect volcanic unrest

Flavio Cannavo', Andrea Cannata, Simone Palazzo, Concetto Spampinato, Demian Faraci, Giulia Castagnolo, Isaak Kavasidis, Chiara Montagna, and Simone Colucci

The significant efforts of the last years in new monitoring techniques and networks have led to large datasets and improved our capabilities to measure volcano conditions.  Thus nowadays the challenge is to retrieve information from this huge amount of data to significantly improve our capability to automatically recognize signs of potentially hazardous unrest.
Unrest detection from unlabeled data is a particularly challenging task, since the lack of annotations on the temporal localization of these phenomena makes it impossible to train a machine learning model in a supervised way. The proposed approach, therefore, aims at learning unsupervised low-dimensional representations of the input signal during normal volcanic activity by training a variational autoencoder (VAE) to compress, reconstruct and synthesize input signals. Thanks to the internal structure of the proposed VAE architecture, with 1-dimensional convolutional layers with residual blocks and attention mechanism, the representation learned by the model can be employed to detect deviations from normal volcanic activity. In our experiments, we test and evaluate two techniques for unrest detection: a generative approach, with a bank of synthetic signals used to assess the degree of correspondence between normal activity and an input signal; and a discriminative approach, employing unsupervised clustering in the VAE representation space to identify prototypes of normal activity for comparison with an input signal.

How to cite: Cannavo', F., Cannata, A., Palazzo, S., Spampinato, C., Faraci, D., Castagnolo, G., Kavasidis, I., Montagna, C., and Colucci, S.: Unsupervised deep learning on seismic data to detect volcanic unrest, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-18631,, 2020.

EGU2020-18496 | Displays | GMPV9.8

Multi-hazard quantifications of the volcanic phenomena at La Soufrière volcano (Guadeloupe, Lesser Antilles)

Silvia Massaro, Laura Sandri, Jacopo Selva, Fabio Dioguardi, Costanza Bonadonna, Eduardo Rossi, Giancarlo Tamburello, Roberto Moretti, Jean-Christophe Komorowski, Severine Moune, David Jessop, and Antonio Costa

In the last decade, probabilistic volcanic hazard assessment (PVHA) has become one of the most rapidly developing topics in volcanology. PVHA relies on a number of simulation tools, which have been catalogued within H2020 EUROVOLC project.

Here we apply two of these tools that will concur to a probabilistic multi-hazard assessment for volcanic phenomena at La Soufrière de Guadeloupe, as reported in reference scenarios elaborated by OVSG-IPGP and communicated to the authorities. In the last 9 kyr the activity at La Soufrière is characterized by recurrent effusive to explosive activity, sector collapses and intense fumarolic emissions. Based on literature data, we focus particularly on the most likely explosive (phreatic or hydrothermal) scenario and explore the hazard posed by gas dispersal and ballistics impact, which have never been the focus of PVHA. We also set up a preliminary spatial map for phreatic vent opening, a baseline for the PVHA here presented.

How to cite: Massaro, S., Sandri, L., Selva, J., Dioguardi, F., Bonadonna, C., Rossi, E., Tamburello, G., Moretti, R., Komorowski, J.-C., Moune, S., Jessop, D., and Costa, A.: Multi-hazard quantifications of the volcanic phenomena at La Soufrière volcano (Guadeloupe, Lesser Antilles), EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-18496,, 2020.

EGU2020-19885 | Displays | GMPV9.8

Multidisciplinary study of the Trecastagni fault (Mt. Etna volcano, Sicily)

Guglielmino Francesco, Giampiero Aiesi, Alessandro Bonforte, Giuseppe Brandi, Francesco Calvagna, Salvatore Consoli, Giorgio De Guidi, Giovanni Distefano, Giuseppe Falzone, Angelo Ferro, Salvatore Gambino, Giuseppe Laudani, Giuseppe Marsala, Francesco Obrizzo, Laura Privitera, Giuseppe Puglisi, Salvatore Russo, and Benedetto Saraceno

The complex interaction between regional stress, gravity forces and dike-induced rifting of Mount Etna, seems to have a role in the eastward movement of the Mt. Etna eastern flank. In this context, the Trecastagni-Tremestieri Fault system identifies the southern boundary of the unstable sector.

The Trecastagni fault is a NNW-SSE tectonic structure developing on the lower southern flank, characterized by evident morphological scarps and normal and right-lateral movements that directly affect roads and buildings. Continuous creep affects this fault, with episodic accelerations accompanied with shallow seismicity.

The dynamics of these faults has been analysed by a multi-disciplinary approach with terrestrial and satellite deformation data. Terrestrial data consist in levelling across both faults and extensometers record on the Trecastagni fault. Satellite data consist in InSAR data and GPS surveys on wide and local networks.

The levelling route on Mt Etna is 150 km long and consists of 200 benchmarks. The portion of the levelling network, crossing the Trecastagni fault, has been installed on 2009; the surveys show a long-term mean vertical slip rate of about 10 mm/y and episodic acceleration on short segments of the fault, with displacements of almost 30 mm.

The in-situ monitoring of the Trecastagni fault is also performed by two continuous wire extensometers. Each extensometer is equipped with a data-logger programmed for 48 data/day sampling, storing displacement and ground temperature. The two stations measure the relative displacements perpendicular to the fracture. Data recorded by extensometers highlight an opening trend of about 2-3 mm/year with some acceleration leading up to more than 2 mm in 15 days at the end of 2009.

The fault shows clear traces on SAR interferograms and Persistent Scatterers (PS) time series. InSAR data allows tracking the path of fault down to the coastline. The Trecastagni fault shows a main vertical kinematics, with an evident downthrow of the eastern side at a rate of about 4 mm/y. Subsidence increase eastwards away from the structure, reaching a maximum rate of almost 10 mm/y. The fault produces a minor increase in the eastwards velocity on its eastern side evidencing also a minor extension of the structure. Episodic accelerations affect the fault and are visible on some interferograms from different sensors.

The dense GPS network is measured periodically and has more than seventy benchmarks. The time series of this network began in 1988 and from then on its configuration has been continuously improved. Integration of this wide spectrum of geodetic data allows strongly constrained ground deformation pattern to be defined and modeled. Furthermore, the very long time series available for the different datasets on the fault, allows its behavior to be investigated in time and its role and relationships in the framework of flank instability and eruptive activity to better understood.


How to cite: Francesco, G., Aiesi, G., Bonforte, A., Brandi, G., Calvagna, F., Consoli, S., De Guidi, G., Distefano, G., Falzone, G., Ferro, A., Gambino, S., Laudani, G., Marsala, G., Obrizzo, F., Privitera, L., Puglisi, G., Russo, S., and Saraceno, B.: Multidisciplinary study of the Trecastagni fault (Mt. Etna volcano, Sicily), EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-19885,, 2020.

EGU2020-20518 | Displays | GMPV9.8

Volcanology and Geothermal Resources: Participation of Landsvirkjun in the EUROVOLC project

Asgrimur Gudmundsson, Sigurdur Markusson, Freysteinn Sigmundsson, Gylfi Pall Hersir, and Kristjan Agustsson

The Krafla power station was built by the Icelandic government 1975 and came under ownership of Landsvirkjun - The National Power Company of Iceland in 1985, and Bjarnarflag power station in Námafjall year later. These were the first steps for Landsvirkjun to generate electricity from geothermal resources in Iceland. Initially the company outsourced all geothermal research and monitoring, but systematically it trained people and hired geothermal experts and developed its own geothermal division. Theistareykir power plant, commissioned in 2017, was the first geothermal construction of Landsvirkjun from start to finish. Development and operation of geothermal fields at an active volcanic environment, such as in Krafla and Theistareykir, creates strong synergy with scientific research interest in volcanology and related branches of earth sciences and engineering. The strong infrastructure and wealth of data created by the energy company has catalysed important research interest and cooperation with scientist and has been a big part of Landsvirkjun´s operation from the beginning. Landsvirkjun makes data available from its databases from geothermal areas in Northeast Iceland within the EUROVOLC project. This is regarded a foundation of a successful industry and science community cooperation. The plan is to keep open source policy for researcher to access Landsvirkjun databases and metadata. Initially the emphasizes is on seismic and ground deformation data (GPS geodetic measurements). Landsvirkjun is running a seismic network consisting of 17 stations in NE-Iceland ( , in English and Icelandic), operated by Iceland GeoSurvey. Landsvirkjun has installed four continuously operating GPS stations in or near the geothermal areas in North Iceland: one in Theistareykir, two stations in Krafla and one in Bjarnarflag (operated by University of Iceland). In addition, GPS-measurement campaigns have been performed every year in the last decade covering the Krafla area ( Borehole logs will be accessible, such as formation temperature and pressure. Also lithological logs (x,y,z) such as resistivity, neutron-neutron and gamma-ray. Interpretation reports of televiewer logs from selected wells will be available. Drill cuttings have been collected during drilling at over 70 deep wells at every two meters interval and lithology figures and cross sections will be available. All chemical data from high-temperature wells, groundwater wells, hot-springs and fumaroles will be available, either by request or through an on-line viewer access directly to Landsvirkjun chemical management system.

How to cite: Gudmundsson, A., Markusson, S., Sigmundsson, F., Hersir, G. P., and Agustsson, K.: Volcanology and Geothermal Resources: Participation of Landsvirkjun in the EUROVOLC project, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-20518,, 2020.

EGU2020-20877 | Displays | GMPV9.8

Implementation of array analysis on seismic signals from volcanoes in Iceland recorded on the small-aperture HEKSISZ array

Tim Sonneman, Kristín Vogfjörd, Christopher Bean, Benedikt Halldórsson, and Johannes Schweitzer

We present preliminary results and progress updates of ongoing work at the Icelandic Meteorological Office carried out within the EUROVOLC work package on Volcano pre-eruptive unrest detection schemes. Our main goal is improved understanding of volcanic systems and fracture zones in South Iceland. This requires enhanced detection and mapping capabilities of seismic events from volcanoes in the Eastern Volcanic Zone (EVZ) and faults in the South Iceland Seismic Zone (SISZ), including continuous real-time analysis of seismic signals associated with magma movement in volcanoes and activity on faults in South Iceland. The chosen measures to achieve these tasks are the deployment of a seismic array at the intersection between the EVZ and the SISZ, the implementation of appropriate real-time array data processing and the investigation of spatiotemporal seismic source characteristics such as tracking of magma movements and intrusions from deep to shallow levels in the crust to image the volcanoes’ plumbing systems, shallow caldera seismicity, and earthquake rupture propagation and microseismicity on nearby tectonic faults. Through funding from an Icelandic infrastructure grant and cooperation between IMO and DIAS, the HEKSISZ small-aperture seismic array is being installed about 6 km south of Hekla. The array, which will consist of 12 stations (7 broadband seismometers and at least 5 additional Raspberry PI seismometers and some co-located accelerometers), builds upon experience gained from temporary array operations in the FUTUREVOLC project and will be the first permanent seismic array in Iceland. The array is surrounded by four different volcanic systems and a prominent fracture zone, providing an abundance of seismicity for analysis. The detection of volcanic and local earthquake events depends on signal coherency and the algorithms used. The signal coherency is mainly affected by array geometry and the site and noise conditions. To analyze the wavefield we will use algorithms such as beamforming, signal-to-noise triggers, FK analysis, and cross-correlation on both vertical and horizontal channels. The implementation is through free open-source software, based mainly on Python obspy and further extensions. While the array is still in the process of coming online, we use data from its existing central permanent network station, MJO to analyze signals from the volcanoes and faults in preparation for the future array data analysis. Relevant single-station observations are first arrival polarization and search for existence and timing of secondary phases, such as surface and Moho reflections from different distances and depths. These observed peculiarities will guide the focus of the array data analysis, specifically as one of the main interests is the depth determination of magma movements and intrusions below Hekla. The volcanic region may have strong lateral crustal heterogeneities, so if significant azimuthal deviations are estimated from the single-station analysis, correction parameters for the array will need to be constrained as well. To further test how a future array might perform in this location, we invert synthetic sources at various depths and distances and also use observed source arrays to search for additional phases from possible conversions and reflections and measure their phase velocities.

How to cite: Sonneman, T., Vogfjörd, K., Bean, C., Halldórsson, B., and Schweitzer, J.: Implementation of array analysis on seismic signals from volcanoes in Iceland recorded on the small-aperture HEKSISZ array, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-20877,, 2020.

EGU2020-21556 | Displays | GMPV9.8

In situ study of volcanic ash resuspension using a portable wind tunnel.

Jacopo Taddeucci, Elisabetta del Bello, Jonathan P Merrison, Keld R Rasmussen, Jens J Iversen, Piergiorgio Scarlato, Tullio Ricci, and Daniele Andronico

The resuspension of volcanic ash deposits by wind is a well-known source of hazard following explosive eruptions. Besides the mail control exerted by the local wind field, ash resuspension is also influenced by: 1) atmospheric humidity; 2) features of the deposit (grain size distribution, sedimentary structures, etc.), and 3) features of the substrate (i.e. moisture, roughness). Ash resuspension is modeled using numerical simulations, which however require physical characterization and identification of the critical parameters controlling ash resuspension. Wind tunnel studies on volcanic particles are very limited and restricted to laboratory parameterizations, with in-situ effects not been parameterized. We tested field experiments of volcanic ash resuspension developing a portable wind tunnel and deploying on proximal (3 km) ash deposits from the semi-sustained activity of Sakurajima volcano (Japan) and from distal (250 km ca.) ash deposits from the 2011 Cordon Caulle eruption (Chile). The wind tunnel is calibrated with both LDA and pitot tubes measurements. The device allows generating a controlled wind profile within a 110x12x12 cm test section, which is placed directly on an untouched test bed of naturally deposited ash. Two types of experiments were performed: 1) ramp up speed experiments, where the wind speed is increased until reaching the threshold friction speed on four different substrates; 2) constant speed experiments, where three wind speed values where kept for 20 minutes using the same substrate. The threshold friction speed is measured with a hot wire anemometer, and the movement of resuspended ash is detected by means of multiple high speed and high definition digital camcorders. In-situ measured threshold friction speeds are compared to 1) in situ observed episodes of resuspension driven by local winds and 2) laboratory determination of threshold friction speed in controlled environmental conditions, and using the same ash deposited homogeneously.


How to cite: Taddeucci, J., del Bello, E., Merrison, J. P., Rasmussen, K. R., Iversen, J. J., Scarlato, P., Ricci, T., and Andronico, D.: In situ study of volcanic ash resuspension using a portable wind tunnel. , EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-21556,, 2020.

EGU2020-19454 | Displays | GMPV9.8

Pressure conditions in coupled magma bodies and their evolution during eruptions and caldera collapse: Piton de la Fournaise 2007

Freysteinn Sigmundsson, Aline Peltier, Siqi Li, Valerie Ferrazzini, and Andrea Di Muro

Understanding the interplay between pressure evolution in magma bodies in volcano roots and caldera collapses is important to for the general understanding of volcanoes and how calderas form. We use lessons-learned regarding caldera collapse dynamics and inferred 2014-2015 pressure evolution in a magma body under the Bardarbunga caldera, Iceland, to revisit the dynamics of the 2007 caldera collapse at Piton de La Fournaise volcano, La Reunion, in a project supported by EUROVOLC trans-national access. At Piton de la Fournaise, (rising to 2632 m above sea leve) a shallow and small magma body (close to sea-level; volume less than one cubic kilometer) played a central role. The overpressure compared to lithostatic prior to collapse is inferred to have been small (< 5 MPa), based on models of driving pressure for minor eruptions that occurred on 18-19 February and 30 March prior to the caldera forming lateral flank eruption that occurred 2 April – 1 May, 2007. The site of the lateral flank eruption occurred at an elevation of 500 m, much lower than the summit.  This elevation difference is inferred to a key factor for creating high driving pressure for magma flow. We infer that rapid flow of magma led to fast drop in pressure in a shallow magma body under the caldera, triggering inflow of magma from a deeper magma body under Piton de la Fournaise, that was in important element of the 2007 eruptive activity.  This deep inflow did, however, not sustain enough the pressure in the shallow magma body during the eruption, causing development of significant under-pressure leading to the collapse.

How to cite: Sigmundsson, F., Peltier, A., Li, S., Ferrazzini, V., and Di Muro, A.: Pressure conditions in coupled magma bodies and their evolution during eruptions and caldera collapse: Piton de la Fournaise 2007, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-19454,, 2020.

GMPV11.1 – Magmatic and metamorphic processes of the Variscan Orogenic Belt

EGU2020-3867 | Displays | GMPV11.1

The shape of the Variscan Belt in Central Europe: Strike-slip tectonics versus oroclinal bending

Stanislaw Mazur, Paweł Aleksandrowski, Łukasz Gągała, Piotr Krzywiec, Jerzy Żaba, Krzysztof Gaidzik, and Rafał Sikora

The European Variscan belt sharply changes its trend in easternmost Germany and western Poland, where the ENE- to NE-striking structures are replaced by the ESE- to SE-trending ones. The structures of still another, NNE-SSW strike, take the lead, however, along the SE margin of the Bohemian Massif. The Variscan belt seems, thus, to make nearly a U-turn, encircling the Bohemian Massif from the north. This has been explained for almost a century by assuming a 180° oroclinal loop, in which the Rhenohercynian and Saxothuringian tectonostratigraphic zones inarm the core of the Bohemian Massif. According to this classical view, the outermost tectonostratigraphic zone of the Variscan belt, the Rhenohercynian Zone, continues eastward in the deep substratum of the Permian-Mesozoic basin and reappears at the surface along the eastern rim of the Bohemian Massif.

Since the late 1970s an alternative view has gained an increasing attention that postulates a dextral transpressional regime during the final accretion of the Variscan terranes. This transpressional tectonic context is believed to have resulted from sublatitudinal, right-lateral displacements between Gondwana and Laurussia. Near the Carboniferous-Permian boundary, Gondwana decoupled from the newly formed European Variscan belt and proceeded westward, toward the southern edge of the Laurentian segment of Laurussia, owing to the development of the Appalachian subduction system. Concomitantly with the peak of the Alleghanian orogeny during early Permian, the European Variscan belt experienced a crosscut of its major tectonic zones along a set of dextral strike-slip faults.

In this study, we investigate directions and continuity of structural trends in the external zones of the Variscan orogen in Poland and map a foreland extent of Variscan deformations using seismic, gravimetric-magnetic and borehole data. These permit us testing the orocline- vs strike-slip concepts and develop an overall kinematic model for the NE Variscides.

Matched filtering of isostatic gravity, guided by results of spectral analysis, along with other derivatives of gravity and magnetic fields reveal a dominant WNW-ESE-trending pre-Permian structural grain in the external zones of the Variscan belt in Poland. This trend is confirmed by regional distribution of dips in Carboniferous and Devonian strata that were penetrated by boreholes beneath Permian-Mesozoic sediments. Seismic constraints on the position of the Variscan deformation front come from (1) the GRUNDY 2003 seismic experiment, combining wide-angle reflection-refraction measurements with the near-vertical reflection seismics in central Poland and (2) PolandSPAN and POLCRUST-01 deep reflection profiles in SE Poland. The WNW-ESE structural trend in the Variscan foreland is parallel to a set of major strike-slip fault zones in the area that are considered to convey a significant dextral displacement between Laurussia and Gondwana. The revised position of the Variscan deformation front shows a similar, uninterrupted, generally WNW-ESE trend, up to the SE border of Poland, which indicates an initial continuation of the more internal Variscan zones into the area of the present-day Carpathians. The geometry of the Variscan deformation front along with the pattern of the Variscan structural grain are inconsistent with the idea of an oroclinal loop affecting the external, non-metamorphic Variscan belt.

How to cite: Mazur, S., Aleksandrowski, P., Gągała, Ł., Krzywiec, P., Żaba, J., Gaidzik, K., and Sikora, R.: The shape of the Variscan Belt in Central Europe: Strike-slip tectonics versus oroclinal bending, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-3867,, 2020.

EGU2020-1462 | Displays | GMPV11.1

Late Orogenic Heating: Slab Breakoff or Slab Rollback?

Elena Sizova, Christoph Hauzenberger, Harald Fritz, Shah Wali Faryad, and Taras Gerya

High- to ultrahigh pressure rocks ((U)HP) from some collisional orogens bear evidences of post collisional heating recorded by a β-shaped pressure–temperature–time (P–T–t) path. The post peak pressure heating segment of the P–T–t path, which can be well developed such as in the Bohemian Massif of the Variscan orogenic belt, occurs after the (U)HP rocks are exhumated from mantle depths to various crustal levels. This process is often explained by geologists as a result of mantle delamination or slab breakoff. Based on a two-dimensional coupled petrological–thermomechanical tectono-magmatic numerical model, we demonstrate that slab rollback during ongoing continental subduction can be considered as a possible mechanism responsible for the effective extraction of (ultra)high pressure metamorphic rocks and their later heating. This slab rollback scenario is further compared numerically with the classical continental collision scenario associated with slab breakoff. The mantle upwelling occurring in the experiments with slab breakoff, which is responsible for the heating of the exhumed crustal material, is not directly related to the slab breakoff but can be caused either by slab bending before slab breakoff or by post-breakoff exhumation of the subducted crust.

How to cite: Sizova, E., Hauzenberger, C., Fritz, H., Faryad, S. W., and Gerya, T.: Late Orogenic Heating: Slab Breakoff or Slab Rollback?, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-1462,, 2020.

EGU2020-7355 | Displays | GMPV11.1

Trans-lithospheric diapirism documented in the Variscan Bohemian Massif – comparison with numerical models

Petra Maierová, Karel Schulmann, Pavla Štípská, Taras Gerya, and Ondrej Lexa

In the easternmost part of the European Variscan collisional belt, the Bohemian Massif, strongly metamorphosed felsic rocks crop out at several locations in a current distance of up to several hundreds of kilometers from the supposed contact of the subducting and overriding plates. These rocks were interpreted to originate from the subducting plate (now the Saxothuringian domain), which means that the orogenic root (the Moldanubian domain) consists of rocks that originate from both upper and lower plate. More specifically, the root domain is composed of (U)HP granulites and orthogneiss, garnet peridotites, eclogites and ultra-potassic plutons that alternate with the less metamorphosed rocks of the upper plate.

Such a process of subduction and emplacement of the subducted crust into the upper plate is called relamination. In order to better constrain the dynamics of relamination, we set up a numerical thermal-mechanical model and compare the modeling results with the data from the Bohemian Massif. The model simulates oceanic and continental subduction and takes into account non-linear visco-plastic rheology, percolation of fluids, melting and melt extraction. For different parameter values, the models show different styles of behavior, namely (i) exhumation of the subducted crust along the plate interface, and (ii) flow of the subducted crust beneath the upper plate and then incorporation into its crust (i.e. relamination).

In the former case, the material records heterogeneous peak metamorphism sampling the conditions along the subduction zone, and cooling during decompression. Similar features are typical for the metamorphic complex in the Saxothuringian domain of the Bohemian Massif.

In the latter case, the typical feature is the development of diapirs that grow from the subducted continental crust, pierce the overlying lithosphere and intrude into the middle crust of the upper plate. We show that growth of such trans-lithospheric diapirs results in a similar rock assemblage as observed in the orogenic root in the Bohemian Massif. The pressure-temperature-time paths obtained in the modeled diapirs mimic those of the Moldanubian granulites. The flow of crustal material through the mantle wedge results into mixing, hydration of the mantle and melting of both materials. Emplacement of the resulting melt into crust can explain formation of the Moldanubian ultra-potassic plutons.

How to cite: Maierová, P., Schulmann, K., Štípská, P., Gerya, T., and Lexa, O.: Trans-lithospheric diapirism documented in the Variscan Bohemian Massif – comparison with numerical models, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-7355,, 2020.

The granites with I- and S-type affinity in the Variscan segments of the Alpine West-Carpathian edifice belong to the oldest intrusions within the European Variscides. Granites and granodiorites of the West-Carpathian crystalline basement are mostly classified as S-type, whereas tonalities and granodiorites belong to the I-type suite. Both suites probably originated in the volcanic arc setting as product of subduction-related regime in the Galatian superterrane (Broska et al. 2013). The I- and S-type granite bodies were firstly identified in the West-Carpathian Tribeč Core Mountains and the new SHRIMP and CHIME datings recognised their Visean geotectonic overprint. The subduction-related I-type granites show the age span 364-358 Ma followed by the intrusion of the S-type granites dated by SHRIMP on 358 Ma. The bimodal SHRIMP data of a dyke placed within S-type granites show ages 351 Ma and 330 Ma, or primary vs. alteration age. The CHIME age from monazite dating shows 347 Ma because monazite indicate probably early stage of massive granite alteration perhaps during collisional process, younger zircons represents later phase of the event.  CHIME dating of newly formed monazite in greisenised S-type granite gives the age 344 Ma. The granite showing strong greisenization (total degradation of feldspars and formation of quartz - white mica assemblages) is dated by SHRIMP on 355 Ma. The greisenised granite contains abundant tourmaline with high dravitic molecule, Sr-rich apatite and common monazite. Abundant tiny stoichiometrically pure apatite grains in this granite indicate their exsolution from feldspars enriched in phosphorus. The S-type granite dyke from the ridge of the Tribeč Mts gives zircon SHRIMP age 355 Ma and CHIME monazite age 342 Ma. The dating results of the Tribeč granites identified: (1) older Upper Devonian/Lower Mississippian subduction-related I-type tonalites (ca. 364-351 Ma), and (2) S-type granites Middle/Upper Mississippian (Visean) intruding in time span 342-330 Ma reflecting probably of the collisional event in the Variscan orogeny. Dual evolution of the Tribeč Mts. Variscan granitic rocks is partly corroborated by Hf isotopes from the dated zircons with εHf(t) = +3.5 ~ –2.4 for the older granites, and εHf(t) = –0.3 ~ –4.9 for the younger ones. The evolution of the I- and S-type granites seems to be rather different from the granite evolution known in the Bohemian Massif and therefore the origin of Variscan hybrid granites from the Western Carpathians we placed on the SW side of Galatian volcanic arc as result of Paleo-Tethys subduction (see Stampfli and Borel, 2002, Stampfli et al. 2013).

Acknowledgments: Support from Slovak Research and Development Agency: APVV SK-KR-18-0008, APVV-14-0278/, APVV-18-0107, and VEGA 2/0075/20 are greatly appreciated.

How to cite: Broska, I., Yi, K., Kohút, M., and Petrík, I.: Visean overprint of the Devonian-Early Carboniferous granites: result of Variscan collisional stage revealed by zircon SHRIMP dating (Tribeč Mts., Western Carpathians), EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-5160,, 2020.

EGU2020-8405 | Displays | GMPV11.1

Permian magmatism in the Carpathian–Panonnian region (Hungary and Romania): New geochronological and geochemical results

Máté Szemerédi, Réka Lukács, Andrea Varga, István Dunkl, Ioan Seghedi, Mihai Tatu, Elemér Pál-Molnár, János Szepesi, and Szabolcs Harangi

In the Carpathian–Pannonian region (Pannonian Basin, Hungary and the Apuseni Mts, Romania) several Late Paleozoic magmatic episodes were revealed by zircon U-Pb geochronology. These events were genetically controlled by a post-collisional to extensional tectonic regime and occurred along the European Variscan Orogenic Belt. Detailed geochronological and geochemical information about the products of this magmatism play crucial role in the regional correlation studies which is the main goal of our research.

In the Tisza Mega-unit, including southern Transdanubia and the eastern Pannonian Basin (Hungary) as well as the Apuseni Mts (Romania), Permian felsic (dominantly rhyodacitic-dacitic) ignimbrites are common. In the western–central part of the Apuseni Mts, they are accompanied by basaltic and subordinate andesitic lavas, corresponding to a bimodal volcanic suite. Cogenetic plutonic (granites, diorites, gabbros) and subvolcanic rocks (felsic–intermediate dykes) occur in the SW part of the Apuseni Mts, Highiş massif. Immobile element features (REE patterns and multi-element spider diagrams) are similar for all of the aforementioned rock types, suggesting fractional crystallization from a common or similar source. Zircon U-Pb ages of this cogenetic rock assemblage overlap each other and fall within a ~10 Myr long time-span (269–259 Ma, Guadalupian). In contrast to the previous assumptions, the Permian felsic volcanites in the Tisza Mega-unit are not in connection with the granitoid rocks known in the basement of the eastern Pannonian Basin (e.g., Battonya granite). Based on our new data, the granitoids represent a Variscan (~356 Ma, Mississippian) plutonic body.

The dacitic subvolcanic rocks (dykes) and lavas in the ALCAPA Mega-unit, Central Transdanubia (Hungary) represent an older (~281 Ma, Cisuralian) and geochemically distinct volcanic episode than the magmatism in the Tisza Mega-unit. Associated plutonic rocks, however, are not known in the study area.

Regarding a broader correlation, the zircon U-Pb ages of the studied Permian plutonic and volcanic rocks of the Tisza Mega-unit are significantly younger than the ages of other well-studied parts of the Central European Variscides (e.g., Intra-Sudetic Basin, NE Germany) where much older ages were identified (300–280 Ma). On the other hand, felsic volcanic rocks of the ALCAPA Mega-unit do not differ from the aforementioned parts of the European Variscides in age. Based on whole-rock geochemistry and zircon geochronology, all of the observed Permian magmatic rocks show similarity with the Permian felsic volcanites of the Western Carpathians (Slovakia). Some further assumptions have been raised: (1) felsic volcanic rocks of the Tisza Mega-unit could correlate with similar rocks of the Southern Gemeric (Vozárová et al. 2009) and Silicic Units (Ondrejka et al. 2018) of the ALCAPA Mega-unit, while (2) the studied samples of Central Transdanubia might be in relationship with the felsic volcanites of the Northern Veporic Unit, ALCAPA Mega-unit (Vozárová et al. 2016). This study was financed by NRDIF (K131690).

Ondrejka, M., Li, X.H., Vojtko, R., Putiš, M., Uher, P., Sobocký, T. (2018). Geol Carpath 69(2):187–198.

Vozárová, A., Šmelko, M., Paderin, I. (2009). Geol Carpath 60(6):439–448.

Vozárová, A., Rodionov, N., Vozár, J., Lepekhina, E., Šarinová, K. (2016). Geol Carpath 61:221–237.

How to cite: Szemerédi, M., Lukács, R., Varga, A., Dunkl, I., Seghedi, I., Tatu, M., Pál-Molnár, E., Szepesi, J., and Harangi, S.: Permian magmatism in the Carpathian–Panonnian region (Hungary and Romania): New geochronological and geochemical results, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-8405,, 2020.

EGU2020-7913 | Displays | GMPV11.1

Geodynamic significance of the Variscan eclogites in the External Crystalline Massifs (Western Alps): marker of a subduction or crustal thickening?

Jean-baptiste Jacob, Stéphane Guillot, Daniela Rubatto, Emilie Janots, Jérémie Melleton, and Michel Faure

The Paleozoic basement exposed in the External Crystalline Massifs of the Western Alps (ECM) contains numerous relics of Variscan eclogites and high pressure granulites preserved in high grade migmatitic gneisses. These relics are taken to indicate that the ECM underwent an early HP metamorphic stage during the Variscan Orogeny. However, due to the scarcity of recent thermobarometric and geochronological data, the geodynamic significance of this high pressure metamorphism remains unclear. Based on petrological similarities with other eclogite-bearing formations in the European Variscides (especially the “leptyno-amphibolic compex” in the French Variscides), it has been suggested that the high pressure rocks from the ECM mark a mid-Devonian subduction cycle, preceding the main Carboniferous Variscan collisional stage (Fréville et al., 2018; Guillot and Ménot, 2009). This interpretation mostly relies on one mid-Devonian U-Pb zircon age (395±2 Ma) obtained in eclogites from the massif of Belledonne (Paquette et al., 1989), which has been interpreted as the age of eclogitization. However, dating of high pressure granulites in the Argentera Massif (Rubatto et al., 2010) yielded a Carboniferous age (ca. 340 Ma) for the high pressure stage, questioning the previous geodynamical interpretation. We present here the results of a detailed petrological and geochronological investigation of the high grade formation of the Lacs de la Tempête in NE Belledonne, where some of the eclogites dated by Paquette et al. (1989) were sampled. This area exposes mostly high-grade migmatitic metasediments with intercalated lenses of orthogneiss and garnet-bearing amphibolites, preserving locally eclogitic assemblages. Thermobarometric estimations coupling forward pseudosection modelling, Zr in rutile thermometry and garnet growth modelling constrain the minimal P conditions during the high pressure stage at ca. 1.4-1.6 GPa and 700 °C. The early HP assemblage was then strongly overprinted by granulite facies metamorphism at ca. 1.0-1.2 GPa and 750 °C, also recorded in the surrounding metasediments. U-Pb dating of zircon reveals that the eclogites derived from Ordovician protoliths. Zircon overgrowth in the eclogites and the surrounding metasediments constrain the age of HP metamorphism between ca. 350-305 Ma, with no evidence for a Devonian event. Rutile dating in the eclogites supports the late Carboniferous age of metamorphism. The middle-late Carboniferous corresponds to the main period of Variscan nappe stacking in the ECM, following a period of arc magmatism during late Devonian-Tournaisian (ca. 360-350 Ma, Fréville et al., 2018). We therefore suggest that the 350-305 Ma ages recorded in the HP units of the ECM do not correspond to a Devonian subduction, but rather represent the equilibration of orogenic lower crust at HP-MT conditions during the Variscan nappe stacking events, followed by re-equilibration at lower P during late Carboniferous. This evolution presents striking similarities with the high pressure units of the Moldanubian zone in the Bohemian massif (Schulmann et al., 2009). However, deciphering the exact meaning of U-Pb ages in retrogressed eclogites remains a challenge, and further field and petrological investigation is required to produce a consistent history of the Variscan collision in the ECM.

How to cite: Jacob, J., Guillot, S., Rubatto, D., Janots, E., Melleton, J., and Faure, M.: Geodynamic significance of the Variscan eclogites in the External Crystalline Massifs (Western Alps): marker of a subduction or crustal thickening?, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-7913,, 2020.

In the SE part of the Variscan French Massif Central, the Cévennes area belongs to the para-autochthonous unit of the southern Variscan belt. This area underwent three metamorphic events (Faure et al., 2001).  I) A green schist to low amphibolite facies one (500°C, 4.5Kb Arnaud, 1997) developed in micaschists and quartzites. These rocks were stacked as south-directed nappes during the final stage of the Variscan crustal thickening dated at ca 340 Ma by 40Ar/39Ar on biotite (Caron, 1994). This early event was responsible for the flat-lying foliation, the N-S striking stretching lineation, and intrafolial foliation. II) A high temperature event (680°C, 4.5kb Rakib, 1996) dated at ca 325 Ma (40Ar/39Ar on two biotites, Najoui et al, 2000) overprinted the early one. On the basis of the mineral assemblages of this event, a NE-ward increase of the T conditions was interpreted as a remote effect of the Velay Dome (Rakib, 1996). III) Finally, the Mt-Lozère and Aigoual-St-Guiral-Liron monzogranitic plutons intruded the Cévennes para-autochthonous unit. Monazite and biotite yield U-Pb, and 40Ar/39Ar ages at 315-303Ma and 306 Ma , respectively (Brichaud et al. 2008). The pluton emplacement conditions are determined at 695°C, 1.5Kb (Najoui et al, 2000).

We report Raman Spectrometry of Carbonaceous Matter (RSCM) paleotemperature data acquired on more than 100 samples throughout the entire Cévennes area. These show a regional homogeneous thermal distribution with a 535 ± 50 °C mean temperature without any geometric correlation with the nappes structure, nor the granitic intrusions. Moreover, no thermal increase towards the NE can be documented. SW of the Aigoual-St-Guiral-Liron massif, our RSCM data document a temperature jumps between the overlying Cévennes micaschists and the underlying epimetamorphic rocks belonging the the Fold-and-Thust belt unit of the French Massif Central.

In order to constrain the age of this regional thermal event, we 40Ar/39Ar dated 25 new regionally-distributed syn- and post-folial muscovites by step heating along two N-S cross sections within the Cévennes micaschists series. In areas distant from the plutons, the muscovite yields a ca 325 Ma age interpreted as the one of the HT event recorded by the RSCM measurements. However, young muscovite ages at ca 305Ma are observed around the plutons. We assume that the heat supplied by the plutons reset these muscovites at around 400°C while the organic matter cannot record the contact metamorphic peak lower than the regional one. Moreover, 40Ar/39Ar in-situ analyses carried out on 5 mm-sized post folial (but deformed) biotites in the central part of the micaschist series provide ages around 320Ma. The presence of a hidden dome, underneath the Cévennes micaschists, similar to the pre-Velay migmatites exposed in the northern part of the Cévennes area (Faure et al., 2001, Be et al., 2006) is discussed.

How to cite: Montmartin, C., Faure, M., Scaillet, S., and Raimbourg, H.: Coupling RSCM paleothermometry with 40Ar/39Ar analysis in the south Variscan belt (Cévennes, France): new constraints on the late-orogenic metamorphic gradient in an orogen outer domain. , EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-20140,, 2020.

EGU2020-2952 | Displays | GMPV11.1

Regional and Contact Metamorphism of the Dizi Series (the Greater Caucasus)

Irakli Javakhishvili, Tamara Tsutsunava, David Shengelia, Giorgi Chichinadze, and Giorgi Beridze

The Greater Caucasus - the complex geological structure of the Caucasus is an integrated part of the Mediterranean (Alpine-Himalayan) collision orogenic belt. The Dizi series is exposed within the Greater Caucasus Southern Slope zone, in the core of Svaneti anticlinorium. It is composed of faunistically dated from the Devonian to the Triassic inclusively thin-striped and crenulated terrigenous deposits, various volcanites and marbles. Despite the well-studied stratigraphy and tectonics of the Dizi series, the issues of metamorphism, unlike the other rocks of the pre-Alpine crystalline basement of the Greater Caucasus are less studied. The rocks of the Dizi series underwent regional metamorphism of the greenschist facies chlorite-sericite sub-facies under a temperature of 300-340°С and pressures of ≈ 2-2.5 kbar. Characteristic mineral assemblages are established on the basis of microprobe analysis of chlorite, K-mica, plagioclase, actinolite, actinolitic hornblende and prehnite. Due to the contact impact of the Bathonian intrusions on the regionally metamorphosed rocks of the Dizi series, various hornfelses, spotted schists and skarns were formed. Composition of minerals of contact-metamorphism - biotite, cordierite, muscovite, plagioclase, cummingtonite, hornblende, chlorite, clinopyroxene, clinozoisite and K-feldspar is determined. According to the results of studies of key mineral assemblages of contact-metamorphosed rocks, three exocontact zones are distinguished, corresponding to the albite-epidote-hornfels, andalusite-biotite-muscovite-chlorite-hornfels and andalusite-biotite-muscovite-hornfels sub-facies conditions. The first zone is marked by the appearance of biotite, muscovite and plagioclase of oligoclase-andesine series in metapelites; hornblende, biotite and clinozoisite in metabasites and amphibole schists; wollastonite and clinozoisite in carbonate-silicate schists. The beginning of the second zone is marked in the appearance of cordierite, corundum in metapelites and of scapolite in metabasites and carbonate-silicate schists. By the disappearance of chlorite in the metapelites, the appearance of cummingtonite in metabasites and garnet in carbonate-silicate schists, a transition to the third zone is established. In the high-temperature part of the last zone, in the metapelites fibrolite is formed. The maximum temperature in the aureole of contact metamorphism is 550⁰С, and the pressure is about 0.5-1 kbar. Due to very low pressure during the re-crystallization of rocks pyralspite garnet is missing in the mineral associations of the Dizi series rocks. Instead of garnet, the association of chlorite-quartz-muscovite appeared. Under the conditions of increasing temperature during the metamorphism a change in the characteristic features of the mineral composition is shown graphically. Based on the accessible data the authors have drawn the contact metamorphism fields on the existing general scheme of facies and subfacies of regional metamorphism.

Acknowledgments: This work was supported by Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation (SRNSF) [PHDF-19-159, Regional and Contact metamorphism of the Dizi series].

How to cite: Javakhishvili, I., Tsutsunava, T., Shengelia, D., Chichinadze, G., and Beridze, G.: Regional and Contact Metamorphism of the Dizi Series (the Greater Caucasus), EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-2952,, 2020.


Several potassic-alkaline Variscan plutons (330 – 305 Ma) outcrop in Kraishte and Stara planina regions in Bulgaria: Lutskan, Svidnya, 7th Prestola Monastery, Buhovo-Seslavtsi, potassic syenites west of Shipka and Shipka (from west to east). These magmatic bodies have intermediate to acid compositions and evolve toward peralkaline syenites-granite residual varieties. They present a broad diversity in rock-forming mineralogy reflecting the variations of magma chemistry and conditions of crystallization. Evolution of mafic silicates in the plutons show unique features which enable to discriminate the trend of mineral evolution in each magmatic complex.

Pyroxenes from Svidnya pluton are presented in all facial types. Its compositions cover the entire spectrum from calcic to sodic varieties as pyroxenes evolve from diopside to aegirine. The clinopyroxenes from peralkaline syenite porphyries in Buhovo-Seslavtsi pluton belong to Ca-Na pyroxenes and their compositions vary from Wo25-En13-Fs13-Ac42- to Wo11-En6-Fs2-Ac65. Pyroxenes from potassic syenites west of Shipka display limited range and belong to pure diopside, whereas pyroxenes in the peralkaline dykes from Shipka pluton are aegirine-augites. Also, aegirine-augite and aegirine from Svidnya and Buhovo-Seslavtsi are enriched in Ti (TiO2 up to 6.5 wt. %), while aegirine-augite from Shipka shows high Zr content (ZrO2 up to 2.9 wt. %), as Ti and Zr enter pyroxene structure via Na(Mg,Fe2+)0.5(Ti, Zr)0.5Si2O6 molecule.

Amphiboles from Lutskan and 7th Prestola Monastery are low temperature, reflecting their near-solidus stage of crystallization or postmagmatic reequilibration due to the circulation of deuteric fluids. Their composition is winchite - riebeckite, and winchite – barroisite, respectively. In turn, amphiboles from Svidnya complex display a narrow compositional variation from richterites to magnesio-arfvedsonite, and rarely eckermanite. Amphiboles in Buhovo-Seslavtzi complex show broad diversity in their composition as they belong to sodic-calcic and sodic groups. They evolve from ferrobaroisite, ferrowinchite to richterite and potassic-magnesio-arfvedsonite with [A]-site filled by K. Amphiboles from the potassic syenites outcropping west of Shipka are arfvedsonite, characterised with elevated Ti content (up to 4.4 wt. % TiO2).

Micas from all complexes show limited evolution. In Svidnya, Buhovo-Seslavtsi, Shipka and 7th Prestola Monastery only biotite is present. Characteristic feature of biotites from Shipka is the elevated fluorine content (up to 5 wt. % F) which coupled with presence of fluorite implies on the F-domination in the fluid phase during the crystallization of the rocks. In Lutskan and in the syenites west of Shipka micas show broad range of variation from phlogopite to biotite.


Acknowledgements: The financial support provided by the NSF (Ministry of Education and Science of Bulgaria) through DH 14/8 project is acknowledged.

How to cite: Dyulgerov, M.: Composition of mafic minerals from peralkaline potassic syenites-granite association from Bulgaria, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-3016,, 2020.

The Mt. Papuk area in Croatia is a natural laboratory for studying magmatic and metamorphic processes on exposed igneous and metamorphic rocks that were created during several major orogenic events – pre-Variscan, Variscan and Alpine. Among them, the Variscan orogeny was recognized as the most widespread and the best documented one already in the last century. In recent years research on pre-Variscan and Alpine events led to detailed information on timing and P-T evolution, whereas the Variscan orogeny in the vast area between Bohemian Massif and Mediterranean terranes was just sporadically investigated. The huge gap in Variscan P-T-t data started to be an obstacle for regional paleogeographic reconstructions that can be overcome by studies of the Mt. Papuk area bearing new key informations.

To determine the timing of Variscan event(s), dating with the electron microprobe on monazite and xenotime and the LA-ICP-MS on apatite and zircon was conducted. So far, we extracted a set of geochronological data from four selected type-localities (Šandrovac, Jankovac, Čarugin Kamen, Koturić) with medium- to high-grade gneiss including migmatite in the western part of the Mt. Papuk area using monazite. In addition, a metamorphic P-T-t path was constrained.

The rock specimens show a schistose fabric and a well-preserved mid- to coarse-grained granoblastic texture. Some of them show traces of partial melting. The schistosity is defined by the preferred orientation of elongated feldspar grains, mica (biotite and muscovite)-rich domains and quartz ribbons. K-feldspar and plagioclase are the dominant phases followed by quartz, biotite, white mica and, in some rocks, almandine-rich garnet (65-70% mol.% alm) and staurolite. Zircon, apatite, monazite, rhabdophane, allanite, ilmenite, rutile and titanite are accessory minerals.

Monazite grains are irregular in shape and locally elongated varying in size from ~15-50 μm. They are irregularly distributed within the matrix assemblage enclosed in micas, feldspar, garnet and quartz. Monazite shows a high Ce2O3 content (around 28 wt. %). La2O3, Nd2O3 and ThO2 contents slightly vary around 13 wt. %, 12 wt. %, and 3.4-5.3 wt. %, respectively. In general, the composition of monazite does not differ significantly among localities with the exception of yttrium. The content of Y2O3 is highest (up to 4 wt. %) in monazite from rock samples that show traces of partial melting, revealing a high-T event, and around 2 wt. % in monazite from gneiss.

The weighted average age of 374.1±5.8 Ma (1σ, 95% confidence level, MSWD=0.68, probability of fit=0.993, n=96) fits well with the measurements for each type-locality: 384.5±9.0 Ma (n=15), 373.3±7.6 Ma (n=28), 379.0±10.0 Ma (n=31) and 364.0±24.0 Ma (n=22), respectively. However, probability density histograms reveal discernable groups at 390, 373 and 330 Ma age maxima and point to more than one event during the metamorphic evolution of the Variscan crust. The derived P-T-t path implies a rapid exhumation from a depth of ca. 30 km with a nearly isothermal hairpin-like (“narrow”) clockwise path reaching max. P-T values of 9-9.5 kbar and 610°C with occurrence of melt during exhumation at ~5 kbar and 640°C.

How to cite: Balen, D. and Massonne, H.-J.: Variscan monazite ages and peak metamorphic P-T conditions recorded in gneiss/migmatite from the Pannonian Basin Basement (Mt. Papuk, Croatia), EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-2621,, 2020.

The sources and critical enrichment processes for granite related tin ores are still not well understood. The Erzgebirge represents one of the classical regions for tin mineralization. We investigated the four largest plutons from the Western Erzgebirge (Germany) for the geochemistry of bulk rocks and autocrystic zircons and relate this information to their intrusion ages. The source rocks of the Variscan granites were identified as high-grade metamorphic rocks based on the comparison of Hf-O isotope data on zircons, the abundance of xenocrystic zircon ages as well as Nd and Hf model ages. Among these rocks, restite is the most likely candidate for later Variscan melts.

In contrast to previously published suggestions (Romer and Kroner, 2015; Wolf et al., 2018), we can exclude a substantial role of intense sedimentary weathering as an important control factor for later Sn and W enrichment in granite related ores of the Western Erzgebirge due to the remarkable homogeneous Hf and low O isotopes in granitic zircons that are extremely distinct to all pre-Devonian basement rocks of Saxothuringia. We document a source enrichment from meta-sedimentary rocks (575 Ma) towards metamorphic rocks (340 Ma) were restites from granulite-facies melts are enriched 6–7 times in Sn compared to UCC (upper continental crust). These rocks are also enriched in K, but depleted in Na and Ca, contain abundant muscovite, and are fertile for later melting. Further enrichment of Sn and W occurred during multiple melt production of the older igneous granites (323–318 Ma) leading finally to a general enrichment of Sn (15 times compared to UCC) in the tin granites (315-314 Ma). Multiple melt production did not lead to a very strong enrichment of ore metals in the granites but is probably very important for a general enrichment of Sn and W in the thick granite-rich crust of the Erzgebirge. Efficient leaching by hydrothermal fluids led to a very strong enrichment (up to several orders) of Sn and W in the greisen ore bodies.



Romer, R.L.; Kroner, U. Sediment and weathering control on the distribution of Paleozoic magmatic tin-tungsten mineralization. Mineral. Depos. 2015, 50, 327–338, doi:10.1007/s00126-014-0540-5.

Wolf, M.; Romer, R.L.; Franz, L.; Lopez-Moro, F.J. Tin in granitic melts: The role of melting temperature and protolith composition. Lithos 2018, 310–311, 20–30.

How to cite: Tichomirowa, M., Gerdes, A., Lapp, M., Leonhardt, D., and Whitehouse, M.: The chemical evolution from older (323–318 Ma) towards younger highly evolved tin granites (315–314 Ma)—sources and metal enrichment in Variscan granites of the Western Erzgebirge (Central European Variscides, Germany), EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-3092,, 2020.

EGU2020-10533 | Displays | GMPV11.1

Late- to post-Variscan magmatism in the Lusatian Block occurred during two short episodes: Evidence from zircon dating

Alexandra Käßner, Marion Tichomirowa, Manuel Lapp, and Dietmar Leonhardt

In the Late Carboniferous to Early Permian, post-orogenic processes led to the intrusion of compositionally diverse granitoids and to intense silicic volcanism in Central Europe. In the Lusatian Block, which is situated in the eastern part of the Saxothuringian Zone of the Variscan orogen, the late- to post-Variscan granitoids are subordinate in comparison to the Cadomian basement and late- to post-Variscan volcanic rocks are almost absent. The Lusatian Block is bound towards the NE and the SW by major deep reaching fault zones. Both the granitoid and the volcanic rocks are situated near the boundaries of the block and probably associated with the major NW trending faults of the Elbe Fault Zone (e.g. Hammer et al., 1999, Lisowiec et al., 2014, Oberc-Dziezic et al., 2015). The Elbe Fault Zone is a continental scale zone of crustal weakness that was reactivated with different kinematics at different times (Scheck et al., 2002). 

We acquired new precise CA-ID-TIMS U-Pb zircon ages of the Koenigshain and the Stolpen granites and the volcanics of the Weissig Basin. Our new data show that the Variscan magmatism of the Lusatian Block occurred at two distinct periods, depending on the structures on which they are bound. The age difference between the two groups (12 Myr) is clearly evident in both CA-ID-TIMS and evaporation analyses. Consequently, zircon evaporation data of other granitoid and volcanic rocks that were not dated with CA-ID-TIMS can be assigned to one of the two groups in the Lusatian Block. The new age dating allows comparison of the evolution of the investigated rocks to adjacent Variscan magmatic rocks.



Hammer et al. (1999), Z. geol. Wiss 27, 401-415.

Lisowiec et al. (2014), Acta Geologica Polonica 64 (4), 457-472.

Oberc-Dziezic et al. (2015), Int. J. Earth. Sci. 104, 1139-1166.

Scheck et al. (2002), Tectonophysics 360, 281-299.

How to cite: Käßner, A., Tichomirowa, M., Lapp, M., and Leonhardt, D.: Late- to post-Variscan magmatism in the Lusatian Block occurred during two short episodes: Evidence from zircon dating, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-10533,, 2020.

EGU2020-5654 | Displays | GMPV11.1

New constraints on the pre-Alpine evolution of the Austroalpine basement: A LA-ICP-MS U/Pb zircon study on the Schladming nappe

Isabella Haas, Walter Kurz, Daniela Gallhofer, and Christoph Hauzenberger

The crystalline basement of the Schladming Nappe, Eastern Alps, is part of the Silvretta-Seckau Nappe system. It consists mainly of ortho- and paragneisses which were intruded by slightly overprinted granites and granodiorites. On top of the basement a sedimentary cover (e.g. Rannach Formation) containing quartzites and meta-conglomerates is usually developed.

In the last decade the Schladming Nappe has not stirred interest as there is no precise geochronological data available and the metagranitoids are assumed to be part of the widespread magmatic intrusions connected to the Variscian orogeny. These general presumptions will be examined by new U/Pb zircon data in order to complete the knowledge of the pre-Alpine and Alpine magmatic and tectonic evolution of the Schladming nappe system. Additionally, major and trace elements geochemistry will provide information on the origin and evolution of the magmatic source.

In order to better define the sedimentary cover sequence a provenance study including dating of detrital zircons is undertaken. By dating these detrital zircons, the minimum deposition ages of the sedimentary precursor rocks as well as information about the paleogeographic positions of these units will be obtained.

How to cite: Haas, I., Kurz, W., Gallhofer, D., and Hauzenberger, C.: New constraints on the pre-Alpine evolution of the Austroalpine basement: A LA-ICP-MS U/Pb zircon study on the Schladming nappe, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-5654,, 2020.

EGU2020-7983 | Displays | GMPV11.1

Petrogenesis and Lu–Hf dating of (ultra)mafic rocks from the Kutná Hora Crystalline Complex: implications for the Devonian evolution of the Bohemian Massif

Jana Kotková, Lukáš Ackerman, Renata Čopjaková, Jiří Sláma, Jakub Trubač, and Veronika Dillingerová

Orogenic garnet peridotites with associated garnet pyroxenites and eclogites in the (U)HP-(U)HT terranes provide insight into mantle melting and subduction-related metamorphism in collisional orogenic belts. Here we demonstrate that they also represent unique tracers of early subduction processes in the internal part of the European Variscan Belt, where subsequent high-temperature processes affect thermochronometers in crustal rocks. Our study focused on several localities within the Kutná Hora Crystalline Complex (KHCC), a key area for the evolution of the Variscan Bohemian Massif due to its position, evidence for a deep crustal subduction (diamond in granulites) and complete geochronological record.

The mantle rocks show highly variable petrographical and geochemical characteristics reflecting derivation from contrasting mantle sources which have undergone both mantle melting and enrichment due to subduction-related metasomatism.  While the Úhrov lherzolite has trace element and Sr–Nd–Hf composition similar to depleted oceanic asthenospheric mantle, the composition of the Bečváry lherzolite reflects extensive refertilization by basaltic melts associated with Grt±Cpx precipitation. Multiple solid inclusions (MSI) trapped in garnet, dominated by Ti and Fe-Ti oxides (rutile, ilmenite), represent relics of Ti-rich low-degree basaltic partial melt. Minor hornblende/phlogopite and carbonate reflect mantle metasomatism by H2O±CO2-bearing fluids. Highly to mildly radiogenic Sr–Nd–Hf–Os isotopic compositions along with negative HFSE anomalies in clinopyroxene indicate only a very small contribution of recycled crustal component. The Doubrava peridotites exhibit marked petrographic variability ranging from harzburgite to composite dunite-wehrlite/olivine-bearing pyroxenite assemblage and contrasting geochemical patterns. This can be best explained by interaction between depleted protolith and SiO2-undersaturated melt with small proportion of recycled crust (~5 % when subducted oceanic crust is considered). The KHCC eclogites show diverse origins, involving products of high-pressure crystal accumulation from mantle-derived basaltic melts, or a fragment of MORB-like gabbroic cumulate and crustal-derived material both metamorphosed at HT–HP conditions.

The Úhrov peridotite yields Lu–Hf age of 395 ± 23 Ma, interpreted as dating garnet growth based on detailed examination of trace element garnet zoning. By contrast, eclogites yield younger Lu–Hf ages of ~350 and 330 Ma, respectively, representing mixed ages as demonstrated by garnet trace element zoning and a strong granulite-facies overprint.

We propose a refined model for Devonian–Carboniferous evolution of the Bohemian Massif,   with the subduction of the oceanic crust and associated oceanic asthenospheric mantle beneath the Teplá–Barrandian at ~400 Ma related to closure of the Saxothuringian ocean between Gondwana-derived microcontinents. The overlaying lithospheric mantle wedge was refertilized by fluids/melts. Oceanic subduction passed to continental subduction of the Saxothuringian crust (~370–360 Ma?) accompanied by the break-off  of the eclogitized oceanic crust facilitating incorporation of the upwelling asthenospheric mantle into the Moldanubian lithospheric mantle wedge. Subsequent collision and coeval exhumation of mantle and crustal rocks occurred at ~350–330 Ma and might be associated with mixing/mingling of crustal-derived melts and mafic lithologies producing the observed geochemical and geochronological signatures.

How to cite: Kotková, J., Ackerman, L., Čopjaková, R., Sláma, J., Trubač, J., and Dillingerová, V.: Petrogenesis and Lu–Hf dating of (ultra)mafic rocks from the Kutná Hora Crystalline Complex: implications for the Devonian evolution of the Bohemian Massif , EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-7983,, 2020.

EGU2020-18232 | Displays | GMPV11.1

Genesis of felsic and mafic HP granulites from the Moldanubian Zone, Lower Austria

Christoph Hauzenberger, Philip Schantl, Elena Sizova, Harald Fritz, Fritz Finger, Manfred Linner, and Thomas Müller

The granulite occurrences from the Moldanubian zone were extensively studied in the last three decades and their metamorphic overprint at high pressures and at UHT conditions are well constrained. However, there are still some discrepancies regarding the prograde PT-path evolution, the genesis of the granulites and the tectonic processes required to produce the proposed PT-paths. Here we present a comprehensive petrological study where we have investigated more than 300 granulite samples from one of the largest occurrences, the Poechlarn-Wieselburg area - Dunkelsteinerwald. Conventional geothermobarometry, garnet zoning pattern, thermodynamic modelling and Zr-in-rutile thermometry on rutile grains enclosed in garnets in felsic and mafic granulites allowed to constrain the prograde as well as the retrograde segments of the PT path. Polycrystalline melt inclusions and high-Ti biotite relics as well as a uniform temperature of approximately 800°C obtained from rutile inclusions (Zr-in-rutile thermometry) in garnet cores disagree with a continuous prograde garnet growth but favour a metastable overstepping of the garnet-in reaction and growth by the peritectic biotite breakdown reaction to garnet and melt within a very narrow PT interval. Subsequent heating to T>1000°C initiated a second stage of garnet growth with a very distinct chemical composition. The preservation of the zoning pattern at these metamorphic conditions clearly document a very short lived process. Diffusion models predict a time span of <5 Ma and cooling rates of 50-60°C/my. Zircon U-Pb ages usually cluster around 340 Ma representing the metamorphic peak. However, in mafic granulites zircon ages from approximately 410 Ma to 340 Ma are obtained indicating either an older formation age for the precursor rock of the mafic granulites or just documenting the occurrence of xenocrysts. We applied a series of coupled petrological–thermomechanical tectono-magmatic numerical model to reproduce our deduced PTt-path that evolved from exhumation of subducted lower crust followed by intense heating at the crust-mantle boundary.

How to cite: Hauzenberger, C., Schantl, P., Sizova, E., Fritz, H., Finger, F., Linner, M., and Müller, T.: Genesis of felsic and mafic HP granulites from the Moldanubian Zone, Lower Austria, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-18232,, 2020.

EGU2020-15679 | Displays | GMPV11.1

Tectonic implications of the metamorphic field gradient in the Austrian Drosendorf and Gföhl units, Moldanubian Zone

Dominik Sorger, Christoph A. Hauzenberger, Manfred Linner, Fritz Finger, and Harald Fritz

The Moldanubian Zone in Austria is traditionally subdivided into several tectonostratigraphic subunits, which were juxtaposed to their nowadays position during the Variscan orogeny. The Gföhl unit at the highest tectonic position exposes the Moldanubian granulites at the top, underlain by the granitic Gföhl orthogneiss. At its base lies the Raabs unit, a sequence of mafic rocks (amphibolites and sepentinites) accompanied by metasediments. The Drosendorf unit represents a sedimentary sequence mainly consisting of paragneisses, amphibolites and marbles. At the lowest position the Ostrong unit is dominated by low-P paragneisses with local appearances of eclogites.
A comprehensive study along four W–E profiles from the Danube valley (P1) in the south, to the Thaya valley (P4) in the north, revealed a disparate distribution of metamorphic conditions within the Drosendorf and the Gföhl units (Raabs unit and Gföhl orthogneiss). Along P1 several lithologies of the investigated units show similar P–T conditions of 0.8–1.2 GPa and 750–800 °C, followed by a decompression stage to 0.6–0.8 GPa and ~750 °C. Towards the north the temperature within the Drosendorf unit is continuously decreasing to 650–700 °C, at pressure conditions of 0.4–0.8 GPa. P–T conditions for Raabs unit and Gföhl orthogneiss are decreasing as well but are increasing again at P4. At the western end of P4 they reach similar conditions as in P1 (0.6–1.0 GPa and 725–800), but a decrease towards the east can be observed. A slight W–E decreasing trend is also observable in P2 and P3. Th–U–Pb microprobe dating of several metasedimentary and orthogneiss samples resulted in a Carboniferous age (~340 Ma) for metamorphism. At one locality in the south an older monazite generation indicates an incipient collisional metamorphism in the Devonian (~370 Ma).
The observed N–S gradient indicates that the southern parts represent formerly deeper buried lower crustal parts, whereas towards the north middle crustal levels are exposed, which were exhumed in a first stage. In a second stage of exhumation in the northernmost area, the oblique thrusting of lower crustal segment including the Gföhl unit onto the already exhumed lower-middle crustal parts caused the formation of a duplex structure, which is responsible for the present appearance of the area around the Drosendorf window.

How to cite: Sorger, D., Hauzenberger, C. A., Linner, M., Finger, F., and Fritz, H.: Tectonic implications of the metamorphic field gradient in the Austrian Drosendorf and Gföhl units, Moldanubian Zone, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-15679,, 2020.

This work deals with a portion of the Variscan lower to intermediate crust exposed in the Palmi area (SW Calabria, Italy). It mainly consists of amphibole-bearing tonalite and migmatitic paragneiss. The latter shows a peak metamorphic assemblage of biotite, K-feldspar, garnet, sillimanite and cordierite. Gabbros occur as foliated, decimeter-thick layers within the migmatites and as a decametric main body adjacent to the paragneiss. No contacts are exposed between the migmatites and the gabbro body, which is mainly weakly foliated and fine-grained, even though unfoliated, coarse-grained portions rarely occur. The gabbros overall contain plagioclase (An89-80) frequently developing triple junctions, amphibole, biotite, and accessory zircon + ilmenite ± allanite. Minor quartz is present in the gabbro layers within the paragneiss. Amphibole consists of cummingtonite grading into hornblende on the rims and retains some relic cleavage from a pyroxene predecessor.

Major and trace element mineral data in tandem with U-Pb zircon dating of the gabbro were examined to achieve information about: (i) the chemical effects triggered by the migration of migmatite-related melts into lower mafic crust, and (ii) their relationship with grain size and foliation variation.

U-Pb dating of sector-zoned, magmatic zircon cores from the gabbro body yielded a Carboniferous age of intrusion. Rare thin, homogeneous zircon rims gave Lower Permian ages, which could be related to a thermal event that caused the partial resetting of the U–Pb zircon isotope system and was most likely related to the partial melting of the paragneiss. Mineral geochemistry reveals that the amphibole from the gabbro interlayered with the paragneiss is depleted in Mg#, and enriched in Al and K with respect to the amphiboles from the main body. It also shows a highly evolved REE geochemical signature, thereby suggesting the involvement of a melt with an evolved geochemical signature, rich of Al, Fe, K and incompatible elements. In the main body, amphibole shows decreasing Mg# and increasing K and Al from the coarse- to the fine-grained domains. Amphibole from the fine-grained portions also differs for showing LREE-depleted patterns reflecting crystallization of a LREE-rich phase (i.e., allanite) simultaneously with amphibole. Taken as a whole, parallel patterns and increase of REE and incompatible trace elements contents indicate that the transition from cummingtonite to hornblende did not involve reaction with other minerals or exotic agent, but most likely reflect decrease of temperature conditions associated with the closure of the system.

We propose that anatectic melts from the migmatitic paragneiss migrated and interacted with the gabbro promoting the replacement of precursor mafic minerals (e.g., orthopyroxene) with amphibole (associated with segregation of biotite ± allanite). The migration of the migmatite-related melt governed a geochemical gradient within the gabbros, with the foliated and fine-grained domains recording the strongest modification of the initial compositions. We thus speculate that small grain-size and anisotropy promoted high melt migration, which enabled better interaction with precursor minerals and nucleation of new mineral phases.

How to cite: Renna, M. R., Langone, A., Caggianelli, A., and Prosser, G.: Chemical signature of migmatite-related melts migration in lower mafic crust: mineral geochemistry and zircon dating constraints (Variscan lower crust, SW Calabria, Italy), EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-7029,, 2020.

EGU2020-8143 | Displays | GMPV11.1

New deformation, metamorphic and geochronological data on the Aiguilles-Rouges massif (Alpine External Crystallin massifs, France). A reappraisal of the Variscan tectono-metamorphic evolution in the Alpine Western External Crystallin massifs

Jonas Vanardois, Pierre Trap, Françoise Roger, Fabrice Barou, Pierre Lanari, Didier Marquer, Jean-Louis Paquette, Jérémie Melleton, and Kévin Fréville

                The Aiguilles-Rouge Massif (ARM) is one of the Western External Crystallin Massifs (ECM) of the French Alps. Similarly to the other ECMs, the ARM exposes a Variscan basement made of migmatitic ortho- and paragneisses and micaschists that hold metric boudins of retrograded eclogites, amphibolites and serpentinites. Upward, low-grade and weakly metamorphosed Late-Carboniferous terrigenous sediments overly the Variscan basement. Deformation and metamorphism occurred between 330 and 300 Ma. The whole ARM is structured by a main N-S to NE-SW trending and vertical foliation formed in response to a regional dextral transpression. The tectonic significance of the ARM’s high-pressure rocks in the Variscan belt realm as relics of a subduction zone, pieces of crustal root of an orogenic plateau or overpressure phenomenon along a high-strain zone is still highly debated. A question that also remains is how eclogite Pressure–Temperature–time-Deformation history (P–T–t-D path) relates to the metamorphic paths recorded in the surrounding migmatitic rocks. In this contribution we present new structural and microstructural (EBSD data) observations that give us a detailed vision of the partitioning of the crustal scale deformation during Late-Variscan time. Three main deformations, named D1, D2 and D3, have been recognized in the gneissic core of the ARM. D1 is relictual and corresponds to a flat-lying S1 foliation that is only visible in the high grade metasedimentary rocks and preserved in low-D2 strain domains. D1 is associated with a partial melting metamorphic event M1. D2 is characterized by three main orientations of planar fabrics that are oriented in directions N160, N0 and N20. These planar fabrics are interpreted as S2-C2-C2’ related to anastomosed system developed under a bulk dextral transpression. D2 shearing becomes more penetrative toward the NE, where it is associated to local partial melting. D3 corresponds to the development of a flat-lying S3 cleavage together with the folding of vertical D2 foliations. The D3 is linked to a regional vertical shortening, associated to few liquid injections. These partial melting conditions occurring during D1, D2 and D3 deformations may unravel a continuum of these three deformations during a short period of time. Processing of new thermobarometric and LA-ICP-MS U-Pb geochronological data on eclogites, surrounding rocks and migmatites are currently in progress. The new obtained results will be presented in addition to the structural and metamorphic data in order to discuss the P-T-t-D path of the deeply buried metasedimentary rocks, migmatites and preserved eclogites.

How to cite: Vanardois, J., Trap, P., Roger, F., Barou, F., Lanari, P., Marquer, D., Paquette, J.-L., Melleton, J., and Fréville, K.: New deformation, metamorphic and geochronological data on the Aiguilles-Rouges massif (Alpine External Crystallin massifs, France). A reappraisal of the Variscan tectono-metamorphic evolution in the Alpine Western External Crystallin massifs, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-8143,, 2020.

EGU2020-9633 | Displays | GMPV11.1

Permian post-collisional basic magmatism from Corsica

Andrea Boscaini, Andrea Marzoli, Joshua H.F.L. Davies, Massimo Chiaradia, and Hervé Bertrand

Post-Variscan early Permian magmatism is widespread in Corsica with mafic dykes emplaced during the extensional tectonic phase which followed the Variscan orogeny. This study focuses on a mafic dyke swarm intruded in the region of Ajaccio (Corsica, France). New U-Pb zircon geochronological data show that these intrusions were emplaced at ca. 282 Ma. Most Ajaccio dykes have a calc-alkaline affinity, while a few dykes show tholeiitic affinity resembling N-MORB basalts. Calc-alkaline to tholeiitic dykes are characterized by enriched to depleted Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic compositions, respectively. We interpret these data as evidence that an enriched mantle source, which was likely formed during Variscan subduction, sourced the calc-alkaline suite, while a depleted mantle component dominates the source of the tholeiitic suite. Notably, coeval Permian mafic intrusive bodies from throughout Corsica and from the Southern, Central and Western Alps display similar ages and geochemical features to the Ajaccio dyke swarm. This indicates that a widespread Permian magmatic province developed in a post-orogenic extensional tectonic setting at the margin of the former Variscan belt

How to cite: Boscaini, A., Marzoli, A., Davies, J. H. F. L., Chiaradia, M., and Bertrand, H.: Permian post-collisional basic magmatism from Corsica, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-9633,, 2020.

EGU2020-5188 | Displays | GMPV11.1

Detrital zircon geochronology and sedimentary provenance of the Lower Danube River

Iulian Pojar, Tomas N. Capaldi, Cornel Olariu, and Mihaela C. Melinte - Dobrinescu

The Danube River with a length of 2,800 km is the second longest European river after the Volga. As the Danube River crosses multiple sedimentary basins (Vienna, Pannonian, Dacian) its drainage basin covers a variety of geological units of the Alps, Carpathians, Dinarides and Balkans; hence, its tributaries contain a large sedimentary diversity. Detrital zircon (DZ) studies are appropriate for understanding the pattern of orogenic erosion, sediment routing and mixing of different signals during the transport and preservation of the river sediments. This work presents U-Pb geochronology data obtained from modern sediments of seven tributaries in the Lower Danube: Cerna, Topolniţa, Jiu, Olt, Argeş, Ialomiţa and Siret. Additionally, 1 sample was collected from the Danube Delta front.

The studied samples exhibit several main peaks, which are from oldest to newest: (i) Cambro-Ordovician, linked to the backarc basins and island arcs of Peri-Gondwana subduction (600 – 440 Ma); (ii) Lower to Middle Carboniferous from Variscan magmatic and metamorphic rocks (350 – 320 Ma), showing significant values in most analysed samples; iii) Alpine, younger than 100 Ma, most probably related to the Southern Carpathian Late Cretaceous Banatitic arc and to the Neogene volcanism of the Eastern Carpathians and Apuseni Mountains. The obtained ages on the DZ geochronology show downstream mixing, similarly to recent published data focused on the sediment provenance studies (Balintoni et al., 2014; Ducea et al., 2018).

For the Lower Danube western investigated samples, our results show as main source the metamorphic rocks characteristic for the Upper and Lower Danubian tectonic units of the Southern Carpathians (ca. 300 Ma). Some larger tributaries in the eastern (downstream) Lower Danube show temporal disperse peaks on the DZ geochronology, feature probably reflecting successive processes of recycling. Notably, the most representative sources of DZ identified in the samples from easternmost Lower Danube tributaries are the Varistic metamorphites.

The results suggests that the sediments of the western studied tributaries, characterized by small drainage basin, are mainly composed by igneous and metamorphic rocks. The eastern tributaries with larger drainage basins and therefore a much-varied type of rocks show a more complex DZ distribution; probably, only a small amount of DZ grains indicates the “primary” source rock. The sample from the Danube Delta Front yielded a wide DZ distribution, mirroring the huge amount of sedimentary material from various sources belonging to all basins crossed by the Danube.

The financial support for this paper was provided by the Romanian Ministry of Research and Innovation, through the Programme Development of the National System of Research – Institutional Performance, Project of Excellence for Rivers-Deltas-Sea systems No. 8PFE/2018.


Balintoni, I., Balica, C., Ducea, M.N., Hann, H.P. (2014). Peri-Gondwanan terranes in the Romanian Carpathians: A review of their spatial distribution, origin, provenance and evolution. Geoscience Frontiers 5: 395–411.

Ducea, M.N., Giosan, L., Carter, A., Balica, C., Stoica, A.M., Roban, R.D., Balintoni, I., Filip, D., Petrescu, L. (2018). U-Pb detrital zircon geochronology of the Lower Danube and its tributaries; implications for the geology of the Carpathians. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 19(9), 3208-3223.

How to cite: Pojar, I., Capaldi, T. N., Olariu, C., and Melinte - Dobrinescu, M. C.: Detrital zircon geochronology and sedimentary provenance of the Lower Danube River, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-5188,, 2020.

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